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2008-04-29 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

I'll pipe up to say - I've had more "days off" recently due to being sick - and find my next day workout has been GREAT.  Given that I'm still fighting the creeping phlegm (sorry for that picture!) I feel like my workouts should be sluggish awful things, but instead I have great ones.  I've attributed that to the days off, so even though I haven't had a taper week yet - I'm a believer based on this on/off sick schedule I've had to maintain.

hopefully that made sense. 

2008-04-29 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1368763

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
wgraves7582 - 2008-04-29 5:31 AM
nevergivin - 2008-04-29 9:25 AM

My plan has me tapering for the next week until my race, besides feeling guilty and worried that might loose some of my fitness up until my race, can someone explain what tapering actually does ?

I am also not sure if my taper workouts should be short intense focused workouts, or should they be short medium intensity workouts? Yesterday my plan had me doing some sprint runs and sprint swims.

As I understand and I am sure our Captain Pirate will be more thorough, the taper is to allow the muscles to recover more thoroughly after all the straining you put it through during your plan period.  Your plan will explain exactly what type of workout and zone you should be in during the taper phase.  Depending on your race expectation, base fitness level, and other factors your plan will put you in the best position to finish stronger than without the taper.

I have heard people go crazy during it, and I will be finding out at the end of the month, so be patient and understand that it is good for your body to recover!

Yep, Bill's got it! Taper allows your body to rest and your muscles to recover and be ready for the stress of race day. You want to be fully rested and ready to go hard on that day, and not be sore from a week's worth of hard workouts. Taper week should be really light and easy workouts. They are mostly "get out and move around and stay loose" workouts. As they say, you're not going to gain any fitness during the taper, but you can certainly do your body worse by going too hard. Don't worry about loosing fitness with the light won't!

You can feel crappy during taper depending on how hard and frequent your training was. I had a 3 week taper for IM and it was horrible. I felt like I lost all my fitness, and easy workouts became really hard. I was low on energy and it felt like I hadn't trained at all. But that was just the body resting and repairing itself, getting ready for race day. Mid-week of race week I started to feel good again and by race day I was fine.

Taper time is usually proportional to the race distance. Sprint races don't require too much of a taper (1/2 week or so) while the longer races like HIM's require 1-2 weeks.

So if you feel "bad" during taper, don't worry. You're not loosing fitness. What you're feeling is perfectly normal.

2008-04-29 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1369306

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
movingsouth - 2008-04-29 8:02 AM

I'll pipe up to say - I've had more "days off" recently due to being sick - and find my next day workout has been GREAT.  Given that I'm still fighting the creeping phlegm (sorry for that picture!) I feel like my workouts should be sluggish awful things, but instead I have great ones.  I've attributed that to the days off, so even though I haven't had a taper week yet - I'm a believer based on this on/off sick schedule I've had to maintain.

hopefully that made sense. 

Definitley! Sounds like the rest has done you good allowing you to go harder when you are well.

Hopefully you'll be back to 100% soon!

2008-04-29 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

I figured we could follow the sickness tangent for a bit.

Sometimes people wonder if they should train if they are feeling like they are coming down with something. I HATE being sick, so if I start to feel bad, I start to take it easy. If a hard training day was scheduled, I flip the schedule around and push easy days up. Sometimes it's the body saying it's too tired, so I try to get more sleep and start pushing the fluids hard just in case.

If you do end up sick, do what you feel you can handle. Obviously if you are full-blown ill and the body is having a "going out of business sale where everything must GO" (as I like to call it ) then forget training. Rest and recovery is best. When you start to get out of the funk and just have a bit of runny nose, cough, etc lingering, then it's a tough call. Sometimes you can get back to it with light workouts, but you don't want to do too much too soon and relapse. I know I can't swim if my sinuses are clogged, but light running seems to help clear out those systems. Sometimes it feels like a slight cough /runny nose lasts forever, and I go stir crazy trying to wait it out.

