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2011-04-20 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045


Western Colorado
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Hi Steve,

I would like to join your group also. 

My story:  My name is Jessica and I live in western Colorado.  I am 38, married and have two wonderful boys ages 5 and 7.  Between family and working full time finding time to train is my biggest hurdle.  As far as my background in athletics, I am a former division I college basketball player who is now attempting to convert to be an endurance athlete.  I am in my second season as a triathlete and have really no back ground in any of the disciplines.  As of a year ago the only swimming I had done was with my kids and to avoid drowning. Smile  I have a lot of experience on a mountain bike, but when I did my first triathlon I had only been a road twice.  I have done a lot of running, but never over 4 or 5 miles previous to triathlon training.  Needless to say I have really enjoyed the challenge of tri training and learning more about all the disciplines.  I am sure I will learn a lot from your group. 

My goals:  I’m not really sure.  I have 4 or maybe 5 races I would like to do this season.  Last year I competed in two sprint tris and one Olympic distance race.  I think I will stay mainly with sprint tris this year, primarily because I can’t find enough time to commit to training for anything longer.  I am interested in trying an Xterra or some other off road race just to see what that experience is like. 

I am also trying to lose some weight.  I have lost 12 pounds already and would be very happy to lose about 10 more.  Tri training seems to be a good way to do that. 

I look forward to getting to know everyone in the group.  Thanks for your help in advance!

2011-04-20 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3456365

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)


I wonder if you and Lynn are Siamese twins separated at birth -- given your compulsion with budgeting and intense dislike of shopping. Reading your comments made me think it's the twin thing, or you were channeling Lynn as you were writing. Scary!

The two gear-extremes of triathlon are those who wear anything and ride anything and do it just to have a great time, and the ones with $5000 bikes and $700 wetsuits and on and on and on with THE highest-end and highest-tech stuff money can buy. And in between those two extremes is a huge range.......with you in a currently wise spot of upgarding some of your gear in a prudent and thoughtful fashion.

Getting rid of cotton is a good first step, at least in part for the reasons you cite in your post. Good "tech fabric" clothing will make a big difference in how you feel in workouts and races, and in all likelihood you will never want to return to running in cotton every again. But take your time in finding something that is comfortable to you, as some tech stuff can feel almost abrasive next to the skin. I'm one of those types who cannot wear wool next to my skin, and if you are like that, then proceed with some caution. That said, though, most tech clothing suits me just fine.

I feel strongly that good running shoes are a must, at least for people who want to run consistently and stay injury-free and (hopefully!) improve their performance as well. I will have to go back to your other post (I think it was to Trina) and refresh my thoughts on what exactly you will be doing, but seeing a professional shoe person is a great idea. If there is a recommendation for orthotics, however, take a step back and don't commit to that yet. Most foot problems can be solved with the right shoe....and there is even controversy now about just how much shoe "technology" is actually necessary. But this is a whole other discussion for another time!

Right now, though, looking at a couple of tech tops for running and maybe a cycling jersey (or two?) is a good clothing-related start. You might want to think some about how much you like the idea of going sleeveless; for me, it's either long sleeves or no sleeves for running. And when the weather gets half-decent, I never ride in a short-sleeve jersey. But, of course, many (most?) people do, so.....

Getting back to cotton, thibnk too about getting away from cotton socks for running. THere is a slew of socks that are also in tech fabrics, and these will help keep you blister-free. Ones made by Wigwam for the Ironman brand are the ones I ahve used for years, and I always go with ultra-thin -- even in the depths of winter!

Shortly, we can talk about clipless pedals and all, and upgrades for your bike -- or of a new bike entirely, if that's where you want to go. What are you riding now?

I'll be back to you sometime tomorrow with a few more things. It's 12:22 a.m. now, and I have to get to bed!

2011-04-20 11:26 PM
in reply to: #3457932

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Definitely, yes! But the 12:22 of the pervious post has morphed into 12:25, and I'm two minutes more tired now, and that much more anxious for sleep. (Aww, poor baby!)

Soooo....can further comments wait until tomorrow? Merci beaucoup!

2011-04-20 11:51 PM
in reply to: #3457932

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

JESSICA again -

Well, as the old blues line goes "Never turn a stranger from your door", so I will rspond to you now. What's a few minutes of sleep worth, anyhow?

