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2012-01-03 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3968254

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hi Troy,

I just found Wanderlust on Facebook.  I will seek Aleta out.  Thank for the heads up!


2012-01-03 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3967762

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
cresap.dom - 2012-01-03 6:58 AM

Hi Clark,

Nope.  I have not found a local coach yet so I am resorting to the self-discipline route.  I printed the Couch to 5k training from this website as well and doing that daily.  I am getting good advice from Scott to start slow so as to not injure myself (yet again).  I am already an avid Cycle participant for the last 10 years.  If I can just find a local pool then I will have all three avenues covered.  No luck on the pool yet.  Perhaps I will change my strategy to do a 5k and 10k this summer along with my bike rides and shoot for the tri next summer.  We will see.  What area outside Chicago are you?  I am in Evanston.



I am also an avid cyclist that is struggling with the run.  I've found that the reason I hated running was that I trying to run way too hard (even though I wasn't going fast at all).

I started training with a heart rate monitor which has really helped.

After some bike rides, I found the heart rate zone that I can ride the bike at good pace that I can maintain for long periods.

Now, I run trying to keep my HR in that same range no matter how slow I have to run (even walking from time to time).

After  a couple of weeks running three times each week, I've no longer need to walk and my pace has improved (slightly) and my distance and stamina has increased. 

Most importantly, I don't feel completely wiped out after running and dare I say it, I am actually looking forward to my runs.

I hope this is helpful.


2012-01-03 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed;search_string=runtraining;#1612485

I wanted to post this link for you guys and gals.  This is a tremendous read and a great way to build a strong running foundation.  Since we have quite a few run focused folks, I thought now would be a good time to post this. Start with the link that says The Program (part 1).  You wont be disappointed. Thoughts or questions?

2012-01-03 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3968079

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
oliviacooks - 2012-01-03 11:50 AM

I'm going to look into the book you recommended today.  I like that it sounds as if it incorporates more of a matrix of established fitness levels than the few I checked out online here.

Veggie Kate, what an adventure it sounds like you're about to take!  Saipan.  I'm curious what you'll be doing...


I missed the book recommendation - can you share it again? 

I have read Brendan Brazier's book Trive Fitness, and am waiting on the Thrive Foods book to come soon   I'm 100% vegetarian, working towards vegan, so happy to learn it can be done with the training program!!

I know Nancy Clark is a big name in the Sports Nutrition world, but I haven't checked out her book in quite a while.

In Saipan, I'll be the clinical dietitian/food service manager for their little hospital!  American foods have made their way to the little island in the last few generations, and so has - of course - brought with it obesity, diabetes, and an overabundance of renal failure.  So, I have my work cut out for me to try to motivate them to get away from fried SPAM and white rice!

2012-01-03 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3968377

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hope everyone had a good day and fit a workout in:

I went for a swim at the pool, which sure beats the cold outside today.  I ended up doing about 1750 meters, broken down in a warmup, then 800m, 400m, and finally 200 meters, followed by a cooldown. 

2012-01-03 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3967005

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
BernardDogs - 2012-01-02 6:37 PM
TimX3 - 2012-01-02 7:05 PM

Troy, I'll be volunteering for IMLP as well. My original plan was to register for IMLP 2013 but now I am not sure because the whole PF thing threw a wrench in the works. We'll have to see.

You've got plenty of time for recovery and training. 12 sessions of dry needle trigger point therapy ... mostly to loosen my calf provided the turning point for me. I do think my introduction back into cross training (bike/swim) has also definitely helped my overall flexibility and, accordingly, keeping my PF in line. So keep on with the bike/swim in the meantime and you'll be amazed at how much fitness ... and even run speed ... you'll keep.


I should have been more specific here. I know that I'll be over the PF by 2013. My plan was to do the Tupper Lake Tinman 70.3 this June. I wanted to experience training and racing at this distance before tackling a full IM. Doing it in June was desirable because of IMLP being in July. I wanted to have the 70.3 under my belt before deciding to register for 2013. I may end up doing it anyway but I am still undecided. I would feel better knowing that my foot was going to stop bothering me when I run before I make the leap to go long. 



