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2011-09-12 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Great times and it appears that the bike gods smiled upon you this race.  Sorry to hear about the swim though. 


2011-09-13 12:01 AM
in reply to: #3680585

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK -

Man, that's about the best news one can receive about an Achilles concern -- that it is only the bursa that is being bad. With a fair probability of success, the cortisone should help a lot.

Do I take it to mean that your procrastination led you to not previously registering for O.B.? If so -- well played! Brilliant, in fact!

It's late, and it's been a looong few days, and I will leave now and hope to get a race report in place within the next few days. BUT, the organizers did a fabulous job of adjusting for a no-swim, and the whole race was extremely well done. It maybe has a few (hundred?) too many people, but it's close enough to acceptable that I'm not going to quibble.

And FWIW, it has a sister race in June, the D.C. Triathlon. I will dig up the website for that one for you, and then you'll have twoi to choose from. I think the swim (plan) is the same for both, and pretty much the same bike route, but the runs are quite different. I suspect D.C. is hillier, as it doesn't involve Hanes Point which is one of the only flat area in the general vicinity. The final 3.5 miles or os of Nations was on Hanes Point.


2011-09-13 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3681598

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-11 9:34 PM Nations Triathlon numbers (see above, to Denise, for a few pertinent details) T1 -- 1:17 B -- 1:05:07 (22.9mph) T2 -- 1:58 R -- 43:28 (7:01/km) 1:51:49 1/32 M60-64 More later!

Great ride and blazing fast run Steve.

2011-09-13 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3684419

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Merci beaucoup!

It was an incredibly satisfying run/bike combo.....but it throws a few monkey wrenches into all my ruminations a few weeks ago about how going all-out on the bike might pay better dividends than to save some unknown amount for the run. I still have to think about this some, but for now:

--I dialed it down on about the final 7-8km, maybe to the point of "losing" 1-2 minutes of bike-time.
--I began the run feeling immediately fresh, really surprisingly so.
--I was able to successfully "surge" several times along about miles three and four, and these might've helped me by close to a minute.
--The surges are really just short "pick-ups", maybe 15-20 seconds each, and when I sense the HR is climbing, I drop back to my previous sustained effort.
--I flagged some in the final half-mile; probably not perceptible to anyone else, but I could feel it. It was at its worst with about 200-300 yards to go, but I was able to dig deep for the last 150 or so yards.
--Going 43:28 was phenomenal for me, but it didn't surprise me given how great i felt right from the run's start.
--I had hoped for about 45'-46', so doing 43' was 2-3' better than hoped for. And if I actually did lose a minute or two in holding back some at the end of the bike ------- I might've gained a minute by having the stuff for a dtrong run.
--Most races I am in the top 12-15% of the bike and the top 18-25% of the run. At Nation's, I was at 14% on the bike....and 10% on the run! I cannot remember the last time my run was comparably stronger than my bike, against the whole field, but on Sunday it was clear that somehting clicked, a new way (maybe???) of doing things??

All that good stuff aside, my nutrition was sketchy again, and I was saved some by having aid stations every mile on the run. Bless their little hearts!!

2011-09-13 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3685064

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-13 7:41 PM JEFF - Merci beaucoup! It was an incredibly satisfying run/bike combo.....but it throws a few monkey wrenches into all my ruminations a few weeks ago about how going all-out on the bike might pay better dividends than to save some unknown amount for the run. I still have to think about this some, but for now: --I dialed it down on about the final 7-8km, maybe to the point of "losing" 1-2 minutes of bike-time. --I began the run feeling immediately fresh, really surprisingly so. --I was able to successfully "surge" several times along about miles three and four, and these might've helped me by close to a minute. --The surges are really just short "pick-ups", maybe 15-20 seconds each, and when I sense the HR is climbing, I drop back to my previous sustained effort. --I flagged some in the final half-mile; probably not perceptible to anyone else, but I could feel it. It was at its worst with about 200-300 yards to go, but I was able to dig deep for the last 150 or so yards. --Going 43:28 was phenomenal for me, but it didn't surprise me given how great i felt right from the run's start. --I had hoped for about 45'-46', so doing 43' was 2-3' better than hoped for. And if I actually did lose a minute or two in holding back some at the end of the bike ------- I might've gained a minute by having the stuff for a dtrong run. --Most races I am in the top 12-15% of the bike and the top 18-25% of the run. At Nation's, I was at 14% on the bike....and 10% on the run! I cannot remember the last time my run was comparably stronger than my bike, against the whole field, but on Sunday it was clear that somehting clicked, a new way (maybe???) of doing things?? All that good stuff aside, my nutrition was sketchy again, and I was saved some by having aid stations every mile on the run. Bless their little hearts!!

