BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-07 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Hi all!  I'm not really a "member" of the group, just a "lurker."  My new years resolutions include spending less time on the computer!  But today my students (I teach 8th grade science) are taking a county test and I'm bored, so I was checking out my missing peeps!  Thanks for including my son, Wesley!  Wink

2011-01-07 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3282297

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
PTWykes - 2011-01-06 12:41 PM My page wasn't wide - you girls are nuts!! LOL!

I'm with Marsha, you girls are all nuts!!!  My page was petite and skinny!  Tongue out

2011-01-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3284295

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
peggyf - 2011-01-07 10:27 AM

Hi all!  I'm not really a "member" of the group, just a "lurker."  My new years resolutions include spending less time on the computer!  But today my students (I teach 8th grade science) are taking a county test and I'm bored, so I was checking out my missing peeps!  Thanks for including my son, Wesley!  Wink

Cool, any offspring from "The Peggy" is okay by me...Welcome Wesley!!!  Shawn good to see you officially jump back in here...I wondered last year why you weren't hangin' more with us.  But, as you know I have to share my ladies now....Shawn, Hilde said you were as twisted, demented and just as insane as me......sounds great - like two peas in a pod... haha...I made some of that up....only some.  I've had the same weight yo-yo we're in the same boat....I'm currently headed for 200 lbs...down from 295 with my interim stop at 230ish.  Maybe I can be a non-clydesdale this year??
2011-01-07 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3283975

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Welcome, new guys!! It will be fun to have a little mire testosterone in the mix. At least, I think it will.Shawn, BT won't show me your logs because I'm not your friend. Will you be my friend? Please? Have a great weekend everybody!
2011-01-07 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3281158

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
tstl - 2011-01-05 11:00 PM
TTucker - 2011-01-05 4:33 PM

Tammy (TSTL) - Good for you! I am always amazed at women who do the unexpected and break the 'glass ceiling'!! I worked as a Tank Mechanic in the Army for 4 years to buck the system telling me that because I am female I can only work certain jobs!!
 I actually started on this journey in Psychology 20 years ago after my first baby boy was born, but thought that with all the 'baggage' I had it wouldn't be the right field for me. Got my BS in Criminal Justice, tried some Business courses....and realized that psych is really my PASSION. I'm leaning more toward the forensic side of the field or the research/academia and would like to see myself w/my PhD in 10 years.....

A tank mechanic?? That's freakin' AWESOME!! I just love hearing the jobs people have held. Some of my copilots' previous jobs include: elephant trainer, spelunker, and submarine captain. Me, I paid my way through flight school by taking a weekend job teaching people to ride motorcycles. And, btw, I think people who have had to deal with baggage make excellent counselors, so you're on the right path!

I am learning so much!!!!  This is getting good!!  A tank mechanic...that is to quote tstl "FU$*$%#$%CKING AWESOME!!!" So TTucker should have no problem with all bike repairs in the field!!!!  As a matter of fact if we have a real nagging problem I'll bet we could ship it off and she'd fix it right up!  And flight has been delayed for the second time....can't you pilots fly in a little snow.....I've designed the engines to fly through it...WTF!!!  Someday, soon I hope, I'll board the good ole' EA 145....good thing the suck, squeeze, bang, blow will be performed by 3007 engines....I feel so safe knowing they are on wing...haha....So off to my next commentary!!!  The Tammy Duo's are very interesting gals.....Can a tank shoot down a plane????
2011-01-07 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3284672

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
tstl - 2011-01-07 12:43 PM Welcome, new guys!! It will be fun to have a little mire testosterone in the mix. At least, I think it will.Shawn, BT won't show me your logs because I'm not your friend. Will you be my friend? Please? Have a great weekend everybody!

Shawn, I wanna be your friend too!!!!  Can't see your logs...but you may have made them private just to avoid me!!!  Some of the group may think I'm tolerable..haha... 

