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2009-01-29 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
Hi Everyone,
I have to appologize for not being invoved for the past 2 weeks or so. No excuses, I think time just got ahead of me there... (um, I think that might be an excuse).

On the accountability note, I have to say that I am kind of disapointed in myself right now. I really havent initiated a plan at all so I am all over the place with my training. I havent really started running yet, and I am definately not training nearly enough. In February I am going to get off my butt, and commit fully to running, and swimming twice a week and biking at least once; and my goal will be to focus on building up my distance running. In addition to that, I will make sure that I am posting more often and keeping up with the group! I started seeing my boyfriend in November and I am so happy but I have allowed that to be an excuse for not training. He is active and works out as well so we have started going to the gym together, and also skiing when we can. It's so easy when you first start seeing someone to make excuses just so you can spend more time together, but the time spent though has been meaningfull and fun so I have no regrets

Fifthcircle, I definately agree with interval training when running!!! That was how I started training 2 years ago, starting the same way with longer walks and then gradually building up my running, adding a minute or 2 each week to the runs, with a 1 minute walk in between. It made building my endurance much easier and worked really well with my asthma. I found that it also helped me stay motivated as well!

McFuzz's advise about keeping a simple food log and making small changes I think will definately work for me, because it is the snacking that is my downfall! Thanks! I have a love- hate relationship with vegetables, (love to hate, which is sad, since Im not 8 anymore) which I would like to move over to more of the love side. I know its pretty straight forward (just eat the vegetables) but if any one has any tips for including more veggies into your diet, I would really like to hear them. One question: Is vegetable juice (the low sodium type), really a good alternative?

I have gotten a lot out of being in the group. Thank you everyone for the tips and motivation, and thanks Michael for mentoring us!!

Good luck with the training and have a great weekend!!
Sorry for the long post!

Edited by tribiggsy 2009-01-29 10:08 PM

2009-01-31 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: My thoughts on ZEN.
I'm not sure how many (if any) of you think of endurance as meditation, but I have really found a connection for myself. I didn't really think about it until listening to the podcast "Zen and the Art of Triathlon". Similar to the book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", it's really not so much about Triathlon or Zen. It's basically this guy talking about random stuff while training with tips and some zen thoughts here and there. I know, sounds dumb, but it's pretty fun to listen to when doing really easy bikes on the trainer, or easy runs.

This got me thinking I wanted to learn a little about Zen. So I picked up the book "The Complete Idiots Guide to Zen Living". For anyone that's religious, Zen isn't a religion, so don't worry about that. Zen Buddhism is the more "religious" stuff. I'll just give you a teaser and if it intrueges you, I would suggest both checking out the podcast and picking up a popular zen book. Good stuff!

"You have no future; you have power over this moment only; your future is happening now."

2009-02-02 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
I have to agree with endurance being meditation. I am so busy normally with work and coaching and taking care of my son, that when I go for a long run or long bike ride, it is truely a time when I can let everything go and just spend time with God. For me training is such great stress relief, plus it builds me up mentally and spiritually. It's amazing how a 3 hour bike ride can go by so quickly.
2009-02-03 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
hey hows everyone doing I took a few days off of training because I've had two jobs for this weekend and I went on a date shes wicked pretty but all of it takes up a heck of a lot of time. I got in a quick workout yesterday and today I hope Ill get in a long bike so we will see how it goes. hope eveyones doing well
2009-02-03 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL

Hey Gang! I've been pretty quiet lately and apologize. I've been struggling with motivation, free time, new job and family responsibilities, not that everyone isn't!

Right now I'm starting fresh for the year and am just looking to get into a consistent groove. I've tentatively picked out a race in May, but that is on hold as a friend of mine is looking to do it as well. We're looking to see what race fits our schedule the best. I think that having someone else training as well will help with my motivation.

I'll try and be better on inspires to everyone as well.

Happy training!

