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2010-01-15 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2615096

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Matt,

Sorry about the delay, I've been a little busy.  Anyway, I just took a look at the plan and overall, I like it.  However, here are the issues I have with it:

1.  There's no off day from week 8 to week 14.  That's way too long without an off day.  I'm going to make some changes so that I have an off day each week.  I'll probably keep the small amount of time for each sport, just do 2 events in a day that calls for 1, etc.

2.  I'm not sure I'm going to follow the strength portion of it.  Most of the weeks it only calls for 1 strength session per week.  I believe that if you're gonna lift, you need to lift at least twice a week.  At our age, I don't think lifting is a requirement.  However, I really like the core work and will be following that portion of it.

Those are really the only issues I have.  I'm going to go with this plan with those adjustments.  How do you feel about my adjustments and the plan? 

2010-01-15 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2615641

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

Yes, this sport is not cheap by any means.  I've already signed up for most of my races for this season and have spent around $1500 just on entry fees!  That doesn't include my flight, etc. to Arizona.  Nonetheless, I obviously think its worth it.

I know $250 is a lot, but I really think it will be worth it for you.  It will be terrific preparation for the full IM and do be honest, it may be a little bit of a wake up call for you on how hard a full IM is.  Most coaches strongly recommend doing a HIM during their IM training.  With this said, if you can afford, I say do it.  
2010-01-15 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

Swam again today.  After thinking about what you said, and with some further input spuphal (thank you!!) I'm thinking bi-lateral is gonna be the way to go.  Maybe next swim I'll do 50 yard repeats, as slow as I need to go, to get the mechanics down.  What do you think?

As far as the minor "incursion" at the pool, I went into more detail on my blog here.

Have a good weekend all.

2010-01-16 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2616608

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED


Which training plan are you looking at?  The beginning HIM training plan available to bronze members appears to have off days every week, some even with two.  Let me know which plan you are referencing.


2010-01-16 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2616626

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
are you assuming I'm sleeping
It will be terrific preparation for the full IM and do be honest, it may be a little bit of a wake up call for you on how hard a full IM is.
I totally know what I'm getting myself into. But you are right that it would be a great prep for Ironman. So I am going to sign up for it. I agree that it should be done for sure. So next week I will be signed up for Vancouvers HIM or Victorias HIM. They are 3 weeks apart. Victorias is in the 2nd week of June and Vancouvers is first week of July. Victorias is a lake swim (much more comfortable) Vans is an ocean swim, never done an ocean swim. I will figure it out and sign up for 1 of them.
Thanks Colin
you know i'm kidding about the sleeping part
2010-01-16 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2617736

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Matt,

Sorry, we were looking at different plans.  I thought you were talking about the "Half Ironman -20 Week" plan which requires either Silver or Gold membership.

I took at the one you are considering and its pretty good.  However, it does not have as much training time wise as the plan I will be doing does.  Do you have any kind of time goals for either of your HIMs?  If you're just looking to complete them, the beginner plan should be great.  However, if you're looking to improve your time, I think the one I am going to use will be better.  I don't question that the beginner one will get you prepared and you may prefer less training hours per week.  Let me know your goals and what kind of hours you want to put in during your training.

2010-01-16 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2617837

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
LOL, sorry Dave, that may have come out the wrong way.  However, I will say this.  When I completed my HIM in September, which by that time I was strongly considering going for the full IM this year, I thought to myself, "Holy cow, how am I going to be able to go double that distance."  It was a real eye opener for me.

Either way, congrats on making that decision and I think its a smart move.  Your wallet won't like it, but I think your mind, body, and soul will Smile
2010-01-17 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2617895

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED


I think first and foremost my goal is to finish.  However, I have an extremely competitive nature and know that I will not be satisfied with "just finishing".  I think realistically 6 hours would be my goal for the first one (very conservative IMO) and depending on how I do on my first, closer to 5 on the second.  In my heart I really think I can do a sub 5 hour HIM, but don't want to kill myself training for the first one and get injured or anything like that.


