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2011-08-26 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3660070

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I've never heard him speak, and actually haven't gotten around to buying his comprehensive book of running drills. I should, but haven't.

Several years ago, Mike Ricci of D3 Multisport got BMcG as part of the D3 team. I don't think he was one of the actual coaches, but maybe sort of like an emeritus running guru for all of the D3 community. I should check to see if he is still in some role with D3.

I wish my body could handle all of the varied running workouts that make runners better. I have a decent knack for running well, but have never been able to sustain run training to kick it up those few notches. Sigh.

That 7% is even more appealing when applied in reverse, going from off the bike to stand-alone. That would theoretically get me into territory I've never been in. I think my best tri runs are 21:30 and 44:45 and maybe 1:41:00, whereas stand-alones are are 21:10 and 42:01 and 1:36:00. This probably reflects on (a) being able to run run well enough off the bike, and (b) what I said in the preceding paragraph about noy doing serious and comprehensive run training. At any rate, those numbers, going in reverse, are more along the lines of 3% or 4%, instead of a coveted 7%. (Maybe the half-marathon one is about 7%; I haven't worked that out, I'm just thinking idly here.

It may be a tough ride back from FSU, but Favorite Spouse might appreciate you SO much more now that there is no one else around to devote herself to! All hail j
Jeff, the new king of the castle!!!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-08-26 9:03 AM

2011-08-27 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

HELP ME ... I'M MELTING!! ... isn't that what the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz said? 

I'm so disgusted with things down here.  We've broken the record set in 1980 for the most 100+ degree days in a row (I think it was 24 in a row); broken the all time record for the most 100+ degrees in any given year; and tied the record today for the highest recorded temp ever, and are likley to break the record tomorrow. And we've had maybe about 1" of rain in the last 4 months.

I've been walking/running (emphasis on running) in a sauna and swimming in a bathtub and can't take much more.  Maybe I'll do my only tri this season in October provided it ever cools off, certainly not a given.  I start training with a running coach next weekend to prepare for my half marathons (St. Jude's in December, Houston in January, another local in March). 

DENISE, saw your post awhile back ... really, the 40s??  And what a celebrity you are, congrats!!

STEVE, nice race (and race report Wink).  Are you jinxed or something?  Be safe out there, will ya?

JOE, sorry your race didn't go as you'd hope but sounds like it was not all for naught, as you learned something along the way.  Hope you don't have much impact from Irene and that your wife is making a speedy recovery.

JEFF, guess things are quieter around your house than they have been for awhile.  Your wife needs to put herself first and spoil herself for awhile.  She'll get out of that mood really quick!

MANDY, congrats on the new addition ... what a cutie!!

OK, back to pouting in hiding!


2011-08-28 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3660250

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-26 7:38 AM It may be a tough ride back from FSU, but Favorite Spouse might appreciate you SO much more now that there is no one else around to devote herself to! All hail j Jeff, the new king of the castle!!!

I might be the king of the castle but there is no doubt who runs the castle (the QUEEN)!!

2011-08-28 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3662287

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
lufferly - 2011-08-27 8:16 PM

HELP ME ... I'M MELTING!! ... isn't that what the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz said? 

I'm so disgusted with things down here.  We've broken the record set in 1980 for the most 100+ degree days in a row (I think it was 24 in a row); broken the all time record for the most 100+ degrees in any given year; and tied the record today for the highest recorded temp ever, and are likley to break the record tomorrow. And we've had maybe about 1" of rain in the last 4 months.



Like you I'm suffering in the heat/humidity.  This year I decided during the months of August and September to take most of my bike/runs indoors.  It has made a huge difference in the quality of my workouts.  Last year I had a very difficult time just finishing the workouts.  This year so far (knock on wood) I'm finishing all my runs and they are not sufferfests.  Perhaps the biggest plus is the mental aspect.  Now I'm hitting my bike/runs and I don't feel bummed out that I didn't complete them.  I know it's not for everybody.  Sitting on a spinner for 2+ hours or running on a treadmill for 90 minutes is trying mentally.  However, for me it has worked wonders.

Good luck with the run coach.

2011-08-28 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

1st race with new bike:

Last year: 17.3 mph

This year with new bike: 18.8 mph

2011-08-28 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3662287

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Neat news about the running coach! Who is he/she? And, are you finding it sort of "heady" to be doing this -- that is, getting coached to help meet some goals? I sure found it that way, anyhow.

I'm sorry you are melting, but of course i'm not surprised; the weather news from Texas has been dire for quite a while now. My other active group has a guy from near Sherman, and he is always talking about the amount of suffering required to get in a good run or bike workout.

