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2010-01-17 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2612910

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA again -

Urp. There it is --- EP Houston 5km. I aplogize for being a slacker!!!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-01-17 3:57 PM

2010-01-17 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2618235

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-17 12:01 PM

Looking at your results, the only revisions you made were at the 25 point of #4-8, but that you managed to keep the decreasoing rest times at the end of each of those. BUT THEN the really cool part comes, which is doing the last two without the midpoint rest! Were you psyched about that, or were you psyched about that? If I were you, I'd be psyched about that!

NOW I feel psyched!

Thanks for the motivation. My next pool day is Tuesday. I'll report back then!



2010-01-17 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2618408

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve and Everyone Else Who Replied Re The Breathing:

Thank you!

All your advice/tips are so very helpful. I'll be checking out the TI DVD soon.


2010-01-17 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2618458

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-17 3:04 PM ANNE - How is Mama Malady treating you today? Feeling any better, even slightly?

Hey Steve,

I AM feeling slightly better today;  heading in the right direction.   Fortunately, Ken was out of the country for a few days so I was really able to baby myself.   Have spent too many years in the past trying to 'sweat it out' and work/train through colds and illnesses, and all it really does is prolong things.   Plus, I never wanted to be seen as weak. 

Anyway, now that I am starting to feel better I am starting to think silly again!    Don't know if you noticed on my list of races, etc. Ken and I have registered for a 6 day bike tour with the Florida Freewheelers from April 17-22.   Although this isn't a race, we will be cycling 75-80km/day with hopefully one day of 160km.     So I had this bright idea - wouldn't it be cool if we could do a tri while we are in the States and saw that St. Anthony's is on the Sunday after our tour ends (Thursday).      The sensible half of my mind is saying DON"T do it, but the other half is saying HOW EXCITING!!!

Need some sound counsel on this.   Smile

2010-01-17 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I just found a 12 week Basic Olympic plan for Silver members on the BT site that looks pretty doable.   It even has the schedule EXACTLY how I train - Bike on Mon; Wed and weekend; Swim on Tue, Thur and weekend, and Run on Tue, Thur and weekend.  Are you able to check that out?    I thought maybe I could follow it and would start tomorrow.   However, I also thought instead of following the BT run workouts would just substitute the ones that I created with the Runner's World Smart Coach.  

See how easily I can get excited.  
2010-01-17 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2618420

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-17 2:38 PM CATHY - Having said what I just did about thinking seriously about Peterborough, I have to admit that if you only did one HIM this season, it should probably be The Canadian. This is just because of the timing, as P-borough is so far out from B2B. On the other hand, T.C. is pretty far out from it as well -- 8 or 9 weeks, would it be? (Actually, that's not all too far.) The other way to do things is to do peterborough just as a reminder of what a HIM feels like, and then keep your long distances as training only from July all the way to B2B. Another advantage to P-boro is that 90 hillyish miles on the bike is a bit more demanding than what you'd find at TC, so you'll hget a sense of what it feels like to work slightly harder on the bike. Another option is Muskoka 70.3, on Sept. 12 or 13, where the bike is both hilly AND over-long (94km instead of 90). But it is at leadst twice the cost of either PB or TC, so thta might not appeal a whole lot. And accommodations up there will be more pricey than either PB or TC. So, there's no clear advantage I can see to choosing one over the other. And if you're near Kingston, the distances must be about the same for you. How about doing both??

hi  Steve... I did Muskoka 70.3 in 2008 and was registered for 2009 but had to cancel (couldn't afford to make the trip last year).  So I've done the Muskoka hills before and definately know what 90k of hills feels like (it hurt!!).  I'll have to think about this for a while.. and Canadian will depend if I get that weekend off and I won't know that until March 15th.

2010-01-17 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Do you think it makes more (any) sense to do two 12 week programs or one 26 week program when my most important race is Muskoka (which I think is 26 weeks away).   The first 12 week one would take me to April 25th then if I start it over again the following week would end the week of Muskoka.  

2010-01-18 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy Birthday Steve

Edited by Dwayne 2010-01-18 6:51 AM
2010-01-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2617734

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-16 8:07 PM RE: BIRTHDAY REQUEST The following GTers are mssing this assignment: Shaun Dee Darren Robyn Linda And Cathy is only partial (although a smaller month than the others, February is still pretty big!)

August 5, 1980

And Happy Birthday Steve!

Edited by smarx 2010-01-18 11:17 AM
2010-01-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
 Birthday Fireworks     HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!  

2010-01-18 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE A, Happy Birthday!! Hope it's a good one, and that you're feeling better.

