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2011-09-05 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3673255

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

LadyNorth - 2011-09-05 8:15 AM 37F this am.

Yikes!!  That temp. would be one of the coldest days of the year here!!

2011-09-05 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


The front porch lattice painting was calling this week-end and with my boys in town I could not pass on the free labor.  Of course I did have a $100 grocery bill while they were here.  I am starting to relax a bit after seeing your training sessions. We can stick with what you remember for your T times were and just forget the logsLaughing.  Good news is that Katia is forecasted to make a sharp right and head north so your race should not be soggy.  The last track I looked at was showing her passing by DC on Fri at 0200  and a pretty good distance from the coast.  

I did do my plan's longest bike today of 4:30 (about 75 miles) with a 15 min run that followed.   Similar to your July 24th ride with the added joy of a quick run.  The bike went well except for a 15 minute delay an hour into the ride for a cloud burst.  At least on the first one I was able to get under a store front and wait it out.  The second one 20 minutes later, no store front but it was not as intense but I did get pretty wet.  The run was went slow with my calves giving the most "trouble" which was a bit of a switch.  My heart rate shot up to the 160 range (HRM broke) which I believe is more a reflection of my run fitness.  Coming off the bike I was in the 130 range.   I believe  I have 3 more 3.5 hr bike sessions which falls almost in line with your plan.  I have to look at my run training.  Oh my bike nutrition, 2 gels, 1 Kashi bar (140 cals total, 5g fat, 19g carbs, 7g protein), 2.5 water bottles and 1 bottle of G2.  I really got to get away from gatorade and get back to hammer perpetum.  This bike helped build my confidence back along with your observation that this session was 4:45 which is close enough for my bike/run time in the race.  My swim I am comfortable with as long as I do not try to keep up with the pack and not get winded at 500 meters.  My remaining 6 weeks I will be focused on the run.  I did 10.5 miles on Sat which was not pretty by any means. 

I have driven the run course already and I have  bridge right out of T2 and shortly after that  a fairly steep short hill when the course drops down a block.  Going out that will be downhill but coming back it is going to be a short steep uphill.  That should get the heart rate going. 

The race at the end of the week is the Outer Banks tri with the HIM and OLY on sat and the sprint on Sunday.  Last year the sprint and OLY were on Sunday and that was my wife's first tri (sprint) while I did the OLY.  The race I did last month was at Washington. I do not have the most experience to pull upon but here goes.....The start/finish is in a private park in a fairly nice neighborhood which means no parking near by.  I parked about 3 blocks away.  The transistion area was on the small side but good for getting out of the water into T1 quickly (about 20 yds), this was the same for T2 so pretty quick in and out.  The swim start was the most crowded and a water start.  Over all the swim course was nice in a river with no current or waves.  It is brackish water so you will get your sodium intake.  Water was cloudy/muddy but no plant growth or other things to worry about.  Water temp was 82 I believe.  Bike course was essentially flat.  Lots of turns.  I think I had about 10-12 turns which took me down some rural roads.  Only 1 water stop on the bike.  The run was a 2 loops run by the river which was nice and 3 water/heed stops per loop.  Overall it was okay not a wow like White Lake but comparable to Outer Banks.  I will ask around and see what a couple of other people think that have a bit more experience to pull from and let you know their thoughts.  B2B I heard closed a couple of weeks ago.  Maybe next year you can come down and we can do the IM.  I guess I should stay focused on the HIM though.



2011-09-06 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


37F???? It is still early sept you know?  I think that is our low for the year.  Stay warm.


2011-09-06 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

I guess I have been pretty quiet here. Just marathon training, not complaining much tho working through some quirks, but perfect running weather mid50s to 60s sometimes a light rain, mostly not.