Well, you fit the more common pattern of arriving at endurance stuff with no previous serious trianing in any of the disciplines. If you read Sarah's psot, you'll see that she got to this point via tennis, and as for me, i got here......well, from a litany of team sports when I was a kid-and-then-some. For you, anyhow, there are some "stealth" background benefits -- the mountain biking and the quite commendable running (you sound almost apologetic for not running more than 4 or 5 miles before tri training!!)

As it sounds like you know, the learning curve for triathlon is gloriously long. Well, it might not be all that glorious for someone who wants immediate gratification, but for the rest of us who enjoy the challenge of pretty much endless growth and improvement and knowledge acquisition and implementation, it is all indeed glorious. I have a lot of tri history behind me and know quite a bit, but it never ceases to amaze me what I DON'T know, or what I think I know until I begin to learn that what I thought I knew might not have been what I needed to know. Or something like that!

Your goals sound very prudent and wise. I have written elsewhere (I think it was Trina) that I am a big supporter of people taking their time working up through the distances, and that certainly seems to be what you are doing. If you focus entirely on sprints this season, you will have some speed chops that will help you hugely when you decide to do another olympic-distance. I spent much of my first 6 or 7 seasons focusing more heavily on the longer stuff, until it dawned on me that I wouldn't get dramatically faster at half-irons, say, if I didn't work harder at speed at olys. And then the logical jump there is to build sprint speed to get faster at olys, so that was how '07-'10 worked --- many more shorter (sprint and oly) races, with each of them designed to get more comfortable going to the wall in my efforts. And, mostly, it worked! Ta-da!

ANYHOW, for you to do a sprint-focus season will be great, especially if you know that some time- and family-crunches would get in the way of the type of training one needs in order to do well at olys and beyond. I commend you for your judiciousness!

I wish I could help you with Xterra thoughts, but i have never done one and never will. Not only do I not have a mountain bike, but at my age and with my less-than-bionic body, I can't afford to put myself in harm's way any more than I already do. As it is, I don't even trail-run.....sad, but true. A recent bout with my right peroneal tendon (which can get arrgravated by unstable surfaces -- in my case, icy roads), which was a first for me, further disabused me from the notin of ever doing anything "off-road". But, heaven knows, Xterra has grown hugely in the past few years, right to the point of Triathlete magazine doing an issue each of the past 2 or 3 years devoted largely to Xterra. I sure didn't see THAT coming back around '05 or '06!

More tomorrow, I guess, as I'm beginning to see double now. G'night --- and welcome!

2011-04-20 11:55 PM
in reply to: #3457960

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

JESSICA once more -

The inspiration for "BigSkies" came from Colorado, and I'll tell you more about that later. Not that it's much of a story, really....but that's never stopped me from telling a lame story in the past! warned? ?

2011-04-20 11:57 PM
in reply to: #3457964

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


We are now an octet!


More details to follow!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-04-21 7:36 PM

2011-04-21 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Mind if I join you all ... I think I'm ready to get back to it after my attitude adjustment over the last couple of months!  More on that later when I post my bio.  Wink  Glad I'll be able to commiserate with some "southerners" dealing with the same heat and humidity issues as myself. 

For those checking out this group and deciding if they want to "sign up", Steve is a GREAT mentor and a wealth of knowledge whether you are brand new to the sport or training for an IM!


2011-04-21 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3457876

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


The Cascade Lake Tri is a Piranha Sports race.  I had never done an open water swim before and found that being able to see the finish line was a lot easier mentally then just swimming lap after lap in a pool.  The bike on the other hand was horrible.  I had a budget of $275 for the entire race and the only equipment I went into this adventure with was running shoes, practice suit and goggles.  I ended up buying an $80 mountain bike on sale from Target and that bike was horrible for the hills of Western MD.  Needless to say, the poor bike portion of the race last year kept me from signing up again this year.  Up until 3 weeks ago I still had the $80 mountain bike and I really didn't want to tackle the hills again on that bike.  Next year might be a different story.

