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2012-01-19 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3998800

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Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Jen7 - 2012-01-19 1:31 AM I am trying real hard to lose weight too. I have a friend who is male in his late 50's who is trying to gain weight. His doctor put him on baby formula to gain weight. He started burping a lot and passing gas. Went back to the doctor and found out he was collicy. He had to switch to the formula for colicy babies.  I laughed so hard I cried and thats why I rember this. He said it worked for him though

This is too funny.  We had a bunch of samples of powdered formula, Similac?, left over when our youngest was already drinking cow's milk from a cup.  I read the label, lots of good protein, calcium, some fat.  I didn't like the taste, but when mixed with chocolate Nesquik it made it decent.  I used it as a recovery drink.  My wife thought it was funny, but was glad to see it not go to waste.

2012-01-19 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3998811

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Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!
Jen7 - 2012-01-19 1:55 AM

Is it ok to count eliptical as run time? or should this be considered crosstraining?

I overheard a conversation about training to prevent shin splints and It is a good idea to start earlier.

How do you train to prevent shin splints?

Yes, eliptical counts as run time, especially this time of year.  "Serious runners" might say no, but don't worry about it.  Our focus during base building is high frequency/low intensity and building the habit of working out 4, 5, or 6 times a week.  If a couple of those are eliptical, then 'good on you!'.

To prevent shin splints one must start the running training very slowly with very low volume (short distances), include stretching, and very gradually increase the total weekly volume (mileage), and have shoes in which the bounce is not worn out (less than 10 months old or less than 1000 miles).  

Do an easy run/walk mix for 5 minutes (warm-up).  Then stop for 5 minutes of basic runners stretching - calves, quads, ankle rotations, hamstrings, foot arches.  Then continue easy pace running or run/walk mix.  If you're enthusiastic to get going on run training, but have had shin splints in the past, the only way to safely do more sooner is to do daily workouts (high frequency), still short distances at an easy pace.

2012-01-20 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4000365

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Arrgh.. first day of "but I don't want to go to the gym..."  Thanks for the motivation... and for listening to me whinel.  I wil nowl go pack my bag and get my butt to the gym.


Oh... regarding swim caps - is one type better than another, latex.. silicone (I know nothing about the options).

2012-01-20 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4002352

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

I'm back - I'm glad I went.  Once there...  I got there just as a cycle class was ending.  There were about 5 of us that started working out as the class was breaking up.  The instructor was talking to a student for a long time, about 20 minutes - and he was just letting his iPod playlist continue to play in the room.  He left it on for us for an entire 60 minutes.  That was really nice.

So, I ended up with a 60 minute workout on the cycle class cycle, then I went and ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill.  That's by far my longest workout of the year to date.

Tonight, for the first time, I could really tell a significant difference in my heartrate.  Usually my bpm jump around a great deal on the monitor.  Tonight it stayed steady most of the time - unless I stopped paying attention and let it get up to high - then the bpm would jump around.  Earlier in the week on the treadmill I started just walking every time my bpm flucutuated until it stopped.  I wonder if I can train my heart not to race wildly.  That would be a feat!

Oh, and on the 30 minutes on the treadmill, my speed to keep my HR at 131 has gone up from a pitiful 2.7 to 3.2.  I only had to walk 3x to keep it there the whole 30 minutes. (and yes, I can walk as fast as I "run" at 131bpm).


2012-01-21 12:10 AM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

So this was a stretch training week for me lot of work outs at 80% race pace

Monday was a day off (thank you needed the rest)

Tuesday in the pool: 1400 yds. sets 100 warm up 1000 freestyle  300 mixed breast and back

Wednesday Bike: 50 min at 80 - 90 RPM 5min warm 5min cool down

Thursday 50 min run 5 warm up 5 cool down

Friday Pool: 800 yds. sets: 50, 100, 150, 200, 150, 100, 50 with 15 seconds rest between each set faster than last then 200 at full effort then cool down.

I am feeling surprisingly good and having fun, i started out hating the pool and now i look forward to it no joint stress. Also had a massage today which helped to get some of the soreness out of my body.

Have a brick tomorrow 30 min ride 20 min run at 130 - 140HR then i am backing off on the running a bit my ankle is sore so 2 swimming and 2 bike extra 3 days off including Sunday.




2012-01-21 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3948889

New user

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Went to the doc all clear on the ear, wax issues(i know gross!).  Been focused this week on not overtraining any days I felt I had below average sleep I held off which has helped.  In the past ive pushed too hard in the gym and end up with a cold etc.  Expect to ramp up training frequency this week.  Been studying up a bit on swim technique (head down, head half way in water etc) and felt like something clicked and was able to swim with far less effort this wk which was amazing!  Plan to hit the pool today for 15min and bike 30 per plan.  Bill the 10k sounds like a good cause and lots of fun enjoy!.  Glad to see everyone is doing well with training.  Will post again soon on experience with HR monitor.  Have a great weekend all!

