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2011-01-19 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3308991

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I have my log settings on 'open to friends' and I think I friended everyone in the group.  Can you try checking them again?  I'm not sure what else to do.  I could use those inspires.  Thanks!


2011-01-19 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3309498

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-01-19 4:17 PM I have my log settings on 'open to friends' and I think I friended everyone in the group.  Can you try checking them again?  I'm not sure what else to do.  I could use those inspires.  Thanks!


Your logs are open to friends, but I don't think you have friended me yet.  : )
2011-01-19 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3309548

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Should be fixed - I hope!
2011-01-19 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3309620

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I can see it!
2011-01-19 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3309402

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-01-19 2:27 PM Katie -  What are you doing for your it band/hip issues?  I've had horrible problems the last couple of years and nothing seems to be helping.  I was trying to build up my running really really slowly this year but just today it started to hurt again.  I got a cortisone shot for it once but thats not a long term solution and I'm interested in what you're doing.  I'm doing all sorts of hip strengthening/stretching exercises but dont think that they're working.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Like you, I have been trying to build up my running really slowly.  However, I ran 9 miles on Sunday trying to get ready for the half marathon and that seemed to be my body's breaking point.  Now my feet hurt and my IT band/hip area is achy (but not bad yet).  The only thing that seems to help with my hip has been seeing a chiropractor and the foam roller to stretch it.  I've actually never been injury free for this long of a period since high school (yes, I know I am hurt now but it is still manageable).  I am doing acupuncture for my feet this week, not running to try to heal my IT band and feet and trying to take it easy (which is hard when you are a stay at home mom with a 3 year old and an insanely fast 9 month old crawler). 

I hope that you find something for your hip . Let me know if you find a magic cure!
2011-01-19 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3309362

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Subject: RE: Training in a group

yes our weather is awesome at the moment! If I get off work on time today, I'm planning on a swim in the bay tonight- it should be beautiful. The local 2xU store is doing a workshop on getting in and out of your wetsuit and general open water swimming tips- so I really want to be on time!

The core stuff I'm doing is really simple stuff.
Leg Raises and crunches (3 sets of 15 each time I work out) and planks (currently 3 x 45" or thereabouts). really feeling it! Should probably vary it up a little more- might have a look around to see if I can find some more good exercises. But I figure if I'm feeling it (and believe me, I am!), its doing me good!

Happy training!


2011-01-19 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3308266

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Subject: RE: Keeping My Head Straight
That is great advice,

just being organised is half the battle. I am lucky to have a training plan with the group I train with- I just have to restrict the number of "modifications" I make- like skipping the 7am training session on Saturdays, telling myself I'll do it later and then not catching it up...
I think I might try the idea of every day- though this week I have to say, my body is quite fatigued- but thats just first week back syndrome I guess.

I do the laying out the clothes thing sometimes and it definitely helps. Funny how I don't do it all the time...the brain is hardest muscle to train!

Thanks for the advice,

2011-01-19 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3309402

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-01-19 12:27 PM Katie -  What are you doing for your it band/hip issues?  I've had horrible problems the last couple of years and nothing seems to be helping.  I was trying to build up my running really really slowly this year but just today it started to hurt again.  I got a cortisone shot for it once but thats not a long term solution and I'm interested in what you're doing.  I'm doing all sorts of hip strengthening/stretching exercises but dont think that they're working.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Keep doing the exercises! As much as they don't seem to be working, if you keep at it, you will see results. I have very weak hip flexors and outer legs, so my PT has me do some exercises and they are helping! Here's what I do: Everything x30
leg lifts on my side
1 leg squats (use a wall or tree)
2 leg squats
jumping lunges (or regular lunges depending on exhaustion)
clams!! (lay down on your side with your knees out and feet aligned with spine, then raise the upper knee...I dont know how else to explain it)

Non-hip-flexor exercises
3:00 plank
1:30 each side side-plank
calf raises (dont let your heel touch the ground, best done over a ledge)
V-Ups (laying down with straight arms above head, bring your legs up and touch them with your arms in a fluid motion. Harder modification: have an exercise ball between your legs and instead of touching your feet, grab the ball with your hands and go back down. On the next V-Up, transfer the ball back to your legs)

Those are some of the non-weight exercises I do on single workout days... I could make a list of all my weight exercises if any one is interested. I don't necessarily do all of the exercises above at one time, I pick and chose which ones I feel like doing each day. If you dont understand my feeble directions, please ask for clarification or do a Google Search...there are plenty of websites with videos or pictures to explain.