Tho I am heading to Atlanta (for work) in a couple of weeks so looking forward to likely better warmer weather and then a long run in Virginia Beach as I visit my brother who is stationed there. I still have to check if there is a group to run with. My brother will likely think I am a little crazy when I tell him I want to run 3.5 hrs, ah heck, he already knows "I'm a runner" and that speaks for itself.

Keep up the good training!

2011-09-06 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3673999

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK -

Good run, and a very fine nutrition job for the oly-to-come. For neither love nor money have I been able to find that Triathlete issue, but I will keep digging through piles and will eventually uncover it. Of course, there IS a time limit on that, as I am leaving for DC early Thursday morning, and your race is hot on the heels of my departure. I shall keep digging!

Thank you for the reassuring thoughts on Katia, and I will stop worrying about it/her. And what a poorly-chosen name, so close to "Katrina". What, the hurricane-namers thought people in Louisiana needed further reminders? It's like having a girlfriend named Marilyn, who dumps you, and you sure don't go out and chose soemone named Mary. That would just be bad karma! I think they could've chosen a name such as Kryptonia, or Kleptomella, or Kissypoo, and not offended or upset anyone!

Thanks too for the info on Washington, especially the description of the turns on the bike; that's the impression I got from looking at the HIM bike course last year. I generally think i don't like turns, but on basically-flat terrain they are one way to force chnaging gearing evry so often -- the lack of which can be a big problem on long, flat bike courses.

Finally, those heart rates. I thjink I read them as 130 off the bike and then climbing to 160 later on -- maybe about the time the calves started hurting? If it was indeed 130 off the bike, that is very good, I think. I don't know your heart rate info, but probably 130 would be in low Zone 2, so starting the run like that isn't going to tax you too much at all -- which is the goal! The 160 is a bit high, but now you know how that feels and now difficult it is to mainatin....and how it might affect your calves! If or when that happens again, try shortening your stride a bit AND slowing the pace. Within a minute or less you should feel the HR begin to creep down, and then it's up to you if you want to carry on as is, or try nudging it a bit to gain back a tad of better speed.

Finally-finally, you're right -- stay focused on B2B HIM and banish all thoughts of the IM for now!!!

2011-09-07 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3675485

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK again -

Got it! Found it! It was, uh, right where I left it!

It's in the Oct issue of Triathlete if you want to track down the text along with what I'm putting below this paragraph. Or you could go to the author's (Lance Watson) website,, just incasre the info is available there as well.

The following applies to the nutrition plan for a 150-pound athlete aiming for a 3:00 olympic-distance. Even if you are a fair bit off either (150 lbs, 3:00 finish) of those, the protocol below will be close enough. You can make arguments that bigger athletes needs more input, and alos that people out on coyurse longer will need more.....although speedy folks also have cause to keep their furnaces stoked.

4:30 --- breakfast of two slices of toast with jelly, plus oatmeal with a banana, for 300-500 cal
5-6:00 --- pre-race water, about 16 oz, periodically sipped
6-6:50 --- sip 8 oz diluted electrolyte drink
6:50 --- energy gel (100 cal)
7:00 --- START
7-7:40 --- zero calories during swim
7:45 --- leave T1
7:55 --- energy gel
8:25 --- energy gel
8:55 --- energy gel
7:45-9:10 --- consume 32-40oz of fluid througghout the bike
9:10 -- leave T2
9:25 --- energy gel or energy drink
9:50 --- energy gel or energy drink
9:10-9:50 --- consume 32oz of fluid throughout run
10:00 --- FINISH
10:00-10:10 --- energy drink and fruit (200-300 cal)
10:30-12:00 --- chocolate milk and psot-race meal (800-1200 cal)

What do you think??

9:50 ---

2011-09-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


You're leaving tomorrow for your race?  Are you making stops along the way or do you have extra plans when you get there?

I wanted to make sure I wished you "Good Luck" and have a great time.


2011-09-07 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


You're doing Outer Banks Olympic this Saturday? Is that right?  Tune-up for your HIM?

Good luck and ahve a great time.