2012-01-21 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3948889

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Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Jan, Pierre, and Sweenes,  Thanks for checking in and good job!

I've had several days of either too cold or rain during my usual workout times, or clients calling as soon as the rain stopped, so I've missed a couple of days.  Probably it's ok, as last week was my hardest week in a couple of months, so maybe I needed to recover anyway.  But it's a slipperly slope.  Once I missed two, then I didn't feel as enthused to go ride in the cold.

However, after reading of your persistence, I'm inspired.  The temps here today are mild, low 50's F, and we've had off and on rain this morning, so I'm getting up now and heading out the door to try to sneak in a run between the showers.  

Thank you for pushing me over the edge (out the door).  

Shared misery is divided, shared victory is multiplied.

H3ll, if Pierre can "look forward to" the pool, then what excuse do I have ; )


2012-01-22 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Good job all on your efforts. Very motivating reading your posts Smile.

I was researching (just the way I am wired, maybe too much so) training plans for triathletes and did come across the free ones here on BT. While these plans provide basic training plans I was looking for more detailed training plans.

What would you recommend for a detailed Sprint Training Plan (times, effort, bricks, sets, nutrition, days and times, strength training  etc) 850 yards swim, 20 mile bike and 5K run.

I was looking at these two options:

This one for swim workouts -

1) Swim Workouts for Triathletes: Practical Workouts to Build Speed, Strength, and Endurance (Workouts in a Binder)

These two for complete training plans -

2) Training Plans for Multisport Athletes: Your Essential Guide to Triathlon, Duathlon, XTERRA, Ironman, and Endurance Racing


3) Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide: Plans, Scheduling Tips, and Workout Goals for Triathletes of All Levels



Edited by linusv 2012-01-22 1:21 PM
2012-01-22 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!
Two days in a row treadmill for 60 min swim 30 min HR stayed around 138. I'm seeing the same thing about getting a higher speed while maintaining hr. Good news I take it! Start with trainer on Thursday. We had a good meeting on Friday and he fully understands my goals especially the big one...NO injuries!Emm
2012-01-23 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4004527

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Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Good Job Emm!  Keep going!

Linus,  I have not used these books, but I just read the reviews and I like "Training Plans for Multisport Athletes: Your Essential Guide to Triathlon, Duathlon, XTERRA, Ironman, and Endurance Racing".  I've read articles by Gale Bernhardt and I think she knows her stuff.  I like that the book gives detailed training plans.  For folks new to the sport having detailed plans already written out is very useful.  As you gain experience you will be more confident in modifying the plans or writing an entire plan.  For now, follow her instructions to pick which plan is appropriate and then follow the plan.  Real life will happen and you may only do 9 out of 10, or 8 out of 10, or 7 out of 10 of the prescribed workouts, but that's ok, the underlying structure will ensure you gradually increase your training at the proper trajectory.

2012-01-23 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3948889

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Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

End of the month benchmark test time!

We've heard from several folks how you are getting started in the pool, which is excellent, especially given the weather outside this time of year.  And we had several good posts about beginning to use a heart rate monitor and about High Frequency Low Intensity Zone 2 Runs (HFLZ2R's) which is a good way to get started and builds your base aerobic fitness.

During this building base fitness phase, most workouts should be low intensity, but once a month or a couple of times a month, do one set or one workout at "full gas", "as hard as you can go", after a short warm-up, as a test to see where you are.

During this last week of January, I challenge everyone to test yourself and post your current benchmark best time and distance.  

For some this will be time for 50 meter or 100 meter swim.  For some this will be time for 5k run.  For some this will be distance on the treadmill for a 30 minute run.  For some this will be time for 3 mile run at zone 2 heart rate.  Or perhaps you have a best swim time and a best run time.  Let's hear it!

2012-01-23 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3948889

New user

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Hi all!

So last week showed that it is harder for me not to do any training for one day than go outafter work  for 5k run with 17F.

Going to the pool 4 times a week for around 30 minutes. Coach says that starting to look like swimming- so no problem with lack of inspiration, just lack of skills. And still i can't understand how some of you here swim 40 laps.

Will be suspended from training for one week, going to eye surgery, so there will be a forzed vacation.


2012-01-23 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!
My trainer had to have a medical release, so today I visited my chiropractor and long time friend who said "oh I don't think this is a good idea!" lol. After I talked to her for a bit and she asked about my reason for wanting to do this, she was fine with signing off. On my way out the door, she said something about strong arming her into signing a medical release and my family suing her if I get hurt. Then she said "I need to see you every few weeks to celebrate your progress !". My chiro will be my biggest fan or else my biggest protector! Emm
2012-01-24 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Emm, Glad you got the ok from the Doc, let the training commence.

