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2009-01-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

So my first week of Ironman training is complete.  7 days.  7 days of not following the plan!  Actually, by the end of it, I did get in some of the workouts, and I did try to keep things at a very low heart rate.  Hoping that the return to work will enable me to be more structured in my training.  I did add in some strength training and stretching which should help my knee stabilize. 

How's everyone doing?



2009-01-05 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Well I dd it...I joined the YMCA and got my first early morning swim in this morning. Up at 0430 and in the water by 0510. I talked to a friend of mine who did endurance swimming in college and he gave me a few things to work on. I still need to take a few lessons from a professional, but I felt pretty good in the pool today. I worked on staying long in the water, and my breathing. For a few laps I actually felt very good and the breathing felt right.


Oh yeah: actually trying to eat right now also. This sucks! I brought my turkey sandwich, apple and cottage cheese today for lunch. I am so hungry right now.

2009-01-05 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1886317

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Day one of the new year training starts tonight for me with a 30 min run and upper body lift, followed by a 6am trainer ride. Does anyone have that podcast link handy? I have a few spinnervals dvd and they are all a little too long for a morning workout to get to work on time. Im looking to keep the workout to about 45 minutes 

I'm also on day 3+ on my soda free challenge going cold turkey. I was a diet coke addict and caffeen junkey. 

2009-01-05 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1886457

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Good luck with the diet coke addiction. I can relate. I am just cutting back though, trying to cut it back to 2 diet cokes w/ caffiene and 2 without per day. I don't think I can quit cold turkey, its about the only thing I drink.
2009-01-05 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Well I managed to get in a few runs while on vacation in Hawaii, the first week anyway, second week not so much. I did manage to slip in a *cough*pilates*cough* workout or two, which was followed by much beer drinking and crushing of beer cans on the forehead so it's ok.

I'm relaxed and ready to start the real training. Here we go...

2009-01-05 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1886899

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
You guys are encouraging to me. Okay, so from what I understand, January 1 begins the first week of triathlon training? I am still stuck in stupid physical therapy mode--ugh! I am not doing very well at all. Barf. I am lucky to get most of my therapy in. Mostly because I am too lazy to do it all. It's so boring. As it is now, I don't think I will be able to run until the first week of February. I have a trainer, but now bike. SOO . . . well, I have ridden the bike at the gym a few times and worked out, but nothing to speak of. I am going to a spinning class sometime soon here . . . barf. Please someone help me get on track.

2009-01-05 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1886590

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New user
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Jayfoe - 2009-01-05 10:32 AM Good luck with the diet coke addiction. I can relate. I am just cutting back though, trying to cut it back to 2 diet cokes w/ caffiene and 2 without per day. I don't think I can quit cold turkey, its about the only thing I drink.

 Jay I find that when I quit cold turkey after a week DC tastes awful.... Sacralidge I know but my body just doesn't like it. Helps keep me honest if I have a relapse.  I gave it up for about 2 months in the early fall and felt great, then started adding 1-3 into my diet per week and kept on drinking it now I'm giving it up again. Tonight i need to buy some seltzer just to have something that isn't just water....and for my cafeene sometimes ill use unsweatened ice tea. I'm trying to work out artifical sweetners. 

2009-01-05 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1887329

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

tri_jean - 2009-01-05 3:22 PM You guys are encouraging to me. Okay, so from what I understand, January 1 begins the first week of triathlon training? I am still stuck in stupid physical therapy mode--ugh! I am not doing very well at all. Barf. I am lucky to get most of my therapy in. Mostly because I am too lazy to do it all. It's so boring. As it is now, I don't think I will be able to run until the first week of February. I have a trainer, but now bike. SOO . . . well, I have ridden the bike at the gym a few times and worked out, but nothing to speak of. I am going to a spinning class sometime soon here . . . barf. Please someone help me get on track.

Jan 1 isn't any magical date.  It's just coincidence that our training plans work back to that time.  And we have different races and different plans.  My 30 week plan actually started on Dec 29. 

But, having said that, now that I'll be back on a regular schedule, it'll be easier to structure my workouts. 