STEVE B, I'll let the race slide this time, you're off the hook. 

Made it over to the bookstore and got the book that KASIA referenced.  Off work today, so guess I'll try to get something out of it, once I get my house put back together from having the painters over the weekend. 

Was hoping to come in around 35 minutes in my race yesterday ... official time 35:01 (19/130 AG; 1186/3012 OA) ... a 2:08 PR for me on a 5K! I've really been trying to focus on my running in hopes it will better my tri races.  I normally did fairly well on the swim, average on the bike, but the run was really bringing me down.  My first season I was generally around the 75%ile in my AG in my tris; second season, I moved up to about 50%; maybe this year, I can much up a bit more.  I ordered a new swimsuit for added motivation in the pool.  Smile

2010-01-18 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I've come to my senses after a good night sleep and wanted to tell you that I WON"T think of doing the St. Anthony's tri so soon after the bike tour.   Fortunately, it just won't fit into our travel schedule, so that helped.  

I still think I want to do two 12 week oly programs, starting next Monday.  That will give me this week to get totally healthy.   I also like the program because Mike Ricci created it and I trust him.   The 26 week program would just take too much re-work.   I am going to check out the book Kasia mentioned, but I don't really want to spend more money on another book right now.    Looking forward to your suggestions.

2010-01-18 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2618811

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


So many things! And I haven't even addressed the thought of your med person that posterior tibila tendonitis might be your problem. (The quick here is that I have had it, and for me it hasn't been debilitating.)

But later for that.

The funny thing here is that both of the questions you asked, and then later answered, are ones that I would've answered differently. To wit:

I would've said YES! to St.Anthony's, and also I would've been inclined to go with the 26-week plan rather than the two 12-week ones. But especially for the matter of the plans, I'm uneducated about that; that is, I don't know what either of them involves.

As you can tell from the photo spot on my post, I am not a memeber of anything - bronze or silver or gold. Last year I thought about joining silver, just so i could see what people in that group were talking about. So, as I remember, it is not all that expensive, and I should join one of them just so that I am better informed. But for now, I cannot look at that plan.

My first thought about the 26-week one is that it would be more "periodizationized", which is probably a good thing. I also figured that it would not have any "pull-back" time, meaning that once the first 12-week plan is over, the second one starts but not at the same place. But if what you are saying is that the second 12-weeker builds directly onto the first one -- but that each can really stand alone -- then that sounds good. And it's even better if (1) it already follows your schedule of how you do things, and (2) it leads perfectly into Muskoka, and (3) Mike Ricci has set it up. All of those just on their own are great reasons; put 'em together, and it's a dynamite package!

As for St. Anthony's, well, as you know, it's got a great reputation, one of the "gotta-do" races. But my memory is fuzzifying on me, and what I'm thinking is that it's an oly only, with no separate sprint. Is that right? Finishing on Thursday does give you a couple of recovery days, but the bike tour doesn't exactly have a forgiving schedule does it? (I guess not too many of the people on the tour traditionally finish that and then tackle St. Anthony's, huh?) Were I you, I would definitely have it in my radar........but maybe I would just grab my gains from the bike tour and cut my losses by taking the recovery and not jeopardizing it by doing St.A.

Getting back to the plans, is the second 12-week one also for oly? In general, a Muskoka/Ktown type of hybrid is closer to an oly than to a HIM. But the bump-up for the bike and run is significant enough so that a true oly plan might not get you as close as you would want. If those oly pland max-out at the 40km of the bike and the 10km of the run, then that still leaves you 15km and 6.1km short, respectively. (And I'm not mentioning the swim because I think you are comfortable with the 2000m, yes?)

But wait. You will already have done the 90km at Peterborough three weeks before Muskoka, so for that you'll be fine, even better than fine. So, really, that only leaves the extra 6.1 of the run to worry about, between the 10km of an oly and the 15km of Muskoka. And if your 12-week plan has you maxing-out the run at 11km or even 12km, then that'll get you close enough to the 15km of Muskoka to make it doable.

I think I'm just speculating here, balthering away at free-association, almost! And as for Peterborough, is that going to work well with the second 12-week oly pla, or will you be having to make substantial changes in the plan so it accommodates the 90km P-boro ride?

Ain't this fun????

2010-01-18 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2619574

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!



Make it a good one -- no snuffling, wheezing, or horking allowed!

2010-01-18 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2617583

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-01-16 2:43 PM Hi,

Great day! 5k in the morning and I DID THE POLAR PLUNGE in the afternoon



Talk about taking an ice-bath to the extreme!!!
2010-01-18 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!

