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2011-08-09 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3636622

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

------------------------------------- THOUGHTS ON A CLOSE CALL TODAY --------------------------------------------------

Riding along a crappy road this afternoon, I saw a sign for "Construction". Shortly after, I came upon a worker sitting on a pylon and I took him to be a signal guy, but becasue he didn't do anything as I approached, I figured his shift was over, construction was done, and he was waiting for the company truck to get him -- all very quick and ill-formed thoughts.

Less than a minute later, the road swooped down to my left and as I entered the descent I saw a truck coming up the hill in my lane, and taking all of the lane (several work trucks were in the other lane). I braked, skidded and fish-tailed, braked and skidded again, and then did the only thing I could -- head onto the very rough shoulder, which was weedy and rutted. that got me out of the path of the triuck (and a car behind it) and I stayed upright until I stopped, when I tipped. No damage to me.

I was too shaken, though, to get my act together and ask the flagman at that end what the hell had happened, but I assumed that the first guy hadn't even radioed that I was coming. It wasn't until about 30 minutes alter that I got really angry, but didn't go back to let my feelings be known.

What I learned:
(1) Again, we can't count on others to protect us when we are riding; we have to be proactive in how we look out for ourselves.
(2) I identified the guy as a signalman, but didn't bother to ask if all was okay up ahead. Lynn thought that was an obvious thing to do, but it never crossed my mind.
(3) Roads were moist, and as usual I was riding with my brakes "open". This is a habit I have from races, but there is no earthly reason to keep them open on training rides. I sure would've braked more decisively had they been closed....but I also wonder whether it would've worsened my skids and fish-tails.
(4) The truck had to have seen me struggling to avoid contact, but certainly didn't stop and maybe didn't even slow down. He might've known the car was right behind him, but in any case it shows how small and insignificant we cyclists can be on the radars of drivers.

Be safe, gang!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-08-10 7:50 AM

2011-08-10 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Got down to 45 last night - had to close the windows to keep warm.


2011-08-10 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3637182

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Not 45 here, but cool enough so that (a) we cooked something in the oven, and (b) we dried stuff in the dryer. We also got steady hard rain for about six hours, so maybe we don't have to worry so much about our well going dry!

2011-08-10 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



My race on Sunday is USAT (only my 2nd, Racine was 1st) and the thought was that it wouldn't be wetsuit legal but maybe these cool temps will change that.  However, the race is about 3 hours south and it's warmer there.

How's West Point look for water temp?  Are you leaving Saturday?  Have you been practicing changing tubes?

2011-08-10 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3637274

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I wonder if West Point will be my first-ever race that is not wetsuit-legal. To that end....I am still doing OWS in my wetsuit!

Changing tubes? No, but trying to find some Higher Power to appeal to has crossed my mind. Problem is, I doubt anyone or anything can hear me. Hello! HELLO!!

My mishap yesterday might've done some damage to my front wheel, and I took it to my LBS post-happening to get them to look at it. I hope it is no more than out-of-true, and the fact that I haven't heard from them is encouraging. I do not want to go to WP withoit race wheels.

(And there's a dumbhead move -- being too lazy to switch out race wheels for the training wheels, so now I have a training "accident" and need to worry about damaging my race whheels. DOH!!!!)

Yes, leaving Saturday -- I hope!!

p.s. I just discovered that on my master list of races done, I had not put down Fronhofer '08. I am flabbergasted that it took me so long to discover its absence!!

2011-08-10 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Good luck to you two this weekend.  I'm doing a local sprint on Saturday for the fourth time and looking to cut 7 minutes off last year's time (which would break 1:30).  Starting at 7:30 rather than 8:30 or later in years past which should help with the heat/humidity.  More importantly, a cold front is supposed to move in over the next couple of days and Sat's lows are supposed to be in mid 70's.  That would be perfect.

My swim has improved and I'm riding my tri bike for the first time, both of which should help somewhat.  However, it always comes down to the run.  Last year I struggled due to heat and, if I'm honest with myself, lack of training.  I've felt pretty strong on my recent training runs particularly last weekend in Chicago where it was fairly cool in the morning.  So, although 7 minutes is a fairly large margin given the relatively short distances involved, I'm pretty confident at this point.

2011-08-11 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Good luck to all the BigSkies racers this weekend.  Go get'em!!
2011-08-11 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

For those of you that have experience with wetsuits.

I have yet to do a wetsuit swim.  Looks like I'm going to do an early 2012 HIM that will require one so I have some questions:

1) Forget about the water temperature for a second but...  Does it really make that much of a difference in swim performance?  I've read a lot about how they add buoyance and change your swim angles but as a MOP swimmer should I expect better performance with one?

