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2009-02-15 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Sweet ride!! You have to give us a review once you have had a chance to shake it out. Make sure you have a good personalized fitting so you can get the most out of that bike and still feel comfortable.

Garfield's ride actually looked pretty cool as well, especially for us who have serveral more month of winter to deal with.

Well winter in back here in Philly, woke up to a layer of snow after a week in the 50s and low 60s, but I still got a good ride in this morning on the trainer and I didn't have to shovel cause nothing stuck on the road thanks to the warm spell. Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day, but take it easy on the chocolate (the kids brought as much chocolate home this week as they got for halloween).

Have fun and enjoy those new toys!

2009-02-16 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Happy President's Day!!! The kids got a four day weekend out this somehow, but at least I got the day off today. I let the temperature warm up a bit before heading out for a mid morning run and it was just what the doctor ordered. Light traffic, 36-38 degrees, a light breeze (well light at first, it was blowing pretty good at the end), and a light dusting of snow. I run a loop that takes me back down a by a stream, then back through some of the few areas of farmland, and then back to civilization. On a day like today when you are the only one on the road, it is really uplifting. The air is crisp, the setting is rustic and pure, and you just feel alive. Even when a car did go by and someone yelled something, it was a catcall from a fairly nice looking woman, so even that sort of made me feel good.

Morale of the story, the journey is just as important as the destination. Many people are so goal oriented, so focused on the end results, that they don't even see the small things that make the whole journey so rewarding.

Follow your dreams and enjoy the ride!
2009-02-16 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1963089

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Subject: RE: Speaking of Equipment

I have it on the Trainer, and its amazing what a differnence it makes! I am a bit afraid to take it on the street yet, I have to get used to the Shoes (I git the Specialized Tri) and pedals (Shimano).  My wife surprised me for my b-day (well she KNEW which one I wanted), the bike shop in Hillsborough fit me and had me on the simulator. 

 On the trainer I am already 10-15% faster, so I can't wait to get on the road!


2009-02-19 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Hey guys,

Worked out today for the first time since Sunday.  That little runny-nose head cold moved into my chest and had me feeling rotten.  In one respect it wasn't bad timing in that I was mega-sore the first few days this week after playing in my first soccer game in maybe 10 years.  My body forgot it had fast twitch muscles, I think.

The bad news is that I was expecting to really pick up the intensity this week, just 4 weeks out from my first race of the year.  I'm gonna baby myself for the rest of the week I think.  I'm just getting over this cold (I hope!) plus I think I tweaked my L groin a bit playing soccer.  There's always next week to push myself a bit and since it's an Oli distance I'm not at all worried about finishing, though I do have a time in mind I'd like to beat.

 I hope it starts warming up soon for all you guys up North!  The weather's been really great here in FL and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can before the soggy and sweltering rainy season starts.

2009-02-19 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Oh man, I almost forgot... no swimming again 'cause a new batch of sharks have arrived.  I think I'm gonna have to go swim heavy as soon as they're gone to make up for all of the swim sessions I've missed.
2009-02-19 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Hey how's everyone doing this week? I haven't been able to hit the blog this week so I hope everyone is doing well. Anyone have any shark repelent for Pete?

I have had an interesting week. I have done so great rides on my trainer this week and done some good runs, but everyday I have felt I had to push the pace to get back to work for this or that meeting. But I have made up the difference by doing longer rides in the evening. Did the Honalulu Triathalon course a five loop course with a monster hill each loop (12-15% grade). That was mean, but it was a killer workout.

Did some great multitasking on Tuesday. Rode 26 miles in 75 minutes at a constant 210watts, listened to my IPOD, and played an online poker tourney and finished 14th out of 3850 and won $2800 (unfortunately it was play money on AOL WSOP not the real thing) all at the same time (well the poker went on for an extra 2 hours, but I played my best on the bike).

So have fun, be creative, and have a blast.

