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2009-02-11 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey guys,

not done any training for a week due to bad weather and now a throat infection !

not good timing as i have my first event of the year in 3 weeks time !! lol.

how did the 1/2M go ??

keep the faith Innocent


2009-02-13 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Robby, congrats on the training program.  I hope you're feeling better, I know how much it sucks trying to train when you're sick.  That's very exciting that you're working up to a 1/2IM!  I've targetted next year for my first 1/2, not wanting to push to hard now that I'm getting back into it.  This year the plan is to do 2 sprints and an olympic distance race, then next year do a couple of olympic distance races and a half im.  Then the following year, do the full distance IM...  I probably sound like a wuss, I just don't want to injure myself and don't want to overtrain.  I wonder if I'm being too conservative?!


2009-02-14 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hey, y'all! I apologize for the gap in my posts. It's been a tough couple of weeks. I did something to my back last weekend and haven't been able to work out this week, but it is better now, and I plan to go to the pool in the morning before church, and then go back to the gym sometime in the afternoon.

Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words regarding my husband's deployment. He leaves May 21, and I'm planning to run a race May 10. I will most likely only be able to do the one race because of childcare issues. I keep wondering how I will get everything done after he leaves. It's overwhelming at the moment! I know the time will fly though.

As far as training specifics, I'm swimming 800-1000 meters at a time now. The pool is really busy when I go, so I'm not able to do many drills. I'm just concentrating on good form and endurance in the water. For biking, we just got a trainer, and my husband has been using it. I need to get to the garage and use it as well, but it's kind of boring riding in the garage, going no where. I am using the treadmill at the gym to work on my walking/jogging. Hopefully it will warm up here, and I can get out on the bike and for a walk/jog or two soon. (We've had snow here several days in the last two weeks!)

I hope everyone else is having a better week than me. Keep up the hard work! Take care, and happy training!

2009-02-14 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey everyone:

Glad to hear some of our injured/sick people are doing better and getting back in the workout swing of things. It's amazing how at times even when you feel like crap a workout can make you feel better.

Sean only you know if you're to conservative or not. If you can look in the mirror and say you worked out as hard as you could have that day and the guy looking back at you agrees, then your doing good. The man in the mirror never lies.

I've been able to stay pretty steady with my plan. I been looking at races to do before and after IMLP but haven't committed to anything yet. Need to confirm my race schedule soon. Going away for a week and not sure if I can get anything in or not Frown.  One day is an off day anyways so I  may only miss 3 days, not too bad I guess.

I to have been fighting injuries. Back is acting up (2 bulging discs), something is screwed up with my neck/lt. shoulder and groin is becoming a major problem. I know, I know, enough whinning. During a race we all hit the wall at times and it's ok to feel sorry for yourself, for 30 seconds,  then get over it and move on. So I guess my 30 seconds is up.  

Got a new toy this week. The real course video of IMLP for my computrainer. But, as my luck has it. The computer my computrainer is attached to won't load the program. It doesn't recognize anything in the disc drive. I tried it on other computers that I have and it loads up fine. Computers can be such a pain in the sometimes. Anyways, I'll figure it out one way or the other. Been waiting for this video for over a year and when it comes I can' get it to work! Yell Figures.

Keep up the good work everyone and in case I do miss a few days, do an extra lap or  mile for me! Laughing Thanks.


Edited by trizee 2009-02-14 5:57 PM
2009-02-19 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi Guys,

Finally got my butt in gear and did some training today !!

Got me a new bike last night (bought from a friend- its a 2004 model which he doesnt use anymore), so I got home from a 14hour night shift and went out for a 10.6 mile cycle Laughing

Enjoyed it even while my right quad tried to cramp !! lol.
Think i'll try and jump straight back into my training plan which calls for a 70 mins cycle tomorrow....

