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2009-01-22 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1923441

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- I do have one minor issue, which is a heel spur on the back of my heel. It can be very painful at times, but through stretching, yoga and Advil I manage.


>>>How are your run times? Do you experience pain while running? How would you describe your runinng style eg; Heel strike, mid foot strike etc...?


Below is my equipment. Since I need some stuff any pointers would greatly be appreciated. - I own a Trek bike, but it's outfitted for mountain biking. I'm bringing it into a shop this weekend to have it outfitted for riding street. (suggestions please)


>>>I'm assuming its a mountain bike yes? Okay, first put on slicks and get rid of the knobby tires. That's the single best thing you can do to the Mtn bike. Ask at your LBS what they can change out to lighten the load a bit. Not a whole lot more you can do than that. If its a suspension bike lock down the shocks, you want as little travel as possible....


- I don't currently have a good pair of running shoes and was thinking about getting a pair fitted to my foot.


>>>I'll hold any suggestions till I see what you answer for running style. I am a POSE runner and advocate so I'm a bit biased....


- As for swimming, I have a pair of goggles but they seem to fit really tight and not sure if that's good?

>>>You shouldn't end up with black rings around your eyes, lol... but outside of that its pretty subjective. The most important thing is that there is no seepage. Nothing worse than being in the middle of a swim when water starts getting in your eye. Don't buy a cheaper pair with foam pads, invest a bit and get Neoprene padded goggles. They will last longer...


Nutrition - I try to eat 5/6 meals a day and eat very healthy. Fruits, Veggies etc. I'm working on a Nutrition plan now...(suggestions etc.)


>>>Protein after workouts... I can't stress that enough....btw MIT is what distance?

Eric J

Edited by Courage 2009-01-22 5:14 PM

2009-01-23 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1865380

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It's great to see so many more people on here!  I'm just reading along, but I can speak from experience about going to a reputable shoe store to get fitted for the correct running shoes.  I have experienced shin splints in the past and they can really put a stop to a workout.  The last pair I bought were from a shop that had a treadmill and video taped me running on it to see how my foot would land.  I have had no problems running with those shoes.

Eric- I can't do much right now with my injury, but I agree with the interval training on the bike.  Since I have been able to do some biking on my trainer, I'm going to give it a try.  Thanks!


2009-01-23 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1924434

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gofishtlp - 2009-01-23 8:28 AM

It's great to see so many more people on here!  I'm just reading along, but I can speak from experience about going to a reputable shoe store to get fitted for the correct running shoes.  I have experienced shin splints in the past and they can really put a stop to a workout.  The last pair I bought were from a shop that had a treadmill and video taped me running on it to see how my foot would land.  I have had no problems running with those shoes.

Eric- I can't do much right now with my injury, but I agree with the interval training on the bike.  Since I have been able to do some biking on my trainer, I'm going to give it a try.  Thanks!



tracy- Remember that you don't need to do high intensity knee mashing workouts, in fact you can do lots of steady moderate sessions that are actually better for burning the calories and general fitness...


Eric J

2009-01-23 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1922827

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rocio - 2009-01-22 1:18 PM

Hi Eric!

I am very happy to find a person that can help me with my training.

I'm SHM, I have 2 children one is 6 years old and the little one just 2 years old.  I stopped working 5 years ago in order to stay with my children.

Before I got married 11 years ago I used to exercise a lot.  I was always into something.  My whole childhood was very intense, I got my first pair of skates when I was 8 year old and I skated until I was 15. After that I just went to run 3 times a week and I used to play basketball in high school. 

Then when I went to college I rided my bike to school everyday for 4 years and after that I got a job where they didn't require a nice way to dress so, I was able to always go to work with very confortable clothing and able to ride my bike as well.

then I got married and I came to live with my husband  to Texas, it was a little bit difficult the first year because I didn't speak english but after a year I was ready to work.  We went to live to Dallas for almost 4 years and I used to go to a 24 hrs fitness.

