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2009-01-25 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1927198

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN

Posting a picture shouldn't be this hard.  Hopefully this will work...

2009-01-25 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1926963

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN

First off, SAX  - I am salivating over that gorgeous tri bike of yours!

STEVE -Thanks again for your positive feedback on my swim. My husband taught me how to do the butterfly stroke the other day and I guess I do an impressive drowning butterfly version of it! It's fun though, and play-swimming helps keep it fresh for me. Thanks also for the tips on my heart rate monitor, I do have it programmed to work with my age, gender and height, but maybe I should check it against my manual counts.

I know next to nothing about bikes, but fortunately my husband does, and he bought me a nice Dean titanium roadbike for Christmas. He also got himself a 'Travel Trac Real Axiom' trainer for Christmas, so we are sharing that now. I was giving him a hard time about 'priorities', because we keep adding on to our boats, bikes, scuba and climbing gear, and we don't even have a proper mattress to sleep on! But I love my 'new' bike and he has been having a ball with those Tour de France simulated rides on the trainer. My only problem right now is that I get so saddle sore from being on the bike any more than 10 minutes, that at the end of my 40 minute sessions I am relieved to get off that thing! Will it ever get better?

We sold our sofa on Craiglist to make space in our living room for a treadmill (on loan from mom) and the trainer. So I can watch a movie while working out. I hardly ever watch tv/movies and lived for years without a TV set, but since I started the training program, I have been putting in lots of viewing time too (could be a bad thing!).

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!




sax - 2009-01-24 3:14 PM

Mindy...I got a bike today too!  I have been wanting a tri bike for awhile.  I found this one on CL...yippie...1 yr old.  I look forward to my bike fit in the next couple weeks. Big upgrade for me.

2009-01-25 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN
Well incase there is space, here is my info. If there isn't, well, here is a little about me anyway.

NAME: Lisa

STORY: Nothing particularly exciting about my story. I grew up in the middle of nowhere PA and ran to entertain myself (yes, it was that boring). I am 28 now and for the last 15 year my athletic career as been very on again off again, until I found this tri thing. It started when my boyfriend (now husband) and I had been dating about a year and I noticed we were packing on the happy relationship pounds. I had previously done a marathon and suggested that we train for one together. He said he had no interest in doing a marathon and that he had always wanted to do a triathlon. Since I couldn't swim, I had no interest in triathlon. At the end of the day, we made a deal that if he did a marathon with me, I would do a triathlon with him. well, I taught myself how to swim by reading the step by step instructions i found online in the special olympics coaching handbook (no joke). ...and now 3 years later we are married and I am 6 triathlons in (he's about 9 in). I thought this tri mentor thing would be great because I really want to see some big improvement this year, and I would like a little accountability. it's easy to tell my husband I'm not working out. It will be a little harder to tell all of you.

FAMILY STATUS: Just married in October 2008. We have one (also senior) dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just finished our last long training run for the feb 14 Mytle Beach marathon. I have not trained particularly smart. basically 1-2 short run during the week and then killing myself on a weekly long run. I never should have registered for a winter marathon. I am a cold sissy. Tri training starts on monday 1/26 for the spring season.

2008 RACES:
columbia tri (olympic)
Reston Tri (olympic)
Nations Tri (olympic)

2009 RACES:
This is my last year in the 25-29 age group, and I really want it to be my best so far.
columbia tri (olympic): May 17
Reston sprint: May 31
Eagleman HIM: June14
Reston Tri (olympic): Sept 13th
*possibly the Charlottesville, VA International thrown in (July, i think)

Not a giant issue. I am 123 currently. I would like to stay around 118 year round and usually in peak shape I am 113


2009-01-25 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1927720

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


Thinking about it, the deltoids are not "big movers" for swimming, not along the lines of the traps and lats. They are, however, important stabilizing muscles, and keeping them in reasonable shape can help prevent impingementt and rotator cuff problems.

I think many people would consider the pectorals to be up there close to traps and lats, and one of the more fractious topics over the past year at was a heated discussion about the role of the triceps in swimming. The general consensus fort the triceps was that they are important, especially at the final stages of the pull just before the hand leaves the water; it's just that they aren't "big movers".

