BT Development Mentor Program Archives » T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY = Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-05-31 10:18 AM
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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Beau & Jeff - i'm currently awaiting arrival of my Garmin Forerunner! Can't wait. I've been using my phone w/a lifeproof case but no HR monitor...really looking forward to having that.

Dave - thanks for the list of everyone's names!

I've friended most of you, i think...but haven't had a chance to check out everyone's locations so gonna ask this question anyways. I'm looking to take Dave's advice and do a couple of sprints this summer. Does anyone know of some good ones around the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area? I would ideally like to do 1 in July and 1 in August.


Edited by Ridarling 2013-05-31 10:46 AM

2013-05-31 2:31 PM
in reply to: Ridarling

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
I've been lurking and reading, but not participating in the thread because I don't have much to say. Had the year planned and everything has blown up. Missing Route 66 because of travel. Just canceled on Joplin 6/30 because of travel. Still scheduled for Claremore Sprint 8/18.
On track with training. May's numbers are:
Swim - 8 hrs 10 min - 14,000 yards
Bike - 8 hrs 39 min - 124.21 miles
Run - 4 hrs 42 min - 25.13 miles
MAJOR breakthrough on the swim. I have been having terrible sinus problems after my pool swims to the point that I was ready to quit swimming. Tried a bunch of things and nothing worked. Couldn't find a nose clip to fit my big nose. They all slipped off. Found one yesterday and swam 1700 last night and I'm able to breathe and sleep. Now I just need to improve the swim.
Good luck to all and may the wind be at you back.
2013-05-31 6:06 PM
in reply to: gr8hope

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Nice job on the swim, Hope. 14k yards is solid. Wish I had half that.


Swim : 5340 yards

Bike: 180 Miles

Run: 54.5 Miles

Strength: 5 hours

2013-05-31 9:06 PM
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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Thanks Dom. Good luck to Dave and T3 this weekend!!! May the wind be at their back.

Edited by gr8hope 2013-05-31 9:09 PM
2013-06-01 5:44 PM
in reply to: gr8hope

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
well I will get my month totals up later. but the races were cancelled. the tornado when down the race course and filled the lake with debris and water level came up 8 feet putting the run course under 3 feet of water. It would be not be good to run a race with everyone cleaning up around it so they are looking at rescheduling but dont know the dates yet.
2013-06-02 1:58 AM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
if anyone at all can get back to me in the next couple of hours or a few?

I had planned on a rest day today - after a streak lasting from the 6th May - i have done every day some kind of workout or on 2 days i did a long walk

I could hardly swim (not good endurance) cycle ( not up to my now usual on a hill ) or walk (struggling more than usual walking up a hill) yesterday - i was so tired i think my endurance was right down

But now i've had a full night's sleep - i feel rested and ready for more - what should i do?

I have a committment to running swimming cycling or (on occasion walking five miles as a sort of day off)

I have no intention of breaking my streak but when exhaustion struck yesterday i thought it was an allowable moment to pause and not even really call it a day off just a rest

I feel like a pyramid run - should i go for it or just figure out one day of REST so that i can get back on my feet with energy???
or if i feel like a run does that mean my energy is fine?
I'll probably go
when do you take a day off?
i even slept till an ok time today
haven't been taking my rhr is that the best idea from now on??
sorry i know i'm really the only one to answer this and i'm likely to go anyway

I so don't know what to do

2013-06-02 1:58 AM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
if anyone at all can get back to me in the next couple of hours or a few?

I had planned on a rest day today - after a streak lasting from the 6th May - i have done every day some kind of workout or on 2 days i did a long walk

I could hardly swim (not good endurance) cycle ( not up to my now usual on a hill ) or walk (struggling more than usual walking up a hill) yesterday - i was so tired i think my endurance was right down

But now i've had a full night's sleep - i feel rested and ready for more - what should i do?

I have a committment to running swimming cycling or (on occasion walking five miles as a sort of day off)

I have no intention of breaking my streak but when exhaustion struck yesterday i thought it was an allowable moment to pause and not even really call it a day off just a rest

I feel like a pyramid run - should i go for it or just figure out one day of REST so that i can get back on my feet with energy???
or if i feel like a run does that mean my energy is fine?
I'll probably go
when do you take a day off?
i even slept till an ok time today
haven't been taking my rhr is that the best idea from now on??
sorry i know i'm really the only one to answer this and i'm likely to go anyway

I so don't know what to do
2013-06-02 2:51 AM
in reply to: gr8hope

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Have you done those distances with an organised Ironman?

I can relate with being slow but finishing - ok nothing like what you have which is amazing - but i kind of relate to the i will never be fast but i will always finish

Can you tell me more about the distances? how long you have been doing Tri's
what got you into Tri's in the first place and how many hours a week you train?

2013-06-02 4:18 AM
in reply to: Clouddog

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Originally posted by Clouddog

if anyone at all can get back to me in the next couple of hours or a few?

