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2011-09-26 2:56 AM
in reply to: #3700020

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


(1) See my comments about you in prevuious post (to Trina)

(2) Your own race, the duathlon? Eh?

(3) The penalty was for "Position". It basically means riding too far to the right for too long. I knew the ref came up to me at one point on his scooter, but because I didn't see him writing I assumed I was okay. (But it's always worrisome when the computer creeps aside and stays close.) It was galling because there was no warning, and I did not impede any other rider; the ref was kind of apologetic about this after, when I asked him about it, but he felt complelled to enforce the law. Ultimately it was my own fault, and I should know better!

(4) This is the first time I have met Terry, although we dance around each other lots in USAT rankings. Last year I finished ahead of him, this year he is currently ahead of me. I was quite pleased to see that I bettered him on the bike and run, but the swim cost me. I knew that was his strength, and what I gained on the b and r couldn't make up for it. Both his transitions were better, too, and even without the penalty he beat me by a bit less than two minutes.

(5) The penalty cost me nothing in the a.g., but hurts like hell for USAT po9ints. Fortunatley, today's more than made up for it.

(6) More on everything later; it's 3:56 a.m. and I have to get to bed!!!

2011-09-26 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


My mistake about your placement.  I found your results on and listed them by aquabike division.  You were listed 1st in F45-49.  I assumed they were listed by placement but they weren't. 

Sorry you were so miserable.  How you feeling now?


2011-09-26 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


"too far to the right" - I don't understand???


2011-09-26 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3700129

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Oops. That's what I get for trying to be lucid at 3:30 a.m. It's too far to the LEFT; no wonder you were confused!

I am guilty as charged. The roads were closed to traffic, and a couple had two lanes in each direction. While I never crossed the center line into the oncoming lanes, I fairly regularly kept to the left of the line separating the two lanes in my direction. A large part of this was to avoid crappy stretches....but then I just kept out there mostly due to, um, "indifference"?

That was one instance, with the other being on a wide-ish single lane roadway through a park. The road here, too, was lousy, and that, combined with it being counter-clockwise, found me riding left too often -- maybe in part to cut the corners some.

My bad!

On Saturday it was a two-loop course, so there were ample opportunities for me to act out my badness. Yesterday was a single loop of the same course and, due to the penalty, I was an incredibly GOOD boy for the whole thing. Gimme a nice gold star!

as for USAT points, even finishing in my actual-time 2:29 probably wouldn't've given me enough points to count meaningfully. It is a great time for me (anything under 2:30 is my oly goal these days), but there were a lot of western NY studs and they cleaned-up at the top. In general, for olys, I feel I need to be within 25 minutes of the winner, and even the 2:29 would've put me 31 minutes behind him. So, a la, West Point, my foible Saturday may not have affecetd me much anyhow, points-wise. Whew?

2011-09-26 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3700572

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

A great western NY triathlete, Tom Dutton, raced yesterday. He is mostly a sprint machine, and right now he is #1 in M65-69 in USAT rankings. I was telling him that I had noticed the strong year he is having, and in our talk he told me he was sure he was going to win Nationals....but that some guy from Minnesota caught him on the run. I asked him, "Ben Ewers", and he said the wasn't sure, but that sounded familiar. I told him that BE is an ace at the longer stuff, and because that is not Tom's area he hadn't heard of him.

So, that's a skulking job for you! Check the results from Nationals, and while I think Tom did the sprint, I'd expect Ben to have done the oly; maybe Tom did too, then.

FWIW, I was pleased to have outbiked and outrun Tom yesterday. He killed me in the swim, but at times I have raced against him I have never had a better bike or run. Of course, he is now three years older than I am, so I guess I have age in my slight favor!

2011-09-26 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Denise/Steve -

No problem on reading the results wrong. I knew that I wasn't 1st in age group. Surprisingly, the majority of women doing the aquabike were in my AG! The nerve! I am feeling a bit better, but have these puffy bags under my eyes that won't go down. So strange.

Steve - Mile 40 blow-up was a combo of things.

