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2009-04-29 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2117277

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
dermoski - 2009-04-28 9:42 PM I was checking out everyone else's training logs, and I have to say, I feel my level of fitness is pretty low comparatively...However, I'm inspired by seeing what can be acomplished...thanks guys for your input and encouragement.

All you can do is stick with it and it will improve.  We have all been there (except those who never became couch potatoes and have been training and excercising since they were kids).  If you look back at my logs from last fall they are no where near what they are now.

2009-04-29 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2110874


Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
dermoski - 2009-04-26 8:12 AM Did you enjoy the tulip festival Katherine? That sounds nice. I have family on Vancouver Island and there is always a "count the blooms" thingy early in the year with all the flowers...very pretty

It was fabulous!  Nice and flat, so I did 20 miles.  Very sunny.  Not much traffic.  Didn't take any pictures (camera too heavy to carry).  But stopped a few times to admire the blooms.  Glad I went during the week.  Read more on my blog.

Thanks for inquiring.  I hope the weather gets better for you soon.  I got soaking wet on the way home from work yesterday.  It was barely raining when I left, but by the time I got home...  I just put my pants in the dryer.
2009-04-29 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2075032


Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Swim-Only in a pool so far.  I would like to try open water, but the water's really cold and I don't own a wetsuit.  Hoping my rental will come in early enough that I can try one open water swim before my race.

Bike-Never done indoors, but I would probably hate it.  I am lucky that I ride to and from work every day so that helps keep me moving.  It's a bit stop and start with the lights.  I had run on some rural roads seeing the tulips on Friday (but that was a long drive).  We also have some great trails/paths near here that I can go out on during the day when they are not crowded and keep a steady pace.  I want to try to catch some group rides since I've never ridden with others and want to do some more mileage and get ideas of where to go.  Luckily we have the largest bike club in the country here.

Run-Outdoors, sidewalks and the local high school track.  I've done some park paths as well but it's harder to figure out mileage.  I also like to run to get places like to my meditation class.  I will do that again tonight if it's not raining.

Another question for the group:  Anyone else doing bike to work month?  We have a great program here and I am a team captain this year.  It's so much fun to see everyone out on the roads.  I had never heard of it till I moved here and wonder how popular it is in other parts of the country.

2009-04-29 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Bike to work month - I plan on riding as soon as they ok me to ride again! I have a nice Hybrid commuter bike - it has a bike rack and bag so I can put work clothes/purse in it, etc... so I don't have to carry a back pack.  I rode to work from Sept - Nov last year... The weather has been GREAT, so, I just need the go ahead!

SWIM - I mostly swim in a pool - the Lake is an hour drive away and it's COLD!!! When I was with TnT, we did some Lake swims... I SUCK at it so far...there's no black line to follow... The Lake is HUGE... I feel lost out there! I'm planning on a OWS clinic coming up in June.

BIKE - I like biking outside - I LOVE my Tri bike! It makes riding FUN... however, I have to drive it out somewhere where there's little traffic... then it's a bit better... however, I've ridden it in traffic too. Only problem, it doesn't have lights so, I can't ride early morning or late at night... makes riding outside in the winter a challenge... I end up on the trainer at the gym (I should get a cycleops so I can ride my bike on the trainer $$$)

RUN - OUTSIDE!!! Well, that's when it's not 110* - I run inside or outside, as long as I get it done... but I do love waking up early when the air is crisp and listening to the birds sing and running along some (man-made) lakes and saying good morning to the ducks and the "old" people walking their dogs... a GREAT way to start the day

Last night I had my first private swim lesson... boy do I have a lot to learn! She said I was catching on quickly... that's twice I heard that yesterday! Once from Pilates   She gave me hope that she can get me to 2-2:15/100 with a corrected stroke... that's quite an improvement over my 3:00/100 average now... I'm hoping I can learn a correct stroke from her!

Sorry if I put you to sleep... I get quite into writing sometimes
2009-04-30 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
I wish I could bike to work.  The timing just isn't there.  I'm usually in early so I can leave early to get my son off the school bus.

I try to make up for my lack of every-day biking by typing up training log entries and posts to try to get the heart rate up! 
Feel the burn!
2009-04-30 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...

The PT was very pleased with my progress! He said all of the inflammation went down, my strength improved TREMENDOUSLY! He did recommend Pilates 2x per week for maintenance, but it's $30 per class.... It's kinda pricey when you add it to swim lessons... I said I'd get back to them!

I'm thinking the first thing I wanna do is dust off Jaipur (my bike) and take it out for a spin... then,  maybe a run, but I really have to practice my swim... can I do them ALL today?

QUESTION: Which I didn't bring up at PT (too scared of the answer) Do you think I can do the Sprint Tri on May 9th? Think that with a few rides and a few runs, I can do that (not as an A race) just to finish?

