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2008-01-31 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1185544

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Jenn,

Just take it easy for a few days, upper body work only, give your knees a rest, ice it, and see how that goes. We are not even in February, so you have time to recover, and get fit again (while swimming heaps!).


2008-01-31 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi all,
Right now it is snowing like crazy. Actually it has been snowing all day with forecasts to snow all night. My boys are hoping for a snow day (no school) tomorrow. Not me. No school now means make it up in June. Of course my son who is a senior won't have to make up snow days as the graduation date is already set. Unfortunately, no SUV for me. I'm a mini-van mom so I was sliding all over the place today. Anyway, I was able to get out to the club and swim this morning. I haven't run over a week, trying to give the foot a break. I'm hoping to do a short run/walk on Sunday.

Jen, Clifford the Big Red Dog rocks! I teach Early Childhood Special Education. I work with 3-5 year olds with developmental delays and they all love Clifford. In fact, for our Valentine's unit we will be reading Cliffords's Valentines.

The swim clinic I attended last Sunday was great. Part of the clinic was a one-on-one analysis of your swim stroke. Turns out I'm not as bad a swimmer as I thought. I had taken a 4 session swim class in the fall and have been really working on the drills to improve my efficiency in the water. I guess my hard work has paid off. I'll keep working. I'm still not very fast, but I'm hoping that will improve with time. I hope that my improved confidence in the pool will help me overcome my fear in open water.

Vinnie, a friend of mine is doing a century ride in June. I know I will be doing some long rides, but not until later in the summer, I think. My race is Sept. 7. Would it be OK to do that. It is not a race, just an organized ride. I'm still looking for a plan to follow. I know most plans are 20 to 24 weeks, so I wouldn't be starting it until sometime in the beginning/middle of April.

2008-02-01 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
It's a Snow Day....YES!!!! say the kids....Darn! says the mom.
Out we go to shovel the 12 inches of snow. We have a very long driveway. One of these days we must get a snowblower. Guess that will be my work out today. Gotta love the Chicago weather.

2008-02-01 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Be thankful the snow there has only cancelled school for one day. Schools here have been closed all week because the snow plows couldn't keep up. They would get the main roads clear and start on the residential areas, and then it would snow again. The school buses couldn't get through the residential areas, so school has been cancelled. The sun is shining today, but more snow is forecasted over the weekend. Last weekend, my husband actually spent 45 minutes shoveling snow before he went to his office and borrowed the snow blower. Several people on our street passed the snow blower around before taking it back.

I'll have to look for the Clifford's Valentines book. I think we have it. I could use that with my daughter. We're always looking for something fun to add to her school work. (I think I mentioned before that I homeschool my kids.)

My knees are feeling better. I'm adding some physical therapy exercises to my stretching everyday to help strengthen the muscles around my knees. I will just walk for a couple of weeks and then try running again. I promise I'll take it easy, Vinnie, so that I don't injure myself.

Have a great weekend everyone! Stay warm. Take care.

2008-02-02 12:52 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
I have a swim question. I was reading some of the articles on the website here, and found a Beginner Swim Program--a 3 month program that works on form and endurance with 3 workouts a week. I'm already swimming 3 times a week, but without a clear plan, so I decided to try it. I did the first workout tonight, and I had trouble with a couple of the drills where I had to hold a pool buoy between my legs and just swim with my arms. I had a really hard time staying balanced in the water using the buoy. Should I keep working on drills like this? The workout was less distance than I have been swimming but more of a challenge. I have a swimming lesson scheduled for Feb. 12 just to make sure that I am using proper techinique. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks a bundle!

Have a great weekend.

2008-02-02 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1190764

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Susie,

Thanks for the update, and even though I´ve seen snow occasionally before (in Michigan and Argentina) I have no idea on how it feels to face it everyday, in the same Topic, we are in Thailand winter over here, but the A/C is still on! Unbelievable.

Good to hear on the swim winter is really swim focus, as in the summer, most of your time and energy should go to the bike and run training. For this reason, I totally agree on the century in June, it will be a good experience, you can try your race day nutrition and equipment, and just go there to finish the thing and have fun with your mate and others bikers, don´t put any pressure on yourself in terms of splits, as most of yout fitness will come in the last 10 weeks before the race. And take it easy with the foot, as I said, no rush now, its much better to take a month off running if needed, than to be on and off when it really matter.

