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2006-12-31 11:44 AM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

As promised, swim drills: 

Sharon, keeping your head down (as long as it is not too far down) is helpful for swimming.  When you raise your head, it causes your feet to sink, which really screws up your balance.  A good goal is to have the top of your head just break the surface of the water.  I used to swim with my eyebrows at the surface.  This caused me to constantly fight my feet, developing an inefficient kick. 

  1. Fingertip Drag: Swim Freestyle as usual, but modify your stroke by dragging your fingertips along the surface of the water during the return/recovery portion.  So, the hand never comes completely out of the water.  You want your elbows high!  This helps your recovery speed and form, and keeps you from windmilling.  Once you get used to this drill technique, you can spend more time focusing on your pull form.  Later, you can modify this drill by dragging your entire hand through the water.  About wrist deep.  Whew!
  2. Catch Up: Swim Freestyle, extend both arms in front of you.  Pull with your right arm, keeping your left arm about 6-8" under the water still extended in front of you.  Complete your stroke until your right arm "catches up" with your left arm.  Hold for 2 seconds, then pull with your left arm, keeping your right arm in front.  You can progress to holding for 1 second, then no holding.
  3. Single Arm: Swim Freestyle with your left arm extended in front of you, pull with your right arm for one lap.  Breathe on the side of the stroking arm.  My old coach used to make us do 3 full strokes before breathing.  She would punish us by making us swim butterfly in the end lane for the rest of the practice if you cheated on breathing!  Anyway.  On the return lap, pull with your left arm while your right arm is extended in front of you.  Keep the non-pulling arm 6-8" under the water for good body alignment and positioning.  Focus on keeping your elbow high, and good hand entry. You can modify this drill to keep it interesting:  Pull "x" number of strokes (3 or 4 is good to start, then when  you have improved your form and want to work on speed) with left arm, then with right.  Later, you can kick for a 4 count during the transition between arms if you want even more variety.

These are good basic drills.  I have many many more.  Alot of them are geared toward specific problems or bad habits like inefficient kick, bad balance, rotation etc.  Once you have improved your technique, it is soooo easy to increase your speed.

My questions: Once i get comfortable with my fitness level again, and complete my 5k at St Patrick's Day, i want to work towards a mini sprint tri (around May).  Do i need a road bike?  I have a nice mountain bike, and i guess i could switch out the tires.  I could use my SH's bike, but we have a height difference (longer than me).  Plus, my SH's way of supporting me, may be to swim, bike, and run beside me!!! Does anyone have any advice, experience using the wrong bike etc?  Thanks!!! 

Erin: I don't know what is "the best" way to look at days off, but this is what works for me.  I have built one day off, Thursday (sometimes i substitute Friday if i know we're having office beers in advance).  I make certain i take the time that i would have worked out.......i mean the full hour to ninety minutes.....and instead, i pamper myself and relax.  Because cleaning the house, and running errands does not help us relax or recover. 

Other stuff: Thanks for the Tri book advice, i can't wait to browse through some of them.  And i've decided to upgrade my membership.  BT has been so helpful this past month, i can only imagine the next 6 mths. Off to the gym in a half hour and i'm soooo excited (thanks to this team).


2006-12-31 2:53 PM
in reply to: #637807

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

purdueek - 2006-12-30 10:43 PM

My two original posts that ended up blank revolved around scheduled days off, and the other I can't remember what.  The scheduled days off issue for me is more of a mental one.  This time it was sort of easy - my body was telling me it was time so I listened.  But my fear has always been what I allow to happen: one day turns to two, then three, then life takes off, and I'm months down the road worse off than where I originally was.  Now this time I feel in a bit more control, and I already have planned to start week 2 of my couch to 5k podcast tomorrow, but still the thought of a day off (even though I understand why it needs to happen) gives me some anxiety.  

I've read examples of training programs where some suggest one day off a week, while others say 2.  I know I should listen to my body, but to start out, what does everyone suggest?  And I guess in addition, how do I control myself the during the day off, and not "reward" myself with junk that impedes progress?  (Of course this week is not a good example with all the parties, sweets, etc).  But the whole "I did X so I can reward myself with Y" mentality does not always work in your favor, in particular when Y is 4 peanut-butter-m&m-oatmeal-chocolate chip cookes (yes, this is one cookie)!