1. UTI and no energy going into the race

2. Going out too hard at start of bike, which resulted in....

3. Fatigue

4. I found myself hungry during the race 2 or 3 times, so I may have not been fueling adequately. I did eat a gel before the swim, another gel three miles into bike, another at 20 miles, half a Cliff bar at 30 and the other half at about mile 45. I don't think hydration was an issue because it was overcast and cool (yay!) and I went through four bottles of water, but I could be wrong because I felt and still feel a bit dehydrated. However, I may have been dehydrated going into the race, because last Monday doc told me I was a bit so.

5. Husband woke me with his snoring at 2:30 am, 2 hours before intended wake-up time, which only gave me 4 hours sleep. Growling, snarling and gnashing of teeth ensued. You know he's gotta love living with a nervous triathlete, right?

I am confused as to why I'm not faster on the bike. My knee-jerk explanation would be my weight, but there were plenty of women my size and larger that were blowing by me. I just don't get it...why am I so slow?? Do I need to train on more hills? Train at a faster pace? Is it a matter of fitness and will come with more time (ie, years?) Confused.....Frown

I will complete a RR later today or tomorrow. Given that I wasn't super excited about the race, and was sick going into it, I am nevertheless happy with my performance. I gave it all I had, and that's good enough for me. 

Looking forward to reading everyone else's RRs too!

2011-09-26 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
2011-09-26 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3700624

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Your nutrition protocol was okay.....but not if you were feeling hungry! So, that's a good thing to come out of Redman -- that you have a piece of evidence that you can refine in the future. I'm never certain that gels do anything to eleviate hunger, as for me that is best satisfied by solids. Working through a Clif bar is a start, but for you next foray into 56 or so miles, think about adding to it. If Clif bars sit well with you, just up your intake of those. If there are other solids that you tolerate well and that would give decent carbs and electrolytes, then try that stuff - whatever it might be. I think I have mentioned Fig Newtons and pretzels as prominent items for me, and Clif Mojo bars are ideal -- sweet AND salty. Yum! I have used boiled and salted baby potatoes, even! And I just thought of something else.....and have promptly fogotten it. Ack!

As for your bike speed question, it's hard to say without actually looking at your position or watching you ride. There are a whole slew of possibilities, with prominent ones being your position, your pedaling mechanics, and overall experience riding. I have heard many times that it takes about five years minimum of somewhat serious riding to become a good cyclist, and my own experience would back that up. So, it might be that the women you are seeing that are about your same size are fitted well enough on their bikes so as to allow optimal force to be exerted with each pedal stroke, or they have been riding long enough to have learned how to generate those watts while also being able to spin comfortably when necessary. And then there is working the gears, which really comes under the umbrella of experience. And, finally, there is the "wild card" -- those people who just naturally do well on two wheels. It might be that they don't swim or run well, but they sure can ride!

As for hills, maybe more, maybe not. It turns out that as a flatlander I don't do much hill-work at all, and still I am a stromng cyclist -- and one who does quite well on hills. Go figure! I've had people assume that I live in a hilly region, and they're surprised when I tell me what I just wrote last sentence. I do not consider myself a natural cyclist, and for me it is more a matter of having a good fit and a ton of experience that has served me well. I guess there are some covert abilities there, too, but they're less easy to determine.

So, just keep working at it! If you are 100% comfortable on the bike, then you can maybe benefit from a slight tweaking of the fit in order to maximize some good thing and minimize some other less-good thing. I can't temember -- do you have a bike shop you love and trust? If so, go to them and ask what they can suggest by way of a tweak or two to your fit.

Finally, is this it for you for the season?

2011-09-27 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3694185

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
jrhesq - 2011-09-20 8:35 PM

Well, it rained again at Sunday's biathlon.  That makes it 3 out of last 4 years.  Steady rain thruout 5 mile run, then stopped for bike but course was plenty wet which made the country roads kinda dangerous.  Mixture of oil and chat which gets plenty slick.  Rode two of the bigger descents upright squeezing brakes the entire time.  3 enormous ascents which cause many people to get off and walk (particularly those on mountain bikes).  Rode the tri bike and loved it.  Broke a link in my chain the day before and one hour before heading out of town to visit eldest at school.  So had to drop off at LBS, sweet talk the guy into fixing ahead of others, and had buddy pick up before I got back in to town.  Gears were out of adjustment, however, which was kind of annoying.  Had tendency to slip at times.  I think I know how to readjust and actually thought about stopping and tinkering but I didn't want to risk making anything worse.  Passed my buddy at mile 14 (he's much better runner and had about a 6 min. head start).  Was only passed by 2 bikers entire 22 mile course and one I had just passed earlier ascending the last big hill. 