Throat is better now so no more excuses ;(although ice is forecast for tonight ! )

Its a busy weekend as my daughter has her black belt testing on Saturday so no chance for training then. She will be 13 next month and has been training since she was 5 !
I'm going to be a very proud dad on Saturday SmileSmileSmile

 Jenn , best wishes for your husband. I work on an air base and have a number of friends who are constantly being deployed. Not nice to watch them go but great to see them coming back Cool

take care everyone

Edited by adbru 2009-02-19 5:11 PM
2009-02-20 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hello, I hope everyone's training is going well.

 I am just finishing up my second week of training.  On paper it didn't look like much, but it is keeping me busy.  I think all the swimming is going to be the hardest part for me, but I know it will help me come race day.

 I tried my new clip in pedals and I loved it.  I was already comfortable on the bike, so this should help me more.  

 Currently I run with a local running group for some of my runs, but any other training I do is on my own.  The other day I decided to join this Triathlon club/class/session (whatever you want to call it)  They meet 3 times a week for 7 weeks, and help you prepare for a triathlon.  They have 3 teachers, and it sounds like it will help me out.

 Feeling sooo much better this week.  WoooHooo!!


Edited by RobbyN210 2009-02-20 10:40 AM

2009-02-22 6:10 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi there, were has everyone gone?

Hope everyone is busy working out that they are just too exhausted to post. I'm sure everyone is working hard.

Adrian, so is there a black belt in the family? Know you don't have to worry so much about her when she's on a date, she'll be able to take care of any jerky boy who comes her way.

Rob, let me know how the training group goes and pass on any good tips or ideas that you come across. Thanks.

Had a little vacation last week and wasn't able to work out for a few days. Not too concerned about it and I can back on track easily. Bad news is one day on vacation I caught a nice stomach virus that put me down for a day. FrownRather than out running around NYC for a day, I'm laying in my hotel room. Good news is I was able to be up and around the next day, kept food a minimum and lost 2.5 pounds. How often do you go on vacation, eating out constantly, and come back weighing less!Smile

Well, have a good week of training, keep it up you all are doing great.


2009-02-27 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi Guys,

Mike , I hope the virus has cleared now.

It does seem a bit quiet on here at the moment.....
Life is hectic and not helping my training Cry  but I'll get there...
4 mile trail run yesterday, bit quicker than I had intended but thats ok.
0.75mile swim on tuesday. Hoping to take my bike to work tomorrow and cycle around the airfield at lunchtime, its a 5.5mile circuit so I'll see how many I can fit in !!

Well my little baby girl is now a Black Belt Cool, she and 6 others (seniors and juniors) completed a 4 hour grading last weekend. She has now been training since she was 5 (8years ago!!) and I am VERY proud of her.

Re future botfriends, if they dont treat her well then they will also have myself and Mrs A to deal with !!   (we are also BB's ..... )

If I can figure out how to add a pic then I'll post a foto.

Take care and train hard !! 

2009-02-27 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hi Mike, we were on vacation with the kids so I have been a bit abscent. It was nice to be in a warm place for a while, now back to training.
2009-03-01 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi all:

Adrian, send along my congrats to the newest blackbelt. My sister-in-law did hers last year. A great accomplishment. Good to see you are back training. Don't rush getting back into it. Build back up slowing. You should not increase the time training by more than 10% from week to week. And don't forget to take have a taper down week every 4th week. You'll be ready for your race season in no time.

Pants how was your vacation? It is nice to go someplace warm especially for those of us who live in the artic north. I can't wait for the weather to turn. All I'm asking for is high 50's to 60's. Just to get outside on my bike without freezing my butt off or riding through sand and road salt.

Any medical experts out there. I have a pulled groing that will not go away. It hasn't been too bad or held me back, but lately it has gotten more noticeable when biking/running at times when it hasn't before. Any ideas.

Well, keep putting one foot and front of the other and remember you are doing great things for yourself. Get out, live life and don't be like others who are sitting on their sofa eating junk food and living life through reality tv shows.

Take care and safe training.