Tri rock Annapolis is a 4 part series.  I am contemplating signing up for the Gettysburg race in October.  The other two are too far to travel.  I wouldn't want to mess around before the West Point Tri and risk jinxing anything LOL!  I wanted to do the Iron Girl this year but it was long closed before I even looked into it.  Hopefully I'll sign up in time for next year.  I've heard that all the races they have in that area are a lot of fun. 

I'm on the eastern side of Baltimore County really close to the Baltimore City line.  Sparks is on the Northern side, up 83, I think.  I ride and run the NCR trail a lot and really enjoy the trail.  That is where I spent the majority of my time  training last year and the early parts of this season.  It's a great trail!

I don't play really tennis anymore.  I just fizzled out I guess after college.  It was hard to find people at my level to play with after work and on the weekends.  I stopped once I was pregnant with my son because of the joints loosening and not being able to play as hard as I was use to.  After that I just never picked it back up.  I have been teaching my son here and there when he wants to go out and play.  He's pretty good for his age and not playing all that much. 

Today is my first day with out soda and so far so good.  Hopefully I'll be able to continue the trend and slowly start lowering the amount of coffee to one or two cups.

Thanks for the warm welcome and I'm excited to be part of the group!



2011-04-21 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3435045


Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
Hello, going into 2nd year of tri. Did 2 sprints last summer, signed up for 1 in july. Slowly coming back from an I.T Band injury, up to 5 miles @8 1/2 min. pace. I was @ 15miles running when I injured my I.T. Goals this summer is to do Half Ironman. Currently run 2xs a week ( 5miles a piece), swim 2xs ( 1/2 to 1 mile), bike on sundays ( last week 28 miles).
2011-04-21 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3458340

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Aw, shucks.......but HUGE beaming, glowing thanks for the kind words!!

Attitude adjustment, eh? What's THAT about, Lisa? Well, I guess I'll find out when I find out!

Welcome aboard.....and definitely welcome back!!

2011-04-21 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3459123

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


I like your attitude -- taking a user name as something that ailed you for a while. Nothing quite liek facing the beast head-on! (Same category as taken snake venom to help with a poisonous snake bite?? )

I too have had ITB issues (a few, in fact), with the most recent one laying seige to me 10 days before an-otherwise-successfully-trained-for marathon (Kiawah) that I was planning to do in Dec. '09, but had to bail on. Bah! First one was during my very first marathon ('98), ambushing me at about mile 10 and making the rest of the event quite awful. There was one more as well, and also some episodes that threatened ITB woes, but never materialized -- rain clouds over the desert that don't produce.

It's good that you're past it now, or so it seems -- 5 miles is a very successful distance back from ITB! And that's a good pace you're clipping along at, too.

Overall, your current workout schedule is commendable, and well on the road to an half-iron. Which one of those babies are you looking at doing?

Beyond that question, there are the others such as identity and location. Inquiring minds want to know!

Glad to have you with us, erstwhile ITBer!

2011-04-21 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3459551

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Just a quick follow-up to yesterday's thoughts about lat pull-downs and standing lat pull-downs.

For the former, I never do them behind the neck. These can put too much strain on the back and triceps, so I just avoid them.

For the latter, I start and finish each movement with the bar just at eye level, or maybe slightly above. I hold for a nano-second at the thighs, and see ease back up gradually. I also make sure each movement begins with the bar very stable, out there at the ends of my fully-extended arms.

For the "regular" seated ones, my grip is wide -- either on the the ends that point down at 45 degrees, or right at the end of the strainght part of the bar. The further out I go, the better it works the lats themselves.

I think I said yeaterday where I hold the bar for the standing ones, which is just outside the shoulders (kind of where I imagine I'm pulling from on the swim). This handhold, for this exercise, works the pecs and triceps more than the back,

Hope this helps some!

2011-04-21 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


I would like to join your group, i'm not a new beginner but would love to have others to help motivate me as the season progresses. The hard part to joining in is typing up a bio, I find it hard to talk about myself, which is probably why I have been anonymous on BT for so long. Anyway I would love to be a part of your group and below is what I got for a bio.  Thank you for leading the group.

Name: Veronica/aktri

Story: I participated in my first sprint triathlon about 16 years ago. I have continued to participate in triathlons, running, biking and other such events, mostly local or in-state. I have been on BT for about 6 years. Time sure flies when you are having fun! I have not been active in the forums or ever participated in the mentor groups but would love to be more active in the BT community and have a like minded group to inspire me.

