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2007-02-03 6:06 PM
in reply to: #625416

Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Hey everybody!

So much for my goal to do all of my scheduled workouts. . . I was sick ALL week with the cold/cough and am just today feeling like my regular self. I'm going to get both a treadmill jog and a swim in today. Is it possible to change your day off on the BT training plans?? I'm thinking Wednesday would be a better day for me than Sunday.

I'm debating whether or not to do the mini-triathlon this coming weekend. I've signed up (and paid for) both the walk/run and mini tri. This is sad to say, but I have some anxiety about making a fool of myself with the triathlon. . . my pride is telling me to stay in my comfort zone with the walk/run. . . my mind is telling me to give it a try.


2007-02-03 6:48 PM
in reply to: #678338

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

lose4tri - 2007-02-03 6:06 PM Is it possible to change your day off on the BT training plans?? I'm thinking Wednesday would be a better day for me than Sunday.

You can change any training plan to fit your schedule/needs.  But I don't know if you can actually change it around in your logs if you imported a plan into them. 

I'm debating whether or not to do the mini-triathlon this coming weekend. I've signed up (and paid for) both the walk/run and mini tri. This is sad to say, but I have some anxiety about making a fool of myself with the triathlon. . . my pride is telling me to stay in my comfort zone with the walk/run. . . my mind is telling me to give it a try. Susan

If you don't feel 100% well and energized I would NOT do the mini-sprint.  However, if that's not an issue, challenge yourself!  We all know that you are capable of the sprint.  It might not be your best times, but you can enjoy it and consider it just as a long training day.

I'm glad you are starting to feel better.


2007-02-03 6:51 PM
in reply to: #678300

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

the_energy - 2007-02-03 5:02 PM I ran 13 miles on the treadmill. It was a horrible experience.... I don't think I have been on a treadmill since.

Good grief!!  I wouldn't want to ever see a treadmill again either!  You just go ahead and brave the sub-zero weather. 

I hate the treadmill too, but not because I ran 13 miles on it.  It gives me shin-splints, and I can't stand staying in one place while I'm running.  It weirds me out.  Thankfully I live in the hot climate of the great state of Texas.  

2007-02-04 2:28 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Ha ha..I've had a lot of close calls on the treadmill. All of the sudden, I'll just get in this zone, and then one foot will decide to pretend I'm running outside, and my footstrike ends up being different, and Bam!....I almost completely wipe out.

The treadmill is just way too boring for me.

I would say just go for it. You have nothing to lose. That "first" experience has to come sooner or later....maybe if you just get it over with, the next race you do won't be so nerve racking? It might also give you a good idea where you are at training-wise, so you know what you need to accomplish by the time your next race comes around.

That's just my two cents, obviously you have to do what is right for you.
2007-02-05 12:25 PM
in reply to: #678817

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

the_energy - 2007-02-04 2:28 PM Ha ha..I've had a lot of close calls on the treadmill.

I had one big one.  When I was a kid I was running too fast on a treadmill the way all kids like to do.  I tripped and fell off, an then tried to hoist myself up by pushing up on the still revolving belt.  My arm got caught under the machine and the belt rubbed off a good little chunk of my skin.  Thankfully my sister was there to turn the thing off.  Talk about close calls!  The scar disappeared after about 10 years.   I can look back on it now and laugh, but that was probably the stupidest thing I did as a kid! 

2007-02-06 12:54 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Is everybody staying warm?
We have had school called off yesterday and today because it has been so cold out. That doesn't happen very often. As a teacher, you definitely appreciated snow days, but two in a row, and due to the cold temps and not actual snow, is a little much. Now we have to start making them up at the end of the year...

I did my first treadmill run in over a year today. It wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world, but I made it through. Probably couldn't have done too much more though! Hopefully I won't have to run on the treadmill very often....

Have a great day!

2007-02-07 11:20 PM
in reply to: #681329

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

Warm you say? How's an outside temp of 75 degrees sound to you? This comes about 4 days after freezing temps. Haha. Texas!

Good for you, Joy, for overcoming your dislike (is that too wimpy a word?) of the treadmill and getting in some training! I hope your weather thaws a bit. You can always come visit us in Texas for some training outdoors in glorious weather.

Edited by Mandi 2007-02-07 11:22 PM
2007-02-08 10:51 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

Okay, so are we doing a February Challenge? are we not? Is anyone alive out there? Are people still sick? Busy training? Don't need mentoring anymore???? haha.


I'm lonely you guys!!


My injury question was answered today in the Sports Med Doc article. Check it out! (if you're a performance member. if you're not, become one!)

I'm reading Chi Running right now. I highly, highly recommend it to newbies and veterans alike. It is amazing!! I will never run, or move or do life the same.

2007-02-09 8:08 AM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Hey Mandi-

What's chi running all about? I've heard of it, but have never dug any deeper.

I don't know if we are doing a Feb. challenge...I think we were the only two to enter in what we think our yards/mileage will be.
I'm going to try to reach my goal. I think it was 10,000 yards swimming, 18 hours on the bike (what was I thinking?) and 30 miles running. I'd have to look back at the post to see if I'm right.

