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2009-04-19 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Sunny and 75 today--out of nowhere. Supposed to be 80 tomorrow. We've had six months of rain and snow. I rode 2:20 hard, 36 miles. Great ride except some stupid kids in a truck threw something at me. I'm going to be sore from the ride. For some reason I think I should be able to average 20mph on my road bike, but I can't.

Yes, I wear really good bike bibs. I use the Butt'r stuff, too. These help, but my butt still kills. I may look into other seats. I will stand up all day at work tomorrow.

I'm changing the water in my hottub today. Before I add chemicals and it gets up to heat, I'm going to get the wetsuit on and get in to see how it feels with water in the 50's. How funny is that? I've never used my wetsuit, and I can't wait to try it. What a desperate lot we are. 

Have a great week at work all. My goal tonight is to figure out how to get a picture up on my profile.  

Edited by gplitt 2009-04-19 8:11 PM

2009-04-19 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2095412

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
As to getting sick--I started taking vitamin C and supplements last fall, and I haven't been even close to sick all winter--my first winter ever. Knock on wood.
2009-04-20 12:51 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Hi David,
I hope that everybody had a great weekend.
Ok, I got my Cervelo fitted and it looks awesome! unfurtunately they didn't have shoes on my size so I had to ride today with platform pedals. First ride ever on a triathlon bike, I'm glad I didn't have the clips so I was able to concentrate on the areobars, the brakes, shifts and drinking water! Loged 16 miles at 18MPH. What's a good average speed for training? At the end got used to (sort of) the position on the aerobars, my neck is still sored....... I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

I've been strugling with goggles (they all leak) and just found the solution to my problem, the most comfortable and effective goggles I've ever tried in my life, HIGHLY recommended. They are a bit bulky, like a mini diving mask. It's called Aqua Sphere (Vista).
Do you know anything about them?  Thought about sharing this, maybe there's someone else having problems in this department like I was.

Ok, also registered with USAT, now I'm a proud member.  I'll give it a try on the sprint - tri on June 7 here in SAV.

When should I try all three disciplines in one day before the race?
What should I wear for the race?
And David, should I swim (train) with fins?

2009-04-20 5:28 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Wow, seriously impressed here! What a great weekend we all had! How's everyone feeling this Monday morning? Sore? Proud? Eager to do more?

Random thoughts, in no particular order:

1. I wonder what the neighbors will think of the wetsuit clad person sitting in the hot tub;

2. Booties may be permitted at a race. Check via email with the race director. When I did Alcatraz, I saw a lot of people wearing them, and I wore a head suit thingy. (There's a funny word for it, but I can't recall what it is.);

3. Perhaps 2 months out, try do to all 3 sports in a day to see how you feel as a slow practice race. But if you can't wait that long, go for it now. Just remember that it's a practice and not an all-out effort. You will be suprised at how drained you may feel;

4. Wetsuits are tough to buy. And get ready to work up a sweat getting into the thing. I bought mine after reading a ton of reviews on this site, asking questions, and going to a store, where my wife just laughed and laughed watching me try to squeeze into a few of them;

5. Goggle selection is a personal choice and might involve trying lots of different brands. Have patience. And the Aqua Spheres are worn by a lot of pros;

6. Swimming with fins. Good question. I've never worn them, so I'm not the guy to ask. But I've heard they are great for aligning the body in the water. Anyone else ever used fins? What's your advice?

Well, I did my long run yesterday, and while I am very pleased with the distance, I'm not so keen on my pace. But it was a beautiful morning, so I'm not complaining.

I also realized that I have my first sprint tri on Sunday, and a 1/2 marathon in 15 days. I thought for sure that I had more time to train. Anyone else surprised at how fast this year is going?

The tri, by the way, is a rematch. Last year, I did it with my mom (her first time), and I did it at her pace. This year, we're doing it solo and meeting up at the finish.

Edited by prof40 2009-04-20 5:30 AM
2009-04-20 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
57 degrees in my Pro Motion wetsuit in the hot tub--I felt totally fine (sat there about 10 minutes, but other than briefly freezing on the back zipper (and of course feet and hands) I was not cold at all, and I wasn't moving. I live on 40 acres, lots of trees--closest neighbor is a 1/2 mile so no neighbors saw me. My wife and daughter laughed at me all night though and are telling friends today. I like my wetsuit so far (although that's only based on fit and hot tub sitting) and it was about 1/2 the money of many others but has great reviews. 10% off for BT members, too.

