BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-08-06 8:35 PM
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Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Karl....... thanks I haven't seen the powdered peanut butter I will defefnitly try it!
Tony......thanks for the info on the shirts and congrats in your century ride and run! chain falling off happened during my race I will check it out but I really think it is just me.
Will......ouch on the soccer injury and way to hang in there during your ride!
Jen.....congrats on your new job! I am sooo excited for you, hope your little one is feeling better.
Brenda..... Welcome Back!

Edited by Jo63 2013-08-06 8:49 PM

2013-08-06 8:48 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by strikyr

Originally posted by KWDreamun

Tony, please post a pic of your bike w/ all the food and bottles in tact.

Another question, at the special needs tent is it about 1/2 and how do you get you bag? Is someone there to hand it o you or do you have to get off your bike and look for it?

Karl, I can do that but I don't put any food on the bike. I have all my food in my bike jersey, three pockets. I also slight tear open all the packages. I am not expecting to carry a lot of food with me during the IM. My plan is to always have something but I am going to live off the course. I'v been using all the products that they serve at the IM. That's how I've been training.

I'm not 100% sure about the special needs bags. I'm sure JoAnne can comment on that. I know for the swim to bike and bike to run transition the volunteers give you your bags for the trainsitions. I think for tjhe special needs bag for the bike it will be at one of the aid stations along the route and I would imagine you'd have to stop and volunteer would give that to you. For the run I think it is the same. You can get it halfway through the bike and run I believe.

Like Tony said for T1 and T2 volunteers give you your bags, what's nice at IMWI transition is inside a building.
For both The bike and run all the bags are lined up by numbers and there are usually two or three volunteers for each row so they can look for the correct bag and hand them off quickly, on the bike they have an aid station set up at the start of the second loop where they try to see your number ( you can call it out too) and they will have it ready for you to grab as you ride by. Same with the run.

Edited by Jo63 2013-08-06 8:49 PM
2013-08-06 9:04 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by bswcpa

Good Morning Gang!   I'm BAAAACCCCKKKK!!      I'll write more later but I wanted to touch base since it's been too long since I've "talked" to you all.    July was a whirlwind of vacations then getting caught up on housework and business from vacations.  I totally lost my mojo for working out.  It's impossible to connect on BT through my phone but I've kept up to date on your posts, though.  Boy, I've missed you.   More of you need to get a Facebook page as that's easier to connect with while I'm away.     

My July totals are laughable.    Run - 40 miles in one day.  Yep, that's it.  And it wasn't really a workout.  I'd paced my friend in the last 40 miles of her 100 mile race and that's more of a slow jog/walk.  I only sweated because of the humidity.  

So now it's August and I'm getting a little mojo back.   Looking toward IMWI and seeing TONY race and working with JOANNE at the aid station will surely get me pumped.  

Without a doubt every single one of you did better in July than me.   Show me your numbers so I can wallow in shame.   Embarassed


It's great to see you're back with us again.  I would love to be going to IMWI with you guys to ensure my spot next year but time and other things wouldn't have allowed it anyway.

Dirk I soooo want to sign up for IMWI next year and do it with you guys but I can tell you my wife will either divorce me or KILL me if I do. Seriously the thought has entered my mind more than once. However IM is so time consuming and it is sort of a selfish undertaking that I'll be spending the next year trying to make it up to my family for them supporting me this year. It's been a big sacrifice on their part already but man I would love to be there with you guys next year..
2013-08-06 9:12 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Will your totals are looking really good for July even with the 10 days missed that's very solid.

My totals are listed below, I think I'm a little light on my swim totals but not as light as Warren. I don't know how he can get away with that and still be able to swim. I would drown if I did that.

Swim: 8h 07m 29s - 19354 M
Bike: 34h 49m 23s - 571.14 Mi
Run: 25h 05m 36s - 134.77 Mi
2013-08-07 8:35 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by strikyr

Will your totals are looking really good for July even with the 10 days missed that's very solid.

My totals are listed below, I think I'm a little light on my swim totals but not as light as Warren. I don't know how he can get away with that and still be able to swim. I would drown if I did that.

Swim: 8h 07m 29s - 19354 M
Bike: 34h 49m 23s - 571.14 Mi
Run: 25h 05m 36s - 134.77 Mi

That's a great month in prep for your IM.

Light on the swim???? July was my biggest swimming month yet! I'm on a roll.

I'm not a great swimmer by any definition, but like I've always said, there are a lot of genetics in this sport. Why didn't I get the running gene?!?
2013-08-07 9:48 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Brenda glad you are back!

