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2008-05-16 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1406002

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Marcy -- I've looked at the Chicago Tri Club too, but wasn't really sure what the meetings/clinics were all about. I'm interested in checking out the June meeting, if you'd like someone to sit next to . Plus, the bar is right in between work and home for me (actually it's not terribly far from home).  Let me know!

Also, for Marcy and others in Chicagolandish -- another tri/multisport place is called Visionquest. My trainer has signed up for his first Ironman and he is doing some of their classes. I haven't looked into it too much, and it might be a bit advanced I'm really not sure, but if you want to check it out...>

Hope everyone else is doing well -- Good luck on your half marathon this weekend Laura!  

2008-05-16 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi everyone!

Marcy - I so want to be like that woman when I'm 60, too!!  That's awesome.

Jennifer - I had to fight with the website a little when I updated my picture, too.  First, make sure your file is small enough (smaller than 50kb).  If it is, after you hit the submit button, try refreshing your browser.  When I updated mine, it kept showing the old one until I refreshed the browser - then it showed the new one I uploaded.  If you've tried all that and still nothing, send an email to [email protected] and they can look into it.  Also, as for that tri that's closed out - going to watch it is a good idea, but you may also want to consider volunteering at it!  That would give you even more insight on how the races work (plus it's fun and you usually get some cool stuff!).  Just an idea!

Lou - Thanks!  I'll be sure to let you all know how the race goes on Sunday.

Hope everyone trains hard and has a good weekend!

2008-05-16 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

LAURA....Good Luck with your First Half Mary

Kick butt and take tons of pictures

2008-05-16 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!!!!  Stay away from the dogs
2008-05-16 11:52 PM
in reply to: #1406987

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Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

That's be great, Lou! I'll send you a note the week before the meeting. That bar is really close to me, too!


2008-05-19 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
GREAT JOB LAURA!!!!! your first half marathon....sweet 

2008-05-19 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Laura -- saw your log. Great job! Looking forward to reading a full race report.
2008-05-20 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hey Laura, wanted to wish you luck but i was sick all weekend ;( and still am today. Hope you did well and cant wait to hear about it! 

Have swim class today, not sure if i should go or not still relaly sick, i can barley sit here at work!  not sure what if i'll make it, but want to try.  Have not got a good workout in in some time and it would be nice to get one in, but dont think i have the energy for it...we'll see

Hope everyone is having a good weeK! and no one else is sick besides John and I


2008-05-20 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi everyone!

Yes, I did survive my first half marathon and am really quite pleased with how well it went, all considered!  Best of all, I had a lot of fun!  I'm now back at work and frankly kinda bummed that the whole event is over now (but I'm definitely looking forward to all the other things I have coming up).

Full race report is here so I won't rehash it all.  I hope you all had great weekends - and we're already well into this week.  Anyone have any races planned for Memorial Day weekend?

2008-05-21 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
I am finally feeling better enough to train.....still coughing....but it's so much better than voice is nearly 100% back...went on a short 2 mile run last night...thought my knees were going to explode the first half mile....this time I WAS looking for dogs.....any reason to stop running and start walking
2008-05-21 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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2008-05-21 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

John i can picture you now....barking like a dog to see if any come out!! 

Glad to hear that you are feeling better...i'm still not, better then what i was but not even 75% better.  Although i think work is happy cause i really dont have a voice to talk! 

Went to swim class last night...not good barley had any energy when i was there and none on the ride home, needless to say i will not be working out today!  Hope for long can someone be sick for..started last Thursady so thats almost a week!!!!  crazy.  hope all of you are drinking your O.J. so this doesnt happen to you!

2008-05-21 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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2008-05-21 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1416213

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
If you look at my training logs for April you will see a 9 day stretch with ZIP in the way of workouts. Must have had what you have now....finally broke down and went to Doctor and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. Even after being on the antibiotics for a few days I was still feeling bad and when I began to workout again I felt WEAK. 1st day back was swimming. Both did my cardio system not like me that day.
2008-05-21 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hope you guys (John and Jennifer) are feeling better ASAP!  In the meantime, extra rest isn't a bad thing.  Better to get extra rest than to push it too hard when you're not feeling well and make things worse.

How's everyone else doing??  Training hard when you can, I hope?

2008-05-21 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1416804

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
After taking Monday off and missing a spinning class on Tuesday morning I had three solid workouts in 12 hours. A great run last night, spinning class this morning and swim after that.

I iced my legs during the last half of Idol last night and they felt alot better this morning than they normally would the day after a long hard run. Spinning class was tough and I could feel the fatigue set in on the swim. But I got it done and feel good about it.

Tomorrow will be another run followed on Friday by more spinning and swimming. We'll see what I can put together this weekend. I want to get at least one run and one swim in and maybe ride on both days.