I don't know, maybe if we reach our goal we give ourselves a pat on the back? Ha ha...not sure I guess.

But I'm here, I'm always here. Somedays are harder for me to post than others....but I've been keeping up on my log!

edited to add: My Feb. goal was the only reason I was able to get myself in the pool last night. Only did 1150 yards, but I did NOT want to go swimming! Just wanted to go home and

Edited by the_energy 2007-02-09 8:10 AM
2007-02-10 12:00 PM
in reply to: #684929

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

the_energy - 2007-02-09 8:08 AM My Feb. goal was the only reason I was able to get myself in the pool last night. Only did 1150 yards, but I did NOT want to go swimming! Just wanted to go home and

That is what challenges are all about!  Good job.  

2007-02-11 12:50 AM
in reply to: #625416

Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Hey, I'm here too. . . just have had a crazy week! Tell us more about Chi Running.

How have your training sessions been going? Are the two of you on track for your goals?? I was going to try to do all of my scheduled workouts but that was ruined when I got sick. I'll just challenge myself again.

I've decided to do the walk/run tomorrow and my husband is joining me. I'm sure he will have a faster time, but it doesn't matter since I am racing against my own time. I hope we both can do our best. My goal is to alternate between walking 2 min and running 8 min the entire way. I hope I can get back in time to watch some of the triathlon transitions, as I don't have a clue what to expect and think that watching a race will help me to understand what I need to train for.

I'm so excited that BT has added the distance tracker thingy on the training log. I've been wanting to both run and ride my bike in the neighborhood but didn't have anyway of tracking my distance without driving around and looking at my mileage. This tool is really motivating me to take my training outside! I, too, don't really care for running on the treadmill. . . but thank goodness haven't had any run ins with the treadmill monster. OUCH!

Is Marcy on her cruise? Does anyone know where she is cruising? I'm so jealous.

Good luck with your training! Keep up the good work!


2007-02-11 10:08 AM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Good luck Susan!

My training sessions have been so-so lately....I've been hampered by the cold weather, by coaching basketball, and by organizing a "jump rope for heart" at my school. (which is why I'm at school at 10:00 on a Sunday morning )

In the next two weeks, I'll be able to really shift my focus to my training and challenge myself to reach my goals.
Let us know how today goes!
2007-02-11 4:13 PM
in reply to: #625416

Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
I did better than I thought I would with a time of 41:06 (my husband ran 31:15). This is an encouraging start for me since I haven't been running much and not outside at all. I ran/walked most of the way with two women--it was fun that we were able to encourage each other. We came in right before the rain started pouring down.

Since I wasn't the last runner (yipeeeeee!), I was able to watch both the transition to the bike and the transition to the swim (swim was last). I will want to do this race next year.

The good news is that my husband had fun, too. We both loved being part of the energy of the group.

How did the fundraiser at school go?

2007-02-11 9:39 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Great job Susan! Keep up the good work!

My fundraiser at school isn't until Wednesday and I have two more days of mass preparation ahead of me....

Have a great week everyone!
2007-02-14 7:41 PM
in reply to: #625416

Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Happy Valentine's Day!!

It's Wednesday, I can ask now. . . Joy, how is your fundraiser going?

I've got a question about the registration fees for the triathlons/5Ks. I seem to be signing up for local events that are raising money for non-profit organizations. . . can I write-off the registration fees on my taxes? This hobby is getting expensive!

I hope you all have a great evening and a good rest of the week!

2007-02-14 8:44 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
The fundraiser is 60% over! It went very well today, no real behavior issues with the kids, and all the volunteers showed up (although not necessarily on time). I got quite a bit of compliments, which is a good thing, especially since I put a ton of time into it. Only two grades left to do tomorrow...thank goodness!

Good question about the tax write-off. I haven't a clue. It does get expensive doing these things, but I try to keep it all in perspective. It is a healthy way to spend money. I could just as easily spend 25 bucks on beer, fast food, video games. Every race I've done has been money well spent, whether I've ended up doing my best or doing my worst.

One way to save on registration costs is to sign up early (which I very rarely do, but should do more often....). You can save quite a bit from the first day of sign up to race day.

Happy Training!

2007-02-16 11:34 AM
in reply to: #691186

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

Sounds like you ladies are busy!  Good job, and good job on the race and fundraiser respectively.  

I don't know anything about writing off race fees as a fundraiser donation - never even thought about it, but let me know what you find out.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do a race that is for a good cause other than all the racers health and fitness.   

I'm not doing very well with my challenge.  My ankle flaired up with pain and some swelling, so I stopped walking, and am delaying running.  It feels good today, so I am going to try to start back.  I finally got over my 3-month-long sinus infection only to eat Valentine's candy the next day and start getting a sore throat.  So, I'm fighting off something else right now.  I am going to have sinus surgery on March 14th, so I really want to get some good walking and hopefully running in before my surgery because it will probably be 2 weeks before I can return to all-out exercise after.

I hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend.  I just looked down at my watch to see what day it was  (thinking it was probably Tuesday) and realized it's the end of the week.  Boy am I off!!  One of those days. haha. 

2007-02-18 11:47 AM
in reply to: #625416

Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Hey everybody, how is your weekend going?

Mandi, sorry to hear that your ankle and your sinuses are giving you problems. It is frustrating being sidelined by physical ailments.

We just got back from a real bike ride. . . only went 6 miles, but I kicked my husband's butt!!!! I guess the stationary bike is doing something for my endurance. It felt good to be outside. . .much more challenging with the wind and having to stop and go with traffic signals and stop signs. We hope to get in at least one ride per weekend. We have a route picked out near where I swim that has real hills (it's fairly flat here in town), so we hope to work up to a swim/bike/run scenario.

I hope everyone has Monday off to enjoy!

2007-02-18 11:51 AM
in reply to: #625416

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

Hey...I am still alive!!!  Just go abck from vacation...home for a day and then leaving tomorrow for a work trip to CA.  I will be so glad when Feb is over and I don't have to get on a plane.  Sorry I never did put a feb challlenge together...but how about if we start one March 1st.

Any ideas...I know I hav to be run focued in March to get ready for the LoneStar tri.  I was thinking about how many miles I will run in March?  This is a challenge, not a competition so all we are doing is competing against ourselves! 

It's time to start signing up for our races.  I can't believe my first race is 39 days away.  At least the weather is starting to get better.  I like the rest of you can't stand the treadmill.  I always feel like I am working so much harder then when I am outside.  I am also getting a little concerned about my knees.  I am starting to have some pain in the IT band area.  I am doing some stretches and tht seems to be helping.  On the cruise, I stayed away from running and mainly did the eliptical and bike.  My first run again will be tomorow and I am praying that the knee is OK.

Vacation was great...ate way too much but isn't that always the case!  I have not had the courage to step on the scale, but I am doubting my ability to be sub athena for longhorn.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

I will not be out of touch anymore!   



Edited by dodgersmom 2007-02-18 11:58 AM
2007-02-21 11:27 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

Hey guys!  I'm here is So Cal and of course, the temps in N Texas are in the 80's!  The hotel has a crappy gym but it's better than nothing.  I really can't wait to get home and start running on the path at the park.

I am really mad at myself about me weight and think I am going to join WW when I get home.  I am almost at my heavest ever.  So damm depressing. 

Yeah, I'm just full of hapiness today!  Hope you guys are having a great week

2007-02-22 11:20 AM
in reply to: #698849

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Hey, don't be so hard on yourself!

Glad to hear that you had a good trip...I'm jealous of your avatar...looks like paradise!

As for the weight, I don't know what to tell you. I'm in the same position you are. For being as active as I am, I should be a twig...but I'm not even close. I actually gained weight training for my marathon last year. I know I have nutrition flaws, but I swear my body is as efficient as one can be. I know that if I dropped weight I could be speedy quick (especially on the bike)...but I have not fully committed myself to it---and it is damn frustrating.

On the positive side, now that basketball is over, my beer and pizza consumption should go down quite a bit. Maybe that will help my cause

2007-02-22 4:13 PM
in reply to: #625416

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
Okay, I have to bubble over my delight on you guys.  It is beautiful 80+ degree weather here, and I am not sick anymore!  I ran for the first time today since June 17, 2006, and I had no pain!!!  Now, I'm totally out of cardio shape so it was a challenge to run a little over half a mile, but I feel great!  Now I can actually start training.  I hope you all have wonderful weeks!
2007-02-23 8:08 AM
in reply to: #625416

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Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL
That's awesome Mandi!

What injury did you have that didn't allow you to run? (you probably stated it earlier...but I'll ask again)

You have warm temperatures, and we are bracing for a snowstorm! I'm jealous!
2007-02-23 10:25 AM
in reply to: #700298

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

the_energy - 2007-02-23 8:08 AM What injury did you have that didn't allow you to run? (you probably stated it earlier...but I'll ask again)

 I had micro-tears in the ligaments on the top and outside of my ankle from a severe strain/sprain, a stress reaction in the bone and muscles, and sever periostitis (shin-splints).  The original injury was in March 2006, and I reinjured it in June 2006.  It's been a long road to recovery, but I finally feel like I'm past the worst of it.

 Be safe with that snow-storm!

2007-02-23 10:25 AM
in reply to: #625416

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: dodgersmom's Group - FULL

YEAH MANDI!!!!!  I have to give you so many kudos for being patient with your rehab.  So often, people with injuries rush back and and up in a worse place than where they started.  I know it was really hard for you! YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!

I am starting to get back into a better place mentally.  In Northern California today with my bro and his family.  Was supposed to go skiing today but a blizzard in the mountains closed the roads leading to the ski resort.  We should get there tomorrow.  They belong to a local gym so I will be able to get some type of workout in today.

Have a great day everyone! you have your eyes on any races this year??

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