Started to pour about 10 minutes after I finished so caught a break there.  Had a couple of beers and hit the local diner for greasy cheeseburger/fries on way home.  Training table of true champions.  Century in 3 weeks with my first 10K the following weekend.


Sounds like your adjusting well to the tri bike.  Good luck with your upcoming events.  Sounds like you will be busy.

Edited by junthank 2011-09-27 11:44 AM
2011-09-27 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3700572

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-09-26 1:04 PM DENISE - Oops. That's what I get for trying to be lucid at 3:30 a.m. It's too far to the LEFT; no wonder you were confused! I am guilty as charged. The roads were closed to traffic, and a couple had two lanes in each direction. While I never crossed the center line into the oncoming lanes, I fairly regularly kept to the left of the line separating the two lanes in my direction. A large part of this was to avoid crappy stretches....but then I just kept out there mostly due to, um, "indifference"? That was one instance, with the other being on a wide-ish single lane roadway through a park. The road here, too, was lousy, and that, combined with it being counter-clockwise, found me riding left too often -- maybe in part to cut the corners some. My bad! On Saturday it was a two-loop course, so there were ample opportunities for me to act out my badness. Yesterday was a single loop of the same course and, due to the penalty, I was an incredibly GOOD boy for the whole thing. Gimme a nice gold star! as for USAT points, even finishing in my actual-time 2:29 probably wouldn't've given me enough points to count meaningfully. It is a great time for me (anything under 2:30 is my oly goal these days), but there were a lot of western NY studs and they cleaned-up at the top. In general, for olys, I feel I need to be within 25 minutes of the winner, and even the 2:29 would've put me 31 minutes behind him. So, a la, West Point, my foible Saturday may not have affecetd me much anyhow, points-wise. Whew?

Damn western NY studs!!!  So, did your USAT average points go up?

2011-09-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3700624

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
kickitinok - 2011-09-26 1:30 PM

Denise/Steve -

No problem on reading the results wrong. I knew that I wasn't 1st in age group. Surprisingly, the majority of women doing the aquabike were in my AG! The nerve! I am feeling a bit better, but have these puffy bags under my eyes that won't go down. So strange.

Steve - Mile 40 blow-up was a combo of things.

1. UTI and no energy going into the race

2. Going out too hard at start of bike, which resulted in....

3. Fatigue

4. I found myself hungry during the race 2 or 3 times, so I may have not been fueling adequately. I did eat a gel before the swim, another gel three miles into bike, another at 20 miles, half a Cliff bar at 30 and the other half at about mile 45. I don't think hydration was an issue because it was overcast and cool (yay!) and I went through four bottles of water, but I could be wrong because I felt and still feel a bit dehydrated. However, I may have been dehydrated going into the race, because last Monday doc told me I was a bit so.

5. Husband woke me with his snoring at 2:30 am, 2 hours before intended wake-up time, which only gave me 4 hours sleep. Growling, snarling and gnashing of teeth ensued. You know he's gotta love living with a nervous triathlete, right?

I am confused as to why I'm not faster on the bike. My knee-jerk explanation would be my weight, but there were plenty of women my size and larger that were blowing by me. I just don't get it...why am I so slow?? Do I need to train on more hills? Train at a faster pace? Is it a matter of fitness and will come with more time (ie, years?) Confused.....Frown

I will complete a RR later today or tomorrow. Given that I wasn't super excited about the race, and was sick going into it, I am nevertheless happy with my performance. I gave it all I had, and that's good enough for me. 

Looking forward to reading everyone else's RRs too!


