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2007-01-26 3:49 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

I can't function without breakfast and coffee. Okay, I could function, but it's not pretty. Plus, Beth, if you're sick, taking it easy is a good idea! Especially with the weekend you've got planned.

Cara, I know what you mean. I like to feel, um, snuggly wrapped up in my suit because the last thing I want to think about is how thin or whatever it's going to look coming out of the water. When I wore out one of my favorite suits last year (it took a few years), it was hard to let go.

Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!  

2007-01-26 7:00 PM
in reply to: #669288

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-26 4:49 PM

I can't function without breakfast and coffee. Okay, I could function, but it's not pretty. Plus, Beth, if you're sick, taking it easy is a good idea! Especially with the weekend you've got planned.

Cara, I know what you mean. I like to feel, um, snuggly wrapped up in my suit because the last thing I want to think about is how thin or whatever it's going to look coming out of the water. When I wore out one of my favorite suits last year (it took a few years), it was hard to let go.

Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!  

So far, my training has been very minimial because of the weather. I cannot believe how cold it is right now. I hope that I can get back into the routine starting tomorrow, but I have to go to bed early. I am so nervous because usually, when I plan things, they do not fall into place. So I worry that I will not train as much as I should. Also, I love the outdoors and I hate the gym because it is so boring.I am going to participate in my first triathlon in the summer. Is it okay to wear a one piece bathing suit and use my mountain bike during the bike portion of the race?

Edited by nala 2007-01-26 10:11 PM
2007-01-27 2:51 PM
in reply to: #629910

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am so proud of myself today because I went on a 30 minute run. Even though I was exhausted afterwards, I was so proud of myself. I hope that I can be persistant with my triathlon training because I can be lazy one day and stop training for a long time. I had so much fun, even though I was exhausted. I am following a beginner sprint training plan on and it said that I should run/walk for 15 minutes, but I did it for 30 minutes. Is it okay to extend a training session?
2007-01-27 6:58 PM
in reply to: #669801

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
ran 3 miles today woot! Didn't think i could at all let alone without pain, but no pain!
I'm pumped.

2007-01-28 1:03 AM
in reply to: #669963

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-27 7:58 PM

ran 3 miles today woot! Didn't think i could at all let alone without pain, but no pain!
I'm pumped.

Congratulations!! I want to be able to run 3 miles when I am done with my training. How long have you been training? What is the amount of calories that women should eat per day?

Edited by nala 2007-01-28 1:45 AM
2007-01-29 8:54 AM
in reply to: #670161

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
nala - 2007-01-28 2:03 AM

montyb49 - 2007-01-27 7:58 PM

ran 3 miles today woot! Didn't think i could at all let alone without pain, but no pain!
I'm pumped.

Congratulations!! I want to be able to run 3 miles when I am done with my training. How long have you been training? What is the amount of calories that women should eat per day?

thanks Nala!
Let's see i started training in mid October! But i took about 2 weeks off in December b/c of the stomach flu and multiple infections (sinus, ear, etc). I also at one point took another week off b/c my kids were really sick and i couldn't take them to the Y and by the end of the day i was so exhausted i just didn't work out...i slept!

So all in all 3.5 months. I kept having shinsplints, knee pains and muscle cramps and my calf muscles would literally lock up. So i had to build up my quads and my calf muscles which made my knees stop hurting and then i started taking vitamins and eating bananas for the cramps and i got a new pair of shoes! So all in all no pain and building my calf muscles also stopped the "locking up" feeling. i could only run at the most for 8 minutes at the end of december, saturday i ran 45minutes big improvement for me.

YOU CAN DO IT! just keep working at it, a little more each week and make sure your shoes are good and supportive and that you're stretching. And i personally highly recommend building up your leg muscles with weight machines if you have access.

take care!

Oh in regards to the calories question, you can look online for calculators i believe if you do a search. But i think it goes off of your weight and age so it's a personal thing i believe.

