BT Development Mentor Program Archives » KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-18 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2567267

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2009-12-18 1:11 PM

Erin - where's your indoor tri?  I'm looking for one although Jan's earlier than I'd hoped for.

I got on the trainer last night.  Bored silly.  The battery in my cyclecomputer is dead so I can't watch distance and cadence.  So,...I noticed that as I was pedalling the bike was swaying a bit side to side.  Is that normal?  Have I just noticed this before? Is it part of starting over?  I was trying to keep cadence high but could only go by sound and feel.

Injury question:  How do you decide when an ache means stop now or when it's just something to work through?

How do you tell when you're "mashing?"


Swaying is a bad sign. I would check that out personally. People are known to fall off their trainers. Be careful.

Cadence can be counted, but I know I wouldn't try it. Ha!

Once you get the bike computer fixed that will help.

High cadence means your legs are pedaling fast, but your butt is not bouncing in the seat. If your butt is bouncing in the seat it's too high.

I find it's hard to keep a high cadence on the trainer though. Just FYI. It's easier outside I think. I just can't find the perfect gear that goes with the tension on the back tire and makes my cadence feel good. It's odd.

2009-12-18 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Oh... Big_D... Derek will be joining our little group.

Tania and I both know him... and have trained with him.

I have helped him some with his swimming and he is going to be one of my test clients for personal training.

2009-12-19 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hello everyone! Sorry, I've been MIA for a little while. I'm a total newbie to this site and it's a bit overwhelming. I think I have my training log set up or at least started...can anyone tell me how to add friends?? I don't see an option to add friends on my page..not sure If that's with a membership.

Thanks for your patience and I'll try to keep up!!

2009-12-19 1:29 AM
in reply to: #2567908

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Swaying is a bad sign. I would check that out personally. People are known to fall off their trainers. Be careful.


not referring to me are you?!?!?! ;-)

2009-12-19 1:31 AM
in reply to: #2567908

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
double post... sorry

Edited by gerrydiego 2009-12-19 1:31 AM
2009-12-19 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2568245

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
AngieF02 - 2009-12-19 1:05 AM Hello everyone! Sorry, I've been MIA for a little while. I'm a total newbie to this site and it's a bit overwhelming. I think I have my training log set up or at least started...can anyone tell me how to add friends?? I don't see an option to add friends on my page..not sure If that's with a membership.

Thanks for your patience and I'll try to keep up!!

Hey, Angie -

In your training log - blog section, look at the left hand column.  Some ways down is a bar/block labelled Friends.  On the bar is a + sign.  Click that and it will bring up a screen where you can put in all our userid's.  When you're done, click update.

Something I did is put a table of our id's and names at the top part of my blog.  You're all welcome to copy it out of mine if you want - it's nice for remembering who is who.


2009-12-19 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Also, if you look in my signature line (setup through SETTINGS at the top of the page)... you will see all your BT handles.

And it looks like Derek/Big_D will be joining us as well.

2009-12-19 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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New user
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey all, I'm finally caught up on everyone's posts!   I like how busy this forum is!

Cheryl- the indoor tri is Jan. 31st. here is the link Ohio State Tri Club.  I need to double check my work schedule but it sounds like fun and a good way to get back in the saddle.

I am way behind on starting my training, I have just been so busy lately.  I recently got a new job at a library (Cheryl and I are both librarians) and I'm getting used to the new schedule. 

For Christmas my husband and I are getting each other gym memberships! I'm SO excited.  I have a hard time staying motivated and workign out when I dont' belong to a gym.  And it's very cold here in Ohio so it's hard to train outside. Especially on the bike.  The new gym also has a triathlon 101 group fitness class!! Which I am so excited about. 

I'm currently looking for a training plan, last season I used the beginner tri plan and I liked it a lot. I think I need to decide what races I want to do and then see how much time that leaves me to get back into racing shape!

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
2009-12-19 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi everyone! Just checking in here. My husband and I took a red eye last night and are now at his parent's house in Ontario. I need to get in my long run today (6 miles) because we are going snowboarding tomorrow. I'm trying to psych myself up to get out there but it's currently 10 degrees, which is crazy cold for this California girl!
2009-12-20 2:52 AM
in reply to: #2568667

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
calimavs - 2009-12-19 12:20 PM

Hi everyone! Just checking in here. My husband and I took a red eye last night and are now at his parent's house in Ontario. I need to get in my long run today (6 miles) because we are going snowboarding tomorrow. I'm trying to psych myself up to get out there but it's currently 10 degrees, which is crazy cold for this California girl!

