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2009-03-06 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Hey Sharon - I've actually been doing weekly bricks for the past month.  Wednesday night I go to a 60 min spin class and then I jump on the treadmill for 15-20 min.  Its going pretty good - I'm actually able to run 1 mile straight w/out too much discomfort.

I'm just freaked out by how tired I was last Sunday.  I actually tipped over on my bike within spitting distance of my truck when I was done riding because I was so tired and wasn't paying attention when I was clipping out.

Food is tricky since I have to limit my carbs.  Hypoglycemia and simple sugars are a bad, bad combo.  Things like gatorade, juice, energy bars are normally off limits (I get really dizzy within 1 hr and feel horrible).  So, obviously, I'm worried about having blood sugar issues on distance events - but I do need to have something for the longer races.  I'm just not sure what that "something" is, which is why I think I need to see a sports dietician.

2009-03-08 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1874202


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Hi all, I would still like to be a part of the group. I was diagnosed with mono after running a 10 mile race....and feeling like crud (I am actually thinking of another word, but trying to keep it clean).


In response to the Total Immersion training for swimming.  When I began my swimming lessons 2 years ago, that is what my coach used.  She is a 10 time Ironman (multiple Kona qualifier).  Now I sort of knew how to swim but hated it.  The TI method made the most sense for me who likes to break things down...It also saves your legs because you swim with the rotation of your hips.  The kick should be mild and you use your arms and hips.  I love it and even when working on speed, it is so rhythmic and relaxing that it really doesn't seems so bad.  If you have any quesgtions, let me know.  I will try to help.


I am one week into my no swim, bike run and it is killing me.  Oh, I did hte 10 miles in 1:53:54.  nOt bad with mono.

2009-03-09 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2004583

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
Runnergirl13 - 2009-03-08 6:33 AM

Hi all, I would still like to be a part of the group. I was diagnosed with mono after running a 10 mile race....and feeling like crud (I am actually thinking of another word, but trying to keep it clean).


In response to the Total Immersion training for swimming.  When I began my swimming lessons 2 years ago, that is what my coach used.  She is a 10 time Ironman (multiple Kona qualifier).  Now I sort of knew how to swim but hated it.  The TI method made the most sense for me who likes to break things down...It also saves your legs because you swim with the rotation of your hips.  The kick should be mild and you use your arms and hips.  I love it and even when working on speed, it is so rhythmic and relaxing that it really doesn't seems so bad.  If you have any quesgtions, let me know.  I will try to help.


I am one week into my no swim, bike run and it is killing me.  Oh, I did hte 10 miles in 1:53:54.  nOt bad with mono.

hey there!  everyone that signed up is welcome to come and go as often as they wish.  we're a small group it seems, so it's great to have you around!

sorry to hear about the mono.   My niece just got over it.    congrats on the run btw! keep visiting to keep yourself occupied.    and rest up girl - enjoy it while you can.

2009-03-10 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

RunnerGirl - I had mono when I got married.  It was horrible.... I really feel for you.

Had another long (27 mile) ride last Sunday which was much better than the previous week.  Also have an appt with a sports dietician to tweak my nutrition plan.

I also got my Garmin 305 Forerunner on Friday and used it on my bike Sunday.  It is just too cool!  I love how it ties your stats to your GPS location.  I think I'm really going to enjoy this new toy.

Current malfunction is that I may be getting shin splints in my left leg.  I had them terribly bad in high school - and they're just on the edge.  So I got a fancy calf stretcher and some compression socks - hopefully that will help out.  Until then, I'll just take it easy on my runs.

2009-03-16 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

hey there gals!

checking in to see how you are all doing?  i did a long swim yesterday - longest nonstop i've done in a few years.  since my last (and only) HIM back in 2005 in fact!  if only i could pace myself as well on the bike and the run as i do in the swim...

hilly bike rides are going to become my mainstay for the next few weeks I think.  i'm doing hill repeats tonite w a fellow TNTer.  this hill is just over a mile long and mostly a 7-9% grade.  ouch.  but the hill we rode up on sat is over 9 miles long w varying intensity the whole way.  and it was uphill the entire way save for one short burst of downhill - a fake out of sorts.  i did it and feel good!  i find that the long slow steady uphills w the lower grade are significantly harder than the short steep hills w an intense grade.  go figure.

how's the mono runnergirl?  

how are the shin splints erin?

how's everything lortciger?