2007-01-29 11:14 AM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

Congrats to both of y'all! Three miles is huge, Beth! And 30 minutes? That rocks, Monique! Whoohoo! It's okay to go over the "plan", but don't push it to the point where you can't do anything else for a week.

As for calories, check out They have free info, and might have what you're looking for. Daily intake varies so much depending on weight, age, etc.

2007-01-29 11:35 AM
in reply to: #671345

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Thank you!!! I am hoping that I can bike around the campus tonight because I have classes from 1:30 to 9:10PM. However, I wanted to go to yoga today, but I missed the class.
2007-01-30 12:26 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Ugh. That's a lot of class. Did you get a bike ride in? It's been really cold here (for Georgia), and I was so very glad to have a trainer last night.
2007-01-30 12:31 PM
in reply to: #672874

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
So speaking of trainers. I hopped on mine last week for the first time and realized my mph gauge is attached to my front tire. So i had no way of knowing how far i went. So what do you do? Do you have one attached to your back wheel? I'm wondering if i need to take it to my LBS and have it fixed (don't want to pay more money though) or is there a separate device i can buy (cheaply) that will work?

2007-01-30 3:37 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

You could get a rear wheel computer. I basically just guess. That's probably horrible to admit. Or, you could go to some place like Wal-Mart or Target and get a cheap bike computer and attach it to the back wheel. I'm not sure if that would work, but it would almost be worth trying it.

It's easier to guess how fast I'm going now that I've been on the road more, but it's a bit cold for that right now! 

2007-01-30 4:55 PM
in reply to: #672874

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-30 1:26 PM

Ugh. That's a lot of class. Did you get a bike ride in? It's been really cold here (for Georgia), and I was so very glad to have a trainer last night.

I am so mad and stressed out this week. Every time that I plan something, the weather comes in the way. I wanted to go to a yoga class and then run, but that did not work out because it is pouring rain so hard outside. I wanted to train so badly because I feel that training for a triathlon makes me happy and confident about myself. Wednesday, I was late to the bus stop and as I saw the bus head towards the bus stop, I ran as fast as I could until I caught up with the bus. The shocking part was that I was not tired after the sprint run and I was smiling all day.
From that moment on, I realized that I wanted to stick with the triathlon training and that I was meant to participate in triathlons. I know that it sounds really stupid, right? What is going on with everyone else's training?

Edited by nala 2007-02-01 6:08 PM
2007-02-09 12:05 AM
in reply to: #673333

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am having a problem with keeping up with my training because I have been sick and because of too much homework. Also, I feel bad every time that I have something unhealthy, even though I eat healthy most of the time. Has anyone felt the way that I feel about food? Has anyone ate anything that was unhealthy while training for a triathlon ( I know that it is a stupid question and you do not have to answer it)?
2007-02-09 8:39 AM
in reply to: #684820


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I think you have to be happy with what you are doing. Life happens, just think of all the people who do not do any form of exercise. You are way ahead of the game. You have a plan, but you have a family. Keep it in perspective. Maybe next week you go above and beyond your original goals. Beign healthy at this time of the year is difficult. Think about when your triathlon is and work backwards. I am using a 4 month program and my race is April 29th. I have yet to get in the pool bc of my bathing suit situation or lack of finding one . I was freaking out about it, but now I am concentrating on my biking and running. I have all of March to swim. The Sullivan sprint is my first tri and I want to finish- I am not looking to break any records but to finish and feel proud of myself for accomplishing this feat. It is so awesome that you are going do do this. What are people's reactions when you tell them you are doing a tri? Don't they say "wow" And they should , it is a big deal. So be proud of yourself for everything you have done to this point. I am babbling now and seem to be saying the same things over and over, but my point is, you're doing a great job and keep it up!!
Hooray for you!!!!!
2007-02-09 10:28 AM
in reply to: #684965

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
spedteach71 - 2007-02-09 9:39 AM

