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2010-04-25 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2815202

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
trodrig23 - 2010-04-25 3:11 PM Hey group! =)


I would love to hear about everyone's first experience in open water. Breathing tips would also be helpful! LOL

I haven't done open water in the sea, only in lakes by myself with a boat nearby in case I have a problem.  I tried tucking my head more towards my shoulder, to somewhat create an open space for air.  I don't know if that makes since, but it seemed to work better for me, if there were white caps on the water. 

Great job on the first open water swim.  No panic attack, so that is really good.

2010-04-26 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

On the go repair kit for your bike

Here is my list:
Spare tube
Tire levers
Patch kit
Bike multi-tool
CO2 inflator

 So what do you carry? Anything you would add or change.

2010-04-26 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2816728

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

acv - 2010-04-26 8:15 AM

On the go repair kit for your bike

Here is my list:
Spare tube
Tire levers
Patch kit
Bike multi-tool
CO2 inflator

 So what do you carry? Anything you would add or change.

Good list!  I have a bike bottle that I keep in my rear rack with flat supplies.  I also have a small under the seat pack - the contents:

bottle:  CO2 inflator, two cartridges, spare tube, levers

pack:  multi tool, spare tube, flat cardboard with duct tape winding around it (if there's a repair that I can't make with a multi tool and duct tape, I will need to call someone to rescue me  )

2010-04-26 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2816967

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Whats the duct tape for? It that your versus of a patch kit.
2010-04-26 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2817005

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

utahrunner - 2010-04-26 9:31 AM Whats the duct tape for? It that your versus of a patch kit.

I really don't bother with patching - I just replace the tube if I flat (although I may try it to patch a tube if I ever go through both spares and flat again).  I keep the tape in case something comes loose and I need something to hold it in place temporarily until I get to safety.  The only time I have used it (knock on wood) was when I was doing a century ride and forgot the rubber bands that hold my aero bottle on my bike.  I tore the tape into strips and affixed the bottle to my aerobars - believe it or not, it held.

By the way, I have a pattern of forgetting the rubber bands.  I forgot them once on a race day and ended up using the strap from a spare pair of goggles to hold the bottle on - that worked well, too. 

2010-04-26 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I keep two zip ties in mine for what the $%*#! emergencies, and a $5 bill in case i need to refuel. I as well usually don't bother patching a tube, i simply replace it, patching takes as long. I also keep a think of eye drops in my bento box for my contacts, inevitably i will have to use it to clear out the grime. 

2010-04-26 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
You have a lot of races planned and by looking at your schedule you really don't take time off from training. Even during the week you may miss a day but not many. I'm curious if you have planned rest weeks or rest days?

I'm trying to the best of my ability to follow a schedule that allows for 2 rest days a week and has a rest week built in at the mid way point on a 14 week program. I think this year I'm a head of the game and would be ready for a sprint Tri in June.

At a certain point are the rest periods moot?
2010-04-26 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2817205

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

dmwill37 - 2010-04-26 10:38 AM I keep two zip ties in mine for what the $%*#! emergencies, and a $5 bill in case i need to refuel. I as well usually don't bother patching a tube, i simply replace it, patching takes as long. I also keep a think of eye drops in my bento box for my contacts, inevitably i will have to use it to clear out the grime. 

Zip ties are a really good idea, too.  I think I am going to add those.  And, by the way, I love your signature line, Dave!

2010-04-26 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2817256

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

acv - 2010-04-26 10:53 AM Brian,
You have a lot of races planned and by looking at your schedule you really don't take time off from training. Even during the week you may miss a day but not many. I'm curious if you have planned rest weeks or rest days?

I'm trying to the best of my ability to follow a schedule that allows for 2 rest days a week and has a rest week built in at the mid way point on a 14 week program. I think this year I'm a head of the game and would be ready for a sprint Tri in June.

At a certain point are the rest periods moot?

I've gone through several iterations of schedules, and I tend to fall easily into patterns (get set in my ways).  I always used to take a rest day every week (Mondays), which worked out really well at the time.  A couple of months ago, I felt myself slipping, so I pretty much eliminated the rest day - I figure that something will come up with work or home that will 'force' me to take a day off.  I have been pretty fortunate over the last couple of months and have been able to stay at 7 days/week most of the time.   Two days per week are swim days, so this kind of acts as an active recovery day.  I don't feel that my body gets taxed as much from swimming, and I don't bike or run on consecutive days, so I feel that I get adequate recovery. 

I never used to take recovery weeks intentionally (periodization).  However, I followed a structured IM plan that provided for three hard weeks (build weeks) and one rest/recovery week.  I found that to be really effective, and have since incorporated it into my regular routine.  Right now, I am in the third week of building, and I plan to take next week a little easier.  Not only does a lighter week allow my body to recover, but it also allows me a mental break as well, and gives me some time to catch up on other things that I have been neglecting.

Rest is different for everyone, and you need to tweak and adapt your plans and schedules to find something that works for you.  If you find yourself feeling drained, it's good to take a day off or ligten up for a week.  Personally, I think that the most effective schedule or plan is the one that you can stick to and do consistently.  I always suffer the most and get the most out of shape when I get out of being consistent. 