I had planned on a rest day today - after a streak lasting from the 6th May - i have done every day some kind of workout or on 2 days i did a long walk

I could hardly swim (not good endurance) cycle ( not up to my now usual on a hill ) or walk (struggling more than usual walking up a hill) yesterday - i was so tired i think my endurance was right down

But now i've had a full night's sleep - i feel rested and ready for more - what should i do?

I have a committment to running swimming cycling or (on occasion walking five miles as a sort of day off)

I have no intention of breaking my streak but when exhaustion struck yesterday i thought it was an allowable moment to pause and not even really call it a day off just a rest

I feel like a pyramid run - should i go for it or just figure out one day of REST so that i can get back on my feet with energy???
or if i feel like a run does that mean my energy is fine?
I'll probably go
when do you take a day off?
i even slept till an ok time today
haven't been taking my rhr is that the best idea from now on??
sorry i know i'm really the only one to answer this and i'm likely to go anyway

I so don't know what to do

Take the day off. If you are feeling exhausted then your body is telling you that you need rest. Missing one day of workouts will not cause you to lose any fitness. I usually take a day off every 5 or 6 days. I have now gone 7 days straight with some kind of workout, so today is a rest day for me. Take a day off and try not to even think about training or triathlon, then you will come back feeling even better both physically and mentally refreshed.
2013-06-02 5:03 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
brilliant advice

I've discovered that i can do more crunches than i thought i could do ever -

other than that i'm very much looking forward to feeling refreshed

I really am enjoying the sofa

I'll stop overthinking it

I should have listened to my body a few days ago really i think
going on till i almost couldn't do anything probably not a great plan

Thanks for prompt response
2013-06-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: Clouddog

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
clouddog, dominion hit it perfect.

you body has to have time to rebuild muscle and allow the body to change. after your workouts you also need to start thinking about adding in a little protein to help the muscles rebuild. You are putting in some great time, keep that up. Keep in mind building in your rest days.

2013-06-02 6:12 PM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Originally posted by handyhammer

clouddog, dominion hit it perfect.

you body has to have time to rebuild muscle and allow the body to change. after your workouts you also need to start thinking about adding in a little protein to help the muscles rebuild. You are putting in some great time, keep that up. Keep in mind building in your rest days.

This x2... nutrition and recovery are extremely important if not more important than the training itself.
2013-06-02 7:02 PM
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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
And off topic... so I did a pretty long run the other day. By the time I was done I was absolutely drenched. My shoes were so wet and squeaky and it was gross and they were absolutely water logged... I wear my mcdavid calf sleeves for support, absolutely love em but any pointers on avoiding water logged shoes due to long runs?

Edit: NVM... found this thread

Edited by Tbjeff 2013-06-02 7:19 PM
2013-06-02 9:47 PM
in reply to: Tbjeff

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
my totals.
Swim: 2h 47m - 8000 Yd
Bike: 8h 18m - 141.62 Mi
Run: 3h 23m 46s - 26.71 Mi
Strength: 37m

Looking to get this month to the 200 mile mark on the bike and swiming around 10000 run should hit 32 to 35 miles and hold there for the rest of the year.

tbjeff. I love me some baby power in the shoes. I use it in my bike shoes and running, it will also help keep blisters down.

2013-06-02 9:52 PM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Originally posted by handyhammer

my totals.
Swim: 2h 47m - 8000 Yd
Bike: 8h 18m - 141.62 Mi
Run: 3h 23m 46s - 26.71 Mi
Strength: 37m

Looking to get this month to the 200 mile mark on the bike and swiming around 10000 run should hit 32 to 35 miles and hold there for the rest of the year.

tbjeff. I love me some baby power in the shoes. I use it in my bike shoes and running, it will also help keep blisters down.


Nice numbers there... and thank you for the heads up... Ill try it wednesday. I seriously stopped running and was like WTF?

Another note, picking up the bike soon. Ill be hitting up the pool this AM after work as soon as it opens at 4am... I need some SERIOUS work on breathing correctly.. Need to research/discipline myself bahhhhh
2013-06-02 10:07 PM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
My May numbers...keep in mind I have been on a med hold status at work so I've had more free time than usual:

Swim: 2:58 / 3900m

Bike: 5:32 / 115mi

Run: 6:18 / 37.3mi

Ridarling and anyone else using a Garmin device, please friend me on Garmin Connect! My screen name is TacetMan and I am dying to see someone else's data on the site other than my own suffering.

I was hoping to get some advice on training plan / race plan for the future. Like I mentioned earlier, I've been in a med hold at work and have had an abundance of free time. That might end any day or it might go on for several more months, so I'm never quite sure what my training time will be. I want to do at least one Oly race this season and I think I am at the point where I could do one and finish without any major stops or hiccups. The only free weekend I'll have in June is the 15th. I think I could get another really solid week of training in, plus a taper, and be ready for either a decent Oly, OR a pretty good Sprint. Trying to decide which to do, since obviously there will be other olys down the road this season I can race, but might not have as much free time for training/travel.