Viljars, All the best with the surgery.

In my quest for swimming drills I came accross the Speedo Pace club. A free signup for those interested. What I love about this site are the swimming drills availalbe.

Today I did

Advanced Beginner/ Week 1 - Workout A- 2000 yards, yikes! (you don't feel it as much when you doing drills and that I take 30 s between sets to recover Wink)

and it was fantastic to be able to follow a structured approach.






Edited by linusv 2012-01-24 5:06 PM
2012-01-24 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3948889

New user

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!
Thanks linusv Ill check out the swim workout been meaning to do that!  Swam 500yds today 15mins and biked for 25min on trainer ave HR 117 which is a bit low but included warmup and cool down will increase it on next cycle closer to 70-75% range.  Anyone else working on sticking within HR zones? Sweenes
2012-01-25 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4008947

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Wow!  Thoses Speedo trainings seem very good.  Just looking at week 1 beginner, it's more than I'm doing now!  But I like how they have a video for the drill that makes it very easy and clear what to do.  I'm going to spend more time looking at these.

I'm beginning to feel like I have the fitness level of a slug!  Or maybe that's just my cold talking...

2012-01-25 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Hey guys,

Had a bit of a break from training and missed 3 days due to birthday celebrations. Got back in the pool this evening and felt great to get over the weekend! I have started my swim lessons and am finding them beneficial. I am planning to make like a fish for the next week or two and get plenty of mornings in the pool. I am really starting to enjoy the pool but still have a lot of work to do. I should hopefully have my bike by Saturday, and now have gathered most equipment needed for training.

Have signed up for a Sprint event on 21st April - and my target Olympic distance event is on the 18th June.

I will get back on track with the training plan over the coming days. Hopefully you are all doing well.



2012-01-25 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Hey everyone sounds like training is in full swing! I did my first brick on Sunday before the football games started (should have waited so i could take my frustration)

Bike @ 90 - 100 RPM 12 miles 34:14 HR 129

Transition :58 sec (slow for changing shoes)
Run @ 15:24 1.75 miles HR 149

Sunday night spent most of the night with food poisoning and in the middle of the night racing to the bathroom slipped and pulled a muscle in my back! my stomach felt better by Monday night and went for a swim  3 X 500 it seemed to help my lower back and then i took yesterday off.

My back is still a little sore but the rest helped, i am going for a ride tonight hoping for 60 min but we will see. Swimming tomorrow, Friday taking another off day then we are going to go up to the lake and are riding the Bike and Run course for the race in April. We were going to run but I am giving my back a break. No swimming water is too cold unless we rent wetsuits.

Oh did i say that my race is in Napa, so i guess we will have to do some wine tasting...Darn! Laughing

2012-01-27 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

@linusv - that speedo site and drills are fantastic - looking forward to trying them out - i am missing a structured approach to swimming. I swam around 650 metres today taking a breather between every lap. starting to feel more comfortable in the water.

@sweenes - ive been using a heart rate approach and find it very useful. i've been using for bike and runs and it allows me to train at a consistent level. when i run without it, i run too hard and the next day my training is off. it takes a bit of getting used to not to break the upper limit when you are feeling great on the run...

few questions on cycling - mainly about clothes as I  have never cycled! temperature here is 45-50 degrees fahrenheit - is it too cold to cycle - it will quite probably rain too? what should i wear - i got some cheap gear - a bib, compression vest, jersey and windproof jacket. do i need to wear more/less? don't want so seem a wimp - but do not want to get sick either!

wearing a bib - anything underneath? Embarassed i tried on the bib earlier and quite a bit of room between the padding and the undercarriage!! maybe on a bike this is different??

thanks in advance!

2012-01-27 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4015083

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Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Yeah Linus, drown our sorrows over the 49ers up there in Napa.

Cold weather clothes have come along way since cotton sweat shirts and wool.  Many people who live in cold places are able to train, a least part time, outdoors.  The trick is to dress appropriately.  If you're wearing enough of the right clothes it can be very comfortable.  Polyester "fleece" and technical fabrics which wick moisture away are important.  Wool still rules for socks.

Most cyclists do not wear anything under their cycling shorts - lycra shorts with a chamois pad.  For longer rides (2 hours+) you might lubricate with vaseline or chamois butter, etc.  Put shorts, socks, tights in the wash as soon as you get home to kill/remove bacteria to prevent foul smells.

All of the following suggestions should be adjusted +5F if there is high humidity/drizzling rain or +5F if high winds are expected.  Can adjust by -5F if very dry and sunny.

I do a lot of rides leaving home at 5:45 to 6:30 am, so it's cold, but might warm up 10 to 20 degrees by the time I'm home.  I use the old trick of tucking one layer of newspaper or plastic grocery bag between my shirts in front.  When I start getting warm, I'll unzip a little.  When I start getting hot, I'll toss out the newspaper.