2011-09-07 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Denise - Cool article! You are my hero!!

Steve - So you've been swimming in Texoma? Cool beans. Not the prettiest lake in the world, but the water is clear and there are some coves with sheer rock cliffs on the Texas side that are lovely. Yes, my husband is goofball...I'll ask him if he knows any guys named Jeff.

Oh, and did I mention that since Sunday it has been 75-85F highs here in OKC? I'm ecstatic!!!  

2011-09-07 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3676333

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Yup, leaving tomorrow morning. We'll drive to Harrisonburg VA, stay there tomorrow night, and on Friday morning Lynn'll hook up with a friend and the two of them will drive to Asheville NC for a weekend mushroom foray put on by the Asheville Mishroom Club. I will tehn drive into DC, about 75 minutes from Hburg, and hang around until Sunday's race. I will probably stay with someone from one of the other mentor groups, and then after the race I will drive back to Hburg and wait fro lynn o get back from Asheville. We may stay that night in Hburg, or drive north a ways....or maybe even drive through the night. It's about 9-10 hours from home to Hburg, I reckon.

Please send powerful mojo for NO bike mishaps of any variety!!!!!!

2011-09-07 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3676265

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-07 11:55 AM JK again - Got it! Found it! It was, uh, right where I left it! It's in the Oct issue of Triathlete if you want to track down the text along with what I'm putting below this paragraph. Or you could go to the author's (Lance Watson) website,, just incasre the info is available there as well. The following applies to the nutrition plan for a 150-pound athlete aiming for a 3:00 olympic-distance. Even if you are a fair bit off either (150 lbs, 3:00 finish) of those, the protocol below will be close enough. You can make arguments that bigger athletes needs more input, and alos that people out on coyurse longer will need more.....although speedy folks also have cause to keep their furnaces stoked. 4:30 --- breakfast of two slices of toast with jelly, plus oatmeal with a banana, for 300-500 cal 5-6:00 --- pre-race water, about 16 oz, periodically sipped 6-6:50 --- sip 8 oz diluted electrolyte drink 6:50 --- energy gel (100 cal) 7:00 --- START 7-7:40 --- zero calories during swim 7:45 --- leave T1 7:55 --- energy gel 8:25 --- energy gel 8:55 --- energy gel 7:45-9:10 --- consume 32-40oz of fluid througghout the bike 9:10 -- leave T2 9:25 --- energy gel or energy drink 9:50 --- energy gel or energy drink 9:10-9:50 --- consume 32oz of fluid throughout run 10:00 --- FINISH 10:00-10:10 --- energy drink and fruit (200-300 cal) 10:30-12:00 --- chocolate milk and psot-race meal (800-1200 cal) What do you think?? 9:50 ---

Maybe this is one of my problems with racing.  For Sprints and Olympics I have a difficult time getting anything down (I even have to force energy drink down).  That's a lot of gels during the race.

However, I didn't have any problem getting about 3 brownies down after dinner tonight.  I think that's another one of my problems!!

2011-09-07 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3676855

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-07 5:53 PM DENISE - Yup, leaving tomorrow morning. We'll drive to Harrisonburg VA, stay there tomorrow night, and on Friday morning Lynn'll hook up with a friend and the two of them will drive to Asheville NC for a weekend mushroom foray put on by the Asheville Mishroom Club. I will tehn drive into DC, about 75 minutes from Hburg, and hang around until Sunday's race. I will probably stay with someone from one of the other mentor groups, and then after the race I will drive back to Hburg and wait fro lynn o get back from Asheville. We may stay that night in Hburg, or drive north a ways....or maybe even drive through the night. It's about 9-10 hours from home to Hburg, I reckon. Please send powerful mojo for NO bike mishaps of any variety!!!!!!

There some bike mojo waiting for you in DC (my old stomping ground) Steve.  Have a safe trip and good luck with the race.