2009-01-05 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

As for soda, my kids guilted me into not drinking soda for an entire month.  The stuff they learned in Health class was pretty bad.  But I haven't had a soda since before Thanksgiving.  It really is an addiction. 

Now, the kids are saying I should try it with coffee.  Ummmm...NO!!!

2009-01-05 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1887329

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

tri_jean - 2009-01-05 3:22 PM You guys are encouraging to me. Okay, so from what I understand, January 1 begins the first week of triathlon training? I am still stuck in stupid physical therapy mode--ugh! I am not doing very well at all. Barf. I am lucky to get most of my therapy in. Mostly because I am too lazy to do it all. It's so boring. As it is now, I don't think I will be able to run until the first week of February. I have a trainer, but now bike. SOO . . . well, I have ridden the bike at the gym a few times and worked out, but nothing to speak of. I am going to a spinning class sometime soon here . . . barf. Please someone help me get on track.

Do your PT - its the most important thing you can do to get back and stay back on your feet.

2009-01-05 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I can't give up coffee..... I am a boring irritable person without it.  I once tried to give it up and a friend came up to me one day and asked "Hey, where did Jeni go?  Did you leave her at the bottom of a coffee cup somewhere?" I promptly walked to the nearest coffee shop

I did a week of cross country skiing that kicked my A$$... Skate Skiing--oh my gosh what a workout. Since there is an evil snow slush everywhere outside I figured I should pick up a winter cross training sport.  I am trying to put in as many and as much hard workouts as I can before now and surgery next thursday and use the post surgery time to just rest.

2009-01-05 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1886457

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bm1981 - 2009-01-05 9:33 AM

Day one of the new year training starts tonight for me with a 30 min run and upper body lift, followed by a 6am trainer ride. Does anyone have that podcast link handy? I have a few spinnervals dvd and they are all a little too long for a morning workout to get to work on time. Im looking to keep the workout to about 45 minutes 

I'm also on day 3+ on my soda free challenge going cold turkey. I was a diet coke addict and caffeen junkey. 


Hang in there.  I quit drinking diet coke last year....cold turkey as well.  I was knocking back 4+ cans a day.  There are still a few cans in the fridge in case company asks, but the temptation is gone.  It's worth it.  You won't miss it after much longer.


2009-01-06 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
First day of strength training yesterday and I'm really sore today, really.  Swam for an hour this morning just felt absolutely drained.  It's hot here (high 90s) so that's contributing to rubbish sleep and fatigue.  How do you get through the fatigue?  Is it just a case of HTFU?  Any diet suggestions to aid recovery?  Hope you're all getting back into the swing of things.
2009-01-06 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1888671

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

daisymouse - 2009-01-06 6:48 AM First day of strength training yesterday and I'm really sore today, really.  Swam for an hour this morning just felt absolutely drained.  It's hot here (high 90s) so that's contributing to rubbish sleep and fatigue.  How do you get through the fatigue?  Is it just a case of HTFU?  Any diet suggestions to aid recovery?  Hope you're all getting back into the swing of things.

I did the same thing.  I just started back up with the lifting.  Did that yesterday evening, and this morning's swim was a little tough on the arms/shoulders. 

When it's hot out, you might want to ease back a little bit.  If you're training by Heart Rate, you'd probably see that your HR gets up there quicker than usual.  If you're feeling drained, don't push things.  Your body is telling you to rest.  Start your normal workout and if you don't loosen up and start to feel better, then just cut it short and save it another day.  (Now if only I could listen to my own advice.

2009-01-06 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
i've had to give up the strength training due to a bum shoulder for the last 3 weeks, prolly gonna go another week or two before trying again... sux when that's all you have done for the last 3 years, the running,swimming, and biking is going great though (at least for shorter distance- sprint), have 3 weeks till my race, feb 1, can anybody give me some average times to shoot for in the 3 events??  middle of the pack type times i guess?
2009-01-06 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1889601

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

lforce - 2009-01-06 1:25 PM i've had to give up the strength training due to a bum shoulder for the last 3 weeks, prolly gonna go another week or two before trying again... sux when that's all you have done for the last 3 years, the running,swimming, and biking is going great though (at least for shorter distance- sprint), have 3 weeks till my race, feb 1, can anybody give me some average times to shoot for in the 3 events??  middle of the pack type times i guess?