For the pectorals, the various flys and presses are valuable, as are good old push-ups (which, at least for me, also rank high on the "yecchh" scale). Pullovers - dumbbell and barbell - are terrific for both pectorals and lats.

And that's that.
2009-01-25 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN

Another Jess here

Name: ThatGirl/Jess

 Story: I ran Cross Country and Track from the age of 7 (no joke, haha) until the end of high school. Always middle of the pack then - 20:50 pr for the 5k and 6:09 pr for the mile. But I really love running and I'm glad that I ran so much when I was younger because its still very easy for me mentally.  Anyway, I packed off and went to college in Canada (McGill), and basically gained the college-30 and lost all my conditioning.  When I graduated, I moved down to Washington DC (better climate!) for law school, and decided to get back into running so I could lose some weight. I was up to 160, which is not so good when you're only 5'3. Anyway, my first year in law school, I did well academically and got back in to running regularly again - I also got my weight back down to 145 My second year in law school, I trained for and finished my first marathon! I ran Marine Corps in 2007 and had so much fun (even though I was slow at 4:45!) I focused on speed for Spring 2008 and ran severals half marathons - I got my time down to 1:52 This past fall I ramped up the miles again and ran Chicago in October - I was in much better shape and I think I could have beaten 4:15, but the temperatures soared into the 80s for the second year in a row! I had fun though, and finished in 4:29. 

 I'm graduating from law school in May, and I will be moving back to New Jersey this summer. My athletic season this year is going to be difficult because I'm going to be studying for the bar in June and July - while I think I can maintain an exercise routine while studying, I don't think I'll have time to travel and race during those months... So I'm targeting races in early June, and then I won't pick any more target races until September/October. I'll probably pick a fall marathon too - NYC if I can get in, if not, then Philly. 

 Family Status: I'm 24 - I live with my boyfriend in suburban Maryland. We've been together 6 years (yeah, high school sweethearts, haha).  We have a really cute black lab named Eli Eli is my running partner on most runs under 6 miles! 

This years races: This is where everyone is going to laugh at me. I'm signed up for Mooseman HIM in June! I wanted some way to celebrate graduating from law school, and training for and completing a HIM seemed like a good idea when I signed up... I think I looked at the run distance and said - 13 miles? I can do that, completely forgetting about the 1.2 mile swim and the 56 mile bike! Anyway, I'll be in New Hampshire on June 7th, and I am really looking forward it I've been doing base training for it since December, and I'm getting into the pool at least 3 times a week. I've also recently purchased my first road bike - and I'm totally in love with it (a Specialized Dolce). I'm planning on doing a warm up race (probably Bassman Sprint in NJ in April or the Devilman Sprint, also in NJ), and hopefully a Duathon to get used to biking in a race. I'm also signed up for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler here in DC in April. 

 Weight loss: I'm currently down to 135, which is much more healthy than the 160 I was at 2 years ago. Of course any female will probably say that they'd like to lose 10 more pounds, but I'm trying to be happy where I'm at.  I like the fact that I'm healthy and strong, and a lot of the time I can outrun (at least outlast!) smaller girls with no conditioning

 I've really enjoyed reading through this thread so far, and I'm looking forward into checking in with you all as training continues! 


2009-01-25 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1928227

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


Holy cow, baby, that looks like a great race to me! I won't share the info here in case you're feeling somewhat private about it, but I hope you'll fill us all in in due time.

What I want to know is what you learned from it, specifically about pacing. I am floored by you consistent pacing through 22km, AND THEN how your pace improved by almost a minute and a half by mile 19.6. What you accomplished here was a gloriuos negative split, and I gotta believe that you are feeling incredibly pleased with that. I was so floored, in fact, that I randomly checked through a bunch of other runners' results, wondering if the course somehow had a much more favorable second half. I remembered that the courses Hill of Reckoning was around miles 8 and 9, but nothing from the profile was so extreme as to make me think that the average runner could negative-split the course, and by several minutes at that. And, sure enough, all of those whose results I checked experienced a slow-down as the race progressed.