Family:  I've been married for 23 years and have a son (21) and a daughter (16).  I live in Anchorage Alaska. My husband does not swim-bike-run but is very supportive. My son is in school at University of Nevada-Reno so my daughter is an only child at home being spoiled as she enters this fun age.

Current Training: I have been fairly lucky on avoiding injuries and I attribute this to the multisport lifestyle. Although I am one of the most consistent people you will meet, I have an aversion to mornings but that seems to be the best time of day for me to fit in my workouts. I train with a group that expects me to be there so that helps get me out of bed. If it weren’t for the workouts I would probably still be sleeping.  I downloaded a BT half IM plan but am not following it (yet) as the group I have been working out with goes through the end of May, they are training for sprint/oly distance.

2011 Races:  I have a couple of short distance time trial bike races, first one this weekend. And last weekend was the first weekend the roads were clear enough to ride outside. My first triathlon will be the Pink Cheeks triathlon in May in Seward, Alaska it is a casual fun triathlon. Then the annual Women’s Gold Nugget Triathlon sprint distance. Then another sprint distance triathlon in June. All of these are pool swims. We don’t hit the lakes until the end of June. Then the 4th of July, I have participated annually in a mountain running event, the Seward Mt. Marathon race. Pretty legendary event around here. Then my “A” race this year will be the Sourdough Half Ironman in Fairbanks Alaska mid July. Then I’m headed out of state (to the lower 48) on vacation. I usually end the summer by participating in a Fall marathon but I have not “picked” my marathon yet. I usually try to pick a different state. I have run a marathon in 12 states, mostly western states. Anyone got a favorite?

2011 Goals:  Maintain fitness, participate in events, have fun and do the best I can on that day.

Weightloss:  The last couple of years, I have noticed that I am no longer losing that “winter weight”. I know it is my diet and am trying to be more diligent about eating better. I have a sweet tooth…

2011-04-21 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
Hello! I would like to join the group...Name: Kerri Bullock from Binghamton, NYStory: have always been an athlete, mostly team sports through HS and College. I am 30 and started competing in triathlons last year, finishing 4. I was hooked after the first one and love competing in them! I always thought I wanted to try sister also became interested and we started planning races together. Last year I completed 3 sprints and one Olympic. This year I have 2 Olympic, 1 sprint and a HIM on the calendar so far. I have learned a lot through my own research but would really like advice from an experienced triathlete.Steve, I am also signed up for Keuka and Cayuga Olympic races!Family: Married for almost 6 years, no husband likes to run and bike with me during training but doesn't have any interest in a tri because of the swim Current Training: trying to follow a plan for olympic but am also training for a half marathon in May...kind of piecing together my own training plan now. I will probably be more disciplined about the Olympic plan after the half marathon
2011-04-21 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3459745

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


I just read your post and saw you were from Binghamton.  My parents live close by in Apalachin, Ny (Tioga County), right up 17, or 434 depending on where you are coming from.  It's rare that I "meet" or hear of someone who is familiar with that area that I just had to mention something!  


2011-04-21 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3459751

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New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
Sarah,Nice to "meet" you. I am not too far from your parents at all. We are just down 17, outside of Binghamton on the east side.Kerri

2011-04-21 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3459657

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


For someone who is averse to writing about herself, you sure do a great job! Not only that, but you have a few terrific stories to tell; we here are fortunate to have you amongst us!

Beyond everything else, there's the northern connection you bring to us. You maybe saw Lisa's post above, wherein she wants other southerners to commiserate with about heat and humidity.....whereas right now I'm desperate to find more northerners who will understand my angst at continuing cold up this way (we woke up this morning to a dusty of snow! )

16 years ago for your first tri places you in the formative stages of the port, and almost classifies you as a pioneer. I genuflect in your general direction, exalted trailblazer!

You have a very varied schedule, which intrigues me because mine is generally anything but. Your list of 2011 goals seems to be a lock, given your widespread racing interests and the schedule you are setting for yourself.