2009-03-02 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi all, just starting week 4 of my training plan and it is all going well so far.  It is so tough for me to take a day off, but I know I need to.  The running and swimming are going great, but the weather keeps me inside for the biking.  I really don't like the riding on the trainer, and spin bikes don't do a good job simulating riding outside.  I've tried to ride outside, but could only handle 20 minutes before I got too cold.  (and I had on 2 glove, 2 socks, but it didn't help

Today is the first meeting of the tri group I joined, should be interesting to see what they say.

2009-03-04 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey Rob, glad to hear you're happy with your progress thus far. Living up here in the cold climates stinks for trying to get outside. 

Make sure when you do ride outside, your "baby" is taken care of properly. Road salt and sand can really do a number on your bike and its components. Wipe it down good after a ride and keep an eye on "gunk" building up on your chain, derailers, etc.

Let me know what you think of your tri group and pass along any info.




2009-03-08 4:30 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hey, y'all! I hope you're all doing well. I'm well, but BUSY! Between school, home, and training, I don't have much to breathe, much less post on the message boards!

I have a new racing bike, nothing special, but my hubby picked it out and bought it for me to encourage me to keep up with my races. I've been out on it once. It's awesome--much better than the hybrid I rode last year! Now I just need my new knee straps to get here so I can take the bike out for a serious ride. (It seems I've developed an allergy to my neoprene knee straps and braces. I'm not sure I want to find out what would happen were I to need a wetsuit! An itchy rash on the back of my knees is bad enough!)

I have been swimming on the weekends, and biking/walking during the week. Yesterday, the pool staff didn't put the lane markers in the pool until about 1/2 way through the lap session. The water was so choppy! It was the closest to an open water swim that I've ever had in a pool.

I'm doing my best to not let life get in the way of training. I will make it to the finish line!

Take care, and happy training!


P. S. I've lost 7 pounds in the last 3 weeks! A super bonus!
2009-03-09 4:26 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Had an 'interesting' weekend.
I did the "Wee Tri" on saturday, this is a 400m pool swim-10mile mtb and then a 3 mile trail run.
Due to forestry work the mtb route had to be changed so it was roughly 8miles on the road and 2 miles off road, I thought this would make it easier as i have done more road work than off-road biking (i.e. none !)
My time for a novice tri (on road) last year was 1:21 for similar distances so I gave myself a target of 1:30 for this wrong i was !!

Swim went fine, aimed for 11mins and got 9:44
There was then a wait as they did all the swims first then we all started the bike together (with a handicaped start system..) so no T1 time.
First shock, I had forgoten how hard it is to cycle on the road with a mtb compared with a road bike. I was struggling to maintain 15mph. Then got to the offroad section, this was a looong uphill section on a fire road before a technical descent, on the couple of places on the descent I decided to get off and push the bike down the rocks/steps rather than risk injury.
Back on the road for about 3 miles, then saw a mate from the RunnersWorld site (LoonDod) standing outside the youth hostel ! big shouts and waves which give me a lift. At the Braveheart carpark i turned left to started the final offroad section and there was KarenD shouting at me, another lift before hitting the final ascent.

This was a fairly sharp climb, " there is only one climb at the end, it starts at the bottom and finishes at the top" said the organiser..... cheers Frazer !

One the first part i stayed on the bike but then my right calf cramped solid so had to stretch it.One other bit I had to walk the bike up then came the descent into T2.Just as I came into the field for T2 there was a short steep grass bank.put my rear brake on and the backend came round to meet me and spat me off !! oh bugger !.
Into T2 in 68mins for 10miles. My legs were spent but I didnt realised how badly.
Off onto the run, this was roughly 1mile on road/one mile on a fire road/1mile on road.
started the run thinking my legs hurt so i'll start slowly and plod on.
It never got any faster !! lol   
Turning into the offroad section again and there was LD and Karen
LD decided to run a bit with me and have a chat !!  I was struggling to string two words together and he was chirping away (bless him).  The rest of the run was just as slow but uneventful. still to get my offical time but I reckon its around 1:55. My usual 5k time is around 27mins, this 5k was about 36mins !!