First in regards to getting back in the saddle after taking days off. That is going to be very personal. I know that sometimes I have the same problem of taking days off and not being able to get in point, this week! However, now that we're entering a new year together as a group, we will definitely be on your case about getting back in the saddle and I think some of us will definitely take the swift butt kicking thing in earnest, so don't you worry! But seriously though, it's something that we all struggle with and something that you will have to just tell yourself to overcome. You will just have to say, "Get out there and do it" and then do it...this will build character.

Second, about how many days to take off. That's a tough one. Listening to your body is always my motto. I think it really depends on how hard you're training and you're going to have to gauge that for yourself. If you're training really hard, then two days off in a week might be in order, either in a row or just in the week. You can try it out and see how you feel. I have certain days where I don't train because I just feel guilty being out there when Jen is home. So that's my rest there right there. And also, when tri season starts out in full swing, there will be days when I will train 2x a day. If that is the case, then I might have a 2 day rest day week. So you see, it's hard to say what you should do. It's all very individualistic.

And as for rewards....your reward is resting...NOT junk food. Junk food is related to your dieting and that's separate from your training. At least in my eyes. On your rest day, you should still eat healthy and well (as can be). Your rest day is a mental day and physical day to just not worry about having to train or exercise to a level of intensity that you want. Does that help?

It really depends on what type of person you are. If you do well with a schedule, then I would pick a plan or come up with one of you own and just schedule your rest days in there. Some weeks you might have one rest day, other weeks 2....just give it a go and see how it works out. Nothing is ever set in stone...things will come up. We just have to go with a flow, but it is good to have a pre-set plan.

Hope I didn't confuse you more!!!!! 


goofyfooter - 2006-12-31 11:44 AM

My questions: Once i get comfortable with my fitness level again, and complete my 5k at St Patrick's Day, i want to work towards a mini sprint tri (around May).  Do i need a road bike?  I have a nice mountain bike, and i guess i could switch out the tires.  I could use my SH's bike, but we have a height difference (longer than me).  Plus, my SH's way of supporting me, may be to swim, bike, and run beside me!!! Does anyone have any advice, experience using the wrong bike etc?  Thanks!!! 

Thanks for the great swim drills! I have used the fingertip drag drill before. Others I've learned are the push (where you push really hard out of the water at the end of your freestyle stroke) and the rotation drill (can't remember this one too well, just remember swallowing lots of water!).

Here are my thoughts on getting a bike. When I was first starting out, I was advised to just use the hybrid bike that I had to get started. I would give you the same advice. Now, I did go out and get a cheap road bike and I'm still using it. I spent $435 on an online bike, but I'm looking at getting an upgrade in about a year.

The reason I would say to not get a bike yet is the cost. A decent road bike is about $500-600 or more (especially after you buy all the accessories that may have to go with it). Also, tris can get a bit expensive with some of the other "equipment" you want. Especially since you're trying out a mini-sprint tri, you might want to splurge on getting some slick tires for your mtn bike. That would help with the speed. There are plenty of people out there doing tris that don't have road bikes, then there are plenty of people out there who do tris that have fancy bikes. And honestly, it's not the equipment, it's the rider.

Give the mini-sprint a try first with your mtn bike, if you fall in love with tris and want to do more and do more road riding, then you can spend the money on a road bike. Really depends on your financial situation and your continued desire. Case in point - a friend of mine got into tris and running one year because of her co-workers and spent over $800 on a roadbike....she only did one triathlon and hasn't done another since or even done any road riding. And sure, you might be a tad bit faster on a road bike, but since you're just starting out, I wouldn't go hog wild with getting a road bike just yet especially if you don't know how you want to ride or if you'll focus on regular triathlons or adventure races. Hope that made sense.

