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2012-04-25 5:20 AM
in reply to: #4170858

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Cool -- thanks for passing that along.


2012-04-25 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Asheville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Let me throw something out there and see if anyone has had the same experience.

I have been doing all of my training on a stationary bike at the gym.  Routinely doing rides of 30-45 mins, even got up to an hour last week.  Finally picked me up a road bike this weekend.  It's probably an late 80's model huffy 12 speed road bike.  I know it's not even close to the quality of bike some of you are riding but I was determined not to spend much money this year until I got a few tris under my belt and decided if it was something I want to continue doing long term.  The bike is in good shape and it was a cheap buy. 

Started a long ride at the gym last night but was interrupted and had to pick up my daughter.  After getting home I decided I would take my "new" bike out for a few miles and check it out.  Three miles (probably a bit less) seemed like an exceptionally hard ride!  I had to adjust the seat when I got back home but I don't believe that would account for how hard this ride felt.  I had read on several posts that riding the indoor stationary bike was easier but I don't know if I buy that now.  The course was a very slight uphill on the way out and slight downhill on the way back (most of which I coasted).  Kind of discouraged now because the 10 mile ride for my tri in July which I was thinking would be fairly easy doesn't look so doable anymore. 

Any suggestions? Am I over reacting after my first significant time on a bike in many, many, months?  Obviously it will get easier the more time I spend on the bike but does this sound normal?  The seat was too low  by probably a couple of inches so I wasn't getting good leg extension but could this have made that much of a difference?  Interested to hear any feedback.

2012-04-25 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4171525

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I wouldn't be too hard on yourself ;-)

Coming out of the gym into the world of gravity, headwinds, friction from the road, and all the other problems of the real world is a whole new ball game. Here's a little advice, take with grains of salt please!

1. Be patient, and keep your initial rides at an easy pace. You're strictly doing base miles now, and July is still a good ways off.

2. Play around with your fit. There are plenty of good references out there for how to set up a basic fit -- the key is make sure that you're getting good leg extension, without so much that you're bouncing around on the seat.

3. Check the basics of your bike's mechanics, particularly tire pressure. Most ride bike tires should be around 100 psi. Look on the tire sidewall for recommended pressure. Get some lube at the local bike shop and drop a little oil on the chain every time you go out. For that matter, if you have a few bucks, ask the shop to give it a basic tuneup -- you want to be sure the brakes and other important stuff are working OK.

4. Get out on that bike -- there's no substitute for doing. If you gradually add on time and distance you may surprise yourself.

2012-04-25 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4171525

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I have been riding the stationary bike at the Y for a while now. I bought a Trek 7100, it's a comfort bike or hybrid. The first time I took it out I thought I would have an easy time due to the training on the stationary. I was very wrong! It was still cold in Iowa and my hands and feet froze not to mention the nose cycles. From my first ride I knew I needed to add resistance to the stationary bike training. Like Ken said in the gym there is no headwind and the like, also on the road I am pulling all my weight and I mean ALL my weight. The first ride woke me up and I added the hill program and more resistance and now the road feels much better. I will always have a prolem with the wind riding in an upright position from the comfort bike but an OK road bike is down the road, so to speak.
2012-04-25 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Ocala, FL
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I do a fair mix of stationary and road rides.  It really depends on my work schedule.  I had a couple weeks where I was on the trainer exclusively.  When I got back out on the road I didn't really feel much stronger on the bike, but I felt better from a cardio standpoint.
2012-04-26 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4125768


Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

1. Magnesium is a common component at the business end of enzymes.  It, along with other ions with 2+ charge, also balances the charge of cells with excitable membranes and prevents unintended activation (ie, it can help with muscle cramps).  So it's definitely important, but I have no idea if people are actually missing magnesium in any significant way.  We don't need much magnesium, though.  And like every substance in the universe, too much of it can be harmful.  I think a good nutritionist would be able to sort you out better than we could.

2.  Mattkenken, I have the same issue when I switch from stationary to actually riding outside.  I've tried to come up with a sort of "conversion factor" to relate my stationary work to real riding and it's somewhere around 0.5-0.75 actual miles for every stationary mile.  Depends on how much resistance I put on the stationary bike and how hilly my outside course is.  I have some pretty steep hills around my house and there's just no comparison between them and my steady moderate resistance on the stationary bike.   But if its a choice between riding indoors or not riding at all...