Next week is a recovery week and then I hit my "peak" weeks before my race in late June. In my plan, training volume actually declines a bit over those weeks. Since I haven't been achieving the actual volume in my training plan I'm not sure how to handle the 3 weeks between my recovery week and the race. Any input is suggested. Thanks.

2008-05-21 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi everybody,

 I've been really sleepy the past week, so I've taken more days off training than originally planned. Maybe its because I had a cold last week, or maybe also because I've been increasing my swim and run distances? 

I've got a few events coming up. Tomorrow the Corporate Challenge (3.5m), Sunday Bike the Drive (30m) and the following Sunday a 10K. I just hope I don't fall asleep while I'm out there!

2008-05-21 10:47 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Laura, I just read your race report- Very Cool! great detail there, too. Congratulations on a nicely run race!

 So I was wondering about your learning process for all this training. Who are your mentors? How did you get into this and learn all the techniques?

2008-05-22 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Marcy - looks like you have a full load this weekend....Good Luck....let us know how things end up.  I'm sure you'll have a ton of energy once you get to the race.  I'm the same boat you are in, i know nothing about any of this so any new info I learn is aweome. 

Finally feeling better, after sitting in the rain to watch a baseball game with my "team" from work...great way to make your self feel better.  Going to try and get in some cardio today, even if its a short run, i think it would be better then nothing.  Know i wont be able to run my full distance but i believe that i will have to take some baby will all work out!

One more day till the wekend!!!!

2008-05-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi!  Life's getting even more busy now that our big move is just 2 weeks away, but I'm determined to make sure I get some BT time in everyday!

Jennifer- Glad you're feeling better!  I hope things continue on an upward swing.

Marcy - It does sound like you've got a full load this weekend!  Sounds like fun stuff, though.  Best of luck at your race tonight!

I'll be busy this weekend, too.  Probably running a trail 5K for fun on Saturday morning with DH (just taking it as an easy training run), then some family stuff as my parents are coming up, Sunday is my brother's college graduation and I'm also hoping to take my wetsuit for a test-swim in the lake my grandparents live on, then Monday morning DH and I are running a local 5-mile race (hoping to PR, but we'll see).  I'd LIKE to also get a bike ride in at some point this weekend, but I'm not sure where that'll fit.

As far as your question about how I developed my knowledge base for triathlon training...kinda here, there, and everywhere.  For running I've mostly drawn upon my experience as as high school cross-country and track runner (even though that was eons ago) and also have bolstered my knowledge there by reading Runners World and books.  For swimming, I learned a lot from the masters swim coach last spring and a friend who was a HS and college swimmer.  I get a lot of my swim workouts now from a book - Workouts in a Binder for Triathletes and from the aforementioned former competitive swimmer friend (and sometimes I just wing it).  Most of what I know about biking, and then putting it all together for races, I learned by reading various triathlon books and stuff online (especially here on BT) and by reading the logs of more experienced triathletes.  When it comes to putting all the training together and working in recovery and nutrition, a lot of that knowledge comes from my degrees in Exercise Science and Nutrition.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

2008-05-22 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1364886


Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi everyone!

Good luck on your race tonight, Marcy. I'm doing Bike the Drive as well and I'm running the Soldier Field 10-miler on Saturday. 

Training this week has been pretty good, though I did totally slack on Monday (with exception of riding to work). My swim lesson on Tuesday went well, and despite feeling like it was a little too basic last week, I think I'm learning some really valuable skills, so I'm glad I decided to start at the beginning. Also, I haven't had a chance to fill in all my strength training from yesterday, but I woke up this morning and thought, "Gosh my legs are tired," and then realized "Oh yeah... I lifted yesterday." Perhaps I'm losing my mind. I have also felt fairly exhausted this week despite the nice weather. Don't know what that's all about. Going to swim tonight though.

Other than that, I don't know how many of you have seen my profile, but if you're interested I write about training and other nonsense on my personal blog if you're bored or whatever!

Also, Good luck Laura on your trail 5K!  

2008-05-22 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1364886


Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Quick question about the site, when I look at other people's training logs, I see that most people have at the top their long and short terms goals. I can't figure out where I include that information, or do I just need to buy the membership or something. Thanks!
2008-05-22 10:45 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi everybody!

Thanks for your well wishes on my race tonight. I was pretty happy as I set a new PR! Yay!

Lou- I don't have goals on my page, but I think this is how to put them there. Click the link in the left column of your training log that says "Change display settings". It takes you to a page with a bunch of tabs. One of the tabs is for you to list your goals.



2008-05-23 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hope everyone's ready for a great holiday weekend!  Be safe if you're traveling and have fun if you're racing and/or training!

Marcy - Congrats again on your PR last night!

Lou - Best of luck for your race tomorrow!

2008-05-23 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1364886

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