As far as training goes: I have been following the 10 Week Olympic Distance (Beginner) Training Program here: The training plan basically stops building volume once you can hit race distances plus 10-20% and there is no speedwork. I am at the point where I can comfortably put out race distances, sometimes even doing 2-a-day or a brick, so I'm looking for something more, but my knowledge base isn't that great. I should point out that although I can handle the distance, I'm not FAST, and it's still exhausting so I'd still like to keep my body acclimating to long distance/time but maybe work in some speedwork? Definitely open to some suggestions on how to build a training program for myself.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and hydrated now that it's getting hot out.

2013-06-03 12:16 AM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Originally posted by handyhammer

my totals.
Swim: 2h 47m - 8000 Yd
Bike: 8h 18m - 141.62 Mi
Run: 3h 23m 46s - 26.71 Mi
Strength: 37m

Looking to get this month to the 200 mile mark on the bike and swiming around 10000 run should hit 32 to 35 miles and hold there for the rest of the year.

tbjeff. I love me some baby power in the shoes. I use it in my bike shoes and running, it will also help keep blisters down.


I wear the underarmour micro G defy shoes and they are easily the most comfortable pair of distance shoes Ive ever owned... They breath pretty well... I might try running without socks on my next run and extra baby powder... What do you think with no socks?
2013-06-04 12:04 AM
in reply to: tacetman

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN

it looks like you are doing pretty good on your distance. How comfortable are you on your bricks? there is nothing wrong with base building when you are new to the sport. I would continue with getting in some miles right now and you can add speed work 4 weeks out from an event and start seeing changes. To set up a good plan you need to pick a race then build to it. find what you want to do and I will help in that area.
2013-06-04 12:07 AM
in reply to: Tbjeff

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN

I am a no sock person but it took some time to build to that. I do not use them in bike shoes or running. you might give it a try but only do it on your short runs to get use to it or you will have some blister issues.
2013-06-04 7:46 PM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Originally posted by handyhammer


I am a no sock person but it took some time to build to that. I do not use them in bike shoes or running. you might give it a try but only do it on your short runs to get use to it or you will have some blister issues.

Roget dat. Will give it a go to tomorrow
2013-06-05 6:13 AM
in reply to: Tbjeff

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New user

Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
First swim this I just say I have a long way to go!!! Took me at least10min to just get comfortable with breathing. I think i did ok form wise with my arms but couldn't ever figure out what to do with my legs. Need to watch those videos again. I've been thinking that I need a training program that focuses on swimming instead of the balanced program but we'll see how this goes for a couple of weeks.


2013-06-05 2:33 PM
in reply to: Ridarling

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
Originally posted by Ridarling

First swim this I just say I have a long way to go!!! Took me at least10min to just get comfortable with breathing. I think i did ok form wise with my arms but couldn't ever figure out what to do with my legs. Need to watch those videos again. I've been thinking that I need a training program that focuses on swimming instead of the balanced program but we'll see how this goes for a couple of weeks.


Exact same way I felt swimming lol... I saw a friend at the gym and hes like "Dude, Id rather run 12 miles then go swimming" and Im like "thanks.." haha..

The biggest thing I noticed with my swimming was the rotation of my shoulders. when I first started I was only turning my head and not my body to breathe. Still have work to do but I'm definitely a lot better... You'll only improve with each swim so keep it up!
2013-06-05 6:51 PM
in reply to: Tbjeff

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY distance = OPEN
My May totals (6th to 6th) because that is when i started

5577yards - 6 hours
174.5 miles - 15 hours
19.6 miles - 3H42

Please note - the totals are not exact - for example the swim (for now) includes all strokes and will only be a freestyle month next month - because now i can do it all freestyle but with a pause after each 50 meters

Bike is not precise with miles - not having any bike computer -

Run is in exact half hours still - unless it's a 5km distance which is 36 minutes for me and includes run / walk / runs
(I have built up to 4mins run 1 min walk but not on my first ever 3 sport day today including brick workout no. 1)

Planning on recording times a bit better - but do not want to race a garmin on every train - it is pretty impossible to believe what an expensive tool for beating myself up for not being fast enough with

I am not saying it wouldn't be usefull if i could not take a number as a value and take it so personally

If i run with 30 mins - or roughly 5km or roughly 10 miles it is a lot easier for me

I've been going on the long bikes with my sister's iphone ap which has me knowing how long and how far i go but it's not picked apart with criticism

2013-06-05 10:37 PM
in reply to: #4728445

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY = Closed
Well. For those looking at swimming improvements I love the ti swimming on you tube. Also do not worry about distances or speed. Swimming is the one element form out does strength every time.
Drills to help
Rotations. Reach and glide. Focus on keeping hips and shoulders on the same plane.

Fists. Swim with your hands balled up. You will find a natural stroke to maximize pull. This one sucks but is a great drill.
2013-06-05 10:49 PM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Subject: RE: T3 beginners welcome sprint and OLY = Closed
May totals, not as high as I wish they were, life got in the way... Swim-13,944 yards, Bike-286.6 miles, Run-32.55 miles. I have the KS 70.3 on Sunday, I can't wait & yet I wish I had another couple months to prepare... I'm sure I'll do fine, I Love competition & the adrenaline rush that goes with it, so as long as I keep my pacing in check I think I'll do ok. Tim
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