2011-01-07 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Okay about the Indy Tri.....Everyone is invited to join the fun...The Sprint Tri I was thinking about is June 18th...There are many others if we wanna find a better date for everyone... (July 23, Aug 20) the same Tri is run.  Anyhow, I'd be thrilled to host the inaugural MMM meet-up.  I'll offer up my place for a full weekend blow-out.  We can have a big pig-out after the Tri on Saturday and spend some quality time just hanging out or exploring the city...I'm up for anything....I can even show Marsha where the S&M shops are - in case she wants us all to wear collars....ha ha... and Hilde I have very fast internet so you can find out what other off the wall crazy A$$ places we can visit - partially in line with Marsha....although I am scared at what you might find...  I'm sure you will guide us to the best places....of course I've probably never heard of any of them....haha

Seriously, we can have a great weekend sharing Tri war stories and learning about each other face-to-face!  We'll also have a great opportunity to create new fun stories..haha.  You guys just show up ready to Tri like mad and have a great time!!!  I was thinking we could design some coordinating shirts, I could maybe have the TV media do a story on us...(I know someone that might be interested)....I think we have a pretty cool story!!  You guys are welcome to crash at my place, but due to the limited number of rooms might be happier in a hotel...I can arrange a block of rooms at a discount (my corporate discount - if it's lower than others) at a nice place near me.  You'd be no more than about 5 miles from my house and the Tri Course.  Totally up to you guys...whatever works for may even want to stay downtown...I'm in the Northwest corner of the city (Zionsville 46077)...very nice quaint town.  I'm about 20 minutes from downtown.  So, I'd just like to meet all of you.....let me know and I'll do whatever you need from my end.

I'll even pull out my tiger striped thong bathing suit just for you's for special occasions...hahah LMAO.

Hope many of you can make it!

2011-01-07 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3284696

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Okay, I am officially MMM page is STILL FAT!! Grrrrr

Wilson you are a freaking riot!! No, a tank cannot shoot down a plane, unless maybe it is flying VERY LOW..LMAO!! I am a woman who has made it her goal in life to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for herself but knows how to ask for help when it becomes too much....So, if you need your bike fixed or your carpet pulled up and concrete floors changed....just give me a hollar...

I must say that I am very happy to be virtually surrounded by a group of people such as ya'll!! This will be an interesting season to be sure....
2011-01-07 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hey, you can probably tell I'm still stuck in the IND terminal.  Okay, on a more serious Tri note:

I've been thinking about a few things as I enter into a longer distance training program.  Nutrition???   How is everyone fueling, planning to fuel or have learned about fueling during longer distances?  Last year I started using Nuun tablets in my water during longer rides....I don't remember which one of you clued me into that...That seemed to help with cramping - and was good advice.  Late last year I played with Gu packs on the bike too.  So, I've been and plan to continue to practice on the trainer and longer runs with Gu.  So far on the trainer I've been going about 45 minutes and then eat a Gu pack over the next 10-15 minutes a little at a time.  One of my IM friends said he does that because it keeps the fuel more constant instead of spiking your system...I used to shoot the whole I'll try his method for awhile.  I understand that nutrition is very individual specific but thought we could share some experiences.  Thoughts?  I think I'll also start using a camelback for water during longer runs too....any suggestions on models there...some of you use that method instead of the belt.  Anyhow....just something I've been thinking about.
2011-01-07 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3284793

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
TTucker - 2011-01-07 1:25 PM Okay, I am officially MMM page is STILL FAT!! Grrrrr

Wilson you are a freaking riot!! No, a tank cannot shoot down a plane, unless maybe it is flying VERY LOW..LMAO!! I am a woman who has made it her goal in life to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for herself but knows how to ask for help when it becomes too much....So, if you need your bike fixed or your carpet pulled up and concrete floors changed....just give me a hollar...

