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2011-01-20 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
My biggest fear is the swim.  I've never swam really, other than floating around & enjoying myself. Any beginners tips overcoming the "sucking at swimming fear"??  Also, I'm not going to lie, the transitions kinda freak me out too.

Hopefully I feel better about the swim after learning some technique this weekend and then getting in the pool regularly.

Evilgn - Good luck with your diet!  My advice is to take it in baby steps and to not beat yourself up.

2011-01-20 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I would say that my greatest fear is being asked to make my way to the beach during the swim. I am confident that I have the determination to complete however, will they let me... lol. The pool is the hardest to make because I can only go at night while school is still in. but I have 4 months. I am sure I will be in "completion" shape.. lol.

Pam, Diets suck but they are the bane of my overall plan. I am ok with being a chubby in shape guy but the military doesnt like it. So I constantly have to cut weight. I would like to lose about 25-30lbs before race day. I have been eating better. Small meals, several times a day but its a slow process. We will make it.

Edited by mntbiker21 2011-01-20 8:18 PM
2011-01-20 9:52 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Evilgn- Hang in there, thats what this is all about.  Lean on us when you need to.  If you need to walk the 5k then walk it.  My thought is, I may look slow and out of place when doing it, buts its more than what most people would/could do.  Also, look into a lean protein meal replacement shake to help with appetite and calories.  I went to a quality nutrition store (not GNC) and spoke with a certified nutritionist and he steered me towards the better stuff to use and what to do when the training gets longer and more frequent.  I would recommend the same for you, and everyone else.  If anything you have that much more knowledge about what you should be doing for your body as you increase your demand of it.

As far as swimming goes, check out Total Immersion swimming.  I will be starting that soon and have read only good things for beginners.  I found the basic video at my library and on Netflix. 

2011-01-21 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3312570

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I'd like to chime in on the appetite portion if I could. Last year was my first tri season and being on the move so much, I found that Balance brand protein bars saved me from getting hungry in the middle of the day. Yes, fruit or veggies would have been better, but on the days I lacked in planning, instead of eating the cookies in the kitchen, I ate a Balance bar that tasted like Cookie Dough. Balance brand is my personal brand only because I don't care for chocolate and it seems it was the only brand that had a bar that wasn't peanut butter or chocolate brand.

Anyone have big plans for the weekend? I am looking at finding a new gym and trying to get a run in.
2011-01-21 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Hey thanks everybody for the support and advice! I also like Balance Bars, and also Pure Protein Bars (but they all have chocolate). I bought EAS protein powder at Costco (its a good deal there) and mix the vanilla flavor with OJ and its really tasty. Also, for the calorie counters like me, if you have a smart phone check out an app called Calorie Counter. It uses the bar code scanner on your phone to import nutritional info from the food you eat. So if you eat, say a can of tuna, you just scan the barcode on the can and adjust the serving size, and ta da! All the info is imported. It also syncs your info to a website Its free and its very easy to use.
I mentioned a week or so ago that I was starting the Total Immersion swimming program and I definitely think its worth trying, especially if you are not a confidant swimmer. They teach you to swim more smoothly and with less effort, and I am seeing results in my total yardage. 
Thanks again everyone! 
2011-01-21 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

I would have to say my biggest fear is not being able to live up to my own expectations.  I always set my goals high.  This in itself is just fine.  The problem comes when you lose sight of the big picture and only live for those goals.  Goals should be just beyond your reach, and thus, not easilly attainable.  One of my biggest failures to date has been my IMWI 2008 finish.  The failure was not that I finished in 13:53 or so.  The failure was that I was not happy with the time and did not fully enjoy the experience.  I remember crossing the finishing line and thinking ", I thought I would finish an hour ago".  After a total system failure at the same course in 2009 and an ambulance ride back to the transition area I have developed a whole new appreciation for the sport and the distance.  I will still set my goals high and shoot for the moon, but I now will work at being happy with the effort and let the results be what they may. 

I look forward to looking at some of your responses and commenting over the weekend.

2011-01-21 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3257457

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I'm afraid my back is going to spaz out on me when I'm out on the course because I twisted the wrong way or something. And I'm also leery of the transition stages.
2011-01-21 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
On the topic of nutrition bars, at my local Costco they started carrying NuGo bars.  They are really good and had one of my dept fitness trainers look at them and he said they have a solid balance of carbs, protein, and fat he felt for what I am training for.  Take a look if any of you are interested in trying new stuff.  I like chocolate, and thought the chocolate and the peanut butter bars were great, yogurt so so but that is personal taste.  The box comes with all three flavors so no picking and choosing.
2011-01-21 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I have always liked Detour bars. But like most have said it is personal taste.
2011-01-21 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Due to gluten intolerance I have been forced to look for other alternatives. Discovered Larabars and they are the bomb diggity. Usually only have 2-3 ingredients and theybare awesome.
2011-01-21 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3313734


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
mndiver - 2011-01-21 1:54 PM

 I will still set my goals high and shoot for the moon, but I now will work at being happy with the effort and let the results be what they may. 

I look forward to looking at some of your responses and commenting over the weekend.