2009-02-19 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Good to see you guys. I've been getting used to the new ride. I usually do 3 hours of running a week but I think I'll only do 2 but the bike is going to be a total of 2 1/2 or so.  I do fall off the trainer once because I forgot the clips! I was fine and the bike was still perfect.

A couple of guys I work with are bikers and have been giving me some good tips. One is putting my elbows together and lifting. It seems to be something I can do at my desk and work on my form at the same time. The other was simply touching your toes, which made sense....  

How about some other stretches/exercises to work on Tri riding form?






2009-02-21 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Had a fun morning. I could imagine a reatively new cycling instructor could really get thrown out of wack having me as in there class. The thing I love about doing cycling classes is that you can have a group work out with people a vastly different levels of ability in the same room doing the same basic workout. The caviate is that each person should work to their own ability level. Now most everyone in the class knows I like to deviate from the class on occassion to make my workout a bit more challenging and know to ignore me, but a new instructor, well lets just say I got her a bit flustered. I was in the back of the class and somewhat shielded from the mirror so really the only person who could see it was the instructor. At first it was the usual stuff, a recovery segment where I was down in the aero position and just hammering, she made a comment about pacing yourself. But later when we were doing spin ups and I took the last two sets standing, (a fairly normal thing I do that Alli the other instructor) actually endorses), but she wanted to say something. At the end during everyone else's cooldown I again hammered. Everything was good at the end as we had a nice conversation

After Cycling class, I did a run during my son's cycling class and after a nice easy first mile, I turned up the wick and went after it for the next 4 miles, then did a warm down and some plyometric drills. These drill work your parts of your stride. One lap you do high knees on the straightway and normal on the turns, then butt kickers the next lap, and bounding the lap after and repeat, then finish it off with a few sprints putting it all together.

Glad to hear I'm not the only person to fall off the trainer this month . I don't have any good at your desk stretching exercises, but I've been known to shut the door and flop on the floor and stretch out my back/glutes/ hamstrings when I have a chance.

2009-02-24 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
How's everyone doing this week? Been trying not to get blown away by a arctic wind the last few days. Man, even long underware and sweats could keep the wind from biting right into me as i got to finish you with an unprotected 1 miles stretch right into the teeth of that wind ech day. Man that was sold but at the same time is it is refreshing to survive the elements on a day when everyone else is hiding inside.

Unfortunately everyone in my house has a new round of crud/flu/colds/whatever so I am hoping to side step it but know that is not very likely, but in the mean time I have been having an awesome couple of weeks trying to catch back up and hit 100 miles/400 miles for the month after two early weeks of not having a bike for some and agravating my calf for others. But those couple weeks did me some good in hindsight, cause I feel great the last couple weeks.
Hope everyone is doing well

Have fun!
2009-02-25 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Speaking of colds, my family has been knee deep in it.  Took my littlest one to the doc yesterday and the pediatrician was telling me that she's been seeing a lot of this cold we've had.  She told me it hangs around for 3 to 4 weeks!.  I felt great over the week-end and cruddy again the past couple days so I'm still trying to kick it and I'm already at the 2 week mark.  Honestly it's been a bummer because I expected to be really peaking now and I'm just barely maintaining.  I was looking at my race in 2 weeks as an "A" race but I think I need to set my sights a bit lower at this point.  I'm getting my minutes in, but they don't really feel like quality minutes.  Who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself on race day.

Here's one thing I've been thinking about a lot lately: transitions.  Andy, for an Oli distance are there things you do/don't do to try to squeeze a place or two out of the race?  One thing I'm considering is going sockless for the bike and run.  Another is to wear a tri jersey under my wetsuit so I don't have to pull a shirt over a wet body.  Thoughts?