As your mentor, I have to say... you are better than I am. I would either 1) be on a treadmill or 2) not run.

I hate the cold. HATE IT.

Enjoy your vacation. Training will be there when you get back home.

2009-12-20 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi All,I feel terrible starting this group and it has been a few weeks since I've logged a workout. It's embarrassing. Now, I'm leaving for the holidays--I'm not sure if I should try to haul my bike and trainer to my parent's house and at least ride, or if I should call the next couple of weeks a waste and try to at least get out for some walks and start fresh when I get back from traveling. I'm not sure. Also, I wanted to get started on a more structured tri training plan. I know I want to do some sprints this late spring/summer and maybe an oly if I can feel confident enough in the swim. Is there a training plan you would recommend? I don't have a BT paid membership, so I guess some of those options are limited, but when I looked today at what's available here, I didn't know what to choose. Any advice?

2009-12-20 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey Karen and Group,

After some thought, debate, taunting, and Karen's public announcement, ha, I am going to jump in the group too. I met Karen near the end of last season and quickly figured out she had both a wealth of knowledge and talent.

NAME: Derek



Where to start my story...let's see...Nope, irrelevant.....nope boring.....nope can't say that here...ok, here we go...Summer of 2008 I stepped on the scale and was passing up 240 and was starting to buy 38" pants, uhm NO!!! My son was about to turn 2 and I wasn't going to be the dad that can't keep up or the Dad that dies of a heart attack. So I put my mind to dropping some weight. Got down to around 215 and was talking with a friend at work and he was doing a triathlon. When I thought triathlon I thought "Ironman", I had no idea about the different distances so I agreed to do one with him.

I had 12 weeks to get my butt in gear from being a couch potato to actually working out. The whole experience of getting the training together and completing the race was extremely rewarding and enjoyable. I needed more, so I quickly signed up for the last 2 races of the season in the area.

I put together my plan for 2009 with it building up to an Ironman 70.3. Had the whole year planned out and ready for action. Went out for a run one night and POP. That can't be good. Totally screwed up my knee on January 13, 18 seconds into the run. Needless to say, that scrapped pretty much all of my plan. Knee was extremely slow to heal, but spent a lot of time in the pool. Really had a chance to reconnect with swimming which I hadn't done any serious swimming since the early 80's. Decided in April to just jump in a sprint tri and do it pretty much cold turkey. Swim was good, bike was slow and run was embarrassing (but no walking). My knee didn't like me surprising it like that so I decided that was it for the season. Back to the pool for me.

Ended up joining a local tri club to keep around the sport and the amazing people and kept swimming. Threw in a couple track practices, and the knee seemed to warm up to the idea but still didn't like it. I ended up doing the swim leg of a relay group that took 1st place at a race and I just needed to do a little more (that is the race I met Karen at). So a few weeks after that I was emailing someone, let's call her Karen, and she suggested I do the Aquabike at Longhorn 70.3....hhhmmmm, ok.

So I got the bike out and figured I better start riding if I am going to swim and bike, ha. Talked Karen into swimming together once a week. She got my distance and endurance up since I had always been focusing on speed for sprints. What an a$$ whooping she put on me. Was fantastic. I also started biking with Tania, she has an amazing focus and insane drive when she works out, it is contagious.

I am getting bored thinking about what I am writing, so I know you guys are ready to get this done...ha.... so completed the Aquabike, including a crash, seperated shoulder, and riding 30 miles with the front brake stuck on... And for some insane reason, I am ready for more.

Started running again a few weeks back and just did a 5k to get an early season measuring stick. Now prodded Karen enough that I am going to do a half marathon in March. I am must be nuts. I did tell her I wouldn't train more than a max of an 8 mile run, so let's keep tabs on who wins that battle, hahaha.

I am planning out a season of 3 70.3's and will probably mix in a couple sprints and/or relays. I have a minimalistic view about working out. I believe that by doing harder, shorter workouts, I can still accomplish longer races if I pace and use nutrition correctly. But I am open to new and different ideas and points of view, hence the group and the very good leader that will not be shy about telling me I might be wrong about things. ;)


I am pretty happy where I am at 195ish. Would be nice to get under 190, but I am at the point heading into the season, I will probably be swapping fat for muscle.