I hope the jinxing is over, to be sure. Two days ago was uneventful; we;ll see what happens with tomorrow's ride.

My race report from last week is up on the other site, and I will reference it in the next post or two. Nex t one up is Nation's, in DC two weeks from today!!

PLEASE keep us in the loop with the coaching. That's exciting stuff!

2011-08-28 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3662882

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


That's some kind of impressive time gain!! HOWEVER, don't sell yourself short as afr your own development is concerned. You are very far advanced from the triathlete you were last year at this time, and so no mean amount of that jump from 17.3 to 18.8 is the work of the engine, and not solely the machine! Congrats on that, you local legend, you!

(BUT --- aren't new bikes a wonderation?? )

2011-08-28 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3663212

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


My race report from Park City Mossman, last Sunday, is at the Mojo group in the mentor archives. It's the last post of page 192.

AND, if any of you know how to "import" (or whatever the manuever is called) that post over here, and if you have some idle time on your hands, I would be appreciative to get it here --- for whatever it's worth.

2011-08-29 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Steve - did a copy/paste - mostly worked - Denise





Park City Mossman (1500 - 25 - 6.2)
Bridgeport, CT, 21 Aug. '11

Late sign-up, and all that was left were charity spots for an extra $50. Decided to do it on Thursday, and left early saturday morning -- not before wrenching my back heaving the bike in the car. This bothered me all the way down and until I ewent to sleep at about 10:30, but was fine in the morning. WHEW!
I got to the race site sat. aft by about 4:30, with the drive down being 440 miles. i got my race stuff and used the on-site mechanic to make a couple of fixes -- actually, more than I planned on. Found a motel to check into, spent oer an hour looking for a decent eatery, settled for a sprawl of a buffet, and was back to the motel by 8, and alseep by 10:30.
Woke up at 4 and headed to the race, arriving as the 6th vehicle and claiming a great parking spot only about 100 yards from transition. I got the end spot of my assigned-range rack, fought off hordes of vicious little balck mosquitoes, and waited to meet Alex.
We made contact by about 5:30, I think, hung out some, kept up the process of getting ready, and were set to go. Breakfast was bagel and tea, and I had part of a Clif Mojo bar, and a PowerGel, before the swim.

In Long Isalnd Sound, which was nice and calm. We were both in the thrid of three waves, and got to see the other waves struggle with extensive shallows for quite a ways heading out diagonally to the first buoy. By the time our wave started, I was aware that many guys around me were talking about running parallel along the shoreline through the shallows before starting the swim in a mnoire direct line to that first buoy, and I decided to follow suit. When we started, I ran for over a munte and could feel my HR spiking higher with each high-step through the anle- and clf-deep water. I rested for about five seconds before didving in, and was off -- finally actually SWIMMING.
It was a good one for me, second good one in a row. I had good, fast arm turnover, and my sighting was almost perfect with no significant wandering to my right. As at West Point, this swim was counter-clockwise with buoys to the left, and even though I am a right-side breather, buoys to my left help my sighting and inhibit my wandering ways. I apssed lots of folks in the two previous ways, and made it out of the water and over the mat in 24:25. A great time for me.....but i'm sure the course was a bit short. Sigh.
2/6 a.g.; 56/243 o.a.

The longish run up the beach and into transition gave me time to remove my westuit top and get the bottoms down to my hips, so at my space the rest was easy.
1st a.g.; 52nd o.a.

Simple course --- five loops on perfectly flat par roads, clsoed to traffic. At each end was a narrow traffic island, so while caution was slightly needed, it was faster than doing a 180 at a cone. Each subsequent traverse revealed more small tricks of "attacking" the course, so it was fun feeling prgressivley more proficient. After the 4th circuit I was averaging about 22.4mph, and knew I had to reel it back some for the final five miles. So I did some soft-pedalling at times, and in trhe final 1/2 mile I practiced what I ahev preached here -- alternating standing grinds and faster spins, seated. I also knew that the wind had picked up from the west as the bike progressed, so that would affect the run some. I came close to a full wipe-out at the dismount line, trying my "flying dismount" right on the heels of swerving to avoid a dopey older guy wandering across the narrow roadway to the dismount line. Ack! One 20oz bottle of HEED.
1:07:09 (22.3mph)
1st a.g., 33rd o.a.

