BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-02-23 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3367020

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
carolh - 2011-02-22 11:12 AM Last week was a rough one, I have had bronchitis and getting through my workouts was a struggle. Hopefully this week will be a bit smoother.  I signed up for a sprint tri in April so I have something to work towards. So far I have managed to avoid the late night work outs and been fitting everything in early morning and lunch but with the volume increasing it looks like they will become a reality! How does everyone else fit in everything?

Hope you are feeling better!  I'm getting a lot of stuff in @ lunch since I've been in the office a lot recently.  Sometime I'm doing stuff at night after everyone goes to sleep.  My house is just too hectic in the morning with 3 kids getting up between 5 and 6 every day...I'm taking on the motto of 'fit it in when i can'...

2011-02-23 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3367020

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
carolh - 2011-02-22 11:12 AM Last week was a rough one, I have had bronchitis and getting through my workouts was a struggle. Hopefully this week will be a bit smoother.  I signed up for a sprint tri in April so I have something to work towards. So far I have managed to avoid the late night work outs and been fitting everything in early morning and lunch but with the volume increasing it looks like they will become a reality! How does everyone else fit in everything?

Awesome on signing up for the sprint... I know myself... and having a comittment sets a deadline for me which really motivates me to complete the training.... now... fitting it all in... that is the struggle we face as non-professionals... I try to either get my training done early in the day so that means up at 0430 (as it gets lighter out earlier)... or using my lunch time to get in a workout and eating lunch at my desk... or completing a workout once the kids are settled and into bed!

The hard part... which requires some time mgmt is knowing what is coming the next day... nothing worse than doing a late night bike trainer ride only to have a hard swim set early the next day... I have done it and it is not fun!

I have found that when I am laying around watching TV at night is a great time to get in my stretching or excercise ball core workouts... I am still available for homework questions but getting in something beneficial without a time crunch... again... balance is the key!

Hope that helps!
2011-02-25 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3268688

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
We had a snow day yesterday due to high winds and giant drifts.  I hunkered down on the bike and got in a nice long ride! SO ready for outside runs and bike ridesLaughing Antibiotics are kicking in hurray! Have a great weekend everyone.
2011-02-27 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3268688


Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Hi Everyone, I haven't been posting yet and just got back from a vacation in the Sunshine State where the largest exercise I did was sprinting from one end of MAgic Kingdom to the other.  I'm back home and mentally ready now to get serious on my training.  It was warm enough outside that I was able to run.  I really hated being on the treadmill all winter and it felt great to get onto the road.  My knee felt a bit weak today but I've only run outside 1 other time since having my ACL repaired.  Just one question, should I train just bike, run and swim or should I add some lower body strengthening exercises in there?  I'm afraid to overdo it and cause an injury, but also afraid that if I'm not strong enough i will get one instead.

2011-02-28 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3374690

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
mbeltram - 2011-02-27 7:33 PM Hi Everyone, I haven't been posting yet and just got back from a vacation in the Sunshine State where the largest exercise I did was sprinting from one end of MAgic Kingdom to the other.  I'm back home and mentally ready now to get serious on my training.  It was warm enough outside that I was able to run.  I really hated being on the treadmill all winter and it felt great to get onto the road.  My knee felt a bit weak today but I've only run outside 1 other time since having my ACL repaired.  Just one question, should I train just bike, run and swim or should I add some lower body strengthening exercises in there?  I'm afraid to overdo it and cause an injury, but also afraid that if I'm not strong enough i will get one instead.

Welcome back and glad to hear you are ready to get down to business... to your question... ABSOLUTELY add in strength training as part of your weekly plan... you want to start a basic rotation with light weights... do a few sets of 10 at each station with light weights... the addition of strength training, stretching and core specific workouts need to be a part of everyone's plan.... Laughing
2011-03-07 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Hey all - Hope everyone's training is going well.  I was sidelined last week by a nasty cold.  All 3 kids including the 8 week old were sick too.  Not fun...