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE (not that you asked ):

I have a different view, but also very open to other ideas. I will challenge you and myself, hopefully making the result even better. Plus, if you get upset with me, you can throw some kick drills in the swim and get me to cramp up and suffer...haha ;)

Edited by Big_D 2009-12-20 5:47 PM
2009-12-20 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hello Karen and everyone, Just checking in tonight. I'm hoping to get a lot of swimming in the next week or so since I will be home from work and should be able to add in the time. We have 30 or so people comming over for Christmas eve dinner, so that is a huge event to prep for as well.
Question while I have your attention Wink
Was wondering if anyone had good ideas for training plans. I know that BT has some but I am not a paid member and I don't want to invest $ for plans when I struggle to keep up with the swim. Basically, I can run and bike at olympic level but cannot swim at that level so I would need to adjust it quite a bit there.  Thanks for your input and happy holidays! 

Edited by AngieF02 2009-12-20 7:04 PM
2009-12-20 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Hello fellow mentees.  Hope everyone had a productive weekend...I know I did. 

I have a question about running.  I'm in the middle of marathon training for a race that is in March.  These next 2 weeks will be brutal on the number of  miles I will miss due do family obligations, traveling and such.  I can get shorter runs in here and there and hopefully a random swim or ride (the bike's about to go on the trainer for the season).  How far is this going to derail my efforts to be ready for my March mary?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated

2009-12-20 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2570055

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Big_D - 2009-12-20 5:42 PM

Hey Karen and Group,

After some thought, debate, taunting, and Karen's public announcement, ha, I am going to jump in the group too. I met Karen near the end of last season and quickly figured out she had both a wealth of knowledge and talent.

Thanks Derek and welcome to the group.

I appreciate the kind words... and might I add... if I do in fact have a wealth of knowledge.. why are you tweeking the half marathon training plan I sent you? HUH?

To everyone else, I know Derek fairly well so I'm going to take some liberties and give him h@ll!

2009-12-20 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2570167

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
AngieF02 - 2009-12-20 7:03 PM

Hello Karen and everyone, Just checking in tonight. I'm hoping to get a lot of swimming in the next week or so since I will be home from work and should be able to add in the time. We have 30 or so people comming over for Christmas eve dinner, so that is a huge event to prep for as well.
Question while I have your attention Wink
Was wondering if anyone had good ideas for training plans. I know that BT has some but I am not a paid member and I don't want to invest $ for plans when I struggle to keep up with the swim. Basically, I can run and bike at olympic level but cannot swim at that level so I would need to adjust it quite a bit there.  Thanks for your input and happy holidays! 

When you say you cannot swim at the level, what do you mean exactly? Do you have good form and no endurance? Or no form and no endurance?

If you do not have good form... look into swim lessons. You can start at the YMCA (Elmers swim school?) or some place cheap like that to get the basics down, and then work with a private swim coach from there. Or just start with a private swim coach.

If you have the form but no endurance... I can tell you that I have found a lot (in fact ALL) of the training plans I have ever found to be heavy on the swim training. Even the BT plans. In my opinion, they tend to go overboard with the time spent in the pool.

2009-12-20 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2570419

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2009-12-20 10:21 PM

Hello fellow mentees.  Hope everyone had a productive weekend...I know I did. 

I have a question about running.  I'm in the middle of marathon training for a race that is in March.  These next 2 weeks will be brutal on the number of  miles I will miss due do family obligations, traveling and such.  I can get shorter runs in here and there and hopefully a random swim or ride (the bike's about to go on the trainer for the season).  How far is this going to derail my efforts to be ready for my March mary?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Hey Crews, I would need to see a calendar of your exact training plan to tell you what would be OK and NOT OK to skip.

You should be half way through marathon training... and I would not recommend skipping any key workouts (long sessions). But without seeing the actual plan, it's hard for me to say exactly what you can and cannot miss.

If you want to email it to me, I'll take a look at it.

With that said, if you have limited time... focus on using what time you do have to get your running in. Ditch the swimming and bike until you have the time again.

2009-12-20 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi all,

Christmas shopping bumped my original workout plans.  I did pick up a new battery for my cyclecomputer and exhange a faulty bike pump while I was out.  There should be an entry in sports for aerobic shopping...

I've got my workouts planned out for Christmas and New Year's weeks.  The biggest challenge will be staying on track while travelling.  I need to figure out how to fit in my bike and still leave room for presents.  And 4 kids...  Hmm.  I may still have some tweaking to do.