Only two bikes in ahead of me on my M45+ rack, and I was sure they belonged to two "youngsters", so I didn't rush it too much. Put BodyGlide on my feet, and was off.
1st a.g., 138 o.a. (not too impressive)

About as simple as the bike -- two out-and-backs along the boardwalk (actually, concrete surface). Got out well, passed a 58-yearold and chatted with him on the fly, and kept pacing along. No shade, really, and there was the wind on each return part. Approaching the first turnaround a few of us were diverted a ways off the course, parallel to it but describing a wider arc, and that might've cost me 20 seconds total. Kind of aggravating at the time, but ultimately no big deal. I never felt great on the run, but kept a decent pace throughout. I probably did push the bike a bit too hard if I hoped I would break 47 minutes, and ended up misising by 48 seconds. There was some talk that the course was maybe a tad long, but given how I felt through the whole 10km, it seemed close to 6.2 miles.
One gel on the run, Gatorade at three aid stations total. Passed just once, by a 37-year-old "punk"!
47:48 (7:42/mile)
1st a.g., 38th o.a.

1/6 a.g (2nd place was 11' back, 3rd was 19' back)
34/243 finishers

VERY fine spending over an hour with Alex, and then I followed her for about 50 miles until our paths diverged. Great race ambience overall, and for winning the age group I got a free entry into next year's race. It's the day after Jane's wedding, though, so whether or not I can use the free entry.............


Edited by LadyNorth 2011-08-29 11:18 AM
2011-08-29 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Steve - looked at your - very cool

I use to stalk my competitors - below is what I found for you - these are just the NY races - for some reason I had to select location to get races - I think because there are too many Steve Bradleys who race

West Point Triathalon 201162NY8/141:26:41
Lake George Triathlon 201060NY9/182:30:40
West Point Triathlon61NY8/151:32:12
Fronhofer Tool Triathlon ~ 201060NY8/072:25:22
Fronhofer Tool Triathlon ~ 201060NY8/071:20:49
Musselman Triathlon60NY7/111:25:01
Tupper Lake Tinman Triathlon ~ 201060NY6/262:10:11
Mightyman Half Triathlon 200960NY10/045:23:31
Lake George Triathlon ~ 200960NY9/192:31:46
Crystal Lake Triathlon ~ 200960NY8/291:36:37
Nautica New York City Triathlon ~ 200960NY7/262:31:55
Musselman Triathlon - 200855NY7/131:16:04
Musselman Triathlon - 200855NY7/135:36:39
Tupper Lake Tinman Triathlon 200855NY6/292:12:21
North Country Triathlon55NY6/302:37:59
Ford New York City Triathlon 200556NY7/102:36:12
Ironman Lake Placid Triathlon 200455NY7/2512:57:38
Musselman Triathlon ~ 200455NY7/111:17:17
Musselman Triathlons ~ 200455NY6/111:17:17
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2011-08-29 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I looked at your Moosman photos.  There's a lot of nice ones - I like the bike ones - they make you look very speedy indeed.

2011-08-29 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm so sorry it's so hot there.  It's great here - 40s at night and 70s day.  When your son gets out of school, think about moving.

Also, that's when the age group competition really starts falling off, so you'll need to be ready to bring home those medals and trophys.


2011-08-29 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Jeff and Steve,

I'm putting my Y membership on hold for 4 months - not going to swim until January.  I really don't think it will make any difference.  And, since we're planning on moving close to Mpls/St Paul next year, I bet I can find someplace to get "good" swimming lessons.

2011-08-29 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey Steve and group, I'm back from Italy!! Woohoo it was fun! Didn't get a chance to training while I was away, but I did get in some beautiful and relaxing swims around the island of Capri. The Mediterranean is so clear and beautiful, I couldn't resist swimming every time I got a chance.

I was hoping to come back to some normal weather, but alas it's still hotter than hades here. Hottest summer on record for OKC, by far. Hottest record for any city in the US in July - ever. Breaking all sorts of heat records. Training in it is just hot and miserable. It just makes me want to give up training, order a pizza, drink a PBR and start smoking cigarettes. Maybe get a tattoo, also. 

Signed-up for a half aquabike the third weekend of September. Hopefully the lake will be healthy enough to swim in by that time, because said lake is currently low and stagnant from no rain and prolonged high temps....we've been warned by local officials that there is toxic green algae in the city lakes and to avoid skin contact with the water....

So I haven't gone back and read everyone's posts. Hope everyone is having a great and injury-free summer and bringing home the hardware from all your races!

2011-08-29 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Oops double post.

Edited by kickitinok 2011-08-29 1:49 PM
2011-08-29 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3664280

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-08-29 2:19 PM

Jeff and Steve,

I'm putting my Y membership on hold for 4 months - not going to swim until January.  I really don't think it will make any difference.  And, since we're planning on moving close to Mpls/St Paul next year, I bet I can find someplace to get "good" swimming lessons.