I must say that I am very happy to be virtually surrounded by a group of people such as ya'll!! This will be an interesting season to be sure....

yeah, we are going to have a FU($*$#*$$ING riot this year!!!!

Hey, make sure you don't have a graphic (picture, banner, etc) that is too wide... that will make the page go wide and stay that way....I've done that in the past....Other than that give a quick note to the BT folks..the customer service has been excellent when I've had an issue. 
2011-01-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3284833

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hmmm, nutrition IS highly individual, and you should definitely check it out during training.  I usually just do water, but am experimenting with G2-Gatorade.  I like Shot Blox on the bike, doesn't leave your fingers sticky and have a gooey leftover packet.  My plan of attack on a sprint is a Gu gel (Chocolate Outrage or Mocha Espresso are my faves, need that caffeine) about 15 minutes before the swim start, then another Gu or Shot Blox about 5-6 miles into the bike.  I'm bad about taking water on the bike, I need to work on that.  Usually try another Gu or Shot Blox once I get my run legs under me.  You kind of have to time them to where the water stations are since you're supposed to take them with water. 

I haven't done a Camelback... I have a water belt, with 2 big bottles but I don't like it.  The bottles bounce around and I can feel them on my back.  So on my long runs I just have a basic fanny pack and I put a water bottle with a built in straw in it in there, along with any gu's or Shot Blox I take along.  I twist the pack to my backside and just twist it around when I need it, trying to keep running although it is HARD to drink while bobbing up and down!  If I do an Oly this year I'm going to have to try some stuff.  I wonder how half a PB+J would be?  It SOUNDS like it would taste good on the bike, hate to see it come up during the run!

It's funny that your tri's are on Saturdays, Wilson.  In Texas they seem to almost always be on Sundays. 

Do you really think we WANT to have media coverage??  Could be embarrassing, I sure don't want to lose my JOB, ha ha!!  When I'm photographed leashed together to y'all with our matching spiked and diamond studded dog collars!

As far as the wide page.... it seems to only be on this forum, where all of a sudden the sentence runs about 12" across and you have to scroll L to R to read it??  Weird that it only affects some of us.

2011-01-07 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3284672

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
tstl - 2011-01-07 11:43 AM Welcome, new guys!! It will be fun to have a little mire testosterone in the mix. At least, I think it will.Shawn, BT won't show me your logs because I'm not your friend. Will you be my friend? Please? Have a great weekend everybody!

I echo the welcome to the gentlemen of the group! And Shawn, I'm also locked out of your logs... could I be your friend too, please? I'm nice and cheer people on, honest!

Enjoy the weekend, one and all!
2011-01-07 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
On the nutrition front: I'm currently experimenting too, since I've got the marathon coming up. Last year I found a sports drink I like (Vitalyte-- the lemonade flavour tastes just like that: lemonade, not some horrid sickly-sweet stuff!), so this year it's about trying out other things as well. Will try some gel this weekend on the long run-- I've tried it on the bike trainer before, but like the idea of a little at a time instead of a big ol' sugar rush. I'll also be trying simpler things like fig newtons for solid food while running... will report and let you all know if you're interested!

I have several belts, but recently updated an older one (an Amphipod adjustable belt, the brand with the neon yellow bottles!) to install bigger bottles and a gel flask as well as the little zippered bag for sold fuel etc. I figure I'll put water in one bottle, Vitalyte in the other, and can install the equivalent of several gels in the little flask. Will test-drive it this weekend and let you know. It looks a bit ridiculous, but I figure every superhero needs a tool belt, right? Laughing
2011-01-07 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Wow you guys are chatty - don't any of you people work during the day?...LOL! It's been sooooo busy at work these days- lots of peeps getting hurt as they try to hit the slopes after months of "couch potato".

I'm going to have to do some major finagling to make it out for the Tri meet-up...getting off work, finding the funds to travel, and the biggest limitation convincing my hubby that he can survive a few days alone with the kids...I'll see what I can do! I would be so sad if I had to miss meeting all of you. Although missing Wilson in his (what was it?) leopard print bikini swim suit (or something like that!) would be A-OK with me! LOL!