2) I don't want to dump a lot of $'s into a wetsuit (most of the races around me don't allow one - so I won't be using it a great deal).  What should I expect to spend for a decent lowend wetsuit?  What would you recommend?  I've seen them advertised on BT (I think Vortex) for $189.

3) Is it really necessary to get fitted for a wetsuit as opposed to just ordering one over the internet?

Any advise/thoughts would be appreciated.

2011-08-11 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3639085

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Jeff, Yes on the wetsuit.

1) It will improve your performance as much as it improves everyone elses so you will be on equal ground (water).

2) Once you start using the wetsuit, you may find you can OWS earlier and later into the season! Maybe someday you may do a tri in a state like Alaska! All of the open water tris here are wetsuit legal.  From emails in my local tri group, BT has the best deals on wetsuits.

3)There are not really any local shops here to get a good deal on a wetsuit so we frequently order online. If there is a local shop in your area with good choices and prices, buy locally. Other option ordering over the internet (this was recommended in our tri group emails) is ordering two and keeping the better fit. Of course you need to check the vendors return policy prior to doing this. We have had luck working with the vendor actually letting them know the intent prior to ordering.

And another thought is, before I bought my wetsuit, I was able to rent one locally. We have one shop that rents ProMotion wetsuits for women only. Check if anyone rents them in your area.

2011-08-11 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3639085

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Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Jeff, you might check with the race promoter to see if anyone is renting wetsuits for that particular event.  The early spring events around here typically have a vendor renting suits onsite.  Another option is to see if any local stores rent them.
2011-08-11 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

My 2 cents worth:

-  Yes, it will make you faster.  I've done some time trials and I'm 12-14 sec/100 yds faster.  However, I'm a very slow swimmer and I have heard that slow swimmers show the most improvement with a wetsuit and elite swimmers the least.  Also, it takes time to get the wetsuit off so you lose time there.  For a 1/4 mile swim, my overall time saved isn't much.

-  I got an Xterra full 2 years ago for $150.  They're always on sale for 1/2 off.  It's not top-of-the-line but I've been perfectly happy with it.  I measured myself and picked the size and ordered online and the fit was fine.  Ordering online is ok - just make sure you check the return policy.


2011-08-11 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3639085

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Good comments from Veronica and Joe, and I'll add a few thoughts that'll probably overlap with some of their thoughts.

Yes to performance, especially once you get used to the buoyancy and the redistribution of balance. Just for the record, today I did two identical swims, first in my fullsuit in 15:24, then in my Point Zero 3 "speedsuit" in 16:50. The latter is mmore efficient than just tri clothes, but obviously less efficient than the fullsuit -- although between swims the chop had kicked up some, plus I was a tad tuckered out from the first swim. But still, the fullsuit definitely helps me!

Yes, you can order on-line, but try to find a place that will accept returns. Many stores and e-dealers will allow a gentle swim in FRESH water, IF you rinse the suit thoroughly after, and IF you do not use any lubricants (BodyGlide, PAM....and Vaseline is always a no-no, never-ever to be used with neoprene!!!). My favorite place to order from is

As for Xterra, that might be a good bet, especially if you don't plan to use it very often. I swim in my wetsuit extensively in-season (since May 29, i have done 44 wetsuit swims!), and so the life expectency of any of my suits is quite short. With two Xterras I have owned, theyy have withstood my demands much less ably than other brands, but again -- if you plan to use yours just a handful (<15?) of times each year, it should last several.

The big problem I have with some of the Xterra suits is that they have a colored lining, and my current one has a red lining that bleeds onto the white parts of my tri tops, effectively ruining them. So if you go for a Xterra, make sure it is just plain old balck inside -- although there is maybe no guarantee that that won't bleed, either, and make your white gray (do I sound like a detergent commercial?)

The Xterra deals are so good that it is worth aiming for one of the mid- or high-range suits, just because it so viciously undercuts the top-of-line suits of other makers.

As for sizing, study the companies' sizing charts carefully, and be honest about your physiognomy. My most recent Xterra was a Medium Long, I think, and that worked for my 6'2", 175 +/- body at the time. Now that I am about 8 pounds lighter, I find it bags in places and that's not ideal at all -- too much excess neoprene to add to drag. In the DeSoto two-piece system, I am 4 in both top and bottom. I love DeSoto, and they have a line that is their budget one and that might be worth looking into. But the two-piece system is not the fastest to remove, although it has two big advantages: (1) low-cut neckline makes for minimal risk of chafing, and (2) the two pieces allow for more arm/shoulder flexibility, and depending on the one-piece suit being used, that difference can be dramatic.

Finally, it's MOP swimmers who stand to realize the best gains with a wetsuit. FOP swimmers need little extra help, and for many they have such perfect mechanics on their own that they find a wetsuit inhibits their skills. BOP swimmers can also gain, but their mechanics are often shaky enough to be compromised some by a wetsuit.