I freaked out this year with the record flu season. The last thing I wanted was to be taken out of my key race due to the flu. I became hyper-sensitive to paying attention to my hands. I kept Clorox wipes at my desk and wiped my mouse, keyboard, and phone down every morning. I washed my hands before eating, and used hand sanitizer when a sink wasn't around. Some may call it being a germaphobe, but all I can tell you is, it worked! Everyone at my office was sick, but I made it through and I never got the flu before the race. Whew!

(Knock on wood, hoping I didn't just jinx myself. )

2008-04-29 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Great thoughts on being sick. I get sick so much less now that I am training. I got bronchitis about 3 weeks out from PF Chang's last year and that was such a major bummer. I don't think I ever did get my lung capacity back before the race. :<( But I am like you and super sensitive to being healthy now.
2008-04-29 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Alright guys, I bought a wetsuit at Tribe sport yesterday. I know it's the bottom for quality because the guy told me. LOL But it fit my budget and I have it for my Splash and Dash this weekend. Overall I think it fits's snug but I can still breath in it and it kind of formed a vacuum like he said it should. My only concern is that the neck feels incredibly high and "chokey". The guy didn't think I would do any better unless I was will to spend quite a bit more. I *think* I will be able to get used to it and tolerate it but isn't it supposed to loosen a bit in the water? What are your thoughts? I know there are some nicer quality ones online (Xterra) at the same price that I could get but wouldn't have it for this weekend. This one is a Neosport. And my hubby totally agreed that if I keep doing these and like them then in a year or so I can sell this one and upgrade. I don't even know if I will like the Olympic distance at this point.

Edited by Javamom 2008-04-29 3:38 PM

2008-04-29 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1370310

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

I got my husband healthy - then put him on kid duty so I've gotten 2 (or 3?) GOOD nights of rest in a row - not getting up for the kids and not getting up early with the kid-alarm-clock. 

Today I finally feel like I'm ahead of the sickies.  I'll do a run tonight and see how I feel.  Of course my son now has a fever... I'll deal with that as it comes.  This is NOT our typical family health!

I need to try an OWS swim in my shortie wetsuit... It's a surf-suit, not a tri suit, but I'm hoping it will work well enough for my june tri.  Do I want to be cold (72* water) or fight against the wetsuit?  maybe this Saturday the family can do a trip to the local lake and test the waters.  Hmm, I guess I should see if it fits... 2 kids have passed through this body since it was last on! 


2008-04-30 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1370329

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Javamom - 2008-04-29 12:37 PM

Alright guys, I bought a wetsuit at Tribe sport yesterday. I know it's the bottom for quality because the guy told me. LOL But it fit my budget and I have it for my Splash and Dash this weekend. Overall I think it fits's snug but I can still breath in it and it kind of formed a vacuum like he said it should. My only concern is that the neck feels incredibly high and "chokey". The guy didn't think I would do any better unless I was will to spend quite a bit more. I *think* I will be able to get used to it and tolerate it but isn't it supposed to loosen a bit in the water? What are your thoughts? I know there are some nicer quality ones online (Xterra) at the same price that I could get but wouldn't have it for this weekend. This one is a Neosport. And my hubby totally agreed that if I keep doing these and like them then in a year or so I can sell this one and upgrade. I don't even know if I will like the Olympic distance at this point.

Yeah, the neck is what takes getting used to. It's like that to form a seal and keep the warm water layer in and not let the cold water in. You'll find that when you swim in it, the first few times it makes you feel like you're swimming like a log. If you normally turn your head to breathe without rotating your body much, you'll find the wetsuit constricts that. It makes you pay attention to rolling your body to breathe. So in a way they are great tools for helping with swimming form.

2008-04-30 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Update on my to Texas yesterday late in the afternoon and went to do my daughter's bridal pics in this lovely garden.  Oh my, it was hard to not cry with every picture.  She was beautiful!  By the time we finished and got done with dinner it was too late to run. SO, got this great idea to ask my future cutie patootie son-in-law to run with me tonight.  He bit off on the offer and soon my daughter was chiming in that she wouldn't let us go without her, so we are all going to go run tonight!  It will be good to run and to spend some great time with the two of them.  Did find out that there is NO PLACE to swim in this town at all.  I'd have to get all the way to Ft. Worth so I'm glad I did my swim on Monday.  But, I'm gonna run tonight and maybe a little early in the morning. It's so hard to get the training in when we are running like mad on the wedding....but, hearing the compliments from my daughter about how good I'm looking keep me motivated! 

