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2009-01-14 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
When your training two events in one day (brick workout?) do you have to do them one right after the other or can you then seperate?  

2009-01-14 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
I am signed up to do my first triathlon in April.  I just got cycling shoes (fits both clips, but I have the mountain bike ones now so I can use it at spin class).  I am having a horrible time trying to clip in and out of a spin bike, making me scared for on a real bike!  Are the road bike clips harder or easier to clip in and out of?  Also, is it practical to clip my shoes in before the race and just slip my feet in the shoes once I jump on?  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
2009-01-15 12:25 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

I just got clip in shoes last summer and it was pretty funny the first few times trying to unclip quickly.  But with practice you'll pick it up quickly.  The only advice I can give that I tried after hitting the pavement on the first go was to practice in a field or on your lawn.  Helped to reduce the bruises.  Also my brother in law set the clip so they were super easy to unclip, then once I got more comfortable in them he tightened them up.  Good luck!


2009-01-15 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1908578

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North Carolina Foothills
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
I second what Hughe wrote.

Definately practice in your yard first ... you'll do a lot less damage to yourself and your bike when you fall. But you'll get used to clipping in and out fairly quickly.

The road bike pedals, like the SPD-SL pedals I use are about the same to get out of as the mtn bike clips. You basically use the same twisting motion. But as Hughe wrote, one advantage on the road bike pedals is you can adjust the tension to make them really easy to unclip.

As far as attaching the your shoes to your pedals, a lot of people do it that way, I really don't see it as much of a advantage. I like counting the number of people I pass as they struggle to get their feet into their shoes heading out from T1.

Congrats on signing up for your first race.

Edited by rventuri 2009-01-15 9:10 AM
2009-01-15 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1908578

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

Aaah, a biking question, I can finally offer some help. Wink

I use a different type of shoe and pedal on my road bike than I use in my spinning class. They are different types of pedals. The pedals that are on my road bike are Look Keo Classics. I have a couple friends and I that swear by these. They can be tightened and loosened to make them easier to get out of when you're just learning.

I was told to practice in the grass also, but never did. Also, I was petrified of clips. I was sure I would wreck and get really hurt. For the record, I haven't got really hurt. Things to keep in mind that seem obvious after you hear them but that you don't think of at the time... It really is all about practice. I rode around my neighborhood and just clipped in and out constantly. Pick a foot and work on getting it in and out as much as you can. It seems like most people have a foot that is easier, this tends to be the foot that you'll use to stop and start on. For me it's my right foot. But practice both, there will always be a time that you need to get that other foot out. The other thing is that if you know you're going to have to stop up ahead, un-clip and rest your foot on your pedal until you're ready to stop. Give yourself plenty of time to get your foot out, then you'll be ready to stop. I don't know anyone who has fallen because they couldn't get their foot out at a fast pace. You're always barely moving and fall because you didn't get your foot out in time to stop. (And it always seems like this happens in front of people, I don't know why. Tongue out)

I don't think I'd get concerned about how you do in the spinning class and how you'll do on your bike. Get pedals that you can adjust for your bike and shoes that are comfortable. And practice, practice, practice. You're going to fall. But the good news is that you'll probably be barely moving and will literally just tip over. You'll feel dumb, get a scraped knee, then get back up and keep going.

I have no advice on keeping your shoes on your pedals. My shoes fit pretty tight so I can only imagine the show I'd put on with trying to get my shoes on and hold my bike. That would be worth putting on YouTube.

I'm hoping this helps. If you have other questions I'm happy to help. 


One other quick thought would be to put your road bike on a trainer. Practice getting your feet in and out while you're on the trainer.

2009-01-15 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1908422

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED


A brick is most useful if done back-to-back. But there is still significant benefit of done with a break between the two. You are trying to accomplish two things. One is to stress the body and then recover. The second is to train the muscles to transition from one sport to another. That's why even a short 20 minute easy run after a bike is great.

