BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-10-28 6:59 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Race Report
Originally posted by Lovey

Finished my race strong, Marine Corp 10K, yesterday. My running partner and I kept each other going at a faster pace than I have gone since starting over this year. WooHoo!

Race report -

Great effort on the race!!! I'm also pleased to see how much your times improved with training. Keep up the great work and you'll be rocking the next race with ease.

Again, great job!


2013-10-28 7:03 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Subject: Making progress
Yeserday I did my weekly long run with a bit of a heavy mind. I had to skip my last long run due to being sick so I've gone two full weeks with low milage. I was suppose to do 10 and when I started I questioned if I could pull it off. I'm happy to report that I did it!!! My hill training served me well in giving my legs strength. I started to feel a bit tired at mile 6 but pushed through it and ate a gel that I had packed with me. By the time I reached my car I'll admit I was actually soory to stop. I felt great and the tiredness in my legs was gone. I felt like I could have easly put out another 4-5 but time constrates told me I had to stop.

So very happy to see that even though I missed some training my fitness is still there and my effort on the hills has stood by me. Looking forward to my next run tomorrow!! Oh and my time on the trainier has improved too.

2013-10-28 8:45 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Making progress
Great job Beth. I have to say that I never gave much thought to Intervals, Hill Training, Speed Work Out and the like but I think that Masters Swim my be starting to change my mind about their value and importance. I still don't know how much my swim is going to improve but I am sure that I am getting a much better cardio workout and being pushed twenty times harder than I ever pushed myself in the pool.
2013-10-31 10:11 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Baltimore Area
Subject: Getting back on the saddle
Getting back on the saddle so to speak. I have ridden my bike twice all summer, each ride being only about 5 miles.
Last major ride I did, I crashed, shattered my ankle, all training for an Olympic Duathlon.

Well, yesterday I signed up for a duathlon. Its the same one except its the sprint duathlon. Its a tough course and I hope I don't freak out. Since it is not until August 2014, I have plenty of time to freak out, calm down and get my mind in the game. I convinced a friend to do it with me so we can train together. Come spring, the triathlon club will have weekly rides on the tri course which is just as difficult a course.
2013-10-31 10:19 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Getting back on the saddle
Originally posted by Lovey

Getting back on the saddle so to speak. I have ridden my bike twice all summer, each ride being only about 5 miles.
Last major ride I did, I crashed, shattered my ankle, all training for an Olympic Duathlon.

Well, yesterday I signed up for a duathlon. Its the same one except its the sprint duathlon. Its a tough course and I hope I don't freak out. Since it is not until August 2014, I have plenty of time to freak out, calm down and get my mind in the game. I convinced a friend to do it with me so we can train together. Come spring, the triathlon club will have weekly rides on the tri course which is just as difficult a course.

You work at it as hard as you have the run, and you will beat back that Demon!
2013-10-31 9:26 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Getting back on the saddle
Originally posted by Lovey

Getting back on the saddle so to speak. I have ridden my bike twice all summer, each ride being only about 5 miles.
Last major ride I did, I crashed, shattered my ankle, all training for an Olympic Duathlon.

Well, yesterday I signed up for a duathlon. Its the same one except its the sprint duathlon. Its a tough course and I hope I don't freak out. Since it is not until August 2014, I have plenty of time to freak out, calm down and get my mind in the game. I convinced a friend to do it with me so we can train together. Come spring, the triathlon club will have weekly rides on the tri course which is just as difficult a course.

Being able to ride the course before the race will only help you. And yes, getting back in the saddle is a huge step and I'm happy your taking it. Keep up the great work!


2013-11-04 3:10 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: Bike porn

I've had a very exciting day today. After of months of saving up ( and a tax refund cheque in the mail) I've finally been out and bought myself a road bike.  Here she is:

(P1010478 (Small).JPG)

P1010478 (Small).JPG (68KB - 20 downloads)
2013-11-04 3:48 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Bike porn

It was the last of the old season's stock at the LBS so I got a good discount on it, and (so far) it feels like a comfortable fit. I'm looking forward to my first proper road ride, but I must admit I'm a bit apprehensive about the shoes and pedals, as it's my first time with them. I'm going to have a few practice runs on the trainer first.