Elizabeth, the important thing is to NOT GIVE UP. Injuries are frustrating, annoying, and painful. But if you ice, have NSAIDs an hour before exercises (not after), stretch well (best IT-Band stretch I know is to sit on a bench with a straight back, grab one foot and put it on  your opposite leg with your knee facing out), and roll on a foam roller, it should help. Also, make sure to obey the 10% volume/intensity increase when running especially. I'm sure you have heard this all before, but I hope that something I said you can add to your routine and start feeling better!!!

2011-01-19 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Ooops, forgot a few more exercises:

1 legged V-Ups (opposite arm to leg)
Baby V-Ups (balance on your butt with your legs bent at the knees and your back tilted slightly backwards, extend your legs out and your back backwards as far as possible)
Scorpions (in downward-facing dog position, bring one foot up like a scorpions curved tail_
Fire Hydrants (hands on the ground and kneeling, mimic a dog peeing on a fire hydrant...not to be done in public )
Wall stands (put your hands on the ground a few feet from the wall and put your feet up on the wall one at a time, then bring them back down. Harder version: do a pushup when your feet are on the wall)
Plank with feet on a medicine ball (pretty hard to balance, use a bigger ball if possible)
Side plank with the top leg lifted
Burpies (start standing, crouch down, jump to pushup position, do a pushup, bring legs back in, and jump back up)
Alternating Plank (do a plank on elbows, then hands, then elbows...done quickly)

I'll remember the rest later...expect another post 
2011-01-20 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Anyone have any good running speed drills.  I'm having trouble balancing distance (training for HM) with speed (Spring Sprint runs).  Any ideas?
2011-01-20 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3310526

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-01-20 8:46 AM Anyone have any good running speed drills.  I'm having trouble balancing distance (training for HM) with speed (Spring Sprint runs).  Any ideas?

Heather Jennifer (sorry - wrong name!  I could already see Heather's logs) - I can see your logs!  Yay!

With regard to the speed drills, I am sorry that I don't have any advice here.  Every time I try to add speed to distance, I injure myself.  If you are not injury-prone, the Daniels Running Formula book has many fans.  I am currently just trying to build up my fitness so that I can run for more than 6 miles at the pace Daniels says is my "E" (endurance or easy) pace because currently my long runs are about 1:30-2:00 mins/mile slower than that.

FWIW, I have gotten faster (a lot faster) simply by increasing my running base.   Not kidding.  I ran all runs last year at about 10:30/11:00 per mile pace because I was/am trying to recover from plantar fasciitis, but still ran my 10K PR in July at a 7:1X pace.

Also, this is completely off-topic, but one more person is going to join our group.  Elena (emlavigne) is a mother of 9 month-old twins and is working on juggling her work (full-time, from home) and the babies and trying to get back active.  Elena - please introduce yourself and jump in!


Edited to say thank you Emily, for listing all of the good strength workouts!  I am totally chicken to try the wall push-ups, but may give it a try.  Karen and I are both (we found it independently) doing the BT core workout.  This is the first time that I've have done more than sit-ups/push-ups with any regularity, but the core seems to be helping me not get so sore from sitting at my desk at work.  Katie, this may not work for you, but I've also found that sitting on an exercise ball during some of my hours at work seems to help with my hip pain.

Edited by Mrs. brown_dog_us 2011-01-20 9:38 AM

2011-01-20 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Hooray!  Another mother of twins.  I am so impressed that she's already training for a tri!  I barely moved for the first year.

I do speedwork with my team.  We do lots of 400s, then 800s, then mile repeats.  Its brutal but it has totally helped my speed.  In my first tri (an oly), I averaged about 10 min miles.  I was frustrated with my time and joined a team.  In my second (another oly) about 10 weeks later I averaged 9 minute miles.  A few weeks after that I ran a HM and averaged 9.10 minute miles.  And that was just from doing mile repeats on the track for about 8 weeks.  I would do about an 800 WU, followed by a mile hard, and then a 400 super easy (walking), repeat.  When I started I could only do 2 but worked up to 4.  I'm lucky to have a team and a coach yelling out splits as I ran by - very motivating.  And I'm lucky because we have a HUGE variety of abilities so I wasnt just getting smoked by the fast guys all of the time.  I am a huge believer in track workouts for increasing speed.  My body has gotten used to going faster so when I race its used to the harder faster tempo.  Good luck!