Edited by Sharona1973 2006-12-31 3:02 PM
2006-12-31 4:01 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I put up some pictures of my pretty tan dog and those monster kittens in my album section thing.  And i upgraded my membership i'm allowed in beginner chat!  I'm going to nap, shower, and head out for the night.  I'll be thinking of you all at midnight!!!
2006-12-31 5:32 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  I hope you all have a great night tonite.  Please remember that if you're drinking, don't drive.  I want you all safe and sound for 2007.  I'm so stoked about our group.  I look forward to all of the great accomplishments we are going to achieve in the New Year.


2007-01-01 1:47 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Happy belated New Year everyone!  Hope you all had a great time ringing in 2007! 

Thanks, Sharon, for the info on days off.  I will definitely be expecting a swift kick in the butt if I start to slide...the accountability is good since I can sometimes make a lot of excuses to myself (out of fear, mainly).  And Jessica, thanks for the book and swim drills.  the former I will really use, and the latter, well, we'll get into that fear a little bit later.  

For now, thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement, and I think 2007 is going to be the year of the dog!  Or at least the dogged group!  


2007-01-01 11:33 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Happy New Year!!

There is no detention for late homework! But hm, that is something to consider for next time!

I hope everyone is having a great day off and let's start 2007 on a good foot!

2007-01-01 3:28 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Wow! Haven't we been busy posting.  I'm an information geek though, so I love it.

Sharon-  Thanks for the post on rest days.  I spent the better part of yesterday developing my calendar for January, and I'm hoping to stick with it, rest days and all.

Goofyfooter- Thanks for the swim drills.  I'm sure I'll have questions sooner than later.

Here's to a great 2007! Good luck to everyone in Sharon's 10/30-30/30 challenge, too.  No more holiday excuses for me.  (Remind me of this if you need to.)

2007-01-01 7:25 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

To everyone who is doing the 30/30 challenge: GREAT JOB!!!! I'm so proud of everyone for getting started. Piecemeal is fine and as long as you're out there doing something, most of it will count, you will be the judge of that, okay?

Now, the new year has begun and our group is going strong. Everyone keep moving, keep working on your goals and keep the questions coming. As time gets a bit closer to your races and weather gets a bit friendlier to outside training, some questions might come up and we'll deal with them as they come. Gym workouts are great and necessary, but things do translate a bit differently when done outside.

I'm going to try and keep up with all of you, but I see that everyone here is already doing a great job of answering questions, encouraging one another and helping each other out with our various expertise...this is GREAT!

Thank you for being such a supportive group of strong, capable women!

2007-01-01 7:27 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: Group chat

BTW, I forgot to ask...when is a good night for a group chat? And do we want to make a weekly time or biweekly time to chat?

We can just throw thoughts out and discuss.

2007-01-01 8:20 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

"Theres no need to fear, Underdog is here"

Good evening my fellow Dogged BT'ers.  I hope everyone's 2007 has gotten off to a great start.

Jessica: I have a few problems with the swim.  The biggest one is exhaling while my head's underwater.  I can do it thru my nose no problem, but I find I get winded very quickly.  I've tried thru my mouth, but I end up with water up my nose.  I bought a pair of nose plugs, but haven't tried them out yet.  Also bought one of those swim snorkels, but havent tried that out either.  My other problem is my technique.  I was doing Total Immersion drills 2 years ago and  I was doing very well (other than the breathing part that is) .  I developed a cold and then haven't been back in a pool doing drills since.  I'm going to start again with the Total Immersion drills until I get nice and smooth with my front crawl.  Do you think I should just do the drills until I get my stroke down pat, or should I mix the drills with some front crawl with the snorkel to get up my endurance?

If you're still looking at books, The Triathlete's Training Bible by Joe Friel is very in depth and gives you lots of info to devise your own training plans.  And for your sprint, I would suggest just putting some slicks on the bike.  In our local series here in Ontario, I've seen lots of people do really well in various distances of tris with a mountain bike.  In fact, way back in 1997 I remember being passed by one!  If you find you get bitten by the tri bug after your race, you may then want to consider a tri/road bike.

And your children are adorable! 