Feeling better today and got back in the pool.  Going to run home from work tonight.  Hope you all have a great day.

2011-03-07 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Glad to hear you are feeling better.... which brings up a great point I learned last year... don't ever regret missing workouts due to illness... and don't try to make them up... just move forward... the self induced pressure of missing a workout can be heavy at times but it is better to move forward than injure yourself by over training in order to compensate for the lost workout!

Great weekend for me personally... I watched my 12 yo son win his first multisport event.. a local duathlon... he led from start to finish... it is awesome to see the lifestyle I have chosen wear off on my family! Laughing And the fact that he won an iPod Touch will keep him motivated...


Attitude trumps pain!

2011-03-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3386643

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Oriondriver02 - 2011-03-07 1:16 PM

Glad to hear you are feeling better.... which brings up a great point I learned last year... don't ever regret missing workouts due to illness... and don't try to make them up... just move forward... the self induced pressure of missing a workout can be heavy at times but it is better to move forward than injure yourself by over training in order to compensate for the lost workout!

Great weekend for me personally... I watched my 12 yo son win his first multisport event.. a local duathlon... he led from start to finish... it is awesome to see the lifestyle I have chosen wear off on my family! Laughing And the fact that he won an iPod Touch will keep him motivated...


Attitude trumps pain!

That is awesome news! 

I felt a but guilty the last few days of my illness but I'm glad I took the time to get back to normal.  The swim and run yesterday felt great.

2011-03-08 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Back to training a little more regular now.  Life has been busy with work, family and dad in hopsital.  

Two questions for the group:

1.  Training plan. Looking for some guidance on a Oly training plan.  I have 16 weeks to Oly on June 26th.  The 2x plan seems limited.  I can bike and run much further than initial targets yet hard to complete the initial swim targets.  The 2x plan also doesn't incorportate BRICs later in the plan.  Any recommendations.

2. Membership?  Do I need to upgrade?  why?  benefits?  



2011-03-09 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3268688

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
So I'm getting ready to purchase trisuit and can't decide between one and two piece.  Any wisdom out there on which one is better?
2011-03-09 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3388841

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Pschaff - 2011-03-08 3:04 PM

Back to training a little more regular now.  Life has been busy with work, family and dad in hopsital.  

Two questions for the group:

1.  Training plan. Looking for some guidance on a Oly training plan.  I have 16 weeks to Oly on June 26th.  The 2x plan seems limited.  I can bike and run much further than initial targets yet hard to complete the initial swim targets.  The 2x plan also doesn't incorportate BRICs later in the plan.  Any recommendations.

2. Membership?  Do I need to upgrade?  why?  benefits?  




     Great point on training plans... they are produced for a larger audience and thus are never a perfect fit... in a fiscally unconstrained world we would all have a coach that would tailor our plans to keep us challenged where we excel yet balanced to not induce overtraining injuries.... you should feel free to add additional workouts as you see fit... I do that on some of my weeks... I will simply copy another workout and drag it to the day I want to complete it... just be sure you don't add too much too fast!

     Bricks... there are a bunch of different thoughts out there on whether one actually benefits from doing bricks... it seems the general rule of thumb is to do them later in the training and solely to give you an opportunity to experience the feelings that occur when switching from one discipline to the next... seldom are they for a dedicated training session (ie, long ride followed by a short run with intent of feeling how heavy your legs are not to improve your running).

      Membership... higher you go the more access you have to additional plans and benefits... it really just depends on what you are planning to do in the future or if you want additional access to restricted forums.

Hope that helped some...