Now we move outside of Dallas into a little town and there are not to many things to do around  but, I have a bike and a treadmill and my husband just got an above ground pool for the children, is not that big but in summer keeps everyone happy.

I like to keep myself thin and in shape, as soon I feel with some extra pounds I am always trying something to go back to my size. Also I always like the way it feels when you put all your effort to finish the time and the miles planned.

I am a city girl and living in the country is bringing me so much loneliness in my life and not to much excitment, so I am looking for something that can bring that kind of life that I used to have back in Mexico city.

I also have some problems with my cholesterol and I always try to keep it low with diet and exercise and I am sure that if I stick to a program I can keep it the normal level without taking any kind of medicine.  Exercise brings a lot good  benefits to my live. I am a very hyperactive person  and I can't  stay still so, in order to have a good sleep I really need to go to bed psysically tired otherwise I will stay awake until 2 or 3 in the morning.

I hope you don't get tired of my writting but I really need someone to help me with my training.

My husband doesn't like to exercise and I don't know anyone who likes the kind things I like. so, I don't have a partner that  runs or rides a bike.

There are two gyms around here and sometimes when I go to the YMCA I see 1 or 2 people running of riding bike, but sometimes there is nobody. Cry So, I just exercise in my house or outside in my street.

Anyway, right now I am running 5 miles 5 times a week and I skate twice a week with my daughter and sometimes I use my bike to get my kids out of home.

Our pool is empty and the water in the lake is too cold to get in but it should be better by april.

I hope everything I wrote can give you an idea where to direct my train.

Thansk a lot and God bless you





Rocio Hi and welcome. Beautiful name by the way. Do you have a Triathlon in mind? What type of bike are you riding? Have you ever done any running or Tri events/races before?

Eric J

2009-01-23 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1923461

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tvright - 2009-01-22 5:05 PM

Hey Eric

 I have added some workouts to my log and will keep them updated. I had a pretty good crash today near the end of the bike. Minor damage that was fixed by my local bike shop, I'm bloodied but fine. It was 18 miles that went very easy. I bought the bike last tuesday and I've been thrilled.

As far as the running goes I'm using an inexpensive pair of running shoes that I have used all 8 months I've been running. Even starting close to 300lbs I haven't had any (knock on wood) lower leg injuries. I find this surprising. Should I keep what's working or do I really need to buy a nice pair?

Thanks...Todd - San Diego

Hey Todd- Its not so much about buying a "nice" pair but a new pair. Running shoes wear through quickly, before we even realize it. I would get to a shop that does real shoe fittings and watches you on a treadmill.

Shoes are specific to foot shape, how you run, if you pronate/supinate etc... Most running shoes should be replaced every 300 miles though I know people who take them to 500 but NO MORE!

Because I use the Pose method I use thin racing shoes even to train. SMaller heel much less cushioning. That's because the only part of my foot that touches ground is the ball of my foot and the touch time is as quick as possible....

If you ride a lot it becomes a question of WHEN you will crash not IF you will What did you buy?

Eric J

2009-01-24 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1923471

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Hi Eric

>>>How are your run times? Do you experience pain while running? How would you describe your runinng style eg; Heel strike, mid foot strike etc...?

-- i've been stretching which helps to minimize the heel pain but it's still there at times, I'm a supinator runner, slight heel strike, but been trying to really roll of the toes.

>>>I'm assuming its a mountain bike yes? Okay, first put on slicks and get rid of the knobby tires. That's the single best thing you can do to the Mtn bike. Ask at your LBS what they can change out to lighten the load a bit. Not a whole lot more you can do than that. If its a suspension bike lock down the shocks, you want as little travel as possible....

-- i brought the bike into my local shop and traded out the tires with slicks, added some clip on aerodynamic handlebars and added some straps to the pedals, also an extra water bottle holder.