You should be happy with your results. Sounds like you had to dig pretty deep to get it done.  So, congrat's.

Regarding bike performance, I would be interested in getting people's input from the group on how they measure their performance.  Comparing race results can be misleading because of different conditions.  So what type of benchmarks do others use during training to measure their fitness (did I ask this question already?)?

2011-09-27 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3702187

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



On the basis of Saturday's oly, probably not. I was 39/121, and my penalty-adjusted 2:31 put me 33 minutes behind the overall winner. Had the penalty not been assessed.......even the 2:29 would've been 31 minutes back, and my experience tells me that that would be good for a 75- or 76-something rankings "score".

Sunday, however, should be a good'un. I was 10/158, and the 1:14:24 was "only" 9:44 behind that punk kid's ( ) winning time. For that, it might give me a 79 or 80 --- but I've learned to be surprised by how these shake down sometimes.

I'm thinking/hoping that Mossman plus Nations plus Nickel City sprint will be good enough to vault me well into HM, and maybe even AA. And of course there is Bassman this coming Sunday, so I'm cautiously optimistic!

2011-09-27 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3702673

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF again -

My plan going in was to hold very, very little back on Saturday, and then summon whatever was available on Sunday. But then I misbehaved on the bike and got the position penalty, and suddenly I knew I had to dig very deep on Sunday afterall. Oops!!

But I had a super sleep Saturday night and was loosey-goosey Sunday morning, and cranked out an okay swim (1:52/100 pace) and a good bike (21.9mph) and a solid run (7:03/mile). I tried not to ease up for a second, figuring it was all or nothing. Quite remarkably, I emerged from the weekend with NO aches or pains at all, not even immediate stuff. I'm not sure how that worked, but if I knew I would bottle it and drink from tat source morning, noon, and night.

I will get my numbers up soon, and hopefully this time some comments and reflections. I guess I did that for West Point and Mossman, but I never got around to it for Nation's. As with thr Position penalty -- my bad!!

2011-09-27 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3702208

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


You should be happy with your results. Sounds like you had to dig pretty deep to get it done.  So, congrat's.

Regarding bike performance, I would be interested in getting people's input from the group on how they measure their performance.  Comparing race results can be misleading because of different conditions.  So what type of benchmarks do others use during training to measure their fitness (did I ask this question already?)?


Thanks. I was discussing my performance with my husband last night and he helped me put it all in perspective. I am happy with my results, and looking forward to improving as the years go along. 

How I measure performance: By beating my previous times. In the case of my last race there wasn't anything to go by, so we'll see how my next Aquabike goes.

2011-09-27 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Great job on your race!!!  It's not often you get to lather yourself up in mud prior to hoping on a bike.  Any photos?Wink Sounds like you did great and beat the pre race blahs.


2011-09-27 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


In the penalty box, eh! I never considered 2 minutes much of a penalty, but WOW I guess it does make a significant difference for you guys at the front of the pack.  Overall, it sounds like you kicked tail so great job.  Oh I did talk to a buddy about FS series races and he likes the job they do.  He says the FS team is friendly on race day and responsive to all his questions concerning race layout and nutrition, etc. prior to the race.  Typically he gets a response back the same day he sends his email.  So overall he is a big fan of FS hosted races.  Time to fall back off the grid for awhile....end of the fiscal year and I am the head bean counter. Cry


2011-09-27 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


printradius647BenjaminEwers Jr65MM6569North OaksMN6911/33562/98329:011:571:331:07:0722.21:0845:017:16-2:23:50


Yeah - they both did Olympic.  Ben's swim wasn't so great - about 8-9 beat him on the swim but he made up for it on the bike/run.   Hmmm - isn't that what you usually do?


2011-09-27 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3702884

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK -

Aw, man, I missed you! You're like a hit-and-run artist --- whoosh-whoosh, and gone!

Thanks for the good words about FS, as I am still toying with Washingtom half. I'd say odds are I won't do it, but it's out there, beckoning luringly at me.

How are you feeling about B2B these days??