But, guys, I'm gonna need you to keep reminding me to train and not let anything get in the way of that no matter how important I think it is.  I can always go ride or run for even 30 minutes rather than do nothing! 

I'm so glad that I get the emails and encouragement. It's awesome.  Thanks!

2008-05-01 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1372850

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Big Mama - 2008-04-30 10:34 AM

SO, got this great idea to ask my future cutie patootie son-in-law to run with me tonight.  He bit off on the offer and soon my daughter was chiming in that she wouldn't let us go without her, so we are all going to go run tonight!  It will be good to run and to spend some great time with the two of them. 

Great job fitting the runs in! And you got to run with family, which is more fun.

2008-05-01 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

So quiet in here. Everyone must be out training.

I've been trying to figure out ways to increase my frequency of biking into work. The problem is getting swim workouts in. There is a bus that goes from my work to the university where my Master's swim is. Then I could take the bus part way home late in the evening and just have a 7 mile ride home. There 's a little race series that happens each summer called the Summer Aquathlons (800 yd swim, 5K run) and I want to do those which are on Wed nights. So I may be able to bike to work in the AM, bike to the race, then ride the bus part way home and bike the last 7 miles. I just need to figure out how to pack my swim stuff. Paddles are nice and small, but fins are kind of big and take up room. They may go on top of the rear trunk I have. I also need to figure out how to pack my lunch. Only so much fits in my rear panniers. The cafeteria here at work is kinda gross.

Anyone else use their bike to get to work, run errands, get to workouts, etc?

2008-05-01 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

wtg Big Mama on the run!  Hopefully you can get your SIL to join you for workouts your next visit too.  Make sure you put the workouts into the busy wedding week schedule NOW!

I'm beat this AM - got up and did (for me) a BIG swim workout, 750 yds.  biggest swim day ever in my life.  I'm tired. ah wait, as I type this, I KNOW why I'm beat - yes the swim may have something to do with it - but I also carried my son for 4 hours yesterday to cuddle him through his fevers.  OK, I feel a little better that the swim is not doing me in this much.  I'm still beat, but mental a little less overwhelmed.  cool.  good to sit down and write these things, the brain clicks and I learn a little more!

PirateGirl - It's been a while since I commuted with gear/lunch, but yes, is can be a juggling act.  Skip the fins the bike day workouts?  bring lunch ingredients a non-bike/swim day and leave in office?  Bike to lunch off campus to skip the groody cafeteria?

In other me-news I pulled out my dusty dusty shortie wetsuit and pulled it on.... IT FITS!!!  Maybe not quite so flattering as pre 2 kids, but it fits!  Yippee!  I am back to pre-preg weight, but it's in different places now so I didn't know how it would fit.  I have a airpocket in my lower back where the suit gaps, we'll see if that's too annoying when I try an OWS in it.

Javamom- have you gotten your wetsuit wet yet? 

Bill- have you eaten yet?  I mean snarfed a huge calorie load? 


2008-05-01 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1375260

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2008-05-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1375350

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
wgraves7582 - 2008-05-01 9:10 AM

I am starting to commute on Monday.  I try and ride my bike to as many places as possible because it is fun and because of gas prices.

Exactly! Tucson isn't too bad as a lot of the country, but gas is still around $3.35/gal. I was lucky and found a station close to work that's at $3.27 right now. I live 25 miles from work, so that's a lot of driving each week. And my poor Jeep's front end is having issues. I don't want to kill myself on mileage during the week, but luckily the bus stop is 7 miles from my house and they have bike racks on the buses. I could always bike the full distance in the AM and bus/bike in the PM.

I may have to break down and put the full panniers on my bike. Normally I ride with just the little trunk bag that sits on top of the rack. It has side pockets with pull-down wings that can extend if needed. But I can't pack the full panniers too heavy or else they push the back end of the bike around and it really screws up the handling. Swim gear isn't heavy, so they may work for that stuff. I might have to start getting creative with my packing scheme.

