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2009-03-22 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2032169

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Congrats on the second 5K. This was our first week of softball games so I really struggled getting a workout in. The good part of all that is that this trimester I teach a Physical Conditioning for Women class every day and can get a 40-50 min. workout in during that time. We do P90X, Pilates, Yoga, Weights, core and even some Buns of Steel. Oh well, it's all good and I've got a great group of 14 girls this time. They are really interested in fitness and all the interesting things that go with it.

This week is Spring Break (for which I am annually thankful!) so the long bike rides scheduled should be do-able, if painful. Our first tri, the Beaver Freezer, is in two weeks so I need to focus on all three areas for sure. My husband just got new pedals and shoes and is convinced that learning to ride with clips won't be hard. I will try hard not to laugh the first time he falls.

Meanwhile, the garden is going in, the greenhouse is popping, and the chickens are laying. I LOVE Spring!!!

Edited by wittwerteach 2009-03-22 8:59 PM

2009-03-30 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Had a good Cap10K in Austin TX Sunday morning in 46:17 (chip time). Weather started as clear and chilly then went to perfect sunny and mid 70s. The plan was to run conservatively over the first half because of some good hills then attempt to negative split the downhill 2nd half with a strong finish.

splits from my Garmin:
Time Distance Split time
07:47 1.00 7:47
15:24 2.00 7:37
23:05 3.00 7:41
30:18 4.00 7:12
37:30 5.00 7:11
44:41 6.00 7:11
46:18 6.25 1:36

Got home after brunch and rode 20.
2009-04-01 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2048842

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Nice negative splitting. I've been working on that but all of the running seems to be difficult for me so I'm really just happy to maintain an even pace throughout. I've been working on speeding up the last 1/3 of every run. Though it's hard to tell on the open road. Inside it's been doable though.
2009-04-04 12:25 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Doing my first sprint tri tomorrow. Well, first in 2 years. Note how late I am staying up. Not smart, but now I'm nervous. Have to keep reminding myself that it is shorter than an average workout. That helps. At least the rain will not be going tomorrow. Just cold in the morning. Who needs heat for a 60-90 minute "sprint?"
2009-04-04 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2062118

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Good luck!  Hope it went well...
2009-04-05 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Just checkin in.

I hope all is going well with everyone in my mentor group!  I have been doing well on sticking to my training schedule.

I have been able to get out twice to ride outside, but they are expecting 5 inches of snow tomorrow.  I CANNOT wait until its officially summer.

Well, off to get some yoga in!

Have a great week everyone.


2009-04-06 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2064142

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

We're in the same boat here in CO...snowy weekend, and its 18 degrees this morning


2009-04-08 10:09 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
So, the first tri of the season was good, sunny weather, but chilly on the bike. But my time was slower than I would have liked. Realized though that it's mostly in the bike that I can improve. Unfortunately, that's not the section I really have time to focus on. It's the longest portion and takes more training time. Oh fifty approaches, I'm much more relaxed about some things. I did get the times in my training blog. And I placed right in the middle of my age group. No Athena division in this race.

I have been able to workout every day this week and add in 30 minute sections with my Physical Conditioning for Women class. Coaching softball really eats into my time. Another game tomorrow but I'm beginning to get back into the routine of everyday morning workouts.

How's everyone else doiNG? We've had a few days of 75 degree weather. Sweet!
2009-04-09 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2072776

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Way to go! thanks for posting the race on your log. I bet you had some nice scenery even if it was a little cool!

Our weather in central Texas has been cooperating nicely. We have been getting a few 80+ days.

I have finally gotten back in the pool. I really need some practice. Seem that I dont have balance and it slows me down. Is freestyle suppose to feel like an Army crawl? I can feel my back doing work during the push so I figure thats good. I'm frustrated.

I also have a short bike time trial and a 5K next week.
2009-04-15 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2073479

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Check-In: I rode my first 8-mile time trial yesterday. Holy cow! Folks bring out some serious bike bling.