2011-09-27 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3702968

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JK again -

Your comment about "penalty box" didn't exactly apply to me on Saturday, but races in the WTC series have a penalty tent (several, actually) at which culprits must report if they are told they are being penalized. The ref on the motorcycle will simply tell the person they need to report to the next penalty tent, and the penalized party has to sit out 4 minutes in half-irons and longer, i believe, for irons.

On Saturday, i wasn't even notified; I found it out when my posted time was two minutes more than my watch time (2:29:16). Uh-oh. I think it is good to at least know you have been penalized, as you can then work the rest of the race accordingly. I wouldn't much enjoy standing in a tent watching all those other cyclists streaming past, however -- too reminiscent of when I've had flats!

My only other penalty was at Eagleman '04, back before it was a "70.3" race, and so back before tents. However, I suspected I might get one (drafting), so it wasn't a surprise that it hapened --- but the 4 minutes was! That was my first lesson in stiffer time penalties for half-irons and irons. Fortunately, as with Saturday, it didn't affect my age group placing -- but it did mess with my coveted USAT points!

2011-09-27 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3702916

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Yup, that's pretty much my M.O., too. For this coming Sunday, the only other guy currently in my a.g. is a new name to me, and I checked him out on Athlinks and saw he is a strong swimmer, but not near as able on the bike or run. So, I know what I gotta do, which is Catch That Fish!

Tom is no slouch at all, so Ben was really on fire to out-bike him by 2:39 and outrun him by 1:28. Helmets off to him!

And, hey -- what are you eyeing for next year??

2011-09-28 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Oops, forgot to answer your last question, Steve. I am thinking about training for a half mary in December - Dallas White Rock. Coach seems to think it's doable, we'll see. I am going to dial back swim training and focus my efforts more on running this winter. As usual, next year's season will start in March and end in May, then start back up in late September as June-August is just too hot to race in around here.

2011-09-28 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3700944

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

LadyNorth - 2011-09-26 4:03 PM[/QUOTE]

As usual the same stellar podium performance Denise.  Still worthy of all the recent great press!!! 

2011-09-28 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3702973

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Actually I didn't realize any series actually had a penalty tent.  Interesting read.  I could see where 2 minutes in a tent in the middle of a ride would seem like 10.  Training is going well for B2B.  I have a local sprint in couple of weeks which should be fun. It is an ocean swim which is always interesting for sighting and trying to maintain a straight line.  But it will be a good chance to practice my transistions and get out on the borrowed tri bike which is making a big improvement in my ride.  I am still concerned about the run leg for the B2B since that is my weakess leg as well as my slowest.  I should frame Jeff's post from a couple of months ago which he mentions how long it takes to develop your run.  I have been doing some fairly long rides (3.5 hours) and  honing  my nutrition which pretty much follows your earlier recommendations.  In an attempt to balance my ride and run, I have been concentrating on maintaining the heart rate in the 130-140 range while on the bike vice targeting a speed.  Otherwise I tend to go all out on the bike which really wrecks havoc and my run which then tends to become a walk.  My run plan will be 1 mile run, walk thru the water stops (30 secs) and start up again trying to maintain the heart rate at the 150 mark. 

If you decide to visit the "first Washington of the nation" let me know and I know a couple people that live there and can get you some insights on where to stay and eat. 



2011-09-28 11:55 PM
in reply to: #3703730

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Whoa!!! Somehow I had missed the post with the du report link, and only picked up on it form Jeff's post just above. You did an incredible job in that, top third in a massive field. It's real late now (12:50) and I am still recovering from the the inexorable completion of the Red Sox collapse, so I will save other coments for tomorrow.

But, wow, for somehow whho was quite lackadaisical about that race, you certainly summoned a massive effort. Did you envision this year unfolding as it has for you? Mercy!!


2011-09-28 11:59 PM
in reply to: #3703453

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I like the idea of White Rock, too, as it would link up with Redman to give you a taste of each leg of a half-iron. Cool beans!

Where are you at with run training now, as in how often a week, how many miles a week, and longest run to date. Depending on those, the time between now and W.R. should be adequate. I think the course is about the same as it's been for years, and if so it is a good course that is consistently well-received. Fine choice!

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