2010-04-27 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Do any of you do running only events? There is a 5K coming up next weekend I might do it just for fun.

2010-04-27 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2819257

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

acv - 2010-04-27 7:17 AM

Do any of you do running only events? There is a 5K coming up next weekend I might do it just for fun.

Running a stand alone 5k or 10k can be a lot of fun and a good way to get a baseline for your speed.  In training terms, you can think of it as a tempo run.   

2010-04-27 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I did a 5k about a month ago, was good time and like Brian said it gave me a good idea of where i was at with my run training. I am doing a couple more later this year, but my main focus is getting ready for the Redman Half Ironman in September. 
2010-04-27 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2819310

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I did couple 5K & 10K at the beginning of the year.  It been helpful to get a baseline (10min pace)for my sprint & oly distance tri.  I am planning (I have till the end of the week sign up for it) the st. george marathon in oct.
2010-04-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2780242


Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Nutrition question - What does everyone eat?  I am an extremely picky eater and can't seem to get 1200 calories in a day.  I am 5'8" 125 pounds.  I cannot eat protein bars, protein shakes, or anything else like that.  I prefer real food.  My meals are breakfast: multigrain English muffin or a Kashi cereal bar, lunch: 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly, turkey or roast beef sandwich with some chips, some candy out of the candy bowl at work at least 4 or 5 pieces depending on what is in there, and dinner is usually something fast like pasta. I generally don't skip dessert either but that might just be some chocolate or some ice cream. I would love any advice!!
2010-04-27 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2819886

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

kathy79 - 2010-04-27 9:56 AM Nutrition question - What does everyone eat?  I am an extremely picky eater and can't seem to get 1200 calories in a day.  I am 5'8" 125 pounds.  I cannot eat protein bars, protein shakes, or anything else like that.  I prefer real food.  My meals are breakfast: multigrain English muffin or a Kashi cereal bar, lunch: 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly, turkey or roast beef sandwich with some chips, some candy out of the candy bowl at work at least 4 or 5 pieces depending on what is in there, and dinner is usually something fast like pasta. I generally don't skip dessert either but that might just be some chocolate or some ice cream. I would love any advice!!

Kathy:  What goals are you trying to achieve with your diet?  Gaining weight, losing weight, building muscle?  Where do you think you are deficient?   If you give us a little more information, maybe everyone will have some ideas for what you can add or subtract, but as a general diet, I think what you are doing sounds pretty healthy.

2010-04-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
My calorie needs are obviously quite different, I am 5'10 @ 230#, but I try to stick to 1800 to 2000, depending on what type of workout i am doing. If i am doing a day where i am lifting weights and cycling I will do some serious carbo loading, if i am simply swimming, i cut my diet down, and force my body to use its reserves. You really have to learn what you as an individual need to fuel your workouts as well as the remainder of your day. Keep in mind that on top of any workouts you have scheduled you need to account for your resting metabolic rate, for instance i burn 2120 calories simply walking to the restroom, working, breathing etc, so if i am not careful i can easily create a 1000 a day calorie deficit. I also try to keep my meal curve going down the later the day gets (max calories in the morning). 

Breakfast (combination of some of the following)- Nature Valley granola bar, simply orange juice (8oz), dannon lite and fit yogurt, Quaker instant oatmeal, banana, grape-nuts, Wheaties, cheerios, 1% milk, granola, fresh fruit
AM Snack - combination of , Almonds, dried apricots, fresh fruit
Lunch - large salad (usually and entire bag of Dole lettuce) with a variety of vegis, fruits, nuts fat free dressing. or small turkey sandwich, vegi soup. I also buy the steam-able bags of rice, vegis to cook at work, and include some canned chicken or shrimp. Chicken salads, seafood pasta salads. 
PM Snack - vegi soup, kashi bar, cliff bar, green tea, fresh fruit, fresh vegis, peanut butter sandwich, cheese sticks, whole grain crackers, jerkey
Dinner - scrambled eggs (1 whole egg w/ 1/2 cup whites), fruit, Jello, glass of milk, grilled fish or seafood, salads, fresh vegi's, lean meats (chicken, pork loin), sushi/sashimi, buffallo burgers, salmon burgers, etc.
Evening snack - yogurt, fruit, sorbet

I also want to point out some things i never do, I drink minimal calories (juice or milk only), I never eat out, I do not eat deserts (NO cake, NO pie, NO candy), I do not drink alcohol and do not drink excessive amounts of caffeine. Processed sugars and foods are BAD, BAD, BAD, they give me no long term benefit, and simply hinder my training. 

Things I DO daily without fail , I drink in excess of 64 oz or water a day, I follow intense workouts with a protein supplement (mixed with milk), or a highly protein intensive food to help with recovery (eggs, peanut butter). I take a mens multivitamin and fish oil supplement.  I should add however that I am eating and training to lose weight. 

I know I lead a pretty boring life but everything i do is leading to accomplishing my goal on September 25th, 2010, the Redman Half Ironman. Hope this isn't too much, and that some of this helps you out. 