A few things learned:
1) Need to warm up harder, rather that just spinning.
2) Hydrate just before starting, I had serious cottonmouth within 5 minutes, yuk.
3) Knowing the course will help next time.
4) Need to take advantage of the downhills and attack the uphills.
5) Must regain as much speed as possible at the turnaround. The hard right hand turn has a slight uphill to it; totally killed my momentum.
6) Stay in a larger gear for the easier climbs, I may have been spinning to much rather that putting down the power.

I felt good on the bike and did not have any back discomfort. I'll start some interval training on the indoor trainer once a week akin to my weekly speed run workouts.

11 out of 12 (ouch) in the 40-44 age group, 21:52/22.0MPH.
73/100 overall - ugh! I am usually a mid-pack runner.

It was actually really fun despite my results. Very low key and informal.
And, I was faster than Dick Beardsley.

Edited by h3hound 2009-04-18 7:30 PM
2009-04-18 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2085747

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Tiger 5k

7th overall, 6th male, and 1st M40-44.
A big hitter over-40 guy showed up and took the masters division.

Very hilly course with and big rise in the first 1/2 mile and a grinding uphill at mile 2.5.

Me and the 5th place guy stopped/slowed down twice to yell and people that missed turns so I gave up a few seconds doing that. Not a bad day and the weather cooperated somewhat.

Division: Male 40-44
PL No Net Time Total Time Pace
1 1 22:08.986 22:11.147 0 7:09.4

2009-04-26 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

2 weeks ago, I ran my 1st 10k event.  It was a trail run, the weather was less than hospitable, and the course was even less so - very hilly, 900 ft of climbs including two 6% grade segments, with some pretty rocky single track.  Great for MTB riding, less so for running IMO.  Still and all, I finished at 61:58, just a hair under a 10 minute mile average.  This was on the heels of less than 6 hours sleep after seeing Bruce Springsteen in concert the night before; I'd have chosen different weekends for these two events, but don't have calendar control .

Next weekend is my next 10k, which is a more civilized street & paved trail run and lacks any painfully steep grades.  So I'm hoping to be a little better on time despite weather and a household calendar that hav econspired to limit my running time this month.

After that, June 6 is the 1st tri of the season, a little (500swim/12m bike/5k run) sprint without any drama that I'm aware of...


2009-05-01 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2110997

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Isn't it nice to start the racing? Kind of makes the training more bearable. My log looks like I've taken a lot of days off but most of that is traveling with the softball team....tough to get in a workout when work occupies 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. But there's only one more week of it and then I can do 1/2 of my training after school. We've had the same schizophrenic weather here in Oregon, 80 one day and 30 the next. My garden is sooooooooooo confused. Good luck on the next run!
2009-05-11 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Finally the temp is getting a little warmer!  Should be in the 70's this weekend. 

I am about 3 weeks away from my first race.  Did my first OWS yesterday of the season.  Water is VERY cold.  But, I plan on getting out at least once a week to start getting use to it.

Everything else is going good.  I am doing lots of core work in hope that my knees will stay strong.  Chiropractor once a month is really helping to.

I am meeting lots of other BTers in the region to get out with on rides, etc. 

2009-05-12 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

I ordered my wetsuit today.  It shipped. Delivery est. for the 15th.  So, officially, I really have no options or excuses at this point.  I will be doing an Olympic Tri in July, with a 1500m OWS, come he|| or high water.

I come from a swimming background, and am comfortable in all kinds of water and conditions, but for some reason the anxiety I read about others having seems like its trying to rub off on me.

2009-05-12 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2144366

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

I'm jealous of your OWS, but hopefully I'll be in a pond/lake circling buoys this weekend or next 

2009-05-14 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2147214

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
StMaas, I read the first part of your post and it was like a post I had thought about writing!

I ordered a wetsuit, it arrived, i am out of town, hope it fits, swimming in a river, Oly Tri on May 25th. So, I am in.

I wonder if my daughters spongebob kickboard would be legal to use?
2009-05-17 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2150425

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Why are OWS so stressful? I also have been a swimmer my entire life but they always make me nervous. Actually, more so with the wetsuit than without. The constriction I think.

