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2007-05-24 9:43 AM
in reply to: #814684

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

prof40 - 2007-05-24 4:32 AM Good morning, all. Well, I'm trying to practice what I preach, which right now involves me tapering and resting my body for the next week. It is so great to skip some early morning workouts and sleep in next to my wife. I highly encourage it for all of you -- the sleeping in, that is. Get your own snuggling friend. I have discovered that it is a serious pain and expense to travel cross-country with a bike. First, I never check luggage when I fly, so this is a new experience in itself. Second, there's the airfare for the bike -- $80 each way -- and the bike case rental for the week -- $70. Third, I have to dis- and re-assemble the bike to fit it in the case, so I've been having dreams of me riding and the handlebars just coming off in my hands as I head into a downhill turn. A bike store here has offered to pack it up for me -- $20 -- so it travels well, and a store out there has offered to look it over and tune it up when I arrive -- $45. Four, arrange for the car service to pick us up at the airport -- $125. (Okay, I would have had a car there for us anyway, but it is a necessity in this case because of the size of the bike case!) Whew. Suddenly, I'm spending more on getting the bike there than I did for the race fee. However, this will probably be the only time I do this race, so I'm chalking it up to life experience, and I'm planning on a great San Francisco weekend with my wife. So how's everyone else doing?

 Good lord - you could feed a horse for that. - and it's handlebars wouldn't fly off unexpectedly!  Best of success in your race!!!   Can't wait to hear all about it.

2007-05-24 11:37 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Ok, does anyone have suggestions for gaining endurance with swimming freestyle? It's completely kicking my butt (and I don't have easy access to a Total Immersion workshop....I missed the one that the Minnesota Tri Club hosted because I had bad bad food poisoning...and the guy that teaches it is training for his own event, a double crossing of the English Channel).

I just keep taking in water, or losing all steam, and I'm getting frustrated. I'm not even looking for speed....I just want to be able to do my tri's all in freestyle (I can do the distance in breaststroke, but that's just really slow and I don't want to kick anyone!).

Any suggestions? I love to swim, but this is frustrating me!
2007-05-24 6:46 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie: I am just learning to do the front crawl. I feel like it harder to do one full lap of front crawl ( which is what I think you are calling freestyle) then a whole mile. But when I do my other laps/ stokes, I try to break up the free style moves into arms and legs and then when I do it all together it does suck as bad.
yeah I know David and the teams who are crossing the channel, I have been telling the BT peeps about the great work the channel challenge team is doing. I am doing the 25 mile sympathy swim. I have swam 11 miles since April 2, 2007 and I have 14 more miles to go for a total of 25 before July 30, 2007.
You should make sure the YWCA does not have any immersion stuff coming up cause there are about 4 staff who trained to teach it. In fact I think we had a Ti clinic in the last month?
Okay after moving for 6 days in a row and getting double "charlie horses" in the back/middle of my thighs I took a rest day yesterday. I did my mile today, hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get a 7 mile bike before driving to Milwaukee with my 7 month nephew.
Tomorrow I only teach and ride bike.
2007-05-24 7:42 PM
in reply to: #815268

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-05-24 12:37 PM

Ok, does anyone have suggestions for gaining endurance with swimming freestyle?

Keep doing it. But that's probably NOT what you were looking for, is it?
2007-05-24 8:03 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, Androgenie, NOT that I'm ANY kind of expert with the swim, but it does get easier with time. March 10 for my first ever indoor tri, I did 400 yards in just under 14 minutes. It was like zero crawl, as I was just learning that and was terrible with it yet. Today I went to the Y to swim as it was raining all day and I just didn't feel like swimming all alone in a lake in the rain. And the good news is that today I did my warm up 400 in 13 minutes (some kickboard slow stuff) and my PB the next 400 in 8 minutes! Then I rested 2 minutes and did the next 400 in 8.5 minutes. Not tooooo shabby for a gal just learning the crawl (and Norweigan=clutzy to boot). Everyone told me the crawl is faster. I'm beginning to think just maybe they are right!

2007-05-25 12:05 PM
in reply to: #816201

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-05-24 7:42 PM
Keep doing it. But that's probably NOT what you were looking for, is it?