2011-09-07 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3676265

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


First and foremost safe travels and enjoy your race.  I mentioned the word achilles a couple of posts ago and now I have a very tendor lower achilles right above the heel. Only when I push on the area though.   Below the old injury site so I think I am convincing myself it is a bruise vice an injury.  How is that for rationalizing.  I am most likely going to play it safe and skip the race on sat. Tomorrow will be my decesion day after my sports massage.  My whole left leg had been feeling a bit "gimpy" after Saturdays slow long run and yesterday's speed work I think flaired something up.  Not good but not to the point where I have a lump on my tendon like last year.  So I think a few days off with ice and the usual scarifices to the multisport gods should do the trick. 

The nutrition plan looks like the intake is about 300 cals on the bike  with no solids.  I guess gels are more easier on the digestive track than a bar. Sounds like a good target that I will stick with that intake on my next few practices.  Now on a 56 mile bike should that be doubled?  My translation would be about 300cals / 75min or so. I will check under my bed to see if I can locate the issue. That article is not coming to mind but it sounds like a good read.  I will also check out the web site to see if there is similar article for a HIM.  I also started reading "Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes" by Monique Ryan and I will let you know if there are any pearls in there.  What caught my eye on Lance Watsons article was the amount of water intake on the run. 32 oz on a 10K seems like a bit much or maybe that is one of my problems that I did not realize.  Generally I think each cup is typically an 8 oz(?) cup and is half full when you get it, so rough math would be 8 cups of water on the run. Of course that assumes you actually get most of it in you which I generally do not.   Does that sound right? I do not think I would argue about the chocolate milk for a post workout. Always hits the spot pre/post/ rest days/ middle of the night etc....  

Sunday's DC weather looks like it is 81 and partly cloudy.  Should be a great day for the race and I will also make a couple of scarifices to the bike gods for your ride on Sunday.


2011-09-07 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3676265

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I agree that it seems like a lot, but that's from my perspective that tends towards the slack side of race-day nutrition. My oly protocol is usually a bagel and tea for breakfast, and then a bit of Clif Mojo bar and/or a banana to go with sips of HEED pre-race. I then have the pre-swim gel....but after that I take in less than what Lance Watson recommends. I will have two 20oz bottles, one with HEED and one with water. I will generally make it through the HEED, but maybe only half of the water. Some of that water will be used to help down a gel at about mile 18-20 or so. The run will see me having small hits of whatever energy drink is on-course, and even less of the water; most of that turns into dousing material. There will be a gel about halfway throught he run, and that'll be it. I just can't see how to drink 32oz while on a 10km run!!!

As for the matter of having trouble getting stuff down, that's much more common (actually, a foregone conclusion) at half-irons --- where, sadly, it is much more critical. I haven't seemed to work that through satisfactorily yet!

Maybe I'll aim for a second gel on the bike on Sunday, and see how that sits and works. If I do it, you'll be the first to know. I've been happy with PowerGels lately, so I figure that trying for an extra gel event can't hurt me ----- much???

2011-09-07 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3677183

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Leaving early tomorrow morning for Nation's Tri, and won't be back until Monday evening, probably. I don't think there is athlete tracking for this one, although it seems to have all sorts of other bells and whistles. But if there is, my number is 2157 and the website is

Remember, please -- mojo for NO bike mishaps!! Thanks in advance!

2011-09-07 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3677178

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK -

Yes, be carefully of the Achilles. It is an area that is chronically short-supplied with blood, so healing can often take a long while. Since my only semi-serious bout with it in '09, I think, I have had about 7-10 smaller episodes that terrified me for a few days, and then wnet away. I hope that's the case with yours!

Also, I am not recommending that you pass on Outer Banks....but I'm not not recommending it either. I have made several morning-of decisions about whether to race or not when an injury has been lurking, and also ones a few days out, as you are considering now. Are you signed up yet/ O focurse, it is so much easier to bail when the maony hasn't been spent yet....but uslaly for me my bails have come in no-refuind races in which I entered months before race day. Doh!