Well the race protocol you used worked very well.  No denying that!!

BTW:  What do you mean by "I flagged some"?  In the context of the sentences it sounds like you were getting near the cliff and slowing down but I'm not certain.

2011-09-13 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3685064

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-13 7:41 PM JEFF - Going 43:28 was phenomenal for me

Going 43:28 is phenomenal for the vast majority of us.  I'm still trying to crack the 50 min. barrier FRESH.  Almost there

Edited by junthank 2011-09-13 7:23 PM

2011-09-13 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3685113

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


It means I unexpectedly lost some of the "snap" in my legs, and just couldn't sustain the turnover. Or something like that. It was really odd how it worked, as there was a brief tiny climb, then I could see the finish a few hundred yards ahead, and there was a complementary descent (the climb and descent were very minimal), and a little bend in Ohio Drive, and I wanted to kick it in and couldn't -- at least not right away. It was maybe 20 seconds of just feeling like the legs were unwilling, and then thank goodness I got it together again. Part of that was looking at my watch and seeing I was in the mid-42, and didn't want anything to keep me within the 43'-minute range. So, despite the minor panic that I would stagger to a 44-something, I managed to get myself back together again and finished fairly strong.

Oh. I started those surges after the 5km marker, which I passed at 22:08, so the back half was actually a bit better than the front half. A good part of that was due to the surges, but also maybe because the only climbs of any sort were going north past Washington Monument, and then back south past it again, and that was at about mile one, I guess. Very cool, too, to have the big old plinthy monument looming above us!!!

2011-09-14 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hi everyone.....

Soooo.....I'm still a bit worried about water quality at Redman. There are still signs posted that say "Stay away from the water it'll make you sick," or something to that effect. Their FB page states that they're moving water into the lake, but again there isn't any water to be moved so I really do think they will end-up canceling the swim. Which leaves me with a 55 mile bike ride. Drove the course Monday night and it's not too hilly. Shouldn't be a problem. 

Got new running shoes! My old ones (Brooks Ariel) were super duper heavy. I went to okc's tony running store and they were all like "Those are too much for you....who put you in these?" Bought a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline and LOVE them...I feel like I've got feathers on my feet vs. bricks. My hip flexors don't hurt anymore. Hopefully this will continue to be the case.

I'm still a little confused about nutrition, but I think I'll just eat a light breakfast, eat one Gu and hydrate 1 bottle every 45 minutes along the bike and I'll be fine. Recovery meal will be light as it's only a 55 mile bike ride and no run (and probably no swim). 

I think I'm reaching burnout. I'm not excited about this race, and I kept having this strange dream about the swim portion. I'm praying that my attitude changes. I need some inspiration, so I'm going to head over to YouTube and look at triathlon videos....

Have a great day everyone!

2011-09-14 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Glad you got "better" shoes.  I prefer light ones myself.

When is your race?  This weekend?

I'm suffering what I think is burnout also.  I've got a duathlon in 1 1/2 weeks and I just don't care about how I do.  Of course, my new bike will make up for my fewer training hours - haha.

Forecast is for 20s tonight - it's a little early for us to get that cold.  The forecasters keep saying "Unusually cool" - heck, that's not cool, that's cold.


2011-09-14 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


So - what a great way to end the season (it is your last, right?)  You must be flying high.  Do you think your lighter race season had anything to do with having such a great race?

You mentioned Lynn went mushrooming - did she bring any back?  She seems to do some interesting things - I should get a list from her for when I can't do this race stuff anymore.


2011-09-14 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3686379

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-09-13 2:09 PM


Glad you got "better" shoes.  I prefer light ones myself.

When is your race?  This weekend?