Hi Jenn,

There should be a balance in technique and training, in my opinion every workout has to have a bit of both, do the warm up with drills, then jump into some structured set, and do the cool down with focus on technique (pullbuoy is great in the W/D, as you are tired and it will help you float and swim nicely). So mix it up until you get the coach opinion on the 14th.

Can you post here one session you were doing, and one sessions the new plan has you to do, I can have a look and give you a better insight?


2008-02-02 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
According to my training plan, I was supposed to swim 250 yd freestyle and 100 yd to cool down. (The plan increases by 50 yd each week.) I can easily swim more than that. I have been swimming 1000 meters (20 x 50 m) alternating freestyle and backstroke with 10-15 sec of rest time every 100 m. It's the same for each workout.

The new plan I found has 3 workouts each week (1 for form, 1 for endurance, and 1 for both form and endurance). Yesterday the workout went like this:

4x25m Catchup (finish stroke with one arm before starting other arm, use pull buoy)
4x25m Kick (kicking only, no arms)
4x25m Fist (swimming with closed fist, use pull buoy)

The plan is on the website here. Click on Articles. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the Training Articles. Click on Swim. Look for Beginner Swim Program. There are 3 articles. It's a 3 month program and each month is a separate article.

Thanks for the help.

2008-02-02 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi all
Jenn, was watching the weather channel and thought about you when they were talking about all the snow in Washington. I guess I can't complain, although I actually like snow. It is a big waste of cold weather not to have any snow. I just don't want all of it at once.

Vinnie, thanks for the input on the century ride. I recently joined the running club at my health club and learned that many of the members are also triathletes with several of them doing an IM this year. In fact, I learned this morning that they will be going up to Madison to ride the IM course. I was planning on doing that anyway, but to be able to do it in a large group will be great. I live in a very flat area and there are hills in Madison so I need to ride hills whenever possible. I also think the psychological benefit of knowing I can finish 100 miles will be huge. To date the farthest I've gone is 76 miles. Trying the race say nutrition is also a great idea, especially with my issues. I've been thinking about that and trying some new products in the spring to see how I react to them. Have you every tried Carbo Pro or Noon?
I am also trying to be very patient with the foot. It is soooo tempting to just try a short run, see how it feels.

2008-02-03 2:56 AM
in reply to: #1191250

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Jenn,

Thanks for the swim updates...Actually I thing that 20x50 is a great session, and doing that 500m swim of the plan won´t improve your fitness too much, carry on with the 20x50, if you want to throw some more technique work on it, you could do something like this:

50m drill - 10" rest
50m Freestyle swim - 10" rest
50m Back stroke - 10" rest
50m Freestyle swim - 30" rest

This seems a balanced workout, with technique, freestyle swim, backstroke, you are used with the distance, there is enough rest to keep you swimming with a good form, and over the 1.000mts you will have swam:

250m drills
500m freestyle
250m backstroke

Have a go and let me know, but you should be ok, in my opinion you are one step ahead the begginers swim plan, maybe you could have a look in the next level one.

Hi Susie,

i used to be sponsored by Nuun, I remembering drinking liters of the thing every day, it tastes so good and its a good salt replacement, but note that it hasn´t got any calories, so you might be better trying something else for training and racing, Nuun is good after and before training, and during if the session is short. most nutritional products are okay, balanced formula of carbs and salts, get something you can afford for a long term, have a try, and if sitts nicely in your stomack, stick to it until you finish the race.

A century in june and riding the course is definitely a confidence booster, I suppose they will go late July or early August, that would be a perfect timing.