2009-01-15 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

My 2 cents worth on the pedal discussion: All the thougths above are great. I was the same when I first started to use my SPD-SL clips. I was told by a partner to just accept the fact that you WILL have a foot fall. We all have, and we all have more. Last year I had one just leaving the start parking lot because those in front did an unexpected stop and I was off balance. Usually all that's hurt is your pride. But when you first are trying to get used to them I'd suggest you pick a quiet residential street or large parking lot off-hours. This is easier than riding over uneven grass on thin road tires. Practice lots clipping in & out, and try it with either foot so you can be ready either way. I think the most important thing to remember is to anticipate. Be thinking ahead so that you are ready, unclipping and getting your balance early.

On pre-clipping your shoes for a race, I'd suggest that the gain, if any, is not worth the other troubles. And if you do want to do it, check that races rules beforehand. It is now against the rules at some sanctioned events to do it. Check with the specific event to see if their rules will allow it or not.

Let us know how you make out.

2009-01-18 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
pedals - even experienced pedal users as myself will have the occasional surprise tip over.  Slowing to a stop light you just can;'t get unclipped for whatever reason and you tip over like an old drunk cow.  People in cars always see it and it can get a few laughs when you are laying on back with shoes still clipped in and lift the bike up with legs. 
2009-01-18 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

The Big Chill.   Not whining, but being a US midwesterner, we haven't experienced these kind of Frigid Canadian temperatures in many years.  This week was the first time in 15yrs that we've had extended below zero temps in double digits.  In 1994 about the same time (jan 17) we had -20F, now we've had days of -7, -14 and -11F.   Last Friday/Saturday the snow came and dumped about 8-10 inches then the cold followed.  Now we've rebounded nicely and I can celebrate a week of vacation from work.  The extreme cold really bothers me because i work outside in it everyday as a mailman - walking at least 6 hrs/day. 

Thanks forletting me vent.  Back to working out and having some kind of energy, i got 4.5 miles on t'mill this morning. then some weights

2009-01-18 11:20 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
Your mid-west winters make our west coast ones seem like a tropical vacation. I did spend many years on the prairies and east coast, so I've been there. Not going back. No thanks!
2009-01-19 12:32 AM
in reply to: #1915058

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Aliso Viejo, CA
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

i am from sunny California so can not complain....HOWEVER was back in Ohio during sub zero temps this week.  I dont know how you do it.  The wind chill alone sent me over the edge Surprised

Be safe !  


2009-01-19 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

First day of vacation - a few home projects then to gym for swim.  Pool crowded - whats up with that?  Doesn't anyone work?  Shared lane with some guy who was awesome swimmer - i'm pretty slow, so i jsut plugged along. 

Question for you swimmers - how often should i go to the pool per week? 

I'll spend time trying to run or bike every (or both) everyday in summer.  With swimming being my weakest event, i need to work more on it. much improvement would i gain devoting more time to swimming and possibly neglecting my other disciplines?  Now i'm swimming in the pool 1 x week and pace is about 2:30-2:35/100yd.  I'll swim about 1000 - 1200yds.   

Running is my best discipline.  I can run 20:00 for 5K sprint  tri and about 40-41 for 10K and i'm about 1:40ish for 1/2IM.   My biggest time gains can be made on the bike i feel and becoming a stronger biker (IMO) would set up for smoother run transistion.  

I'm always behind the pack as we exit the swim, and have to work to catch people.  There are plenty of people to pass who got out before me, so that is a motivator.  I would liek to be better swimmer and have seen improvement already this winter.  So is the extra time worth it?

2009-01-19 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1916875

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED


How much time to put in for gains in the swim is always a question. But consider that getting stronger on the swim doesn't always mean just faster swim times. Being a stronger swimmer will also give you more strength for the bike and run. You'll not only be fresher after the swim, but the cross training helps to balance your overall strength and conditioning. So I'd for one say yes, you should put in sufficient time for swim training.

I swim 3 times a week and that's what I recommend for average age groupers. I am a 0:30 - 0:31 min 1500m Olympic swimmer, and a 1:18 IM swimmer. If I push a 100m swim hard I do 1:32 min. Not fast by a lot of standards. With a lot of extra effort I could maybe get my IM down to 1:10. But if I didn't put in the time I did I'd likely come in over 1:30 for IM, and I'd already be burned out heading off on the bike.

