BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-08-30 5:01 AM
in reply to: MJSolt

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Originally posted by MJSolt

I have not trained once since my Tri last Saturday. My plan was to start again on Monday but, road rash fever took away Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday we found out that my fiancee's Grandmother passed away and the two of them were very close. We are headed out of town for the services for the weekend so I am essentially losing a weeks worth of training. This will leave me 3 weeks until Hunter Mountain. 

I'm going to be a s/b/r fool for the next three weeks.

Sorry to hear of your family's loss, Mike. Losing the week's training isn't really important, family is. I hope it goes Ok for you all.

2013-08-30 6:03 AM
in reply to: RZ0

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New user
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Originally posted by RZ0

Sorry about the knee, hope it gets better soon.
You have so much to be proud of.
Ditto Mike. Heal fast!
2013-08-31 8:09 AM
in reply to: Taringa

Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Sorry for your loss, Mike. Take care of your family. There's always another tri.
2013-08-31 12:59 PM
in reply to: MJSolt

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Originally posted by MJSolt

I have not trained once since my Tri last Saturday. My plan was to start again on Monday but, road rash fever took away Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday we found out that my fiancee's Grandmother passed away and the two of them were very close. We are headed out of town for the services for the weekend so I am essentially losing a weeks worth of training. This will leave me 3 weeks until Hunter Mountain. 

I'm going to be a s/b/r fool for the next three weeks.

Sorry for your loss. I know how your fiancée feels. I was really close to my grandmother too (she raised me) and it about killed me when she passed.
Take care of your family.
2013-08-31 1:05 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Baltimore Area
Subject: Race
I did a 5K today and it was hard. The first half was really good but the second half switched from road to trails. I am not use to running on such uneven ground that it slowed me down a least a minute per mile. My ankle felt like it was trying to roll the whole time. After a mile and a quarter on the trail which felt like 2 miles, we came out of the woods. BUT we continued up this steep grass hill that if you didn't lean forward a lot, you might fall backwards. Then down the other side of the hill then an uphill climb to the finish. I was so ready for it to be over.

My pace was 30 seconds faster than my 5K I did in June so that's an improvement.

Long run tomorrow.
2013-08-31 2:28 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Race
Great effort, Lovey! Running on trails is so different, the terrain is so much more challenging. It's always interesting, though. I'm out for a short trail run this morning too

2013-08-31 6:03 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Race
At the race expo I was browsing through a bunch of headbands just for the heck of it when I found this. Of course I had to buy it, going to wear it tomorrow for good luck.


image.jpg (1770KB - 17 downloads)
2013-09-01 8:51 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Baltimore Area
Subject: Challenges
Just wanted an opinion.

I run regularly now following a training plan for my 10k on Oct 27th.
I go to spin class when I get myself out of bed and I've only biked outside 2x in August.
My swim class starts on Sat, 9/7 and is only once a week.

I am joining the "September Swim vs. Bike. vs. Run Challenge" in the Challenges forum.

Would you join the challenge for your strongest discipline, most loved, weakest, least liked or what?

2013-09-02 2:44 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Challenges
I guess the key is what do you want out of the challenge? Do you want extra motivation to nail the run training for the 10k, or do you want to really challenge yourself and try to get some of the other disciplines in? I'm sure your teammates will be happy whatever you choose and whatever your goal is, as long as you're getting stuck in and making the effort to meet your target Laughing.
2013-09-02 5:30 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Race
Originally posted by Lovey

I did a 5K today and it was hard. The first half was really good but the second half switched from road to trails. I am not use to running on such uneven ground that it slowed me down a least a minute per mile. My ankle felt like it was trying to roll the whole time. After a mile and a quarter on the trail which felt like 2 miles, we came out of the woods. BUT we continued up this steep grass hill that if you didn't lean forward a lot, you might fall backwards. Then down the other side of the hill then an uphill climb to the finish. I was so ready for it to be over.

My pace was 30 seconds faster than my 5K I did in June so that's an improvement.

Long run tomorrow.

, I have noticed when I've done some trail runs that the lack of road grip leads to my foot slipping, which really fatigues my legs. Great job at the race and pushing through

If ref to your challenge question, I like to pick the one that I am the weakest in to challenge myself and hopefully others would push me in the group. But you chose which one you want!

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2013-09-02 5:35 PM
2013-09-02 5:38 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Race
Originally posted by Hubbie

At the race expo I was browsing through a bunch of headbands just for the heck of it when I found this. Of course I had to buy it, going to wear it tomorrow for good luck.

Beth, that is awesome. Sorry I didn't get to wish you luck but I'm sure you killed it!!!! I though your post said a few weeks not days, sorry again. So how did the championship go?

2013-09-03 7:03 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Race
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by Hubbie

At the race expo I was browsing through a bunch of headbands just for the heck of it when I found this. Of course I had to buy it, going to wear it tomorrow for good luck.

Beth, that is awesome. Sorry I didn't get to wish you luck but I'm sure you killed it!!!! I though your post said a few weeks not days, sorry again. So how did the championship go?

Race report is up.

Long story short, it was a BAD race. I hated it and hardly feel like I earned the medal that I was given at the finish line.
2013-09-03 8:00 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Subject: RE: Race
Here is a pic


image.jpg (1829KB - 16 downloads)
2013-09-03 5:46 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Race
Originally posted by Hubbie

Here is a pic

Number 1, you earned every dang bit of that medal. Number 2, that's a sharp looking medal.

