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2011-08-12 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3641661

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


See you Sunday evening or Monday morning, post-race.

JOE and DENISE, have great days!

2011-08-13 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Report listed.  Wow, what a difference 20 degrees and a flat course make.  My goal was to shave 7 minutes off last year's time and break 1:30.  Finished in 1:29:10.

Had a little trouble staying in my lane in the pool of all places (see report) but felt good about my bike and run both.  Did I mention I reached my goal?

Very well run event.  Seemed to be few more casual competitors and first timers this year based upon the number of hybrid or mountain bikes.  The winner is always around 1 hour which continues to amaze me.  One would have to swim like a dolphin, average around 25 mph and run better than 6 minute miles.

Race buddy finished this time (DNF last 2 events this year due to crashes, injuries) and beat me by only 2 minutes.  in years past, he typically beat me by 8-10 minutes.  I passed him on the bike, he caught me about 1.5 miles into the run, we ran together for awhile before I realized I probably couldn't keep that pace for another couple of miles.  I'd like to take credit based upon my improved conditioning, but honestly might have more to do with his still being somewhat hobbled.  Either way, I had a hell of a time, am enjoying my first of many cold Budweisers and will probably take a nap later this afternoon.

Next event is a 5/22 mile biathlon mid-September.  Then considering a century ride in October with some guys I work with.  Next year moving up to an Oly!

2011-08-14 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3642129

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Glad you had a good time and met your goals Joe.

jrhesq - 2011-08-13 2:44 PM

Report listed.  Wow, what a difference 20 degrees and a flat course make.  My goal was to shave 7 minutes off last year's time and break 1:30.  Finished in 1:29:10.

Had a little trouble staying in my lane in the pool of all places (see report) but felt good about my bike and run both.  Did I mention I reached my goal?

Very well run event.  Seemed to be few more casual competitors and first timers this year based upon the number of hybrid or mountain bikes.  The winner is always around 1 hour which continues to amaze me.  One would have to swim like a dolphin, average around 25 mph and run better than 6 minute miles.

Race buddy finished this time (DNF last 2 events this year due to crashes, injuries) and beat me by only 2 minutes.  in years past, he typically beat me by 8-10 minutes.  I passed him on the bike, he caught me about 1.5 miles into the run, we ran together for awhile before I realized I probably couldn't keep that pace for another couple of miles.  I'd like to take credit based upon my improved conditioning, but honestly might have more to do with his still being somewhat hobbled.  Either way, I had a hell of a time, am enjoying my first of many cold Budweisers and will probably take a nap later this afternoon.

Next event is a 5/22 mile biathlon mid-September.  Then considering a century ride in October with some guys I work with.  Next year moving up to an Oly!

2011-08-15 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3642129

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Hey! You met your goal!

No! Wait! You EXCEEDED your goal!!

I enjoyed your report, and am still puzzling over how you managed to make it under the rope ands into the next lane without realizing it on your own. Neat trick!

That's a novel way to send off people, by the order in which they signed up. You were wise to sign up early, to be sure.

It sounds like your new bike is a gem, based on the people you passed and how few (! !) passed you. Very fine reward for your investment, huh?

I'm not sure I've written this here, but one way to dial it back at the end of the bike AND get your running legs into the program is the following to do during the final mile:
Get your gearing into the big ring and one of your small cogs, and get out of the saddle for about 10-15 seconds. Go back to your previous gearing for about 10 seconds, then switch to small ring and one of the middle cogs, and spin it up some for 10-15. Return again to "normanl" gearing for whatever terrain you are on, stick with that for maybe 30 econds, then repeat the sequence again. (And a third time if it is feeling good.)

The ones that wake up my running legs are the out-of-saddle efforts, and I will do a couple more of those for olys and half-irons. I usually don't bother with them anymore for sprints, but back when I used to do the above sequence for any distance -- when I remembered, that is!

As for the stitch....did I suggest a couple of things to you manyy months ago? If not, here goes:
1.) Breathe really foecefully each time the foot on your stich-side hits the ground. That would be big grunts, almost, really bellowsing out the air.
2.) Try digging your fingers right up and into the diaphragm on the offending side. Explore some if needed, trying to find a place of relief.
3.) As you start the run, go slower than you might like and also work on breathing midfully. Get complete (as much as possible) control of your breathing patterns, and try to make them as fluid and regular as you can.