I'm suffering what I think is burnout also.  I've got a duathlon in 1 1/2 weeks and I just don't care about how I do.  Of course, my new bike will make up for my fewer training hours - haha.

Forecast is for 20s tonight - it's a little early for us to get that cold.  The forecasters keep saying "Unusually cool" - heck, that's not cool, that's cold.



Denise - 20 degrees?! Wow! That is cold!! We're still having lows in the high 70s. I was watching the weather channel and they're a bit worried about all of the foliage in New England not being as brilliant if it starts getting too cold at night. Hope it doesn't.

Yes, new bikes do make-up for a lack of enthusiasm. At least you feel cool when your riding it Cool

My race is next weekend. I don't even know if I have a number, yet. Guess I should meander over to the website and see. 

Hate it that you're feeling burnout, too. I really don't care how I do at Redman. I'm actually kind of dreading the whole affair. I ordered a new "shortie" wetsuit for Redman and it arrived today. I'm too tall for it.... it feels like its pulling my shoulders down to where my armpits should be.  And my chest is a little too large, also. So I guess I'll try a different brand. Do they carry wetsuits for tall chicks with sizable ta-tas? Or I guess I could just take the wetsuit I have now and cut the legs off above the knee. Has anybody ever had any experience doing this? Will it roll-up on my leg? Look stupid? Only thing is that it chafes the underside of my arms, so that's really the main reason I purchased a new wetsuit. 

2011-09-14 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3685977

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Ack! Seeing your comment about nutrition jarred my memory that you asked about that last week. Yes? I think I might've been caught up in pre-Nation's stuff. Maybe?

ANYHOW, I will get something to you very soon about that. I'm thinking it is the following weekend (24/25), but I will check and if it is this coming weekend I will be here with thougths REAL soon.

As for water quality....keep the faith? Redman is not a mickey-mouse event, and they stand to lose a huge amount if they are deliberately evasive, or send athletes into bad water. I was very impressed with Nation's for making the call on no-swim about 67 hours before the race, as it gave ample time for people to either cancel their travel plans if they really wanted the whole deal, or to get their head around the change (as was the case with me). Friday, the Potomac was rough, fairly debris-strewn, and somewhat smelly (as in sewage). Saturday it was less rowdy, but with more debris and more odor. And Sunday -- very calm water, but the debris-load was insne, and the sewage smell was oppressive. So, they definitely made the correct call!!

Finally, as for burnout ---- it can be insidious. The dreams may not have anything to do with it, but lack of interest might. However, how possible is that what you're feeling is just confusion about the water and the fact that it might end up just a 55-mile ride? I can see that as disappointing, to be sure, as certainly enough to affect one's mindset heading into the race. I guess that relates to what I said last paragraph, that having a definitive call on the swim cancellation helped me get my mind settled as early as possible.

Hang in there!!

2011-09-14 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3686956

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Nation's as my last race of the season?? Ha! Where did you get such a notion, you silly goose?

No, in two weeks I am doing both races of the Nickel City Triathlon, in Buffalo, those being the oly on Saturday and the sprint on Sunday. That's the 24th and 25th. And then the following weeknd I am off to the Pine Barrens of NJ for Bassman, which is an international -- 0.5-mile swim, 29-mile bike, 4.2-mile run.

I am also contemplating Washington Half (NC) on Oct 29, but I'd say that's a long shot. As temps drop here, too, it gets harder to face up to outside training. Runs are okay, but rides can be frigid and as for OWS --- along about )ct 15 is the end for me. Of course, at that stage I could effectively not swim again and still be fine, as the fitness is very mucgh in place. This year in particular, I have done mega-OWS, so I shouldn't use that as a limiter!

And just between you, me, and the race calendar, i am toying arund with a couple of options in Florida in Now and Dec. I plan to pick JEFF's brains about those shortly!

I take it you're done now? Come to Buffalo!! Check out, and click on Nickel City. You too can shuffle of to Buffalo, and if you do I will have Lynn come along and we can all go mushrooming on the Sunday, maybe. Seriously! Think about it! Ya gotta be due for a vacation, and with Buffalo you can include Toronto and maybe even over-the-top Niagara Falls.

Finally, Lynn is a avid shroomer, and if you really want to know more I can tell you stuff. Let me know, okay? (I don't eat shrooms, but I enjoy going collecting with her.)