I have Aqua Sphere goggles and they are very comfortable for me, even over an hour or more. They fog, though. Any remedies for this?

My picture is not loading. Is it too much memory?

I feel like I need a total message today. I suggest you advise "go hard" every weekend, and then we can all have an official excuse to get a message every Monday.
2009-04-20 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2097579

New user

Downers Grove, IL
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Too funny about the hot/cold tub!Smile

As for foggy goggles, I use the trick I use when snorkeling....a little bit of spit wiped around the inside of the mask/goggles.  I think they also have some anti-fog stuff you can buy as well.


2009-04-20 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2095235

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED


I have some real life action-research data for your question. I rode 2 hours 20 minutes hard yesterday, and then ran five miles today. It was a terrible run--my worst in weeks. I have taken every Sunday off as my one day off per week until yesterday (I took Friday this week) and always had great Monday runs. I usually run two days after a bike with a swim in between, or run after an easy bike. My legs were totally shot, which made everything else (like breathing and not dying) harder. Plus, it was 81 degrees today--two weeks ago I did the same run in 30 degrees. It felt like it was over 100 to me.

I'm totally fearing the 13.1 after a 56 mile bike. The more I train, the more those numbers seem beyond me.

Edited by gplitt 2009-04-20 11:00 PM
2009-04-21 4:41 AM
in reply to: #2098931

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-04-20 11:58 PM

I'm totally fearing the 13.1 after a 56 mile bike. The more I train, the more those numbers seem beyond me.

Have faith. The race is more mental than physical. Stick to your training plan, and it will all fall into place.

So, I'm looking at my splits from last year in a race and contemplating how I'll do this year - which leads to our next group assignment.

Everyone has a race on the horizon. Here's what I want you to do. Sit down with pen and paper and conservatively estimate your times.

Then, imagine how you would you do if you just had a magical morning, with perfect weather, fast transitions, and no body aches. Write down that time, too.

Think about what you would have to do now, in training, to hit your magical times. Practice transitions? Do some speed work? Get more comfortable riding in aero position?

And then, set a personal goal for the race. Is it just to finish with a smile on your face? Is it to place in your age group? Is it to have smooth transitions? Is it to finish the race without a blister? Is it to wear the race t-shirt home feeling proud of your accomplishment? Whatever it is, just put it into words.

Tape that piece of paper on the computer monitor, the bathroom mirror, in your appointment book, or wherever else you will see it at least twice a day. And read it each time you see it.

If visualization is good enough for the pros to do, it's good enough for us.

Here's mine, so you can see what I mean with this exercise -- and you do not have to share yours with us if you don't want to:

Sprint triathlon on April 26:

Conservative estimate:
S 400 yards: 6:00
T1: 1:30
B 10 miles: 35:00
T2: 1:30
R 2.5 miles: 21:30
Total: 1:05:30

Amazing race estimate:
S 400 yards: 5:40
T1: 1:15
B 10 miles: 30:00
T2: 1:00
R 2.5 miles: 20:00
Total: 57:55

Personal goal:
Finish the race strong and happy with no regrets, spend a great morning at a race with my mom, and still make it home in time so I can enjoy a sunny Sunday afternoon with my wife. Feel good if I hit my 'conservative' estimate, but feel downright awesome if I hit my 'amazing' times.

Edited by prof40 2009-04-21 5:12 AM
2009-04-21 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2098931

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-04-20 10:58 PM


I have some real life action-research data for your question. I rode 2 hours 20 minutes hard yesterday, and then ran five miles today. It was a terrible run--my worst in weeks. I have taken every Sunday off as my one day off per week until yesterday (I took Friday this week) and always had great Monday runs. I usually run two days after a bike with a swim in between, or run after an easy bike. My legs were totally shot, which made everything else (like breathing and not dying) harder. Plus, it was 81 degrees today--two weeks ago I did the same run in 30 degrees. It felt like it was over 100 to me.

I'm totally fearing the 13.1 after a 56 mile bike. The more I train, the more those numbers seem beyond me.

