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2009-12-17 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2564880

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
TriAya - 2009-12-18 12:32 AM So here's my first suggestion, if you want to take me up on it!

Focus is good. So is that warm wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Let's do both!

1. Pick a main goal for this tri season (e.g., do first/second/etc. tri, finish HIM, lose weight, swim faster, etc.)
2. Think of one small(ish), concrete step you can take in the next few weeks toward that goal. This step is a goal in itself.
3. Apply the SMART framework to that goal (cliche, but it works!)

S=specific, M=measurable, A=attainable, R=realistic, T=timely

Here's mine, as an example:

Main Goal: finish my HIM on May 2 in a time of 7:30 or less

SMART Goal: run all of my planned 335 remaining minutes for December at an AVERAGE pace of 8:40min/km

It does satisfy all the SMART requirements. It isn't easy ... but it's "attainable."

LOL ... I forgot a really important part ... I used to modify this as SMARTS, the last S being the S*&$! clause.

It means, s*&$ happens. So I say something like: if I meet 90% of my SMART goal, it's a success. I definitely also tell myself that doing ANY part of the goal, even just starting on it, is an achievement.

Since it's an average pace, I'm not going to do any fancy calculations and say 90% at 8:40 (way too hard to figure out in the end) .... I'm just going to say:

S clause: 90% of 335 minutes is a success. Any more running this month is an achievement!

2009-12-17 11:09 PM
in reply to: #2565663

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
iwantotri - 2009-12-18 6:32 AM This is a little off the subject, but I want to start my own blog about training for a triathlon and in a year or 2 an Ironman.  I can't think of a good blog name address.  The only thing I can come up with right now is couch-to-ironmanmom.  Does anyone have any ideas.

Oh yeah, I figure if anyone ever follows it, it should keep me faithful in my training.

I think "Couch-to-IronMom" would be very catchy.

Beth's thoughts about your main motivation are good, too. Maybe brainstorm a list of options?
2009-12-17 11:24 PM
in reply to: #2565591

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2009-12-18 5:31 AM Yuck, scales... probably doesn't mean much coming from a 26-year-old, but I'm not a fan! Nor clothing labels. I finally realized just a couple years ago that I had a whole range of number sizes in my closet (my favorite jeans and my one good suit are 6 sizes apart!), and four different letter sizes too.   

I am formulating my goals and I have some questions... anyone with any input feel free to jump in!

1.) Does anyone live far from the place you work out? If so, how do you motivate yourself to go there? My specific issue: I can swim for free at my university gym. It takes 30-40 minutes to get to campus from where I live. When the next term starts in mid-January I can just schedule my swims for days I'm on campus anyway... but until then...

2.) I never really formally learned how to swim. Would it be worth shelling out for lessons, and/or ordering a Total Immersion (etc.) DVD or book? 

3.) I'm looking at the BT plans and I'm having trouble figuring out which plan to pick. I am looking at these plans:
*Couch-to-Sprint 12 week
*Sprint - Balanced Lifestyle
*Winter Maintenance Prep 4-7 Hour
*Michael Pates Total Sprint
My only regular exercise right now is walking (2-5 miles/day, 5-6 days/wk, 2-15 lbs/on my back), and I definitely want to start slow so that I don't hurt myself. Do any of these plans strike you guys as better or worse than the others, for my situation? Should I start with something even slower than these, like the couch-to-5k? 

Great questions, Rebecca!

1) Keep a swim bag packed and ready. That way, you can't talk yourself out right from the "prep" stage. Is there anything at all on the way our at your destination that could constitute an errand? Need to pick something up or drop something off? That way there's an additional reason to get out the door, even if the errand is say 10 min away ...

2) SWIMMING LESSONS. They don't have to be expensive. A socially-adept high school swimmer (preferably one who's taught swimming lessons, as many have) could suffice. Places like the Y often offer swimming lessons.

3) It looks like Couch-to-Sprint and Michael Pates would be your best bets for starting out slow and building. (Like Beth said, when is your tentative race?) As far as running goes, here's my suggestion for an already-accomplished walker: you could keep your current walking schedule (even if it exceeds the plan you choose), and incorporate well-spaced run segments. VERY well-spaced, like walk 5-6 minutes, run 1 minute.