2011-03-09 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3390144

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

carolh - 2011-03-09 11:19 AM So I'm getting ready to purchase trisuit and can't decide between one and two piece.  Any wisdom out there on which one is better?[/QUOTE


     This is really a matter of personal preference... and vanity... the pros make those one piece suits look fantastic... I simply prefer the 2 piece option for comfort... if you have the option of getting it local... I suggest trying them on first... Embarassed

2011-03-16 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3390244

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Yippee! Hit a milestone yesterday - 1 mile swim!!
2011-03-16 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3400270

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

carolh - 2011-03-16 10:51 AM Yippee! Hit a milestone yesterday - 1 mile swim!!

AWESOME... congratulations... huge accomplishment!

break break

There is a nice one page article in the April edition of Triathlete magazine about the importance of striking a balance btwn work, family and our obession... nothing we have not already covered on here but it was nice to see it reinforced...


2011-03-18 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Hope everyone is doing well.  It will be over 70 degrees here happy spring is on the way.  It has been a rough week at home.  One kid with pnumonia and the baby decided to stop sleeping at night.  Combine that with too many Guinness yesterday and I've had a bad week.

On the positive side, I'm down 20 lbs in 2 months.

2011-03-18 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Nice to hear the weather is changing... I was able to get out on my bike yesterday for a nice 20 miler in the country... Spring is upon us... do you have your "A" race planned? Are you following your plan? 

Here is one for you... have you written down your goals for the '11 season... and I mean actually sit down with a pen and pad of paper and written them out? I recommend you do that... then go into your "Settings" and customize your training log with those goals so everytime you log on to post your workout you see them... 

Finish strong this week and have a great weekend!Laughing

2011-03-22 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3403319

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
70 degrees !!! I am totally jealous, we hit 40 this weekend and I took my bike out for a short ride.  Running isn't too bad in the 30s but  I am so ready for spring.  Congrats on the weight loss! 20# is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
2011-03-22 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

I'm in Week 6 of the 16-week Oly 2x Plan.  I've done well for 4 of those 6 weeks.  One week I was sick and the other week just did not go well...we'll leave it at that. 

I've got two 'A' races...Black Bear Oly on June 5th and Pocono HIM in October.  Both are in Northeastern Pennsylvania, both will be hilly.  My goals are fairly simple...finish both races and get under 200lbs.

As I was out on my run today @ lunch I thought a lot about training and life balance.  I think I'm doing a great job now but I'm very nervous about how I'm going to fit HIM training in later this year.  I'll be going from 6-7 hour weeks to 8-9 hour weeks.  Doesn't sound like much of an increase but makes me nervous.

2011-04-11 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3408775

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Is this group dead?
2011-04-14 2:58 AM
in reply to: #3440062

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Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
I'm still here.....
2011-04-14 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Still here... training is going hot and heavy and for the first time in a year I am starting to get nervous... I have my first Olympic one month from today and the swim has me a bit nervous!

I test rode bikes yesterday as I have decided I would like to take the next step in biking and get a dedicated tri bike... HOLY CRAP there are way too many choices out there!

Hope everyone is striking that balance... standing by... 



2011-04-15 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3445892

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Glad to hear you are all doing well and still training!  I'm having a hard time fitting in my long bike rides but training is going OK.  The kids need to stop getting sick!

Have a great weekend

2011-04-23 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Hey everyone... I hope your training plans are going well as you prep for your next race! I wanted to share a personal story with you as I learned a valuable lesson this week on striking that balance we have all talked about!

So... I have done a remarkable job of making sure my training does not impact family time... all of my workouts occur at times that don't interrupt our daily life... BUT... and this is a big BUT... apparently I was obsessing over everything triathlon during the periods btwn training events and although I was not missing family time I was slowly driving a wedge with everyone because no one else was as interested as I was... the lesson here is that although this is what drives us... if all you do is talk about it all the time... it is no different than actually doing it! The end result was that my family "felt" like they were 2nd fiddle... not because I was gone physically but because I was gone mentally... all the time... consumed with everything triathlon... valuable lesson learned and thankfully stopped before too much damage was done!

Hope my blunder helps prevent you from making the same mistake!Embarassed


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