As for your marathon question, I will think about it some. I have about seven marathons to my credit, but other than the two I did attached to iron-dirnace races in '04 and '05, I haven't done a stand-alone since Boston '04. I qualified for that at North Central Trail Marathon north of Baltimore, in Nov. '03, and that is a pretty nice race -- mostly out-and-back on a Rails-to-Trails route that is quite scenic and very easy of the legs. So, the "trail" part has nothing to do with ragged-and-rough trail runs, but rather just from the more urbane nature of a Rails-to-Trails path. I guess, though, you're more inclined to stay in the north of Baltimore (especially in Nov) might not quite work for you, huh?

Finally, if you're working out regularly with a group, of whom some are training for an oly, it's likely that you'll be all set to jump into the BT half-iron plan without being the leat bit behind. Is that your thinking? Makes sense to me!

2011-04-21 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3459745

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


From Bingo, eh? Lots of words written about your hockey team up here these days, as our hockey team was eliminated from the playoffs long ago, and now the only focus is on your Senators down there, no longer "ours" up here.

I saw that you did Mighty Man sprint! I did the half-iron in '09, had a good race and an overall great time -- they do a terrific job with it! I see there is also an oly being offered this year, and I am tempted by that.

Keuka and Cayuga, too! I'm all rady for both.....just need a couple of issues to come in line. I've had a left hip&groin problem for a few weeks, and am currently going through all the recommended therapies. I'm not too worried abouyt Cayuga, but am thinking I might drop down to the sprint at Keuka. We'll see, but at any rate it will be good to meet up with you at those two!

Nice season last year, and a great plan fro this seson. Toughman has only been around a few years (2, or maybe 3 previous?), but has a fine reputation. When it was first announced, thre RD (Izzo??) was very visible at the Slowtwitch forum, and gained big props for offering immediate answers to everyone's questions. At Fronhofer Tool Triathlon last August I met one James Kelly, who was instrumental in the planning of Toughman. he gave it a very compelling sell, but the timing didn't work for me. Someday, though, I hope!!

Which ghalf-marathon are you doing in May? The training for that will easily satisfy (and then some, of course) your run needs for Keuka, and then it's just a matter of piecing together a few 1600m swims and a handful of 43km rides, and Keuka will be in the bag for you!

Glad you're with us!

2011-04-21 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3459853

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Nice growth day today! To the list at the top of the page can now be added:
I.T. Band-it

I have also received a PM from "catsfan08", so I expect she/he to check in sometime soon. That'll make us a baker's dozen, and it might be close to closing it down.

Any thoughts on optimal number of members? My experience with these groups tell me that a few people drop off pretty quickly, so if the thought was that 13 would be just fine, it might be best to take 16 --- just in case!

2011-04-21 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


2004 was the year I did Boston also! Grueling! I melted somewhere around Heartbreak Hill. I dont remember the hill being hard, I was just melting as they were pulling other people off on stretchers and sitting others down on the curb to take their blood pressure, etc... I think that part got to me mentally because of other things I had going on. The marathon is so mental. I had qualified at St George Marathon in Utah. The Trails marathon sounds interesting, I'll have to look it up. I was originally considering Marine Corp but somehow missed the signup date and it filled up.

Oh there is one injury I deal with, I forget about it because it doesnt flare up until I start running around 16 miles. I have a neuroma problem in my feet. I can usually get through it but it gets painful. Maybe I'll get myself to a podiatrist before I start marathon training this year. If you see me complain about it, remind me to go get it checked! See this group is already helping me.

And ya, for us northerners, still hoping it really is Spring. They said it was supposed to snow today but it is 46 degrees so I think we are good for another day. The roads are finally clear and the tracks (at the high schools) are mostly clear of snow. Gonna head to the track now. Oh, what's the time difference between Alaska and  Casselman, Ontario?

2011-04-21 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3459894

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Yes! Very grueling AND scary. All those sirens, and the long lines just to get into the medical tent. I handled it quite well, stayed within myself and didn't tempt the fates. It's not exactly a PR course, so it's silly to go in there thinking of nailing one. Therefore, might as well just dig the vibe and make of it what is there to be given.