Hey Brian-
My college coach used to have a saying. If you leave it all out there on the court, no matter the score, you will come away with at least a sense of satisfaction, if not a win. "Leaving it all out there on there on the court" meant you gave everything you had in you that day - blood, sweat and tears. Some days even that wouldn't be enough for a win, but at least you could hold your head high at the end of the game, knowing you held nothing back. I would say an ambulance ride qualifies here....Wink Sounds like you left it all out there -  and at the end of the race, it is what it is.

2011-01-23 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3314139

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
bikingcelticmusic - 2011-01-21 3:51 PMI'm afraid my back is going to spaz out on me when I'm out on the course because I twisted the wrong way or something. And I'm also leery of the transition stages.
Transitions can be scary but are really not worth getting too worked up over. If you can go watch a tri before your race it really helps. Big thing is to realize nobody is pushing you in transition. Look at your first race as practice and take yout time. You will be fine.
2011-01-23 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
A few have mentioned the swim as your biggest fear. This is a legitimate fear. Best advice I can give is to keep swimming in the pool. At the very least 2 times a week, preferably 3 and even better 4 times. Several of you have mentioned TI swimming and I would highly encourage this also. It is a great method of swimming. Other than that, stay a little back and a little to the outside until you are comfortable. Prepare to be jostled, bumped and maybe kicked. If this happens, stop and take a deep breath and relax. You will get through it.
2011-01-24 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3314433


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I don't have a gluten intolerance, but I do have a wheat allergy along with dairy and a handful of other foods.  I like the Lara bars and the Odwalla bars, but I like to make my own.  They are always the yummiest.  I have a good recipe if anyone is interested.
2011-01-24 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

why don't you go ahead and post the recipe so it is on the thread, and we can look it up at a later date when curiosity strikes to try it out.

2011-01-24 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3317573

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

rkeenan - 2011-01-24 7:59 AM I don't have a gluten intolerance, but I do have a wheat allergy along with dairy and a handful of other foods.  I like the Lara bars and the Odwalla bars, but I like to make my own.  They are always the yummiest.  I have a good recipe if anyone is interested.

Please post, thanks.

2011-01-24 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3318048

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
mndiver - 2011-01-24 11:52 AM

rkeenan - 2011-01-24 7:59 AM I don't have a gluten intolerance, but I do have a wheat allergy along with dairy and a handful of other foods.  I like the Lara bars and the Odwalla bars, but I like to make my own.  They are always the yummiest.  I have a good recipe if anyone is interested.

Please post, thanks.

I third that.  Please, post, ty.

Trying to lose weight I have forced myself to tap into my inner Julia Child, Tosca Reno, Jack Lalanne lovechild.  Now I am wondering why I was so afraid of the kitchen, homemade is almost always the yummiest and you are sure of the ingredients / calories, etc.


RIP Jack Lalanne, you will be in my heart and mind forever.

Edited by BiafraGirl 2011-01-24 12:57 PM
2011-01-24 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Looks like we had another member have a great race. Big congrats to Ony in her half marathon!
2011-01-25 1:54 AM
in reply to: #3318970


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
mndiver - 2011-01-24 5:12 PM Looks like we had another member have a great race. Big congrats to Ony in her half marathon!

Congrats Ony!Wink 
2011-01-25 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3318970


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Congrats Ony!

Will post bar recipe tonight.
2011-01-26 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3257457

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Huzzah Ony! Congrats!!

2011-01-30 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Our thread has gone dormant!  Took four days off from training to let a calf cramp that won't go away rest.  Went back at it today, and felt good.  Hey, I still want that bar recipe!
2011-01-30 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Sorry about letting things get quiet. I have been completely out of commission the last 5 days due to a bad cold.
2011-01-31 1:53 AM
in reply to: #3329491

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
tstick14 - 2011-01-30 1:16 PM Our thread has gone dormant!  Took four days off from training to let a calf cramp that won't go away rest.  Went back at it today, and felt good.  Hey, I still want that bar recipe!

Good to hear that you're back to normal! Do you think that it could be that you need to eat a banana to add more potassium to your body?

mndiver - 2011-01-30 5:05 PM Sorry about letting things get quiet. I have been completely out of commission the last 5 days due to a bad cold.

That sucks Bryan! I hate colds. Feel better!

Here's an idea for something to talk about. What does everyone do to keep yourselves eating healthy? I'm getting better about it staying away from junk food. But I admit that I broke down earlier today and got a medium pan pizza from Pizza Hut. I stuffed myself silly. My gut is metaphorically kicking me in the butt now for doing it, but the pizza tasted really good going down.
2011-01-31 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I have a specific eating plan everyday, this makes it easy for me to stay on track.  I only eat certain things for breakfast, snacks, lunch then whatever for dinner in moderation.  

I did read somewhere a pro's eating plan, and he stated that he eats on track 80% of the time the rest is just to remind himself of all the good stuff.  Also, a reference from "Idiots guide to Triathlons", have a congrats meal for when you PR, finish a really long training day or a race.

IMO you can only stick to a plan for so long, granted we are striving for physical fitness, health a so forth but a reminder of all the good stuff is only HUMANE! (haven't had burgers or pizza in a long time yum yum)
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