2008-02-03 5:08 AM
in reply to: #1097021

Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey Guys

Sorry i've been silent for a while. It's been a weird week.First case of bummer. Having access to alot of reserved pool slots is nice, but as one of the other girls explained on friday, it's a bit of an elitist club. There are like 10-20 really good triathletes, who kind of have their own thing going, and then the rest of us are kind of just... there.
Anyhow, the running practice was disastrous. I was hoping for some guidance. Tough luck. I've finally understood the difference between jogging and running. I jog, barely. THey run. Fast.
We met on the parking lot of the track field. A few quick hellos, a reminder to the coach that I was a quick beginner and bam, off we ran. Since it was warm up I figured it wouldn't be too long and if I needed to I could just slow down, i positionned myself with the back of packers (the older and injured basically) and 10 mn in I found out that warm up was 20mn. Ok, i've gotta slow down! So i did, and quite quickly lost any sight of them. By the time I reached the track after warm up, I was really tired and they'd already started running again. So i stood waiting there as they flew by in small packs, coach included. I've never done track, let alone run, what the hell else was I supposed to do!? After a couple laps of them throwing me strange looks (what's she doing?!), one of the guys called out as he flew by 'you can do 200s with us if you want! OK..., but A)where do I start? B) How many? C) How much is a 200??? Not really knowing what that meant, I continued to wait and watch. Finally, the coach came over between 2 sprints, realizing just how lost I was. He basically suggested I workup to being able to run 30mn 3 times a week, before anything else. Ok fine, that seems logical. But once again, training is geared towards the elite and beginners (who actually need the help), can just sort themselves out. Great.
My swim the next day was pathetic. So I decided to relax for a few days.
I guess everything happens for a reason. After this demotivation, feeling lousy, I went to the pool with my dad (he's is NOT a swimmer, but the quality time would be good). So we went and I bumped into a friend who used to swim. We chatted a lot and decided to meet up to swim the next day. I guess he really hadn't swum in a while, cause although he's really tall and fit, he couldn't swim more that a 150 at a time. So we did alot of short distances. Still the workout was not challenging. So, not expecting anything I decided to do the tri club swim practice (the only organized one) that evening. VERY cool. After warm up everyone did a timed 400, while coach filmed us! And apparently he'll help with technique next practice. Finally some real club return.
I know I could do it all without the club, but it's kind of mandatory here if you want to register for any races and the licence is 130 euros!! (like 185$) So, I'm expecting a bit for the money.
Anyhow, i've realized my motivation source is so much more you guys: I mean Jenn and Suzie, you guys are like wonder women!! 5 am swims and braving the snow! That's inspiring.
Hey by the way, with all that snow why not go cross country skiing instead of running when the gym is closed? It's suposed to be a really good workout and some local triahthlons here actually replace running with it! They call them "winter tris". Of course, I dunno how cold it gets and if it's possible where you are...just an idea.
Oh also, you guys may alread know about it but I discovered, which has all kinds of tri videos. I'd recommend these three: "ironman triathlon from the inside" (sports inspirational, especially the song) "athletes for a cure season 07" (cause inspirational) and "sports bloopers" a good laugh! (makes you worry about clumsy first aid guys!)

Ok, i should get on the bike now!
PS: my 400m was 08:08, the best time was 6:07, so i guess i need to work on it right? What do you think Vinnie?

oh PS2: My parents live in the country side and have sheep, and now we have new born lambs jumping around!!! sooo adorable!
take care
2008-02-03 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Joelle,
Sorry the group run was such a disaster. It certainly does de-motivate you. I belong to the run club at my health club, but as of yet have not joined in on any runs. Mainly because the timing doesn't work for me, but also because I am a bit intimidated. I"ve been told there are all levels, but right now, in the middle of winter I think it is only the hard core runners going on slushy runs. I don't like to run outside when it is really cold or snowy. So I will wait until it is warmer to check it out. I do have running buddies, which really helps, but because they don't work and I do, we basically only run together in the summer when I'm off. Actually in the spring we may do some weekend runs together. It really helps to have a friend or two to keep you motivated. I'm fairly internally motivated, but the camaraderie is also very important. I've also discovered that training with someone a bit better than you can also be motivating. One of my running buddies is the woman who did the IM last Sept. She's in great physical shape and 20 years younger too! She really pushed me to do more than I thought I could do and keeping up with her was great for my self-esteem. (of course after hard training days she would go out to a party at night and I'd be in bed by 8:00) Keep trying to find people, they are out there.

funny you should mention cross county skiing. My sister and I were just discussing that last night. We found a place near her house that rents the equipment and hope to try it out next weekend.

Oh, how neat that your parents are out in the country. Little lambs! I lived in the city until I was 7 and then we only moved to a suburb right on the city border. I still live right outside Chicago, which is a great city, but I LOVE the country. My husband and I want to retire to the mountains somewhere. No traffic, strip malls, etc. One of the reasons we live in the community we do, is because it is 1/3 forest preserve. I love that I am less than 1/2 mile from the trail. It follows a river through the forest and I always see deer, it's so peaceful (except on weekends).

Have a great week!