I treated myself to a gift of swimming and running this morning before coming into work.  Best present ever!

After nothing for Friday and Saturday, come Sunday I had to do something.  Chose to ride instead of run.  My twisted logic being that on race day, I can walk, but I'm not pushing my bike!!!  :-

Did 4 hours on Sunday  (this is the ride link - not sure if it will work)
Actually went another few miles up the road, so did about 64 miles total.  For the most part, the ride was a good thing.  Return climb (the b*&#h!) was more challenging than normal.  I felt it in the lungs on the first climb, but settled in and felt very strong once I got past that.  Second climb section felt very strong.  No wheezing, hacking or other signs of weakness.  Managed to stay in the saddle for almost all of that and was very pleased with the performance in that I think I did well and wasn't too beat afterward.  Overall, the lungs felt like they were clearing up as the ride went along, so that is a good thing.  I feel good today after an hour swim and an hour run.  Even did my Z4 intervals this AM, so I think I'm back.  (still a little sniffle, but otherwise feel fine)

As for the other issues I really feel it’s a couple of things.  First, I don't think I set myself up properly for my build.  Probably working with a little less base than I should have had (all that travel and stomach flu stuff). I think if my base were better, I'd have better responded physically to the build period.  Add to that the fact I didn't adjust the sleep/diet as the mileage/hours started to increase and it's a recipe for disaster.  The gym and all it's bacteria was icing on the cake.   

As for the nutritional concerns, I think you are spot-on.  I am dropping weight and don’t think I’ve adjusted my diet properly given the calories I’m burning.  Thought about this over the weekend and am making some changes – supplementing normal food with some protein bars and Muscle Milk.  Didn’t read your post until today, so we are definitely thinking alike.  Wake-up came when I ate my recovery meal (Muscle Milk and a chicken burrito) after my ride.  Maggie, my wife asked what my caloric burn was (2,700).  To which she did a calculation and advised me that after all I ate/drank on the ride, and ate after, I was still nearly 1,000 calories in the hole with the rest of the day to go.  Bottom line, I'm not refueling enough - especially on the weekend and it's hurting me.   

Lastly, had a good talk with my wife over the weekend.  I’ve been pushing pretty hard after my long weekend workouts to help around the house and yard work the past few weekends.  Trying to do my best to not let the IM take over our lives.  Anyway, we talked and agreed that for the next few weeks, I need to make sure I come back, eat properly, and rest a bit (nap) before jumping into the day.  She was very supportive, so that’s a great help. 

At the end of the day, I'm not one to back off the workouts, so I had better take more time to rest/recharge so that I can keep the body healthier moving forward.

This week's schedule (it's a "rest week", so I get to drop 1 hour of training!  woo-hoo!)

Monday/Wednesday:  swim 1 hr.  Run 1 hr (at 10min, 5x Z4 for 3 min/2 min jog)

Tuesday:  bike :45 spin / run :30 (brick

Thursday: bike 1:00 (4xZ4 for 5 min)

Sat:  4 hr bike / 30 min brick

Sun:  30-min spin / 1.5 hr run



2010-01-18 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2620028

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Testing, 1,2,3....Testing....

Okay, I went to the BT page with all of the Silver plans....I think....and I think I found the ones that you might have been referring to earlier. I think. But I could only go so far with them; however, I can at least see where each discipline at each plan maxes out. Are any of the following the ones you are considering?

Intermediate Olympic -26 weeks - Maximums: B - 3:30; R - 2:00; S - 1:30
Basic Oly. (HR-based) - 12 weeks - Maximums: B - 2:00; R - 1:20; S - 1:15
Basic Oly. (RPE-based) - same as preceding
Sprint-Oly. Bridge - 12 weeks - Maximums: B - 2:10; R - 1:20; S - 1:05

Let me know if any of are what you are thinking about, okay?

2010-01-18 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Bike Question:

Bought trainer wheel yesterday, to save wear on regular wheel.  Once I installed it it was slipping real bad, adjusted the wheel again and was a lot better but still slipping every now and then.  Is there any minor adjustments I need to make, or just try and align wheel again?  I don't want to make major adjustments every time I change wheels.

Diet note:

7- 10 yr old girls knocked on door yesterday selling girl scout cookies.