2012-01-03 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3968377

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-03 12:40 PM;search_string=runtraining;#1612485

I wanted to post this link for you guys and gals.  This is a tremendous read and a great way to build a strong running foundation.  Since we have quite a few run focused folks, I thought now would be a good time to post this. Start with the link that says The Program (part 1).  You wont be disappointed. Thoughts or questions?

Scott, I have read through all of these over on ST and I also feel that the Barry P approach seems like sound advice. I have also read through some post on this topic right here on BT. My plan is to give the "run often, mostly easy sometimes hard" approach when i am ready to return to running. 

2012-01-03 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Evening all. the weather has been terrible over here in the UK today, driving rain and gusts of wind up to 90mph so riding and running were definitely off the menu.

Swim session tonight. Currently working on base fitness and distance rather than quality of stroke although it is generally on my mind the whole time I am in the pool. Just before the xmas break i was putting in 2 x 2000m sessions a week and doing 5x400m splits during the session and trying to keep splits within a consistent window 7:30 to 7:45.

Plan on 1st run session in a month tomorrow, my weakest discipline. Hope to get a comfortable 5km in. If I have to have the odd walk then so be it. Main focus is to get legs turning again.

thats as long as weather improves, hope everyone had a good day 

2012-01-03 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Clayton NC
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Hello All,

Easy swimming laps yesterday only 500. Did an easy 30 minutes the treadmill this a.m.
Over did it a bit on Sunday with a 34 mile windy ride on the bike. This is a longer bike ride for me now.

I have a question for the vegans. Just 2 months ago I went totally vegan due to high cholesterol. I don't want to go on drugs if I don't have too so I am giving this a try. I have found it to be a lot easier than I expected although challenging when you go out to eat. my energy levels have been good.

My question is: Do you use any rice or soy protein supplements?

I don't think I am close to my recommended protein levels.

Thanks for any input.
2012-01-03 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3968844

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I missed the book recommendation - can you share it again? 

Kate, this is what Scott mentioned about Matt Fitgerald's book with loads of training plans:  I would also look at longer olympic plans, something in the 20 week range that will give you the volume that you need for an olympic distance race and enough intensity for your sprints.  Matt Fitzgerald wrote a book full of training plans.  "Essential Week by Week Training Guide".  It has plans for all distances and levels of ability.

In Saipan, I'll be the clinical dietitian/food service manager for their little hospital!  American foods have made their way to the little island in the last few generations, and so has - of course - brought with it obesity, diabetes, and an overabundance of renal failure.  So, I have my work cut out for me to try to motivate them to get away from fried SPAM and white rice!

That sounds absolutely fantastic.  That is a job I'd love to do; though I bet you will have your work cut out for you.  I have done my share of to facilitating nutritional change.  Boy, can it be a challenge with some!  It sounds like quite a story you'll have in a lovely place.  I'll be looking forward to hearing how it's all going along the way.  I wish you the best of luck with our tri training and your big, adventure!
2012-01-03 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3969105

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
TimX3 - 2012-01-03 2:50 PM
rsmoylan - 2012-01-03 12:40 PM;search_string=runtraining;#1612485

I wanted to post this link for you guys and gals.  This is a tremendous read and a great way to build a strong running foundation.  Since we have quite a few run focused folks, I thought now would be a good time to post this. Start with the link that says The Program (part 1).  You wont be disappointed. Thoughts or questions?

Scott, I have read through all of these over on ST and I also feel that the Barry P approach seems like sound advice. I have also read through some post on this topic right here on BT. My plan is to give the "run often, mostly easy sometimes hard" approach when i am ready to return to running. 

I'm  about halfway through this program outline Scott posted.  I feel out of my depths with some of the "shop talk".  I'm realizing I've always just run without a training program or method; I have just run for an hour and then stopped. 

Swimming is my current focus and biggest challenge; but I'm seeing that's because I don't have a training program (I'm sensing a pattern...).  I know Scott mentioned some things earlier about the swim so I'll circle back earlier in the thread. 

2012-01-03 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3969231

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

controltech01 - 2012-01-03 6:52 PM  My question is: Do you use any rice or soy protein supplements? I don't think I am close to my recommended protein levels. Thanks for any input. Roger

I don't.  I eat plenty of rice and not so much in the way of soy.  My protein source come from quinoa.  It is the perfect food.  And from what I understand is the only non-meat source that provides the full range of essential amino acids.  Olivia, you can correct me if I'm wrong.  Quinoa is a super-food.  