2013-11-04 11:05 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bike porn
Originally posted by Taringa

I've had a very exciting day today. After of months of saving up ( and a tax refund cheque in the mail) I've finally been out and bought myself a road bike.  Here she is:

That is one awesome looking ride and one that you truly deserve. You will be blow away by how much easier then are to ride, how much faster you are, and how much less energy you use while riding one. You will get use to the pedals, just practice taking off and stopping for a bit outside. This will get you use to clipping in and out. Also if you go off the roadway, don't panic and try to clip out right away, usually you can ride it out and get back on the road. Again, that is one heck of a bike and you deserve it.
2013-11-05 7:10 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Bike porn
Originally posted by Taringa

It was the last of the old season's stock at the LBS so I got a good discount on it, and (so far) it feels like a comfortable fit. I'm looking forward to my first proper road ride, but I must admit I'm a bit apprehensive about the shoes and pedals, as it's my first time with them. I'm going to have a few practice runs on the trainer first.

That's a nice looking bike! I also got my bike last years model two years ago. Like Todd said get used to clipping in and out on the trainer. And don't worry about falling, everyone falls when they first learn about clipping in and out on the road. Relax and enjoy the ride!!!!

By the way, what's her (his) name?

2013-11-06 3:45 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Bike porn

Thanks guys!  So far it seems to be a "she" but doesn't have a name yet. I think one will come soon, once I've got a few miles under the tyres. I've already started spending money on her, I've just ordered myself a new saddle (a Selle Italia ladies Gel Flow, I've read a lot of good reviews) and I'll get back to the bike shop soon for pump, saddle bag etc. I haven't started looking at bike computers yet, that'll be a whole new shopping adventure  .

2013-11-15 7:44 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Bike porn
Man do I love bike porn! My sister just got a brand new ride and I'm jealous. Mine is getting a makeover though next year along with a proper fit
2013-11-15 7:46 AM
in reply to: Rnay225

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Subject: Aqua Jogging
Anyone have experience with aqua jogging? I finally got my leg that's been bothering me checked out and turns out it's a stress fracture. My new tri coach suggested I do some aqua jogging when I told him how discouraged I was so I tried it out today for the first time and I think it went well. Just trying to see if anyone has any words of wisdom or experience with it. It says you can maintain some good running fitness with it for 4-6 weeks which I'm excited about!
2013-11-15 7:30 PM
in reply to: Rnay225

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Subject: RE: Aqua Jogging
Originally posted by Rnay225

Anyone have experience with aqua jogging? I finally got my leg that's been bothering me checked out and turns out it's a stress fracture. My new tri coach suggested I do some aqua jogging when I told him how discouraged I was so I tried it out today for the first time and I think it went well. Just trying to see if anyone has any words of wisdom or experience with it. It says you can maintain some good running fitness with it for 4-6 weeks which I'm excited about!

I don't have any experience in actual aqua jogging, but when I was in physical therapy for my hip my therpist had me doing easy water exercises to rebuild the joint with little impact. It really helped get my hip back in the motion of moving without the stress of being on land. When I first started I used a float belt because I had almost no movement to my left leg from the hip down but once I got the muscle stronger I was able to go without the floats. It took a little getting used to but in the end it really helped. It may also work for you in healing your stress fracture.

2013-11-15 7:33 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Subject: Cancled Marathon
Found out yeserday that the marathon in the spring that I'd been training for has been cancled because they decided not to do it again. I'm somewhat upset about it espically since I've been putting so much training into it. But I decided to go ahead and continue on with my training, if nothing more I will become a better runner. I want to challange another Ironman 70.3 next July so I will need the strong running base.

How is everyone else doing in their training? Hope all is well with everyone.

