BT Development Mentor Program Archives » crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now Rss Feed  
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2008-12-27 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1873335

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
amy mutz - 2008-12-27 7:07 AM
etknowles - 2008-12-26 9:36 PM

I saw this on Julie's blog and nabbed it...  She will stop by from time to time (girl passing on left) and it is a great thought...

Hey Emerson I will take credit for this one, I put it on Julies blog and it is very true, don't sacrifice your gifts, use them...and actually I believe everything is a gift. Amy IN

Hi guys, Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas/Hanukkah...or whatever you may celebrate. Pam is right, now is the time to get going on that training. We all know we have spent many a night eating and drinking at all those parties...hope you all the best...Pam is a great mentor - she and Emerson together will rock! See you guys at the finish line! HAPPY TRAINING!

Have a VERY VERY Happy New Year!

2008-12-27 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1873523

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
cathcan - 2008-12-27 12:37 PM

hi amy .our goals are similar. lose 30 lbs and july HIM.  lets me know i am not alone.  thanks,  cath

Nope your not alone...we will do this together. Our mind can be our best friend or our worst is your choice. Embrace yourself and everything else will fall into place, everytime we make a goal we get closer to attaining it, NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Edited by amy mutz 2008-12-27 3:44 PM
2008-12-27 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
For everyones information, I am going to remain a hippo avatar until I lose 10 lbs, and then I will become a tiger, and then after another 10 I will become a hawk, and then when I reach my goal you will see the new me.
2008-12-27 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1873678

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2008-12-27 2:46 PM For everyones information, I am going to remain a hippo avatar until I lose 10 lbs, and then I will become a tiger, and then after another 10 I will become a hawk, and then when I reach my goal you will see the new me.

Well done, I look forward to seeing the changes.... I know you will do well and we will be with you all the way...   Emerson

2008-12-27 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
First off, welcome to kathod!

Secondly, welcome to emerson as co-mentor.

As for our "assignment", I long ago quit making New Year's resolutions. I prefer to focus more on short term goals and modify my resolutions/goals throughout the year. I was happy with my first year of training (although I'm sure it seems like nothing to some) and hope to continue to better myself. A year ago, I never would have thought I'd even consider doing a half marathon and it was my funnest "race" to date. I'd like to lose 20-25 lbs but rather than focus on weight loss, I'd rather focus on eating healthier and being accountable for what I'm putting in my mouth. In turn, the training and eating more nutritiously helps me feel better about myself.

Yesterday, I did absolutely nothing, didn't go anywhere, had no family/visitors, and I can't even remember the last time I did that. This morning, I took some time to get my running planned out (using Runner's World Smart Coach and focusing on a 5K in March) to start back on December 29th. I've got my races/rides penciled in on my calendar thru June and will get them posted on my log, hopefully over the weekend. I was able to focus on my running the fall/winter and hope to keep that base, while I focus on my biking over the next few months. I'd also like to work in some strength training and stretching. Swimming comes the easiest to me, but I'd like to work on my speed (or lack of) with some drills.

I'll try to come up with some kind of creative (or not) avatar. Amy, I love the hippo to tiger to ... avatar idea.
2008-12-27 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
dumb question....... what is an avatar? i'm thinking it is the icon or picture beside our names? if so how do i activate this? took the kids to see "bed time stories" with adam sandler tonight. very fun..... have to think like a seven year old  take care all  cath

2008-12-28 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1874044

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Good morning everyone!

I'm sitting in front of the computer this morning, trying to convince myself to go out and brave the cold.  It's very windy as this front pushes through, and the temperature is dropping dramatically -- 10 degrees since I got up!  I usually like running when it is cold outside, but windy too???  I'm not so much a fan of frostbite.

We're heading home later today, and although it was nice being with family over Christmas, I'm ready to get back to the Florida weather.  I'm thinking a bike ride after work tomorrow is in order.  And it's time to get back on a real training plan!


2008-12-28 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Hi Cheri,

Get your butt outside and run!  

I'm at work again.  I'm on for 5 days which is a lot of time in a row here.  I'm glad to see the chatter about resolutions.  I will respond more later on and post the name boxes.  Well off to do stuff.

2008-12-28 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1874096

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

cathcan - 2008-12-27 9:03 PM dumb question....... what is an avatar? i'm thinking it is the icon or picture beside our names? if so how do i activate this? took the kids to see "bed time stories" with adam sandler tonight. very fun..... have to think like a seven year old  take care all  cath


Look up at the top left of your log page and you will find the "control panel".  Click on that and then scroll all the way to the bottom.  You will see a spot up upload a profile picture... That is where you get the little photo for your image.  It is called an avatar (I have no idea why).  Mine is from a marathon, Amy used an animal, sledge has a small group shot... we use whatever we like.  Just know that it needs to be small, under 50K in size.  You can upload album photos up to 200K but not for your little picture.  As you may have noted if you have been to my training log I like up upload photos from time to time...