Erik you crack me up

Edited by Cardholic 2009-04-30 1:58 PM

2009-04-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2121415

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...

The PT was very pleased with my progress! He said all of the inflammation went down, my strength improved TREMENDOUSLY! He did recommend Pilates 2x per week for maintenance, but it's $30 per class.... It's kinda pricey when you add it to swim lessons... I said I'd get back to them!

I'm thinking the first thing I wanna do is dust off Jaipur (my bike) and take it out for a spin... then,  maybe a run, but I really have to practice my swim... can I do them ALL today?

QUESTION: Which I didn't bring up at PT (too scared of the answer) Do you think I can do the Sprint Tri on May 9th? Think that with a few rides and a few runs, I can do that (not as an A race) just to finish?

Erik you crack me up

Congrats!!!! How long are the biking and running distances for the sprint?  I think if they are the typical distances (I have seen some sprints with up to a 20 mile bike and a 5 mile run) that you could be long as you are doing it just to finish...the only thing I would worry about if it was me was if I could go out there and take it easy in a race setting so that I don't get re-injured.  If you can...I would say go and have fun!
2009-04-30 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...

Saturday, May 9th 2009
Short Distance: .75k swim/ 20k bike/ 5k run

I know the bike has a HUGE uphill to start, then it's flat, then a screaming downhill to finish. I'm already signed up, so I'm tempted to go... It'll be my first Tri - so I don't have to push hard... just finish, then work on PR's later in the season.
2009-04-30 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Great news Diane! Good luck with the sprint.

I have a question - I found an older Peugeot for sale in my area. The guy wants $100 or best offer. I went on bike forums and the price seems right. Does anyone know about these bikes? Can't wait to get on a bike again. There are about 30K worth of paths in my city with signs posted marking the distance -which is nice for running too.

I've decided I was trying to run too fast...slowing down lets me finish the time without being too winded and my HR skyrocketing. I want to be able to run - no matter how slow - for specified time or distance and then I'll work on speed. Thoughts?
2009-05-02 6:50 AM
in reply to: #2122657

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
dermoski - 2009-04-30 10:02 PM Great news Diane! Good luck with the sprint. I have a question - I found an older Peugeot for sale in my area. The guy wants $100 or best offer. I went on bike forums and the price seems right. Does anyone know about these bikes? Can't wait to get on a bike again. There are about 30K worth of paths in my city with signs posted marking the distance -which is nice for running too. I've decided I was trying to run too fast...slowing down lets me finish the time without being too winded and my HR skyrocketing. I want to be able to run - no matter how slow - for specified time or distance and then I'll work on speed. Thoughts?

Cindy-  I've heard of Peugot bikes, but that's about it.  The most important thing about buying a bike is fit.  If it doesn't fit you, you will hate riding it.  The rest is a distant second.  If the Peugot fits, buy it!  You can't go wrong for that price.  As for the running, you have discovered the secret of being able to run for a long time.  Slow down!  It seems strange, but over time, you will be faster. 
2009-05-02 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2121771

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Cardholic - 2009-04-30 3:44 PM Thanks!

Saturday, May 9th 2009
Short Distance: .75k swim/ 20k bike/ 5k run

I know the bike has a HUGE uphill to start, then it's flat, then a screaming downhill to finish. I'm already signed up, so I'm tempted to go... It'll be my first Tri - so I don't have to push hard... just finish, then work on PR's later in the season.

Yay!  Your first race is next week!  Just enjoy it and have a good time.  What's your training like this week?

2009-05-02 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...

Happy weekend, everyone!  Sorry I've been quite absent this week.  After last Sunday's race, I came down with *another* cold.  I've been sick all winter and I'm really tired of it.  Between that and the insanity of the last month of school, it's been hard to get much done.  I missed a swim and a run this week, so my training plan is being neglected too.  Yuck.  Not a great week for me.  But, I'm going to get some school stuff done this morning, ride and run (and blow snot) this afternoon and repeat tomorrow.  I'll still be down a swim, but that's not a huge deal. 

Question--  Since race season is here for most of us, let's talk about transition strategies.  What can you do to make transition as fast as possible?  Remember, transition is free speed.  You don't have to be strong, just smart.  How do you plan to have super speedy transitions?

2009-05-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2125310

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Since I've never done a race, I only know what I've read on BT...I'm trying to figure out if I can run in my bathing suit without a sport bra or whether I should wear a sport bra under my suit and just throw on some shorts for the bike & run. Also, I won't have bike shoes, so I'll just ride with toes clips and runners and then won't be changing my shoes...first tri, sprint distance...I don't think anyone will think anything of it...
2009-05-02 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2125310

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
The mild weather of May is coming - hope you start feeling better soon...I hate the perpetual winter cold.
2009-05-02 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2125310

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
The mild weather of May is coming - hope you start feeling better soon...I hate the perpetual winter cold.
2009-05-02 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2125303

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
rowdypaint - 2009-05-02 4:58 AM
Cardholic - 2009-04-30 3:44 PM Thanks!