2010-04-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2819886

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
kathy79 - 2010-04-27 12:56 PM Nutrition question - What does everyone eat?  I am an extremely picky eater and can't seem to get 1200 calories in a day.  I am 5'8" 125 pounds.  I cannot eat protein bars, protein shakes, or anything else like that.  I prefer real food.  My meals are breakfast: multigrain English muffin or a Kashi cereal bar, lunch: 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly, turkey or roast beef sandwich with some chips, some candy out of the candy bowl at work at least 4 or 5 pieces depending on what is in there, and dinner is usually something fast like pasta. I generally don't skip dessert either but that might just be some chocolate or some ice cream. I would love any advice!!

Looks like you are are on the low of the "normal" BMI index range. I try to avoid sugar as much as possible. Anything that is really processed I try not to eat. I'm at the high end of "normal" and would like to loose a little more before my race.

I do find it hard to loose weight when training for a tri. I remember someone saying that they couldn't loose weight unless they "ate back" the calories they burned during training. I think everyones bodies are different.

PS I'm not a picky eater and my wife loves that about me. Embarassed

Edited by acv 2010-04-27 12:35 PM
2010-04-27 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Some really good input from Dave and Adam!  Anyone else have ideas for Kathy?

2010-04-27 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I need to be taking these ideas and 'running' with them.  I don't really like protein shakes or anything like that either, but the special K protein water mix that you put in a water bottle isn't too bad.  Chobani greek yogurt has a lot of protein in it for not all that many calories. 

My nutritionist also gets upset when I have low calories, so sometimes I cheat and drink them if I know I'm going to be low.  I like Gatorade and vitamin water over carbinated or caffeinated drinks.

I'm 5'8, 183 and half way to my weightloss goal.  I've lost 33 pounds in almost 4 months and I have 33 more to go.  It's nice because now that I'm training, I've stepped up the calories.  The other way to get a few more calories in is to snack more often.  

I hardly ever skip dessert, and what used to be a bag of cookies, or a huge bowl of ice cream with magic shell and whipped cream is now a skinny cow ice cream sandwich, or weight watcher cup of ice cream.  I only eat one roll with dinner if I'm out and I only allow myself to have a bad side once a week.  I'm trying to make healthier choices, and I sometimes struggle with getting my calories in because broccoli is very filling, and then I can't eat anything else.  

I'm an extremely picky eater and my husband hates it.  I'm getting a little better, but still not the best at it! 
2010-04-27 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Carly, congrats on the weight loss, that is really awesome! keep up the good work.
2010-04-27 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
As far as food goes, I try to eat more fruits and vegetables now.  My problem is figuring out what will work with my body during a long race, because I can't stop and eat a bunch of cooked broccoli. 

How is the training going for everyone.  I am posting here and then leaving for my workouts.  I plan on a mile swim and then at least a 20 mile bike ride.

2010-04-27 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2819984


Irvine, CA
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I have a 10K coming up this will be my 2nd 10K of the season. I like doing running races, because I like the competition and it helps me figure out my pace for my olympic. 

As far as diet goes...I am trying to stick close to 1500 calories consumed and 3000 burned. Keeping a 1500 calorie deficit helps me lose about 2.5 - 3 pounds a week. I purchased a bodybugg to help me keep track of my daily calorie burns and it comes with access to an online program where I enter in my nutrition each day to see how close I am to meeting my goals.  I tend to eat a more high protein, lower carb style diet.
For breakfast, I'll eat a good whole grain, high fiber cereal with fresh fruit added;  a 100% whole grain english muffin with all-natural peanut butter; 1 hard boiled egg with 1 slice of whole grain bread; oatmeal with fruit. 
I have a mid morning snack of something with lots of protein, like cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, a protein bar or a protein shake.
For lunch I'll have a salad with some sort of protein added to it, like sliced turkey, tuna, eggs. Or a whole wheat tortilla with lean lunch meat and cheese rolled up inside. Whole wheat pita bread with hummus and a salad with lots of veggies.
Afternoon snack is again something with lots of protein...maybe an apple with peanut butter, nuts, cheese, a protein bar or protein drink.
Dinner is always at least 50% vegetables, with 25% lean meat and 25% whole grains.
For a treat after dinner I'll have a CarbSmart ice cream bar, Skinny Cow ice cream bar, sugar free Jello pudding snack or sugar free popsicle. 
2010-04-28 5:17 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Is there an easy way to get to each persons training log, rather than finding them on the postings and then clicking on their log button?   I haven't found another way, and their has to be a "friends" page somewhere that I am not finding.  Thanks for helping the "newby"   :-)
2010-04-28 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

I found this website to have some great tools and resources regarding nutrition.

PS Finally got the run in that I missed yesterday.

Edited by acv 2010-04-28 7:54 AM
2010-04-28 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I log all my food on the livestrong site, very complete list of food, easy to build your own recipes. I also don't like keeping my nutrition and exercise in one site, its too easy to cheat knowing you burned XXX calories. 
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