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2007-02-19 4:54 PM
in reply to: #694934

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Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

Congrats Amy!

For your relay, does everybody swim, bike and run then repeat for the next person?

Sounds like it was a great experience.

2007-02-19 5:17 PM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Willard/Springfield, MO
Subject: Counselor/antibiotics/bike
Hey All,

Just a heads up. I haven't been participating much in the conversation, but I do check in from time to time to see who's in the group...uhh, is "Counselor" still a part or has the group kind of taken over the role? Well, either way, I do have some important info for you all.

Long story short, I needed an antibiotic for an infection. Come to find out, this antibiotic has a side effect -- tears tendons. Spoke to a friend of mine, had the same thing happen last year when he went on a different antibiotic. Stuff settles in your calves and just totally rips things up. So, ask your doc BEFORE taking an antibiotic if he can give you one that doesn't have that nasty side effect. Mine was called ofloxacin (or something like that). I haven't been able to run for two-three weeks now...get out about two miles and things start feeling like they're pulling and tearing. VERY NASTY.

On a side note, I have my bike set up on a trainer in the basement. I can do that without the intense pain (guess I don't use my calves much on the bike). First time I've ever ridden a tri bike and it takes some getting used to (position). I only go about 10 miles at a shot (tail end has to build up the endurance, too, you know— Ha!), but it's STARTING to feel a bit better. Oh, for those looking a possibly getting a bike, BE SURE you're fit properly before purchasing a new bike. Most Local Bike Shops (LBS) can do that, but talk to experienced riders (tri-athletes) to see who they recommend (some places are more skilled than others).

Enjoy the weather -- at least around here (Springfield) it's like 60-something (first time in many weeks we've seen the 60s).
2007-02-25 11:52 AM
in reply to: #696104

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Subject: RE: Counselor/antibiotics/bike

Great Points RunDanRun,  a bike fitting from people knowledgeble with triathlon racing/training is very key.  I didn't hesitate to drop the cash for one.  It was about a 2 hour ordeal with measurements and some computrainer testing.  After it was done, the aero position was comfortable-no neck or back pain (I was riding the MTB for years)...I have just been tweaking the seat tilt to get a little more comfy...I just may need a new seat though...or time in the saddle.

A good thread going on now on bike fitting and if it's worth it:

Is a bike fitting worth the $$$?

Hope you're done with the antibiotic treatment soon doesn't sound fun.

How's everyone else doing with their training?

2007-03-07 10:19 AM
in reply to: #702393

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Counselor/antibiotics/bike

How is the group doing?  Any questions?  For me, training is finally getting going again...although I have only been consistent for several days...just reading others training logs, it seems a lot of sickness is going around.

Hope everyone is on-track!

2007-03-07 10:41 AM
in reply to: #714625

Subject: RE: Counselor/antibiotics/bike
Ron - 2007-03-07 10:19 AM

How is the group doing?  Any questions?  For me, training is finally getting going again...although I have only been consistent for several days...just reading others training logs, it seems a lot of sickness is going around.

Hope everyone is on-track!

Thanks for checking in, but to be honest, I'm a little discouraged with the whole "group help"...
We are all beginners, and I think have given each other good support, but without a "mentor" its hard to know if we are truely on the right track!

What is the plan? Are you planning on taking over the it going to disolve...or will you find a spot for us in another group?

2007-03-08 10:26 AM
in reply to: #663877

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
I agree with amyinsr.

I understand this is here to help us, and I know you're busy doing a ton of other stuff on the site Ron, but maybe amalgamating a couple of groups or calling out for another mentor might be useful in keeping this group going. I'd love to volunteer, except I really don't have that much extensive knowledge... I guess that's why I'm on the mentee side of these mentor groups.

In the mean time amyinsr if you need ongoing group motivation I suggest you check out the 'Challenge Me' section of the site. Every month (and ongoing) group challenges are introduced where you set a goal and do your best to live up to it and the team with the highest %age of members who attained their goals wins. Its encouraged me to get my but in gear before. It may be less than ideal but any remaining questions can be directed to your team members or in another forum like the 'Triathlon Talk' one.

I agree that its unfortunate that this group kind of fizzled. I hope we can work something out.