Paradoxically, I wouldn't necessarily double the oly nutrition plan for a half-iron, even though the bike and runs of a HIM are each more than double the distances of an oly. As I wrote to Jeff earler, Watson's oly plan is a bit too-full for my liking, but it might be a good compromise for you, given your "gluttony" last month.

As for gels versus solids, that's a good question. My hstory at half-irons is riddled with episodes of gel-rejection by the time the run comes along, so I do faitlt well with solids on the bike. Fig Newtons and Clif Mojo bars ALWAYS sit well with me, and they are good items to have so as to force me to drink water by way of chasing them.

Do you have a Bento Box and an aero drink bottle? The latter goes between the aerobars (if you have them), and the Bento Box sits on the top tube, nestled up against the stem by velcro straps (which also go around the top tube). One or both are close to essential for a half-iron. Go to the Profile Design website for the aero bottle, and google Bento Box for that.

Off to bed now, as I'm up in about five hours. Ack!!

2011-09-08 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey Steve - I haven't gone back and read any of the posts so if I'm not replying to someone, please excuse me. 

My question is, what should I be looking at in terms of nutrition/hydration for a half aquabike? I have a bento box, but no aerobottle because I don't have aerobars, yet. 

2011-09-08 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3677183

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-07 11:07 PM JEFF - I agree that it seems like a lot, but that's from my perspective that tends towards the slack side of race-day nutrition. My oly protocol is usually a bagel and tea for breakfast, and then a bit of Clif Mojo bar and/or a banana to go with sips of HEED pre-race. I then have the pre-swim gel....but after that I take in less than what Lance Watson recommends. I will have two 20oz bottles, one with HEED and one with water. I will generally make it through the HEED, but maybe only half of the water. Some of that water will be used to help down a gel at about mile 18-20 or so. The run will see me having small hits of whatever energy drink is on-course, and even less of the water; most of that turns into dousing material. There will be a gel about halfway throught he run, and that'll be it. I just can't see how to drink 32oz while on a 10km run!!! As for the matter of having trouble getting stuff down, that's much more common (actually, a foregone conclusion) at half-irons --- where, sadly, it is much more critical. I haven't seemed to work that through satisfactorily yet! Maybe I'll aim for a second gel on the bike on Sunday, and see how that sits and works. If I do it, you'll be the first to know. I've been happy with PowerGels lately, so I figure that trying for an extra gel event can't hurt me ----- much???


Your protocol is much more in line with what I'm able to do for Olympics.  I can finish the energy drink that is in my Profile Design aerobottle during the bike.  Maybe a bit of the Cliff Bar or gel while on the bike but I can tell you it doesn't go down easy (I have to force it with water).  Not a chance of getting anything down on the run outside of water or energy drink.

Interestingly enough I'm different from you on the HIM distance.  I can get solids down on the bike and run.  I'm way to frighten of the distance to push in manner.  When I'm traveling at a "Steady" pace (on the bike or run) I can get solids down.  Not a chance when my HR is up around my functional threshold for Sprints and Olympics.

2011-09-09 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3678643

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm in Harrisonburg VA, having made it through a hellacious drive yesterday with a steady threat of flood-closed roads. And I just learned that the swim for Nation's is cancelled, which is a huge disappointment for me -- but I must keep it in perspective, given how many people's are being affected worse than my self-absorbed tri life. There! I've said it!

Heading into DC shortly, don't know when I will find another computer (this one is at our motel).

TRINA and JEFF -- I wil get back to your comments/questions when I can, okay?