My first tri is on Feb1st also, yours wouldn't happen to be the Max Performance Tri  in Shelbyville, Kentucky would it?

2009-01-06 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
nah its near ft lauderdale, southern fl, this is my first one altogether, it might be a laughing matter watching me run this thing, but can't wait.....
2009-01-07 3:57 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Ended up taking the day off, no choice really, the Munchkin was up several times in the night and then started his day with a massive vomit all over the kitchen, oh goody, cleaning up sick at 6am.  Could have squeezed in a run while the boys were eating but thought it would be good to have a rest before my PT session tomorrow which is always pretty intense.  Feel so much better.  I guess that's part of the learning curve, knowing when to ditch a session rather than struggle through it.
2009-01-07 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1891364

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Daisy, what did you have surgery on? (If I was a good team member, I would know this . . . but I don't). And, just to point out, it seems that you like cake!
2009-01-07 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone!  Wow, it's been a hectic first week back to work for me.  I haven't sat down to write my training plan yet, so I'm still just randomly doing some SBR.  I really need some focus.  I'm also taking an online class which includes writing 18 (!) papers this semester.  Yikes!  When I mentioned this to my students, they said something about "karma" and "payback", whatever that meant.  Anyway, I'm still here, although up to my butt in alligators.  Enjoy the rest of the week!
2009-01-07 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1891837

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

tri_jean - 2009-01-08 12:30 AM Daisy, what did you have surgery on? (If I was a good team member, I would know this . . . but I don't). And, just to point out, it seems that you like cake!

didn't have surgery - a few weeks before Christmas (and a tri) I aggravated a disc in my back, first time I've ever had a back problem.  It was so painful, really scared me.  I also have a trochonteric bursitis in my hip caused by an unstable pelvis.  My PT does intensive pilates with me once a week to build up my gluteus medius to stabilise the pelvis and now I have back exercises too.  Easing back in to the riding and runing.  Doing lots of swimming and have started some strength training.  How's the knee doing?

2009-01-08 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Wish me luck today boys and girls - after luck I'll be off to demo a gym.  Besides the small corporate gym at my last real job, this will be the first time ever.  Its got a pool though, so I'm going to try to make it work, even though it will mean getting home even later than usual a few nights a week.

BTW, had a beauty of a run this morning - it was cool and crisp out (and dark) - not so fast, but I felt really good throughout and after the run.

2009-01-08 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1893295

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
daisymouse - 2009-01-07 3:19 PM

tri_jean - 2009-01-08 12:30 AM Daisy, what did you have surgery on? (If I was a good team member, I would know this . . . but I don't). And, just to point out, it seems that you like cake!

didn't have surgery - a few weeks before Christmas (and a tri) I aggravated a disc in my back, first time I've ever had a back problem. It was so painful, really scared me. I also have a trochonteric bursitis in my hip caused by an unstable pelvis. My PT does intensive pilates with me once a week to build up my gluteus medius to stabilise the pelvis and now I have back exercises too. Easing back in to the riding and runing. Doing lots of swimming and have started some strength training. How's the knee doing?

discs can be evil little buggers. I have one that gets annoyed and causes shooting pains down my hip, so for the longest time my physio thought it was hip related. Then they started giving me movements and exercises to do based on the MacKenzie method . After a lot of evaluation by the physio, it was crazy how finding the right movement/exercize made the pain move and then go away. Unfortunately with starting a new activity (cross country skiing) it came back a bit, but now I know what it is and I know what to do and after a few days its gone again.

I'm one week from collarbone surgery.. FINALLY! And my number one goal is to not move for at least a week so it will actually heal this time!

Any new years resolutions? Mine: NOT to get injured in 2009.

Edited by KrazyLegs 2009-01-08 9:43 AM
2009-01-09 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
does anybody know if there is a way to flag this thread so you can jump right to it as opposed to finding it in that big list of mentor groups?  also can anybody with some experience post some average times in a sprint tri?  just curious how fast people typically go...
2009-01-09 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
swimming is coming around, longest day so far, 1800 yards in about 35 minutes , felt good...
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