BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train! Rss Feed  
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2013-01-03 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Well I finally got back in the pool for the first time in almost a year!  I have to admit; it was a little rough since I had to stop after each 50 yds to catch my breath, but I ended up swimming 750 yds in all.  As hard as it was, it felt really good to swim again.  

I like the idea of a weekly goal:  I think for the remainder of this week, I will get my trainer up and cycle a few miles on Friday, and head to the pool on Saturday, and walk/run on Sunday.  Another goal is to get my water intake up.  I am the worst with drinking water, but I know that I feel lousy when I'm dehydrated, which is often.  

2013-01-03 3:03 PM
in reply to: #4560297

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Subject: RE: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal

stephsprint - 2013-01-03 12:43 PM Suz came up with a great idea. How about on Sundays we each come up with a weekly goal. Examples... run for 10 mins without stopping...get to the gym once/twice... try a new exercise (yoga or planks etc) What do you think? This week it's already Thursday... So my goal will be a run Saturday and a bike Sunday.

Nice idea, Suz - thanks for the challenge, Steph!

So far I have been kind of a wall-to-wall swimmer, like carpet, but wetter.  This weekend I will be travelling with my family, and we will be staying at a hotel that has a 50m pool (I think).

My goal is for Sunday is to swim 100m without stopping even for a second, by doing a flip turn at 50m and returning.  Although I have been logging swim time, with lots of distance (for me), this has included a lot of resting on the wall!

I'll let you know how that goes!


2013-01-03 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4560297

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal

Weekly goals - I like it. Tomorrow I'm going to get my butt back to the gym, hit the pool and the weightroom. It's pretty easy for me to motivate to go run or bike but I'd almost always rather sit around reading a book than drag myself to the gym, even if I do have a pretty good time once I'm there. I don't get it.


2013-01-03 3:33 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

I like the goal idea. 

I am traveling next week and I always struggle with my diet on business trips.  My goal is to get out and run 3 times while I am traveling and watch everything I eat.  No empty calories during the meetings.  I will stick to fruits and pass on the sweets.  

2013-01-03 3:38 PM
in reply to: #4560531

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal
Jeptha - 2013-01-03 4:03 PM

stephsprint - 2013-01-03 12:43 PM Suz came up with a great idea. How about on Sundays we each come up with a weekly goal. Examples... run for 10 mins without stopping...get to the gym once/twice... try a new exercise (yoga or planks etc) What do you think? This week it's already Thursday... So my goal will be a run Saturday and a bike Sunday.

Nice idea, Suz - thanks for the challenge, Steph!

So far I have been kind of a wall-to-wall swimmer, like carpet, but wetter.  This weekend I will be travelling with my family, and we will be staying at a hotel that has a 50m pool (I think).

My goal is for Sunday is to swim 100m without stopping even for a second, by doing a flip turn at 50m and returning.  Although I have been logging swim time, with lots of distance (for me), this has included a lot of resting on the wall!

I'll let you know how that goes!


Have you ever tried using a buoy between your legs to help your swimming.  I am not a great swimmer but I have found this to really help.  I tend to plow through the water and my legs like to drop causing more resistance.  The buoy helps keep my legs up and I feel like I am streamlining better.  I also don't kick when I have the buoy.  It conserves my energy and I am able to swim longer.   I don't ever do kick turns.  Unfortunately, I find that it takes too much oxygen to do one.   I touch the wall and turn around.  I am not sure which is better.   Though this year I am going to start trying to do them.   Any comments from anyone else on kick turns???

2013-01-03 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

My goal for this week is to get into the pool tomorrow or Saturday. It's been a while, and I am ready to get a jump start on my training. Thanks for the motivation! 


2013-01-03 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Hi!  I didn't disappear...after my eventful 2012 I decided to get ready for 2013 by making those doctor appointments that I have been trying to avoid - should have them all wrapped up in the next couple weeks - so far all good news   YAY!!

Name:  Threejs/Ellen

Family Status: 51, married 24 years.  1 college student, 2 teenagers,  2 dogs.

Current training:  Weight Training 2x week and walking the dogs.  Plan to ramp it up in a couple weeks. 