Finally, REALLY wise to let your buddy carry on without you. Discretion can definitely be the better part of valor, and recognizing you're in too deep is much better sooner than later.

Great race, huge congrats on accomplishing what you set out to do!!!!!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-08-15 1:25 PM
2011-08-15 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3644346

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JOE again -

I better be careful what I wish for, and I'm thinking about the comment I made a few days ago that I seldom race in rain, even though I love it when it happens. Well, it sure happened yesterday, and I gotta admit it wasn't the greatest of conditions. (My prelim report will be just below, with a longer one to follow.)

2011-08-15 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3644353

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


A full report will follow when full results are posted, but for now just a quick summary of West Point Triathlon.

--It poured throughout.
--Wetsuits were legal, thanks to rain during the week.
--Great swim, I am sure, but having seen splits to compare myself with. (All my winter's work may have paid off!)
--Crash early (like, first minute) on bike. No real physical damage, but lost 3-4 minutes, mostly in searching for one of my cleats.
--Longer story to this, but it was all my stupidity trying to multi-task on a sketchy stretch of soaked road.
--Good bike once I recommenced, but the deluge was cause for some caution.
--Didn't war any sunglasses on the bike, first time ever. Smart move,as at least I didn't have to peer through blur.
--Strong run on tough course.
-- 2/?? in age group; 14 were reigistered but I doubt that many raced.
--That guy who beat me did so by about 3:17 -- about the time I was on the side of the road, finding my show and getting the bike re-arranged. (This is a guty I beat at Lake George last September. Grrr!)
--No results posted yet, and as of yesterday it was just total time, with no splits and no complete a.g. listings (but there was a list of top three in each a.g.) Grrr again!

Two tries at West Point, two mishaps on the bike, two second-place age-group finishes. Part of me says to return next year (third time is the charm, right??), part of me says to get out and cut my losses!


2011-08-15 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3644353

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks for the input regarding side stitches. I knew about digging your finger into your side and that has worked in the past.  This time it never  got bad enough where it really affected me, it was just kinda hanging around for a while which made me wonder if it was going to get worse. 

Its still the damndest thing how I got under that rope.  My only thought is I kept drifting to the right into the rope, would stop and reset my course.  Might have stood up and dolphin dived under the rope before resuming stroke.  Must have been at the end of the lane because I didn't run into anyone going the other way.

It definitely pays to sign up early for this race although the weather was so beautiful Sat. that it never got too hot.

Love the tri bike.  Went sockless for first time so that saved few seconds, too.  Thighs were burning somewhat on the last lap of the bike but surprisingly my legs felt very fresh at the start of the run.  In fact, I had to consciously dial it back a bit to save some energy.  Weather was deciding factor, I think.  Still nice today and just returned from 5 mile run over lunch hour.  Might do another last minute sprint this weekend.

2011-08-15 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Just read this - so sad. 

I know we were joking last week about e-coli but this really got my attention today.  Be careful with your OWS's folks!!


2011-08-15 5:09 PM
in reply to: #3644369

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-15 2:39 PM GANG!  I THINK I WILL RETURN!!

That's the spirit Steve.  Just stop giving XMAS gifts to your fellow competitors!!

2011-08-15 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Congrats on your race.  The new tri bike sounds great.  Doesn't it drive you nuts not to know your leg times?

The best part of your race report is your list of post-race food: pizza, doughnuts, fried chicken.  The last thing I want after a race is dry bagels and bananas which is usually what I get.


2011-08-15 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


How could you have another bike mishap?  You don't sound very depressed about it.  Of course you'll go back.

I've heard about all the rain on the east coast - 2 guys almost drowned in an elevator in NY.

Waiting to hear more - exactly what your part was in this mishap?????


2011-08-15 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I am a lucky lady.  At one point, I was trying to decide whether to do Racine in July or Steelhead in August and I decided on Racine.  I just heard today that Steelhead was turned into a duathlon because of weather.