I'm not sure what strep throat feels like (I've never had it) but I'm guessing what I've got going now must be it! LOVELY!

As for fueling. My plan last year included Nuun tablets in my water (just a little flavor but not too sweet and good electrolytes) and dates with a touch of almond butter in them (I just wrapped them in a tiny square of plastic wrap) and bite size pieces of Lara bars. I used to do the Gu thing but never really liked it and found that "real" food seemed to fuel me better anyway!

I sooooooooooooo cheated on my bodybuilding diet last night! Had "date night" with my 6 year old son which included a trip to "Friendly's" for dinner (for those not familiar...burgers, fried, and ice cream are the main ingredients)...I indulged and since I was already starting to feel like crap (achey, chills, sore throat) I skipped my workout this AM as well. When I'm sick I just wanna eat comfort food...damn it!

Next weekend is my first snowshoe and/or yack-trax race up and down a local ski hill...should be loads of fun (but hard work too!)

Well, I'm off to bed to try to sleep off some of this sickness
2011-01-07 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
HI EVERYONE!!! I've risen from the ashes like the Phoenix (Do you hear the music getting louder?) My daughters tried to kill me with their varmin-infested selves,  but I am here to tell you all that Augmentin has saved my life! Can I get an AMEN?  CAN I GET AN AMEN?? But seriously, it's nice to be able to breath, not cough, not have a headache and have S&^@ coming out of your nose and mouth that belongs in a research lab beaker.

It's good to be back with the bestest tri group in the  planet!

My name is Denise Johnson.  I'm 41 years old and have no idea what my tri age is 41 or 42 ??

I'm originally from Brooklyn, NY but between school and the Air Force, for the past 12 years, I've moved 7 times and lived in 5 states.  I currently live just outside of Atlanta in Marietta, GA.  No more moves in my future, unless of course I win the lottery.  I'm an ophthalmologist: have an awesome husband who stays home with our 7 and 6 year old daughters (They were born in Alaska, there was nothing else to do but get pregnant if you don't like skiing) and 11 year old dog.

Last year at this time I had reached the point of maximum disgust with myself.  I had back-to-back  pregnancies and was very overweight.  I knew I had to do something so I joined Weight Watchers and signed up for my first triathlon in June 2010.  I did not know how to swim, or bike for that matter.  I had run a marathon before and so I was comfortable with the run portion.  My first tri season was great: I conquered my fear of swimming, I lost 30 lbs, I did something I never thought I could do, and I feel sooooo great at this time in my life.

I completed 3 sprint tris last year.  I'm still limited by my swim leg so I'll stick to sprint tris this season as well as some running races, the Muddy Buddy, and I've discovered a love for trail running. I've signed up for a half-marathon in March and I'm still planning my tri races for this season.

I love the explanations for everyone's names!  There is nothing exciting about mine, it's just the first letters of my and my husband's names: denise angelica johnson (dajo) timothy keith johnson (tkjo).

Hilde is a phenomenal mentor and we had such a blast with our group last season, I JUST HAD TO BE IN THE GROUP THIS SEASON!

2011-01-07 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3284775

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I'll even pull out my tiger striped thong bathing suit just for you's for special occasions...hahah LMAO.

Hope many of you can make it!

Awww, you'd really do that for us Wilson?? LMAOLaughing

Edited by dajotkjo 2011-01-07 9:07 PM

2011-01-07 9:52 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Shawn, can I please be your friend?  I don't bite, kick or scream, we reserve that for Wilson :-)
2011-01-08 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3285964

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
No Marsha, none of us work, we're all independently wealthy, I guess we all left that part out of our bios!!  Actually since I got hurt on Monday, I spent the rest of the week showing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to my school kiddos so I didn't have to move around much, so I was on the computer ALL day, ha ha!