It sounds like you followed a masterful plan, Neil, and I salute you! Do you have a follow-up date with your masseuse? If your mind is saying "no", then double-check with your body's thoughts on the matter. (I'm just sayin'.)

Sleep tight -- you've earned it!

2009-01-25 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1928241

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


Yup, there's space, you bring it to a nice baker's dozen - 13 - my favorite number!

I will respond to both of you more fully very soon, but for now I have to split the scene and attend to some other things. Glad to have you both, you each have interesting schedules that overlap with some stuff I have done in the past, or will be doing this season.

I shall return!
2009-01-25 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1928262

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


I am about to venture into uncharted territory, in the form of placing a FULL alongside this mentor site. Remember, you are all in the turf of an almost complete computer dolt, and by trying to do something as simple as "FULL"-ing this group, there is a good cahnce that you will all be cyber-vaporized. If that happens - if you, me, this group, the B.T. site at large - gets obliterated, then wait a while, collect yourself, reassemble all strewn parts of you, and re-regsiter at your leisure.
I apologize in advance for any discomfort you may experience while the cyber universe is careening around its axis.
2009-01-25 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1927509

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Yes, I've heard of, and if I'd had my wits about me I would've maybe possibly conceivably thought to mention them to you. Will they ship stuff even beyond the cofines of a race, just to allow folks to samlpe well before the event itself?

When exactly is NCMM? (I will head to the website later.) You say end of April, and by my reckoning that is three months, and I think you can be ready for it. Are you following a plan right now? I can't remember. (I must set to developing some sort of master list with all of youze guys' races and logs and workout plans!)

Please count me in for a contribution to the cause, okay? Just let me know how I do this, whether it's through you directly, or at large.

It sounds like you struck it rich at the pool with contacts. You and Jess live in the lands of nice peoples, it seems like! That woman's son sounds remarkable. I too would like to meet him, as well as maybe somehow tap into his gene pool. There is endurance, and there is ENDURANCE, eh?

I also have to try and keep track of you guys and your new bikes. I feel as if I should be sending an equivalent of baby-shower presents -- all these proud parents of new, beautiful bikes!
2009-01-25 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1927923

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN

Actually, I found it to be quite an exciting story! The "delicate negotiations" of a marriage are often edge-of-your-seat events, and yours has all the requisite amounts of give-and-take -- with the big reward of a happy ending that just keeps giving and giving and giving. Has he learned to like marathons as much as you like triathlons? (I'm reminded of the scene in "In Bruges" in which Ken makes a deal with Ray that Ray has to go to cultural things with him, but when Ray gets there he acts like a petulant kid. But that wouldn't describe your husband at a marathon....would it??)

Don't beat up on yourself about your training for Myrtle Beach. At least you've got your long runs in, and it sounds as if you have enough short stuff so you are familiar with how speed feels. There are a LOT of northerners who do Myrtle Beach, so you will hardly be alone in terms of feeling that your training just isn't quite what it should be. (A very fine couple I know, Chuck (55) and Naira (48) Chokel, will be at Myrtle Beach as well, and as New Englnders they both had incredibly tough races at Ironman Arizona last winter/spring, as they were just too far behind in all aspects of their training.) You've got a good deal of experience under your belt, and that should help you quite a bit at M.B. And, as I remember, that course is a bit lacking in hills, right?? So, any of the running you've done on hills will have a positive effect on your performance on race day. Say "yes"!

I envy you Columbia and Eagleman. I did the former in '03, '04, and '05, and the latter in '03 and '04. I had signed up for Columbia for this year, but for various dopey reasons I have switched it out for Harryman, 45 minutes north of NYC. I think I regret this already. Anyhow, having done that you'll know what a sweetly masochistic course it is - mildly difficult bike course, and then those bears of climbs on the run--- but what a terrific event it is! My run performances there were quite good, however, so I shouldn't complain. My '05 race, though, was marred by two flats on the bike, and even though I finished I lost about 23 minutes. I have been aching to go back, but I'm now wondering if it will ever happen!

As for Eagleman, I guess you know how Bizarro World it is to Columbia. My two years there were blessed with neither high winds nor stifling heat, although many years - and last year in particular - were cursed by both. I did it in 5:09 in '04..... and then learned that I was penalized 4:00 for drafting. Grrrrrr!