2009-02-25 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I usually wear my trisuit under my wetsuit, but I don't like to go sockless. For me wet feet and a bit extra motion ends up as with blisters, not good. For T1 and T2 my advise is be delebrate and smooth. Don't rush, but if you set up it right should be smooth boom ,boom boom and you are off. Rushing just causes you to forget something or struggle with stuff. Smooth is fast. Another thing you can do is leave your bike shoe clipped in on the bike and learn how to do a flying mount/ dismount and get into and out off your shoes in motion. Personally I never got the hang of it but those who do can make up time cause it is easier to jog in socks vice bike shoes and it is one less thing to do in transition. But as I said you need to proactice this skill and get proficient before trying it in a race, I've seen lenty of folks wipe out doing this so be careful.

But if you really want to make up time focus on pacing. Don't over work on the swim and go into oxygen debt, take it a bit easier than you think you should the first half of the bike leg, warm up your legs coming into T2 by going to a easier gear and standing some, and then let your legs come in then ramp up the effort to the finish. Most people go too hard in the first half of the bike when they still feel strong and then fade hard on the run. Don't let that happen and you will make up a ton of spots even with an average run leg.

2009-02-26 6:23 AM
in reply to: #1982046

New user

Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

I am into week five of being down and out with sickness.

I know I can get back into shape once the health turns around but it sure is a bummer to lose much of what I have worked so hard to gain. Plus the frustration of not being able to do things that I have grown to love doing.

So stay away from sick people and foods and habits that diminish the bodies ability to fight off viruses etc. Drink lots of greens and other immune boosting whole foods!


2009-02-27 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Hang in there Garfield. It is what it is. You'll bounce back when the time is right.

Lets talk a bit about periodization. While I never have used a formal training plan, I do try and apply this phylosophy to my training. After you have established a good base and you want to increase perfromance you need to stress your body in different ways to get results. IE if you keep doing the same volume/same intensity your body will adapt and your level of return on investment will start to drop. Don't get me wrong you will certainly maintain your fitness level, but once you reach the in shape level you will start to plateau. If you want to push thru that plateau you have to shake things up. The way I do that is thru periodization. For a two week period I will crank up the volume, intensity, or both (have to be careful with that) for back to back weeks and then "fall back" and cut the volume by 30-40% and allow your muscules to recover. So each three week cycle is a period. Each period try and focus on one discipline and just do maintenance workouts in the others. IE say you normally do 3 bike, 3 runs, and 2 swims in a week, on a bike focus either do 5 bikes, 1 run, and 1 swim or do 3 bikes, 3 runs, and 2 swims but weigh the time towards the bike (or intensity). You don't need to do major volume in one of your up weeks, thats where intensity can be your friend if you have limited time. You can look at my logs over the last two week for a psdudo example (It is a bike focus the second week and run focus the first intensity wise and I am steping up the volume in each while cutting back in the pool.) Doing the 2 week on 1 off cycle you repeated stress your body but still allow recovery time and allowsand if you schedule your 'B' races at the end off that recovery period, you will see and feel the results. For 'A' (top priority race, usually 1 or 2 a year) I taper, but for the rest I'll train right thru.

However, always be smart and listen to your body and adjust as needed.

Have fun
2009-03-01 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Well we have made it to March. Of course we are supposed to have the heavies snowstrom of the year tonight and tommorrow here in Philly, but in theory Spring is right around the corner.
Hope everyone is starting to feel better, and can start to reap the rewards for all the work you've been able to put in the winter. Even if you have missed a bit of time, you are still better off than those who have been waiting till spring arrives to start working out again.

Keep your heads up and let the fun begin. Pete is first up at the Maimi International Triathlon mid month. My first Tri isn't till May 31th but I hope to do a few road races between now and then. Getting out there and standing at the starting line with a number on your chest, feeling that nervious anticipation of what is about to come...... That is a feeling I live for, that is one of the reasons I work so hard in the dead of winter, so I can get that feeling and find out what comes next.