Not really, but at least that's what I've been doing :-D

2007-05-25 12:07 PM
in reply to: #816130

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-05-24 6:46 PM

androgenie: I am just learning to do the front crawl. I feel like it harder to do one full lap of front crawl ( which is what I think you are calling freestyle) then a whole mile. But when I do my other laps/ stokes, I try to break up the free style moves into arms and legs and then when I do it all together it does suck as bad.
yeah I know David and the teams who are crossing the channel, I have been telling the BT peeps about the great work the channel challenge team is doing. I am doing the 25 mile sympathy swim. I have swam 11 miles since April 2, 2007 and I have 14 more miles to go for a total of 25 before July 30, 2007.
You should make sure the YWCA does not have any immersion stuff coming up cause there are about 4 staff who trained to teach it. In fact I think we had a Ti clinic in the last month?
Okay after moving for 6 days in a row and getting double "charlie horses" in the back/middle of my thighs I took a rest day yesterday. I did my mile today, hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get a 7 mile bike before driving to Milwaukee with my 7 month nephew.
Tomorrow I only teach and ride bike.

Crawl and freestyle are very very similar...I don't know the exact differences (I only know that they are different because I looked at a job posting at the YMCA about teaching kids to swim).

Anyhow, thanks for letting me know that the YW has other workshops...I never see them posted on the MN tri club, Minnesota Multisport, or Twin Cities tri club email lists, so I didn't know about them! Thanks for the heads up!
2007-05-26 5:55 AM
in reply to: #816230

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-24 9:03 PM

Today I went to the Y to swim as it was raining all day and I just didn't feel like swimming all alone in a lake in the rain.

Please tell me that you were not seriously considering swimming by yourself in a lake in the rain in a black wetsuit. You weren't, right?
2007-05-26 6:09 AM
in reply to: #817193

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-05-25 1:05 PM

prof40 - 2007-05-24 7:42 PM
Keep doing it. But that's probably NOT what you were looking for, is it?

Not really, but at least that's what I've been doing :-D

It's like running, or biking, or walking, for that matter. When you were 2, how many steps could you take before you fell to the ground?

The more you do it, the easier it gets. But I do suggest looking for a swim coach for some personal lessons. I'm not saying you have to enroll in a series of 20, or spend a weekend at a seminar. See if one of the lifeguards (who usually are college or high school swimmers) will give you some pointers on your stroke, or breathing, or anything else. Even if it costs you a few bucks (like $10 -- not $300), it would be worth it. Or ask the guy in the lane next to you. Most swimmers are pretty willing to offer advice. Just don't stop us in the middle of a timed workout!
2007-05-26 7:12 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, Prof, yes I was considering swimming alone in the lake. Because I can't get babysitters, except my regular one on Thursday during the day. The tri group only goes out at 6 a.m. (and it takes at least 45 minutes for me to get there) and the kids have to be to school at 8--so morning doesn't work for me. Or they go out Thursdays at 5:30 which doesn't work too well, as the kids have to play alone on the beach and I'm not very comfortable with that very often. I went out by myself the first time, but just paddled around for like 10 minutes just to get the feel of the wetsuit and try to get used to cold water. What's a working gal with kids supposed to do? I bike all alone and no one freaks about that?

The good news is that the kids' dad did NOT come this weekend as threatened. Whew! So, I won't be outside on my bike unless it's within range of the kids. But I can swim at the Y and my bike is on the trainer as I'm practicing climbs and jumps. I make myself pretty much stand up the whole 8 miles or whatever. My quads need some serious strengthening. They put a cadence computer on my rear wheel so I can better track stuff on the trainer and get used to the fit of the aerobars and the clips and the gears. I'm sort of playing around with the bike, but at least I'm moving my body, as BGT would say.

And my mom is coming for my tri June 10 and will actually stay and watch it and then take my kids back home with her for a week! So I'll get some real outdoor biking in that week. I'm prioritizing my Century as an "A" race, along with the marathon and the aquathons (pushing the swim yardage up). So, it is not unlike training for an IM, just in pieces and not as far with the swim. Since swimming is a new activity for me (relatively), I'm going to give myself longer to get ready for the 2.4 miles in open water. I'll be ready for that half IM next June in Appleton. And I'm pretty sure I'll be ready for IM Madison Sept. 2008 as well, but I'll certainly know after the century ride and all the summer training.

I'm trying to build my engine with aerobic runs. And it's killling me to go that slow. But I can tell it is working because I don't need to stop as often and walk. I feel like running longer and my body wants to go faster. I think that is good news.

I have a spreadsheet with increasing mileage on run and bike for after my tri until October. Sort of a training plan that someone helped me with and I really appreciated that. And it seems it is getting easier to balance my life with this stuff, too. I don't get so exhausted by the workouts (I know, just wait til I start doing longer bikes and runs, eh?).

