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2011-01-04 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I've lost 15 pounds or so over the past year. It was all based on enormous calorie burn. Based on my Garmin, I burned 138,000 calories last year from exercise.

Breakfast is a Clif Bar and coffee. Chocolate chip is the best. I've eaten them every morning for 4 years. They also have 5 grams of fiber. Good for old guys.
Lunch is anything I want, but it usually includes a lot of carbs. I love pasta and spicy foods. Qdoba is a chain that has the BEST mexican gumbo with grilled chicken. Also, their website allows you to calculate the nutritional value based on how you order it.
Dinner is pretty boring. Many times I will have an Ensure and a bagel. My favorite is a couple pieces of OraWheat Double Fiber toast with peanut butter and honey.
Also, I am drinking water and G2 Low Calorie all day long. I float in the evening.

To understand how I get away with this, I have a lake place 80 miles from the town where I live and work. My wife of 33 years lives at the lake full time. I work during the week and leave for the lake early Friday afternoon. Monday I work with clients at the lake and drive back to Tulsa for the rest of my week.

2011-01-04 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Did my 1st swim in a long time today and it was not pretty.  I've been doing a lot of running recently but they have all been "fresh" runs.  Run today after the swim felt much different.
2011-01-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3278307

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Clif Bars.. Love'em.  That is what I use for nutrition on my long rides.  I've tried various Gels and I just don't like'em.

gr8hope - 2011-01-04 10:20 PM I've lost 15 pounds or so over the past year. It was all based on enormous calorie burn. Based on my Garmin, I burned 138,000 calories last year from exercise.

Breakfast is a Clif Bar and coffee. Chocolate chip is the best. I've eaten them every morning for 4 years. They also have 5 grams of fiber. Good for old guys.
Lunch is anything I want, but it usually includes a lot of carbs. I love pasta and spicy foods. Qdoba is a chain that has the BEST mexican gumbo with grilled chicken. Also, their website allows you to calculate the nutritional value based on how you order it.
Dinner is pretty boring. Many times I will have an Ensure and a bagel. My favorite is a couple pieces of OraWheat Double Fiber toast with peanut butter and honey.
Also, I am drinking water and G2 Low Calorie all day long. I float in the evening.

To understand how I get away with this, I have a lake place 80 miles from the town where I live and work. My wife of 33 years lives at the lake full time. I work during the week and leave for the lake early Friday afternoon. Monday I work with clients at the lake and drive back to Tulsa for the rest of my week.
2011-01-04 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3278168

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I vote for living in Sarasota, FL where you ride outdoors year round!!

melkat - 2011-01-04 9:11 PM So do y'all think a trainer is better than a stationary bike?
2011-01-05 3:33 AM
in reply to: #3277808

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
barbsduck - 2011-01-03 5:52 PM
junthank - 2011-01-03 10:40 PM Since I said no question is a dumb question - what is ST (strength)?

"ST" is strength training.

I wogged today for the first time!  5 minute walk, then 2 minute jog - total of 30 minutes.  I tried to do the walk pretty fast.  Then, added a 25 minute slow amble with my dog.

The 2 minute jog felt hard, especially the first one!  The last one seemed shorter than the first one.  Not sure if that is psychological or not!

Well done...I might try wogging as well the next time i put on my runners! How did you feel after wogging for the first time?

2011-01-05 3:35 AM
in reply to: #3278310

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I know exactly how you feel it on a different scale.

junthank - 2011-01-03 10:21 PM Did my 1st swim in a long time today and it was not pretty.  I've been doing a lot of running recently but they have all been "fresh" runs.  Run today after the swim felt much different.

Edited by jamesjong 2011-01-05 4:30 AM

2011-01-05 3:37 AM
in reply to: #3275406

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Hi Amanda,

What is a Bike Trainer? is that like a treadmill but with a bike on it?


atlveg - 2011-01-02 8:40 PM Does anybody else have a bike trainer? Looking for tips for making the rides more interesting. My Kinetic came with a spinervals DVD but I haven't tried it yet.

I rode 15 miles on the trainer tonight, while watching the Orange Bowl pre-game show.