I couldn't hurt they're feelings and although I couldn't find it I know they have to be good recovery food, so I only bought 6 boxes


Edited by Dwayne 2010-01-18 3:29 PM
2010-01-18 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2620161

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-18 4:17 PM ANNE again - Testing, 1,2,3....Testing.... Okay, I went to the BT page with all of the Silver plans....I think....and I think I found the ones that you might have been referring to earlier. I think. But I could only go so far with them; however, I can at least see where each discipline at each plan maxes out. Are any of the following the ones you are considering? Intermediate Olympic -26 weeks - Maximums: B - 3:30; R - 2:00; S - 1:30 Basic Oly. (HR-based) - 12 weeks - Maximums: B - 2:00; R - 1:20; S - 1:15 Basic Oly. (RPE-based) - same as preceding Sprint-Oly. Bridge - 12 weeks - Maximums: B - 2:10; R - 1:20; S - 1:05 Let me know if any of are what you are thinking about, okay?

Thanks for doing that digging.   Yes, I am considering the first two plans you mentioned:   So you probably figured that the '2nd' 12 weeks is not building on the first - it is just the same plan.  I really would prefer a 26week plan.   Maybe I should forget a BT plan or one out of a book and just work on my own like I did last year???   It did work well, especially in the base foundation period, because it is fairly easy to create workouts (I have alot of resource material to help), but did find it took a fair bit of time.   

That 26 week plan is just way out of line as to the days I like to S/B/R, and it may be easy enough to switch days around in the base phase, when most of it should be relatively easy training, but it will get very tricky when it gets into the race and faster than race pace training.   Do you want to help??? 

I REALLY would like to do St. Anthony's but I promised myself to stick to the plan and that wasn't in the plan plus it is VERY expensive for both of us to do it.   So, we have marked it down for next year.   That will give me a year of racing longer distances.  

The Peterborough race will just be a training race for Muskoka.   Last year at Peterborough they had to have a new bike route out to Pontypool and back because of construction on the old route.  This year looks like it is back to the old route, which Ken and I rode just to make sure we could handle it.   I did not find it difficult nor did I find last year's route difficult.   Mind you I was not 'racing' it - just wanted to get a feel for the distance.    I had some friends who lived in Pontypool just at the turnaround point and felt I should stop for 5 minutes and chat rather than just fly by on my bike, so that slowed down my final pace.  I had to race like crazy to catch everybody, but the bottom line was it was fun, and I knew I could run at the end - just not sure how far. 

Last year my cycling was at the point were 50km rides felt short and 75-80km rides were nice.   The weekend before Peterborough I did a 'test' aqua/bike at Guelph Lake and swam over 2km and then rode 95km+ I think.   For Muskoka, and all my races, the run is going to be my challenge.   

Hope that info helps.  

Just finished 45 minutes on the trainer and felt pretty good.   Going to do 3km run tomorrow and swim.  

Talk soon,

2010-01-18 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy birthday Steve!

Hope you treated yourself today.

2010-01-18 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2618408

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-17 1:23 PM
TRACEY again -

In the coupla hours it took me to get back on here, you got another few responses about breathing. so there's even more for you to think about.

The big advantage to bilateral brreathing is that evens out, or balances, a stroke. That is, there is about the same body rotation happening to both sides in the course of breathing on both sides. And a balanced stroke is cited as a reason of REDUCED shoulder strain -- definitely a good thing.

The qualifier to all of the above is that unless the roatation is equally fluid, and the breathing as effective, than the desired balance will not occur. That's the case for me, mostly, and after a few lengths of bilateral I feel like a star swimmer when I revert back to right-side only. I work at it and work it, with some bilateral EVERY pool session, but my progress with this is as leisurely as the drifting of the continents. So, I mostly remain a right-side breather.

As for every second versus every fourth, I'm every second - that is, every time I can breathe to the right, I do so. BUT, I know that when I breathe every 4th stroke, that enables me to achieve a more balanced rotation overall, just because I am not having to rush the opposite side rotation so as to get back to the right side for the next breath. So, I am most comfortable with breathing every second stroke, but can make every fourth work quite well.

I think you might get a lot out of TI DVD --at least I hope so! Jumping ahead in their standard drill sequence, pay special attention to the "catch-up" drill, which I'm thinking might help your stroke to feel less "frantic" if you decide to work on breathing every second stroke. You're kind of caught between a rock and a hard place here --- in need of more air, but swimming in a frantic fashion when you try to breathe in the most air-maximizing way.

If Mark is following this, then he will have something to say about catch-up drills -- which I not only use as drills, but employ frequently in races. I modify it some in races, but my goal is to get full extention on my reach, which seems to encourage a more powerful pull.

Enjoy the DVD! There is tons of stuff there, and while the goal of TI is to make oit work as a whole, some people find it best to focus on very small segments to begin with. And actually, unless TI has changed some in the past few years, their drills are designed to be tackled one at a time, eventually building to a cohesive whole. But if you like what you see in the "catch-up" movement or any stuff further along, you can certainly give it a try whenever you are swimming.