2010-01-17 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2618249

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Very good Matt.  I think is a very good plan and you made some excellent points in your post.  With what you said, I think the bronze beginner HIM plan should be great.  As you mentioned, the most important thing is to not get injured during your training.  Let's go with that plan for you. 
2010-01-19 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone,

We're the second to last group to have a post on here so I needed to change that!  We haven't heard much from any of our ladies lately.  Do any of you woman or any of the guys for that matter have any updates?  Hopefully I don't have to start sending some people personal messages to get them back involved Smile.

Not sure if anyone else saw this, but I read this over the weekend and it was really inspirational.  Check out this link fellow BTer:
2010-01-19 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2621508

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Gang
just did a trainer session, I got a podcast from TRI HARDER PODCASTS , man it was great, she talks you thru each part of the session. You start with a warm up and she increases the cadence and work load, with tension increase or gearing, you will do hill climbs (seated and standing)and high cadence sections. I was great. A good way to mix up the dreariness of the trainer. Before you know it you are thru an hour. Absolutley sweating my butt off. Great tunes as well to keep you spinning.
keep it up evryone

2010-01-20 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2622977

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Very cool Dave.  Where did you get the podcast?  Did you have to pay for it?  I'd like to try that...
2010-01-20 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2623743

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
regarding the podcasts
the web site is

I went thru I tunes the first time and all I got was 1 podcast when I subscribed. then I went to the web site and downloaded them to my PC  and then uploaded them to my Ipod as mp3's and I got a few more. I just right clicked the link on the page for each session (including a running session)and (saved target as) to my desktop then uploaded from there to Itunes.
2010-01-20 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2623840

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
follow up to podcasts,
it will ask you for a password, don't know it. Hit cancel and continue. on the right had side is a list, find podcasts and follow to the all the podcasts. I had a little bit of trouble using my Mac so I went to my PC and had more luck.
2010-01-20 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Thought for the day.  Remember to make training part of the fun.  We had a huge rain storm here in So Cal yesterday and when it cleared around 4 PM I went out on a local trail run, made sure I splashed through every puddle and came home as dirty as I could.

It was a great session.

2010-01-20 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2621508

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-01-19 11:48 AM
Not sure if anyone else saw this, but I read this over the weekend and it was really inspirational.  Check out this link fellow BTer:

I just read this guy's blog.  He had quite the year in 2009!!  It really shows what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.

2010-01-21 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2625400

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the info Dave!  I'm going to check that out.

Absolutely right Patrick!  That sounds like it must have been a great time.  If you're not enjoying your training, you're going to get burnt out.  If that means mixing it up or doing things a little bit differently, go for it!

I couldn't agree with your more Jason.  That guy simply has an incredible story and I hope other "big" people see that and realize they can do it too with hard work and determination.
2010-01-22 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2625876

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Another good session on the bike, 50 minutes of high cadence and hills, keeping a high cadence while climbing  hills is tough. its easier to use your weight shift to grind out the hills but to just use leg power and keep spinning with nice form is tough stuff. burns the legs big time. great workout though
hows everyone else doing with winter training.
2010-01-25 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2629979

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Keep it up Dave!  I've been really focusing on my cadence for the last few weeks.  I'm with ya on being what they call a gear "masher" (low cadence) and it makes sense to me in some ways as it seems it would keep your heart rate down.  However, as I've been increasing my cadence of the last for weeks, I've really noticed that my average heart rate has dropped on longer rides. 

I did a 2 hour ride yesterday on my rollers (watched the Jets/Colts game) and was able to raise my cadence about 5 rpm over what I would normally do and was still able to get an average heart rate for the ride of 130, while still averaging about 22.5 mph.  I didn't really feel tired at all after the ride and felt like I could have gone much further.  Well, beside the fact the my butt was killing me!   
2010-01-25 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
I will admit that my training has been very light so far.  Saturday, I went to the gym and biked (stationary bike) for 20 minutes, then ran for 15 minutes on the treadmill and did some strength training.  Today, I rode another 20 minutes on the bike, then did some more strength training, focusing on my legs and my core.  I'm currently on a one-week trial at the gym.  My wife signed up last week, so they are letting me try it out for free.  I am hoping that I can work the gym into my schedule this week, so that I can commit to joining next week.