Great fun, great event, great spirit - will be back !!

Many thanks to LD and Karen, it was good to see them just when I needed a boost.
The weather was horrendous, I was dryer in the pool than out on the bike/run!

Need to get my entry in for my next planned event which is an Oly in June.

2009-03-11 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Started my 5th week of training and I am loving the Tri group.

 An interesting drill we did was walking lunges for about 50 yards then run for 50 yards, and repeat.  The lunges pretty much replicated the feeling you get comming off the bike.  Tough drill but I enjoyed it.

 They also us try swimming with a clenched fist which made me pay very close to my arm posiition in the water.

 The group has 3 coaches so it was great to get advice from all of them.  I have read and watched a bunch of stuff, but nothing beats having someone right in front of you.

 Went out for my first long bike ride Sunday and boy was I slow.  I know it will pick up and time with more outside rides.

 Can't wait for more spring weather!!

2009-03-11 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2005585

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Congrats on the race Adbru!!

2009-03-11 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey guys and gal:

Jenn way to go, you're doing great. I bet the weight loss feels good. You must really be psyched with a new bike. It's nice getting new toys no matter how old we get. Keep juggling that schedule and get those work outs in. You'll be happy you did.

Adrian, nice job on the race. It must be nice to have one in already for the season. I'm still months away. The fun thing is watching your times drop over the course of the season and seeing how much you improve in each area.

I'm starting week 11 on my 30 weeks to IM, so it's nice to see you stick to your schedule Rob. It does make it easier having a plan to follow and people pushing you. I've done many different drills to improve my swimming, so Rob if you find that one magic drill that will take about 2 minutes off my 300 time, let me know...PLEASE.

The never ending winter coupled with chronic aches and pains has me struggling a little right now. But seeing how you folks are going at it, keeps me motivated ... especially since I'm suppose to be here to share with you.

Thanks for keeping me going. Nice job and keep putting one foot in front of the other.


2009-03-13 4:12 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

hi guys

There is now some video online  from the tri i did last weekend  and there should be a video window for "The Wee Tri"

There is a glimpse of me near the start but thankfully i avoided any interviews !!

as you can see it was a little bit 'damp'  !  lol.

just heading out on the bike. 

have a great weekend Laughing

2009-03-18 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey folks:

Things have been real quiet in here lately. I'm still checking in but I haven't sneaked a peak at your training logs lately. But, I will be Surprised!!!

Hope everyone training is going well, sticking to a plan and seeing themselves crossing some finishlines this summer. Weather is starting to change, even though I know we'll get more snow before April is over. But, any day without it is great. Been in the 50's lately so starting to get outside more which is nice.

Keep up the good work you've started and let me know if I can be of any help.


2009-03-20 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2026775

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Yep I am still around and my training is going well.

 I always read and hear people say "listen to your body".  I heard what they were saying but in never really sunk in.

 So my body was a little sore yesterday, and I went for my scheduled long run.  40 minutes into it my hamstring started bothering me, so I had to cut it short and walked back to my car.  I really should have rested yesterday, and learned my lesson. 

 No tips to pass on from the tri club.  They tell me the same things I have read in books and on this board, but it sinks in more when you are talking to someone in person.

 So my 1/2 is in June and I am going to sign up for another 1/2  at the end of august.  (with couple races around them)

 I have also signed up to volunteer for IMLP and have received my assignment.  So it looks like I am one step closer to doing IMLP 2010.  Scary!

 Yeahhhh Spring Wooo Hooo!!!!

2009-03-21 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Good luck for IMLP next year, its great to have a plan !

I decided that i was going trying something different this week due to my hating the bike.
My butt was painfull after around 7 miles and my legs were shredded after every session, so this week I ditched everything else and worked on the bike to try and build a base of some kind.

