BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners! Rss Feed  
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2009-01-04 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1857812

schuylkill haven, pa
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

Hi everyone,

This year I hope to stay healthy, be more understanding and open minded to everything and everyone around me, become a better person in general. Spend as much time with my girls as possible.  Stick with tri training and reach the goals I have set for my self.


2009-01-04 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Great goals for 2009 Jeff!!
2009-01-04 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
This year I  hope to continue my training.  I want to focus on nutrition and eat better, complete the marathon and 2 sprint tri's I have signed up for, then evaluate where I am at and hopefully move towards an olympic distance or HIM.  I also want to make sure I never touch another cigarette...4months nicotine free!
2009-01-04 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1885009

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: Tri vs. road bike!
One other thing that is important t o note is that putting aero bars on a road bike makes them extra "twitchy" and can be more dangerous as it relates to steering.

Tri bikes do utilize different muscles but if your bike is hard to pedal you might want to look at your gear set but also technique. Do you know where your cadence range is when biking? (How fast do you turn the crank?) Do you know what gears you have right now? Most gear sets have the number stamped right on the side of the gear.

Last year I monkeyed with my gears probably more than anything. I think I changed 5-6 times before I found my magic set. Now my only problem is that the magic set is different for different courses and my fitness level at the beginning of the season versus the end of the season. I like messing with this stuff though and probably make it more complicated than it is so lets just start with what you have and where you are at.
2009-01-04 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1857812

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

Hello everyone,

 This is Daniel.  I was somehow locked out of the site for the past week or so.  I e-mailed Scott and he is OK with getting me back into the group.  

 My workouts have been positive.  I am still playing around with using January to build my base and get into an exciting role.  This year will be incredible in many ways.  I will read the five pages of posts today and respond where needed.  I also need to invest some time to figure out how to log workouts, communicate with the group more effectively...

 It is great to be back.  

 Happy New Year!


2009-01-04 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Hey Scott,

I'm embarrassed to say that I have no clue what my gears are. I know I have 2 rings on the front and 9 on the back. I googled my bike for stock specs and I'm guessing it has 39/53 on the front, and 12-25 on the back. But I can't be sure. The only # I can make out on the large front ring is a 53, so I think what I googled is probably correct.

Cadence, uh no clue outdoors. Indoors I stay around 80 - 90 most of the time. I have two different rear wheels, one for indoors and one for outdoors (long story, LBS recommended it because according to them I "cooked" my tire on the trainer). I need to get a 2nd computer that I can put on my outdoor wheel for cadence.

What I find outdoors and in races, is that I pass people on the uphills no problem. I like a big hill, I can power up it. But on the flat and downhills I'm in the highest gear and spinning my legs as all the tri bikes fly by. I guess you could say I need more gear???

I enjoy riding my road bike so much I don't know that I really want to change it that much. Especially if it's going to cost a lot of money. I'd rather save up and get a tri bike for racing.

I've been looking at the Cervelo P2C and really really really want it!!! But I just can't spend that kind of money right now.

If I could change my gearing inexpensively I might consider that. What kind of gearing did you all try and finally decide on?

2009-01-04 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
This year I will be below 200 lbs. 17 down 77 to go.
2009-01-04 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1857812

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!


 I just had a great time reading all the posts - I really got behind.  

 What excites me about my first tri?

 I turn 50 the end of May and have so many people in my life that are cheering me on.  I teach 7th grade lit/la and when I run marathons my students (and parents) really cheer me on...  My wife wants to join me too!!!  We just got back in from a very comfortable 5 mile run and talked the whole time.  My best friend is also training for the tri with me.  It excites me to have so many people cheering me on...  I have to do it now!!! It is new and that creates a genuine passion - I am reading web sites, magazines and just finished Total Immersion Swimming by Laughlin - great book!

 What scares me about my first tri?

 Being seen in my tight running shorts in front of my students and parents as I prepare to swim!!!

Everything!!!  Transitions, getting kicked in the swim, forgetting my biking shoes...  I actually think it is going to be a great feeling and I know the adrenaline will flow.  I am currently training another group to run a marathon in May - my 50th birthday weekend.  They are cheering me on.  They laugh because they know swimming is not my strength.  When we ran on the lake front in Chicago last fall for our marathon training we were so impressed with the tri athletes practicing swimming in Lake MI.  Now I am freaked out because it is my turn.  