That makes a lot of sense.  Right now im trying to figure out my schedule for following the 16 week Olympic 3x program.  I definitely think I do better if I have a set schedule to follow, and Im wondering about having my off day between my Long Bike/Swim day and Short Run day, or between Long Run and Long Bike/Swim day.  I have a couple weeks to figure it out, but I was wondering what  everyone here thinks. 


Being the first triathlon, what should I base transition times on?  I only got my overall time goals from looking at the MOP times from last years finishers at the races im doing.  Should I do the same with transition times?  Thanks.

2009-04-21 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2099703

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED


For what it's worth, I am no expert, but a person I know who has done several 70.3s said don't worry too much about transitions in your first couple triathlons--practice to be as fast as you can, but also understand that a little extra transition time may make a faster run time due to a short rest after the bike. He said in his fastest triathlon ever he actually took an extra two minutes to sit down and stretch out his back and legs and then was very fast and comfortable on the run and avoided more of the pain than usual.


I do have faith. I just mean the 56/13.1 numbers make me a realist, as either one of those right now by themselves would kill me. I'm surprised, frankly, at how hard 40 miles on the bike is. Most people talk about it like it's easy--"Oh, I warm up for about 30/40 miles and then start time trialing on my next 40." Or "it's hard to stay in aero position after 60 or 70 miles." It's hard for me to keep from crying like a baby and dying after 40 miles right now. I'd need a wheelchair after 56, not a 13 mile run. I will get there, I know, if I keep myself from serious injury. I'm disciplined to a fault, so I'm not worried, I just have my eyes-wide-open. I do want to keep this fun, though. That's been hard the last few weeks enjoying training. 


The spit in the Aqua Sphere mask/goggles worked perfectly. I swam 2500 this morning continuous--no fogging! That's the first time I've gotten past 10 minutes without fog. I wanted to swim 3000 but I had this little thing called work. (By the way, I assume you went to Purdue (Boilermaker) and don't work for a steamboat company--thanks for knocking my Huskies out of the sweet 16).  


Do you all have aero bikes? I don't. I figured I'd get through my first tri-season on my road bike before dropping 3Gs. I've also had back issues since college and wonder about the position. I do like the idea of cutting any time I can off the bike.

Train hard.

Edited by gplitt 2009-04-21 1:19 PM
2009-04-21 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2099070


Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
This was fun... here's mine.

Sprint May 30th

Conservative estimate
S 880 yards: 20:15
T1: 3:00
B 14.5 miles: 1:00:00
T2: 3:00
R 3.5 miles: 33:15
Total: 1:59:30

Super-Amazing race estimate:
S 880 yards: 17:00
T1: 2:00
B 14.5 miles: 51:11
T2: 2:00
R 3.5 miles: 29:45
Total: 1:41:56 

My race goals:
1) not drown (by the way, David - your avatar/picture is creeping me out about the swim! )
2) finally know what it's like to do a tri. 

2009-04-21 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2099938


Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-04-21 12:49 PM


Do you all have aero bikes? I don't. I figured I get through my first tri-season on my road bike before dropping 3Gs. I've also had back issues since college and wonder about the position. I do like the idea of cutting any time I can off the bike.

Train hard.

I have a road bike with clamp-on aerobars. I find it hard to use the aerobars, though, because the area I ride in is pretty hilly. I'm always having to take my hands off the bars to shift.

Do you guys do training rides in aero position? How much extra speed do you actually get?
2009-04-21 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2100247

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I've heard that aero bars/handles on a road bike is not a great option because of the angles and distances of the tubes--it can really mess up your back, I guess. Tri-bikes are built more forward.

Edited by gplitt 2009-04-21 1:42 PM
2009-04-21 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I, too, am not focusing on transition times. That just comes with practice and lots of racing experience. What I can improve on is my times for all 3 sports.

Here are my goals, both conservative and ideal, for the HIM.

Conservative/Where I am right now and crappy conditions:
2000m swim in 37min
90km bike in 3h45min
21.1km run in 2h15min

Ideal/With an extra 2 months training and perfect conditions:
2000m swim in 34min
90km bike in 3h20min
21.1km run in 1h55min

I'm quite confident I can attain my ideal swimming time; now I just have to get out and practice practice practice for the bike and run portion.
2009-04-21 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Bike:  I just have a road bike.  I was thinking about getting aerobars, but I just think it would be a waste of money right now.  Even though every once in a while I just skim through the Jamis bikes website and look at their TT bikes, lol.