>>>I'll hold any suggestions till I see what you answer for running style. I am a POSE runner and advocate so I'm a bit biased....

-- i'm a supinator, and went to a store called running wild and had them fit me for some shoes. I purchased a pair of brooks (Defyance 2) I've tested them out and they feel pretty good. I was looking up the POSE technique and I'm totally interested, what's the best way to learn how to do it?

>>>Protein after workouts... I can't stress that enough....btw MIT is what distance?

-- I've been doing a protein/L-Glutamine/Creatine recovery drink when I normally work out which i'm continuing, but what about a good Carbo. load meal? Something good and fast? I know there's alot of options and I eat almost anything.

MIT distances - S = .9 mi / B = 24.8 mi / R = 6.2 mi

Thank you....
Have a great day!


2009-01-24 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1926663

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-- i've been stretching which helps to minimize the heel pain but it's still there at times, I'm a supinator runner, slight heel strike, but been trying to really roll of the toes.

-- i'm a supinator, and went to a store called running wild and had them fit me for some shoes. I purchased a pair of brooks (Defyance 2) I've tested them out and they feel pretty good. I was looking up the POSE technique and I'm totally interested, what's the best way to learn how to do it?

>>>Rolling off the toes is not something I recommend. Many people get used to that and do it as a form of habit but you can do some damage to the toe joints and there is little support on your toes.

Dr. Romanov, the developer of the Pose system of running (and now swimming/cycling etc...) is IMO a pretty brilliant man and a maverick in the sense that he defies the mainstream. Ironically his concepts may soon become the mainstream... Anyway off my soapbox:

Pose is very much a mental deal, at least as much as it is physical. To adapt to and excel at Pose you need to do the drills which at first are difficult as you are using your hamstrings in place of your quads. It hurts...period!

Like cycling intervals its teaching your neuro-muscular system to adapt and accept the new movement. Mentally you MUST change your perception of the how/why/what of running. In Pose you are not .... running so much as shifting your weight from one foot to the other for very short instances. You do not propel yourself along by pulling your body forward with the support leg but rather pick your ankle up toward your hips while the other falls down via gravity.

Remember when you were a kid, or adult for that matter and you ran barefoot in the grass? You landed on the balls of your feet and stepped quickly, barely leaving your foot on the ground. When you watch Olympic sprinters they are doing the extreme form of Pose...

Go to the site and if you are interested order the DVD which I think also comes with a bonus on how to run on a treadmill. The DVD has a booklet as well and will explain and show you all the drills.

Pose saved my Tri career which almost ended before it started as I was hobbled from running. Pose changed all that. In fact I no longer use the standard thick running trainers. Instead I now train on thin race shoes since the impact is negligible and its only the balls of my feet.

-- I've been doing a protein/L-Glutamine/Creatine recovery drink when I normally work out which i'm continuing, but what about a good Carbo. load meal? Something good and fast? I know there's alot of options and I eat almost anything.

 >>>Oatmeal is my pre-race pre- heavy workout meal. Afterwards Recoverite or eggs for the protein. Pasta/brown rice/potatoes for the carbo loading but be careful to only do this when you know you're going to burn the calories....

MIT distances - S = .9 mi / B = 24.8 mi / R = 6.2 mi

That's an Olympic. Try to get in lots of hill climbing as 24 miles on the Mtn bike will be a bit rough.

Hope this all helps a bit......

Eric J

2009-01-24 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1926848

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Hi Eric

Awesome advice....I'm definitely going to be looking into the POSE system, it sounds very interesting.

Thank you very much for the tips and the help. I really appreciate the info.

If I think of any more questions I'll post them up here.

Have a great day!
2009-01-24 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1879879

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Sorry, its been a while, been really busy between work, work outs and keeping my newly prego wife happy.  Been really rocking out some good workouts, can easily hold 20mph for an hour on the bike, and rock out 5mi at a 9 min pace.  What speeds should I be looking for on the bikeI?? 'm not doing anything with a HR montior, going to keep it old school with pain threashold.  Looking for some swim pointers, still have yet to get in the pool.  Intimidated I guess...any stroke suggestions??