One thing I have tried is to stop cycling to the speedo and cycle to cadence instead, trying to keep it at 85-95 on the flat and above 75 on the hills. Also only using the middlechain ring, dropping to the granny ring for steeper hills.

I have a cycle loop which I use, its 10.7miles total on an out and back road past the farms. So I planned to do that daily for a week . Probably not the best training plan but its time to 'HTFU' !
I also decided to throw a short run into it so it became brick sessions ....

Last friday: 10.7miles+3mile trail run =1:15 (including T2)
Sunday 10.7m+3m = 1:14
Monday 10.7+3m = 1:11
Tuesday 10.7+3m = 1:10
Wed 10.7 (bike only) =44:20
thurs rest
friday 17miles ! + 3mile trail run = 1:34 (bike was 1:50(15.7mph) run was 26:30 )

using high cadence defo works for me, my legs seem to recover quicker from the bike to allow a better run. Lots of work still to do as 15.7 is my highest mph average so far but its something to work with.

And my butt wasnt screaming until 15 miles yesterday !  another long bike tomorrow then start following the plan again.....

run safe


2009-03-22 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Saturday - 40 degrees, sunny, dry, no wind so...I got to ride outside for the first time this year!Laughing Was able to get a good 40+ miles in in 2:15. Had some decent climbs on the ride. It felt great to be outside. Even used my "baby" (my good tri bike) rather than my bad weather bike. It seemd like a mid-April day, for my neck of the woods.

Sunday was low 30's strong cold wind, gray skies with SNOW FLURRIES! Yell  Ran my 7 miles at an easy pace and it took me 1:10. At times it seemed like I was running in place the wind was so strong. Stink'n groin is still messed up and slowing me down.

Rob, I too am glad to see you are on track with your plans. What 1/2 irons are you looking at? I'm thinking about the one June 7th in CT. Tinman (Tupper Lake) is too close to IM for me, but I will be doing the sprint there and my wife and son plan on doing the half. Where are you working for IM? I may need a break and maybe you could take over for me for a while! Tongue out  I'll give you my chip and when you come back by I should be well rested and hopefully be able to finish up.

Adrain get on the bike, your butt will get used to it. Cadence is a good way to go. Armstongs last Tour I heard he focused on keeping it in the 90 rpm range and it seemed to work well for him. Like you said, less wear and tear on the legs, keeping them fresher.

Keep up the good work, You guys DO HELP KEEP ME MOTIVATED! Thanks.


2009-03-26 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2033429

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Yeah funny how 40 degrees feels so warm, but come October and 40 degrees it doesn't feel as warm.  

 I have signed up for the Tupper Lake at the end of June and the Half Vermont Journey at the end of August.  Good to hear you will be at the Tupper lake triathlon, we will have to keep an eye out for each other.

 I'll be working one of the bike aid stations for IMLP.  (I think it is the first stop, but I am not sure since I lost the email, but I'll post it when I find out)  Sure you can just hop on my back and I'll ride for you for awhile, you just need to return the favor on the Tuper Lake run portion. :-)

2009-03-26 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Thank Rob, I may take you up on that. After I get done my sprint in Tupper, I'll run a few miles for you! That should cover me for some bike miles at the IM. But if you are working the first aid station that before the Cascades and the nice, wonderful downhill. So, I can handle that, meet me over by the bottom of the Jay hill and you can bike for me there! Tongue out

I've done the Half Vt. Journey that last two years. First year it poured all day (good warm-up for this past years IMLP) but last August it was a real nice day. Haven't made my plans yet, so I maybe there too.

Keep up the great training your doing. Keep me posted on how its going and we'll see ya in Tupper.



2009-04-17 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hi Guys,

I hope you are all still training hard Laughing

Unfortunately due to domestic issues I am putting my tri training on hold for this year so no Half IM for me....

I will still do some training but will just do some 10k's and maybe a couple of sprint tri's instead.

Best of Luck to everyone, I'll still drop in and keep an eye on you Wink

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