2011-08-15 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

I am wiped out today.

Sat - Nevis sprint - overall 162/249 - age group 1/3

 I was a little concerned about a 59yo moving up to my age group this year but I beat her.  I have a new sprint run strategy that I used for both races this weekend.  I don't try to pace - I just run hard even if it means I have to walk a bit toward the end.  It worked.  I had a tri run pr at Nevis and YWCA run was 2nd best.  (Although my extra run training for the 1/2 may be partly or mostly responsible - there's always variables)

Sun - YWCA sprint - overall 375/971 - age group 1/5

This was a womens' only and attracted a lot of newbies.  That's why my overall ranking is so high - probably the only time I'll ever be in the top half.

In T2, another woman in my age group was leaving just as I came in and I didn't think I passed her on the run, so I was shocked at awards when I got 1st.  I asked her what happened and she said she got diarrhea and had to run in the bushes.  I told her I was sorry but she said "Anything can happen".  I won an ipod shuffle and a Best Buy gift certificate.


2011-08-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3644918

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Fantastic weekend for you, just about as dreamy as you could imagine, yes? First, you actually had competition this weekend. Second, you have figured out a very workable and doable run strategy. Third, you got some good awards stuff. Wowzers!

At times that woman's approach -- "Anything can happen" -- is the only sensible and sanity-saving way to view mishaps. I am still in wailing-and-gnashing-of-teeth mode about my crash, and especially how it cost me those coveted USAT points......but it really is the way things go. Moreover, I really can't blame anyone but myself for what happened, as I had choices, weighed them for about 20 seconds, went with the riskier option just to presumably save a few seconds, and paid some sort of price.

I know that all sounds vague, and I will detail it later. It is probably instructive, and at least for me it is proving VERY instructive -- or so I'm trying to tell myself to maybe "justify" what happened. It is also interesting to view yesterday "off-road" jaunt in light of the one I took just five days earlier, and I think that Tuesday's was good prep for yesterday. Of course, I wouldn't want either to happen to anyone else, but sometimes clouds have silver linings -- or something like that?

Is this two years straight that Steelhead has been duathlonized? If not two straight, than two out of three. I have often wondered how awful it would be for people doing their first HIM or IM to have the event turned into a duathl;on. Even poor swimmers would have misgivings, just because there's always the asterisk next to it, and it's hard to address questions afterwards. I am obviously pleased for you that you got the whole and pure 70.3!

Onwards to some numbers!

2011-08-15 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3645017

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

But first, pre-numbers, was it fun to do two back-to-back? Is it a lifestyle to which you could think about becoming accustomed?

I am looking at Nickel City Tri in Buffalo the last weekend in Sept -- oly Saturday, sprint Sunday. Care to join me? Will we see you there? Huh? Huh?

2011-08-15 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3645018

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Pre-report numbers

2/11 M60-64
68/462 overall

2/11 a.g.; 93 o.a.

2/11 a.g.; 138 o.a.

4/11 a.g.; 94 o.a.

1/11 a.g.; 131 o.a.

1/11 a.g.; 70 o.a.

--Of the 40 in my M55+ wave, I was 4th in swim. That never happens, nor does an overall swim time in the upper 30%. I am really, really pleased with that, and am sure my winter focus paid off!
--Run in top 15% o.a. is rare, too; upper 20-25% is more common.
--Run rarely bests the bike for me, with the bike usually the one in the top 15%. Close to top 20% yesterday, but still make me gnash teeth to realize what I lost by being careless and ending up hitting the deck. Argghhh!
--Neither T-time thrills me. I have gotten slower at those over the years, I am sure, but I'm not sure why exactly. I thought T2 was going to place much higher overall than it did (and come to think of it, same for T1! ).

Detailed report....shortly?

2011-08-15 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3644902

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
DENISE once more -

Although I will say this again in my report, I will do it now -- maybe just to exorcise those demons!