Saturday, May 9th 2009
Short Distance: .75k swim/ 20k bike/ 5k run

I know the bike has a HUGE uphill to start, then it's flat, then a screaming downhill to finish. I'm already signed up, so I'm tempted to go... It'll be my first Tri - so I don't have to push hard... just finish, then work on PR's later in the season.

Yay!  Your first race is next week!  Just enjoy it and have a good time.  What's your training like this week?

I'm playing it by ear... today I plan to swim (I would bike today too, but I'm out of town) and tomorrow is another run (down at the beach )- I always take Mondays off... then Tues I have a swim lesson...probably another run... I guess the bike will be on Wed, Thurs run & maybe swim again... Friday off... Sat "Race" - um "Survive"... hmmmm I just did that right now... but it looks pretty good to me... I'll probably keep the distances relatively short... 2-3 mile runs with walk breaks - I did a 5/1 yesterday that worked for me, and 5-8 mile bikes... swims are about an hour... IF I have time, I'll try to get a Pilates class in during the week too...

Transitions - my goal is to survive! In practice I've been pretty quick in transitions, but I think for the race, I'll take the time that I need to rest before the next event - IF I NEED IT! Otherwise, it's like this:

T1: start to take wetsuit off as I exit the water - I take cap & goggles off, then they get caught in the sleeve of the wetsuit... run with it halfway off... when I get to my bike, remove rest of wetsuit, put on helmet & glasses, dry off feet (if needed), put on socks, shoes, grab bike & go...

T2: take off helmet, take off riding shoes, put on running shoes (shoes are set up with laces untied ready to put on) and go...

2009-05-04 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
haha... I have some catch-up reading to do.  Legs are angry at me, so I'm not doing much training for a short while.
2009-05-04 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2129513

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
ethompson - 2009-05-04 4:15 PM haha... I have some catch-up reading to do.  Legs are angry at me, so I'm not doing much training for a short while.

Hope they feel better soon!
2009-05-05 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Diane- Sounds like a good plan! 

Had another swim class last night.  More drill work, flip turns and a 400m time trial.  Mike said I did it in 7 something.  I know that's too fast, so I'm estimating 7:45.  One thing that he gave me to work on has been really good.  In sets of 75, 25 drill, 25 kick, 25 swim.  The drill and kick make you focus on the technique and then you get a chance to put it together immediately for the 25 swim.  After 4 of those, I'm pretty tired.  I think it's all the kicking. 

Tomorrow I'm back in the pool in the morning and running in the afternoon.  Thursday is cycle class in the morning and a 14 mile bike time trial in the afternoon.  First time trial of the season.  Whoot! 
2009-05-05 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2132825

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
woo hoo...good luck
2009-05-06 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...

Good luck in your race, Diane, and be sure to take it EASY!  No reason to blow a leg this early in the season (or ever, for that matter).

Dermo... I vote with Patty and say, slowing it down (or even plan a few walking-breaks in there) is great, and you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel, and how much farther you'll be able to go (more) comfortably. 

Transitions, eh?  I have no idea.  I don't have a wetsuit, so that's not going to slow me down.  My biking shoes are really my running shoes (don't tell), so changing shoes in T2 won't slow me down.
All I really have to do in transitions is put on/take off a helmet, and put on a shirt, belt, shoes and socks at the appropriate times.  (all theory, of course)

2009-05-07 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
There's a good article about pre-race prep in the New Articles section.  Useful stuff whether it's your first or 100th race.  The biggest point (I think) is to stick to the training plan.  No "last chance" workouts.  Trust your training and go into the race relaxed.  Good luck this weekend, Diane!
2009-05-08 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Thanks for the inspires. The running is coming along well. I'm actually enjoying it. I think I'm going to do my Sat run at the gym so I can get an idea of how far I'm going. My husband found me a needs some TLC, but it's better than the one I have (don't have) now.

Erik, you mentioned putting on a belt at the transition. What does everyone think about nutrition in a sprint? I thought I'd only need water, but I'm open to hearing the current thinking. My distance is typical sprint. (600m 20k 4k).
2009-05-08 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2139485

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Sprint nutrition-  I typically don't do much for a sprint.  Good breakfast (oatmeal or PB/banana bagel) and maybe a gel before the swim.  Lots of water.   Hydration is probably more important than during-race nutrition. 
2009-05-08 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2139509

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
That's what I kind of thought...That article you pointed out was good.
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