2008-05-01 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1375868

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2008-05-02 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
If only I could commute that would solve some of my training time issues. I work too far away and freeways are involved. Plus I often go to other locations during the day.

Big mama that run sounds wonderful... how great to spend it with family. Moving south... I am jealous that your suit fit after having two kids... I adopted mine and I still can't get into things. Congrats on the swim.

Lately my *stuck* part is my nutrition. I joined my food diary (MFD) about a month ago and all went well. I loved the tracking of calories in and out.... I am a slow loser and it helped to see the scale at least move. Once I got the flu and then after my tri I just can't seem to get back on track. Kind of like Dorothy in the wizard of oz when she chants "there's no place like home"... my chant is "tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow".

Other than is good and I am finding ways to train with two little girls, a demanding job and the impending AZ heat.

Thanks for all the support.


2008-05-02 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Finally got home! I'm pooped from all the driving. It was a great time with my daughter and hopefully we've got most of the important things done for the wedding. Now it's just remembering all those little things and not losing my mind while I keep my daughter calm, cool and collected AND train over the next two weeks!    Tomorrow morning my hubby and I are running in a 5K trail run. Don't know why in the world we signed up for it, but it'll be fun. I'm not going to try any kind of great feat...just finish and use it as a great time to enjoy the wonderful trail we're on. I'd like to get in some bike time tomorrow, too.  I am wondering about the wetsuit deal in June here in Kansas.  Will I want that? Will I need that? Should I be looking for something?  I suppose I could find out from some other triathletes in the area here if they used them last year. It's just been so much colder this year than last. The water has certainly not had a chance to warm up yet. It's still going to be in the 30's tomorrow morning.  Don't know what that means for June, but if it's still cold at night, I'm thinking that mid-June may still be cold enough that I would want a wetsuit.  What should I do???
2008-05-03 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1379347

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Big Mama - try looking for videos/photos on line from the race you'll do in June.  I found some youtube videos of my June race, as well as more race reports than what is here on BT --
 I was able to see what folks were wearing and understand more about the bike/run trails.  You might also see if whatever organization manages the lake tracks the water temps - many do.

I was hopeful we'd do a 8 mile bike, OWS swim, and return 8 mile bike (how cool would that be?!)  but now DH might ditch me.  I'm trying not to be too frustrated with his vacillation.  Since we have 2 kids, it's not as though I can say "screw him" and do the workout regardless.  ARGH!  Hopefully I get him back on board, happily.  Who wants a grumpy workout partner? 

2008-05-04 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

I went biking this morning... which is where the next set of naive questions come from. Hopefully you can help me out. I realized that I was on the swim team as a young kid so i get swimming. Running is fairly self explanatory and there are tons of resources regarding going from walking to running. Where I am clueless is the bike. I road a banana seat bike most of my childhood, a schwinn varsity in high school that pretty much got me from point A to point B. Then I took more than a decade off of the bike... a few months ago I bought a specialized vita (probably should have bought a road bike) and love it. The issue is I just basically get on there and peddle away. My heart rate is always much lower than when I run. The thing I don't know is am I supposed to coast some? Also when it comes to cadence... I tend to make it a tad difficult to peddle because I am slow and if I change the gear too low... then I feel like I don't move.

Any advice on how/when to use gears, how fast I should be peddling, how hard it should be? Lastly... do you know if there are such things as beginner classes anywhere? A colleague of mine is an accomplished road racer, I could ask him to help but I am so uncomfortable because he is so fit, fast, and somwhat cocky... yet I need to learn. Do you think that is the way to go? Then again I do have a speaking engagement in Tucson in early June... I can always bring my bike for Elaine to help me out :-)