My role in the mishap? ALL my role. You know that I keep my cleats on my pedals, and I jump on the bike at the mount line and go to the work of slipping the feet in as early as possible and when things are relatively flat; yes? To do this maneuver, let's say I'm working on the right foot, I put my left arm on my aerobars, elbow squarely on the pad. That lowers me enough so I can bend to my right, reach a finger on the inside of my ankle to the back of the shoe, hold it open, and then slip in foot. I then do the other foot, and when both feet are in I pull the velcro flap tight. I know that this is not the most stable position to ride in, but it's the only one that works -- and work perfectly it has, hundreds of times in races and training.

At West Point, >99% of the bike is on a beautiful highway with wide shoulders AND which is closed to traffic during the race. It is a very safe place to do my technique, but last year I chose to do it (completely successfully) on the <1% of the course that is lousy, that being the access road from the highway into Camp Bruckner. This is a winding road, and is in quite poor shape in terms of bumps and cracks and stuff. It is probably mostly safe enough on days like last year - sunny and dry - but yesterday it was raining hard and the road was soaked and the bumps and cracks were partially obscured by the puddles.

As I departed the mount line and quickly got up to decent speed, I went through my two options -- get feet in before the highway so I could take full advantage of the speed option there, or play it safe and wait until the highway. I chose the first option.....and beyond that I'm not quite sure what happened. I had come out of a sweeping curve about 30 yards before and was on a straightaway (of sorts), and I knew there were bumps and puddles, and one of three things happened: I hit a bump and swerved; I hit a bump/puddle combo and swerved; I took my eye off the road to look down, and when I looked up I was angling off the road. (I think it was either the first or third.)

The shoulder had a narrow edging of gravel, and I knew I shouldn't try to swerve back on that surface or I would go down. So I bailed for the wider grassy verge, but as it was pouring and the grass was soaked, my braking was destined to fail. I think I realized this, and maybe tried to put my bare feet down to help stop me some, but I don't remember doing that. What I do remember is one last quick fishtail and I was down and my bike made a lot of noise and I didn't feel anything painful.

Within moments a woman went past and asked if I was okay, and I told her yes -- which really did seem to be the truth. I got up and looked around and there were my two bottles (one for drink, one for tools) on the ground, and one cleat.....and looking at the pedals there was no other cleat. I then surveyed the whole scene -- no cleat. That began a search, and while searching I realized how lucky I was. Above the grass, of course, was the road and shoulder -- both bad to land on. Below the grass was a toxic-looking thorny border to a slough in which were lots of snags. Had I gone into the thorns, that would've been wicked*; had I gone into the slough, I could've been impaled.

It took over two minutes just to find the cleat, which was lodged in one of the continuous borders of the thorn plants. At one point I even waded into the slough wondering if it had flown in there, but no.

About when the woman asked if I was okay, I had formed the thought that what just happened was going to cost a minute of time. Then when I realized I was missing a shoe and it wasn't anywhere obvious, I knew it was going to be more than a minute; I was on the damn clock again. I also had to straigthen out my gearing and get my chain back engaged, as it was off both the front and back.

I didn't feel I went down that hard, but the kind of disarray I found suggested that I was indeed going fast (Iknew that anyhow) and landed with impact -- but the grass made a soft landing for me. Only over the course of the next eight hours did I accumulate some "injuries" -- first the sight of many scratches, then a rawish spot on my right thigh, then a huge bruise on my left forearm, then a sore back, and finally, upon returning home, the * above -- loads of little thorn splinters in my feet and hands, mostly. I guess they were on the ground, and embedded in me on impact. Most are deep and won't come out until they are good and ready, damn it all. was all my impatience and stupidity and just taking too much of a cavalier attitude to that manuever. It might be like people who operate dangerous equipment for a living, or even those who are full-time butchers, and after a certain number of years without mishap they take their eyes off the task at hand, or minimize the potential danger, and........

Of course, had that happened to me on the highway I would've had a very awful encounter with a completely unforgiving surface, so as a way to maybe learn a lesson, I ended up okay. I think.

There! That's the story of my role in the crash. DOH!!!!!!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-08-16 5:00 PM
2011-08-15 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3645066

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE not-out-of-woods-yet!

No, not too depressed. All my time doing Yoga since March has worked some Buddhist thoughts in me, trying to be less tightly-wound about things that in the grand scheme aren't really that important. And as your a.g. cohort said, anything can happen. That being the case ---- what's a body to do?