I think you have to be happy with what you are doing. Life happens, just think of all the people who do not do any form of exercise. You are way ahead of the game. You have a plan, but you have a family. Keep it in perspective. Maybe next week you go above and beyond your original goals. Beign healthy at this time of the year is difficult. Think about when your triathlon is and work backwards. I am using a 4 month program and my race is April 29th. I have yet to get in the pool bc of my bathing suit situation or lack of finding one . I was freaking out about it, but now I am concentrating on my biking and running. I have all of March to swim. The Sullivan sprint is my first tri and I want to finish- I am not looking to break any records but to finish and feel proud of myself for accomplishing this feat. It is so awesome that you are going do do this. What are people's reactions when you tell them you are doing a tri? Don't they say "wow" And they should , it is a big deal. So be proud of yourself for everything you have done to this point. I am babbling now and seem to be saying the same things over and over, but my point is, you're doing a great job and keep it up!!
Hooray for you!!!!!

I am doing my first tri this year and I am so excited yet nervous. I am going to sign up for the Jacksonville Sprint Series on either June 23rd or July 7th. My goal is to finish the triathlon and not pass out at the end. When I tell people that I am going to participate in a triathlon, people are saying that they can never do that and that the people who do that are crazy. Other people have said, "Why do you want to do that?" or "wow". I tried to go running around campus last night and could not do that because I had a horrible headache. I am going to run again today and bike tomorrow. For right now, I am also focusing on biking and running because it is too cold to swim now. I am using the training plan on; it is a 11 week plan to get novices in good shape to finish the first triathlon. What training plan are you using for your first tri?
2007-02-09 1:54 PM
in reply to: #684820

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
nala - 2007-02-09 1:05 AM

I am having a problem with keeping up with my training because I have been sick and because of too much homework. Also, I feel bad every time that I have something unhealthy, even though I eat healthy most of the time. Has anyone felt the way that I feel about food? Has anyone ate anything that was unhealthy while training for a triathlon ( I know that it is a stupid question and you do not have to answer it)?

OMG i eat crap a lot these days! It seems that the stress i have, i'm not managing well. It's been challenging for me to have an almost 2 year old and a 6 month old. We just got 3 or 4 inches of snow here this week and it's been 0 degreess off and on this week. So getting to the Y has been a pain. I did putter out on tuesday only to arrive there and their childcare was full so i got discouraged, turned around and went right back home. It's been impossible for me to run outside b/c of the ice and snow, i'm afraid i'll injure myself and i'm not running at night alone. So i've eaten for comfot and eaten for stress. It's very frustrating. But I'm literally just taking it one day at a time now and i decided this morning that i'm going to do the best that I can each day in terms of exercise and the food stuff.

But i did make to the Y yesterday and today. Thank God!
take care! I feel Like i should say Merry christmas or something with all this snow on the ground?

2007-02-09 1:56 PM
in reply to: #685148


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am using a 16 week sprint-2x balanced. I printed it off of this website. It only has you brick once a week, a swim and bike, and you get 2 days off. I have it hanging on my fridge so when I do something, I check it off or modify it with the times I actually did. I feel pretty good about what I have done so far. Like you, I just want to finish and not pass out over the finish line
Besides the biking and running, I have been lifting weights or taking a class at the Y. We have a trainer and I am picking up my bike shoes this weekeknd. I finally bought bike shorts and wow, what a difference. I am not sure if I am going to use the clips on my road bike. My husband swears by them. I am just afraid I won't be able to get my foot out and I will crash hard!! I figure I will practice once the weather is better. We have had below zero temps for several days straight.
How are you doing with swimming? I guess I am not that worried bc it is a pool swim. Last year watching my hubby, I saw people walking the pool. Not that I want to do that, but it's an option if needed. Have you purchased any other gear- like a tri suit or anything?
2007-02-11 9:37 PM
in reply to: #685520

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I am so proud of myself because I went on a run last night and it was so relaxing. I never realized that triathlon training could be fun. I think that I needed to do that because other things were bothering me. How is everybody else doing so far?
2007-02-13 12:21 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

I'm just getting over being sick for about a week. I haven't been that bad off in a while. It was so nice to run yesterday and to not feel like I was dying.