Good luck with the new swim strategy.  Hope in January you pick up right where you left off.

2011-08-29 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

The lights are back!!!!!.....and Irene is history.  Of course there is now rumor of another one brewing but that is a couple of weeks away.

Steve, thanks for your insights and taking the time to share.  I will tone it down on the nutrition.  I think that I was attributing my slower run times that I was experiencing on my bricks to lack of nutrition and tried to correct for that on the race.  So much for that theory.  On my bricks I have been losing a couple of minutes per mile on the leg portion when compared to my stand alone runs (12 on bricks vs 10 on stand alone runs).  A couple of folks I have shared this with believe I need to back off on my bike pace and balance the ride/run.  Recommendation includes more strength building rides and of course running.  So I will try slowing my bike pace, following your nutrition recommendation and give that a try on an OLY in 2 weeks (sept 10). 

My A race is the Beach to Battleship HIM which is a relatively flat course and the swim this year will be with a strong incoming tide.  This will be my first "big" race so I am looking forward to the event.  I am not sure how the transitions will work since T1 and T2 are in different locations which is new to me, and they bus you to the swim start.  So the swim is a single pass swim down the channel to T1 and then bike to a different location (the battleship) for T2 and then and out and back run.  This will be my second HIM. My first one  (White Lake, NC) was last year,  I ran coming off an achilles injury which required I take 3 weeks off before the race.  During the bike, my achilles flaired up and the last 15 mile of the bike I did essentially with 1 leg.  If I wasn't out in the middle of nowhere I would of called it, but my stupidity prevailed and I finished the race with no lasting injury. So this year I would like to stay injury free and enjoy the race hopefully with a calm stomach.


2011-08-30 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3664367

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
kickitinok - 2011-08-29 1:48 PM

Hey Steve and group, I'm back from Italy!! Woohoo it was fun! Didn't get a chance to training while I was away, but I did get in some beautiful and relaxing swims around the island of Capri. The Mediterranean is so clear and beautiful, I couldn't resist swimming every time I got a chance.

Swimming around Capri sounds glorious - I am envious.


2011-08-30 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


For some reason, I think Steve knows a lot about Beach to Battleship.  I seem to remember him posting about it in the far distant past. So he may be able to give you insights.


2011-08-30 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3666569

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


We just got done with a couple of days of computer hassles, as in having trouble making a connection to internet. Sometimes heavy rains (such as Sunday) will get into out phone line, and seeing as how we are on dial-up, that gets affecetd to. But this time the phone was fine, and it's just the computer that wouldn't/copuldn't connect.

Anyhow, that's that, and we seem to be working again, so......


2011-08-30 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3664250

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Thank you, Oh Clever One, for not only getting the Mossman report over here, but also for ferreting out my Athlink results from NY races. I know that Athlinks is a good resource, but it is one those sites that is very ponderous for dial-up victims. I have used that one for skulking, though, and as most of my skulking involves USAT races, it is potentially far more useful than the archives at Sportstats. But it just takes sooooolong with my computer --- and there are sooooo many people to skulk around!

It's interesting that it separated out NY races; I don't think I knew it could do that. If you look deeper or wider, you should be able to find stuff on me from ME, NH, VT, MD, NJ, MA, IL, IN, DE, OH, KS, TN, and ?? It's surprising that as a Boston boy.....have I really done only one multisport race is Massachusetts? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? And I think that Mossman was my first one in CT; could it be? I guess I have to re-assume my vicious travel schedule, eh?

Beware the other heavy-presence Steve Bradley, a guy a few years younger than I am who lives in Purcellville, VA, I think it is. I would guess he is 59 or 60 now. He is my doppleganger, I think. And one time I got a link for photos for a race I didn't even sign up for, and casing them out and going to the results for that race and using the bib -- it was him! I still don't know how that link-up happened. I do know, however, that I didn't order any of those photos!!

2011-08-30 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3664367

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Hey! You're back! I was wondering what had become of you, having forgotten you were off to an exotic locale. Doh!

Is it Redman that you are registered for? I think the timing would be about right, anyhow. The water scene sounds potentially skanky, so I sure hope a few significant precipitation episodes come your way. But green algae, shmeen algae -- and I'll bet that somewhere there is a spa that uses that very algae to apply to foreheads to remove unsightly wrinkles, and sommepalce else where it is used in detxifying one's interstinal system. So even if you get no new rain -- you'll be fine!!!