2011-09-10 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Hopefully you are now dreaming about smooth tranisitions and trees with no low hanging branches.  Sorry to hear about the swim, I guess Irene, Lee, and the front moving through was just a bit much saturation.  I did bail on Outer Banks but being the procastinator that I am, I did not lose any fees.  Great news on the leg....I went and visited the Doc Friday who said it was my bursa sac (sp?) behind my achilles and gave me a cortisone shot.  Though he failed to mention that he had to go through the achilles tendon with the needle which tends to wake you up a bit when administrating the shot.  But it feels a whole lot better and he said it I was good to start running tomorrow.  The Doc also recommended that I run with gel heel lifts to minimize the impact.  My shoes have about 250-300 miles on them (I have to add up my runs) but I think they are still in good shape.  I guess the determination between the bursa sac inflamation vs the achilles is where the pain manifests itself.  In my case the  tenderness was on the sides of the achilles and pain was experienced when I fully extended (pushing off on the run) the foot and of course I did not have the tell tale bump on my achilles this time.  I glad I went, I was resigning myself to taking a couple of weeks off with lots of ice.  So great news in that area.

Bike nutrition on todays 50 mile ride (2 hrs 50 min) was one Kashi bar and 1 gel along with 3.5 water bottles. I felt fine afterwards but I think that I was a little lite on the nutrition and I might be setting myself up for a bonk on the run.  I think I need to work on a couple of more gels and get on a schedule of a gel every 40 minutes or so on my practice rides. 

I did get loaned a Blade Lite speed to use on my HIM if I want to shift to a tri bike vs my road bike which is starting to have issues with the drive train.  Wow what a difference.  This bike wants to go fast.  I have it currently set up with 1 water cage and an areo bottle.  Going down hill is a bit uneasy. I think I have to shift my weight back in the saddle but the first hill I went down in the areo position got my very nerveous and I wouldn't move from the areo position for fear of shifting my weight and tumbling.  The second downhill I stayed upright (yes I wimped out).  Anyway I have some work to do.  I am not 100% sure I will use it for the race but it did seem a lot easier on the legs and the shifting was so much more easier which I am not sure if that was due to the drive train being Dura Ace vs my 105 or the shifters being on the areo bars.  Oh I do have a bento box also. 

Looking forward to a fantastic race report and with DC only 6 hours away I might be pencilling that race in for next year. 




2011-09-11 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3680585

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Joe, I too switched to a tri bike this summer.  The aero bars take some getting used to and I still get somewhat nervous on some big descents, but you'll get used to it.  My advice is to simply spend as much time on the bike as you can before your event.  You'll feel more comfortable every ride.  Getting ready to leave for a 65 miler in next few minutes.  Will be my longest yet.  Still planning on riding a century next month so I need to spend some serious time in the saddle.


2011-09-11 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

WAY TO GO STEVE! Fantastic times! And 32 in your age group but you won it with a very healthy margin. 


2011-09-11 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3681397

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Thanks, you skulker par excellence, you!

Yeah, 6:40 or so ahead of #2 was pretty good. Mostly, thgough, I'm thrilled with the run, which happened because I wisely dialed things back some mon the final 8km of the bike. No hugely, but enough to leave me feeling relatively fresh.

Thye Potomac was good-awful terrible -- septic-smelling, and full of debris; canceling he swim was essential. Overall, it worked well haveing just the bike and run, and a short run to our bikes which made up the T1 figure.

I'll post the numbers below -- although you know thwem already, huh?

2011-09-11 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3681591

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Nations Triathlon numbers (see above, to Denise, for a few pertinent details)

T1 -- 1:17
B -- 1:05:07 (22.9mph)
T2 -- 1:58
R -- 43:28 (7:01/km)

1/32 M60-64

More later!
2011-09-12 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


It is good to know there is a learning curve with the bike.  I understand that the geometry shifts your weight distribution forward and I am now looking down on the front hub.  I am not sure if shifting back in the saddle will do anything or more likely I will just ride the hoods on descents until I build my confidence.  Good news is that my race coming up is not technical and I think I only have one bridge to come down. Of course that is right before T2 which is always a great place to take a spill, eh. 


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