Which early '12 HIM?

2011-08-11 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3637782

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


If you've made most of the adjustments to your tri bike, that should help by a couple of minutes just on its own. And by "adjustments" I don't mean mechanical stuff, but rather than personal -- mostly how best to access the greatest power in the new position. With my first upgrade in '01, from a road bike with soemtri retrofitting to a dedicated tri bike (Cervelo P2K), the difference was substantial. My second upgrade was in '08, from the aluminum P2K to the carbon P2C, and for diffenrent reasons that one was dramatic, too. So I'm hoping for BIG DRAMA for you!

The fact that the swims and runs have improved should also add to some time gains, and then if that weather report can just hold in place........

I'm hoping that recent drops in temp and quite a bit of rain will have served to keep the lkae for my race wetsuit-legal. It sure would be up here, but the race is about 300 miles south of here, at West Point, NY,so I'm not too sure of the weather they have received. I am keeping my fingers crossed, as I have worn in wetsuit in every one of my 85 or so triathlons. Don't want to see that string broken, to be sure!

2011-08-11 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks gang for the wetsuit advice.  I'll probably pull the plug and get one sometime in September.  Lots of good advise that gives me something to think about before purchasing.

Steve - the HIM is the Gator Half.  Local Sarasota triathlon.  I know the race director.

BTW - I'm really excited about the new HITS series triathlons.  Primarily because there are 2 early season races in my neck of the woods (Jan. Naples, FL - 2 hours south & Mar. Ocala, FL - 3.5 hours north).  Plus they are offering just about every distance race (Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full)

I'm hoping they really do well (looks like they have the funding to pull it off).  Anyhow, if any of you decide to do one and want to drop by Sarasota you are more than welcome to stop by our place.  We do have the top rated beach in the USA:


Edited by junthank 2011-08-11 7:34 PM
2011-08-11 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3640189

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Oh. Yeah. You did tell me about Gator at some point, but I had forgotten. Oops!

Just got the new issue of Triathlete, and saw the ad for HITS and that they are planning two races in upstate/midatste New York. I just went to them, along with the one in Naples (what a terrific date, perfect to excite anybody from their mid-winter tri-doldrums!). I would love to do that one, but first need my hip problem to be solved so that I can drive there in something this side of agony. I am fdairly worried about how I will cope driving the 6 or so hours each way to West Point, hoping (a) that I can do it in less than misery, and (b) that it doesn't affect the race. I think the latter will be okay, but as I said -- worried about the former.

Thanks you for the invite too. MORE incentive to get the hip fixed!!

I didn't look at all their races, just the three above, and they sure sdo have a lot of variety within each designated distance-type. It's funny that I can handle variance in sprints and olys, but I'm a real stickler for exactitude for HIM and IM. I did a HIM a few years ago in NJ where the bike was 58 miles, and it makes me nuts that I can't quite perfectly compare that to my other HIMs. Yeah, yeah, i know that's irrational, but there it is.

A race series in the mid-Atlantic, Piranha Sports, started several "Half Lite" races a few years ago, I guess thrying to attract people who aren't quite in full 70.3 shape. I think the half at Naples has a 66mile bike but only an 11mile run, so in effect that will be a "half-lite", as it takes more time to ride 10 miles than to run 2.1.

Getting back to comparable distances, of course I prefer "true" olys (1500k - 40k - 10k), but I'll bet I haven't done more than 10 of those. Usually the bike is longer, and that of course throws off compariosns some. Maybe the diff between thosae and HIM is just the amount of time devoted to training for and actually doing an HIM, and that I want PERFECT distances. But heck -- most swims aren't measured perfectly, anyhow, so then I guess nothing is worth comparing. Bah!

Top-rated beach? Nice!! We've had big rains the last couple of days, and where I swim in the Rideau River is on the opposite shore from the most popluar recreational beach in Ottawa......and there wasn't a soul on it today. So, I guess the gate was locked and there were big signs about eleveated e-coli levels, and there I was -- swimming merrily along! I have yet to meet an e-coli warning sign that I haven't ignored, and so far my system seems to have survived okay. No rashes, my intestinal trauma, no spurious growths anywhere.....just escalated hair-loss and more of a dependence on Viagra . Were there a connection between those two and e-coli......I might have to question my steadfast nose-thumbing at all those warning signs!

2011-08-11 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3640234

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF again -

And maybe also a tendency to make indiscrete comments. Ack!!

2011-08-12 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Good luck Steve and Joe!

Joe - You should post your race otherwise I can't stalk your results - haha.