Edited by jamesjong 2011-01-05 4:31 AM
2011-01-05 3:45 AM
in reply to: #3278283

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
It a little odd but I haven't seen many aussie's online, but as many of you may have guessed its a fairly popular sport in Oz, we have an extensive calendar for people to complete in over a variety of distances. Maybe not to the volume of the US maybe.

Thanks for those tips Jeff, I might try and focus on quality with the swimming rather than quantity (i.e. 200m continuous as opposed to 400 fractured). Yes I am fairly comfortable with the bike and run, i've done a couple of run's and bush runs of btw 10km and 15km so i think i am most confident with the run. With the bike there's a certain level of comfort given that you don't have the deep water factor there, you can just hop off the bike or coast if your tired.


junthank - 2011-01-03 10:11 PM
jamesjong - 2011-01-03 2:19 AM Yes, International!! I should have perhaps said or greeted everyone with a "G'day and hello from Australia!!".

Thanks Mate.  sorry couldn't resist..

Yup Jeff, everything in kilo's (kilometers, kilograms, grams and meters). So the race is 300 meter swim, 10km bike ride and a 2km run. PW = Per week, as opposed to per workout but i guess per workout is where i would like to be eventually. So when applying this to the workout's that i've done so far generally speaking I cover between 15-20km on the bike per session (2-3s pw) and 4-6km in a run per session (2-3s pw).

So you should feel really confident about the bike and run because you routinely cover the distance of the Tri in your daily workouts.  That's good.

I also try to do something similar to a brick but maybe with slightly more rest than i should in the transition (20-30mins) but it's all contingent on the time i have that particular day with work and other commitments. So this will be from say pool to park if i do SB same goes for BR (so this RI or transition will be when i walk from the pool to the park which is about 10mins walk, so by the time i hop out of the pool, get all my gear on, walk to the park and start ridding i would say it would have been 20-30mins).

Same for me..  I don't run from the pool to locker room, change, and run to my bike.  I just take my time.

The swim will be in the ocean, starting on a beach or bay then out to sea. So yes, potentially the seas could get rough, which for some reason doesn't worry me right at this point in time. In my training I am also trying to build my confidence in the OW by heading out to swim in little bays once a week (Clovelly is an example, you guys might be able to look it up on google maps, the first of these sessions was on saturday the 1st of Jan) that are enclosed partially but not entirely (if that makes sense). I'll try to describe it, its like a canal that starts at a beach with two concrete banks that run at 90 degrees to the beach out to sea that are about 30m's apart at the mouth of the canal where it meets the ocean. It opens up to the sea where waves occasionally come in. I've been trying to swim back and forth between the banks at the mouth of the canal, in order to get me comfortable with being in the sea where a can't stand (its deep down there) or hang on to things (just because i feel like giving up) when i am between banks where i can do in a pool. However despite this the thing that i am still not confident about is covering the distance out at sea.

That is smart of you doing OWS's prior to having your 1st OWS as a race.

Confidence - I had the exact same feeling my 1st race.  The distance was 400 meters and when I started my training I had no idea how I was going to make it.  To gain confidence I would gradually extend the distance of my continuous swims.  First 50 meters and hang onto the wall, then 100 meters as 50 meters freestyle, 25 meters sidestroke, and 25 meters freestyle.  Then 150 using the same pattern, etc...  until I covered the distance.  Then I did the same thing in an OWS environment.

Another thing that made me feel a bit better about my 1st OWS swim was the race had race staffers in the water for help.  People on surfboards and jetskis.  If I needed them I knew that I could swim over to a person on a surfboard and hang on for a break.  You might want to check this out with the race you are entering.

Jeff, that's a really interesting concept i never thought about, an alternative stoke as a "pool wall", I do have the dog paddle but i find that i can only do that in spurts because its so taxing or it is taxing when i do need to go to it. Though to be honest i've never really tried to do it for say 50m.

