BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2013-03-20 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Where are all the new folks? Any questions regarding training, races, etc?  Would love to hear from you!

2013-03-20 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

KTC  I went on Trainer Road.  I wanted to look at some rides before I signed up and couldn't see any.  I see the workouts posted by members but I'm not really interested in the power aspect, more the workout options.  I just need some one to tell me what to do!!  I understand it's a small investment. (Not sure how I just got on italics)  Please advise!


Edited by avisser 2013-03-20 6:47 PM
2013-03-20 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

orderd my 13 beads for 13 events. Hoping they make it by Oceanside 70.3 next weekend...starting to feel some race jitters. This will be my third time at this event so I dont know why I'm nervous about it.

Ran tonight after giving the calf a week or so off. Still feeling some tightness in my calf and will continue to get massages (I am up to about 3 times a week and am so thankful I let my massage envy massages rack up over the last year). I also still have no idea what I did to it or really what is wrong with it other than it is just severely cramped.

Going for a final bike fit tomorrow to make some minor new question, I abolsutely HATE (cannot express that enough) my bike saddle. I am planning to change it tomorrow if I can. Any recommendations on saddles? I'm not even sure what's on the bike now, but can I just restate that I H.A.T.E. the current saddle. All recommendations appreciated.

2013-03-20 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I recommend you wait until after the half, you asked.
2013-03-21 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I agree with Billy. But after the race - well - that's a different story. Saddles are very personal. I ride a John Cobb saddle on both my road and Tri bike and love them. I have also used a ISM Adamo in the past with good luck. Try to find a bike shop with a demo program.

I will check on your Beads
2013-03-21 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I have also heard good things about Adamo.  I have been saddle seeking also over the years.  My bottom is still not happy and I bought the Selle Italia.  It was not cheap and I'm still not comfy.  I know others who love it though.  Saddles are very personal.  If I buy another saddle I think my husband will cringe. Yell This is an expensive sport.  WE don't have a demo LBS to my knowledge.

2013-03-21 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Molly - your beads are on the way
2013-03-21 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Molly, I have the Adamo also and love it.  When I was getting fitted on my tri bike I tried many different seats before I found one that I liked.  So I agree with everyone here, a saddle is a personal preference and hopefully your LBS carries different kinds and you can try them out.  However I too agree wait till after your race.  

Ann, do you train with a Heart Rate Monitor?  I do not have a power meter so I just train with my HR monitor.  When I use the Trainer Road program it tells you what your heart rate should be.  There are many interval workouts and it will tell you what your HR should be at every minute.  So it lets you know when you should recovery and when you should go all out.  

2013-03-22 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

went to my LBS yesterday to pick up my bike for 70.3 next weekend and we all agreed with everyone here that I will suffer a little in CA but will make the change from the current bike saddle AFTER the my bike mechanic stated the pain you know is better than the pain you don't know.

Got my beads! Super excited to wear them for this race. My daughter (8 years old) is think she wants to do an event for BOC as well.

Happy training everyone!



2013-03-22 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hey Molly,  I knowyou picked up the bike already but since you have a week, I personally would try out a few seats and IF you have the time to do a decent ride  to try it out, it may make such a difference!!  I so know the misery of an uncomfortable seat and to do another 56 miles on it is daunting.  BUT the LBS has a good point, better the pain you know than the one you don't know.  So I would only recommend trying a new seat if you can ride a bit with it before the race.  Best of luck!!

So happy you got the beads and that your 8 yo is encouraged!  It is an aspiring example you are setting.  I am always looking for ways my triatholoning can be an encouragement to others.

2013-03-24 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Waiting for a report Mr Lou!

2013-03-25 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Hey Bill
Going to luckys lake for the first time this Saturday and will be able to let you know

Just finished another half Saturday so legs are still pretty sore!!

2013-03-25 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4645813

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Been away for work for an extended period, but I am still glad to be involved with this group. It hard to believe that people are doing triathlons already this year, it is still too cold here in the northeast for me to even consider one!  Good job to those of you who got right into it this year - impressive.

bar92 - when you followed the Be Iron Fit program, what did you think of the swim workouts?  I am really pretty new to swimming and would have thought longer distance swims would have been more of a staple.  Formal training starts next week.....

2013-03-25 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Well, ad another finish line for me.  I (along with 7 other teammates, including triplebypat and another BTer) finished the Texas Independence Relay.  This is a 200 mile journey that is done in a relay fashion and is really fun and challenging.  I had the privilege to carry a Beads of Courage bead with me on my journey and will be writing the note for that soon so I can send it to the hospital to distribute appropriately.
2013-03-25 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4673049

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Dfw123 - 2013-03-25 8:10 AM

Been away for work for an extended period, but I am still glad to be involved with this group. It hard to believe that people are doing triathlons already this year, it is still too cold here in the northeast for me to even consider one!  Good job to those of you who got right into it this year - impressive.

bar92 - when you followed the Be Iron Fit program, what did you think of the swim workouts?  I am really pretty new to swimming and would have thought longer distance swims would have been more of a staple.  Formal training starts next week.....