I grew up just outside Boston, and the standard weather line for that area is "If you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes and it will change." Well, about a week out from the race the foirecast was for unusually high temps for the 19th. I thought, yeah, that's now; we'll see about then. And you know what happened -- the weather forecast held and held and held, and there we were at the start, with it 82 degrees if I remember correctly. That was the year the decided advantage went to people from the deep south who had had some time to acclimate to warm, as opposed to us who came from chill into the crucible/cauldron. Oh well -- mama said there'd be days like that!

I can maybe help yopui more with the neuroma, having suffered one enough in '05 to have it removed in January '06. That was one of thr more intelligent things I have ever had done, but the absolute key is to have the excision done from the top -- recovery is many, many weeks faster that way, as opoosed to from the bottom/. I can tell you more about neuromas, including the fact that Newton running shoes seem to solve virtually all of any neuroma tendencies I have. Let's talk about all this further!!

We're in Eastern, so I guess four hours? You're one more than Pacific, aren't you? So, Central, Mountain, Pacific, and then......Aleutian Zone? Panhandle Zone? What's it called out there??

2011-04-21 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3459863

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


You experiences and mine are very similar to typical groups here BT and if 13 is what you ultimately want then you are best taking in more.  Then again, from all the bio's that I have read this appears to be a pretty hearty group so hopefully everybody will stick with it (um... there is a challenge to the team, stick with it, I think Steve has a ton of experience in the sport that will help us all).

Going forward is there anything specific you would like from us mentee's in regard to what we post here on the thread?  OR... Do you want us to just fire away with the questions?



stevebradley - 2011-04-21 8:42 PM GANG! That'll make us a baker's dozen, and it might be close to closing it down. Any thoughts on optimal number of members? My experience with these groups tell me that a few people drop off pretty quickly, so if the thought was that 13 would be just fine, it might be best to take 16 --- just in case!

2011-04-21 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3459863

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Any thoughts on optimal number of members?

I'm just curious, how much time do you spend daily reading and posting in BT? 

Any group size that you think is manageable would be fine. I'm amazed at the time you spend answering all our questions / concerns. You read and answer each one of the posts! Impressive the work you do. Thanks for that!

2011-04-21 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3457944

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

stevebradley - 2011-04-20 11:22 PM SANDRA - I wonder if you and Lynn are Siamese twins separated at birth -- given your compulsion with budgeting and intense dislike of shopping. 

That is so funny Not that many women dislike shopping. I'm the strange one between my co-workers. They can spend hours talking about brands, places, prices, fashion, etc. I guess I'll be soon doing the same but with triathlon specific things. And I'm sure, my co-workers won't understand why I need to spend money on cycling shorts for example.

Since Sunday I'm talking about shoes, foot types and running. So Gustavo came with me today and guess what: I bought the first pair of shoes that I tried on. Impressive. The lady was very helpful, measured my feet, asked me a lot of questions and recommended one of the shoes. She said that I should try them for a while and then come back for an appointment. I might need some extra raising in one of my heels. I have the arch a little bit higher than normal but not too much.

Now, I'm anxious waiting for my run tomorrow morning.

The two gear-extremes of triathlon are those who wear anything and ride anything and do it just to have a great time, and the ones with $5000 bikes and $700 wetsuits and on and on and on with THE highest-end and highest-tech stuff money can buy

I'm pretty sure that I'll never be on the higher end with the $5000 bikes. But I still have to find my comfortable gear-price zone. Most of the days I'm happy and proud of the bike that I have, some other days I wish I had a better bike.

What are you riding now?

It's a Road 10 speed Raleigh maybe from around 1973 - 76. Last year Gustavo spent a couple of days trying to find the year that the bike was built but he couldn't find the exact year.

2011-04-21 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
Hi Steve and everyone,

Can I still join this group? I am 49, started triathlon 3 years ago. I have done some sprints. I am pretty slow, and usually finish last or among the last ones. I do not intend to get much faster. I do this because it is a lot of fun and it is a great way to be fit. Both my parents had open-heart surgeries, so I want to keep my heart in good shape.

I live in Colombia, South America, so we have great weather all year round!

I am going to run my first Olympic-distance triathlon on May 1st. It will be in San Andrés, a beautiful Colombian island on the caribbean. I am very excited but have many questions. Perhaps the most important on what to eat/drink before and during the race.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

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