2009-03-16 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Sharon - wow, those are some hills!  (I say this living in the flat lands).  Your swim yesterday looked great!  One good Masters event you may want to do this fall (October) is the 3,000 yard postal swim.  You swim that distance for time (and have someone take your splits for you).  To me, its more a mental challenge than physical.  I break it up into 12 minute long sets, where I work on a different thing each time (200 builds, 100 free alternate moderate/fast, etc).  The other postal event is in January, where you swim 60 min for distance.

Shin splits feel much better.  I wore my compression socks for most of the weekend and my Pro-Stretch device really stretches things out.  I've got an easy run tomorrow morning, so we'll see how things feel.

I officially signed up for the 1/4 IronMan in Galveston (Lone Star race Apr 5th).  Was going to do the sprint, but I'm cranking it up to the 1/4 (Oly) distance.  :fingers crossed:

The weather this weekend was craptastic.  Cold and rain (with hail).  My tri team went down to Galveston to do the Lone Star Tri course on Saturday.  But considering there's still a bunch of crap on the road (from the hurricane) and I'm not very coordinated was scary enough.  Then you add the cold and rain and that seemed like too big of a crashing risk to me.  Didn't end up running either (started hailing when I was thinking about heading out).  So I did 60 min on the trainer (boo!) on my bike yesterday.  Better than nothing, I guess.

How's everyone else doing?

2009-03-20 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1874202

Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
Things are going well here.  I have been gone for a few days to Madison, WI and the weather was beautiful.  Went on two hikes but I was unable to get any of my normal workouts in.  I am six weeks out from my tri and I just started doing bricks.  I feel pretty good although my legs feel tired at first, I just keep going and eventually my legs catch up.  I am surprised at how well my swim is going, very relaxed and calm.  Bike is not a problem and running is coming along.  I just bought new goggles yesterday (Kaiman Aqua Sphere with 180-degree vision) they were a little distracting this morning but I am amazed at how much brighter they make everything look.  No questions at the moment, just nerves.
2009-03-27 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1874202

Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
I have a question on nutrition.  My race is in 4 1/2 weeks and it does not start until 12:30 p.m.  I have been practicing in the morning so I know how to eat for an early start.  What would you suggest for such a late start.  Should I have a regular breakfast (350 calories?) and at what time should I have it.  Should I have a light lunch or a nutrition bar before the race, if so how much time before the race?  I use Cytomax in my water and sometime use EAS bars while training, and I am planning on continuing this during the race.  I am not planning on having any milk products two days prior to the race since I tend to get runny noses when I consume this product.  What would you suggest having the day prior to the race?  I know these are a lot of questions in no particular order but I am looking for any insight you may have.
2009-04-03 12:43 AM
in reply to: #2043489

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

hi ladies -

i was in ny for my brother's wedding and also spent some time visiting friends and had no spare time to fill in my logs, so i just back-logged over a week's worth of workouts and rest days.  but now i'm back!

lisa are you doing a sprint?  if so, nutrition is important but it is not uber crucial if that makes sense (as it is in a half iron and full iron).  i have never done a race that started later than 7 or 8am, so i don't have advice to give based on experience.  this is what i would do before a sprint or oly that starts at around 7ish figuring i'm getting up at 4ish.

what i would suggest is eat your normal breakfast and make sure you've got carbs and protein in there as you normally would.  i.e. bagel w pb or oatmeal w pb (if you haven't tried that, it is my most favourite thing!) or pb&j.  i would eat an energy bar about an hour before the race and throughout the day hydrate alternating between water and an energy drink.

as far as the day prior to the race, it's always fun to carbo load dinner i.e. pasta, salad, garlic bread etc.  i would eat as i normally would the day before maybe a little heavier on the carbs and as you are already planning, avoid some gassy type foods or anything that you've never eaten before or may disagree with you - try to stay safe, mild in your food selection.

hope that helps!



2009-04-09 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
Sharon left a message in my training report wanting to know about my Quarter IM this past Sunday, so I thought I'd post it here.

Let me preface this with this was my 2nd full tri (I did a sprint last Oct) and my longest athletic endeavour to date.

This was a Quarter IM in Galveston, TX.  0.6 mile (965 m) swim in saltwater, 28 mile bike, and a 6.5 mile run.

We went down the day before for packet pickup and the race meeting.  Got my first glimpse of the swim.  It was VERY windy on Saturday afternoon and there were whitecaps.  The swim looked SCARY!  We also drove the bike course (went along the gulf) and I was just hoping for no wind, since it was very open. 