Another option is to keep your walking schedule (or reduce it by the number of run minutes), and incorporate short, slow runs, also at a run-walk ratio (say, 3-4 min running for 1 min walking. Or even less, if you feel yourself short of breath or "puffing.") If you're finding it all very easy, THEN considering extending the run segments or cutting out the walking segments ...
2009-12-17 11:41 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Weight loss, weight loss, weight loss! The bane and boon of my existence.

Call me quackers but I'm starting to try to frame things in the positive ... instead of that I quit smoking, I choose to breathe freely. Instead of losing weight, I am pursuing health and fitness! I am becoming lean!

Yes, I've made astonishing leaps in gaining health and have some good advice. I'm still not out of the boat yet, though and I think the fact that I have already become so much leaner makes it difficult: it's like, I've already lost nearly 100 lbs, why should I lose the remaining 30 or so I have left? (Okay, sometimes it's really hard not to use the words "weight loss")

But like Beth's jeans, I too have my non-weight markers. I am really happy when I can consistently run a little faster (and no doubt, being lighter helps). I look and feel better in my clothes.

Here's the LEAN TIP OF THE WEEK ... not a surprise, but reminders are always good ...


Push that last little bit back from 1% milk to 1/2% or fat-free.
If I want ice cream, I have a lassi. (A what? It has fur? LOL no, it's a yogurt/fruit smoothie)
Craving crunchy salty chips? An ounce or two of pistachios.

You get the idea. Add some of your own!
2009-12-18 3:20 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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New Zealand
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi everyone
Hope training and christmas plans are going well!

Love the SMARTS idea

My main goal: complete my next tri on Feb 21 in under 1 hour (300m swim/15km bike/4km run).  My first one took me 1 hour 7, but the swim was only 150m.

SMART(s) goal: to somehow make time to train at least 4x per week for 20-60min per session for the rest of December

If I can just at least maintain my fitness and not eat TOO TOO much over the xmas/new years period I'll be satisfied..  I'm being realistic, what with work functions next week, being in charge of desserts for christmas day etc etc!

Beth, in terms of childminding, I've managed to hire a student who lives nearby to come and watch the kids a few times a week so I can train, expensive option though, so I can't do it too often.  I've managed to run with baby in stroller around park while I keep an eye on the older kids, or my son runs with me.  And I'm considering buying a windtrainer/indoor trainer for my bike so I can train at night while they sleep! hopefully...  I am yet to figure out how to swim with them all, but I think swimming is probably my strength as I grew up swimming in open water, so maybe i can ignore it for now?

Tomorrow I'm going to my first beginner's tri training group!  Kind of nervous about it as it feels like something athletic people do, not me..

Kia kaha
(a kiwi expression, translates as 'be strong')
2009-12-18 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
I recently started a swim program with a local tri team. At my first session two weeks ago we had a time trial at 100 500 and 1000 meters and again last night. My 500 and 1000 times were 1 minute faster last night.

Anyone else take classes or workout with a group?

2009-12-18 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Yanti:  i love the idea of framing things in the positive - i had great success with that approach as well, thanks for the reminder   this may sound silly, but one of the ways i try and incorporate positive thinking into my everyday life is through my password - i always choose a password that is a reminder of something positive i want to have happen my life - every time i sign on to my computer - the positive thought is reinforced - you'd be amazed to know how many times things have come to be

Melyssa:  i can see where child care would be a very expensive proposition - sounds like you've got the running in hand and have figured out how to do it with the kids, an indoor trainer sounds like a great idea and would pay for itself since you wouldn't have to pay for a sitter.  as far as swimming goes, given it's your strength, certainly it doesn't need the same empahsis - although for me, i'd want to try and get some in - is there a gym or pool that might have child care services? (ps - i totally related to your comments about the tri club)

Lisa:  Congratulations on the fantastic progress!  it's always so rewarding and motivating to see those kind of improvements

as far as training with a group - i just recently joined the local running club - they host a winter race series which is fantastic!

i went for the first time a couple of weeks ago and boy oh boy was i nervous!  i ended up having a great time and even met a gal that i will be able to train with in the upcoming year

2009-12-18 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Hi Everyone!  Happy to be a part of this group.