Which plan are you following for your tri planning? Or, is it just something that you and your compromising half will work through as the off-season progresses?

It's almost bedtime, and I want to head over to thatgirl/jess, so that's it for now. Glad to have you as part of the quasi-cabal!

Edited by stevebradley 2009-01-25 9:57 PM
2009-01-25 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1928241

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


You've done an incredible job of succeeding at law school while also knocking off a bunch of marathons and half-marathons and showing improvement and increased confidence along the way. That said, it sounds like a very wise plan to race at the beginning and end of the season, and save your mid-summer energies for preparing for the bar exam. You will still have workouts available to do when you need them as stress-relievers, and then as the dust begins to settle you can figure which late-season races will best fit with your summer training.

I am very familiar with the Mooseman course, having done it three times when it was a fall international distnace called Granite Ledges, and since moving to June and becoming Mooseman, I have done the half in '05, the aquabike half in '06 (which was a DNF due to a broken front spoke at about mile 35), and the international in '07. It is a WONDERFUL race....but not the easiest one around. It's doable, to be sure, but just not exactly a walk in the park. I will give you lots of details on it between now and then.

I will likely do the international again this year, but am thinking about the half. (The two people - Naira and Chuck - I just mentioned in the post to Lisa, will be doing the Moosey half along with you!) I am also leaning towards Bassman, as I did the half in Oct '07 and think he (George) does an excellent job. The course is very user-friendly. (Well, the run for the half was the product of a demon-possessed mind, as I lovingly told him in a post-race congratulatory e-mail. Check it out on the website, and try to follow its serpentine path!) I had initially thought about Devilman, but Bassman is my first choice for a late spring tri.

Three times a week in the pool is very admirable, as is the overall base training for Mooseman since December (somehow, I don't think goal-setting and subsequent follow-through is an issue for you.....). Are you following any plan, or just doggedly (and I dont just mean Eli) nailing down workouts as they make themselves available?

Cross-counrty from the age of 7, eh? I hear that's one sure-fire way to build tough kids! Maybe that's where you developed the mental toughness to do law school and distance running training at the same time. You think?

I think that's it from here, for now. I look forward to sharing war stories with you about Mooseman! (For starters --- You DO have a wetsuit, right???)

2009-01-25 10:27 PM
in reply to: #1927902

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


That IS a very nice color! My first Cervelo was a more conventional red, right in the "cherry" category. Yours is a slighlty off-cherry color, a name for which I can't quite decide upon. I will work at that. The world of designer colors nowadays is full of off-the-wall names, and I'm sure I can come up with a good descriptor for your color of your baby. Anyhow, it looks very fine!
2009-01-25 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1928464

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN

(For starters --- You DO have a wetsuit, right???)

 Haha, I'm working on nailing one down, but I will have one.  If I'm doing Bassman in APRIL I'm sure I'll need one there too! 

 I've been following the HIM plan from Scott Herrick on here for now, I'll be starting the "second" week tomorrow.  I say "second" because I'm kind of just repeating the first four week cycle over again - I kind of modified it and toned it down for my first four weeks of training since I was just getting into the pool again and just acquired my lovely bike two weeks ago (spinning class is now my friend!) I'm pretty lucky that I'm still a student because I have full access to the University pool included in my student fees, so I didn't need to go hunting for pool access... Practicing open water swims is going to be another story, but I'm sure I can figure that out once we get closer to spring...

 I can't wait to hear more about Mooseman - I'm definitely going to be doing some good hill work over the next few months! I just saw the pictures of the course and thought it looked beautiful, and the timing was right so I signed myself up  

 I do keep a blog that I'm trying to regularly update while training: And my MotionBased site is: 

 Anyway, thanks! And goodnight

2009-01-25 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1927905

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN


Delicate matter here, about those saddle sores. I don't imagine you want to divulge details at large, but here are some things for you to think about in the privacy of home:
(1) Is it your "sits bones" that are sore?
(2) Are your saddle sores verging on the "raw" variety - red or blisterish?
(3) Do you think they might improve if the saddle was moved either backwards or forwards a bit?
(4) Do you have a good bike shop in your general vicinity?