2009-03-02 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1989530

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

southwestmba - Getting out there and standing at the starting line with a number on your chest, feeling that nervious anticipation of what is about to come...... That is a feeling I live for, that is one of the reasons I work so hard in the dead of winter, so I can get that feeling and find out what comes next. Cheers

This is the moment that makes me nervous.  I get butterflies thinking about it.  Not really about the racing as a whole, but specifically about this race.  I've been sick and I've barely been in the water for 3 weeks, plus I'm a slow swimmer to begin with so I'm not looking forward to this swim leg.  On top of that, my group (Clydes) are in the 4th wave with a potentially faster group 4 minutes behind us, so I'm not gonna want to get caught for reasons of pride and practicality.  I'm hoping I can get 3 or maybe 4 quality swims in the next 10 days or so to alleviate this anxiety.  

I think part of my problem with the swim is with my warm up, or lack thereof.  It usually takes me 15 minutes of any kind of exercise before I get comfortable with my HR and breathing.  Both seem to spike very quickly when I begin exercise then slow down a bit and plateau.  It sucks to have your respirations spike when the first thing you're doing is swimming.  Andy, do you have any warm-up advice?  Is there a routine you do before the start?  And should I practice a warm up before swimming in the next couple weeks under the umbrella of the rule that you shouldn't do anything new on race day?

2009-03-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
On race day my routine is pretty subdued. I try and get there early and sit down and set up my transition area and then walk thru the entrance from the swim to my rack and then the rack out and then the same for T2. Plus since I am legally blind without my glasses, I locate some landmarks to navigate off to find my bike. (Don't use a bike or someones stuff since they may be gone when you get there). Then I'll head over to the swim area and get in my wetsuit and test the water. Getting used to the temp and used to visability of the water is key. I'll do the start out to the first buoy or major turn and then swim back to the swim exit. I just want to get a feel for the water, get a picture of the start and finish in my head, and loosen up. I may do a few pick ups (10 quick strokes getting up to full speed from a stop) to burn some nervious energy. But I don't want to overdo it. Save the energy for the race. However, if your body responds to 15 minutes of work do it, but try and keep the intensity in check.

I find that nervious feeling, helps to remind me to respect the distance and hold back and pace better. Don't sweat what the people in the waves behind you are doing. If someone is swimming fast enough to make up a 4 minute gap, it reflect positively on them and is nothing to get down about. They are likely one of the elete folks in that age group or at the least a very good swimmer. I get caught by those folks too, don't let it get you out of swimming/biking/running your own race.

Edited by southwestmba 2009-03-03 9:45 PM

2009-03-03 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Well everyone here on the East Coast is digging out of a nice snow storm Sunday and Monday. Kids got Monday off and a 2 hour delay this morning. I risked my neck drive to the office on Monday only to find they closed it about 10 minutes after I left my house. But today I was out there for a run at lunch. A fresh coat of snow, patches of ice and slush, 20 degrees and a 15-25 mph wind giving us an 8 degree wind chill. But it was a really cool run and had me charged up the rest of the day.

Accept the challenges life throws at us. You will be rewarded.
2009-03-04 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1884401

New user

Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

I decided not to wait any longer for my "guest" to leave - his welcome was long overdue so I am attempting to forceably remove him. So on Monday I got on the treadmill for the first time in roughly 6 weeks and did a 30 minute walk/jog combination. 22.5 minutes of walking at 3.5mph and 3 intervals of running for 2.5 minutes at 4.5 mph. Pretty slow but was a start. That was in the morning. Monday night I lifted a few weights to begin that return journey and to get a feel for just how bad things had gotten.

Tuesday morning I repeated my walk/jog for 30 minutes, only increasing the run portion to 3x5minutes.

No worse for the wear so far...


2009-03-04 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Good to hear you are feeling better and getting back into things. I've heard a rule of thumb that for every 2 weeks worth of time off you lose about a weeks worth of fitness, so given that your illness only set you back about 2.5 weeks, so its not like you are starting from scratch. You are doing the right thing to ease your way back into your routine, and keep in mind you may be a bit more sore this week than before.