Planned Races:  My son's 5k in February 2013 - still checking things out for the rest of the year.

Weightloss:  Not gonna worry about it this year - planning to clean up my eating and focus on regular exercise and hopefully the weight loss will follow.

Edited by Threejs 2013-01-03 8:36 PM
2013-01-03 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4560297

Subject: RE: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal

stephsprint - 2013-01-03 11:43 AM Suz came up with a great idea. How about on Sundays we each come up with a weekly goal. Examples... run for 10 mins without stopping...get to the gym once/twice... try a new exercise (yoga or planks etc) What do you think? This week it's already Thursday... So my goal will be a run Saturday and a bike Sunday.

Great idea!  My goal for this weekend it to set aside a shelf in my pantry for my food and figure out the week's menus.  After Monday, I will finalize training plans.

Have a great weekend everyone!


2013-01-04 6:36 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Just home from the gym.  got in a 600 yd swim and 2 mile run/walk. Feeling pretty good this morning.


my goal for the end of this week is to get a swim and strength workout on Saturday (normally my off day, but i missed Monday because i was under the weather.


My goal for next week is to try and squeeze in at least one day of strength training.  My plan calls for 2 each week, but that seems to be the first thing to slip when the schedule doesn't permit.


Have a great training day!

2013-01-04 6:40 AM
in reply to: #4560236

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
otisbrown - 2013-01-03 2:25 PM

Hey all,

Here is a tidbit about me. 


Name:  Marcus



 I am just a guy that one day learned from a random blood test that I needed to make changes in my life. So with all the options in front of me the one that made the most sense was diet and exercise. While for a long time I wanted to try triathlon, I thought it would be something I start in my forties.  After all you cant do triathlons in your sixties unless you take care of yourself in your forties. For me triathlon has become the sustaining force behind me staying fit and healthy.  Nearly 4 years after that failed blood test, life style and diet changes, I finally passed that test with flying colors and disaster was averted. So what started out as a quest to become a better healthier me has now morphed into a quest to become a better triathlete.



I am married to the most wonderful, supportive, caring and compassionate woman.  With out her and her support I would not have successfully made any life changes.  Together we have one daughter who just turned three and have another baby on the way.  (Stork delivery scheduled for 2/21).


Current Training:

I created a custom training plan on BT to get me through the winter.  It runs through March and consists of S,B,R twice a week and I strength train 3 times a week.  I throw in one yoga class in per week for good measure. For the bike portion I take a spin class one day and use a computerized spin bike for the training session. I was a bit lazy this fall and as a result I am bit behind in my current fitness. No worries though, it will all work out in the end.



This was the year I completed my first Triathlon. NJ State was my first race and it was absolutely amazing. In August, I completed a local Triathlon inMedfordLakes. Sprinkled in between I raced in a few 5ks and an aqua run.  




This year I plan to race in the NJ State Triathlon again, but the Olympic distance.  It will depend on if I can get my swimming up to par for the distance by late spring. Other wise I will opt for the sprint distance.  I also plan to race in the Atlantic City Triathlon, which is also an Olympic distance.  I will run in a number of 5Ks and may try to add in a local sprint. I also plan to run in the Wildwood 1/2 marathon.   Goals for this year are to bring my swimming pace below 2min/100 and break into the sub 20 min 5k pace.




Marcus - I love the NJ State tri!  That's what got me into this sport.  We volunteer every year and have competed several times.  CGI runs a great event.  I'll be doing the sprint this year, and my wife is doing the Oly Dualthlon.  See you there!

2013-01-04 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4561422

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Good goals so far! Excellent.

2013-01-04 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4561010

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Go be the fish you know you are Greta!!!!!

Marcus, thanks for the recap.

Where is Connie?

I'm trying to get organized here... and pack to move at the end of the month. Oy.
2013-01-04 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Yay... Friday!!!  

I made my training logs public to everyone if you want to take a look.  I am a few days behind but I tend to keep my logs updated.  For the weekend I have a Spin class on Saturday and a long run and yoga on Sunday.  It should be nice on Sunday so I am hoping to get off the treadmill and run outside. 


CGI certainly puts on a heck of a race.  Supper organized and well thought out.  They set the bar really high for other race directors. I hope to see you there.   Do you do any other races in the area?