2012-04-26 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4174719

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
One good way to determine when you are getting enough is that your stool will soften up a bit too much so you should backup your dosing. with that being said i am taking 2- 400mg/day one in morning and one at lunch. 
2012-04-29 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4175734

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
What's everyones next race? I'm. Looking at a sprint in Sept. Long ways away but I'm trying to do a spring/fall schedule with a few 5k thrown in during the year.

Planning on a local fundraising ride for the YMCA next month and I try to use the TDF as motivation to get out and do some long rides.

2012-04-29 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Ocala, FL
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
My next sprint is May 26.  It's the first of a three race series over the summer.  After that, I'm shopping for an OLY.  I think I am going to do the Battle of Bridges in Melborne, FL in Oct.  That leaves me room for another race if I could swing it.
2012-04-29 5:59 PM
in reply to: #4179107

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I am going to the Mason Dixon sprint at Gifford Pinchot state park in Pa. Its a 880/18/3.1 course. This is on June 3rd. Its been really tough trying to train because we have been putting in some long weeks at work. I had 40hrs ot in 2 weeks and avg about 30hrs over the last 6 weeks. I work on a grounds crew so i am not sitting around all day. But its a challenge and i am not crying about it. It has made me more mentally tough to keep up this grind. 
2012-04-29 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I forgot to mention xterra has this sale on wetsuits so i took the plunge, got a 300$ suit for 127 bucks and no shipping fees. its a full length sleeveless with 5mm core and legs at 3mm can't wait to get into some open water to try it out, i have never worn a wetsuit.

2012-04-29 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4179757

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Good luck to both of you on your upcoming races! And that's exciting news on the wetsuit -- a smokin' deal for sure, and you'll love swimming with one.

I've been putting in the miles -- the last two weeks have seen 285 on the bike, 48 miles running, and 16,300 yards swimming. Fortunately I get to back it off a bit over the next couple weeks as I taper for a 1/2-IM on May 12.

2012-04-30 2:08 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
My first sprint in on May 20th, Bluff Creek in Boone, Iowa.  It is 550/15/3.11  It is only 20 days away and the clock is ticking loudly.
2012-04-30 2:13 AM
in reply to: #4179757

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

wrhall2 - 2012-04-29 6:04 PM I forgot to mention xterra has this sale on wetsuits so i took the plunge, got a 300$ suit for 127 bucks and no shipping fees. its a full length sleeveless with 5mm core and legs at 3mm can't wait to get into some open water to try it out, i have never worn a wetsuit.


I need to check on a suit also or I'll be chill'in in the water.

2012-04-30 2:28 AM
in reply to: #4179757

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

wrhall2 - 2012-04-29 6:04 PM I forgot to mention xterra has this sale on wetsuits so i took the plunge, got a 300$ suit for 127 bucks and no shipping fees. its a full length sleeveless with 5mm core and legs at 3mm can't wait to get into some open water to try it out, i have never worn a wetsuit.


Where did you find the suit, I looked on their website and they only had full suits. The only sleevless was only a 3mm and 2mm for $99 but not in my size.

2012-04-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Asheville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

First sprint on July 7.  Short one 300m/10m/5k

If that goes well increasing the distance a bit at Lake Logan sprint on August 5th  500m/20k/5k

It I still have the bug in Sept. (1st or 8th, need to check date) going a bit longer at Lake Junaluska 800m/17mile/4mile

2012-05-01 5:19 AM
in reply to: #4180013

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Ken, do you swim open water to rack up all those yards?  same question on the bike
2012-05-01 5:20 AM
in reply to: #4180299

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
At the top of the page you log in at there is an ad for xterra and there is a BT discount that goes with that
2012-05-01 5:54 AM
in reply to: #4182877

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-01 6:19 AM

Ken, do you swim open water to rack up all those yards?  same question on the bike

Good questions.

Almost all my swimming is in the pool. I belong to a gym with a 25-yard lap pool, and that's where I get most of it done. In the summer, there's a former collegiate swimmer in town who teaches a weekly session at an outdoor 50 meter pool, so I'll shift to that for some long course later on this year.

