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2009-07-04 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

And....*its the most wonderful time... of the year*

2009-07-05 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2261351

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-07-04 11:11 AM

And....*its the most wonderful time... of the year*

Well, it *would* be. If Slugger had let me just watch the TdF. But noooooooo. She wanted a run challenge. And she didn't want to organize it herself. And since I ran one LAST month, I didn't want to run one THIS month. And so, the Slugger vs TaserDee challenge resulted.

And now, I have to actually get outside and run wog.


Oh, and Shawn is going to pick sides.

(Go ahead, Shawn. Pick....)

2009-07-05 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2262644

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
D001 - 2009-07-05 12:02 PM
kaqphin - 2009-07-04 11:11 AM

And....*its the most wonderful time... of the year*

Well, it *would* be. If Slugger had let me just watch the TdF. But noooooooo. She wanted a run challenge. And she didn't want to organize it herself. And since I ran one LAST month, I didn't want to run one THIS month. And so, the Slugger vs TaserDee challenge resulted. And now, I have to actually get outside and run wog. *sigh* Oh, and Shawn is going to pick sides. (Go ahead, Shawn. Pick....)

Wait - why am I getting dragged into this?  I am completely innocent in this whole thing, I tell you, INNOCENT!  Embarassed

2009-07-05 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Oh - I did my first "nearly-a-tri" today (500m swim, 6 mile bike (it was advertised as 8 but I think it was changed) and 3 mile run.  I feel good about it overall.  On the down side, as you all know, I run like the stay-puffed marshmellow man terrorizing Manhattan, but as I told my TDF challenge group, I also learned that I do transitions about as quickly as a teenage girl choosing an outfit.  At least my swim and bike went as well as I could have hoped.

There's a write up on the race in my log for today, if anyone is interested.  I like to blather on, so I didn't bother posting it here.  My thanks and appreciation to all of your for your guidance and support over the past couple of months.  One small step for Clydesdales, one giant leap for me...or something like that.  Cool

Here are my official times...


2009-07-06 5:53 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats Shawn and nice job Triathlete!!!!!  You have come a long way!!! you should be proud of yourself!!!
2009-07-06 6:04 AM
in reply to: #2262644

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-07-06 2:02 AM
kaqphin - 2009-07-04 11:11 AM

And....*its the most wonderful time... of the year*

Well, it *would* be. If Slugger had let me just watch the TdF. But noooooooo. She wanted a run challenge. And she didn't want to organize it herself. And since I ran one LAST month, I didn't want to run one THIS month. And so, the Slugger vs TaserDee challenge resulted. And now, I have to actually get outside and run wog. *sigh* Oh, and Shawn is going to pick sides. (Go ahead, Shawn. Pick....)

Dee - it is good of you... I think you arekind of enjoying it to!

The thread in the challenge forum is well worth a read if anyone hasnt seen it!

2009-07-06 6:05 AM
in reply to: #2263494

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sulcus - 2009-07-06 12:36 PM Oh - I did my first "nearly-a-tri" today (500m swim, 6 mile bike (it was advertised as 8 but I think it was changed) and 3 mile run.  I feel good about it overall.  On the down side, as you all know, I run like the stay-puffed marshmellow man terrorizing Manhattan, but as I told my TDF challenge group, I also learned that I do transitions about as quickly as a teenage girl choosing an outfit.  At least my swim and bike went as well as I could have hoped.

There's a write up on the race in my log for today, if anyone is interested.  I like to blather on, so I didn't bother posting it here.  My thanks and appreciation to all of your for your guidance and support over the past couple of months.  One small step for Clydesdales, one giant leap for me...or something like that.  Cool

Here are my official times...


Congratulations TRIATHLETE!!! Way to go today! I hope its the first of many

2009-07-06 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Rude-DADDY-dog   ~~~   Congratulations  Is this your first???  Kids are just the coolest little creatures!

Shawn - nice job on your race

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!!!

2009-07-06 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2263494

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-07-05 10:36 PM

Oh - I did my first "nearly-a-tri" today (500m swim, 6 mile bike (it was advertised as 8 but I think it was changed) and 3 mile run.  I feel good about it overall.  On the down side, as you all know, I run like the stay-puffed marshmellow man terrorizing Manhattan, but as I told my TDF challenge group, I also learned that I do transitions about as quickly as a teenage girl choosing an outfit.  At least my swim and bike went as well as I could have hoped.

There's a write up on the race in my log for today, if anyone is interested.  I like to blather on, so I didn't bother posting it here.  My thanks and appreciation to all of your for your guidance and support over the past couple of months.  One small step for Clydesdales, one giant leap for me...or something like that.  Cool

Here are my official times...