Where are you moving?  

2013-01-04 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Marcus - my wife has done Hightstown a few times. No where near as big as NJ State, but not bad. It's normally in late September. This year I also plan on doing Escape from Fort Delaware (just over the bridge).
2013-01-04 10:34 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Good morning everyone,

I received a GC to a LBS for Christmas and want to get some clipless pedals and shoes this weekend, but I have no idea about what to look for, pricing, etc.  Does anyone have any input on their experiences and how their gear is working for them?  Also, how do they feel while using them?  Since I'm a newbie in this field, any feedback would be helpful.

I've also read many stories about people falling while using clipless pedals; which is something I'm not really looking forward to.  Is that one of those things that everyone had done once, or is there a possibility of avoiding that?  





2013-01-04 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4561922

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Turtle who Tris - 2013-01-04 11:34 AM

Good morning everyone,

I received a GC to a LBS for Christmas and want to get some clipless pedals and shoes this weekend, but I have no idea about what to look for, pricing, etc.  Does anyone have any input on their experiences and how their gear is working for them?  Also, how do they feel while using them?  Since I'm a newbie in this field, any feedback would be helpful.

I've also read many stories about people falling while using clipless pedals; which is something I'm not really looking forward to.  Is that one of those things that everyone had done once, or is there a possibility of avoiding that?  





Kelly - I have Shimano pedals, with Specialized shoes. I actually went with a mountain bike shoe, because its easier to walk/run in them. I have not mastered the "leave the shoes clipped to the bike and put feet in while racing out of transition thing". I think everyone falls once. My was quite gentle as I was at a red light and forgot to unclip. I was more embarrassed than hurt. I do recommend them though. It's given me more power on the bike. I say go for it! One key is to have your LBS install and fit them. It's all about alignment and they can also adjust the pressure to unclip.

2013-01-04 10:56 AM
in reply to: #4561922

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Turtle who Tris - 2013-01-04 10:34 AM

Good morning everyone,

I received a GC to a LBS for Christmas and want to get some clipless pedals and shoes this weekend, but I have no idea about what to look for, pricing, etc.  Does anyone have any input on their experiences and how their gear is working for them?  Also, how do they feel while using them?  Since I'm a newbie in this field, any feedback would be helpful.

I've also read many stories about people falling while using clipless pedals; which is something I'm not really looking forward to.  Is that one of those things that everyone had done once, or is there a possibility of avoiding that?  





I have used both the SPD and the LOOK pedals and prefer the LOOK. I have the LOOK Geo.  

And, I'm sorry to tell you.... you will fall. Happens as you slow to stop and forget you are clipped in. What follows is a slow motion fall to the side.  Usually the only thing hurt is your ego.  At first you need to consciously tell yourself to unclip, but overtime it does become natural and done without thinking.  Although, I must admit, just this past summer I fell at a stop light while on a group  ride with about 20 people, most of whom I had just met that morning.  Talk about embarrassed. It was just one of those moments where I leaned the wrong way... and...oh no!  @#$%!!!! 

But I'm sure you will like being clipped in. Makes for a smoother and stronger pedal stroke as you can pull up as well as push down. 

Let us know what you get.



2013-01-04 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Hi all!

Nice goals everyone. Be sure to let us know how you did or even mid week, how things are progressing. Let's keep each other accountable.

I was supposed to swim this morning, but unfortunately I had some tummy issues last night and was still feeling a bit crappy this morning.  Decided to work on my lesson plans for the upcoming return to school next Monday, so not a wasted morning. But feeling guilty that I didn't get to the pool.  Still may head over.  


2013-01-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4561922

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Turtle who Tris - 2013-01-04 11:34 AM

Good morning everyone,

I received a GC to a LBS for Christmas and want to get some clipless pedals and shoes this weekend, but I have no idea about what to look for, pricing, etc.  Does anyone have any input on their experiences and how their gear is working for them?  Also, how do they feel while using them?  Since I'm a newbie in this field, any feedback would be helpful.

I've also read many stories about people falling while using clipless pedals; which is something I'm not really looking forward to.  Is that one of those things that everyone had done once, or is there a possibility of avoiding that?  