2012-01-03 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3969275

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
oliviacooks - 2012-01-03 7:19 PM
TimX3 - 2012-01-03 2:50 PM
rsmoylan - 2012-01-03 12:40 PM;search_string=runtraining;#1612485

I wanted to post this link for you guys and gals.  This is a tremendous read and a great way to build a strong running foundation.  Since we have quite a few run focused folks, I thought now would be a good time to post this. Start with the link that says The Program (part 1).  You wont be disappointed. Thoughts or questions?

Scott, I have read through all of these over on ST and I also feel that the Barry P approach seems like sound advice. I have also read through some post on this topic right here on BT. My plan is to give the "run often, mostly easy sometimes hard" approach when i am ready to return to running. 

I'm  about halfway through this program outline Scott posted.  I feel out of my depths with some of the "shop talk".  I'm realizing I've always just run without a training program or method; I have just run for an hour and then stopped. 

Swimming is my current focus and biggest challenge; but I'm seeing that's because I don't have a training program (I'm sensing a pattern...).  I know Scott mentioned some things earlier about the swim so I'll circle back earlier in the thread. 

I definitely do not want to confuse you.  I think it is good sometimes to not think too much about running.  Sometimes we just need to run.  It was more for people who are looking for that extra guidance in developing a run plan.  Also, if we find that we are constantly getting injured running, this is a way to get organized and go about running safely.  

Swimming and biking are the same way.  We get the best bang for our bucks by having a plan.  

2012-01-03 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3969323

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Clayton NC
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Thanks for the input. Have a great evening.
2012-01-03 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3969253

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
oliviacooks - 2012-01-03 7:04 PM

I missed the book recommendation - can you share it again? 

Kate, this is what Scott mentioned about Matt Fitgerald's book with loads of training plans:  I would also look at longer olympic plans, something in the 20 week range that will give you the volume that you need for an olympic distance race and enough intensity for your sprints.  Matt Fitzgerald wrote a book full of training plans.  "Essential Week by Week Training Guide".  It has plans for all distances and levels of ability.

In Saipan, I'll be the clinical dietitian/food service manager for their little hospital!  American foods have made their way to the little island in the last few generations, and so has - of course - brought with it obesity, diabetes, and an overabundance of renal failure.  So, I have my work cut out for me to try to motivate them to get away from fried SPAM and white rice!

That sounds absolutely fantastic.  That is a job I'd love to do; though I bet you will have your work cut out for you.  I have done my share of to facilitating nutritional change.  Boy, can it be a challenge with some!  It sounds like quite a story you'll have in a lovely place.  I'll be looking forward to hearing how it's all going along the way.  I wish you the best of luck with our tri training and your big, adventure!


Fantastic!  Got the book reserved at my library!!


For vegan protein, I still stay away from soy.  There's enough controversy surrounding it that I figure "why bother?"  Plus, I find my sweat is extra stinky after eating soy!  *lol*

I like to use nuts, seeds, sprouts, legumes, and grains - like Scott said quinoa is a complete protein.  But you can gather up your essential amino acids among various food groups - rice and beans is the classic example.  Chia seeds are also a complete protein with good omega fats and fiber; I'm also a fan of hemp seeds.  It has 10g of protein per ounce. Spirulina (a type of seaweed) is also a complete protein.  It's only 2g protein per ounce, but also only 7calories, so these are great for adding to salads or wraps and such!

I have tried several vegan protein powders - usually they're made from pea protein, artichoke, or rice.  I haven't found a favorite yet.

2012-01-03 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3966571

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open

Thanks for the discussion. 

While age isn't a big factor, I think my lack of running history contributes to it.  I have never been a runner or jogger and started about 2 years ago.  Some aches and injuries include knees, quads, and most recently my lower left back.  The back pain was bad enough that I couldn't function after and needed physical thereapy.  I think the shoes played a part.  When the back injury happened it was my first jog with a different new pair of shoes.  Now I am back to my Saukany pair that were fitted to me at the Running store.  But I have never been very knowledgable on that.  So I am unaware of flat foot or any other foot postures.  What can you tell me to look for?