2013-11-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Cancled Marathon
Originally posted by Hubbie

Found out yeserday that the marathon in the spring that I'd been training for has been cancled because they decided not to do it again. I'm somewhat upset about it espically since I've been putting so much training into it. But I decided to go ahead and continue on with my training, if nothing more I will become a better runner. I want to challange another Ironman 70.3 next July so I will need the strong running base.

How is everyone else doing in their training? Hope all is well with everyone.


Sorry about the cancelled marathon. Is there another one in the same time frame that you can switch to?

2013-11-19 2:31 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Baltimore Area
Subject: Getting back on schedule
Last night I thought I would make homemade pancakes and waffles and freeze them for breakfast during the week. I also made egg cups. Egg cups are omelettes (do not add tomatoes) that are baked like a cupcake. Just reheat one in the mornings for about 1 minute, breakfast on the go. I don't have to worry about the kids making a mess in the morning trying to make eggs.

After a long night of cooking/baking, I thought this morning was body pump day and I overslept and decided to go back to sleep since I missed class. Wrong! It was swim day and I could have gotten to the pool only 15 minutes late but because I went back to bed I missed that too. This is what happens when you get off schedule, you forget what day it is.

A least I still have running tonight. Now I can get back on schedule.

2013-11-24 6:58 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: Its cold outside!!
Went out on what was suppose to me my long run today of 13 miles. Ended up starting out almost 90 minutes late because I was at work and got bogged down with paperwork. Finally got going outside with the temp al of 5 degrees. I was wearing multiple layers but the wind cut right through those. Worked through a bad leg cramp then took another mile or so after that to get warmed up. Despite all that my nose and lips never seemed to get warm. At mile six my GPS gave out which was just as good since my gels where frozen and my chews where like ice cubes. Needless to say I was miserable and used this as an excuse to get home and into my nice warm bed.

Hope everyone is doing well with their training.

2013-12-01 9:19 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Its cold outside!!
Beth, if the gels are reezen you need to take your butt home

Sorry I haven't been around more lately. As my name shows I'm also a hunter and its that time of the year
I have some more news but will post that in a few. Also I'm about to get back at all of it so get ready for the inspires!!!!
2013-12-03 7:33 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Nevermind, No News
Well I was going to let yall know that I had decided to do Ironman Texas this upcoming May. I had put in on the waiting list for the host hotel and when it came through I knew I should do it. Fast Forward two weeks. I check the thread today and see a post that general entries just sold out, so I go to Ironman to confirm and it is sold out. I would have already registered but with Christmas coming money is tight and wanted to wait till a few weeks after since it normally doesn't sell out until Feb. or Mar. Well lesson learned and I guess that 2015 will be the year. I will now go back to my original plan of the Texas Triple (all three 70.3 in Texas this year). I guess someone was trying to tell me something, and now I have to rethink my training schedule.
2013-12-03 8:36 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Nevermind, No News
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Well I was going to let yall know that I had decided to do Ironman Texas this upcoming May. I had put in on the waiting list for the host hotel and when it came through I knew I should do it. Fast Forward two weeks. I check the thread today and see a post that general entries just sold out, so I go to Ironman to confirm and it is sold out. I would have already registered but with Christmas coming money is tight and wanted to wait till a few weeks after since it normally doesn't sell out until Feb. or Mar. Well lesson learned and I guess that 2015 will be the year. I will now go back to my original plan of the Texas Triple (all three 70.3 in Texas this year). I guess someone was trying to tell me something, and now I have to rethink my training schedule.

I understand about missing out due to finances. I wanted to do Ironman Wisconsin but unexpected bills got in the way. So like you I'm doing a series of half Ironman races as well as other triathlons and a few running races.

2013-12-08 4:16 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Subject: I'm in!!!!!
Just got registered to do HITS Full Course in Minnesota. Yup I took the plunge and commited to doing a 140.6 mile triathlon in August next year. Oh boy its starting to set in. I've been researching training plans for several months and I think I have one that will work with my sechedule. I will officially begin training in the second week of January. Until then I'll finish getting over this nasty cold that's going around work and continue to work on my various cardo workouts.