2009-01-24 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Extreme Veteran

well after a dismal week or workouts it is time to switch to my training calendar. I have decided to use the 20 week olympic 2x balanced workout. The hardest part will be the beginning and making sure I am following the times it says as I tend to push myself. I just have to keep the end goal in sight. I also am hoping to get in at least 1 more of each mode in each week but I want to make sure I get in at least the 2 of each. That way I will be working towards that goal at least and it frees me up if I need to work more on my swimming for a while with an extra workout or two.

Got my bike back from the shop from its tune-up/new chain/rear trueing so hoping to start using it more once the sun decides to show itself again. Have a good weekend all!

2009-01-25 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1927263

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Gshepherd00 - 2009-01-24 7:16 PM

Sorry, its been a while, been really busy between work, work outs and keeping my newly prego wife happy.  Been really rocking out some good workouts, can easily hold 20mph for an hour on the bike, and rock out 5mi at a 9 min pace.  What speeds should I be looking for on the bikeI?? 'm not doing anything with a HR montior, going to keep it old school with pain threashold.  Looking for some swim pointers, still have yet to get in the pool.  Intimidated I guess...any stroke suggestions??




Congrats on the impending arrival!

As to swimming; Give us a little background on your swim history. Do you know how to swim? How long has it been? Along those lines....

20mph? On  MTN BIKE?! THAT'S GREAT! If you put yourself on a road bike or Tri bike you would improve 3 mph just based on weight/aero just to start. You'll likely end up MoP on the bike. Your AG is pretty tough w/ some of the fastest times. But you are certainly in there.

 The one thong I would add to your bike is to get in lots of saddle time at much lower intensities as well. Just Long STeady DIstance rides to increase your aerobic base and keep you comfortable.

Eric J

2009-01-25 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1927393

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bel83 - 2009-01-24 9:16 PM

well after a dismal week or workouts it is time to switch to my training calendar. I have decided to use the 20 week olympic 2x balanced workout. The hardest part will be the beginning and making sure I am following the times it says as I tend to push myself. I just have to keep the end goal in sight. I also am hoping to get in at least 1 more of each mode in each week but I want to make sure I get in at least the 2 of each. That way I will be working towards that goal at least and it frees me up if I need to work more on my swimming for a while with an extra workout or two.

Got my bike back from the shop from its tune-up/new chain/rear trueing so hoping to start using it more once the sun decides to show itself again. Have a good weekend all!

Sounds like a "plan". Just remember that you chose the plan to work with so now you need to TRUST THE PLAN! Follow it and you will see results...

Eric J

2009-01-28 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Extreme Veteran
Is it feasable to take the strength training portion of a winter maintenance plan incorporate it into an olympic plan since the olympic plan does not include any strength training? It is not so much that I need it scheduled but having it there provides me with structure for what muscle groups/lifts/machines I need to use and provides a good guideline. What do you all think? 
2009-01-31 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1927652

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Congrats on the impending arrival!

As to swimming; Give us a little background on your swim history. Do you know how to swim? How long has it been? Along those lines....

20mph? On  MTN BIKE?! THAT'S GREAT! If you put yourself on a road bike or Tri bike you would improve 3 mph just based on weight/aero just to start. You'll likely end up MoP on the bike. Your AG is pretty tough w/ some of the fastest times. But you are certainly in there.

 The one thong I would add to your bike is to get in lots of saddle time at much lower intensities as well. Just Long STeady DIstance rides to increase your aerobic base and keep you comfortable.

Eric J

Thanks, We're pretty excited on the little one.