Glub, glub!

Tracey, Steve, Others
In the current version of TI Easy Freestyle, I am not aware of the 'catch up' drill. I do know what you are referring to, though. I think the closest drill they use right now is 'anchoring your hand' which emphasizes keeping your front hand in place (not pulling) and using your hip-core-shoulder-arm drive to propel you forward. So while you are not bringing your recovering stroke arm up to your lead arm before starting your pull, you do have your lead arm still in front as you begin your stroke.

Here is a link to the online manual that accompanies the Easy Freestyle DVD my need to set up a free account at the TI site to access it). It lists and describes all of the drills for the current TI freestyle.

Hope this is helpful.

2010-01-18 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy Birthday Steve.
2010-01-18 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SteveA - Happy, happy birthday!

Lisa - Congrats on your big race and PB!

2010-01-18 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2620028

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Mighty fine post! I'm glad you gifted yourself with some swimming and running, and that yesterday's ride went well - really well, it sounds like. Your second climb was an improvement over the firts, and most importantly it sounds like you got "weller" as the ride progressed -- less hacking and wheezing, and finally trickling down (as it wee....) to some sniffles. Nice job rolling the dice and winning!

And speaking of winning, if I may say so it sounds as if you definitely won with Maggie. I think you said in your first post that she was very supoortive of the ironplan, but now the evidence is building and it is clear that she could not be any more supportive of you than she is. I mean, not only is she aware that you need some downtime after long workout sbefore you return to the rest of the day, but she's even calculating caloric burn for you! I mean, how many spouses of either gender would get involved to that level?!?

Moving on after the Maggie-rave.....

You might be right about not setting yourself up right for the Build by not having enough Base, but i really think it was the health issues that have been the big factors. Lots of people make it through iron training with far less of a Base than you have, and while I'm not questioning that it could've been "better" without the effects of travel and flu, I'm not sure that a better Base would've enabled you to respond better to the BUild -- IF you are tying that back into health issues, as opposed to relative performance during workouts.

But what you say next about not adequately adjusting sleep and diet to reflect increased mileage and hours, well, that's probably true. As I think I said before, though, that is a very, very difficult thing to do, and I think it's accurate to say that many iron veterans never get it figured out to their satisfaction.

Here are a couple of quick thoughts about calories and such, and I will continue looking into this. I am never sure if I have the right numbers in my head, but in this case I think I'm close enough. So, take this wiuth a gram of sodium (and potassium and magnesium while you're at it!).

Before you long workouts, look to get in somewhere between 200 and 400 calories of good carbohydrates, maybe from about two hours pre-workout. This is obviously harder if you do stuff really early in the morning, but it's also important enough to get up a bit earlier for.

During the long workouts, I think the recommnedation is for 200-500 cal/hour, and as you've figured out already, much of that can come from well-formulated drinks, supplemented by gels, supplemented by bars and pretzels and licorice and other things. (One of my "tricks" in HIM and IM in the past was to have a few baby potatoes, previously boiled and salted, in my Bento Box. Good carbsm, good calories, and a welcome change from sweet stuff!)

The final thing I will say for now is that the carbohydrate window is fully open for about 30 minutes post-workout, and the protein window is best for about an hour after a workout. So even when a long workout leaves you feeling crappy and not wanting to eat, it's really important to stuff carbs and proteins into you according to the times I just mentioned.

And one more final thing is to not expect - or even aim for - to get a perfect caloric balance during the workout. And this also goes for electrolyte loss --- you just cannot reasonably expect to replenish all of the stuff that is lost during a long workout or race. But more on this later, as I have to free up the phone line now.

Oops. I've got a few minutes, so I'll carry on. For the electrolytes (and this is all kind of a digression from nutrition-at-large), one thing to be aware of if not over-hydrating, especially if the hydration comes in the form of water. If I remember correctly from what you've listed for nutrition during your long rides, you are NOT over-dependent on straight water, but rather use a lot of energy drinks. That is generally very good, just because as you well know they are processed to include ample carbs and a decent electrolyte profile.

There is a condition known as hyponatremia, which is technically low levels of sodium, but is more widely the dilution of electrolytes. This is a real problem in longer races, usually HIM and IM distances. There are a lot of people who hyperhydrate before their HIM and IM events, and all that does after a while is dilute their electrolytes, so they enter the race electrolyte-deficient.

Gotta go now, this time for real!

2010-01-18 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2620028

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

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