2009-01-04 11:09 PM
in reply to: #1885716

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!


 You will make it!!!  I will be 195 on September 1st when school starts.  

 I am running the Detroit Marathon in November.  I will contact you before and we can maybe do a healthy (carbo Loaded) dinner to celebrate a summer of tris and our new figures...

 Keep up the great attitude...

2009-01-05 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1885490

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: bike info!
Hi Karen,
I run a 11-25 on my back cassette. I really like the taller gear for down hills. I noticed that I "spin out" on down hill runs and the 11 gear took care of it. Changing to an 11 definately makes a change. I am hoping that I can help you out on trying this as I have changed my bike to a 10 speed cassette instead of a nine. I think I still have the 9 speed 11-25 that I would be happy to give you if I can find it. We just moved and I have no idea where I put it. Anyway if I can find it and you want to try it its yours.

2009-01-05 11:21 PM
in reply to: #1885920

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Daniel, and everyone
Its neat you have such a good support network. It is important to have people around you that encourage you as you go.

I have noticed that a lot of us have anxiety over the swim. I am hoping that as we go along in this group that we can find a way to curb some of it. The swim is scary and the most I can offer is that you all seem to be doing what needs to be done to be successful.

In one of the articles in Triathlete magazine the author was talking about training and one of his points was training toward your weakness. For so many of us swimming is our weakness (I am including myself in this) so we have to train more in that discipline than any other and spend more time focusing on it. I think that is a very valid point and one we should connsider.

Also if it helps there are a lot of people in kayaks and boats and bouys etc if you should happen to get in trouble. More than once I have seen people grab a bouy simply because they need a break to go on. Not recommended but if you need to then go for it.

On another note I just had a schedule change and hopefully tomorrow I will be back on here more consistently. I just started school again and am getting the internet figured out on my computer when I am travelling. Happy training everyone!


2009-01-06 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Hi Scott,

If you can find it, that would be great. I'd like to give it a try and see if it does help me with the downhills and possibly the flats.

For swimming - I'm pretty comfortable in the water, not a speedy or pretty swimmer, but I can get the job done. My advice if you have not done any swimming in a lake or whatever body of water your race is going to be in, try to do it a few times before the race. The very first non-pool tri I did, I was a little freaked out by not being able to see the bottom. I got over it once the race started, but then I had all the clawing to deal with. Be prepared for people around you to kick, grab, scratch, etc. That was/is the worst part for me, but as long as you know it will happen you'll be fine. And like Scott said, there are canoes or kayaks all around if you need help. Just raise a hand if you can't get to them, they will get to you. That's about all the advice on swimming I can give. Oh, except also to pay attention to the buoys and try not to swim any extra distance or miss one and have to double back to not get a penalty.
2009-01-06 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1885716

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
You'll make it Ray. You're making awesome headway!
2009-01-06 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1885285

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

Good goals for the year. I have been looking at your workouts. Nice job!!
2009-01-06 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: shaving time
Would everyone like a drill that could shave minutes off your final finish time??? Practice transition. Thats it. How do you set things out? What stuff do you need? Make sure too that before you put your bike shoes on that your feet are wet. I have some things that I learned this last year but before I share them I want you to try it and see what you think. I went to a triathlon as a spectator and timed different transitions. It ranged from well under a minute to almost ten minutes. This is simply a matter of practice and planning so give it a shot. Let the group know what you have found out.

Edited by holt1997 2009-01-06 5:17 PM
2009-01-06 8:18 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

Scott, just wanted to tell you thanks for the swim drill ideas...I have started them this week.  I am varying them slightly because of a time issue right now...but I am getting there.  Thanks again.

2009-01-06 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1890984

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Glad I could help. Absolutely don't worry about the times. The best part is breaking up the workouts for your mind and body. Swimming without variation is very difficult for me so the drills help. Make sure to give yourself some breaks. Good technique now will pay huge dividends later. Keep up the good work.
2009-01-07 5:03 AM
in reply to: #1857812

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

Thank you for the swim drills.  I am in the pool tonight and have a very good friend that has been working for some time with Total Immersion Swimming that will be joining me.  It is the first time that I will have a "Swim Buddy" that is willing to help me out.  