My swim back ground:  I took swim lessons up to 9th grade stopping just short of becoming a life guard.(long time ago)  I swam a little bit in boot camp (12yrs ago).  I guess most recently I spent 3 months in in a tropical local and got into snorkling a bit.  We would swim about 1/2 mile 2-3 times a week, but that was in 2003.  I did start swimming laps with my wife while she was pregnate with our first child but that was also 2 yrs ago.  I mainly swam a modified breast stroke and side stroke, it's not too fast, but I was able to maintain for quite a while.   

 20MPH yes, on a stationary bike, I live in extreame northern Michigan.  We have had approx. 190 inches of snow so far this winter, no outdoor riding for this guy, it's just not safe to be on the roads.   I've been in the saddle about 3 times a week, for 20 miles and a 3-5mile run after.  Looking to get into the pool soon, but my work schedule is really getting tight, and I refuse to take to much time from the family!  Now as far as MoP??  Remember I'm new to this sport, and don't spend much time on the computer either....  Please spell everthing out for me   I'm still thinking about the road/tri bike thing.  I may buy one of those "Daws" bikes from, anyone have any experience with those??  Alright, thanks for the encouragment!   

Keep on truck'in!

2009-01-31 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Extreme Veteran
No experience with the bikes for online but MoP = Middle of Pack for each sport or for the whole triathlon. just denotes a speed range for you. BoP = Back of Pack. AG = Age Group. I am a bit new to this too but once you get into the lingo it flows naturally. Good luck with all that snow...Glad I live in the Pacific Northwest I guess
2009-02-03 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1934204

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bel83 - 2009-01-28 3:48 PM Is it feasable to take the strength training portion of a winter maintenance plan incorporate it into an olympic plan since the olympic plan does not include any strength training? It is not so much that I need it scheduled but having it there provides me with structure for what muscle groups/lifts/machines I need to use and provides a good guideline. What do you all think? 


Absolutely feasible and advised. Some of my clients have their own strength programs so I leave space for them to add in what they need. But remember to be careful not to overtrain...

Eric J

2009-02-03 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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I may buy one of those "Daws" bikes from, anyone have any experience with those??


I surfed over and checked out the specs. Nothing wrong with those DAWS bikes. They are on the low end entry level but will do the job for you. I rode my 1981 Fuji RoyaleII for a year when I got back into things and did just fine.

Which one are you thinking about?

Eric J

2009-02-04 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Sorry I have been missing for a while, but I have good news.  I went to see the surgeon about my knee and found out my torn ACL is probably an old injury from a car accident years agos.  Therefore, there is no need to repair it surgically since I have done fine without one for so many years.  He sent me to PT to rehab my other injuries and then I will go back and see him in mid-March.  At this point, I don't think the meniscus will need any surgery either. 

Today at PT, I asked her about doing a sprint tri in early June and she said it is a possibility.  I'll keep working hard toward that goal.  Well, as hard as I can without any running!

Sounds like everyone else is on their way with the training!

2009-02-05 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Subject: 2 x a day workouts
Hi everyone...

I wanted to get some advice on doing multiple workouts a day. I'm guessing that if I wanted to do 2 good workouts in a day in preparation for upcoming Tri's (still a couple months away) I should do a morning workout - lunch / nap - afternoon workout?

Or should I be doing the workouts one after another? Swim then bike as an example?

Thank you for the info...
Have a great day!

2009-02-05 10:36 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Extreme Veteran
Eric might have totally different advice (and probably better) but for me it's a time issue. If I am going to get in two sports in one day it has to be done back to back. It is not light enough to run and to be honest I already have to get up at 5 am to get to work on time and dont get home till 5:30 in the evening. Time for dinner, hitting the gym, playing with the dog and spending some quality time with my wife. If you have time to work out in the morning or during lunch even I would say you could go for it. If you don't or you can't get enough sleep to keep yourself going then I would try the back to back...Just my 2 cents.
2009-02-06 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1948334

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Subject: 2 x a day workouts
Thanks Justin....appreciate the info. I'm still messing around with what works best for my body, and as of now I'm doing a morning workout and then a afternoon / evening workout. I just want to make sure that I'm incorporating enough stress such that when race-time hits, my body is ready for the challenge.