I loved following the FB posts from Jeff and Dirk's Junkie Showdown.  Fun stuff.

Will and Tony keep up the great IM training!

The beginning of school is closing in on us here and I am almost frantic trying to cram in every fun thing I can think of for my kids before they are gone all day so I have not been keeping up very well on here! Gracie starts Kindergarten this year . Funny story, my husband is the school Superintendent. The school is so small that the unit offices are in the Elementary building where my kids will be in school all day. So at dinner the other night Gracie says "Daddy, if I get in trouble in Kindergarten I go to your office right?" Ha ha ha, she is already plotting how to get to Daddy, I think we are in for it!

Training has been chugging along for me. I'm trying to decide if I want to race locally this weekend. There is a sprint or an Olympic distance on the same course I flatted on in May. I was going to go for the Oly distance even though I know my run is terribly under trained but now my right heel has flared up and it feels like the start of PF so I'm not sure what to do about racing. I've got my orthotics back out, have been icing and taking Aleeve and it does feel much better today. I've got no money down on the race and there is another Oly distance near me at the end of the month. What to do. You know me, I'll wait to decide until Saturday night!

2013-08-07 9:54 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Things are going pretty good for me around here!  I have another Sprint Tri coming up on Sunday.  I don't have any expectations for this one.  My running is a lot slower at the 5K distance right now.  I'm just beginning to pepper in some speed training.  It will still be a fun race, though.  I have a lot of friends doing it!'s local!  Well, it's 1.5 hours away.  That's as local as we get around here.
2013-08-07 11:44 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Here is my race report:

I swam in a sleeveless wetsuit for the first time. I know you aren't supposed to do anything new on race day...but I think it should really be: "don't do anything new at an A race".
This wetsuit was fine in every way except one. The seems below the armpits chaffed me. I'm still hurting from that. They can't heal or scab over because I run...even just walking around and having my arms moving grabs at it.


photo(7).JPG (95KB - 13 downloads)
2013-08-07 12:22 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Warren I stand corrected when comparing swim totals for the month with you. I still don't know how you get away with that. Your bike totals were killer last month!

Dina that's not a bad strategy waiting for the night before to decide on a race. If you decide to do it just go out and have some fun.

Tracy good luck with your upcoming sprint race this weekend. You'll probably wind up killing it, you always do.

Jeff you are the second person I know within the last week or so who had that issue. A friend of mine posted a pic just like that with the exact same thing happening to him.
2013-08-07 1:30 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jeff - you probably already know this... but neosporin at least 3X a day. That's what healed up most of my road rash... it also kept it from scabbing over, which I ended up being grateful for. Speaking of that crash... I still have some scars and a nice bump above my ankle that I dont think is going away any time soon...
2013-08-07 3:35 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

Jeff - you probably already know this... but neosporin at least 3X a day. That's what healed up most of my road rash... it also kept it from scabbing over, which I ended up being grateful for. Speaking of that crash... I still have some scars and a nice bump above my ankle that I dont think is going away any time soon...

Scars and bumps are COOL! Like tattoos, but just a little better...because you directly earn them.

2013-08-07 6:35 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Swim: 4h 05m 36s - 14737.16 Y (The numbers are odd because I swam long course for the entire month.)

Bike: 29h 23m 26s - 607.49

Run: 12h 10m 45s - 88.75

I fell below the target for running mileage again last month but I am still on track for my yearly goal of 1200 miles.  I should be able to attain that goal provided some other things don't get in the way. 

What I missed in running miles was made up on my bike.  July's bike miles makes up the highest number of miles I have ridden in a single month since I began triathlon 4 seasons ago.

My swimming seems to have been pretty abysmal for most of the month.  I would like to have been able to swim more but storms and other interferences seem to have been a problem again.  Now, unless I get some OWS this month I won't be swimming until Sept.  The pool is closed for a month (as it always is) and won't reopen until after Labor Day.

2013-08-07 10:11 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Dirk those are some pretty solid numbers for the month. Both you and Warren really put up some killer numbers on the bike this past month. I think may get 600 miles August we'll see.

I haven't had a chance yet to read the race reports yet but I'm really looking forward to reading both Dirk's and Jeff's race reports tomorrow. Karl may be right this might be the Asphalt Junkies version of Iron War!
2013-08-08 1:22 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

I'm back! Vacation was fun, but training time was hard to come by. Lots of visiting with relatives and feeling like we were always on the go. I did manage a good couple miles of hill climbing on the one run I got in, but I hauled my bike on a 1200 mile round trip for nothing. Lots of miles logged on my feet walking but not training.