2008-02-03 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Thanks for the advice. I think I will stick with the 20x50m for now. AFter my swim lesson next week, I will decide whether or not to add any drills or just keep alternating freestyle and backstroke. I am slowly swimming more of the laps without fins. Today I was able to swim 400m without fins. Only a few more, and I'll be swimming race distance without fins. I told my husband to watch out because if I keep working out this much, I just might beat him this summer. (He's not working out much right now.)

I have now lost 17.5 pounds. I am very pleased with that. I was hoping to lose 10 pounds a month. At this rate, I will reach my goal weight sooner than expected. I just hope I don't hit a plateau anytime soon.

Have a great week everyone! Take care.

2008-02-03 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1191781

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Joelle,

The swim was pretty good compared to the group, you are doing 2´/100mts and the BEST in the group is on 1´30/100m so I think that very soon you will be able to be splitting 1´45” and be in the fast lane!

Oh yeah, top age groupers are the most elitist people out there, google type A personality and you will understand what I´m talking about. I am actually more surprised on how the coached acted with you than the athletes, as you are paying to be a member and he might be getting paid some or if not, he agreed to help the club in the first place, he should be coaching and not training! Don´t worry too much for those days, the sport is great, there are awesome people doing it, usually, the slower the athlete, a “cooler” person he/she is!Of course there are great people out there who are fast too, but most are too busy trying to get faster and won´t give you much attention, and don´t let one bad experience disappoint you.


2008-02-06 1:15 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello, all. Well, another snowstorm came through today. My dad called me from Texas to let me know that it was 75 deg there today. I was actually shoveling snow so that I could go pick up my son from preschool when he called. I am so ready for winter to be over!

My workouts are going well. Today I rode the bike for an hour and walked on the treadmill for an hour. I'm not going to try running again until next week. I wanted to swim, but once again the pool was closed. This time for repairs instead of snow.

I bet the lambs are wonderful! I grew up on a small cattle ranch in Texas and loved all the baby animals (calves, puppies and kittens mostly). I did have a fawn once, too. I miss living in the country.

How's your dad doing?

How's your foot?

I hope all is well with everyone. Have a fantastic rest of the week. Take care and happy training.

2008-02-07 2:34 AM
in reply to: #1196467

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Jenn,

Good to hear about the 1h bike ride, this is a very good volume, indoor riding is usually harder then riding outside as you don´t get the downhills, coasting, etc, so I can´t wait to hear how you will do outside once the snow is gone.

Happy New Year Everyone! (Today is New Year in Chinese Calendar, half town in closed for business and everyone is wearing red!), a second chance for new years resolutions!


2008-02-08 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello everyone,
Been a bit of a rough week. Having a flare of colitis symptoms today, hoping it will calm down by tomorrow. I also had to attend the funeral of a mother of a close friend, In addition, I have a new student with some rather difficult behavior to manage. I'm beat. I think the stress of this week is part of the reason the colitis has flared. I plan on taking it easy this weekend. I'll go to spin tomorrow but won't go too hard.

On a positive note, I have been very pleased with my swim sessions. I think I'm getting a little faster. In the middle of my work outs this week I did 5 x 100m with 15 sec breaks. My times on each 100m ranged from 1:49 to 1:55, which for me it is a HUGH improvement. Of course that was me really trying. I wouldn't be able to sustain that effort for very long.

I have decided to seek a second opinion on my foot. I will see this new doc on Monday afternoon. Let's see what he says. I really miss running. I ran a slow 2 miles on sunday and that's it for the last 2 weeks. I worry so much that I will lose the running fitness/ability that I've worked so hard to get. I hope to have this foot thing all sorted out so that when spring gets here I'll be ready for some outdoor running.

Have a great weekend.


2008-02-10 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello all! Sorry to have been quiet for so long. I haven't been on BT in a while. I need to update my training log also. Sorry, Coach Vinnie for being so negligent in checking in with you guys.

It is good reading how everyone is doing with their training. Joelle, don't let the "tri-snobs" get to you. All in all, most people I have had the pleasure to meet around the sport have been very positive and helpful. It can feel intimidating being the "new person" but keep showing up and soon you will know some of the people there.

I have done a couple of group session with my Team in Training group. They have been fun. It is a mix of first timers and experienced folks. All have GREAT attitudes and are fun to be with. I have trained on my own the balance of the days. I don't really have any great training updates. Just putting in the time and the miles!