I am Marcy (Dodger is my dog)!  I am not so much a beginner, but continue to learn new things every day here.  I started doing tri's in 2005 when I turned 40.  Since then I have completed many sprints and oly's and 4 HIM's.

My first race this year is LoneStar HIM in Galveston in April.  I am a consistent middle to back of packer, but that's OK by me.  I race for me, to have fun and enjoy the experience.  I am also a certified USAT coach and am working with a few athletes.  Some attempting their first race, one working towards his first IM in 2010.

Like many others here, weight has been an issue (as well as age I am learning).  I am trying to shed about 15 pounds before LoneStar.  If I do, great, if not I know I am doing everything right and my body will just have to find its happy place.

Glad to be a part of the group!




2009-12-18 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2566733

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
dodgersmom - 2009-12-18 11:08 AM

Hi Everyone!  Happy to be a part of this group.

I am Marcy (Dodger is my dog)!  I am not so much a beginner, but continue to learn new things every day here.  I started doing tri's in 2005 when I turned 40.  Since then I have completed many sprints and oly's and 4 HIM's.

My first race this year is LoneStar HIM in Galveston in April.  I am a consistent middle to back of packer, but that's OK by me.  I race for me, to have fun and enjoy the experience.  I am also a certified USAT coach and am working with a few athletes.  Some attempting their first race, one working towards his first IM in 2010.

Like many others here, weight has been an issue (as well as age I am learning).  I am trying to shed about 15 pounds before LoneStar.  If I do, great, if not I know I am doing everything right and my body will just have to find its happy place.

Glad to be a part of the group!




welcome Marcy!  Thanks for introducing yourself

2009-12-18 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2566733

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi Marcy and Cooper (my dog) says hi to Dodger!
2009-12-18 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2566024

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
You guys are so awesome in so many ways. I am totally lucky to be in this group!

Yanti, the idea about keeping a bag packed and working in errands is great -- I will definitely go for that!

Swimming lessons seem to have got a resounding YES, so I'll get on that right away. There are two colleges, a fair number of gyms, and a few indie sporting goods stores nearby, so hopefully I'll be able to get that set up tomorrow! ("Tomorrow" only because it's 9 PM where I am right now!)

As for plans, I was kinda leaning toward Michael Pates because it starts out REALLY slow. I've hurt myself in the past doing too much too soon, so it's something I'm really worried about. The first few weeks have walks instead of runs, but I'll take the suggestion of including tiny, well-spaced run intervals -- that sounds really good. 

I hadn't mentioned a race yet. I will go look for one on BT's race calendars right now!
>UPDATE: Here are the options for sprint distance races, close to me, in the first half of the season... Thoughts?
Black Bear - June 6 - $95 - an hour away
Philly Insurance - June 26 - $140 - on my doorstep
Philly Women's - July 11 - $105 - on my doorstep
NJ State - July 24 - $100 - an hour away 

Edited by Silver Bullet 2009-12-18 9:12 PM

2009-12-18 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2566028

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
TriAya - 2009-12-18 12:41 AM
Here's the LEAN TIP OF THE WEEK ... not a surprise, but reminders are always good ...


For sweet cravings: Hard candies. Most are 10-30 calories apiece. Gives a little tiny sugar shot, and by the time I'm done sucking on them, I feel like I've "eaten" something.

Edited by Silver Bullet 2009-12-18 8:32 PM
2009-12-19 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2568049

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2009-12-18 9:09 PM You guys are so awesome in so many ways. I am totally lucky to be in this group!

Yanti, the idea about keeping a bag packed and working in errands is great -- I will definitely go for that!

Swimming lessons seem to have got a resounding YES, so I'll get on that right away. There are two colleges, a fair number of gyms, and a few indie sporting goods stores nearby, so hopefully I'll be able to get that set up tomorrow! ("Tomorrow" only because it's 9 PM where I am right now!)