2011-09-14 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hard to believe most of us were complaining just recently of the hot temps and humidity - it rained all day and never reached 60 degrees here in the Midwest.  Almost perfect running weather (went 6 and had an extra spring in my step i haven't felt all summer) but makes for tough biking conditions.  I've got a 5/22 biathlon Sunday.  It has rained 3 of last 4 years and the forecast is threatening again.  Goal is to break 2 hours which, weather permitting, should be doable.  Riding the tri bike this year which should help considerably although there are 6 doozy hills and the roads are pretty rough.  Dry pavement and little headwind might make all the difference.

Still planning on my first century ride next month and was just signed up to run a 10K the weekend before.  Haven't swam in nearly a month but really need to force myself to get into the pool at least once a week this winter.  A riding buddy advised me that Memphis puts on a wonderful Oly tri in May, particularly for first timers.  I'm looking to move up but the early point in the season might be more of a challenge than I am ready for (primarily due to the nearly mile OWS).  It will be wetsuit legal but I've never swam in a wetsuit or in an open water competition.  Any early insights and/or training advise is much appreciated.

Steve, nice job last weekend.  Trina, enjoy the bike ride and stay out of fetid water.

2011-09-15 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3687055

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Yeah, we're tough to please, aren't we? Moan too much about the heat, kvetch endlessly about the cold; what do we want -- Nirvana??

Your recent run bodes well for the biathlon's run, and the tri bike will get a nice test on 22 miles with six doozy hills. So get psyched -- it should be a good 'un for you!

When is the 10km and the century, and for the latter, which bike will you use? Upon getting my certified tri bike back when, I never returned to my road bike which, retro-fitted for tri features, had served me well in my first tri season. I know of many triathletes who will judiciously use a road bike, but I juts immediately became the exclusive slave to my tri bike.

Memphis in May has a great reputation, and I too have heard it is very fine for first-timers, or even first-timers at that distance. (Plus, Memphis is just a cool place!) So, if you think you can use the race as a way to keep going over the winter and early spring, then it is worth considering.

I was just talking with someone about Columbia, in MD, which is about the same time as Memphis -- May 20ish. I have done it four times, and it is an international (wee bit longer bike than regulation oly) on a killer course, and while I like to think of it as a test of my early-season fitness, it actually turns out to be more about my early-season tenacity -- that is, how well I can hang out without suffering too much! For you, though, you will have had much more of an open window for serious outdoors riding, so that should make M in M less daunting. I say do it!!

Finally, as for the wetsuit, if you decide to go that route maybe look into I have ordered from them often in the past, and as for wetsuits they allow a trial period, in a pool, with returns allowed if the suit has not been subjected to BodyGlide or PAM, and has been rinsed off adequately. The upside of this is that you can tell if a suit fits and you can move well in it; the downside is you have to suffer wearing a wetsuit in a heated pool. Oh, my! I now know what fighters must feel like when they need to "cut weight" for an upcoming fight!

Have a good bi on Sunday, and let us know how it went!

2011-09-15 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3686729

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

TRINA again -

As for your wetsuit issues.....
(1) Are you using BodyGlide for chafing? Lots of it?
(2) Be careful about cutting a suit. I have read that some suits can handle it, while others just rip more readily from the edges of the cutting. I have also heard that lgs are very tricky, just because they "taper" in places. Arms work better, because they then sit of the shoulders which are usually bulkier than a person's biceps and deltoids.
(3) As for your own physiognomy, try going to the women's sub-forum here, or the similar feature at, and just ask the question as explicitly as you need to. I'm sure it has been covered in depth previously, and frequently, so there are options for you. Plus, I have seen lots of women in wetsuits who my mind's eyee says are similarly built to how you just described yourself.
(4) Following on 3, look around for wetsuits that have the widest range of sizes. Some have only 5-7 sizes, others have close to a dozen. Another option is the two-pice model from DeSoto -- I have been in a DeSoto two-piece since '03, and I love it. At some point I "staggered" how I replaced the top and bottom, so it turns out that I never feel I am buying a new wetsuit -- it might be top this year, bottom next year. DeSoto has fabulous customer service, and a call to them might help you with sizing. If you want to pursue this option, let me know and I will tell you more about the quirks of a two-piece.
(5) If you phone Tri-Zone, ask for Gayla. She has been there forever, and is very knowledgeable and helpful. I'm sure she, too, has fielded lots of westsuit questions from women with your general physique.

