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2009-01-11 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
I assumed it meant run for 4 minutes, and then walk for 1.  At least that is what I've been doing....

2009-01-11 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
hmmm, since they were showing it as a ratio, I thought perhaps they just mean 4 units to one unit.  So it could be 4 minutes to 1 minute or 8 to 2 12 to 3 and so on.  Maybe I'm just totally off.
2009-01-11 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Also - silly questions from a newbie.... (that's me)

how do the transitions work?  What do you wear to race, how do you change clothes, do you even change clothes?

A lot of it is probably personal preference I would imagine.  What your your individual experiences?  Thanks!!!

2009-01-11 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1900888

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
andigurl - 2009-01-11 2:09 PM

hmmm, since they were showing it as a ratio, I thought perhaps they just mean 4 units to one unit.  So it could be 4 minutes to 1 minute or 8 to 2 12 to 3 and so on.  Maybe I'm just totally off.

Usually something like 4:1 means 4 minutes running to 1 minute walking. Most newer runners, if you ask them to run 1/2 hour would say "I can't do that", but if you ask them to run 4 minutes, they'd say "Okay". So the ratio starts at something manageable, then gradually grows. There is a whole school of thought that encourages staying at 9:1 or 10:1.

I started out small (2002, I first did 1:4!), but I now tend to run continuously when I train. However in a race, I give myself permission to walk through aid stations.

If you're running 5 miles continuously but find you are stuck, consider adding some intervals (short periods of higher intensity) to your workout. Lots of articles on this site explain the idea.
2009-01-11 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1900919

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
andigurl - 2009-01-11 2:35 PM

Also - silly questions from a newbie.... (that's me)

how do the transitions work?  What do you wear to race, how do you change clothes, do you even change clothes?

A lot of it is probably personal preference I would imagine.  What your your individual experiences?  Thanks!!!

In IM distance races, there will be change tents, but for shorter races, not much changing happens. I have a pair of tri-shorts, a sports bra, and a tri shirt that I wear under my wetsuit, and I stay in that for the whole race. If it is cool, I may take some time to put on knee warmers and/or a jacket.

Transition is the "fourth sport" in triathlon, and should be practiced a few times in a season. If you have a chance to watch a race before you do one, you'll get a few good tips. Again, I think there are articles on the subject on this site as well.

I'm a bit pressed for time right now, but if you want more details, let me know and I can elaborate.
2009-01-11 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Thanks so much for taking hthe time to explain all of that to me!  I really appreciate it.  Havving this mentor group is really going to be beneficial for me - I can only hope to return the favor one day after I've got a few races under my belt.

Thanks again, y our time is really appreciated!

2009-01-11 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

The ratio I was talking about was running:walking. Andrea's right - it does make it much more manageable.  Plus gives you a chance to rest and recover.  When I started with a 10k training program with the Running Room we started with 2:1 and worked our way up.

For a sprint I don't change.  I also don't wear a wetsuit.  I've always done them entirely in my swimsuit (which makes for stellar pictures when the photographer catches you as you run by - read: butt shots in swimwear) but for my HIM I'm planning on changing into bike shorts and then my running skirt.  I'm not out to win anything - I'm out to finish.

I agree with Andrea that interval training will help with distance - and it will also help general fitness.  I'm in the camp that running shorter faster is better than running longer slower.  But this is a controversial topic so I'm not going to get into it.  I think speedwork is important and in training season I throw in a lot of really high intensity runs.  I feel it really helped my performance this fall in Niagara.

ETA  - I'm buying a wetsuit this year - so I'll have one for my HIM.  I also need one for doing early races and open water swims.

Edited by Silver_wlf 2009-01-11 6:09 PM
2009-01-11 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I haven't done the tri yet, but when  did my aquabike, I wore a wetsuit with my tri shorts and a sports bra underneath.  Then I threw on a bike jersey, a jacket, bike gloves, and leg warmers on in transition because it was COLD! I did transition for a run, because we had to run about 100 yards to the finish line, and then I just changed my bike shoes for running shoes, took my helmet off, and threw on my race number belt.

 Does anyone do the run with the hydration belt on? I'm addicated to Accelerade, and I don't think the rest stops on my races are going to have it...

2009-01-11 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Courtney... I wanted to post this here for the benefit of the others so I hope you are okay with that.

In your intro message you wrote:

Training: After sitting on my but for most of december, I'm getting back into training this week.  Ideally, I build up to about 20-25 hours a week.  Right now my legs need a day of recovery between running, so I'm only running about every other day.  I had built up to getting 4-5 miles in, but I've dropped back down to 2.5.  Right now I'm really trying to focus on the running.  I also go to spin class, and ride on my trainer at home.  I haven't been in the pool since probably October, but I'm going to start again today or tomorrow.  I'm lucky in that with my swimming background, it doesn't take too long for me to get back in the swing of things with swimming.  I also benefit from living at altitude! Now I need to find some races at sea level!