I did upgrade my components, and it made a huge difference.  I know the average speeds from my long rides isnt too high, but I think a lot of that is due to stopping at lights, intersections, that kind of thing.  I definitely felt faster with the newer, lighter parts.

400 m swim - 7 minutes
14.7 mile bike - 43:50
4.1 mile run - 37 minutes
 =  1:27

Super Perfect 
400 m swim - 6:30
14.7 bike - 40
4.1 run - 35
= 1:21.30 

2009-04-22 6:18 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Great responses from everyone, and we have some serious goals here. This is an awesome group!

Transition ease comes with practice, and I'm still working out kinks to make mine faster. Yesterday, as I was driving, I started visualizing my swim to bike transition. Jogging to my bike, pulling on my shoes, my helmet, gloves, race number. Unconsciously, my breathing rate increased and I had to tell myself it was just a drill.

What can I say, I'm a geek.

It's worthwhile to practice them. So some day when you're bored, and alone, lay out your stuff and imagine coming out of the water and pulling on your bike clothes. If you want to really go for it, start off in your wetsuit. And if you do let your spouse/sig other watch, just obey the one set rule --- no video!

Actually, pulling off a wetsuit can be harder than it looks, as you don't want to gouge it with your fingernails. It would be worth it to try pulling it off quickly a few times and ingrain the habit of immediately shoving it into your bag instead of letting it just drop with your gear.

Buy a race belt for your number. They're cheap -- about $7 - $10, and more convenient than pinning your number onto your shirt. You wear your number on your back for the bike, and then just slide the number around to your front for the run.

Good question about back-to-back long days. At this point, do what's good for you. Since I only have time for the long distances on weekends, I shoot for the long ride on Saturday and the long run on Sunday. Once you start your training plan, I'd schedule them according to the plan. But monitor how you're feeling. If you're getting too sore, i.e., hurt, alter the schedule.

Distances. Ah, distances. Face it, all races are challenging, no matter the distance, because you always have a goal for a race. And I've heard those guys talk about biking 50 miles in a day as if it was easy, too. But then I rode with them. We stopped at 10 to stretch, then at 25 at a 7/11 to buy Gatorade, then at 40 to rest a bit, etc. It took us all day. So ignore them. Ride for you, in whatever position you want, at whatever pace you want. Right now, you're working on your base. Speed and aero and the rest comes later.

That being said, I do have a tri bike and I do train in aero position and I do try to hit the gas for some long stretches. But not yet this season. Heck, it finally was nice enough to get my bike outside a few days ago, and my longest ride to date is something like 12 miles. (Hours on the trainer or spin classes do count, by the way, for your logs. But there is a difference between riding in your basement watching tv and being out on the road.)

So, here's my advice: keep your eyes open, respect the distances, but don't let a race intimidate you.

Speaking of intimidation and creepy avatars, here's a swim start training clip:

You don't need to buy a bike, by the way. Any bike will do just fine. I did my first 1/2 on a mountain bike (which is now illegal, I think.) Use what equipment you have and have fun. If you get hooked, you can buy a ton of stuff in the fall at 50% off.



2009-04-22 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2070143

New user

Central MO
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

I have been out of town for a bit and busy as heck. Just got back online today, with a chance to read this stuff again.
Here are my goals..

KC Tri Sprint May 31st


Swim 820 yards - 25 min
Bike 12.4 miles - 57 min
Run 3.1 miles  -  27 min


Swim 820 yards - 22 min
Bike 12.4 miles - 50 min
Run 3.1 miles  -  24 min

The swim is still got me worried.. Should be fun anyway. I know I can make it..


2009-04-22 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Here are my goals for my August 2 70.3 (my other race/races will be practice only where I will push it hard, but expect just to learn):

Conservative: Finish/survive/don't quit

Moderate:   1.2mile swim: 37 minutes; 56 mile bike: 3:30; 13.1 mile run 2:10 =6:17

Dream Day:1.2 mile swim: 32 minutes; 56 mile bike 3 hours; 13.1 mile run 2 hours =5:32

I don't expect too much out of my run at this point, not to be a pessimist, but if I can run a 13.1 after the bike I will be so happy. But my run goal may be able to be bumped up by August. It averages 95 degrees in Spokane in August and heat turns me into a wimp fast. I had a great ride to work this morning--my legs are back and I could push 18-19mph for 40 minutes. It is hard to find a ride without stops and lights. I'm going to try to find one for Saturday morning.