My swims have gone fine. Have done some drills. They have been about 1500m swims total. I rode about 75 minutes today with the group. Have had a couple of 40-45 minute runs.

Jenn, thanks for asking about my dad. We actually got really good news last week. We found out that the spots on his spine that they thought might be cancer are not. So at this point, they have again declared him in full remission. We are all just trying to get used to the idea. He is pretty beat up from over two years of treatment this time around.

He will be coming to my Olympic event in Austin the end of May. That will be really special to have him there.

You guys dealing with the snow absolutely have my admiration! I am impressed. I whine about the "winter weather" here (which means it is cold) and I really have no room to talk. All that snow would bum me out. Hang in there, ladies! This too shall pass! When it seems really bad, and you are feeling down, just thing about warm sunny days and being outside having a great training session and know that those days are not far off!

Jenn, I am really looking forward to meeting you next month (and introducing you to my wife and kids!). We will have to trade some contact details as the event gets closer so we can plan to meet.

Keep training all and BE STRONG!!!

Check back with you soon-
2008-02-10 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello, everyone. I had a fairly good week, a little new snow, but not too much. Now it's warming up and the snow is starting to melt. I might actually get out on my bike this week. WooHoo! On the other hand, I tried to run again today, and barely finished 1/8 mile before my knees couldn't take anymore. I can walk over 3 miles with no problems; I just can't run. I probably could have pushed myself to do more, but I don't want a severe injury. I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow, but I'm not sure how much more the doctor can do short of sending me to an orthopedist. I'm afraid I may just be walking the race in March, but even if I walk, I will be happy to finish.

My swims are going well. I'm able to swim more freestyle now and not depend so much on backstroke to catch my breath. I have my swim lesson on Tuesday. I'll let you know how that goes.

I am so glad you're dad is doing well. That's awesome news about his remission! I will definitely be glad to exchange contact info before the race. It will be nice to meet in person and meet your wife and kids as well. My parents and my kids will be at the race. I'm not sure how many other people will be there with them. My grandparents and other family and friends are talking about coming to the race to support me. Unfortunately, my husband won't be there. I'll have to call him as soon as I cross the finish line!

Hang in there! My mom has Celiac disease, and I'm sure a flare of colitis is similar to what happens when my mom has gluten by accident. Not any fun. I'll keep thinking of you, and I hope things get better soon.

I hope everyone has a great week, and a Happy Valentine's Day. Take care and happy training.

2008-02-11 4:12 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Susie,

Good work on the swimming repeats, under 2´/100m is pretty good, just stick to the training and you will be able to hold that for longer and with easier effort. That made me remember when I first started into tri´s, about 10 years ago, I swam a timed 750mts, 20’ and something, I was hooked, thinking that the pros who swam at around 10´ weren´t that much better! Actually, while I write this, its pretty cool to see the improvements I made, so stick to it, don´t worry about the short term problems or even improvements, what really matter is the work you do over the long run, years and years, so few weeks OFF fron running, won´t affect you as much as you think. And good luck with the new doctor and colitis management.

Hi Brian,

thanks for the updates, good to hear you are on track with training, and that the training you described, is now only a routine, nothing way too hard, just look back at this time last year and you will be amazed on your progression.

Good to hear about your dad, i´m pretty sure he will be healthy and happy on race day, that is going to be very special for you both, celebrating health! And good to hear the Team in Training is doing you good, keep us filled with the updates and news on what goes on over there too.

Hi Jenn,

Good luck with the swim lesson, but from your updates, you are doing pretty well, and keep it going, remember that the biggest advantage in triathlon is cross training, that is, your swim training is ALSO your run training, so just take it easy with your knees, focus on the swim with some biking on light gears (or light resistance if indoors), and you will show up fit by race day.

Just to give you a real example, I´ve seen in person, a girl (very famous right now, won Ironman Hawaii) to win Ironman Korea after 10 days off her feet due to an injury, she had one of the fastest run split in the race, including the boys!

Have a good week everyone,
2008-02-11 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the words of encouragement. The colitis flare has settled down. I saw the new foot doc today. He feels I was completely misdiagnosed. This doc has been a sports doc for the Chicago Bulls (he operated on Scotty Pippen's feet) so I feel like he must know what he's taking about. He thinks I have something called predislocation syndrome and my have a ruptured plantar ----something disc? He explained a ton, drew pictures and of course its all a big jumble in my head now. He has sent me to get an ultrasound of my foot which I will have on Wednesday. Hopefully, I'll have a definitive answer by the end of the week. The doc says this type of injury occurs over a long period of time and suddenly becomes a problem. Just my luck to have things happen now.
Good thing I have learned to like swimming...