I saw on a Weight Watchers forum - Tri-ers - that one of the gals rode in 22F today!  I can't imagine.  Well, yeah I can - all too well - which is why I have yet to go out under 38F.  That was enuf.  (Maybe it's better if you're not dripping wet?)

While shopping online, I saw a t-shirt I want:  "I'm not obsessed, I'm dedicated."

Tomorrow before work:  cycle then run - going to the YMCA where they have these cool Expresso stationary bikes.  This'll be my first time on one.  You set up an account -- because the bikes are hooked to the internet and have a screen in front of you.  You can race other concurrent riders on the same course or even do games where you chase down monsters and ride through coins to collect treasure.  The resistance changes to match the screen.  Not sure how this'll work with my speedplay/bke shoes so I may have tingly toes after.  Oh well, it'd be worth it not to be mindnumbingly bored!


2009-12-21 12:16 AM
in reply to: #2570453

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2009-12-20 11:02 PM

Hi all,

Christmas shopping bumped my original workout plans.  I did pick up a new battery for my cyclecomputer and exhange a faulty bike pump while I was out.  There should be an entry in sports for aerobic shopping...

I've got my workouts planned out for Christmas and New Year's weeks.  The biggest challenge will be staying on track while travelling.  I need to figure out how to fit in my bike and still leave room for presents.  And 4 kids...  Hmm.  I may still have some tweaking to do.

I saw on a Weight Watchers forum - Tri-ers - that one of the gals rode in 22F today!  I can't imagine.  Well, yeah I can - all too well - which is why I have yet to go out under 38F.  That was enuf.  (Maybe it's better if you're not dripping wet?)

While shopping online, I saw a t-shirt I want:  "I'm not obsessed, I'm dedicated."

Tomorrow before work:  cycle then run - going to the YMCA where they have these cool Expresso stationary bikes.  This'll be my first time on one.  You set up an account -- because the bikes are hooked to the internet and have a screen in front of you.  You can race other concurrent riders on the same course or even do games where you chase down monsters and ride through coins to collect treasure.  The resistance changes to match the screen.  Not sure how this'll work with my speedplay/bke shoes so I may have tingly toes after.  Oh well, it'd be worth it not to be mindnumbingly bored!


I think during the next two weeks... if ANYONE gets ANY workouts in... you have won the battle. Seriously. It's a very busy time of the year!

On a positive note though, working out will release some of your stress!

If you need to leave the bike at home, it's fine. Life will go on.

Cute T-Shirt!

Expresso stationary bikes look fun! Kind of like a video game that you play while pedaling... well, without a controller.

Unless the stationary bike has clips for the Speedplays, I would think you would have to wear your tennis shoes.

Have fun!

2009-12-21 12:19 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Also... I want to add... that Big_D (Derek) is a great example of how to work through an injury!

He injured his knee in January and instead of just throwing in the towel for the season, he switched his focus. He didn't let it mentally get him down and he kept pressing ahead.

2009-12-21 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi group,

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I am happy to report that I am feeling MUCH better!  I still have some minor lingering congestion, and my asthma is adapting to the colder air and recovering from being sick, but other than that I feel close to 100%... maybe at 90% right now on the health/sick scale.

Yesterday, my brother and I went to the track.  We did about 30 minutes worth of track drills.  It was great!  It also motivated me even more to join Golden Gate Tri Club.  They have Wednesday night track workouts when the season gets going.  After yesterday, I can see how that will help with my running.  My brother has been a part of a competitive tri team for years, so he has helped immensely (I feel like I have have a free coach)!

I wanted to get back into swimming this week, but the pool I know and will most likely join is closed until January 3rd!  That's no good!  So, I'm thinking of checking out one of the city pools that's only $3.50 per swim.  I have to get back in the water this week. 

I hope everyone has a great day! 

2009-12-21 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2570429

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
KSH - 2009-12-20 10:33 PM
Big_D - 2009-12-20 5:42 PM Hey Karen and Group,

After some thought, debate, taunting, and Karen's public announcement, ha, I am going to jump in the group too. I met Karen near the end of last season and quickly figured out she had both a wealth of knowledge and talent.
Thanks Derek and welcome to the group. I appreciate the kind words... and might I add... if I do in fact have a wealth of knowledge.. why are you tweeking the half marathon training plan I sent you? HUH? To everyone else, I know Derek fairly well so I'm going to take some liberties and give him h@ll!