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-15 7:26 AM

2011-09-15 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3687433

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

As for your question about a lighter schedule, yes, I think it may have helped. It certainly is helping now, as this is usually the time my season has been clouded by being tired of "putting on my game face" so often. That's the psychological part.

As for physical, that's hard(er) to tell. I'm certainly still feeling fresh, and I think more so than other seasons in which I would've raced about 10-12 times by now. As it stands, I have now done six -- three "throw-aways" back in May and early June, and three, since Aug 14, that matter. The lesson for me about the throw-aways is to not waste time and energy and money doing races that don't count; that's just foolishness!

The bind I'm in now is getting in quality races for USAT points. My first one, at West Point, doesn't help me at all because of the bike crash; I got only 73 points for that. So, it is essentailly a "wash" for me in my quest for All-American. Mossman netted me 78-something, and that's where I need at least two of my remaining races to be, minimally. If Nation's is counted as a triathlon*, that will be there, and likely into the 80s. That leaves the two in Buffalo and the one in NJ to fill in any gaps.

So, had I stopped at Nation's, that would've given me an average of -- just speculating here -- about 77-something, which might be good enough for borderline Honorable Mention. Too close to risk settling it all right there!

* In previous years, USAT has counted as a triathlon everything that was designated/planned as a triathlon, even if conditions caused segments of it to be cancelled (as with Nations), or switched to a run, or shortened. I haven't heard otherwise (and am afraid to look!
), but I'm assuming that it will enter the rankings as a triathlon.

The other read of "lighter" would be weight, and I think thta has most definitely helped my performances. I am at about 164-167 these days, which is a good 5-6 punds lighter than I have sustanied myself in any previous race season. I normally nudge into 168/169 for a few days every early September, and then it's back to 170-172 until the season ends. This year I have been below 170 since mid-June, and I might be doing Bassman on Oct 2 at about 163. Maybe?

So, yeah, by the time the run began on Sunday, I might've been at about 164 -- what a great weight to race at!!!!!!!

2011-09-15 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3685977

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

TRINA once more -

Looking over your tentative nutrition plan, it sounds fine. I could quibble some, prehaps, but won't. When you say a Gu and water bottle every 45 minutes, does that mean a Gu every 45 minutes, and planning to make it through a bottle, too? I ask only because the Gu every 45 is a good idea; I juts didn't know if the 45' referrred only to the fluids.

If the swim happens, don't fuss with drinking for the first few miles. Let yourself get settled onto the bike and its rhythm, and then when you're where you want to be you can start groping around for bottles. If the swim doesn't happen, though, esssentially the same logic can be applied as you will have had a chance at water and Gu just before the ride starts.

Any solids in there? Pretzels? Clif bar? Fig Newtons? I just find that on longer rides I get SO sick of drinks and gels that my system is begging for something a bit more substantial. You've said you have a Bento Box, yes! If so, perfect for al sorts of goodies!

Finally, good for you and the Adrenaline! GREAT reputation, right up there with the Asics 2100-series. It is telling that your hip flexors are feeling good, and as you say -- hope it stays that way!

2011-09-15 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3687629

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-14 10:04 AM TRINA once more - Looking over your tentative nutrition plan, it sounds fine. I could quibble some, prehaps, but won't. When you say a Gu and water bottle every 45 minutes, does that mean a Gu every 45 minutes, and planning to make it through a bottle, too? I ask only because the Gu every 45 is a good idea; I juts didn't know if the 45' referrred only to the fluids. If the swim happens, don't fuss with drinking for the first few miles. Let yourself get settled onto the bike and its rhythm, and then when you're where you want to be you can start groping around for bottles. If the swim doesn't happen, though, esssentially the same logic can be applied as you will have had a chance at water and Gu just before the ride starts. Any solids in there? Pretzels? Clif bar? Fig Newtons? I just find that on longer rides I get SO sick of drinks and gels that my system is begging for something a bit more substantial. You've said you have a Bento Box, yes! If so, perfect for al sorts of goodies! Finally, good for you and the Adrenaline! GREAT reputation, right up there with the Asics 2100-series. It is telling that your hip flexors are feeling good, and as you say -- hope it stays that way!