Anyway, I hope you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend! Summer is basically here!!!
2007-05-26 10:11 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Wow Pene, you sound so ....BALANCED...I think its great you have a traning plan that is realistic and has rest days and everything. And cycling on the trainer is great practice, the serious cyclist's I know spend more time on their trainer than outside. I find I can work on the technical stuff better on the trainer, ie RPM's and one leg training etc.

Androgenie: I echo what Prof says about getting one lesson or two. If you read back in the volumes of posts, a few other people have invested in a lesson and it only takes a few to get really good tips and ideas of what you are doing wrong. My guess is you need some help with form, and even though you need to just keep practicing, it wont help to practice something that you are not doing correctly. As a previous lifequard, I cant tell you the amount of bad freestyle mistakes I used to watch in pool regulars, and its not their fault, you really cant see yourself doing it so until someone watches you who has a discerning eye, you will never know.

BGT- good job re-comitting to just moving your body!

Prof-Im so excited for you! Alcatraz is such a cool race to be doing, I cant wait to read your race report. All the bike transport hassles will seem negligble after you finish the race. When do you leave? How many days do you have to adjust to West coast time before you race? Its been gorgeous weather over here, I hope it continues for you next weekend.

Ok, quick poll- Im finally paying for my race Im training for and I need to decide if I should sign up in my normal age group category or in the ATHENA category- which is for females who weigh over 150lbs... The only reason to sign up Athena would be to try and get a medal, since there isnt a large field. And, in these local tri series, the higher you rank in your selected group, the more "points" you get and you getting bragging rights of being "ranked" in the NW and get invited to the championship race if you rank high enough. However, part of me just wants to be a normal 33yo and compete against the other age groupers- kind of a personal challenge, like " Yes, im bigger than most of you but I can still come in with a respectable time". Im usually in the middle of the pack as far as my age group goes, despite being a slow runner my swimming usually makes up for it. What do you guys think?

2007-05-26 3:05 PM
in reply to: #817994

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-26 8:12 AM

Well, Prof, yes I was considering swimming alone in the lake. Because I can't get babysitters, except my regular one on Thursday during the day. The tri group only goes out at 6 a.m. (and it takes at least 45 minutes for me to get there) and the kids have to be to school at 8--so morning doesn't work for me. Or they go out Thursdays at 5:30 which doesn't work too well, as the kids have to play alone on the beach and I'm not very comfortable with that very often. I went out by myself the first time, but just paddled around for like 10 minutes just to get the feel of the wetsuit and try to get used to cold water. What's a working gal with kids supposed to do? I bike all alone and no one freaks about that?

And my mom is coming for my tri June 10 and will actually stay and watch it and then take my kids back home with her for a week! So I'll get some real outdoor biking in that week. I'm prioritizing my Century as an "A" race, along with the marathon and the aquathons (pushing the swim yardage up). So, it is not unlike training for an IM, just in pieces and not as far with the swim. Since swimming is a new activity for me (relatively), I'm going to give myself longer to get ready for the 2.4 miles in open water. I'll be ready for that half IM next June in Appleton. And I'm pretty sure I'll be ready for IM Madison Sept. 2008 as well, but I'll certainly know after the century ride and all the summer training.

Maybe I'm showing my age, or my fear of being found floating face down in the middle of a lake...I don't go out alone. Period. Now I did when I was a kid, and would even swim at night in the lake or ocean. And it was fun. And stupid.

I'd hit the pool. I know, I know, it's not the same. But it's safe. And I hear your desire to get out there. I put my wetsuit on last night for the first time this year and I'm itching to get out there, too.

Ok, enough harping. Great news for June 10! You're another team member who's seriously impressed me with her drive and zeal for all this - well done. Don't be shy about the training you're doing, or the goals you've set. It's definitely worth a little bragging.

2007-05-26 3:24 PM
in reply to: #818070

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-05-26 11:11 AM

I find I can work on the technical stuff better on the trainer, ie RPM's and one leg training etc.

Prof-Im so excited for you! Alcatraz is such a cool race to be doing, I cant wait to read your race report. All the bike transport hassles will seem negligble after you finish the race. When do you leave? How many days do you have to adjust to West coast time before you race? Its been gorgeous weather over here, I hope it continues for you next weekend.