The quick answer to your "Will it ever get better?" is "It should!". About how many minutes have you spent on the bike so far and/or how many saddle sore episodes have you suffered?

The "It should!" answer may involve some searching, first on-line and then at your LBS (local bike shop)......although if your problem is of the (1) variety above, you may experience relief just from getting gradually accustomed to your saddle.

As for the search, just get on-line and have a look at the wide array of saddles that are available. There is a reason why there is such a variety, and that's because, in general, no two "tokhis" are created equally. It just might be that the one on your bike doesn't conform adequately to your own physiognomy, and you may need to do some trial and error work. (A good LBS will allow you to buy saddles and try them gently for a while, with the option of returning or exchanging.) A good LBS might also be able to adjust an offending saddle so it is nice and docile and compliant. Have a particularly good look at ones that are gender-specific, and think about if that's a route you might want to try.

DON'T DESPAIR! I can imagine what a huge annoynace this is, not to mention a significant sapper of enthusiasm. If it takes you a while to find the perfect saddle, you might get some relief from applying Body Glide to areas that are sore - especially if the soreness is of the raw or bilstery variety. However, if you are blistered or raw, wait a few days and let things heal a bit before hoping back on, even if youi are fortified with BodyGlide.

Let me know how this is going, okay?
2009-01-26 1:25 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
I watched the 2008 Ironman telecast via Hulu last night and I just can't wait to give it a shot one day. That was such an inspiring thing to watch. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend that you do. Wellington is amazing.
2009-01-26 1:29 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


 Mooseman is right around the time I'll be doing the REV3, which is my first HIM and as of now 2nd Triathlon. We'll have to hold each other accountable during training. I'm nervous that it is going to be painful, but I've never looked forward to something so much in my life.


Anyone doing Augusta in Sep?

2009-01-26 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1928508

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN
ThatGirl - 2009-01-25 11:43 PM

(For starters --- You DO have a wetsuit, right???)

 Haha, I'm working on nailing one down, but I will have one.

For my husband's first tri he rented a suit from tri bonzai in falls church, va. we figured it made sense to rent incase he HATED hisf first tri (that didn't happen) that isn't too far from you. they were also very helpful when i went in there to try to buy him one for christmas....and they also sponsor some local races, so that is nice too. if you are going to rent, make a reservation early!
2009-01-26 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1928420

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN
Hi Steve,

Thank for the response. Yay! I made the team, phew.

As for if Ryan has developed a love of marathons, actually, no. In fact, since discovering tri we have BOTH grown to dislike the marathon. tri, (imo) is so much less stressful on your body, has an amazing community and in general is much more fun. After this negative experience with the Myrtle training, Ryan has probably decided that it isn't for him...and I have decided that IF I keep doing them, it will just be tacked on the the end of the tri season (oct/nov). I "tacked" the baltimore on in 2007 and finished in 3:58 (my pr), and for the myrtle just doing running training I will be lucky to finish in 4:30 (this would be my slowest). THAT, truth be told, is my real origin of stress and dissatisfaction with this race so far. I HATE feeling slow (for me). It really messes with my head. I'm just trying to think how much easier the half marathon at the Eagleman will be now.

You SHOULD envy me for doing Columbia and the Eagleman. Such well run, well organized, awesome races. My husbands father lives in Columbia, MD so that helps too. Last year was my first columbia as a participant. I went in 2007 to watch my husband before I was brave enough to tri on oly. I was actually registered for the Eagleman last year but didn't do it. I broke my wrist snowboarding in Feb and was in a cast until the first week of april. that left me enough time to train for columbia, but i did not feel comfortable at the HIM distance. Ryan did it though and I felt like we were in the desert. I have never been so hot in my life and I wasn't even competing.

I am doing the 20 week HIM training from BT. I actually imported it so it is in my planned training here on BT in my log. STARTS TODAY!!!! I am excited and nervous for what the season will bring.

Talk to you soon. Thanks for making room for me!

2009-01-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1928574

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
nhangen - 2009-01-26 2:25 AM

I watched the 2008 Ironman telecast via Hulu last night and I just can't wait to give it a shot one day. That was such an inspiring thing to watch. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend that you do. Wellington is amazing.