Also there was another thing that i noticed when i did jump into the sea, that I struggled with breathing, my nose and mouth got a little irritated from the salt water which distracted my breath and concentration (which made me panic a little while in the water). This is of course a lot different form swimming in the pool where i don't get that irritation and hence have less to worry about which then allows me to concentrate on my technique (breathing, stroke, kick, head position etc etc). Do you have any suggestion or should this go away once i get a couple more sessions under my belt?

I've never had this problem.  My nose does get really runny after a salt water swim though.  You might want to ask this question on the main board here at BT.

I rest as long as it takes me to catch my breath (or until i don't feel stressed in the lungs) generally speaking this will be btw 1-2mins, but i have noticed that it is shorter at the beginning of a workout (10-15secs) and longer towards the end of my workouts (1-3mins). So i noticed that i can get through 200m in about 7-8mins but finish 400m in about 15-20mins.

Btw, forgot to mention you can all call me jongers or jimmy if you would like, that is what i am affectionately know as to my friends.


Edited by jamesjong 2011-01-05 4:33 AM
2011-01-05 3:47 AM
in reply to: #3275672

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-01-02 10:40 PM
barbsduck - 2011-01-03 9:20 PM I had a good bike workout today at the gym -- 14 miles in 50 minutes, which definitely got a sweat going.

I was supposed to do a swim today, but I have an eye condition and went for a treatment this morning at the doctor's.  Can't swim for 3 days after a treatment, so I adjusted my training plan accordingly.

Tomorrow is my first try at wogging, and then I'll do some ST.

Nice bike Barabara. 

Hope the eyes get better soon.  I pushed back my swim as well (have a cold). 

Since I said no question is a dumb question - what is ST (strength)?

Get well soon Barabara.

2011-01-05 3:58 AM
in reply to: #3275642

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-01-02 10:24 PM
jamesjong - 2011-01-03 2:29 AM You guys can perhaps fill me in on all these in's and out's on what i think is college football? We don't get much coverage here in Sydney, but it sounds exciting...Btw, looking forward to training with you all!!

Very exciting.  I preferred it over professional America football.  Probably not as exciting as Austrilian football though!!

We get the NFL, is that professional American football (like "New Orleans saints")? but we get very limited college football, we do however get college basketball which i like to watch..."march madness" (NCAA).
2011-01-05 4:01 AM
in reply to: #3275646

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-01-02 10:27 PM
atlveg - 2011-01-03 8:39 PM To those who asked about the Total Immersion (TI) program -- it is a book with optional DVD (which I do not have) that walks you through a series of drills with the ultimate goal of a very efficient and effortless freestyle swim technique. The first few drills have you working on balance and buoyancy and movement while on your back. Then you move over to your side, and finally onto your stomach with each drill progressively adding a new portion of the stroke. I have only gotten to the side drills so am no expert, but I like it so far. I am taking the swim very slowly because I want to make sure to have good technique from the very beginning.

I am more than happy to help and give advice about running, because that is my strength.

I am brand new to cycling but I think swimming will be my most difficult sport.

This is what Amanda's swim stoke will look like after she finishes the TI program:

TI program sounds interesting, I might give it a go after my race.


2011-01-05 4:14 AM
in reply to: #3278307

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I am not someone that is really big on the whole weight loss thing per say, but i do watch what i eat, my diet looks a little something like this (see below). I don't mind if a weigh a little extra what i focus on is body fat, physique and how i look in the mirror (that last one is a little hard to measure, but in say all this i do hop onto the scales maybe once a month and i think you can get scale that measure body fat):

Breakfast: Oats, 1 fruit
Morning Tea: Wholemeal warp with peanut butter (natural peanut butter) or sandwhich meat
Lunch: 2 can's of tuna (spring water variety which i season with salt, pepper, chilli power)
afternoon tea: Gogi berries, another warp with a protein chicken.
Dinner: mince, broccoli

I don't think its overly healthy but same with I think Jeff, i cut out (or try to cut out) all refined sugars. Tough (really tough) for me because i have a sweet tooth, i love ice-cream, chocolate etc etc. So i might have the occasional sip of coke zero.

Oh and i forgot to mention lots of water through out the day.