2009-02-03 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL

Thought for the day: Functional Training

I've messed around with this idea in the past and today listened to a podcast of a former female pro triathlete that now is focused on functional training and enjoying life. I decided that that sums up where I am at right now.

Last year when I was training for my "A" race ( 5430 Half Ironman) I was having a hard time doing simple things. I remember saying something like, " I can't play soccer for 30 minutes without being extremely sore, but I can run a 10k easily or bike for 2.5 hours without much thought. I was confused as to why this was the case. I realized that I had trained very specifically, but I had noticed what happens when you don't have a balanced training routine. My problem was I didn't have enough time to "do it all" so my training focused on swim, bike, run. I didn't do much strength training or stretching or other forms of active recovery.

Funny thing is, when I started this tri business over 2 years ago, my only goal was to be as strong and healthy as I could be and to finish my first triathlon knowing I gave it my all. As I look ahead to this year, I'm convinced that that needs to be my motto once again. I know I can swim, bike, run, but I want more. I want to be balanced and strong and flexible. So, I'm committing to more flexible workouts. I'm going to work all my muscle groups and try to get strong and flexible. I'm not going to worry about volume. I'm going to focus on quality. I'm also going to focus on things I love to do. Hiking is something I truely love. I've got a couple 14er's with my name on them this summer. Plus, it's a great workout. I'm still going to race this year, but I'm going to try my best to focus more on total body strength and health.

Remember, have fun out there!

2009-02-04 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
All around physical fitness sounds like a good plan. Any thoughts on someone like me who needs to do volume training along with flexability/strength?

You say hiking is high priority for a fun fitness activity. I would say that mountain biking tops my list! On top of that, I have a new bike!!! I just can't wait for the trails to dry out so I can take it out. Stupid winter.....

January was a success for me.
I kept to my running plan except for last week. Luckily it was an easy week, and I only missed two easy runs because of the nasty cold I have. I'm almost better, finally...with a lingering cough and slight congestion.
I think for Febuary, I will keep on my 1/2 marathon training plan, and add in cycling as much as possible. I'll keep it really easy, and use my HRM to keep at a zone 2 type of riding. It'll probably be almost all on the trainer, since winter is definatly still here.

2009-02-06 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
hey everyone I've been getting in some pretty good amounts of training I got in a good amount of training in this week so far I've been focusing on running mostly because I have my first 5k on valentines day I can't think of a better way to spend it hope all is well.
2009-02-09 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
hey everyone I had the best workout on sunday it was a challenging 3000 meter swim with lots of kicking work then I ran for a mile after that so it was pretty productive. Then today I got a mile run in and then I did some ab workout I'm happy to say I lost 7 pounds from saturdayish but Im feeling lighter although I feel denser in the water i dont know what thats all about but oh well hows everyone doing this week?
2009-02-12 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL

Is the group still alive? I've fallen into a pretty good rhythm the past couple of weeks, but I feel like I might be coming down with something.

What's everyone else up to? What's working or not working for everyone? Anybody have any races coming up?

2009-02-12 11:04 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
Well, it seems that there are really only a few of us that are active with posting on the forum and LOGGING WORKOUTS.

What's working?
Running is going pretty well. I really need to shed some weight, so I have started some strength training. I really don't enjoy lifting weights, so I'm doing pull ups, push ups and squats. Seems to be working well. I'm also watching what I eat more. Lots of salad and fruit, first. Then I'll eat some soup or leftovers. I have found that I like Progresso Lite soup, with a bunch of frozen mixed veggies added to it.

Something that is bugging me is my calves. I stretch them well after each run, but they still hurt, while nothing else does. Any ideas? Or is it just the extra heft combined with longer runs than I have ever done.......