Again, thanks for the info.

Have a good one!

2009-02-11 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1948705

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Subject: RE: 2 x a day workouts

Ikanuba - 2009-02-06 8:54 AM Thanks Justin....appreciate the info. I'm still messing around with what works best for my body, and as of now I'm doing a morning workout and then a afternoon / evening workout. I just want to make sure that I'm incorporating enough stress such that when race-time hits, my body is ready for the challenge. Again, thanks for the info. Have a good one! Dennis

Dennis- There are lots of factors/variables to take into account like age, base fitness,  and life stress. Make sure to take that day off once a week and try to follow a 3 week on 1 week off rotation if you're under 45...

The week off is an active recovery week when you will still get in training but with much less frequency or intensity...

Eric J

Edited by Courage 2009-02-11 7:21 AM
2009-02-18 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1865380

Cherry Hill, NJ

Been a while since I've posted.  A few weeks ago, I just fell apart and gave myself a week totally off from training -- just tried to walk every day -- huge project at work coming to a head, stuff with kids, aging parents, you know, that thing called "life" that keeps intruding on training . . . .anyway, so I'm back on track.  I need some ideas for mixing things up.  I'm doing a training program that emphasizes the run, but it just gives me amounts of time to swim/bike/run, not drills or intevals.  I try on my own to mix it up -- like yesterday, I did an "all hills" run, and I throw in 50 meter and 100 meter intervals in the pool, but I just need some more structure for that.  Suggestions?  It's tough to find hills on the road since south Jersey is flat as a pancake.

 Also, any suggestions for building leg strength and leg muscle endurance?  I've had 2 surgeries on my right knee and thus don't have much cartilege there, so I need to be really careful in terms of impact.  Per an earlier post, I tried jumping up and down on a bench and that really aggravated my knees.  Squats are ok, lunges are questionable.  Ideas?

Lastly, I've been dropping weight gradually by plan -- I've gone from 195 to 180 over the last 10 weeks (doing Weight Watchers) and I have another 10 - 15 pounds to go.  Weight Watchers has a lot of flexibility -- it's not eat this much protein, thus much fat, etc.  What would your suggestion be as to amount of protein per day?  I don't think I get enough -- I'm eating large amounts of veggies and whole grain, but almost zero cheese, no red meat, a little chicken/fish, lots of soy and legumes.

Thanks, Elliot


2009-02-18 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: COURAGE'S GROUP- CLOSED... I really love soy/tofu. Great Protein and so many way to prepare it. Anyway I know the feeling of Life Elliot. I was definately to sick to do much working out last week. This week playing catch up at work is keeping me busy to but it felt good to get back to the gym. I also thought I would update that I was finally able to get one of the knee braces I need. My right knee needed stability in the medial/lateral zones so I got a good brace for that, my left knee though needs one that provides a little compression along with some patela support. (at least this is according to my doctor) and I have one of those coming in sometime. so running is feeling better now. I also am feeling my swim better. I bet my stroke sure looks dorky but drills are working well for me even just doing simple drills and focus sets. All in all other than feeling like I took a week off I feel great!


2009-02-18 11:50 PM
in reply to: #1865380

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Dallas Oregon
Subject: Bike Questions

Hi Eric:

I have been absent for a while, but still on track to do a sprint tri on Memorial Day.  I picked up a Jamis Ventura Sport online.  It's a starter, but it looks a lot faster than my old mountain bike and I think I'll have it for a long time.

I picked up a set of Crank Brothers Egg Beaters with a pair of mountain bike shoes - they were a good deal - and I'm wondering if the egg beaters  were a good choice.  Do you think they'll do a good job powering me down the road?


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