Truth be told, I'd probably benefit from a little more open water swimming, so I plan to attend a few sessions that our local tri club will be doing later in the season. But I did my first tri, with a 750 meter lake swim, without ever having done open water, so it can certainly be done.

The bike is almost exclusively outside, though I'm going to hop on the trainer for an hour this morning since it's raining here right now. While I'll ride on my trainer or at the gym on a spin bike in the winter, it's important to get out on the road and be comfortable riding in the real world as much as you can, I think.

One good way to extend your distances on the roads when you're starting out is to find a good "loop" circuit and do it multiple times. For example, find a 5-mile loop and add loops as you add distance. You'll have a spot to bail out if necessary, and you can work on your pacing by comparing times per loop. Hint: start slow!

2012-05-01 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4180644

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
mattkenken - 2012-04-30 9:41 AM

First sprint on July 7.  Short one 300m/10m/5k

If that goes well increasing the distance a bit at Lake Logan sprint on August 5th  500m/20k/5k

It I still have the bug in Sept. (1st or 8th, need to check date) going a bit longer at Lake Junaluska 800m/17mile/4mile

Sounds like a good plan, and plenty of time between each. A good summer schedule to get a taste for the sport!

2012-05-01 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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New user

Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

The race was a real eye-opener and you can read my race report at BT.  I just need to keep reminding myself there is more to triathlon than just swimming, biking, and running.  The transitions (especially T2 to running) keep getting me ... even with a few bricks before hand.  The water was way too cold and my swim was actually quite terrible.  However, I was pleased with the bike and the run.  The big stinker of the whole thing was no T-shirt, after paying the equivalent of about $70 for the race.  Oh, well, it was a race in England, so I enjoyed the pubs and ales afterward.

Next race is actually a Tough Mudder (12mi Mud Run) in about two weeks.  I am thinking about the Berlin Oly in early June and still looking for some short/ medium races, for experience, through the summer.  Still on the edge for the 1/2  IM (looking the first weekend in September ... after that, race season drops off quick, over here).  Ken, any suggestions for a good plan (looking at about 18 weeks and about 8-12hrs per week, heavy on the weekends)??  I certainly need more time in the saddle (need to really build my comfort/ confidence on the bike), and need to work on swim form (I still need to check out the swimsmooth website you guys were talking about).

From what I remember, the training and day before the race have usually been harder than the race itself.  The racing was fun, hence the reason I keep doing it (well, that and the T-shirts).  The last race there were many people doing their first triathlon, all quite scared of the unknown.  Bottom line, I told them, trust in your training and just go out to enjoy yourself (something I always have to keep reminding myself about 1/2 way through the swim).

Good Luck on all the upcoming races.  I'm anxious to get back to the US and try some tri's over there.  Have a great week of training, all!!

2012-05-01 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4183196

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I'll check out your RR and get back with you on the questions you've asked. Glad you got do some pub crawling -- remember, your best recovery drink is IPA! ;-)
2012-05-01 7:15 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Asheville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Some of you may remember my post from last we about my less than encouraging first ride outside on my "new" bike.  Well my second ride tonight went a little better.

Got some help with correct seat positioning then went out for another ride this evening with one goal:  get to know the bike.  I did not care about speed or distance, my plan was just to go out and do a short 30 minute ride and get a good feel for being on the bike.  To get used to using the right gear, braking, making turns, staying in the aero position, being outside in the wind, etc.  Found a local elementary school parking lot with no traffic and a .75 mile relatively flat loop and went to work.

Finished 7.5 miles in just over 32 minutes and I took it so easy I felt like I could have probably done 30 more minutes.  Tried to keep an even cadence through several different gears to get used to changing speeds.  Practiced quick braking, sharp turns, going fast, going slow, coasting, and just getting a good feel for being outside.  It was a good experience and now my fear of not being able to complete the 10-12 miles in the local sprint tris has subsided. 

2012-05-01 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Asheville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Hey Jimyak.  Awesome bike ride on April 17th!!  Got to be some kind of world record!  lol

(hope you don't mind us having a little fun with you.  I assume it's a typo.  If not can I have your autograph?)

2012-05-01 8:18 PM
in reply to: #4182878

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

wrhall2 - 2012-05-01 5:20 AM At the top of the page you log in at there is an ad for xterra and there is a BT discount that goes with that


Thanks, I did buy a suit

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