2011-08-12 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3640523

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Its the Wood River IL sprint tri.  Don't know how much "stalking" you can do but results usually up within a day or two on the web.  I'll post a report pretty quickly.  Weather is holding but now there looks to be a pretty decent chance of storms tonite into tomorrow morning.  It hasn't rained in a month but we wouldn't want to break my streak of raining thruout virtually every event I've competed in during the last 3 years.  Better than a Native American dance - simply sign up for an endurance event!

Either way, I'm pretty confident just not convinced the distances are long enough to guarantee any significant time improvements.  Improved last year about 4 minutes so shaving another 7 or more is doable.  In the end, it all boils down to how I feel on the run.

The nervous energy and anticipation are already kicking in.  Swam an easy 450m this morning and might go for a slow 2 mile run at lunch just to keep the juices flowing.

2011-08-12 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3640234

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

e-coli...  Ha..Ha....  Could also be a contributing factor to why you are so fast? 

stevebradley - 2011-08-11 9:19 PM JEFF -  I have yet to meet an e-coli warning sign that I haven't ignored, and so far my system seems to have survived okay. No rashes, my intestinal trauma, no spurious growths anywhere.....just escalated hair-loss and more of a dependence on Viagra . Were there a connection between those two and e-coli......I might have to question my steadfast nose-thumbing at all those warning signs!

2011-08-12 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3640523

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


No stalking options for me either, I'm afraid. In fact, last year the results were not only slow in coming, but also messed-up; not that it mattered much to me, with my race-marring flat!

It's an odd race. This year is the 22nd for it, but last year was the first time with USAT sanctioning. I think this coincides with the growth of the West Point triathlon team, and probably all of the members of the team are aware of the importance of USAT in their own tri-career development. But even with sanstioning last year, they had a screw-up determining who was a USAT member, and by the time the end-of-season was long past, they were one of the last races to get their results tallied for USAT rankings purposes.

This year looks much more together for them, but it still might be like a late-developing teenager --- lots of years behind him, but still mighty rough around the edges. The run last year was way over-long, with only two competitors going under 20:00 for the supposed 5km. That never happens in sprints, as the best of the best are people who can run 17-, 18-, and 19-minutes 5kms. It's not the easiest run course, but good grief -- only two sub-20??

It's funny that an organization that prides itself on military precision can mess up the distance of an on-road run, but I guess all it takes is one person who's not on their game as the course is measured and marked. On the plus side, however, I think the swim was probably bang-on at 800m. I hope they get the run right this year.....but if not and if it's overlong, that helps me with overall placement!

ANYHOW, all of that is to say that there is no sure chance of quickly-posted results. But for what it's worth, I am #286 and going off at 8:16 in Wave 5.

That's assuming my hip survives the drive getting down there!

2011-08-12 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3640534

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I could probably figure this out with close to 100% exactitude, but my guess is that of the ~104 multisport races I have done, less than 15 have been held in rain, and maybe only 4 of those in heavy or persistent rain. That's a pity for me, as I love racing in hard rain -- especially knowing that most people hate it. I am quite willing to take risks on the bike, which is certainly stupid, but.......

For me, I have the nervous energy building, but without any keen anticipation -- yet. See below somewhere about what is causing me some angst.

May the weather gods treat you as well as you want!

2011-08-12 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3640572

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Well, if that's the case, then serve me up another mess o' e-coli!

2011-08-12 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3641447

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Things eating at me about West Point triathlon:

1.) No motel yet. Inertia?
2.) Will my hip survive the drive?
3.) If not, how might it affect my race??
4.) Will it be wetsuit-legal?
5.) Recent goggle problems with several pairs!!
6.) Is my front wheel "in true" after my mishap a few days ago?
7.) If not, will I pop a spoke?? (This happened at a race in '06, plus once alo on a training ride; NOT FUN!)
8.) WILL I GET A FLAT?? (This ahappened in last year's WPT, and I really botched the changing of it )

Other than that.....I'm fine!

2011-08-12 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



Would it help if you left early so you can stop frequently?

2011-08-12 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3641545

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Probably yes, but I want to be able to get to my P.O. box in right across the border in NY, and the counter isn't open until 9:30, so there's no point in leaving before 8:30 and I want to get there before four to pick up my stuff so I am slightly pressed for time considering that I also want to stop at a bike shop in Lake Placid so that all's where the craziness of tomorrow comes from, at least in part and -- OH, what tangled webs we weave!

Pant, pant, pant -- that run-on sentence simply exhausted me!

Inevitably, I WILL have to stop when it begins to hurt too much, but I really am hoping to micro-manage it as much as possible to avoid taking 37 stops or so.

I got a motel room, but it wasn't easy -- Sunday is also West Point graduation. I am in the same place as last year, but with a seller's-market mark-up if about $30 more than last year. Drats.

Is Nevis a travel one for you as well?

HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT IT (the race, that is)? You've been mighty quiet, other than to speculate that you will use your old bike for it. Is the Trek in your hands yet? And??

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