Dave, when I followed Be Iron Fit (BIF), I didn't really follow the swim plans in the book.  I didn't think they were long enough either.  I think I did follow the warm - up and the drills part but then I found my own Main Set to do.  I just made sure to swim when the plan said swim.  

When I followed BIF for IMAZ I used the book Swim Workouts in a Binder.  They have a plan in there for IM triathletes.  It's only 16 weeks (if I remember right), but I followed it the last 16 weeks for sure.  There are several other resources for finding swim plans or workouts for IM training.  

The main thing is to make sure you swim.  If you are a strong swimmer, you could probably get by following the swims in BIF.  If you are a weaker swimmer, you probably need to swim longer distances.  I did the Redman Full Aquabike in preparation for my first IM to give me a 2.4 mile swim in open water so I'd know I could do it.  I'm not sure where you are, but if you can get in a 2.0-2.4 mile open water swim before your IM, that will give you some confidence (assuming you have never done that distance before).

Best of luck in your training.  Let me know if you have any questions along the way.

2013-03-25 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Quail Valley
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Finish line. Sat. was club reverse tri.

1.5mile run. I was facing the wrong way and talking when the start horn went off. I finally took the lead just after half way as we started to go back up the hill. I was passed just before the finish. First time I have lost a run leg in a club event. I guess one week of training doesn't cut it.Smile Felt like throwing up.

6.2mile bike left transition in first barely. Told the guy the route and he then took off. I was passed by three others in the first 4 miles and they finally pulled away up the big hill. Finished leg in 5th. Second time I rode this year and I felt it.

150m swim. Ran to pool from transition are and went to wrong gate. then after the first lap I was so tired I for some reason made a hard right and went from one side of the pool to the other and cut everyone off until I hit the wall. Finished the swim and barely beat 6th.

then jumped in my truck and off to coach at a track meet. I was very happy with my race since it was just to get me going again. I was on a high for over an hour. Its been a while and I miss that feeling.


How many people are doing Oceanside half ironman?

2013-03-26 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Phil I wsh I had a video of the pool right turn!  I am rolling on the floor thinking about it.
2013-03-26 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4674111

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Doing Oceanside Half - cant wait for Saturday
2013-03-27 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4675854

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
One of the newbies here. Still training but coming up to a lot of questions as my HIM in May looms on the horizon. In order to mitigate some anxiety (I'm the one having twisted triathlon dreams 5 out of 7 nights), I decided to enter a local Olympic distance tri first. I'll use that to gauge my readiness for the half in May which is not local so I don't unnecessarily drag the family to an event that's not realistically doable. So this event in April will be wetsuit legal, temps between 60 and 70, and I wondered what kind of wetsuit to get. Do I want a full body suit? I am a cold weather/cold water weenie but I also need to be able to move my arms. I also don't want to spend a fortune because I still don't know if this will be a one and done thing. Any thoughts would be so very much appreciated.Carolyn
2013-03-28 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I recommend the full body (sleeved) wetsuit.  Don't buy the first one, rent it.  Youcan actually go online and rent them.  Will be sent to your house and you simply return after.  My thoughts.
2013-03-28 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Wow, looks like everyone's busy here.  I am having a hard time just reading keeping up with all of you

I have been swamped with work (as usual) and try to fit in training as I go.  Finished the Austin Zooma Half Marathon this weekend.  Now I have no more excuse not to swim or bike.  IMFL is starting to get closer.

Sounds like I need to get some of those beads, Bryan....


2013-03-28 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4677470

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

It is scary but I agree with Billy.  If the water temps will be in the 60s, low 70s go with the sleeved wetsuit.  There are lots of places you can rent one.  If you have a local tri store they might have wetsuits to rent.  Look there that way you can try them on to see which one fits.  If not call one of the places and talk to them.  When I look at the sizing charts I am never the size they say I should be.  If you rent a suit and it doesn't fit call the place right away and they can usually overnight a suit to you in time for your race.


elcaminobill - 2013-03-28 8:16 AM I recommend the full body (sleeved) wetsuit.  Don't buy the first one, rent it.  Youcan actually go online and rent them.  Will be sent to your house and you simply return after.  My thoughts.

2013-03-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4677529

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Thank you to both of you and renting seems the way to go for now. I didn't think that was really an option because, at the risk of, wearing something without knowing what previous wearers have done in it grosses me out a little.:-)
2013-03-28 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I totally agree that renting a wetsuit for now is the way to go.  I'm sure the wetsuit companies clean the wetsuits.    Besides, when you get in the water before a tri, what do you think most people around you are doing?    Just some food for thought.  When you start doing tris you learn to ignore the gross, disgusting stuff and take it as normal.
2013-03-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4677489

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Ahhh, another person doing IMFL.  Pam - this will be my 1st IM, have you done IMFL before? Always looking for tips/advise/comfort...



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