I was relieved to see that they did assigned spaces for transition.  Both the quarter and half were on Sunday (1600 people total) and I was really not looking forward to a "first come first serve" process when they opened transition on Sunday.  With the assigned spaces, I got an extra 45 min sleep!  Woo!

Nutrition.... I don't know if I mentioned it here, but I saw a sports dietician a few weeks back and I've been really under-eating.  So I now have specific pre-race and during race things I need to do.  So before the race, I had a protein bar and some chocolate milk + protein powder.  During my bike, I had two bottles with gatorade/protein powder and some gummy chews.  And my run I had one bottle of gatorage/protein powder.

And now the race report!

Swim: Thank goodness there was no wind and the water was calm.  Water was on the cold side (67 degrees) but with my wetsuit it was no problem.  They had each wave (~110 people) walk out to the dock, down a ladder into the water, then swim ~100 yards to the start.  I'm so strong on the swim that I need to be in the front of the pack, but I hate all the jostling that goes on while you wait for the start.  So we start and its the usual chaos (which I hate).  I did not get kicked in the head (like I did last time) but I did get a pretty solid kick to the ribs.  Once I cleared the first turn (about 300 meters) and found open water, I was pretty happy.  I found a good pace (fast but not too fast), found that breathing on my left side only was working best for sighting (I did a GREAT job sighting) and could just cruise along.  I did have one girl elbow me way too many times (she was breathing to the right and kept veering into me).  I'm just not all that agressive (I know I won't place and don't need to beat people up to ensure I place) so I just let her go.  I got a solid time but could have gone faster.  I didn't want to go out too fast thought, as I really haven't matched up my masters swimming "fast pace" with biking and running.  Now I know I can push it a bit more.

Swim time: 965 m in 20:16

T1: got my wetsuit off no problem.  I can't do the whole "pre-clip shoes on bike and velcro in on the fly" deal, so my T1 time was slow-ish (5 min).  I sat down, put massive amounts of body glide in btwn all my toes, put socks/shoes on, then walked through transition.  I'm really awkward in bike shoes and didn't want to risk slipping or tripping.  I then mounted my bike and clipped in easily.

Bike: again - no wind!  Yay!  We had a slight headwind going out, but nothing major.  And a slight tailwind going back.  My average speed was 17.5 mph, but I hit 21 mph a couple of times on the way back.  My drinks were going down well too, which I was nervous about since I've only tried out the gatorate/protein powder hydration a few times.

Bike time: 28 miles in 1:35

T2 went well.  I jogged in on my bike and got my running stuff on quickly.  Made a pretty big mistake, though, as I left my super special drink mix in transition...

Run.... I think it was horrible but really, it wasn't too terrible.  The sun came out just as the run started (and it was humid).  Run consisted of a 2 loop course for a total of 6.5 miles.  The first loop was ok - I was averaging an 10:30 pace.  Second loop was tragic.  My legs were just very heavy and I was hot, so I ended up walking most of it.  I probably could have ran more if I was super determined, but I just wasn't feeling it.  They did call out my name at the finish line (which was really cool), gave me a water bottle, printed wet/cold towel, and a finishers medal, so that was really the best part.  Ended up with an average run pace of something like 12:30, which is not great, but actually fairly consistent with some of my easy runs and actually faster than my pace for when I trained for the 2008 Disney Half Marathon.  So given that, I should be pretty happy with the run pace.

Run time: 1:20

Overall time 3:24 (my goal was 3:20).

What's next?  I'll probably do sprints throughout the summer.  Next Oly length is in August (hot!) and I'm not sure about that.  Before this race, I was actually thinking about trying to do a Half in Austin in October, but um, I'm not so sure now.  They do offer an Aqua-Bike at that event, so I may do that instead.  That way I can have the fun of the half but avoid the run!  And maybe in a year from now, I'll do a half.

Swim: 20:16.40
T1: 5:15.70
Bike: 1:35:54.65
T2: 2:39.15
Run: 1:20:46.75

Swim: 10/42 in my age group (YAY), 304/800 overall
Bike: 24 /42 age group, 530/800 overall
Run: 37/42 age group (boo!) 704/800 overall
Overall: 31/42 age group, 618/800 overall

2009-04-09 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED



Great pix too!

2009-04-21 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

ladies!  what's going on?  there've been crickets round these are you doing with your training?  issues? questions? concerns?  spring is here, tri season is upon us - any other races on the calendar?

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