2008-05-04 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1380662

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
                                                                                                                                               Elizabeth, I know where you come from, girl! I would get on my bike and just go ride. Then I went with my husband, the biking guru, and he was telling me so much stuff to do that I almost quit cuz he took the fun out of it!  I actually went to Barnes and Noble and got a bunch of books on biking, sat in a comfy chair and spent an afternoon reading all I could about riding. It really helped. I was confused about lower gear and higher gear and I kept getting confused about which was harder and which was easier. I didn't even know what cadence was let alone be thinking about it. I'm sure anyone who watched me ride the first couple of months would have had a great laugh! I do so appreciate that you are able to ask this kind of stuff because sometimes I feel like my questions are naive, too. But the reality is there are a lot of things to learn and what a better place to learn them!                                                                                                                                                                                                            As for cadence, I do so much better if I keep my cadence pretty consistent. I switch gears to maintain my cadence, no matter how fast or slow I'm going. I don't worry about that so much as keeping my cadence the same. Sometimes when I'm going up a particularly long hill, I'm in my granny gear and I'm not going very fast, but my cadence has stayed the same. When I decide to get out of my seat on hills, I will switch into one gear harder and then get out of the seat and peddle to the top and over.  Peddling shouldn't be hard. If it's hard then you are in the wrong gear.  
2008-05-05 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Hi everyone!!! So glad to "see" you all!!!

Elizabeth, I am so glad you asked that about gears! I never use my large ring and I am wondering when I should use it! YAY thanks for asking that!!

2008-05-05 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1380662

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

azelizabeth - 2008-05-04 11:37 AM I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I went biking this morning... which is where the next set of naive questions come from. Hopefully you can help me out. I realized that I was on the swim team as a young kid so i get swimming. Running is fairly self explanatory and there are tons of resources regarding going from walking to running. Where I am clueless is the bike. I road a banana seat bike most of my childhood, a schwinn varsity in high school that pretty much got me from point A to point B. Then I took more than a decade off of the bike... a few months ago I bought a specialized vita (probably should have bought a road bike) and love it. The issue is I just basically get on there and peddle away. My heart rate is always much lower than when I run. The thing I don't know is am I supposed to coast some? Also when it comes to cadence... I tend to make it a tad difficult to peddle because I am slow and if I change the gear too low... then I feel like I don't move. Any advice on how/when to use gears, how fast I should be peddling, how hard it should be? Lastly... do you know if there are such things as beginner classes anywhere? A colleague of mine is an accomplished road racer, I could ask him to help but I am so uncomfortable because he is so fit, fast, and somwhat cocky... yet I need to learn. Do you think that is the way to go? Then again I do have a speaking engagement in Tucson in early June... I can always bring my bike for Elaine to help me out :-) Elizabeth

Is there any groups that you can ride with, these are great for confidence and most people are eager to share thier knowledge. The two groups I tag along with have all abilities and have helped me tremendously. I just feel safer when I ride in a group. This past weekend I asked a guy what kind of cassette he ran, he told me 3.2 jigawatts, so we all learn sometime. Gearing will be different for all of us because of riding abilities and riding styles. Try to find what is comfortable for you and stay away from know it all fit racers, they are in it for themselves.

2008-05-05 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1380662

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

azelizabeth - 2008-05-04 10:37 AM

The issue is I just basically get on there and peddle away. My heart rate is always much lower than when I run. The thing I don't know is am I supposed to coast some? Also when it comes to cadence... I tend to make it a tad difficult to peddle because I am slow and if I change the gear too low... then I feel like I don't move. Any advice on how/when to use gears, how fast I should be peddling, how hard it should be? Lastly... do you know if there are such things as beginner classes anywhere? A colleague of mine is an accomplished road racer, I could ask him to help but I am so uncomfortable because he is so fit, fast, and somwhat cocky... yet I need to learn. Do you think that is the way to go? Then again I do have a speaking engagement in Tucson in early June... I can always bring my bike for Elaine to help me out :-) Elizabeth

Oooo...when you coming down in June?

For the gears, you want to have a nice smooth pedal stroke. If the gear is too low, then you're mashing away. An easier gear lets your legs spin faster. You'll want to be in an easier gear for hills, and harder gears for flats and downhills.

Like the others mentioned, are there any group rides in the area? Sometimes clubs like GABA post rides on the internet, and sometimes they have beginner rides.

2008-05-05 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Anyone else sore from this weekend?

I did a running race which was one of those "kick your butt back into training" type of races. You know when you haven't been training much and you do a race and don't feel well and think "I really need to start training again to avoid this?" Yep, that was my race this weekend. Time to get back on the training bandwagon!

2008-05-05 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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