On Jan 9 you wrote:

Does anyone have any tips on building up running endurance? Until a couple months ago, I hadn't done any running at all, unless someone was chasing me!  Now I would ideally like to be able to do a HIM this summer and a IM next summer, so I've got to build up some running skills.  My problem is two fold.  First, due to an old injury and a rod in my leg it hurts.  (I talked with the doc and its all healed, I'm not doing any damage, and he thinks it will get better the more my leg gets use to it).  But then my second problem is, I just don't seem to have the endurance when I run.  My endurance is there is swimming and biking.  I started out having to walk a lot, and I've gotten a little better at that, but my maximum distance right now still seems to be 5 miles, with some walking (maybe a mile or so).  Any suggestions?

A couple people posted some suggestions including doing walk/run intervals.

On Jan 10 you logged 24 mins of 5:1 run/walk at 12 mm pace.
On Jan 11 you logged 1h 12m of 4:1 run/walk at the same pace (6 miles total),  and said you started tightening up the last mile.

First you are doing great, but I have some advice.

BE PATIENT !!!!!  You need to build your running base slowly.  To be prepared for your HIM you want to build running endurance, power and speed.  But don't try to do it all at once, or even all in the same week or month.  You said you ...."Right now my legs need a day of recovery between running, so I'm only running about every other day.  I had built up to getting 4-5 miles in, but I've dropped back down to 2.5."....  but this week you ran 2 days in a row and did your longest run ever on the second day. 

Beware of doing too much too soon. Be patient with your body...running is hard. Give yourself that day of recovery between runs.  You handled the 4:1 so stick with that, let's say for a week or two. Run every other day.  Make every third run be a longer run.  So do 3 miles on Monday, 3 on Wed, then 4 on Fri., 3 on Sun, 3 on Tues, 5 on Th.  Now look at how you are doing... read your logs to remind yourself how you felt after each run.. were you sore the next day? did you feel recovered on your next run day?  did you  have problems with cramping or tightness on any of your runs. Was the 4:1 too hard, too easy or just right.. did you feel fresh at the start of each run interval?  Now decide if you want to lengthen the run interval, shorten the walk interval, keep the 4:1,lengthen your short runs to 4 miles, keep the short runs short but add an extra day  of running each week. You  decide.   Plan your next week or two, then re-evaluate where you are at the end of that period. After a month you may decide to start following a tri training plan from this site or another source.  Set short term goals (weekly, monthly) and long term goals (ie. run the HIM run portion with no walking, at 4:1 run/walk, at 9:1 run/walk.. you set the goal because it is your body and your race)  Just make sure you stay healthy by not getting impatient and doing too much too soon.

Anyone else please feel free to agree/disagree or add to my advice.

And keep in mind courtney that I have no credentials to back up any advice I give.

Editted Edited because I apparently don't know how to spell.

Edited by cathyd 2009-01-11 9:06 PM
2009-01-11 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1901153

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I see lots of people with fuel belts on at all the races I do.. from sprint to HIM.

Not sure it's necessary in a sprint (or even an olympic) where you wouldn't need more than water on the run.

2009-01-11 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1901218

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
cathyd - 2009-01-11 7:01 PM

Beware of doing too much too soon. Be patient with your body...running is hard. Give yourself that day of recovery between runs.  You handled the 4:1 so stick with that, let's say for a week or two. Run every other day.  Just make sure you stay healthy by not getting impatient and doing too much too soon.

Cathy is DEAD ON here.  I know it's easy to get really excited because you've got a goal in mind and a bunch of people who are in your corner cheering you on ... but you don't want to end up hurt!!!! Take it easy - and you need rest days too!

Remember you want to do this healthy and pain-free!

I solidly believe in the 10% rule.  No more than 10% increase per week.  Lots of rest and recovery.  Swim on days where you don't run to recover.  Take days off. 

2009-01-11 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1901233

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
cathyd - 2009-01-11 7:10 PM

I see lots of people with fuel belts on at all the races I do.. from sprint to HIM.

Not sure it's necessary in a sprint (or even an olympic) where you wouldn't need more than water on the run.

I drink on the bike in a sprint - but just water.  I haven't done an Oly but I don't drink on a 10k run.  Just sloshes around in your gut.   For the 1/2 marathons I've done I did use gels once but mostly just water and e-load or whatever they had on the course. (I know ... lesson learned ... never try something new on race day!! Fortunately I have an iron gut!)

On the other hand - you have to do what works and if accelerade is it then go with a fuel belt!

2009-01-11 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Just visited everyone's logs and looks like our group is very motivated. 

charlotte.. where are you?  did you change your name already and I can't find you?  I encourage you to use your BT log so we can all inspire you and watch your progress.