I always wear glasses.  I have sunglasses with changeable lens.  I wear clear lens when riding in the dark, just for protection from bugs or rocks.  In extreme cold I think they help deflect the wind.

65F or above, a single short sleeve jersey on top.

60F a single long sleeve jersey.

55F a long sleeve jersey over a single base layer on top.  Technical fabric T-shirts are great base layers.  I have a thin fleece helmet liner cap, which just covers my ears.  I don't like my ears being cold.  If I get hot, I can always take it off and put it in my pocket.

Below 55F I wear either cycling shorts and tights, or cycling tights which have a very thin "micro fleece" lining.  

50F long sleeve jersey, over base layer.  Long finger gloves.  Shorts and long tights.  Two pair of socks - one synthetic, one wool.  Optional a fleece head band around my neck.

Between 40 and 50 is tricky.  Once I'm warmed up I might need to unzip some, or remove a layer.  

40F jacket, long sleeve jersey, base layer. 2 pair of gloves, both are thin, but outer gloves are wind resistant, inner gloves are very thin polypropylene. Shorts and long tights. Two pair wool socks. Helmet liner. Add toe covers - little neoprene half shoe covers, like gloves for your feet.

35F all the above, and add another short sleeve jersey so I have 4 layers on top.  Definitely the fleece lined tights on bottom.  

30F this is my limit, I've done a few rides when it was colder than this when I left home, and every time it wasn't as much fun.  When you add the wind chill of riding at 15-25 mph, it makes this like being out in below 20F.  I have a pair of snow skiing gloves, which are great, but too hot above 35F.  I have a fleece balaclava - when you need to wear one, you really need one.  I wear two layers of tights, two pair wool socks, two long sleeve jerseys, one base layer short sleeve T-shirt, and a jacket.  I'm wearing 20 items of clothing (2 shoes, 2 shoe covers, 4 socks, 2 tights, 4 tops, neck warmer, balaclava, helmet, 2 gloves, glasses), it takes a while to get dressed.  Use the toilet before starting.

25F you need an insulated water bottle.  Really.  

Edited by AtlantaBill 2012-01-27 9:26 PM
2012-01-28 9:58 AM
in reply to: #4015443


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Thanks for such a detailed answer Bill - thats a great help! 

2012-01-28 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3948889


Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

Good to hear that the speedo pace drills are helping. It's wonderful to have some structure around the training. To this end I looked around Charlotte to find the local YMCAs offering 12 week triathlon progs. Also stopped by the local sports store to find out that they too are offering a triathlon training prog for 12 weeks. So search around in your areas for similar offerings. I find a useful site in trying to find local meetups in running, biking or swimming and Then the local beer meetups are fantastic too Laughing.

In the cold months I wear Under Armour compression base layers, seem to keep me warm and DRY in temps as low as 35F. I tend not to ride much below 40F. The key is to keep the extremities warm too, cold toes, nose, ears and fingers keep the entire body cold.

Keep going!




2012-01-31 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4015983

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!
linusv - 2012-01-28 1:34 PM

It's wonderful to have some structure around the training.

Absolutely, I find that's where I tend to fall behind, when I don't have structure.  I am trying to put my plan together for this year's races, and definitely need to incorporate speed work into all three disciplines.

2012-01-31 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4015443

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!
AtlantaBill - 2012-01-27 10:20 PM

30F this is my limit, ... Use the toilet before starting.

25F you need an insulated water bottle.  Really.  

Both great advice.  The first long run I did under 10°F was where I discovered Gatorade turns into a nice slushie if it's close enough to your body, but will freeze solid after about 10-15 minutes.  I have also had to use a park's port-a-pottie, and have since learned not to sit down at those temps!  Laughing

For running, I have discovered my limit -10° F.  I don't even want to run below +10°, but I'll suck it up.  Biking is an entirely different story, I'd agree with your 30° limit.

2012-01-31 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3948889

Subject: RE: Bill's Aye! Aye! Tri Crew - FULL - this ship has left the dock!

I had my meeting with my doc today - she's really pleased about the sprint triathlon.  We went over the heart test results... although there are some small anomolies she says I've had them my whole life and she's not particularly worried about them - but she does want me to keep my heart rate between 140 and 150 bpm when I start doing more intensive training, and not to go over that if I can help it.

I was sick last week and laid off training.  I tried starting back with swimming over the weekend and ended up with a horrific headache.  I'll be back at it starting today.

On Sunday, I went to REI and picked up a road bike within my budget that was on clearance sale for 30% off.  I'm really pleased with it.  My how they've changed since the last one I bought!  This one has three gears up front and 9 on the back wheel.    So - now I have no excuses.  Medical OK and Bike ready to ride.

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