Will, way to put in the time in adverse conditions man!

Tracy, Funny about the earthquake story. It sounds like it's time for you to switch to the Continental GP4000s tires that some of us are using. Jonathan posted a link to where he got them sometime last year and I've purchased through the same ebay seller. They are pretty easy to change as far as bike tires go and they provide great traction.

Dirk and Jeff, it sounds like the Junkie showdown was awesome. I've only read a bit of Dirk's race report so far but I look forward to reading them both.

Tony, way to go on that first century ride! It sounds like you are going to be ready for that IM.

Jen, best of luck on your new job. It sounds like it could be a great job for you.



2013-08-08 7:44 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Looks like everyone took a day off? one more day of work and I get 14 days off . Super excited for a break from the grind, I really hope I forget how to make a plastic pellet!

thanks for all the input on the WO plan for the next 2 weeks, I am hoping to set myself up well going into the end of the month but still not sure how the 2nd week is going to turnout. I may lend up with no training time which is scary.
2013-08-08 9:27 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Vero welcome back from vacation. I'm sorry you did not get to work out as much as you wanted to but I'm glad to hear that you got to spend time with your family and that you had a good time doing it.

Matt no day off here I am just try to hang on until I hit the taper. I feel like a college kid cramming for a bunch of tests! If I can survive the rest of this week and the next two I'll actually be able to rest and get ready for the race. I really don't know how people do this every year. I'm at the point where I just can't wait for it to all be over lol. I've never been so tired in my whole life.

2013-08-08 10:06 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by JonnyVero

I'm back! Vacation was fun, but training time was hard to come by. Lots of visiting with relatives and feeling like we were always on the go. I did manage a good couple miles of hill climbing on the one run I got in, but I hauled my bike on a 1200 mile round trip for nothing. Lots of miles logged on my feet walking but not training.

Will, way to put in the time in adverse conditions man!

Tracy, Funny about the earthquake story. It sounds like it's time for you to switch to the Continental GP4000s tires that some of us are using. Jonathan posted a link to where he got them sometime last year and I've purchased through the same ebay seller. They are pretty easy to change as far as bike tires go and they provide great traction.

Dirk and Jeff, it sounds like the Junkie showdown was awesome. I've only read a bit of Dirk's race report so far but I look forward to reading them both.

Tony, way to go on that first century ride! It sounds like you are going to be ready for that IM.

Jen, best of luck on your new job. It sounds like it could be a great job for you.



Thank you so much for the tire heads up!  I'm willing to try ANYTHING that would be easier to change!

2013-08-08 10:06 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Tony, I am feeling you and I am a couple months behind you... ha! It seems like I'm just tired all the time... some days I'll feel sluggish and then after my workout, I will feel better (not counting the long WO's)... weird....
2013-08-08 10:07 PM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I seem to be fighting off a cold.  Why, oh, why does it have to hit just before a triathlon!?  I'm trying to keep a low profile to help keep it at bay.
2013-08-09 7:49 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Tracy I hope you're feeling better for your sprint tri this weekend. Laying low and getting some rest is a good idea.

Will, yes I feel the same way. I'll be very tired before a workout and then I have no problem with that workout and I actually feel better afterwards. I think after a while no matter what you try and do your body just accepts it and adapts. In that sense I feel like Superman lol but I have to be honest I just can't wait to get to the taper so I can rest some.
2013-08-09 7:54 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Good luck to all the Junkies racing this weekend. We have Tracy, Jen and Karl I know for sure. Maybe Dina? Anyone else?

2013-08-09 8:46 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by strikyr Good luck to all the Junkies racing this weekend. We have Tracy, Jen and Karl I know for sure. Maybe Dina? Anyone else?

Yes!  Good luck to everyone!

Go, Junkies, Go!!!!  You know what to do!!!

2013-08-09 9:12 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
For those of you that aren't on the Swim Smooth mailing list I want to link to their most recent blog post. It's got interesting information (at least interesting to me).
2013-08-09 9:45 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I've been doing a run streak.  Minimum one mile run every day.  I just finished Day 50! Laughing
2013-08-09 9:46 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Dirk, I drew out a mapped route of the swim course from Indy.

Does this look like I started and ended in the right places? mapmyrun says 1.2 miles. I thought that mapmyrun was pretty accurate, but I don't think the swim was that long...if so there wouldn't be some swim splits in the 19:xx range and my swim split, although it would be believable, wouldn't be so far down in the rankings.

What's your thought?
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