2011-01-05 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Albany Oregon
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
"Another thing that made me feel a bit better about my 1st OWS swim was the race had race staffers in the water for help.  People on surfboards and jetskis.  If I needed them I knew that I could swim over to a person on a surfboard and hang on for a break.  You might want to check this out with the race you are entering."

This is great info....I never thought that there might be an option in the water to rest if I needed it.  I'm betting the option will be available as the race I'm doing is a sprint, and geared towards the beginner.  That's a bit of a relief.  I also appreciate the info on your training, I will use that.  My first swim will be tomorrow, and then I'll have a better idea of what my starting point is.

To the Aussie....hello!  Always wanted to go to Australia....some day after I retire and don't have to hurry back, I'm going.   Glad to have you here.  


2011-01-05 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Need Help. OK, I figured out where to input pic, but it has to be less than 50kb. How do I reduce a pic from 390k to 50k?
2011-01-05 6:30 PM
in reply to: #3280667

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Albany Oregon
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
gr8hope - 2011-01-05 3:40 PM Need Help. OK, I figured out where to input pic, but it has to be less than 50kb. How do I reduce a pic from 390k to 50k?

I went to where the picture lives and did a "save as", or maybe it was "export".....when given the opportunity in one of the dialog boxes, I chose to make it smaller (actually chose size "small").   I'm using a mac and am new at it, so I can't be more detailed.  Good luck!
2011-01-05 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3280667

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
gr8hope - 2011-01-05 6:40 PM Need Help. OK, I figured out where to input pic, but it has to be less than 50kb. How do I reduce a pic from 390k to 50k?

You can use the Microsoft Picture Manager too. Double-click on the picture and it should take you to Picture manager where you can resize.

I think my foot's finally better, still a little wonky, but much better. And much less hacking and coughing. I can breathe! Unfortunately, I think it's too late to help with the half marathon this weekend Tongue out  Definitely not shooting for a PR on this one!

When's everyone 'officially' starting their training? 

2011-01-05 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Swim Class - What can I say? I have a long, loonng, looonnng, loooonnng way to go.
2011-01-05 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3278104

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New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-01-04 8:37 PM
Morning: Non-Fat yogurt with piece of fruit.
Mid-Morning Snack: Piece of fruit.
Lunch: Big salad with some type of protein (chicken, fish).
Mid-Afternoon Snack:  Piece of fruit.
Dinner:  Whatever the family is having.  Tonight I had a burger and onion rings.

This is amazing -- because my food plan is almost identical to this - just add grain to breakfast and lunch, a tablespoon of peanut butter to the snack, and a nighttime snack of fruit & plain yogurt, and it's the exact same plan.  (I totally love the big salad/protein lunch).  And tonight - it was chicken burger, half a baked potato, and steamed veggies!  We are definitely on the same page. 
2011-01-05 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Thanks for the pic help. I had to do the Export thing. It worked.
2011-01-05 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

QUESTION: I did a 50 minute bike workout today wearing my HRM, and I have a question about the "zone." My HRM says my "zone" is 109 - 146, and I was often ABOVE that, in the 150s. The stats were: AVG HR of 144; MAX HR 168; In Zone 19:41 minutes. So, what is the "zone" and is it really a bad thing if I’m above it?


ATLVEG – I DEFINITELY need to get new sneakers, because my tread is worn out on the ones I’m currently using. I like the way saucony fits me, but I’d like to have a professional fit my foot and make sure it’s the best for me. So time for a shopping trip!

JAMESJONG – I really felt fine after my first wogging. The five minute (fast) walk really let me get my breath back between jogs. The first two minute jog felt endless - by the last one, it felt doable. It was much easier than trying to do one long continuous run - which I definitely couldn’t do yet!

MELKAT - I started training on Monday - my race is May 15th

2011-01-05 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Bike question -- In my 20s and early 30s I had a road bike and a mountain bike. I wasn't any good, but I could ride long distances on both of them. I don't even own a bike now, but after the marathon I feel very comfortable about getting back on and doing distances. This is confirmed by my comfort in the spin classes.