Ok, quick poll- Im finally paying for my race Im training for and I need to decide if I should sign up in my normal age group category or in the ATHENA category- which is for females who weigh over 150lbs... The only reason to sign up Athena would be to try and get a medal, since there isnt a large field. And, in these local tri series, the higher you rank in your selected group, the more "points" you get and you getting bragging rights of being "ranked" in the NW and get invited to the championship race if you rank high enough. However, part of me just wants to be a normal 33yo and compete against the other age groupers- kind of a personal challenge, like " Yes, im bigger than most of you but I can still come in with a respectable time". Im usually in the middle of the pack as far as my age group goes, despite being a slow runner my swimming usually makes up for it. What do you guys think?

Me, too. It's tough to focus on form when you're huffing up a hill.

I'm gone Thurs thru Monday. Are you willing to moderate this place when I'm away? Keep an eye on the store?

Your question about age/Athena category is a hotly argued one. It's an issue for which I can argue either side simply because I don't know how I feel about it. (That, and the training from my other life.)

Are you manipulating the scale -- edging your weight up to 151 on race morning? For me, that would be the moral issue.

What's everyone else say?
2007-05-26 4:41 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Watergirl for the "balanced" compliment! You have no idea how unbalanced I feel some days, but just lately it's sort of all coming together for me somehow. Even got my lawn mowed and the garbage hauled this morning, plus dishes done and some of that laundry heap. I can see my kitchen table top and walk on the kitchen floor without stepping on little lego pieces. The living room is entirely another story. We just won't go there.....

I think I'd go for the athena category. Just because I would want that medal and that championship invite. You are a normal 33 yo. Actually, you are an extraordinary one! And technically speaking, there are some days that I'd almost qualify for athena. No one would guess that from looking at me, though. I've just plain muscled out quite nicely these last 5 months! My dad could muscle out easily, too, and I look exactly like him, except female. I ALMOST like my legs now. They look sort of like biker chick legs---finally.

I did my mile swim today in 400 timed sections. A little slower today, with the best section in 8.5 minutes and the worst one in 9.5 minutes. Guess I'm a bit tired or stressed or something today. Just couldn't get my lungs to crack the 8.5. Oh well. I also got the kids in the water and they are coming along nicely. Micah loves flippers now, too. Like mother, like daughter. Micah graduated from Kindergarten yesterday, and she couldn't see me in the audience with the lights shining in her eyes even though I was right there in the front row! I even waved to her and thought she saw me.....anyway, she cried through her whole spring program, but looked cute as could be with her pretty pink dress on, even with the tears. Then I brought her and Noah (who also was excused from class to watch her graduate) to the office for those last few hours before quitting for the day. They were rolling around the hall on the big ball I have in the office to demonstrate different exercises for patients, and the poor girl landed on her nose. Pretty sure it's broken. She bled like a stuck pig! Not the best day for her.....

I bought some Saucony running shoes today. So, Celia, if you really truly want my Nike 180's, they are yours. I'll look for an email from you as to where to send them. However, I took out the insoles at the Chi running seminar and actually forgot them there! So, you'll have to put some of those gel insoles in them to be comfortable. But they have the chip capability for the Ipod mileage.....

I'm doing the sweat test for the run this weekend. I'm glad that it's okay to be on my bike on the trainer, as I just don't know any other way to accomplish as many hours as I need. Not too many spinning classes at the Y any more. Folks are all outside. And I want to get my body adjusted to aero and my bike. Any one know of a used Ergomo????? I'll be in the market for one eventually. I'm THAT committed!!!

Have a great weekend all! Eat some pizza, Prof. Carb up!! Enjoy your taper!!!
2007-05-26 11:55 PM
in reply to: #817980

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-05-26 12:09 PM

androgenie - 2007-05-25 1:05 PM

prof40 - 2007-05-24 7:42 PM
Keep doing it. But that's probably NOT what you were looking for, is it?

Not really, but at least that's what I've been doing :-D

It's like running, or biking, or walking, for that matter. When you were 2, how many steps could you take before you fell to the ground?

The more you do it, the easier it gets. But I do suggest looking for a swim coach for some personal lessons. I'm not saying you have to enroll in a series of 20, or spend a weekend at a seminar. See if one of the lifeguards (who usually are college or high school swimmers) will give you some pointers on your stroke, or breathing, or anything else. Even if it costs you a few bucks (like $10 -- not $300), it would be worth it. Or ask the guy in the lane next to you. Most swimmers are pretty willing to offer advice. Just don't stop us in the middle of a timed workout!

My experience has been that if you are a natural swimmer (and some are) then the practice practice practice route works. If you aren't a swimmer (and this can be because the technique has never really got you rather than just not being able to swim) then get some lessons with a coach who you trust and it is money well invested.