Although, I was drinking some Gatorade when I read the line about the Stay-puft Marshmallow.... And I ended up spitting it all over myself....

Great job, Shawn!

2009-07-06 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
My first sprint tri is 3 weeks from this coming Sunday so I figure I have about 3 more weeks from today of good training in before my taper. I want to do a few bricks, a long ride and maybe a mini tri with transitions (on my own) in preparation.

The triathlon is Sunday August 2nd Distances : .8K (.5 mile) swim, 25K (15.5 mile) bike, 5K (3.1 mile) run

Any suggestions on what I should do for my bricks, long ride and mini self tri?
Because of my knee I am trying to take it easy on the running and keep it to a max of 2 miles.
I am currently riding 10-20 miles 2-4 times a week (and doing more for the TdF challenge) and swimming about 1000-1200 meters 2-3 times a week.

Edited by losta 2009-07-06 9:23 PM
2009-07-07 1:55 AM
in reply to: #2263494

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-07-05 9:36 PM Oh - I did my first "nearly-a-tri" today (500m swim, 6 mile bike (it was advertised as 8 but I think it was changed) and 3 mile run.  I feel good about it overall.  On the down side, as you all know, I run like the stay-puffed marshmellow man terrorizing Manhattan, but as I told my TDF challenge group, I also learned that I do transitions about as quickly as a teenage girl choosing an outfit.  At least my swim and bike went as well as I could have hoped.

There's a write up on the race in my log for today, if anyone is interested.  I like to blather on, so I didn't bother posting it here.  My thanks and appreciation to all of your for your guidance and support over the past couple of months.  One small step for Clydesdales, one giant leap for me...or something like that.  Cool

Here are my official times...


Congratulations Shawn!  You are a Triathlete!

No shame in your game...  looks like you'll break 30:00 5k before the end of this season.

2009-07-07 1:57 AM
in reply to: #2265196

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-07-07 4:41 AM
Sulcus - 2009-07-05 10:36 PM Oh - I did my first "nearly-a-tri" today (500m swim, 6 mile bike (it was advertised as 8 but I think it was changed) and 3 mile run.  I feel good about it overall.  On the down side, as you all know, I run like the stay-puffed marshmellow man terrorizing Manhattan, but as I told my TDF challenge group, I also learned that I do transitions about as quickly as a teenage girl choosing an outfit.  At least my swim and bike went as well as I could have hoped.

There's a write up on the race in my log for today, if anyone is interested.  I like to blather on, so I didn't bother posting it here.  My thanks and appreciation to all of your for your guidance and support over the past couple of months.  One small step for Clydesdales, one giant leap for me...or something like that.  Cool

Here are my official times...


CONGRATULATIONS! Although, I was drinking some Gatorade when I read the line about the Stay-puft Marshmallow.... And I ended up spitting it all over myself.... Great job, Shawn!

As long as you didnt get it on your computer... its sticky... and hard to clean off anything!

2009-07-07 2:22 AM
in reply to: #2257346

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-07-01 9:44 PM

Ok - so we are all a bit quiet at the moment.. when you check in give us an update!

I want to know:

- How is your training going?

- How is your eating going?

- What goals are you still working towards? - could

- What else is going on in your life?

Ok, so I'm guilty of being out of the loop, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

- Training:  I made my trainer a victim of the recession and cut her down to one day a week, unfortunately, not having a scheduled time also meant missing workouts.  This month I'm looking to lift weights twice/week and then add in 2-3 days of stationary bike and walking.

- Eating:  My achilles heel...  I love to eat good food, and if it's really good, I can fall into recreational eating really fast.  I think I'm going to try to set a reminder on my computer at work to eat something every two hours instead of waiting to be hungry and eating too much.

- Goals:  Find time to replace my car and stop hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock and get in some pre-work workouts.

- Life:  I have no life right now...  as the company I work for continues to go down the path of becoming a public company, it's all auditors all the time.  Already starting to look at what races are availble in March/April since the doctor says no running until September/October.

2009-07-07 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
So I just thought I would check in. My pinky is back to normal and my knee is holding up really well to my training. Im getting pretty excited about my first tri of the year coming up as well as starting med school.

How has everyone else been??