Erin:  Why don't you change your reward from food to something else? For example, you can reward yourself with tri toys, hedonistic stuff (massage, facials etc), movie etc.  The best way I find is to get all the junk food out of the house.  If it's there I will try to justify eating it by saying to myself that I deserve it for working out all week.

Sharon:  Just wanted to thank you again for doing this Mentor thing.  You rock!

2007-01-01 9:08 PM
in reply to: #638648

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hi Everyone! Well, I have signed up as well, and really any night is fine with me in terms of chatting. I'm sort of a night owl (need to fix that) so it's no problem. I believe we all span a couple of time zones, right?

And Dee, I agree with you about needing to change the rewards for good behavior. Normally when I start exercising I lose my appetite, but I believe since these holidays were a bit more stressful than normal, I resorted back to old habits. I do need to find better rewards though, unfortunately all the toys I want are so expensive!

Thanks to everyone for their support, encouragement and recommendations of exercises and research. I decided today that I might need to start my own little binder here at home, so I can help keep everyone straight, and also start storing all the stuff I'm printing off.

Hope this finds everyone doing well, and thanks again to Sharon for being such a great leader and helping us all come together. I believe 2007 is going to be a special year for us all.


2007-01-01 11:38 PM
in reply to: #625419

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San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Happy new year everyone! You ladies are all so busy posting and blogging and I am having trouble just keeping up! I am happy to say though that I made it to the gym tonight! It was great to be back and I had a good workout. Thanks to everyone for all of your support, encouragement, and inspires! If we keep it up, we'll all be able to stick with this no problem.

I do have a comment about the reward thing. There's something that I'll try when I want to do something else instead of workout. For example, say there's a book that I'm reading and I'd rather sit under the covers and read instead of go to the gym. I will let my reading be my reward. I'll tell myself that I can do the thing I want to do AFTER I make an effort to exercise. I usually end up feeling better anyways. I think I've read before that if you tell yourself "I'll just try for 10 minutes" and if you don't like it you can quit without the guilt. However, usually after 10 minutes you keep on going anyways because you start to get into it. I do this sometimes as well. This is more for motivation and doesn't really go with the "rest" day. I've always liked the idea of buying yourself something like new running shorts/etc, but that could get really expensive. I'm with Sharon with the rest being the reward. Take the time to do things you enjoy because you've earned it! I know when I really get into my health and exercise, it gets to the point where I think in my head that its not even worth it to have the extra cookie or whatever and I don't enjoy it anyways. I'll think about how it will impede my progress in the long run and not make me feel good. Of course all things in moderation and I still enjoy some tasty treats from time to time. Or sometimes I'll bargain with myself and say I can have something but it means an extra 15 minutes on the treadmill that night. Of course you have to be honest with yourself and stick to what you say!

Also, when it comes to diets and nutrition, there are some thing's I've noticed. When I'm eating healthy (fruits/veggies, no refined carbs, etc), the "junk" food really doesn't even taste good to me anymore! I did the south beach diet awhile back, since it's not so much of a diet as it is simply good nutrition. Eating the "good fats" and "good carbs" doesn't really seem like a diet to me. Well anyways when I was doing that, light yogurt tasted like dessert to me and I felt so good and had energy. I fell off that wagon because of some emotional eating and have never completely gone back. I still try and keep those teachings in mind, but I'm not too strict with it. As a diabetic, I have to try and balance my carbs with my proteins and fats anyways, so I think that's helped some as well. I love to talk nutrition and I've studied up on a bunch of stuff, so if anyone ever wants to discuss...lemme know!

Well this post has gotten too long, so I'm off to bed and will catch you all later!

Edited by tunidawn 2007-01-02 12:27 AM
2007-01-02 7:54 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Hey everyone!  There isn't any one time I can commit to for a chat.  I work a  2 days, 2 nights, then 4 off shift so my off nights change every week.  Tuesdays are the worst night as I have hockey that night when I'm not working.  Just throw a night out there and I will join in when I can.

2007-01-02 9:36 AM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

My schedule is pretty steady unless there is an emergency.  I can make time for whatever nights you ladies choose....oh, and i am in EST. 