2009-04-22 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2099938

New user

Downers Grove, IL
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Glad to hear you are fog-free!  Great job on the swim distance - I was excited to get to 1000 yds yesterday for the first time.
You are correct - Purdue alum.  Cool  It was a great game against the Huskies - wasn't sure we were going to pull it out! 

(aka Boilermaker)
2009-04-22 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Downers Grove, IL
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Let's see - my estimates.  Since this is the first time I've ever done a tri, I really don't know how the transition will go. 

Sprint Tri - June 28, 2009
S:  820 yds - 30 m
B:  14.3 mi - 58 m
R:  3.1 mi - 40 m
Total:  2:08

S: 28 m
B: 50 m
R: 37 m
Total:  1:55

Personal Goal:  Honestly, I really just want to finish this Sprint tri to start with.  I want to cross the finish line with a smile on my face and the emotions of completing something I never thought I would find myself attempting.  No gasping or collapsing at the end.  If my time is under 2 hours, I would be completely overjoyed!  I still have 2 months of training to go, so these estimates are based on my current training times.  There's certainly room for improvement!

2009-04-22 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2103042

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Your swimming is coming along great. I couldn't swim 50 meters without hyperventilating two months ago. I thought it would be my worst/hardest event, but it will, I think, be my easiest. 1000 meters is a huge success!

I finally figured out how to shrink a picture and upload it. Yes--it's my 57 degree wetsuit in the hottub experience.


2009-04-22 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2070143

Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Ignoring transitions/including them. T2 should be cake since I have cages instead of clipless

450m swim: 14 min
11.5 ride: 45 min
5k run: 33 min

My swimming seemed like it was going great last week. This week it feels like it's gone to hell out of nowhere. It's more frustrating than golf. I feel weirdly optimistic about my riding, so I think this is a complete basement assessment. Same for the run. My big quesiton is whether I can maintin my normal pacing after the swim and ride.

45m swim: 10 min
11.5 ride: 38 min
5k run: 28 min

Last week, I would have told you 10 min was my expectation. Now, well, I wish. This ride is probably optimistic, but I think I can get close. I have trouble getting a feel for my bike pace because my routes involve me negotiating city traffic. I could be way off, but I think I have the most variance here. Nine minute miles is probably beyond me for my first sprint, but it wouldn't blow me away either. I suspect the reality would be something like 12-42-29 for a 1:23
2009-04-23 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Feel like biking this weekend?

I'm curious if -- together -- we can hit 200 miles on our bikes by Sunday at 8pm. And since it's going to be in the 80s here over the next few days, I'll commit to doing 20. Anyone else want to join in?

After you ride between now -- 5:30 on Thursday -- and Sunday at 8:00pm, post your miles here. Let's keep a running tally. The first person will post theirs, then the second will hit "quote" and add theirs, then the 3rd will hit "quote" and add theirs, etc. Let's see if we can hit the mark.

By the way -- nice race goals, everyone. I'm seriously impressed with the thought you put into it.

2009-04-23 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2106378

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I'm in. I will ride 20 tomorrow and some (20-40) on Sunday. Count me at 40 for our team goal.

I'm going out for a 10 mile run in an hour--it will be the longest run of my life. I'm talking myself into it right now. I did 9 miles a few times last year. I've never walked on a run this year, but I may tonight at the end as my long so far this season was last Thursday, 8 miles, and adding 2 miles may be too much. It seems walking is a good alternative to not trying or to injury.
2009-04-23 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2106378

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
prof40 - 2009-04-23 5:34 PM Feel like biking this weekend?

I'm curious if -- together -- we can hit 200 miles on our bikes by Sunday at 8pm. And since it's going to be in the 80s here over the next few days, I'll commit to doing 20. Anyone else want to join in?

Neat! I'll join in. I've got a group bike ride this Sunday (75km, i.e. 46.6 miles). But I'll hopefully up that number b/c I'm joining friends for a casual group ride tomorrow along the waterfront.
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