I did my second sprint yesterday. Swim was fine, the pool makes it easy. Got on my bike and started getting passed by upright girls on mountain bikes. Stopped to check my brakes, thought maybe they had been misaligned on the rack....nope. Kept riding but knew something was wrong. Couldn't go over 12 mph. Maybe I'm just too old for this suddenly. HORRID 12.2 miles of mental anguish and getting passed by EVERYONE except the last mountain bike. As I dismount, the back wheel freezes up completely. I look down and the wheel is not seated in the fork. Great, so I've ridden 12 miles with a wheel about to fall off. It's been rubbing on the frame the entire time. Glad it was the bike and not me....even gladder (if that's a word) that I didn't have a major crash, although at the 12 mph it wouldn't have been quite so bad. Still, open roads, some truck traffic...could have been worse. Time was probably horrible.
Run was okay but I was mentally drained by then.

Oh well...another race next weekend. Maybe that one will go better.

2009-05-20 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2155771

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Ugh! Chalk that up as experience. Did the tire rub the paint off the frame? I suppose you are lucky not to have crashed as a result.
2009-05-20 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: Wetsuit first swim
Got back from vacation and was able to try out my mail order wetsuit. Its a sleeveless john with 5mm neoprene on the front and 3mm on the back .

I find its almost like swimming with a pull bouy between your knees because the suit really helps to keep you level. I did approx. 4x400 meter splits yesterday in semi open water (the pool length is 1/8 mile). I felt as though I wanted to kick for balance/leverage and not so much propulsion. I also felt like keeping my knees 'quiet' as to stay streamlined. Took about 45 minutes with a few stops to navigate and to avoid other swimmers here and there.

The Oly tri on Monday prompted me to order the wetsuit. I am glad I did as I feel a little better about the 1500 meter swim.
2009-05-22 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2162981

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Wetsuit first swim
Didn't rub any paint off but I haven't taken it out on the road yet. I'll do that tomorrow to check the tire. I'm probably due for new tires anyway, so I may just spring for them before the sprint on Monday. It's one I haven't done but in an area I'm familiar with. The swim is a 750m so that makes me happy.

I was excited to have a local 10K appear for the 30th but they've since dropped it to 5K, not enough people signed up to justify closing the road for the turnaround. So we'll do the shorter race and I'll see if I can run any faster for a shorter distance.

Splits on last weekends race (other than the bike) were really good. Don't know if they screwed up (hand timed) or if I was just so frustrated with the bike that I took it out on my run. Oh well....denial works for me!

2009-05-27 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

It was a pretty good day but it got to about 90 degrees by the time I hit the run.

The swim was uneventful and I did better than my goal of 40 minutes.

The bike was good. The 4-loop course was fun yet I did not take advantage of the downhills enough. I only broke 30mph on my last lap. Some spots had some heavy traffic and many folks were obviously not used to heavy bike traffic!

The run was good for the first 1/2 mile and then I got cramps in my quads. I had to drink plenty of gatorade and water. After about 15 minutes my legs came back somewhat. I missed my 10k goal by 10 minutes.

Great course and organization. All in all it was a fun day of learning on my first Oly!

Damage Report:
Clock Time 2:57:44
Chip Time 2:57:44
Overall Place 711 / 1327
Gender Place 542 / 859
Division Place 91 / 134
1500M Swim Rank 972
1500M Swim Time 35:59
1500M Swim Pace 2:24/M
T1 Time 03:56 (huge distance to the mount line)
40K Bike Rank 530
40K Bike Time 1:15:12
40K Bike Pace 19.8MPH
T2 Time 02:23
10K Run Rank 712
10K Run Time 1:00:12
10K Run Pace 9:42/M
2009-05-29 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2176775

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Good job on the Oly!
2009-05-30 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2176775

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Nice race, especially considering the heat index.  I take it you opted not to use the spongebob kickboard after all?

Edited by StMaas 2009-05-30 4:52 PM
2009-05-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2147214

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

I ended up sending the wetsuit back last week based on the fit being a little funky/snug in the upper back.  My exchange request, which was in stock when I mailed the package, is now out of stock.  So I've tried to change the updated order, but TriSports Customer Service now appears to be "out training" during their posted business hours (Thurs & Fri).  I know I shouldn't be concerned, but...

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