And just so you know, I got an inspire from Shawn this morning, and he will be adding all of you as friends this afternoon, or evening sometime.  I think he and Wilson just may be "brothers from different mothers"... can we STAND two of them??!
2011-01-08 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3286432

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-08 10:18 AM And just so you know, I got an inspire from Shawn this morning, and he will be adding all of you as friends this afternoon, or evening sometime. I think he and Wilson just may be "brothers from different mothers"... can we STAND two of them??!

Hee! With the rest of us in the group, I think we can balance 'em out, Hilde! *grins*

I'm so loving finding out more about everyone in their bios this year-- forgot to explain my username in mine: I joined BT back in the late summer of 2009, about a week after my then-fiance and I had agreed (amicably) to split up. So I felt like there was a fair amount of demolition going on around me at the time-- and once he moved out, I ended up repainting my entire apartment and throwing out a whole pile of stuff, so there really was "work in progress" going on around here! Since then, I figure I'm a work in progress the name seems to work!

Hope everyone's enjoying their weekends and that the physically ill among us get much better soon! *sends electronic hot soup to everyone*
2011-01-09 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3259026

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Holy crap you guys and gals talk a lot and I like it.  I finally started and it was rough, legs turned to jello, lungs hurt lol.  BUt  I started.  The funny thing is my son had a hockey game and we sit at the top of the bleechers so I thought I would run up the satirs.  Not a good idea after 1st run in a long time.  I ended up stumbling up about 12 stairs before I fell.  Put 2 holes in my jeans hit my cheek.  My wife was like wtf are you doing?  I said trying to run  up the stairs lol.  Everybody else got a kick out of it too.  I started to laugh myself.  

As for today quads are a little sore but not to bad so maybe after work tonight I will go for another one lol.  Why does it take so long to get in shape but only a matter of days to get out of shape?

My user name is simple and plain: j - first letter of my first name and wheat - last name is wheatley so there you have it.

Thank youto everybody who checked in on me.  I really do not want to dissappoint anbody so now I have to get my butt going.
2011-01-09 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
LOL at your adventure with running up the bleachers...sorry you fell and got some bumps and bruises but glad you didn't get more hurt! Good thing there is no stair climb in the tri...right? LOL!

Reading about all of you running and biking and stuff is starting to make me jealous and feel like a blob on the couch. I'm kinda itching for a run today but I think I would regret it afterward so I'm going to take the one more day of rest and then try to get back to IT tomorrow!

2011-01-09 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3287739

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Why is it when triathletes are sick or hurt, we STILL dream about training??  Why can't we be like normal people and just ENJOY sitting on the couch and eating junk food??  Marsha, I do believe another day of rest is in order... if you just HAVE to get out, maybe just a walk?  And Joe, having had a stupid injury also this week, glad it wasn't worse, and hope nobody got it on tape and is putting it on You Tube as we speak!
2011-01-09 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3287660

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Now, Wison, you promised to stop talking about your tiger thong- now nobody's going to want to come to Indy!

As for nutrition strategies, I've been trying them out for a while now. I don't use anything on workouts of 1 hour or less, and I didn't have anything in the first couple of sprints I did. I used Gu in my Oly and it worked fine (you tape it to the top tube of your bike around the tear-off part so you can just reach down and rip the packet off- top stays on the frame). I don't like the taste of sports drinks, so for long runs, I'll have a Gu about 30-45 minutes in, then another every 30-40 minutes, depending on how I'm feeling. They take 10-20 minutes to hit your bloodstream, so plan ahead. I haven't had any problems with sugar spikes. On the bike, I don't fuel as much because I'm not working that hard (it's a problem I have, lolly-gagging about, enjoying the scenery instead of working hard!), but I've found it easy to eat everything from apple and orange slices to bananas to scones! This is definitely the easiest place to fuel. I hate trying to chew when I run; I just end up drooling on myself!