Tomorrow morning at 6:15, I am going to a 45 minute spin class.  I don't trust the drivers on the winter roads around here, so I won't have my bike outside until Spring.   
2010-01-26 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin, and all other group members
any thoughts on the Endurance Nation training model...
all based on threshold training, mostly Zone 3-4 and 5, less time more  high work effort theory. They do not worry about swimming in the winter at all. There thinking is that if you are an average swimmer and have no problem completing the swim portion of your race( IM specifically) then improving your time by 10-20 minutes is not worth it, If you can focus on the bike and run you will make up the time there. By working at functional threshold more you will improve your race times and feel better during race day. Any thoughts anyone
Keep training

2010-01-26 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Dave, you reminded me of a question I have been meaning to ask here.  How is the best way to go about training according to HR?  Which zones should you be in at what time, and how is the best way to determine your max HR?  I always find myself settling into a comfortable pace, and would be interested in adjusting my training/racing according to HR, but have no idea where to start.  Any and all input on this would be greatly appreciated!

Also, I went for my longest run of the year today, almost 15km.  Last year, it was July before I ran that far!  Imagine, 14.62km in January, and a half marathon in February... this year is off to a good start!  My goal is to double all of my 2009 totals, which shouldn't be much of a challenge... maybe I'll triple them

PS: I'm down to 186lbs or so... the weight is coming off much slower now, but I'm just about half way there.

2010-01-27 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2635576

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

I'm a huge believer/follower of Endurance Nation!  I bought one of their DVDs last year and I've been following them quite closely ever since.  I think there theories/ideas make a lot of sense.  I'm strongly considering using one of their training programs for my IM training.  The only problem is they are pretty pricey.  If I can afford it, I'm going to use one of their plans.  I would highly recommend you use one of their programs if you can.

I'm actually going to hear coach Patrick speak at a tri expo happening in Boston in March which I'm pretty pumped about.
2010-01-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2636323

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
That's great Jason!  Awesome job!  Not surprised its taking a little longer to drop the weight now, but I can assure you if you keep working on it, the pounds will shed.

As for your heart rate question, here is some info for ya.  For your max heart rate, the easiest way to find that is to do 220 minus your age.  This obviously isn't 100% accurate, but should be a good starting point.  As for your training, you should strongly consider doing some lactate threshold testing.  This basically is defined as "An intensity level of exercise above which the metabolic waste product lactic acid accumulates in the blood faster than the circulatory system."  However, the bottom line is it will help you determine your heart rate zones, which in return will really help your training.

To calculate your lactate threshold, you need to do a relatively short test, typically between 20-30 minutes, where you go absolutely all out.  Typically people will do a 5K for running for running and 20-30 minutes on a bike trainer for the bike.  Your average heart rate from that test is your LT or lactate threshold.  Once you have that, go to the heart zones section of your profile (right hand side) on BT and use the calculator they have on there to calculate your heart rate zones for each sport.  That way, you will know where you need to be for certain intensities of training.

Here is are my current heart rate details based off my LT for biking and running:


LT:  170

Zone 1 - Recovery111 - 140
Zone 2 - Extensive Endurance141 - 151
Zone 3 - Intensive Endurance152 - 159
Zone 4 - Sub-Threshold160 - 169
Zone 5a - SuperThreshold170 - 173
Zone 5b - Anaerobic Endurance175 - 179
Zone 5c - Power180 - 186


LT:  181

1 - Recovery119 - 152
2 - Extensive Endurance154 - 163
3 - Intensive Endurance164 - 172
4 - Sub-Threshold173 - 179
5a - SuperThreshold180 - 184
5b - Anaerobic Endurance185 - 190
5c - Power191 - 199

Once you have determined your LT, you should also retest it from time to time as your fitness improves.

That make sense?  Let me know if you need any clarification or have any additional questions. 
2010-01-27 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2636765

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Thanks Colin
I really like the theory as well. They base most of there cycling training with a power meter do they not.
It is very interesting to see your HR zones, how evryone is so different. I did a threshold test to find mine and its painfull as in hard but worth it.
My Run TH is 160,
my Cycling TH  150
My max HR  running was 177, although what is a max HR really, you would only really know if you had a jammer would you not.
great job on the run, don't you love seeing results. I would recomend the HR training as well it has really helped me in my training by making sure I am in the right zones to get the best results. It's easy to think you are in the right zone when actually you are not and you end up doing a bunch of junk miles.

keep it up gang, hows all the other members doing we have not heard from them latley.


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