Prof, I get the impression from some of your postings on swiming that you are a lucky one and swim well and knowledgeably. I tried plugging away at it and it didn't work for me and I began to dread going to the pool. A few lessons later and I'm loving it again. Big. BIG. Convert to coaching and lessons. Smarter, not harder in learning usually works.
2007-05-27 5:26 AM
in reply to: #818479

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-05-27 12:55 AM

Prof, I get the impression from some of your postings on swiming that you are a lucky one and swim well and knowledgeably. I tried plugging away at it and it didn't work for me and I began to dread going to the pool. A few lessons later and I'm loving it again. Big. BIG. Convert to coaching and lessons. Smarter, not harder in learning usually works.

You're right, I'm a lucky one. But I can say that the bike was a hard go, simply because I didn't know how to sit on the thing. A good bike fitting later, and some tips from other cyclists, and I enjoy the ride, even if I'm not as fast as I'd like.

So you're right -- smarter is the way to go! And part of being smart is to recognize the issue and seek input/advice to resolve it.

I really am intrigued by your TI clinic. I might look around later today and see when/where there's a weekend here in the northeast.

2007-05-27 5:37 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'm on a quest today to find a lake that I can jump into. (Hmmm, suddenly thinking of that old insult, "go jump in a lake".)

I've been curious why there are so many open bodies of water in my area that ban swimming, and research has led to Public Bathing Law 889, which predates my birth. Seems loose morals result from diving into water. That, and drownings.

Anyway, I've found a lake about an hour north of me, so -- fingers crossed -- I'll have the wetsuit wet either today or tomorrow before packing it up for the trip. And perhaps 2 more quick bike rides, and a short run or two, and I'm off. I can't believe that it's already June.

Oh, and for those of you who are sneaking peeks at my logs, my weight has not budged. Sure, it's gone down 4, and up 4, and resembled a yo-yo, but it's stuck stubbornly in the same range. Hope everyone else has had better success!

Hmmm, and I just realized I've been drinking Starbuck's Caramel Machiattos this month. Long story, as I generally hate Starbuck's, but the caramel sweetness suckered me in. Damn that Seattle coffee empire! I'm thinking those things are probably 400 calories each.
2007-05-27 5:41 AM
in reply to: #818499

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Now, not only do I have the geographical awareness of a gnat but I also live on an island that would fit into your yard. Probably. So this may be completely useless information but Terry Laughlin (Mr TI) plies his trade in upstate New York. The TI website has details of all the accredited coaches as you would expect.

Just been swimming again and I'm still enjoying it (even though I do have to concentrate a lot more) and I am swimming in the tail end of the latest typhoon (pretty exciting for a lil boy from the sticks!)

Let me know how you get on.
2007-05-27 8:39 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof, I bet you gained some muscle. No way you couldn't. Just tell yourself that I'm rather addicted to the darn Starbucks, too. I'll actually dig through the change jar/pile and get the $1.89 to buy one, even when basically (temporarily usually thank goodness)broke!

I'm reading Eric Harr's Triathlon Training in just Four Hours a Week that someone lent me. Seems a bit basic, but I like the motivation, and there are going to be parts that teach me stuff, too. Haven't gotten the Friel "Bible" yet. Would you recommend it?

A bit of good news: I discovered that my littlest put a screw in my trainer, making it almost impossible to pedal the bike! It was gingerly put in the only hole in the trainer mechanism and once out, the thing works like a charm again!! Whew! I was thinking I needed to get a whole new one or start reading the computer specs on Minoura's to figure out what was wrong! Had a male friend look at it and he instantly figured it out for me. I WANT one of those male minds!!! Of my own I mean. I mean, in my head. As in, I wish I could THINK like a man who can fix stuff. Techno brain......

It's going to be a beautiful day! And I have no sitter, so no outdoor bike that amounts to anything. But, I promised the kids the Dragon Park in Viroqua. Seriously cool park! I'd move there if they let me. I really think all parents should sell their houses and build a gym to raise their kids in. Just one big open space for the kids to run, throw balls at eachother, swing golf clubs, jump rope, climb on stuff and do somersaults. Just put up a tent for each bedroom at night and have picnic on the floor with paper plates. And no toys other than gym toys. Of course, my gym would have an endless pool in it, a whirlpool, a nice cushy track for running, and a Cervelo on trainer with an Ergomo!!! And maybe a time trial course for the bike..... with a ceiling like on Harry Potter where you can see outside!! And an endless lifetime supply of Starbucks.............I think I'll buy a lotto ticket today, too.