2007-03-08 11:43 AM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
I definitely need some motivation

I had to switch to the 2x balanced plan due to time constraints, but I am fine with that.

I ran another 5K and did crappy because I was sick. So I feel good about just getting out there.

And I finally got a bike that is the right size! Hooray!

Today I'm going to the pool for the first time in 2 weeks
2007-03-08 1:30 PM
in reply to: #714671

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Counselor/antibiotics/bike

I would be happy to be the mentor fill-in.  Truthfully I'm not sure what happened to Counselor. I'm sure life just got in the way and he got busy.  It has happened to a few other groups.

Quaskye, that 2x balanced Sprint is a good one for time contraints.  I'm following that same setup now for the Lonestar at the end of this month...unfortunately all indoors and no individual sport over 20-30 minutes so far.  Did you pick the Cap City or Danskin tri?

This winter, it seems, has been brutal on a lot of people as far as sickness.  The one think I have learned but still don't follow very well is the 8 hours of sleep to stave off illness.

An easy challenge we can setup with the group here is getting in the stated workouts weekly.  For me right now, it's not so much distance or duration, but just getting them in period.


2007-03-13 12:58 AM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
So can someone explain swim caps to me? I have never worn one, and my hair is not happy!

Do they come in different sizes? How do I know which one to get?
How do I get my (long) hair into it?
goggles go....over it, right?
How much will it actually protect my hair, or is this just for aerodynamics?
Will it destroy my hair? I don't see how rubber rubbing against it can be good
2007-03-13 10:30 AM
in reply to: #720882

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
quaskye - 2007-03-13 12:58 AM

So can someone explain swim caps to me? I have never worn one, and my hair is not happy!

Do they come in different sizes? How do I know which one to get?
How do I get my (long) hair into it?
goggles go....over it, right?
How much will it actually protect my hair, or is this just for aerodynamics?
Will it destroy my hair? I don't see how rubber rubbing against it can be good

The cap should act as a barrier between water and hair! If the cap fits properly, then your hair should stay relatively dry. I put mine in a pony first then pull it back through to make a "bun".
Most of the cap will fit over your ears, and forhead thus only the back really rubbing any hair.
The cap should fit tight without cutting off should be able to find one at a pretty low cost!
Tood luck.
2007-03-14 10:06 AM
in reply to: #663877

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
The cap is generally supposed to be for aerodynamics. It cuts down on the drag by keeping your hair from being all over the place, and keeps your hair out of your eyes, etc. If you don't find it helps don't use it I guess. Good luck!

P.S. Goggles on top.

2007-03-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Willard/Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL
Hey all,

First off, glad that we have an interim leader. Thanks for being willing to assume that responsibility!

Well, thought I would check in. I'm on the road to recovery. My calves are finally healing up and I'm working my mileage back towards 30-35 miles a week (I'll be around 26 or so for this week and hopefully next week back to nearly 30). I hope to do the Frisco Half Marathon next Saturday in Springfield, Mo. -- treat it as a training run while I enjoy the atmosphere. The injury has been a real pain, but it sure makes you appreciate the gift of running!

Anyway, during this time, I've been training on my tri bike in the basement. I'm keeping my goal of 100 miles a month so far (and hope to increase that as I harden to it) — I've got about 70 miles in this month....but I have some questions. Some people recommend getting one of those little mirrors clipped on to your helmet for when you're riding so you can see what's coming up behind you, others don't like them. What are the pros and cons? What is the best place on the net to get a good bike helmet at a great price? I'm familiar with Performance and Bike Nashbar, but that's about it.

Oh, yes, could someone explain the log thing? Do I just click on something and if so, where is it located?
2007-03-15 4:58 PM
in reply to: #722485

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL

Hey Dan,

That's great that you calves are finally recovering and hope the 1/2 Mary goes well. 

Your a better man than I am training in your basement on your tri-bike...I hope you have a nice widescreen TV with full surround!

Just hit the 'training log' button at the top of your should be intuitive enough...more info here including setup and logging.