Thanks for the input, Steve. I will call about the wetsuit. I think I need live customer service support regarding the purchase of a new one. It's a little late to try and get one for Redman now, so I will use copious amounts of body glide and hope for the best.

Yes, I my plan was to Gu AND hydrate one bottle every 45'. I think I will heed your advice and carry a Cliff Bar in my bento box, too. Probably pop a couple of Endurolytes every two hours if it's hot and I'm sweating a lot. 

I think you are also spot-on as to why I'm not excited about the race. I am just assuming they will cancel the swim, and getting stoked about a 55 mile ride is hard for me. The aquabike was supposed to serve as a stepping stone to a HIM next year, and if I don't get the mass swim start "experience" then it just doesn't seem worth the $ or the trouble. Spoke with coach about this last night and he seems to think that my excite-o-meter will rev-up during packet pickup and its electric atmosphere. We'll see.

Thanks again for the advice!

Edited by kickitinok 2011-09-15 10:55 AM
2011-09-15 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3687467

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-15 8:43 AM DENISE again - The bind I'm in now is getting in quality races for USAT points. My first one, at West Point, doesn't help me at all because of the bike crash; I got only 73 points for that. So, it is essentailly a "wash" for me in my quest for All-American. Mossman netted me 78-something, and that's where I need at least two of my remaining races to be, minimally. If Nation's is counted as a triathlon*, that will be there, and likely into the 80s. That leaves the two in Buffalo and the one in NJ to fill in any gaps. So, had I stopped at Nation's, that would've given me an average of -- just speculating here -- about 77-something, which might be good enough for borderline Honorable Mention. Too close to risk settling it all right there! * In previous years, USAT has counted as a triathlon everything that was designated/planned as a triathlon, even if conditions caused segments of it to be cancelled (as with Nations), or switched to a run, or shortened. I haven't heard otherwise (and am afraid to look! ), but I'm assuming that it will enter the rankings as a triathlon.

Interesting hearing you write about USAT rankings.  It sounds like that is one of your triathlon goals (i.e.. making ALL-USA or HM-USA).  I'll have to look into what it all means on the USAT website.  Sounds like a neat concept.  Has qualifying for WTC Worlds (like 70.3) ever been a goal of yours?  You certainly appear to be fast enough.

2011-09-15 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3687862

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Least important things first:
(1) Even cutting arms off a wetsuit can be a problem, mostly due to the armholes not being snug enough against the bosy and allowing in too much water. I have had one wetsuit top get hopelessly frayed aroubnd the collar, and then that ripped, and then I tore it off.....and then I realized that what was left allowed in too much water. On another suit, a "back-up" Xterra fullsuit, the area adjacent to the left armpit ripped, and that too let in too much water. So, if you decide to snip away, be prepared for somehting maybe undesirable.
(2) In using a sleeveless top last week, I developed some chafing on my inner upper arm. The next day's swim, though, I used a ton of BG on it, and, in my fullsuit, there was no discomfort. All hail BodyGlide!!!

More important matter:
I can fully understand why there mightn't be much of a thrill in a stand-alone 55-mile bike ride, especially when you really wanted 2/3 of the half-iron experience. I can't justifiably sugar-coat that scenario for you, but I will say that it is still a decent opportunity to feel what happens when you are doing that kind of ride with a whole swack of other folks. You will no doubt find it easier to push the pace for longer when in "competition mode", and it is a sneaky-sweet way to work hard and feel what it is like to ride harder and faster than you probably can sustain in training. Swim or no swim, think about pushing the final 4 or 5 miles just about as hard as you can. While this is notnotNOT something you would want to do in a full half-iron (in fact, you would want to dial it back some as the run is approaching), in an aquabike it is a wonderful opportunity to experience pushing into an uncomfortable zone.......while all the while knowing that within 15 minutes or so your day will be done.