Wish me luck, I'm probably going to need it.
2013-12-08 2:07 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: I'm in!!!!!

Hi guys, it's been a good few weeks since I've checked in here on the forum, it's great to see you're still here and having fun!  Congrats  Beth on booking in for the long course, I'm sure you'll do yourself and the Turtles proud. Todd, the texas triple sounds like a lot of fun and good base for the 140 the year after. And Lovey,  getting back on schedule's great, I hope it's been going well for you since that last post!

As for me here in Oz, the season's progressing well and the training is lots of fun. The distances I'm covering are progressively getting longer, I was out for a 35k bike ride yesterday and thought nothing of it--6 months ago that distance was reserved for extra special occaisons and would require a celebration and a well earned rest on the sofa for the remainder of the day. My run speed and fitness has increased,  I ran 1:03 for a hilly 10 km course last weekend and 30 minutes for 5km is now a normal acceptable speed, not a flat out effort that leaves me gasping and flopping around like a dying fish. I'm still Back of Pack but it's nice to see and feel the improvement and be able to keep up with some of the other runners at least.

I've got another sprint tri this weekend (first one with the new bike, which is a joy to ride) and I'm aiming at a 3/4 OD tri in Feb and then maybe the Gold Coast Marathon in July. There are so many other events dotted through the calendar it's hard to pick and choose, I'm trying to just do one main one every 2 months (money and family committments). Triathlons in the summer, running events in the winter. I'm glad it doesn't get so cold here. Beth, if that was me trying to go for a run in that kind of temperature I think I'd have given up before I even got fully dressed. I'm soft!


2013-12-13 9:17 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I'm in!!!!!
Originally posted by Hubbie

Just got registered to do HITS Full Course in Minnesota. Yup I took the plunge and commited to doing a 140.6 mile triathlon in August next year. Oh boy its starting to set in. I've been researching training plans for several months and I think I have one that will work with my sechedule. I will officially begin training in the second week of January. Until then I'll finish getting over this nasty cold that's going around work and continue to work on my various cardo workouts.

Wish me luck, I'm probably going to need it.

Good for you, I know you can do it. I don't put a huge amount of weight into the Ironman Branded race thing and thought about doing the HITS race here in Texas. The problem for me is that it is in March so I don't have the time necessary to prepare, but the thought of only 80 or 90 people doing the Full there seems pretty cool to me.
2013-12-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I'm in!!!!!
Originally posted by Taringa

Hi guys, it's been a good few weeks since I've checked in here on the forum, it's great to see you're still here and having fun!  Congrats  Beth on booking in for the long course, I'm sure you'll do yourself and the Turtles proud. Todd, the texas triple sounds like a lot of fun and good base for the 140 the year after. And Lovey,  getting back on schedule's great, I hope it's been going well for you since that last post!

As for me here in Oz, the season's progressing well and the training is lots of fun. The distances I'm covering are progressively getting longer, I was out for a 35k bike ride yesterday and thought nothing of it--6 months ago that distance was reserved for extra special occaisons and would require a celebration and a well earned rest on the sofa for the remainder of the day. My run speed and fitness has increased,  I ran 1:03 for a hilly 10 km course last weekend and 30 minutes for 5km is now a normal acceptable speed, not a flat out effort that leaves me gasping and flopping around like a dying fish. I'm still Back of Pack but it's nice to see and feel the improvement and be able to keep up with some of the other runners at least.

I've got another sprint tri this weekend (first one with the new bike, which is a joy to ride) and I'm aiming at a 3/4 OD tri in Feb and then maybe the Gold Coast Marathon in July. There are so many other events dotted through the calendar it's hard to pick and choose, I'm trying to just do one main one every 2 months (money and family committments). Triathlons in the summer, running events in the winter. I'm glad it doesn't get so cold here. Beth, if that was me trying to go for a run in that kind of temperature I think I'd have given up before I even got fully dressed. I'm soft!


Sounds like you are really coming into your own and have confidence in your training and race ability. I know you will be on the podium in no time. Best of Luck this weekend and give um heck.
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