I don't know if this was the same thing I watched a few weeks ago, but, I agree, AMAZING.
More amazing than Wellington were the stories of the average person...
the young guy with the prosthetic leg who had to stop to change his prosthesis padding every 40 minutes
there was a military guy (I don't know which branch, sorry) who did the full thing in boot and utes (i think that is what it is called)
so many stories

makes you think twice about whining to get out of a workout, huh?
2009-01-26 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Gosh, I feel like such the new kid!  Am I really the only one in our group that is training for my first tri?  If that is the case... you all have to sympathize and give the best piece of advise you heard starting out, for the simple fact that I get overwhelmed with my "training" and have no idea what I'm doing

Really though, I have been following the program for 2 weeks and can already see a difference in my running / biking brick workouts.  As of this week on my schedule, I'm only doing bricks (am I using that correctly?) once a week but would like to do a bike/run and swim/bike  at least twice a week.. any thougts?   Should I just stick with the schedule they've provided for me?

 Also, I do not live by the coast, but the sprint is down at Jekyll Island - does anyone haev information on how different it is swimming in the ocean compared to the lake/pool?  I know it's a ways away (May) and I am hoping to get down there at least a day or two early to swim there before the race, but thought I'd go ahead and get an idea of what it'll be like.  Also, given the time of year, I'm pretty sure I wont be able to use a wetsuit.  But I can email the director about that. 

I really enjoy reading everyones posts.. and for the most part I totally understand yall

2009-01-26 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1928629

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group OPEN
hooslisa - 2009-01-26 8:07 AM
ThatGirl - 2009-01-25 11:43 PM

(For starters --- You DO have a wetsuit, right???)

 Haha, I'm working on nailing one down, but I will have one.

JESS For my husband's first tri he rented a suit from tri bonzai in falls church, va. we figured it made sense to rent incase he HATED hisf first tri (that didn't happen) that isn't too far from you. they were also very helpful when i went in there to try to buy him one for christmas....and they also sponsor some local races, so that is nice too. if you are going to rent, make a reservation early!

 Thanks Lisa! I definitely want to rent for the same reason, and because I currently owe my entire tax refund to BarBri... I was going to look into an online rental, but I would definitely prefer to go local to make sure I get the right size and know how to use it, so I'll give Tri Bonzai a shot! 

2009-01-26 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1928725

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
rhay - 2009-01-26 9:16 AM

Gosh, I feel like such the new kid!  Am I really the only one in our group that is training for my first tri?  If that is the case... you all have to sympathize and give the best piece of advise you heard starting out, for the simple fact that I get overwhelmed with my "training" and have no idea what I'm doing

 Nope! This is totally my first season too... I'm just starting out and just got my first bike two weeks ago! So you're definitely not alone - and I'm looking for all the best advice I can get too

2009-01-26 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1928725

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Becky - don't worry, I am also training for my first tri.  I am working towards an all female sprint in May and then another sprint in June.  I am not really following any type of proscribed training agenda.  My current goals are to work on endurance.  I am working out 6 days a week - 2 days each swim/bike/run.  On my swim and run days I am exceeding the race distance.  On my bike days I usually only have time to do the race distance (most of my workouts are during my lunch "hour."  Each week I add a little distance to my run.  I am up to 4.75 mi today.  At some point closer to the first race I will start doing mutiple sports in one day or bricks.

I am not out to break any records.  I just want to finish without walking and not be last! 

2009-01-26 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

I already feel better!!  Ha, sorry that I missed that.. and congrats on the bike!  I'm shopping for one in two weekends, hoping my financial advisors (parents) and other family members will like to contribute as a birthday present...

I'm hoping to get a hybrid but only if I can find a great deal.  I am still recovering from new shoes and signup fees... totally worth it though!

2009-01-26 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
Thanks, Mindy.  I dont know why I start to second guess myself when it comes to the trianing program.... I'm sure they know more than I do!  So for now, I'm going to stick with what they have set up.. then closer to the race I may try more days for the brick workouts and just get used to transitioning... and maybe by then the weather will start cooperating!
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