As for plans, I was kinda leaning toward Michael Pates because it starts out REALLY slow. I've hurt myself in the past doing too much too soon, so it's something I'm really worried about. The first few weeks have walks instead of runs, but I'll take the suggestion of including tiny, well-spaced run intervals -- that sounds really good. 

I hadn't mentioned a race yet. I will go look for one on BT's race calendars right now!
>UPDATE: Here are the options for sprint distance races, close to me, in the first half of the season... Thoughts?
Black Bear - June 6 - $95 - an hour away
Philly Insurance - June 26 - $140 - on my doorstep
Philly Women's - July 11 - $105 - on my doorstep
NJ State - July 24 - $100 - an hour away 

Sounds like they are all fairly good options - the two on your doorstep (and mine)  certainly have the appeal of location - a little further out gives you more time to train, however you have plenty of time to train for any of them and be in good shape maybe do the earliest one and then another a little further in the season - food for thought

A good thing to do is to check out what other BT members have said about the race - you can go to the race link within BT and check out race reports from other members - folks usually do a really nice job of telling about their experiences as well as reviewin the race venue

hopefully I'll be getting my bike stuff out of storage this spring and can maybe do a couple of these myself!

2009-12-19 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2568049

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
One thing to keep in mind is location of the swim. Aren't Philly Women's and Philly Insurance in the Schuylkill River?

Before my first tri last year (Danskin SheRox Philly) I was carefully watching river watch as warnings often changed from red to orange or yellow and occasionally green. It ended up that the race was changed to a duathlon as it was a really bad weather day, they actually cancelled the race in the middle, I was one of less than 1/3 who got to finish.

After seeing the green murk of the Schuylkill River I'm kind of glad in the long run that I didn't have to swim in it but I was originally quite disappointed and found another tri to do the following week.

Silver Bullet - 2009-12-18 9:09 PM

You guys are so awesome in so many ways. I am totally lucky to be in this group!

Yanti, the idea about keeping a bag packed and working in errands is great -- I will definitely go for that!

Swimming lessons seem to have got a resounding YES, so I'll get on that right away. There are two colleges, a fair number of gyms, and a few indie sporting goods stores nearby, so hopefully I'll be able to get that set up tomorrow! ("Tomorrow" only because it's 9 PM where I am right now!)

As for plans, I was kinda leaning toward Michael Pates because it starts out REALLY slow. I've hurt myself in the past doing too much too soon, so it's something I'm really worried about. The first few weeks have walks instead of runs, but I'll take the suggestion of including tiny, well-spaced run intervals -- that sounds really good. 

I hadn't mentioned a race yet. I will go look for one on BT's race calendars right now!
>UPDATE: Here are the options for sprint distance races, close to me, in the first half of the season... Thoughts?
Black Bear - June 6 - $95 - an hour away
Philly Insurance - June 26 - $140 - on my doorstep
Philly Women's - July 11 - $105 - on my doorstep
NJ State - July 24 - $100 - an hour away 
2009-12-19 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Just want to pop in to say I am not dropping out, but it's going to be tough for me to be chatty until after Christmas -- just so much on my plate with work and getting ready to travel to to my hometown with my family of 4 for a week.  My goal for the next two weeks is just to make sure I work out at least 3x a week in the middle of all the craziness!   Then, swim lessons in January....
2009-12-19 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Lisa:  great input on the swim venue, it is indeed a very important part of the decision!

Dineen:  we totally understand if you're not around much during the holidays, i suspect it will be that way for a lot of us - just jump in when and if you can

2009-12-19 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2559122

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

So here is where TinkyBeth has been hiding all along.

2009-12-19 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2568760

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
1stTimeTri - 2009-12-19 2:53 PM

So here is where TinkyBeth has been hiding all along.

Hiya Phil!  you found me!

2009-12-19 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
losta - 2009-12-19 1:32 PM One thing to keep in mind is location of the swim. Aren't Philly Women's and Philly Insurance in the Schuylkill River?

VERY good point, Lisa! Isn't there at least one tri in NYC that has the swim in the Hudson? Ugh.