Really? Two guys almost drowned in an elevator? Jeezum! But it was really something at times yesterday, almost of biblical proportions. On one long screaming downhill I was going full out, in the aero position, trying to gain back time, and watching the rain run diagonally across the road......and I knew I was cruisin' for a brusin' at that rate. So, on subsequent descents I was much more cautious, and just very thankful that I made it out of that one screamer in one piece. My max speed on my computer was 65.9kmh, which is about 41mph, which was stupidly fast to do that descent in those conditions.

All that rain, though, and neither a clap of thunder or a falsh of lightning -- just pure, unexpurgated deluge. Kind of nifty, actually, but just not great to race in. Plus, they didn't reopen transition until about 10:30, so most people wandered around in wet clothes for a long time, with the only refuge being an unheated Barth Hall. Better than no actual building at all, I guess!

Good night!
2011-08-16 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3645092

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-15 9:45 PM DENISE not-out-of-woods-yet! No, not too depressed. All my time doing Yoga since March has worked some Buddhist thoughts in me, trying to be less tightly-wound about things that in the grand scheme aren't really that important. And as your a.g. cohort said, anything can happen. 

My daughter was home last week and we took her and her friends out for dinner.  I, at one point, was complaining about something and she said "1st world problem,mom" (as opposed to "3rd world problem" like not having water to drink).  That phrase has constantly been popping into my head whenever I feel negative about something.  Doing wonders for my attitude.

I just got back from being interviewed by the summer intern at our local weekly newspaper.  An old lady who does triathlons is newsworthy in a town of 900 - haha.


2011-08-16 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3644918

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-08-15 8:00 PM

I am wiped out today.

I won an ipod shuffle and a Best Buy gift certificate.

Sounds like you have a good reason to be wiped out Denise.  Nice work. 

Keep accumulating those winning prizes Densie.... won't be long and you will be qualified as a professional triathlete!! 

2011-08-16 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3644369

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-15 2:39 PM GANG! A full report will follow when full results are posted, but for now just a quick summary of West Point Triathlon. --It poured throughout. --Wetsuits were legal, thanks to rain during the week. --Great swim, I am sure, but having seen splits to compare myself with. (All my winter's work may have paid off!) --Crash early (like, first minute) on bike. No real physical damage, but lost 3-4 minutes, mostly in searching for one of my cleats. --Longer story to this, but it was all my stupidity trying to multi-task on a sketchy stretch of soaked road. --Good bike once I recommenced, but the deluge was cause for some caution. --Didn't war any sunglasses on the bike, first time ever. Smart move,as at least I didn't have to peer through blur. --Strong run on tough course. -- 2/?? in age group; 14 were reigistered but I doubt that many raced. --That guy who beat me did so by about 3:17 -- about the time I was on the side of the road, finding my show and getting the bike re-arranged. (This is a guty I beat at Lake George last September. Grrr!) --No results posted yet, and as of yesterday it was just total time, with no splits and no complete a.g. listings (but there was a list of top three in each a.g.) Grrr again! Two tries at West Point, two mishaps on the bike, two second-place age-group finishes. Part of me says to return next year (third time is the charm, right??), part of me says to get out and cut my losses! I THINK I WILL RETURN!!


STEVE!! Oh man, I see further down you say what happened in your crash!! I am so glad you are OK.  Sounds like you had an awesome race all-in-all considering the crash!! 

2011-08-16 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hi everyone!!

Sorry I have been absent lately!! I have been very busy with this little guy.  His name is Porter.


Porter_sm.jpg (37KB - 6 downloads)
2011-08-16 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Ok one more picture, because everyone loves puppy pictures, right?  Honest, I will start training and posting again soon.


P8130354.JPG (62KB - 6 downloads)
2011-08-17 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3646622

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
manfarr1974 - 2011-08-16 9:59 PM

Ok one more picture, because everyone loves puppy pictures, right?  Honest, I will start training and posting again soon.


Cute.  Congrat's to the new mommy!!

2011-08-18 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Sweet puppy.

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