2011-08-30 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3665017

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK -

First and foremost, it is a relief to know you are back in the world of power -- and may it stay that way! I keep reading dire things about how long it might take some people to have power restored, and so at least that's no longer you -- we hope!

Highway 12 -- yikes. And I repeat -- yikes!

Oh, yeah. B2B! I remember you mentioning that way back when! As that gets closer, I will give some more detailed thoughts about nutrition for that, and I'll also try to remember what I know about that course and how best to navigate the two transitions. I think that only one of the plethora of races I have done has had two separate transition zones, and that was Reston (VA). They do require a bit more attention to detail, but if you can work from lists and just keep from letting that scene fluster you, it should be fine.

The first two years featured the famous incoming tide, but last year they really messed up on it and it was just flat water. I think one of the rweasons they moved the dateup several weeks form last year is that so many people got real cold spending so long in the water, wetsuitless, planning for a 60-minute iron swim and actually taking about 90 minutes. Brrr-cold!

As for the brick thing, it is not unreasonable to lose time there as opposed to stand-alones; in fact, it is just about 100% normal. Several months ago I posted a few thoughts on bricks, but seeing as how it might not have been here, I will do it again.

--The main goal of a brick is to accustom one to running off the bike -- just purely the physical challenge of that change from riding to running.
--With that in mind, the distance of the run really doesn't matter. Mostly, it is the first 2-5 minutes that are most crucial, and then for most people past that point their running legs are pretty much in place.
--Bricks can be insidious in that too many of them will only make the average triathlete ride AND run more slowly than they should in training. That is, to do bricks that approximate the distances of a given race will almost invariably be done relatively slowly, as one either reins it in some on the bike to save themselves for the run, or run slowly because they pushed the bike too hard.
--Bricks should be done judiciously, mostly meaning infrequently -- until you get to the point where you can access desired speed at both ends of the brick.
--For most people, bricks cannot provide good speed workouts, and most people need to know what speed feels like in training in order to utilize it in races.

My recommendation, then, would be to (a) limit your bricks to one every two weeks at most, and (b) keep the run segment much, much shorter than what it will be on race day. It might be useful in another month to try one longer brick in prep for B2B, and that would be ~50 miles on the bike and maybe 30-40 minutes on the run, but anything longer than that will only let you know how to run more slowlty than you want to off the bike, come race day.
I have just dug out Matt Fitzgerald's encyclopedia of training plans, and for HIM he has three braod divsions which he refers to as "levels". There is the advanced one, levels 8-10, and the longest brick for that is 2:30B plus :55R; for levels 5-7 and 1-4, it is 2:15B/:55R. (That is for Level 4, for L3 it is 2:00B/:50R, and for L2 it is 1:45B/:50R.) He has this long brick in Week 18 of a 20-week plan, with a previous brick in Week 10 (for L4 it is 1:15/:30, for L3 it is 1:15/:20, for L2 it is :60/:20. Other bricks are in weeks 6 and 3.

Please let me know if what I just wrote makes sense, or whether or not you want me to try again -- which I am happy to do!

Finally, you are one tough mother to suffer a half-iron bike with an aching Achilles and then take it out on the run. Mercy! Achilles problems can take forever to resolve, and for some people they never do, so you definitely got lucky. Whew!

2011-08-31 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3666715

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

Nice display of decisiveness in going swimless until January. I'm backing off my blustery wannabe-resolve some, mostly as a result of my post to Jeff about how much I just enjoy the physical act of swimming; I just don't know how contentedly I can be not swimming.

That thought led to the recollecetion that after my bad crash in early June '09, when I separated my shoulder, my larger concern was that if it didn't heal I might well face an entire summer without my beloved open water swims. At the time, I think I had been OWS just once, as it was a late warm-up for local waters, and it killed me to think that might be it for the '09 season -- one-and-out. BUT, I receovered extremely quickly and was back doing full swims on about July 18, and was able to do NCY Tri the following weekend.

ANYHOW, my tentative plan now is to do my last OWS about Oct. 8 or so, and then not swim until ealy November. I will then swim-on-need as a drop-in, which is about $4.25 a session, planning on 2X a week for awhile and see if that can satisfy me. If so, that is less than the cost of a monthly, or three-month, or six-month pass, prorated (?) to a cost for each swim. Does that make sense?

The benefit to the pass is that on days when I'm just not swimming well, or when the pool is too crowded, I can just vacate the premises and not feel the "hit". But if I pay $4.25 and swim for only $.37-worth, that's just a big old waste of money, huh?

2011-08-31 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3666956

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE once more -

And plans to move close to the Twin Cities? VERY exciting --- but you will lose the notoriety you have received from being a big fish in a small pond!

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