I contacted 2 instructors, 5 gyms, and my university's swim team about swim lessons today. Hopefully someone calls back real soon. We're dealing with a massive invasion of snow and wind in Philly, so I imagine swimming isn't much on people's minds here today.

So here's my goals!

Main Goal: Finish Black Bear Sprint on June 6 with a smile on my face

SMART Goal: Complete Week 1 of the Michael Pates Total Sprint plan

2009-12-19 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2566075

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
missyNZ - 2009-12-18 4:20 AM

Tomorrow I'm going to my first beginner's tri training group!  Kind of nervous about it as it feels like something athletic people do, not me..

Kia kaha
(a kiwi expression, translates as 'be strong')

How did it end up going, Melyssa?
2009-12-19 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2568049

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2009-12-18 9:09 PM

>UPDATE: Here are the options for sprint distance races, close to me, in the first half of the season... Thoughts?
Black Bear - June 6 - $95 - an hour away
Philly Insurance - June 26 - $140 - on my doorstep
Philly Women's - July 11 - $105 - on my doorstep
NJ State - July 24 - $100 - an hour away 

FWIW I've done the Philly Insurance sprint the last two years with some of my friends. Swimming in the Schuylkill sounds bad but to be honest, it was a lot nicer (cleaner) than some of the places I did ows in training. The race is well organized but it can get crowded on the bike. My friends are moving up to the olympic this year so I might end up doing that just for fun because it's only two weeks after my HIM. I haven't done the other races so I can't comment on them but I think you'd be happy with Philly.


2009-12-19 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Other than LoneStar, I have not given a lot of thought to what races I want to do this season.  I am going to do the Warrior Dash the weekend after.  Just for fun!  The good thing about Texas is that on any given weekend there is usually a tri somewhere close.  I know I am going to end the season with HIM LongHorn in Austin.

I also think that I may want to do a full marathon sometime in 2010.

My goal is to just keep getting a little faster each time, but to just have fun!

Edited by dodgersmom 2009-12-19 8:07 PM
2009-12-19 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2569115

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
reid15 - 2009-12-19 7:57 PM
FWIW I've done the Philly Insurance sprint the last two years with some of my friends. Swimming in the Schuylkill sounds bad but to be honest, it was a lot nicer (cleaner) than some of the places I did ows in training. The race is well organized but it can get crowded on the bike. My friends are moving up to the olympic this year so I might end up doing that just for fun because it's only two weeks after my HIM. I haven't done the other races so I can't comment on them but I think you'd be happy with Philly. Art

Thanks for the thoughts, Art I'm going for the earliest one I can find, figuring that if I feel good in the few months leading up to it, I can sign up for one of the Philly sprints.

I neglected to check trifind also... another early race is DiamondGirl on June 13th. One week later than Black Bear, same price, about half an hour closer (BB is really more like 90 minutes away). Still leaning toward BB since it seems like a favorite of a lot of BT's vets (including site founder Ron)... but will the half hour shorter drive make any difference? How far is too far to travel in one morning for a tri? 

Edited by Silver Bullet 2009-12-19 8:16 PM
2009-12-19 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2569206

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
dodgersmom - 2009-12-19 9:06 PM
The good thing about Texas is that on any given weekend there is usually a tri somewhere close.  

2009-12-19 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2568941

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Yes, Nautica NYC Tri is in the Hudson and I really have no desire to do that tri. I generally swim with my mouth open a bit so yuck.

Silver Bullet - 2009-12-19 5:25 PM

losta - 2009-12-19 1:32 PM One thing to keep in mind is location of the swim. Aren't Philly Women's and Philly Insurance in the Schuylkill River?

VERY good point, Lisa! Isn't there at least one tri in NYC that has the swim in the Hudson? Ugh.

I contacted 2 instructors, 5 gyms, and my university's swim team about swim lessons today. Hopefully someone calls back real soon. We're dealing with a massive invasion of snow and wind in Philly, so I imagine swimming isn't much on people's minds here today.

So here's my goals!

Main Goal: Finish Black Bear Sprint on June 6 with a smile on my face

SMART Goal: Complete Week 1 of the Michael Pates Total Sprint plan

Edited by losta 2009-12-19 8:36 PM
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