Dee, i will get back to you after my workout this afternoon.  My honey and i are going to spend the day together since I have it off for Ford's memorial.  I know it sounds like i never work, but i do!

Sharon, you do rock!

2007-01-02 12:21 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Hey All,

I am pretty much available whenever.  Like Goofyfooter said above, it may seem like I never work but I do.  I work from a home office though, sometimes in my pjs until I decide to move it to the gym.

We've had some great suggestions about rewards.  I will be honest here. I love food, I love to cook it, I love to match my wine with it.  This became a problem when my ankle was healing and movement was so restricted.  Yes, I can still cook in a wheelchair.  Problem was the pounds came on so quickly.  Because of these old habits, it would be very easy for me to justify a good workout with a trip to a gourmet food store or a nice glass of wine.  I really have to avoid that, as a matter of fact my wine has been replaced with a 50 calorie cosmo martini, sparingly (It's one weight watchers point).  A trip to the movie store to get a flick you've been wanting to see is a reward for me.  At times I feel guilty being sedentary,so if I've had a good workout, I feel a deserve that time.  Of course, I set a weight mark.  For every five pounds, I buy a new t-shirt for the gym.  Six bucks and I'm wearing my latest accomplishment.  Anyhow, just some ideas.

Anyone sign up for any new gym classes?  They always have a new selection this time of the year.

2007-01-02 6:41 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I will post more swim drills this weekend....after my friends leave (company for 3 days).  Will three a week help.....say, on Sundays or something? 

Dee: I was looking at your goals, and your first swim related event is in June (unless i misread), so you should be fine working on drills for a while until you get your technique down.  Technique is what will save you anyway.  I am just getting back into swim training (neglected it after my back surgery), so here is what i'm doing to start: i am only working out at the pool on Saturday's (because i have more time and it is my strongest sport).  I am doing drills for the first part, then just some basic's barely endurance.  After my 5k in March, i am going to increase my days for swimming.  I may add a day before that, but only if i can get up early, work out and be at work/ready by 7. This Saturday, i am going to drop my friends off at the Airport early, early and go directly to the gym/pool (maybe ride my bike instead of drive if i'm feeling frisky).  Anyway, i'm going to do a Pace test to see just where i am these days, then develop a more specific guidelines for my drills.  Have you ever done a Pace test/time trial for swimming?

Oh, almost forgot......the breathing! I am fortunate enough to have always been able to "close" my nose while in the water.  You could try this: Take your stroke and breathe, then once back under, begin by blowing out of your nose briefly and end the exhale by forcing air out of your mouth.  Your body should take over from there (i hope).  Kindof like breathing drills......maybe do 2- 50s of just breathing drills!  That's all i can think to do.  Maybe someone else has had that experience and can help.  If not, i'll try to work it out in the pool on Saturday and get back to you.

****Note to self (and you guys in case you notice me "slipping)"*******  Work out in the morning while guests are sleeping in.  And workout before hanging out with the Sweet Heart or you'll be cranky.  Or with the Sweet Heart.

Edited by goofyfooter 2007-01-02 6:54 PM

2007-01-02 8:07 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Thanks for all the nice pats on the back from everyone. Don't give out too many kudos just yet, we've only just begun and I've barely done any mentoring! Well, actually my goal is to facilitate. I'm not sure what a mentor is really and to be one, you have to have some sort of experience behind you. Guess I need to pull out the dictionary.

And oh btw, as I said earlier, I am going to apologize way beforehand....there are going to be days when I simply cannot keep up with everyone with inspires etc. My work schedule fluctuates wildly and as it did tonight, I just got done with my documentation paperwork for work and it's already 8 p.m. I hope that doesn't diminish my capabilities as a "mentor"!

But I know that you are all in capable hands...that is, each other's hands. So I know I have no need to worry. That's the great thing about this group.