Just a note, Mark, I have ZERO natural ability at any of this stuff. None whatsoever. And so I am a stunning example of what learning can produce. I had to take not only swim lessons, but chi running lessons, lessons on running drills and form at that latest UW-L seminar, bike lessons (had one this past Thursday where I asked the dude at the bike shop how to use my bike gears and properly inflate my tires, etc.) and even how to change bike tires lessons. ALL of this is totally new to me and I'm devouring all the information I can get. And I'm not doing too badly all things considered. Moving forward.......and Kali isn't giving me quite as many punches lately
2007-05-27 12:46 PM
in reply to: #818212

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-05-26 1:24 PM

watergirl777 - 2007-05-26 11:11 AM

Your question about age/Athena category is a hotly argued one. It's an issue for which I can argue either side simply because I don't know how I feel about it. (That, and the training from my other life.)

Are you manipulating the scale -- edging your weight up to 151 on race morning? For me, that would be the moral issue.

What's everyone else say?

I wish I was edging up to 151... the scale said 198 this morning. Thats my weigh -in for Sunday, and I was at 196 earlier this week. But overall, Ive lost 5 lbs since this training started so I guess its better than nothing. I was hoping for 20, i have the rest of the summer i guess to get moving. I was super motivated 3 weeks ago, but have fallen off the wagon this week. Surprisingly, even though I live in the land of Starbucks but I have learned long ago to stay away from them-i let myself have a treat there every now and then. There is 3 starbucks within walking distance of my house of course. My downfall has beenn the candy drawer at work and really good bread at restaurants.
Its pouring rain here today, I had been spoiled into thinking that summer had come but the day I plan a long bike ride the rain comes back with a vengeance. I holding out for it to stop, and if it doesnnt, I just might have to ride in the rain....
2007-05-28 5:49 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
This may work but without Sean's technical assistance, it may not!

Me at the INATT on the 13th May.....

(INATT 130507.JPG)

INATT 130507.JPG (52KB - 27 downloads)

2007-05-28 8:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
hey all some of my tri photos are on my myspace page yes i have a myspace page and probably am too old! theres some other crap on there so u should be able to work out the tri photos
2007-05-28 9:13 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
LOVE the pics, guys!!! Mark, no beard?? You don't even look like yourself without the fancy hat Don't you just love feeling like you fit in with all the beautiful people??? I never thought I ever would! But people don't look at me now and wonder why I would think I could pull this stuff off. Now the other chicks give me the "humph, you look rather skinny and we hate you" in my wetsuit look. And the guys........well.......

Ladies--Eric Harr (author of that triathlon book I'm reading now) says that his MOM was a triathlete before he even knew what the word meant, and that he thought of her as being rather HEROIC!! He advocates pulling kids behind you on the bike and including them in your workouts as much as possible, and even designed a training plan and coached a woman with her three daughters to do ALL her training with them! They even completed parts of her tri with her! Noah asked me yesterday if he could please have a computer on his bike and a trainer of his own so we can sit side by side and have "races" together!! I love it! Am making that an economic priority now!! And I took Micah out on the "tandem" yesterday while the boys slept. We're getting there.

Did my sweat test for bike today. I need to basically drink about a quart of water an hour, and that's about what I've been doing. But I think I'll try to step that up a bit for the tri, as I'll be depleted from the swim and will want to drink up for the run. Might do the sweat test for run later today. We'll see how I feel later......

Keep posting pictures! I find them so interesting! And in all reality, I'll probably never meet you guys in person, which is terribly sad I NEED to win that lottery, so I can go visiting
2007-05-28 1:54 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I have a challenge for you all! For the next week, through next Sunday at this time, I'm going to wear my pedometer all the time except for swim-bike-runs to see just how many steps I put on in a week. I'll report here next Sunday around 2 pm. Anyone else in?????
2007-05-30 4:08 AM
in reply to: #819385

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-28 2:54 PM

I have a challenge for you all! For the next week, through next Sunday at this time, I'm going to wear my pedometer all the time except for swim-bike-runs to see just how many steps I put on in a week. I'll report here next Sunday around 2 pm. Anyone else in?????

Does this challenge mean I get to go to McDonald's and buy the happy meal so I get the free pedometer? I haven't had a cheeseburger in ages.

Or a Cinnabun. Or strawberry pie with homemade whipped cream (just cream and sugar, not that chemically canned stuff!). Or a Butterfinger bar. Hmm, or a Corona.

What's everyone else missing?
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