I have used both LOOK and SPD's and I prefer the LOOK.  I started out with LOOK, changed to SPD's but ended up going back to LOOK's.  I think the LOOKS are easier to clip in and out.   However, I have friends that say just the opposite.  You don't have to break the bank to get a decent pedal or shoe.  Both can be rather expensive but for starting out, you can get a LOOK Keo pedal for about $120.  Shoes can be anywhere between $80 - $300.  There are a lot of different styles of shoes though.  I went with shoes that are easy to get in and out of for the transition.  Mine have 2 velco straps over the top.  Some shoes have a tightening knob or laces.  I have never tried them but worry about the time it would take to put them on and adjust as needed.   Also, if you get LOOKS, make sure you are getting the right cleat for your shoe.  Some old spinning bikes at gyms have the old Delta style LOOK pedal.  Your Keo cleat is slightly different. 

And yes, everyone goes down at a light or at the worse possible time.  As others have said, it feels like its happening in slow motion.   You feel yourself going over and there is nothing you can do about it.  Practice getting in and our of your clips before hitting the roads.   I have fallen a couple of times and it usually only hurts your pride but it's almost always at a busy intersection. 

Gool Luck.    

2013-01-04 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Oops. I meant Look keo, not Geo.I actually made it to the pool. Decided that since I was feeling better, I should get my butt in the water even though it was later in the day. Glad I did. Feel much more energized and happy I did my workout. One thing I've learned, you will never regret doing a workout. Even if it's hard to get started, think how pleased you will be with yourself once it's done.
2013-01-04 4:01 PM
in reply to: #4560297

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal

Good idea. My goal this week was some activity every day. Accomplished some short runs, 2-3 miles each day so far. Planning to swim tonight and hopefully a ride of 15 m,iles tomorow. If it rains, which it does a lot in the Seattle area, I'll either swim or run.

Next week my goal will be:

At least 3 days of running

At least two days of swimming

At lleast two days of weight training

One "long" ride. I commute by bike so I get at least 5-10 miles in each day but it's time to start getting some distance rides in.

2013-01-05 1:45 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Kelly, the week I got my first clipless pedals I fell over twice -- both times because I stopped & leaned to the left to put my foot down, only to realize too late that it was my right foot that I unclipped.... Once at a stoplight and once on a bike path in front of a bus-stop full of highschool kids. THAT was awesome. But the difference in riding comfort and ease is amazing - I absolutely love being stuck to the pedals.

I met my mini-goal of going to the gym & pool today. The hardest part is trying not to overdo it with the weights when I know I used to be so much stronger. It's shocking how fast all the hard-won fitness goes away.

Has anyone tried the Total Immersion system for swimming? I got the book and have been doing all of the drills -- I'm just now getting to the point where I'm ready to try an actual whole stroke.

My training logs are open as well, I will friend you guys if I can figure out how that works. 

Hooray for the weekend!


2013-01-05 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Hi Suzie,Do you have some good wheat free recipes or books you recommend?Revamping my diet and looking for some new recipes.Thanks!EllenGO PACKERS!
2013-01-05 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Sorry about the continuous post...goofy iphone..
2013-01-05 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4563143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
CaptainStripey - 2013-01-05 1:45 AM

Kelly, the week I got my first clipless pedals I fell over twice -- both times because I stopped & leaned to the left to put my foot down, only to realize too late that it was my right foot that I unclipped.... Once at a stoplight and once on a bike path in front of a bus-stop full of highschool kids. THAT was awesome. But the difference in riding comfort and ease is amazing - I absolutely love being stuck to the pedals.

I met my mini-goal of going to the gym & pool today. The hardest part is trying not to overdo it with the weights when I know I used to be so much stronger. It's shocking how fast all the hard-won fitness goes away.

Has anyone tried the Total Immersion system for swimming? I got the book and have been doing all of the drills -- I'm just now getting to the point where I'm ready to try an actual whole stroke.

My training logs are open as well, I will friend you guys if I can figure out how that works. 

Hooray for the weekend!



I have heard good things about Total Immersion.  Well I was taking lessons and in the Master's swim, we always did drills.

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