Have a great week.

2008-02-12 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Just checking in...

Suzi- Hopefully this doc gets it right for you. I am sure that is frustrating. Hopefully Vinnie is right and you will be able to get past this and it will not have an effect on your race later in the year.

Enjoy the better weather! I am glad to hear I will get to meet some of your family, but bummed your husband can't be there. I will have in-laws, etc there so plenty of family around to introduce you to.

When you started out you swam over 20 minutes for your 750? That really does give me hope! I cycled two days in a row (Sunday and Monday). A little over an hour on Sunday and about 45 minutes yesterday. Today I swam and my legs are sore, particularly my left knee (which tends to ache with overuse). Do you think that is from the 2 days of cycling? I added an extra cycling day in with the thinking that I want to train up some for this MS150 in April (2 days from Houston to Austin). I don't think it is anything serious. Just noticing they are aching a little. Haven't felt any soreness in awhile.

Also, I swam with my training group this morning for the first time. There were two coaches there. I am REALLY looking forward to getting some help on my swimming. I don't seem to be horrible at it, but I also have never had any input on it so I am hoping I can really improve with some guidance. One of the coaches did say I have a nice strong kick! Which is funny, because if there is an area I really thought I was screwing up it was kicking. I don't really have a rhythm or patter, I just kind of drag my legs behind me and sort of kick them more when I feel panicky! Isn't that bad? Oh well, like I said, looking forward to getting some help.

Weather here has been nice. I am grateful. Tomorrow I have a run.

Check back soon-


2008-02-12 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1208426

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Susie, good luck with the new doctor, it seems he is pretty confident on the new diagnosis, and you sound more confident with him too, I hope it will work out, let us know any news.

Hi Brian. Yeah buddy, 20'+ for a 750m, 10 years later and I can swim more than 1.5k in 20', so as that quote says "it takes years of hard work, for an overnight sucess", just stick to it, and eventualy you will be flying, I´ve already told you, just look back few months and see how hard training was, i´m pretty sure that you can do that volume nowdays without much problem.

As you mentioned kicking, I still can't kick and kicking is something interesting, actually when I first started I use to go backwards when kicking, my ankles were too tight, its a bit better now, but i´m always at the back in kicks sets. Girls are usually good kickers, as are little kids, flexible ankles, show be a ballet dancer, and I show you a good swim kicker

For the cycling, its ok to add up some volume/sessions, but be careful to start out very slow, just hope on the bike and ride it easy for 45', let your body adapt to the new workload. The pain in the knee should get better soon, but keep your eyes open for that.

2008-02-13 1:09 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey, everyone. I had my swim lesson tonight, and apparently I have been swimming all wrong. My arms are crossing over; I'm not breathing right; and I'm not kicking right. I'm a mess! The instructor suggested that I pick one thing to work on at a time. I think for now I will work on my breathing. I have been using a nose plug because I absolutely hate water up my nose! He told me to lose it. I tried it tonight, and I think it will take a few sessions to get used to breathing out of my nose instead of my mouth. I'll just have to see how it goes.

I see the doctor tomorrow for my knees. I'm hoping for a referral to an orthopedist. I've seen the doctor for the pain in my knees before, and was given ibuprofen and physical therapy. I'm doing the exercises again, but I think I'd like another opinion from a specialist.

I am bummed that my husband won't be at my first race, but he has to work. He is the supervisor in his office, and doesn't feel he can take the time off right now. I understand. It's the military life.

I'm glad to know you're feeling better. Good luck with the new doctor and your foot.

Take care, everyone, and have a great week.

2008-02-13 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Well, I saw the doctor today, and she wants me to have an MRI on my knees to check for damage to the ligaments, tendons, etc. It looks like I will just be walking for awhile, but I am determined to finish the race in March even if I have to use all the wrong swim techniques and walk all 3 miles of the run!

Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and support everyone. It means a lot.

Take care, and happy training!

2008-02-14 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey, everyone, here's a link to a YouTube video called the "Triathlon Song." I enjoyed watching it, and I thought you might, too!

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