When I run more, I tend to eat more, and more bad stuff. And when I swim, I could eat a mounds of bad food, but only right after. It's so hard to be good! 

2007-02-13 12:28 PM
in reply to: #689322

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
we just got a bunch of snow on top of the bunch of snow from last week. I'm not moving today!
i have a sore throat! yuck. I just finished, two days ago, a prescription for a double ear infection. I'm so sick of being sick!! Hurry up spring...pleaseeee!!!

2007-02-13 2:56 PM
in reply to: #689338


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
We are having a blizzard right now. Did make it to the Y only bc my 3 year old had ballet. It is an hour I have to workout- no excuses. Was sick this weekend- ran on Sunday and was dying. Sweating so much I think I broke a fever while I was running. Won't do that anytime soon. Felt better with the run today.

2007-02-21 3:59 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Daylight savings time starts next month! Whoohoo! I'm so ready for spring, and I'm not stuck in snow like any of y'all. How is everybody feeling? Has the snow let up yet? Are you getting any training in? Summer will be here soon!
2007-02-21 9:40 PM
in reply to: #698499

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I feel so bad because I haven't trained in a week. School has put me under so much stress and I think that it is because I haven't trained in a week. Usually, when I am stressed, I make time to train, but for the past couple of days, I had so much homework and tests that I made the dumb decision of not training. I hope that I can start training again tomorrow. How is everyone else going so far?
2007-02-22 11:23 AM
in reply to: #698807

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I'm feeling you ladies!

I'm recovering from bronchitis and from my husband being gone the whole weekend leaving me with 2 babies. My son has another double ear infection so i'm going back in forth from thinking straight to wanting to cry.
anyway, i've not been to the gym since two monday ago and i'm feeling kind of down about it.

Also, to let you know i won't be competing in Memphis In May like i thought. TNT moved our deadline to recommit to raise $4000 up by a month. I don't feel comfortable raising that much money since i've only raised $285 thus far. I thought i'd go ahead and pay my own way and then either fly or drive to Tenn. but the triathlon is on a sunday and my husband can't get any days off this year b/c he's already claimed them for the year. So i thought we'll fly down and fly back the same day (crazy but possible) but the tickets are $450 a piece! So MIM is not an option this year...bummer. But i went ahead and registered for 3 other races. I'm doing a duathlon on May 6 and a tri in June and another Tri in August. So atleast i have some goals again!!

Ahh i officiallly hate winter!! Please come fast spring!
2007-02-22 11:40 AM
in reply to: #699358

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-02-22 12:23 PM

I'm feeling you ladies!

I'm recovering from bronchitis and from my husband being gone the whole weekend leaving me with 2 babies. My son has another double ear infection so i'm going back in forth from thinking straight to wanting to cry.
anyway, i've not been to the gym since two monday ago and i'm feeling kind of down about it.

Also, to let you know i won't be competing in Memphis In May like i thought. TNT moved our deadline to recommit to raise $4000 up by a month. I don't feel comfortable raising that much money since i've only raised $285 thus far. I thought i'd go ahead and pay my own way and then either fly or drive to Tenn. but the triathlon is on a sunday and my husband can't get any days off this year b/c he's already claimed them for the year. So i thought we'll fly down and fly back the same day (crazy but possible) but the tickets are $450 a piece! So MIM is not an option this year...bummer. But i went ahead and registered for 3 other races. I'm doing a duathlon on May 6 and a tri in June and another Tri in August. So atleast i have some goals again!!

Ahh i officiallly hate winter!! Please come fast spring!

I also decided that I am not going to do TNT because that is alot of money to raise and I have school to worry about. I decided that I am going to register for the race myself. I agree that $4000 is alot of money to raise in a couple of months. However, I know that you are going to do well in your summer races!!

Edited by nala 2007-02-22 6:33 PM
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