So here's the conundrum. I ultimately want a road bike for the tri. It is more versatile and will allow me to do what I want. However, I am at my lake place Friday through Monday. It is where I would do most of my long rides and there are no safe places to ride. The roads are narrow with no shoulders and most people on lake roads have been drinking sometime within the past 8 hours. I could get the most use out of a mountain bike at the lake and I could get some great workouts.

I'm just in the thought process and would appreciate input/ideas. I don't like buying items to get buy. I will probably spend some real dollars on this purchase. Thanks all.

2011-01-05 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Long day.  Didn't get my workout done until late but they got done. 

Many of you have indicated that swimming is your biggest limiter (it certainly was mine when I started out).  Currently at my best I'm a MOP'er (middle of packer) in the swim.  Just like many of you I struggled in the water and contemplated just doing duathlon.  It was a good 6 months before I finally got comfortable.  Here are a few things that helped me out:

Relaxing - When I started I had 2 speeds in the water.  Stopped and moving.  I didn't really enjoy my swim workouts and just wanted to get them over with.  As it turned out I was huffing and puffing down the lane with a high HR and was exhausted most of the time.  When I finally SLOWED DOWN I was able to relax and my endurance increased dramatically.

Exhaling Under Water - Was a big help.  In the begining I didn't fully exhale underwater so when I turned to inhale I didn't get a full breath (i.e.. I had to exhale and inhale at the same time).

Breathe from the Hips - Initially I lifted my head too far out of the water.  This forced my hips/legs down causing me to swim uphill.  When I learned to rotate the body to take a breath I had better balance in the water.

Bilaterial Breathing (breath every 3rd stroke) - Helped me slow down.

Swim More -  I made a committment to get in the water more.

These two videos from Dave Scott help me out a lot as well:

Edited by junthank 2011-01-05 9:42 PM
2011-01-05 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3281101

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Barb, Please get a good shoe fit. Shoes break down after 300-500 miles and they can still look great. The crazy thing is the cushioning and support can break down just sitting in the closet. The shoe store I buy from will not sell a shoe that has been in inventory over 6 months. They send them back.

HR Zones are based upon the percentage of your maximum heart rate. There are formulas (212-age=mhr I think). To get more accurate it should be based on the difference between maximum and resting heart rate. Google HR Zones or Calculating HR Zones

barbsduck - 2011-01-05 9:30 PM

QUESTION: I did a 50 minute bike workout today wearing my HRM, and I have a question about the "zone." My HRM says my "zone" is 109 - 146, and I was often ABOVE that, in the 150s. The stats were: AVG HR of 144; MAX HR 168; In Zone 19:41 minutes. So, what is the "zone" and is it really a bad thing if I’m above it?



ATLVEG – I DEFINITELY need to get new sneakers, because my tread is worn out on the ones I’m currently using. I like the way saucony fits me, but I’d like to have a professional fit my foot and make sure it’s the best for me. So time for a shopping trip!

JAMESJONG – I really felt fine after my first wogging. The five minute (fast) walk really let me get my breath back between jogs. The first two minute jog felt endless - by the last one, it felt doable. It was much easier than trying to do one long continuous run - which I definitely couldn’t do yet!

MELKAT - I started training on Monday - my race is May 15th

2011-01-05 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3278599

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Keep at it for the next 6 months and you will be amazed at your improvement.

jamesjong - 2011-01-05 4:35 AM I know exactly how you feel it on a different scale.

junthank - 2011-01-03 10:21 PM Did my 1st swim in a long time today and it was not pretty.  I've been doing a lot of running recently but they have all been "fresh" runs.  Run today after the swim felt much different.
2011-01-05 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3278604

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

jamesjong - 2011-01-05 4:58 AM
junthank - 2011-01-02 10:24 PM
jamesjong - 2011-01-03 2:29 AM You guys can perhaps fill me in on all these in's and out's on what i think is college football? We don't get much coverage here in Sydney, but it sounds exciting...Btw, looking forward to training with you all!!

Very exciting.  I preferred it over professional America football.  Probably not as exciting as Austrilian football though!!

We get the NFL, is that professional American football (like "New Orleans saints")? but we get very limited college football, we do however get college basketball which i like to watch..."march madness" (NCAA).
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