Now I need to get on my bike so I can log something for today.

Will catch up tomorrow.

Let's all set some goals for next week and post them here or on your log goals section so we can monitor your progress (or give a needed kick in the butt inspire!! )

2009-01-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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New user
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I'm sorry if I'm being stupid about this interval thing but in cathy's post she said:

"at 4:1 walk/run, at 9:1 walk/run.. "

 So does this mean to train at a 4 (or 9 or whatever) minute walk to 1 minute run style and repeat for however long you're planning to go?  So you're only running 1 minute at a time?  I apologize for my ignorance, I promise I'm not an idiot. Embarassed

For my own sake, I definitely need to work on speed.  I jog the entire time, but I'm so slow.  Speed intervals in a shorter amount of distance is the way to go, huh?


2009-01-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1901296

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
cathyd - 2009-01-11 6:37 PM

Just visited everyone's logs and looks like our group is very motivated. 

Yes - we have a great group going! Knowing you're all watching is a good motivator!

Let's all set some goals for next week and post them here or on your log goals section so we can monitor your progress (or give a needed kick in the butt inspire!! )

Monday - core/strength
Tuesday - swim, bike
Wednesday - run (steady)
Thursday - run (intervals), core/strength
Friday - recovery day - easy swim or spin
Saturday - bike, brick run
Sunday - run, snowshoeing?

Add snow shoveling as required (probably Monday a.m., Tuesday p.m.)

My key goal for next week: doing that interval run. I'm going to try it on Thursday since I was so wiped last Friday.
2009-01-11 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1901445

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
andigurl - 2009-01-11 7:41 PM

I'm sorry if I'm being stupid about this interval thing but in cathy's post she said:

"at 4:1 walk/run, at 9:1 walk/run.. "

 So does this mean to train at a 4 (or 9 or whatever) minute walk to 1 minute run style and repeat for however long you're planning to go?  So you're only running 1 minute at a time?  I apologize for my ignorance, I promise I'm not an idiot. Embarassed

For my own sake, I definitely need to work on speed.  I jog the entire time, but I'm so slow.  Speed intervals in a shorter amount of distance is the way to go, huh?

Usually the first number is the run time and the second number is the walk (recovery) time. So 4:1 means 4 minute run, 1 minute walk, and you repeat the process until your designated run time has elapsed. Ditto for 9:1 - 9 minutes run, 1 minute walk.

I agree with the others that speed intervals are a great way to improve your speed. You will teach your body to know how to run fast. Hill intervals will help you develop leg strength, so you could add that to your repertoire as well.

Another thing to think about is run cadence and foot strike. First cadence: just like we should focus on a biking cadence around 90rpm, our run cadence should be around 90 left steps (or 180 total steps) per minute. To have a light, fast cadence like this means you need to have a light, fast foot strike. I notice the faster runners use more of the front part of their foot, placed right beneath their bodies, then they have a beautiful follow through. The "shufflers" over reach with the foot, land on their heels, and then barely lift their leg to move it forward. If you can get a friend to watch your form, they can give you some feedback that might help.

2009-01-11 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1901445

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Sorry, I'm the idiot and I've fixed the post.

It should have been 4:1 run/walk... 9:1 run/walk    meaning 4 (or 9) minute run interval, 1 minute walk (recovery) interval.

For an easy speedwork technique to start with in your case (when you are "jogging the entire time but slow" ) you could add in some intervals of faster running, ie. to the next telephone pole, for 30 seconds, for 200 yards, then slow back to your 'jogging' pace to recover.  Don't sprint your intervals, just increase your pace until you are breathing harder and feel like you are working harder, but not all out.  Make sure your recover fully between intervals (your breathing and heart rate return to your previous 'jog' level). Google the term 'fartlek', which loosely translates to 'speed play'  to get some info on this method of adding random intervals of increased speed to your runs.

Edited by cathyd 2009-01-11 9:18 PM
2009-01-11 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL


Thanks for your advice.  I do probably suffer from doing too much too fast.   I was incorrect when I first posted though, I generally run every other day, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday is an easy transition run to just get used to getting off the bike and going right to the run. (My other days of the week that I bike/run I usually do one before work and one after), and then Sunday has always been my long run.

Tomorrow I get back in the pool for the first time in awhile, cross your fingers!

2009-01-11 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

My goals for this week are:

1) At least 2 pool workouts

2) At least one early morning spin class (2 if I'm really good)

3) Only 1 rest day--i.e. no skipped workouts

2009-01-11 11:13 PM
in reply to: #1901545

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

One other thing I wanted to add but forgot earlier.  In your intro you said:

Training: After sitting on my but for most of december, I'm getting back into training this week.  Ideally, I build up to about 20-25 hours a week.