Jessica, I would love to find out more about the pace/time trial thing for swimming. I need to capitalize on my swimming this year and really improve on it. Will just swimming for endurance help with form and balance in the water? I would really love to tackle an oly distance tri this year and I have to do a mile swim. I know I can do it...did one last season without realizing that was the distance we were doing and it was my first OWS! Talk about having to calm my nerves. I did it in under 1 hour....well, about 45 minutes or so (I think!). I didn't use any drills last season with my swimming "training"....I really didn't train for the swim at all last year...just did a bunch of swim sessions to get in the water and I was averaging about 22 minutes for so for the 1/2 mile OWS. I know I can do better than that if I actually train for the swim this season.

2007-01-02 9:44 PM
in reply to: #639946

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Jessica:Thanks for the pointers.  I've never attempted a pace test for swimming.  I'm usually out of breath after the first lap due to the nose exhaling thing.  I will try what you said about nose first and then forcing the air out of my mouth.  That makes sense.  I hope I can get it to work.  My Try a Tri is a 375m swim.  You think it's ok for me to stay exclusively with the TI drills for a while before I attempt anything else? 

Laura:  My Y offers a bunch of stuff that you can just drop in on.  I'm hoping to try the Athletic Hour class on Sat. It's supposed to be like a gym class where u do a bunch of running around and stuff.  Everyone says it's a blast and a good workout.  I'm also looking to try to find time to start doing Karate thru the Y.  I've always wanted to learn a martial art.  Are you signing up for anything?

Sharon:  I think I speak for everyone when I say we understand if you're too busy to keep up with your inspires etc.  Remember your long term goal for 2007 was to balance family and social life?  Sometimes life gets too busy and you have to prioritize.  Family should be #1.  Now if you start slacking on your workouts, that's another story Laughing


Edited by DeputyDawg 2007-01-02 9:58 PM
2007-01-03 12:24 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Sharon- don't beat up on yourself if you can't get to the computer stuff some days.  Remember, we're all doing this for support not to add something else to our plate.

I've got an idea, Ladies.  I'd like to compile a motivational cd for us, the First Dogged Pack Soundtrack of sorts.  We can download the songs to mp3 players or even listen to it in the car when we need that added kick to get ourselves heading to the gym.  If you want to play, give me three songs which really get you pumped during your workout.  

If you think it's cheesy, don't have time, etc. that's cool, too.  With me, the better the music, the better the workout.  Everyone have a great day and get your thirty minutes in! 

2007-01-03 4:49 PM
in reply to: #640696

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I think that's a great idea! As I listen to my tunes during the day, I've been trying to create my own little list. I will have to think of some, and I'll send them to you a bit later.

Hope everyone is having a great day today! Keep up the hard work, and as the days carry on, we will only grow stronger and stronger!

Later gators -
2007-01-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: #640696

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I like your idea Laura.  Narrowing it down to 3 may be difficult tho.  I'll get back to you with my picks.

2007-01-03 8:03 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I love your idea too, Laura. Only trouble is, I don't really have any good music because I don't really train with any. Sooooooo....can I just mooch? Pretty please? Is there a deadline? I'll try to come up with some songs if I have any good ones.

Edited by Sharona1973 2007-01-03 8:04 PM
2007-01-03 9:12 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Love the idea Laura! My three are: Break Stuff: Limp Bizkit, Sabotage: Beastie Boys and Stinkfist: Tool. I like sort of harder stuff so I hope this doesn't mess up your mix. Now I just have to find the music!

2007-01-03 9:14 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Have faith ladies!  Thanks for the reminders this morning.....i will get some more time tomorrow to respond & such.  AND CHECK UP ON YOU. Smile
2007-01-04 2:13 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hi all. Hope you're having great days wherever you are and whatever may come your way!

Since I can't decide on 3 songs, I'm just pulling the 3 that I listen to the most when I need to get pumped up. I'm quite the sappy dork, so it sort of shows. I plan on sharring Annie's recommendations with my partner though...she tends to like the harder stuff to workout to as well!

Here goes:
A Little Respect - Erasure
Hit Me With your Best Shot - Pat Benatar (she's got a lot of great ones!)
Never Surrender - Cory Hart

I wonder if you can attach songs to your posts? We'll see...I have a cute one that I thought you guys would like being the dog lovers we are...if you don't see an attachment then it just means I can't do it.

Later - Eek
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