About 'those mirrors'...I would think having a little mirror in front of your eyeball and always in your periphery vision may be annoying...but maybe not, I have never tried it.  My wife bought me this clamp-on mirror and I put it above my brake lever.  It seems to work good and is not always in my field of vision.



IMG_0203.jpg (36KB - 15 downloads)
2007-03-16 12:03 AM
in reply to: #724577

Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL
Hi all!
Ok, got a couple of questions...
Our local Fleet Feet is doing a 9 week training series that will prepare us for the vineman showdown at sundown...I still need a little more info on the whole training thing...but
I'm not real sure if that is the tri that I want for my first experience...there will be lots of experienced people there, and I really dont want to "over do it", but the tri that I am planning on doing, I just found a log about it, its the Tri for fun in Pleasenton, CA, and after reading that log, it seemed pretty overwhelming too! But it is supposed to be geard for the novice...ok so what would you do?
1. Do the training series, train for the vineman sprint go with the friends you made while training..or
2. Do the tri that you were planning on all along, the one geared for the novice...this one I'd go alone, just with my family for support on the outside???

Also, on another note...what is "brick training"? The log I read about the tri for fun, said that more bike/run brick training would have helped his calfs???

Thanks for any help!
2007-03-16 8:47 AM
in reply to: #724577

New user
Willard/Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL
Hi Ron,

Say, where did your wife pick up that mirror? That would seem to be much more efficient than the helmet one (as in the helmet one always being in your way when you put it on and take it off). Also, thanks for the log help!

AMYINSR — quick comment on the California tri question — I think there are plusses and minuses to both. Going with the non-novice race will result in you being exposed to some highly-skilled triathletes and some of their knowledge and approaches may rub off; however, as a novice, you'll make novice mistakes that will be much more pronounced than if you did the novice race. So, the question is, can your ego handle the beating...will someone's smirk or disdain (because you unknowingly broke an unspoken or spoken rule) cause you not to want to "tri" again?

In my opinion, it's like any other sport you attempt for the first time...step out onto the volleyball court with a bunch of skilled players and you'll pick up some good technique and approaches to the game, but you could embarrass yourself; get out onto the court with other novices, you won't learn as much and you may even pick up a bad technique, but the playing field is more even and your missteps will hardly be noticed. The one thing you MIGHT want to do is contact the race coordinator and see if they have a number of novices/first-timers participate or if they typically don't have many. That could help you make your decision.
2007-03-20 10:40 PM
in reply to: #725149

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL wasn't a bike store I don't think, it is a Bell item though...but I can't find a definitive picture or store carrying the item on the web...lots of variations though.  And what I got was more of a 'jury rigged' thing to connect above the brake levers...

2007-03-20 10:49 PM
in reply to: #724947

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL


Tough call...follow your heart.  Although if you feel that series will be beneficial to you, doing Vineman would be good and your friends will be there.  But the Tri-for-Fun maybe what you heart is set on as it's the first that you 'laid eyes' on.  Truthfully, at least for me, about 95% of the people are going to be a lot better than me, the other 5% more better than me!  So from that perspective, it doesn't matter which one you do.  for my first tri that didn't even occur to me about all of the experienced people-I just wanted to be sure I wasn't going to drown and that was my focus.  I'm sure Vineman will have it's handful of beginners.

Brick training.  It's to ease the bike to run transition.  What you can do to train for this is to run for 10 minutes off of one of your weekly bikes.  2-4 weeks before your first tri, you can also do a few longer-lengthed bike/run bricks with your short or medium scheduled sessions-maybe.  Don't make it a common way to train can be a lot on your joints.  But this training will prepare you a lot more for those 'lead legs' when trying to run off the bike. 

2007-03-20 10:52 PM
in reply to: #716156

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

How is that bike riding?  Does is fit well?  Is it NEW!  We hope your 2x training is going well...its looks like it from your logs...

quaskye - 2007-03-08 12:43 PM I definitely need some motivation I had to switch to the 2x balanced plan due to time constraints, but I am fine with that. I ran another 5K and did crappy because I was sick. So I feel good about just getting out there. And I finally got a bike that is the right size! Hooray! Today I'm going to the pool for the first time in 2 weeks

2007-03-21 12:30 PM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
Actually my bike is in the shop already! It got a flat, which I fixed (first time for me), but I managed to knock the derailleur way out of adjustment, and a spoke on the front wheel was broken (NOT by me changing the tire).