As for water on the run, this has been an ongoing source of trial and tribulation. Last year I used a hand--held water bottle with a strap. It was OK, but I got tired of having something in my hand, and the slimy sweaty palm thing grossed me out. Then I tried one of those belts with the one big water bottle set at an angle and HATED it- just kept bouncing up to my ribcage- only used it once. Anyone want a slightly used water belt? I'll make you a really good deal on it! Recently I got the kind of belt with two smaller bottles and a pouch on the back. This one, I love- no bouncing and I almost forget it's there. I think it's by Nathan, and the pouch is just big enough for my Droid and 3 Gu packets. As for sports drinks, I'm OK with Gu brew, but lately I've been making my own: 1 part Naked juice, 1 part coconut water, 1-2 parts water. It's actually really good!

Denise, it's good to have you back, glad you're feeling better! My hubby was a stay-at-home dad for several years, too. He even started a local Dad's group for regular play-dates and Dad's night outs! The Mom's groups wouldn't let them in :-(  But, it was nice for them to have other dads to hang out with.

Alex, I've always loved your username. I'll be a work in progress until the day I die!

Jon, glad you're up & running, but sorry it's leaving you with scars! Your enthusiasm is contagious, if painful. I love your Confucious quote. It makes me think of Nick Vujicic. If you haven't seen this guy, watch some of his Youtube videos- he's amazing. "No arms, no legs, no worries." 

Have a great week, everybody! I actually have to work/travel more than my usual 2 days this week (bit of a slacker in that regard sometimes!), so it will be an 'easy' training week for me!

2011-01-09 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3287660

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
jwheat - 2011-01-09 7:46 AM Holy crap you guys and gals talk a lot and I like it.  I finally started and it was rough, legs turned to jello, lungs hurt lol.  BUt  I started.  The funny thing is my son had a hockey game and we sit at the top of the bleechers so I thought I would run up the satirs.  Not a good idea after 1st run in a long time.  I ended up stumbling up about 12 stairs before I fell.  Put 2 holes in my jeans hit my cheek.  My wife was like wtf are you doing?  I said trying to run  up the stairs lol.  Everybody else got a kick out of it too.  I started to laugh myself.  

As for today quads are a little sore but not to bad so maybe after work tonight I will go for another one lol.  Why does it take so long to get in shape but only a matter of days to get out of shape?

My user name is simple and plain: j - first letter of my first name and wheat - last name is wheatley so there you have it.

Thank youto everybody who checked in on me.  I really do not want to dissappoint anbody so now I have to get my butt going.

Jon, I LMAO at your bobble.....I can totally see myself doing that!!!  Glad you weren't injured and had a good attitude about it!!! But, this tells me one thing...You are totally psyched about starting your journey and thinking more about fitness!!!  When I started and no one was on the stairs at work...I'd sprint to the second measure my effort/breathing......Before I took my physical life over I used to pray no one was at the top of the stairs and wanted to talk because I'd be out of breath....sad, but true.....Now I'm so darn sore most the time I take the escalator.haha..I know I can run the stairs and not even raise my HR now - Thank God!!!....haha...
2011-01-09 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3287745

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-09 8:55 AM Why is it when triathletes are sick or hurt, we STILL dream about training??  Why can't we be like normal people and just ENJOY sitting on the couch and eating junk food??  Marsha, I do believe another day of rest is in order... if you just HAVE to get out, maybe just a walk?  And Joe, having had a stupid injury also this week, glad it wasn't worse, and hope nobody got it on tape and is putting it on You Tube as we speak!

We dream about training because we know you'll kick our A$$ for not logging something..haha.....I think we do it because when we are training...we are healthy and alive....being sick destroys that frame of mind.  I tried to take that week off after Christmas and couldn't do it....Just had to get moving...the wifey even said I was grumpy and insisted that I go work out!!!...So I did what I was told...of course.   
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