Emily -  I'm impressed with the number of strenthening/stretches you do.  I do alot of those too.  I only have one question - I dont understand the IT band stretch that you like so much.  Which leg are you rolling?  Can you explain it more to me?  Thanks.

2011-01-20 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for sliding me into the "closed" group, STeph! I feel like such a renegade.

It's so strange to be back on BT after 1.5 years absence.  But I thought it'd be as good a place as any to get my courage back for tris and (dare I say it) my first marathon. Like Steph said, I'm struggling big time with the balancing act of the twins/work/friends and am hoping to succeed with a little accountability (that'd be you guys). 

A little about tiny tri career: I started tris in 2006, and gave it up somewhere mid 2008 due to burn out, just doing the occasional swim portion for relay races.  Due to issues with the pregnancy, I was not able to exercise between late 2009 and July 2010 so I'm essentially starting from scratch. My new goal is to do my first marathon in October using swimming and biking as cross training.  Oh, and it'd be nice to drop all the baby weight, but I'm guessing that will come with the training efforts.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!



2011-01-20 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I am cautiously pleased so far this week.

Last fall, from Sept-Dec, I had four surgeries (all abdominal) and an illness to cap it off. I was sedentary pretty much that whole time, but was active all year before that. I have lost fitness for sure - I am abominably slow at everything and do have muscle soreness - still I am not as badly off as I could be. I'm putting off strength/core training for another week and being careful to use a slow-and-easy, see how it goes approach with everything else.

Muscle soreness is to be expected, but all in all I'm feeling pretty good. What a relief! Yes, I did have dr. clearance to exercise again ... I was just desperately afraid of how it would go.

Mind you, I've not done a core workout yet! My courage and outlook are improving on that topic.
2011-01-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3309402

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-01-19 2:27 PM Katie -  What are you doing for your it band/hip issues?  I've had horrible problems the last couple of years and nothing seems to be helping.  I was trying to build up my running really really slowly this year but just today it started to hurt again.  I got a cortisone shot for it once but thats not a long term solution and I'm interested in what you're doing.  I'm doing all sorts of hip strengthening/stretching exercises but dont think that they're working.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

I forgot to add that I also bought CW-X running compression tights.  They make some that are specifically designed to support the IT Band.  I have no idea if they help but I figure they can't hurt!
2011-01-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3310983

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Heather -

Congratulations on your recovery!  Sometimes half the battle of exercising is getting over our own stuff and just getting out the door.  Your workouts look great this week!  Good for you on getting out there.


2011-01-20 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3265665


Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Ok, so I haven't worked out at all this last week.  I was on a weekend snowmobile trip and was really sore after.  I can finally move again so instead of a weekly goal, I am going to set a weekend goal.  My goal for this weekend is get to the gym all three days.  I want to swim 900 yards on friday, run 1 mile on saturday, and bike 6.6 miles on Sunday. 
I also want to find a sprint in my area for the beginning of summer.  Around May.  Does anyone know where I can find that?  I only know of one tri in my area (Minnesota) and that is in august.  (I'm a true beginner at putting together a race schedule).
2011-01-20 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I have to say I'm way impressed with how all of you mothers of small children are finding the time to do something for yourself. I love that you are able to do this and know that it will make all of you much better mothers and role models! I wish I had done more, actually anything when my boys were small.
2011-01-20 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3311306

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
flygirlwags - 2011-01-20 12:58 PM  
I also want to find a sprint in my area for the beginning of summer.  Around May.  Does anyone know where I can find that?  I only know of one tri in my area (Minnesota) and that is in august. 

Flygirl -

You can click on the "races" button at the top of the page and search for races in MN in May and see what comes up.  However, please note that BT only lists the races that folks on the boards enter, so it is not necessarily a complete listing of all possible races. 