The 2X training is going GREAT. I have been able to hit most of my workouts since I switched (missed the long bike b/c of above problems). I was especially happy with my last run, 26 minutes, since I haven't run that long in...months possibly. I was able to get through it without a problem.

I am also toying with the idea of doing the "My First Tri" at the CapTexTri. I will probably decide closer to the race, when I can evaluate whether or not I can make it through the normal sprint.
2007-03-21 12:41 PM
in reply to: #731032

Subject: RE: Champion's Group? - FULL
Ron - 2007-03-20 10:49 PM


Tough call...follow your heart.  Although if you feel that series will be beneficial to you, doing Vineman would be good and your friends will be there.  But the Tri-for-Fun maybe what you heart is set on as it's the first that you 'laid eyes' on.  Truthfully, at least for me, about 95% of the people are going to be a lot better than me, the other 5% more better than me!  So from that perspective, it doesn't matter which one you do.  for my first tri that didn't even occur to me about all of the experienced people-I just wanted to be sure I wasn't going to drown and that was my focus.  I'm sure Vineman will have it's handful of beginners.

Brick training.  It's to ease the bike to run transition.  What you can do to train for this is to run for 10 minutes off of one of your weekly bikes.  2-4 weeks before your first tri, you can also do a few longer-lengthed bike/run bricks with your short or medium scheduled sessions-maybe.  Don't make it a common way to train can be a lot on your joints.  But this training will prepare you a lot more for those 'lead legs' when trying to run off the bike. 

Thanks Ron,
I kind of figured that was what Brick Training was...makes sense!

As far as the tri I choose, I will wait a couple more will be one of them! Friends to do one with really seems more appealing at this time...the open water bay swim is a bit daunting...but I think that will be ok too!
Shoot...maybe I'll do both!
2007-03-22 10:10 PM
in reply to: #663877

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, USA
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
Just want to let you all know it will be tough for me to post my daily logs....will probably have to play catch up on them no the weekends. Our company just went public and our many websites have bee restricted, including this one.

2007-03-22 11:30 PM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
I'm happy to report that I've scored free swimming lessons.

I'm still looking for a free bike
2007-03-25 9:27 PM
in reply to: #663877

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Went to the informational meeting today and signed up for the 9 week training program! I am happy with being able to meet some friends and do some group taining...
Looks like it is going to be a good group of people...mixed ages, skill levels etc! What is neat, is that they will be having lots of siminars on various things...wetsuits, transitions, changing your tire...among other things as well...
They did say to use a training log, so I am going to check out the one offered here a little more closely...hope they are pretty straight forward!
2007-03-25 9:49 PM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Willard/Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
Well, it's cool that folks are scoring free lessons and now getting into training groups for their triathlons. That's WAY cool!

This weekend I took my first step to getting back onto the more competitive running trail. The half-marathon race this weekend I took an "easy" approach to and I was very pleased that my calves felt pretty good throughout the race. I'll admit the second half I worked more as I was testing my legs out, but I was really pleased with my progress! Whew! I was really worried about how things would go, but for me, getting confidence in the run helps me with preparing in other areas. Anyway, I'm not a "speed shark" by any means, but I had a 1:45 and that gives me hope.

Anyway, now I'm hopeful that my biking will come along -- though I think by the time it's all said and done, if they have a triathlon that includes racing on trainer, I'll have an edge! HA! HA!

Well, hope others are experiencing some great success. It looks like the weather across the country is starting to turn pretty sweet! Take care and best to you all!

2007-03-28 12:56 PM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Willard/Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
Got my bike helmet yesterday! Now I'm street legal...well, I probably was street legal before getting the helmet, but with my "zero" experience on a real road with a tri bike, I would have been street "brain damaged" to attempt a ride prior to getting a helmet that fits.

So, anyone with some knowledge about things NOT to do when training on your bike or when in a race? Whatever I can learn here would be far better than learning through the "sweet" embrace of the pavement, fence post, ditch, etc.

Thanks for any insight you can provide!

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