Have a good day, more to come... Emerson

Edited by etknowles 2008-12-28 8:58 AM
2008-12-28 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1874300

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2008-12-28 8:48 AM

Hi Cheri,

Get your butt outside and run!  

I did, but it was hardly worth it!  No motivation... I need to get started on my training plan!

2008-12-28 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

2008-12-28 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

ARRRRRGHHHH!   hey sledge..... do you have a "sledge" hammer i could borrow  my mantra for the day "i love my computer i love my computer"  doing a 40 minute swim workout today as part of my training on monday.  daughter has a dentist appt. so can't do a lane swim officially starts tommorrow. booked in for child care at the gym. a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step tommorrow  morning. 


" when I let go of what i am, I become who I could be"


2008-12-28 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1874309

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
hi emerson, how do you downsize a photo?  thankls for all your help   cath
2008-12-28 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1874463

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
cathcan - 2008-12-28 11:56 AM

hi emerson, how do you downsize a photo?  thankls for all your help   cath

I go to photobucket online, it is an online photo hosting place, you can find all kinds of pics, or download your own onto the site, it will have a colum underneath the picture that you can rt -double click on to copy, ( use the img board or message board size) and then paste it to you personal photo options on BT. If you don't get it let me know. Once it works for you, you'll love it!

Amy IN

Edited by amy mutz 2008-12-28 1:15 PM
2008-12-28 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Thanks Amy and Emerson. One assignment down - I now have an avatar! Now to figure out how to make my 2009 goals look "pretty". Seems like I saw an article on how to do that not too long ago.

2008-12-28 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1874721

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Had to share one more photo of Rowan... grandpa just can't get enough....

2008-12-28 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
what a cutie emerson.   I still can't get an avater to upload. there is no column for copy below my chosen photo just move or share.  i am sooooo frustrated............never got to swim today...... the pool we went to did't  change its answering machine message so we went by that schedule and of course it was closed. frustrating day all round.   take care all  cath
2008-12-28 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
testing for avatar
2008-12-28 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Cath... still having problems?
2008-12-28 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Okay... so from what I can see so far... there is some chatter going on but it is mostly with answering my question and figuring out the tech details of the website.  I would love for some more chitchat between everyone else.  It is going to get really boring reading my responses to everyone all the time.


I've been thinking about how to handle the nutrition/weight loss goals everyone is setting.  First things first, I would really like a list of the things you know you are doing bad ie eating too much, chocolaholic, not getting your veggies and fruits, those kinds of naughties.  Then I want to also know what you are doing well.  When I get responses from everyone (this is for everyone because everyone can eat better!) I will complete a list and we can go from there.  The best answers will be the simple ones, like those I mentioned and any others you can come up with. 

I am going to fix up the name box right now and post it in a little bit! 

2008-12-28 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Hello everyone...

First of all, I want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. My mother was transferred out of the ICU yesterday. She will probably be in the hospital for another week or so, but she is slowly getting better.

What is my New Year's Resolution? I would like to lose 15 lbs. (better eating habits). Work at improving my swimming (go from a turtle to a shark). Also find a better way to balance family & work resonsibilities and still have enough time to train (and not feel guilty about it).

Well...enough chatting (for now) I better get my butt on that trainer. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Hugs to all.


2008-12-28 9:23 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Okay... I am going to attempt this... bare with me. Please let me know if ANYTHING is wrong with these. I am not sure if the code or the boxes will post so just copy what you want to your log. If you have any issues just ask. I do have them labeled above the code/boxes. You need to copy the whole thing code for the box you want or the whole box itself for it to work.



Pink background


Crea0029/Etknowles’s Mentor Group

Pam- crea0029

Kathryn- katod

Cath- cathcan

Karen- kew

Lisa- lufferly

Helen- HelenR

Emerson- etknowles

Amy- amy mutz

Amy- abud7373

Cheri- Sledge


Blue Stars


Crea0029/ Etknowles’s Mentor Group

Pam- crea0029

Kathryn- katod

Cath- cathcan

Karen- kew

Lisa- lufferly

Helen- HelenR

Emerson- etknowles

Amy- amy mutz

Amy- abud7373

Cheri- Sledge


Pink Stars


Crea0029/ Etknowles’s Mentor Group

Pam- crea0029

Kathryn- katod

Cath- cathcan

Karen- kew

Lisa- lufferly

Helen- HelenR

Emerson- etknowles

Amy- amy mutz

Amy- abud7373

Cheri- Sledge



2008-12-28 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Yeah!!  It worked... so just copy the box to your log!
2008-12-28 10:27 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Pam the charts are great, but is there any way you can make them a bit smaller? It makes my page distort because it is beyond the boundries. Just when you get time in the next day or two.

thanks Amy
2008-12-28 10:36 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Also, I am being the villiage idiot... I cannot remember how to copy them into my goal pages... No matter what I do they do not seem to take... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Emerson
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