2012-01-03 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3967199

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


I trained today as well.  I don't feel I am the expert all the others here seem to be but I am giving it a best effort.   I started the Couch-to-5K train today and added some strength training as well.


2012-01-03 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3968320

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open


I must say this does sound very familiar.  I tend to run hard but not smart.  I love the bike and don't look forward to the jogs.  I will try the heart rate monitor and see how that goes.



2012-01-04 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
HERE is a tutorial on trying to determine your foot strike. The article refers to "supination" which should really be "under-pronation" ... but it'll give you a start for understanding how our feet impact our ability to cushion the activity of repetitive striking and levering off into another step.

There are so many shoe options out there today ... which means so many possible mismatches with the user that could have an impact further up the chain (knees, hips, backs, etc.). I know that if I happen to get into a shoe that forces too much motion control, I'll start feeling it in my knees before too long at all.

I think it's great to go and have a running store take a look at your stride and get you into the appropriate shoe. But it's important to have them do some video of your stride on a treadmill, slow it down, and really look at your strike. Be careful, though ... I've had a store trained clerk require me to get on a treadmill before she'd sell me a pair of shoes. I obliged even though I know precisely what I needed. She misdiagnosed my stride by a long shot and I had to do some convincing just to get a shoe I had been running in for years.

Read the article ... try the wet foot on a towel test (or a paper bag). And I'm happy to help you continue to figure things out.
2012-01-04 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning all ...

No run for me today. It was a scheduled rest day from the run and I was thankful for it, as it was only 2F when I would have been getting up to run.

I'll swim after work.

2012-01-04 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3969731

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
cresap.dom - 2012-01-03 11:13 PM


I trained today as well.  I don't feel I am the expert all the others here seem to be but I am giving it a best effort.   I started the Couch-to-5K train today and added some strength training as well.



You're not alone, Domenica!   I have done jogging, but that's about it!  And never the amount of a triathlon! 

Ran today for 3 miles; first half was great, then got a nasty cramp in my ribs and pushed through the second half at a slower pace.  Feels good to be back running though!  I know the body will adjust.

Enjoyed a green smoothie after!  Yum!

2012-01-04 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I'm back to full days at my clinic.  I'll be checking in throughout the day.  I have a three mile run planned for this evening.  I had a hard trainer session last night and slept like a baby.  Hope everyone moves their body today.
2012-01-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Continuing along the lines of swimming, I wanted to share a website that has some great teaching info:  There are some really informative videos by Gary Hall Sr.  studying and breaking down the swim stroke.  The series is called "The Underwater Pull Series".  Have fun and feel free to post your thoughts and questions. 

2012-01-04 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, everybody!

I went to the Y and did 30 min on the bike and did some light lifting. I am trying to wake all the muscles I haven't used in awhile.

I'm going to the pool today to try to and swim for 10-15 minutes straight. I am going to focus on doing short distances well and then getting a little longer. I think that is better than seeing how far I can go but having to doggie paddle to finish! I want to do 2 laps (I train in a 25 yd pool) real solid and build from there.

I am still trying to find a good plan. I like Matt Fitzgerald's website and he does have a lot to choose from but his plans are costly. I will stick with a free plan for now, thanks. Any newbies getting a membership to the BT site? I would like to try Bronze and see how it goes.

Have a healthy day, everyone!

2012-01-04 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3970214

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-04 9:52 AM

Good morning, everybody!

I went to the Y and did 30 min on the bike and did some light lifting. I am trying to wake all the muscles I haven't used in awhile.

I'm going to the pool today to try to and swim for 10-15 minutes straight. I am going to focus on doing short distances well and then getting a little longer. I think that is better than seeing how far I can go but having to doggie paddle to finish! I want to do 2 laps (I train in a 25 yd pool) real solid and build from there.

I am still trying to find a good plan. I like Matt Fitzgerald's website and he does have a lot to choose from but his plans are costly. I will stick with a free plan for now, thanks. Any newbies getting a membership to the BT site? I would like to try Bronze and see how it goes.

Have a healthy day, everyone!

Over 40 plans!  I'm not affiliated with him in any way.  Just think it's a valuable resource.  So is membership here though.  

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