 I have been doing weights - following the Body for Life routine by Bill Phillips every M - W - F for two months now.  Although I am sore - it is a great sore - if that makes any sense.  I also am amazed how much more comfortable it is making my running. I also think that I am really making much better habits with food as a result.  I crave eating well and drinking water.  My students notice I am really into on a super high.  Although I am happy all the time I think this cross training, finding my "it" and spending a lot of time on my goals has made a huge difference.  

 I need to start recording my workouts on this site.  Time to lift weights and swim tonight after work.  Just another tip that has really really helped to motivate me...

 One of my favorite books is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.  Please don't let the title fool you.  My friend and I are following the ten scrolls this year and are starting January by following the first law.  It is "I will Form Good Habits and Become their Slave."  We text each other several times a day to remind us.  I eat better, spend time with my wife talking, being with the boys, our dog and eating and exercising with a new vigor.  I have run 15 marathons but this is the first time I have trained like this (cross - extensive weights) with a focus on weights and my "it."  My "it" crystalized to the first law I wrote above. I feel a peace, excitement and energy that is new to me.  This group rocks!!!   Thanks for all the posts on this site. It really helps me...             Daniel

2009-01-07 5:24 AM
in reply to: #1857812

schuylkill haven, pa
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

Dan and Ray and everyone,

keep up the great work, your motivation is awesome, and keeps us motivated as well.

I really enjoy reading the posts

again keep up the great work


2009-01-07 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1891375

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
longrun26 - 2009-01-07 3:03 AM

Thank you for the swim drills.  I am in the pool tonight and have a very good friend that has been working for some time with Total Immersion Swimming that will be joining me.  It is the first time that I will have a "Swim Buddy" that is willing to help me out.  

 I have been doing weights - following the Body for Life routine by Bill Phillips every M - W - F for two months now.  Although I am sore - it is a great sore - if that makes any sense.  I also am amazed how much more comfortable it is making my running. I also think that I am really making much better habits with food as a result.  I crave eating well and drinking water.  My students notice I am really into on a super high.  Although I am happy all the time I think this cross training, finding my "it" and spending a lot of time on my goals has made a huge difference.  

 I need to start recording my workouts on this site.  Time to lift weights and swim tonight after work.  Just another tip that has really really helped to motivate me...

 One of my favorite books is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.  Please don't let the title fool you.  My friend and I are following the ten scrolls this year and are starting January by following the first law.  It is "I will Form Good Habits and Become their Slave."  We text each other several times a day to remind us.  I eat better, spend time with my wife talking, being with the boys, our dog and eating and exercising with a new vigor.  I have run 15 marathons but this is the first time I have trained like this (cross - extensive weights) with a focus on weights and my "it."  My "it" crystalized to the first law I wrote above. I feel a peace, excitement and energy that is new to me.  This group rocks!!!   Thanks for all the posts on this site. It really helps me...             Daniel

Glad things are going well for you. It is amazing how exercise can encourage exercise. I used to be in pretty good shape from wrestling but I never felt as good as I do from the cross training. Nice work and keep it up Daniel (and everyone)
2009-01-07 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!

2009-01-07 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: transition
Has anyone tried one yet? It's awful quiet
2009-01-07 11:31 PM
in reply to: #1894064

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Subject: RE: Swim Drills

Hi Scott,

Please send me those swim drills.


2009-01-07 11:49 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Tried one what yet? I am lost. As noted in my blog, milestone I ran/jogged my first mile non-stop. It was slow and could hardly be qualified as a jog, but I did it 24 days in. Kind of ridiculous when I consider how much I used to play sports, but baby steps. Best part is I was tired and sweaty but not wiped I could of went longer, but I had to get back to work. I wanted to go for 2.
2009-01-08 5:25 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Unfortunately I have not made it to the pool yet this year. I need to find a better pool than the one at my gym, it's near impossible to get a swim lane. I'm going to get in this weekend though, even if I have to camp out!

Works been crazy this week so I have not been on here much.

How's everyone doing? I have some great songs on my iPod that I'll post later. I generally listen to U2, REM, Green Day, Death Cab for Cutie, INXS...
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