I'm going to do the "Simply Stu Worldwide Triathlon" (podcaster, free tri on your own) next weekend. I think I'll do it all as closely together as I can, even though he has it set up so you just do the three sports over three days. I may do it with a couple friends, and it sounds like it will all be indoors, since we have a snowstorm that's supposed to hit tomorrow. Hopefully I can at least run outside

2009-02-13 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL

Hey all,

It's been a weird week for me. We had to put our Golden Retreiver down on monday night. That was really tough. I've had no motivation to do anything. I've been eating terrible. And, now I'm starting to feel the effects. Things are getting better and I'm ready to start training again. I have to run tomorrow morning with some other dogs, so I'm going to use that to start my training.

I've noticed that only a couple of us are actually LOGGING workouts. People are posting that they are working out, but aren't logging it in there logs. Let me know if I can help with that. Believe me, logging it in your log is really worth it. Come race day, you'll be able to look back at it and see how far you've come.

Let's all try to encourage the folks that aren't logging. Daily inspires really help motivate me. I'm sure they do for others.

Fifthcircle, I've had problems with my calves being tight a lot too. It seemed I couldn't stretch them enough. I bought a foam roller. I use it now as well as stretching and it helps. The other thing I found was I was using my calves too much. When I started strengthening my quads and core and using those muscles more, my calves didn't hurt as much. Seemed like for me when I run slow, like on the long slow run, I use more calves. When I run faster, I use more quad muscle. Make sure you get a massage once and a while too, especially if you are building volume.

Pat, congrats on your workouts and your weight loss. Keep up the good work! Please post your workouts in your log so you can track them and so we can inspire you.

I've decided to skip the last Chilly Cheeks race in two weeks. My fiance and I are going to Vegas instead. I've never been there and we need a vacation. Viva Las Vegas baby!

Keep training and keep checking in.

2009-02-14 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
I just had a 5k today and I had my best time ever. I ran it in 22:40 I think the results havent been posted yet but I was only a minute behind the third place finisher in my age group so I'm getting there. I also beat one of my teachers which he beat me last year. It was a great day all in all I also took the chance to pickup some triathlon stuff such as an Aero Bottle and workout bottle and some quick laces but hows everyone doing hopefully well and I think its to bad that people have gotten so quiet I love this its a good way to stay honest to yourself. I started logging my workouts I think its an extra step but I'm willing to do it so I hope everone is doing well.
2009-02-16 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
Awesome job Pat! Keep up the good work! Keep logging your workouts!
2009-02-18 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
Hey everyone I came in fourth place again for my age group which bites cause its just out of contention but oh well It was great. I finished in 42 place out of 210 people which is a huge improvement for me. but I cant wait my hockey to end so I can focus on triathlons oh and I biked 5 1/2 miles in 20 minutes today after a hockey game.
2009-02-21 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL I officially a Triathlete now???

I just finished with a Sprint distance Tri (750m swim, 10mi bike, 5k run) on my own at the gym and at home on the trainer. I did it for the "Simply Stu Podcast, Worldwide Triathlon". My times are in my logs, but I am really happy with them!!!

The only thing that I wish I could have changed was the weather!! I did everything inside, and did it in a different order because of this. I swam, then ran on the treadmill at the gym. Came home after that and rode the bike on the CycleOps trainer. The original plan was to swim at the gym, come home, bike and then run outside. Way too cold for that today!!! All the sweat would have frozen and made me really cold.

So, I know it wasn't a "real" triathlon. I had huge transition times, with about 5min T1, 25min T2. It was all indoors. I was alone....even in the pool BUT, I did the distances, I did them pretty hard, and I was part of a virtual triathlon via the internet. So whaddya think?


Edited by fifthcircle 2009-02-22 1:59 PM

2009-03-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL


Sorry I've been awol for a while. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I lost my job, found a job, been starting that, trying to get this wedding planned, working on Pinewood Derby car for the munchkin man, and we started spring soccer. I coach my son's team, so things have been hectic to say the least.

I'm back though. I worked out this morning and am going to run this afternoon as well. I'm going to get back into a routine and lose some weight. My goal is at least 30 minutes a day of training. Hold me to it!

How's everyone else doing?

Happy St. Patties Day!

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