Now if I accepted your workout and didn't challenge it, what fun would that be?  I know I might make it worse, but I might make it better.  In the end, some new knowledge will be learned.  Plus I like how you get all worked up, haha.

I haven't broken it down yet, but for the next month, I will be switching out the hill repeats with track work (my knee doesn't like the uphill stuff right now, but I do remember way back when I did do hill repeats in my former life, they do work).  I will probably be cutting a little off some distances and making the pace a little faster.
2009-12-21 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2570846

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2009-12-21 9:20 AM Hi group,

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I am happy to report that I am feeling MUCH better!  I still have some minor lingering congestion, and my asthma is adapting to the colder air and recovering from being sick, but other than that I feel close to 100%... maybe at 90% right now on the health/sick scale.

Yesterday, my brother and I went to the track.  We did about 30 minutes worth of track drills.  It was great!  It also motivated me even more to join Golden Gate Tri Club.  They have Wednesday night track workouts when the season gets going.  After yesterday, I can see how that will help with my running.  My brother has been a part of a competitive tri team for years, so he has helped immensely (I feel like I have have a free coach)!

I wanted to get back into swimming this week, but the pool I know and will most likely join is closed until January 3rd!  That's no good!  So, I'm thinking of checking out one of the city pools that's only $3.50 per swim.  I have to get back in the water this week. 

I hope everyone has a great day! 

Thanks, had a nice weekend here, but seemed to be really really short.  Good to hear you are doing better.  I hate being sick because there is not a whole lot you can do, very frustrating.

I love track practice too.  Something about it, just love it.  I know that a lot of people in my tri club set PR's last season following weekly track workouts, they work.  Take a look around at different workout places, a lot of them will offer 1 week free trial memberships, that could bridge the time until your pool opens.  Guess this works for people that will be traveling over the holidays too, just takes a little homework before you head out.
2009-12-21 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2570996

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Big_D - 2009-12-21 10:24 AM

KSH - 2009-12-20 10:33 PM
Big_D - 2009-12-20 5:42 PM Hey Karen and Group,

After some thought, debate, taunting, and Karen's public announcement, ha, I am going to jump in the group too. I met Karen near the end of last season and quickly figured out she had both a wealth of knowledge and talent.
Thanks Derek and welcome to the group. I appreciate the kind words... and might I add... if I do in fact have a wealth of knowledge.. why are you tweeking the half marathon training plan I sent you? HUH? To everyone else, I know Derek fairly well so I'm going to take some liberties and give him h@ll!

Now if I accepted your workout and didn't challenge it, what fun would that be?  I know I might make it worse, but I might make it better.  In the end, some new knowledge will be learned.  Plus I like how you get all worked up, haha.

I haven't broken it down yet, but for the next month, I will be switching out the hill repeats with track work (my knee doesn't like the uphill stuff right now, but I do remember way back when I did do hill repeats in my former life, they do work).  I will probably be cutting a little off some distances and making the pace a little faster.

I agree with the lack of hill repeats for you. Especially with your knee.

Please keep in mind that Cowtown is hilly. So at some point you will want to make sure you are OK with hills... even if it's just walking up them.

I strongly advise against only running up to 8 miles in training for a half marathon. Bad plan all the way around. At least go to 10 or 11 miles.

And get to breaking it all down, because right now you have 11 weeks left to train for Cowtown.

2009-12-21 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2570432

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED


I started getting my feet wet (literally) 2 years ago with a personal coach who I still see. We started with getting my face in a salad bowl (I have been terrified of water my entire life)... I can now swim across the pool freestyle, back stroke and, breastroke and no longer freak out in 12 feet of water !!Laughing. I see him for personal training about 1 or 2 times a month now and meet with his swim group every sunday for drills and endurance training. I swim very slow, my stroke is fairly good (always room for improvement) but my endurance is low. I can swim about 100 to 150 meters consistently without stopping (when I'm warmed up)..I'm really hoping to improve that this year with a goal to swim 800 meters consistently without stopping by April (btw, I do not do flip turns..yet).

So, any training plan I have would have to be highly modified on the swimming as my run and bike endurance is fine for say an olympic distance but my swimming is not. I will only do sprints because of this. Hence, I was hoping to find some free plans that I can modify for my swimming since it's my weakest link.

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