Btw..someone copied my BT name!!! Now there is a patchadams and a Patch-Adams!
2009-07-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2263494

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-07-05 10:36 PM Oh - I did my first "nearly-a-tri" today (500m swim, 6 mile bike (it was advertised as 8 but I think it was changed) and 3 mile run.  I feel good about it overall.  On the down side, as you all know, I run like the stay-puffed marshmellow man terrorizing Manhattan, but as I told my TDF challenge group, I also learned that I do transitions about as quickly as a teenage girl choosing an outfit.  At least my swim and bike went as well as I could have hoped.

There's a write up on the race in my log for today, if anyone is interested.  I like to blather on, so I didn't bother posting it here.  My thanks and appreciation to all of your for your guidance and support over the past couple of months.  One small step for Clydesdales, one giant leap for me...or something like that.  Cool

Here are my official times...


Congrats!!!  Great job!
2009-07-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi all.  Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm sick...sinus infection...going to the doc today to get an antibiotic.  I'm not dragging this one out.  Gotta get well so I can get back to swimming, biking and running

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

2009-07-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone is doing well!!  (Feel better soon Crews!)

Sorry I have been MIA for a week or so.  I took last week off from training after competing in my race on the 28th.  I know I probably should have jumped right back into a routine, but it was 4th of July week and I just wanted some downtime.  This week I'm back to a training plan.  My next tri is the Wilmington YMCA Sprint Tri at Wrightsville Beach on September 19th!  I'm doing the 2xbalanced 16 week sprint plan...but starting in on week 5 since I only have 11 weeks until the 19th.  I feel ok about doing that this since I have already been training to an extent.  This time around I want to be more comitted to my training (so race day isn't so hard!) and I've been focusing on my eating too (getting my weight down will really help).  No wine till the weekend!  and I've been making these "Green Monster" smoothies that I read about on healthy eating blogs I read...YUM they are awesome.  I just posted some pictures in an album from the Kure Beach Tri if anyone is interested  I still haven't gotten around to writing a race report yet, but I still intend to.  I also started doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred this week for my "weight training"'s going well so far.  I love that it's only 20 minutes so that way I still have plenty of time to get my training plan workouts in! YAY  Happy Wednesday to everyone!!
2009-07-08 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2268173

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
patchadams - 2009-07-07 3:52 PM

Btw..someone copied my BT name!!! Now there is a patchadams and a Patch-Adams!

LOL, no wonder I was confused. I saw a post by Patch-Adams, but it wasn't you.

2009-07-08 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2270137

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
D001 - 2009-07-08 11:59 AM
patchadams - 2009-07-07 3:52 PM Btw..someone copied my BT name!!! Now there is a patchadams and a Patch-Adams!
LOL, no wonder I was confused. I saw a post by Patch-Adams, but it wasn't you.

Yeah, it took me a couple of minutes to figure that one out as well.  For the right to use the name, we should just have the two of them rumble in THUNDERDOME!

"Two Patch Adams enter, one Patch leaves!" 
2009-07-08 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2270461

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-07-08 1:28 PM

D001 - 2009-07-08 11:59 AM
patchadams - 2009-07-07 3:52 PM Btw..someone copied my BT name!!! Now there is a patchadams and a Patch-Adams!
LOL, no wonder I was confused. I saw a post by Patch-Adams, but it wasn't you.

Yeah, it took me a couple of minutes to figure that one out as well.  For the right to use the name, we should just have the two of them rumble in THUNDERDOME!

"Two Patch Adams enter, one Patch leaves!" 

Heh, I like Shawn. He has cool ideas.

Of course, now I'm signing Tina Turner's "We don't need another hero" in my head.

2009-07-08 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2269785

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

crews - 2009-07-09 12:14 AM

Hi all.  Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm sick...sinus infection...going to the doc today to get an antibiotic.  I'm not dragging this one out.  Gotta get well so I can get back to swimming, biking and running

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

Hope you feel better soon!!! Rest up and get better.... then you will be able to train at full strength

2009-07-09 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2271704

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Cat, have you checked the BT user listings lately?

2009-07-09 11:56 PM
in reply to: #2274511

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-07-10 9:36 AM Hey Cat, have you checked the BT user listings lately?

Am I not #1 anymore?

2009-07-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2275172

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-07-10 12:56 AM

D001 - 2009-07-10 9:36 AM Hey Cat, have you checked the BT user listings lately?

Am I not #1 anymore?

Sacre bleu - how can this be?
2009-07-10 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2275595

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sulcus - 2009-07-10 11:23 PM
kaqphin - 2009-07-10 12:56 AM

D001 - 2009-07-10 9:36 AM Hey Cat, have you checked the BT user listings lately?

Am I not #1 anymore?

Sacre bleu - how can this be?

Well... I havent checked but Icouldnt work out what else Dee might be onabout...

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