You can a?lso look on the to find? other races.  You just click on Minnesota and then you can scroll through a list of races.  I don?'t know where you live in MN, but you might also look for races in WI if you are reasonably close.?
2011-01-20 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3311306

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
flygirlwags - 2011-01-20 11:58 AM Ok, so I haven't worked out at all this last week.  I was on a weekend snowmobile trip and was really sore after.  I can finally move again so instead of a weekly goal, I am going to set a weekend goal.  My goal for this weekend is get to the gym all three days.  I want to swim 900 yards on friday, run 1 mile on saturday, and bike 6.6 miles on Sunday. 
I also want to find a sprint in my area for the beginning of summer.  Around May.  Does anyone know where I can find that?  I only know of one tri in my area (Minnesota) and that is in august.  (I'm a true beginner at putting together a race schedule).

I know that Lifetime Fitness is headquartered in MN and they have a lot of indoor triathlons scheduled for 2011.  I think I am going to try one in March.  I figured it would be a safe way to try my first tri!  Afterall, it would be hard to fall off a stationary bike Cool
2011-01-20 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3311306

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
flygirlwags - 2011-01-20 12:58 PM Ok, so I haven't worked out at all this last week.  I was on a weekend snowmobile trip and was really sore after.  I can finally move again so instead of a weekly goal, I am going to set a weekend goal.  My goal for this weekend is get to the gym all three days.  I want to swim 900 yards on friday, run 1 mile on saturday, and bike 6.6 miles on Sunday. 
I also want to find a sprint in my area for the beginning of summer.  Around May.  Does anyone know where I can find that?  I only know of one tri in my area (Minnesota) and that is in august.  (I'm a true beginner at putting together a race schedule).

I think you can search races here on BT but another place is

2011-01-20 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Question for everyone:  My HIM training plan officially starts next week and I should be doing 90 minutes rides 3 times per week.  Does anyone know anything about splitting up the length of the ride?  For example, it will be easy for me to do 1/2 hour on the trainer before work and another hour at lunch.  But actually riding 1.5 hours during the week will be almost impossible (at least until daylight savings time and it gets warmer).  I'll get at least one long ride every weekend.  I'm sure that breaking it up isnt as good for me as riding for 1.5 hours straight, but do you think it will work?  My kids are up by 6:15 so doing the whole thing before they get up isnt really an option.

2011-01-20 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3310818

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Trying Elizabeth's speedyness in the AM.  Aiming for 1/2 mile repeats of (better than 5k) pace and 1-2 min walk/jog.  How about 8 sets of this?  That plus both kids go to school for once this week - winner!

Edited by jlahoward 2011-01-20 8:13 PM
2011-01-20 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I was so focused on my long run today that I didn't notice my left shoe and sock were covered in blood! Apparently my ASICS have a slight defect where the symbol sticks out of the top and cuts my ankle. Hopefully they will let me return them.

As promised, here is core exercises Part III:
Wall sits (personal record 21+ minutes if anyone cares for a competition
Forgot the name (on hands and knees, completely extend alternate arm and leg and hold for five seconds, do sets of 30)
Reverse Crunches--great for people with lower back problems
Lemon Squeezers (scrunch up like a lemon and tense all muscles possible for a few seconds)
Jump Roping!! I know it is what we used to do in Kindergarten, but jump roping is very good cardio (if you do it fast and dont pause between jumps), and it strengthens arms and legs while training fast twitch muscle. If I'm not warmed up for core, I jump rope for a few minutes. For those of you with kids, it is a great way to get them involved with your training!

Also, I propose a "Weekly Challenge" for group members. We would all make one improvement a week with our training, mentality, nutrition, etc. in the hopes that we will continue doing it after the week elapses. For example, do at least 3 core exercises a day or minimize processed food intake. 
Just an idea!
2011-01-21 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3312096

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Elizabeth - I think you just do the best you can with the HIM plan.  If you can get the bike time in one workout, great.  If you can't do it in one workout, but can get it in two workouts, that is still not bad.  Or just do more 1 hour workouts (same amount of total weekly miles/time) plus your longer workout on the weekend.  For your first HIM, you just need the time in the saddle and to increase your endurance so that the 56 miles is not a big deal. 

Jennifer - Good luck on your speed intervals today!  Report back and tell us how they went!

Emily - I love your weekly improvement idea!  That is exactly what I was trying to do with the weekly goal.  Maybe we could all post updates on Monday to say what last week's goal was, how we did and what the new week's goal will be?  I'll put up a chart with all of last week's goals over the weekend so that we can all remember what they were (and what everyone's name is). 

Hope you all have a great day today!

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