2011-09-15 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3687433

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Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

I've gone back and forth on which bike to ride on the century (10/9).  I've ridden the tri bike almost exclusively since June and have become more and more comfortable on it, so I anticipate I'll ride it.  But part of me continues to return to the maxim that the roadie will be more comfortable, etc.  However, I road the tri bike 65 miles last weekend and felt fine.  Plus its simply a nicer bike!

The 10K is a week later on the 16th.  I was going to run the Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon in St. Louis the following weekend with a buddy who talked me into it but, alas, I have a family wedding that weekend out of town.

2011-09-15 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3688101

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Yes, it is THE goal for me, and yes, it is a very neat concept -- very accurate as to how one compares nationwide against their peers. Of course, that is ultimately based on results form people one has actually raced against, but within that context I find that when all results are final, the guys I've been competitive with in given races can be found about 10-15 places above me and 15-20 places below me. So, really, within that range on any given day it could be any of them who finish above me...or below me for that matter. It is hard for someone to "sneak into" an undeserved spot.

Lynn needs the computer now, so I will return with some more comments on this later -- probably tomorrow. I will also say somehting about qualifying for some of those big(ger) events. Bye for now!

2011-09-16 10:50 PM
in reply to: #3688101

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF again -

I'm still working through comments on USAT rankings, so for now I'll answer your other question about WTC Worlds.

The quick answer is no, and for several reasons:
(1) I have never flown to a race, and even my more distant ones have just been by driving. Clearwater has just seemed too far, especially in light of the championships there being tainted by rampant drafting. And now, however it turns out drafting-wise, Las Vegas is sooo much farther (further?) as to be unimaginable.
(2) My biggest problem is with WTC itself. In a nutshell, it is that WTC is really no friend of triathlon. They charge far too much for races, they have very poor refund policies, and they put way too many people out on the courses. The first of those is the real stickler, as I have seen half-irons climb radically in pricing since 70.3 started. It wasn't too long ago that good HIM could be entered for about $150, but 70.3 immediately hit the $200-plus range a few years ago, and now some are even $300; $250 is rare. And, of course, independent half-irons have somewhat jumped on board, although with the exception of the Rev3 races, not many independents exceed $200.

I say "several" up above, and even though there are only two items, I guess I would subdivide #2 into the three areas of concern I mention -- fees, refunds, crowding. Since 70.3 started I have done about 5 or 6 half-irons, and none have been 70.3. In pre-70.3 days I did Timberman and Mooseman, but in actual fact I have never done a branded 70.3. That doesn't mean I wouldn't.....but I sure wouldn't jump up with my money to do one!

The WTC irons -- the M-dots -- are of course that much worse. It is criminal, perhaps, that they sell out within minutes or hours for most, but won't work on a waiting-list system and still have pathetic refunds. I have yet to hear a good explanation about why they can't run a waiting list and kind of "reverse" the refund -- instead of giving back only about #175 of the $600+ entry fee, instead hold onto that amount and refund the $425 when accepting someone off the waiting list. The DNS lists for M-dots are huge, and tyat's because people who sign up for, say, Lake Placid on July 26 have 364.7 days in which injuries and life can get in the way. WTC knows this, but still makes no effort to lessen the financial pain of those who have to withdraw. It's just an enormous cash-cow meat-market for them, and I don't know why more triathletes don't balk at their product.

Another gripe --
Go to any M-dot expo, and the ONLY nutritionals you can find are PowerGel/PowerBar stuff. I now use those and so that's fine for me, but for anyone who uses any of the many other nutrition companies, they are S.O.L. if they need their preferred drink/gel/bar. This is nothing more than protecting their own interests and sponsors, and while that maybe works in other business arenas, it is not the way amateur triathletes should be treated. Aside from branded clothing options, M-dot and 70.3 "expos" are very poor in diversity.

(Actually, that is slightly unfair as M-dot races will have booths from several sub-sponsors, such as Newton and K-Swiss for shoes, and Zoot for wetsuits and race clothing, and Tyr for what they offer. But M-dot controls who is in and who isn't, whereas for any independent race, any vendor can grab a table or tent just so long as they are willing ot pay the exhibitor fee.)

Hey! Don't get me started!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-16 10:52 PM
2011-09-16 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3690268

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Use the tri bike! Use the tri bike!!

(It's easy to become a slave to a tri bike, isn't it??)

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