Another brisk day here in the northeast, but I have still been able to get outside and run at lunch. I keep telling myself this will be the last super cold day this year, and hopefully this time it's true.
2009-03-06 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I am desperately waiting for spring, I was in southern California last weekend and it spoiled me with the gorgeous weather. I can't wait to be able to get out on some non snowy roads and have some sunshine.
2009-03-08 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Wow, what a week here in Philly. A foot of snow on Monday, a run Tuesday in a 8 degree wind chill, Wednesday still mid 20's, and then this weekend...71 degrees Saturday and 68 Sunday. Over a 60 degree swing in three to four days. And this weekend the wife is out of town, and I don't dare leave the kids home alone, so I didn't get to take advantage of it (short of some catch with the boys). Guess that means spring is really just about here.
Don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to leave the snow behind too. Hang in there and stay flexible.

2009-03-10 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Swam for the first time in 4 weeks today.  No sharks, but I did get spooked by a big Southern Stingray and took a couple jellyfish hits.  I had already biked and run a little, but after I dropped my kids at at school the water looked so calm I knew I'd be blowing an opportunity if I didn't get wet.  Good thing I keep my wetsuit in the trunk of the car.  

I've been worried about the swim portion of this week's race because I've had so few opportunities to swim.  Today was a confidence booster in that I had no problem maintaining a steady pace over time.  I took comfort in the fact that although I'm a bad swimmer, at least I'm no *worse* than I was a month or two ago.  

I'm trying to let go of all my expectations for this race.  A month ago I was feeling hard core and setting specific and challenging time goals for myself.  After 4  weeks of training through a lingering cold, I had to decide to take it easy on myself.  To be honest, this is just my third tri and my first Oli in my brief 6 month career as a triathlete.  I want to perform at my peak, but at the same time I really want to enjoy myself and I'm gonna put that latter goal ahead of the former.  

Anyway, I'm gonna try to swim again tomorrow and maybe get a ride in on Thursday with a quickie brick run.  Friday I'll shut it down and if I can I want to get a sports/deep tissue massage on the lower extremities to work out some kinks.  Friday night we'll head on down to Miami and Saturday I'll have to pick up my packet and drop my bike.  The race is sold out with 1500+ competitors so this is gonna be pretty exciting.

2009-03-10 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
The cold is back for at least a day. 44 degrees but it was a nice run with some rolling hills, good run. As runners it seems we are considered jogging roadmaps. Seems like once a week I get stopped and asked for directions, and today I had an old lady almost giving me her life story, before asking how to get to Kildare's. But I had some patience and smiled and finally got her heading in the right direction, and was rewarded with a quality second half of my run.

So this evening I had some aches and pains, but I had an opporutnity to hit the pool with my son and I'm glad I did. I find a swim just tends to revive my muscles and joints. So I got a decent swim in and got out with some seriously fresh feeling legs. Good day.

Have fun everyone.
2009-03-12 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Hope the weather starts getting nice for you guys soon.  Not to rub it in but it's been gorgeous down here.  80 every day and we're starting to feel a bit more tropical now that we're switching to an east wind pattern.  I'm sure you guys are itching for spring and a chance to get your bikes out on the road.  

Did my last workout this AM before my race Sunday.  Training, esp. swim, has been good this week so I feel a lot less anxious.  Dealing with a slight setback as I appear to have a touch of epididymitis in my right nard, I'm sure from squishing my boys in the new aero position I've been using.  I think I'll be OK and re-evaluate Monday.

Weighed myself today for the first time in 3 weeks and somehow I lost 8 pounds.  I have to blame it on being sick rather than some effort on my part, but I'll take it.  Down to a svelte 225.

2009-03-13 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2012969

New user

Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Just want to wish you great success on your race.

Look forward to the debriefing afterward.


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