With your very good run & bike times a good swim time would put you in a very good overall position. If finishing high is important to you, then yes, you'll want to work on your swim. In that case you'll want to consider 3 - 4 swims a a week, with good skills emphasis. Find a master's group with a good swim specific coach.

Tri's are about balance. With training you'll find yours.

2009-01-19 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
I have fallen to tempationEmbarassed  Went to the Eagles / Cardinals game and missed 2 workouts.  The liquid spirits worked my liver out but I was unable to get myself on the treadmill today at work.  Hell, I barely made it to work.  I am an Eagles fan so all was lost.  Getting back to work tomorrow and will regain my focus.  I had to confess my triathlon sins!
2009-01-20 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1917217

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
I think 2 Hails Mary's and a 5km pace run should suffice. Go Steelers!
2009-01-20 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

I'm back!  I had a few crazy, busy days.  Just got news that we will be moving back into our house in a month.  YEEAAH!! Finally I can get back into a routine!!  


2009-01-20 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
Is anyone on here from Calgary? I was just wondering if anyone knew of what some of the better Tri's in the area are.
2009-01-21 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1919433

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED


You might want to look at the event calendar on the Triathlon Alberta and Triathlon Canada web sites at:

They both have a link to a list of events.

2009-01-24 12:04 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
I haven't heard from a number of group people recently. How has your training been going? Is your motivation still strong? What are your daily challenges to keeping on track to your goals? Try to fit your workouts into your schedule. It won't work long term if you give up your day to day needs for your training. Balance. Find a way to make them work together in proportions that you can live with. If you can find that balance then you can sustain the effort and truely make it a part of your life.
2009-01-24 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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North Carolina Foothills
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
Training has been going great. Got a long ride in today (around 2 hours). We had some really great weather here today (60F), so took advantage of it.

I think I finally have got my running shoes straightened out. My old shoes were wore out, and I tried to go with a different brand of shoe ... that didn't work. A month of sore feet and ankles later, I went out and bought the same shoe I had been using (Brooks Beast), and now all seems well again.

Have a Duathlon coming up next Saturday ... looking forward to it. I need to get out on my tri bike before then, but the weather here is forecast to turn cold and rainy next week.

Thanks for checking in Marinus ... how's everyone else doing?
2009-01-24 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

I've been going to physio this last week, really messed up my shoulder and hip at work.  I'm getting anxious to get back into training.  My physio has suggested running in the water so I tried it out.  I thought it would be a joke but I actually had a good workout.    

 Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


2009-01-24 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1927104

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

Hi Bob;

Good to hear that the feet issue is better. I'm like you. I've been wearing the same shoe model (New Balance 76x) for about the last 8 years. I'm scared to try anything else. They work, and I see no need to change.

Weather here was clear but barely above freezing, so it was a Spinervals DVD again today. I don't want to risk frosty roads. Otherwise, everything is going well. I have a half marathon in 3 weeks. I'm even thinking about a possible PB. My last Half was 45 sec off a PB, so if I have a good day, ... maybe. And swimming is going well. I've added an extra swim per week, and I'm seeing some results. Next Master's I'm even moving up from the "Guppie" lane to the 'Shark" lane. Yippie!

Update us on how things go with next weekend!

2009-01-26 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - IMC 2009 and others - CLOSED
Just checking in.  Had a good bike and run last week.  45 mile bike with some tough climbing and an 11 mile long run.  I am having a little trouble with my tempo runs but I am working on them.  Hope everyone is well, Chet 
2009-01-26 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1929151

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - IMC 2009 and others - CLOSED
Chet: Anything in particular you're having trouble with on the tempo runs? Maybe we can offer some suggestions.
2009-01-26 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - IMC 2009 and others - CLOSED
Hi group. I think I'll re-open the group briefly to bring in a couple new people. I think we could use a few more voices, and I'd particularly like to encourage a few prople doing IM Canada to join.
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