20 - 25 hours a week is a LOT of training .... that would be the peak weeks in IM training for most age group athletes.  Definately more than you need to do for HIM training.  Remember that a big part of your training is recovery - muscles get stronger and adapt to the work you do during the rest period between workouts.  You may want to look at some of the HIM training  plans on this site to get an idea of the hours you need to commit to your training.  Overtraining is just as bad, or worse than undertraining.

Edited by cathyd 2009-01-11 11:14 PM
2009-01-11 11:24 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: goals for the week

Hi Everyone! This group has been so awesome already. Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration left on my training log!

My goals:

Mon: Spinning class (and Swim if there is time)

Tues: Weight training and Run 

Wed. off sleeping cause of working tuesday and wednesday night this week

Thursday: Weight training and Run

Friday : just a little easy Bike and easy swim

Saturday: Mock Tri... I'll let you know how that goes yikes less than a month to go!

Sunday: recovery day... recovery bike, swim or run, whatever, it will just be for playtime and FUN!

can I ask about nutrition a little bit? I know the basics and am trying to cut out the refined sugars and processed flours, and going for more nuts and whole grains and proteins but as I am increasing my work outs I a finding I'm craving weirder foods than normal... for example, sticking my neck out here, instead of cereal this morning I couldnt's resist the cold pork chop for breakfast and I am serious that I was craving sweet potatoes ALL day! teehee... k, what is going on here. I haven't done this since I was pregnant and, no, I'm not pregnant now or anything thanks so much!


2009-01-12 6:15 AM
in reply to: #1901547

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
ctawresey - 2009-01-11 9:32 PM

My goals for this week are:

1) At least 2 pool workouts

2) At least one early morning spin class (2 if I'm really good)

3) Only 1 rest day--i.e. no skipped workouts


I'm sure the pool will go fine-- have fun! I hadn't been for a swim in three months before last week, and it felt good just to be back (though lots of work to do to get better : )

2009-01-12 6:23 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I had another great swim yesterday. My knee was not feeling great after my outside walk (I suspect because of the hills, and probably also cause I think I may have been going faster than I should have been- but it felt fine at the time Embarassed

 Right after my swim I called my trainer (who I see only about once or twice a month) and met with her -- I told her that I feel very derailed, as this is the first time in years that I haven't been training for SOMETHING and that I am very unmotivated, because I don't have a "plan" to follow daily .  So, we looked at my PT schedule and my walking/biking limitations and the pool schedule, and she is going to write up a specific strength to complement that (upper and core- we will leave lower body to my PT).  I'm excited about having a plan to motivate me.  I literally have 2 pairs of pants left that still fit, and I'm quite depressed about that. I'm technically "only" up 5 pounds, but when you consider how much muscle I lost.....Frown  Anyway, I can only look forward, and I get stronger every day, and I need to turn my impatience into motivation and drive. Right? Ugh.


ONE THING I SIMPLY MUST DO IS GET THE BIKE TO THE SHOP- changing a rear wheel flat is not what I am up for and the trainer cannot be ridden until that is done. Hopefully today...since I am letting the boys sleep in before their dentist appointments. These kids ski in a program every weekend day, and consequently, will not get to sleep in between Christmas break and Easter break!! Now, hopefully they actually do sleep in!

2009-01-12 6:38 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Okay - my plan for the week ... It's really frosty here and supposed to stay cold all week - which puts the brakes on my commuting to work and my running outside. (They don't believe in sidewalk maintenance here...)

Monday - XC-Ski (I'm going to pick up my skis tonight.)

Tuesday -  Run (Dreadmill probably - by at least I can use my mom's and stay on as long as I like!)

Wednesday - Giving Blood - no workouts

Thursday - Walk/Easy spin?

Friday - Swim

Saturday - Long Run

Sunday - Long Bike

ETC - Forgot about blood donation appt....

Edited by Silver_wlf 2009-01-12 6:39 AM
2009-01-12 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1901753

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Wow a lot went on here in two days :]  Umm.. let's see ~

I too agree on no more than 10% increases per week for exercises.

Ditto on all the great transition info given (especially the practice part, seems silly but really very helpful)

Keri - Nutrition/Weird foods, I think as long as your keeping to your own ingredient goals as mentioned, and pork chops for breakfast not only takes care of leftovers, but a good source of protein :] then you've got no worries. Wanting new foods and new times aren't an issue as long as your meeting your carb/fat/prot daily requirements-goals.

And Amy, way to go on getting a program setup working around PT [good on you LP'er :]

This week's goals, ya know, that is one thing I haven't done in a while (I've been winging my workouts). Great request! I'm gonna work on that today and post back later, thx! (plans are good, and I need one)

"Umm.. yeah, hi. My name is Jay and I've been free from too many rest days for one week now. thanks, I uhh, owe it all to my awesome CathyD support group and am looking forward to staying on this wagon"

Edited by MtnJay 2009-01-12 9:38 AM
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