I know you know this already, but you completed the race in spite of a bad day and circumstances, be proud. I find it funny to that sometimes the worst races are the ones we remember the best for learning reasons and because they were harder.

Great Job Beth.
2013-09-04 5:14 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Race
Beth, that sounds like you had an absolute horror of a day. You deserve to wear that medal with pride because you had a horror day and still stuck it through to the end. It didn't go as planned-well, that happens to everyone, and in every situation. Congratulations on playing the hand you were dealt and making it through.
2013-09-04 7:24 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

Subject: RE: Race
Hey, Beth, read your race log. Sorry things didn't go well. Your next race will be better.
How could it not?

2013-09-04 10:15 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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New user
Subject: RE: Race
Beth, that was a tough day. Sorry to hear that it was so hard. Ditto on what the others have said. Hard lessons learned, but learned nonetheless.
2013-09-05 10:46 AM
in reply to: iamDawnAnderson

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Subject: Back at it
I ran yesterday and biked today. It felt great to go slow, set my own pace, and go and stop when I wanted. I took my run from a 9:10 min/mile to a 10:15min/mile. Felt a bit odd to be going so slow but I really enjoyed it too. Today on my bike I just went at an easy pace and didn't pay attention to my stats. When I began to feel tired I simply turned around and headed at a slow and easy pace. Like I said it was great to be a Turtle again and not be obsessed with speed.

2013-09-10 10:25 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dang Back
Well, I did it again this weekend. I went to the Deer Lease to finish things up for the up coming season and worked hard all day Saturday cutting branchs and lugging bags of corn up and down ladders. Got home Sunday, and proceeded to mow and weedeat all day long. Went to bed wore out and woke up to my back killing me. I don't know if I'm more upset that it's bothering me or that it likely would not have happened had I not slacked off so much since my half. I have also been terrible about logging my workouts. I got to get back at it all the way around!!!!!
2013-09-11 10:23 PM
in reply to: 0

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Baltimore Area
Subject: Swimming

A group does make a difference. I went to the development masters class (I also go Sat mornings). The mid week class has a different instructor. I had such a GREAT swim!
If you look at my last 2 swims, I didn't get a lot of yardage. One was the first day so lots of demonstration and breathing drills. The second day, I swam with friends and spent too much time talking and distracted. BUT tonight, I did nothing else but swim. I just kept doing whatever the coach said and periodically she stopped me to either correct my form or give me a compliment. I swam 1500 yards (not straight)!!! Unbelievable! I know many of you can swim that but I have never gotten that far in the workout. I felt great. I am going to rock this swim challenge I am in for September.

Edited by Lovey 2013-09-11 10:24 PM
2013-09-12 3:47 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Swimming
Originally posted by Lovey

A group does make a difference. I went to the development masters class (I also go Sat mornings). The mid week class has a different instructor. I had such a GREAT swim!
If you look at my last 2 swims, I didn't get a lot of yardage. One was the first day so lots of demonstration and breathing drills. The second day, I swam with friends and spent too much time talking and distracted. BUT tonight, I did nothing else but swim. I just kept doing whatever the coach said and periodically she stopped me to either correct my form or give me a compliment. I swam 1500 yards (not straight)!!! Unbelievable! I know many of you can swim that but I have never gotten that far in the workout. I felt great. I am going to rock this swim challenge I am in for September.

Great job Lovey!!!! It does wonders to the mind to see such improvements. Keep up the great work and soon you'll be cruising right along with no problems at all.


2013-09-12 5:25 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Swimming
Woo hoo! Great work Lovey!
2013-09-12 5:29 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Dang Back

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete Well, I did it again this weekend. I went to the Deer Lease to finish things up for the up coming season and worked hard all day Saturday cutting branchs and lugging bags of corn up and down ladders. Got home Sunday, and proceeded to mow and weedeat all day long. Went to bed wore out and woke up to my back killing me. I don't know if I'm more upset that it's bothering me or that it likely would not have happened had I not slacked off so much since my half. I have also been terrible about logging my workouts. I got to get back at it all the way around!!!!!

Sounds like the weekend doing chores was more of a workout than training!

2013-09-12 8:43 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming
Originally posted by Lovey

A group does make a difference. I went to the development masters class (I also go Sat mornings). The mid week class has a different instructor. I had such a GREAT swim!
If you look at my last 2 swims, I didn't get a lot of yardage. One was the first day so lots of demonstration and breathing drills. The second day, I swam with friends and spent too much time talking and distracted. BUT tonight, I did nothing else but swim. I just kept doing whatever the coach said and periodically she stopped me to either correct my form or give me a compliment. I swam 1500 yards (not straight)!!! Unbelievable! I know many of you can swim that but I have never gotten that far in the workout. I felt great. I am going to rock this swim challenge I am in for September.

Great job and an even better job of appreciating the accomplishment and enjoying it. It is always more rewarding getting a result like that after putting in all the hard work. Great Job
2013-09-17 6:11 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: Not fast enough
So I didn't get into Ironman Wisconsin for next year. After a long hard day at work I slept like a rock. By the time I got myself up and functional the general registration was closed. That being said I don't know if I could have justified the nearly $700 is takes to get in. A few days ago I had to get my car fixed, yet again. However I still have a shot at the Beach to Battleship full course (same distance as the Ironman) for almost a quarter of the cost.

So I guess despite what I said about clearing my schedule of all races I'm back at it. Go figure, I knew I wouldn't be able to stay away for long. This triathlon stuff is just to addictive!

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