BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!! Rss Feed  
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2009-01-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1911690

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

double post

Edited by wes mantooth 2009-01-16 10:24 AM

2009-01-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1911690

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

jpoconne - 2009-01-16 8:52 AM What is on the agenda for everybody today? I just have an 80 minute bike ride. Unofrtionately, I don't have a trainer (or even a bike yet), so I have to ride a stationary at the gym. Can anyone tell me what a decent pace is for the bike section of an oly tri?


Depends on how hilly it is, but I would guess 18-20ish is a good average for middle of the pack.  Granted, I am only basing this off of the Olympic I did last year which was fairly flat.

I felt like I was not pushing it at all last year, was a beginner, and not very fast on the bike and I averaged exactly 18mph.  This was my first tri ever.  My second tri, was a sprint, was much hillier and I felt like I was moving pretty good.  My average for that one ended up being 17mph.  I would just look at the results of the race from last year and just scan the bike times for the middle of the pack in your age group.  Should give you a good reading on pace.

Edited by wes mantooth 2009-01-16 10:23 AM
2009-01-16 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1911690

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

I would not suggest comparing your times to others. I would work on getting your time to where you believe it should be. Hopefully that makes sense. If you are averaging 15mph now then increasing it is going to be your goal. If you ave. 22mph now then 18mph for you would not be good. I don't look at average as a goal instead what am I capable of. Triathlons are such an individual sport in that the beauty of it is it doesn't matter what everyone else does its all about you. You could ride a race at 20mph and get done with the race and look back and think you had another 1-2mph in you and not be super happy with your performance, where 20mph for me would be great. Also you could do 14mph on a race and know that was all you had that day and be very proud of how you did. Again I hope that makes sense. That is another reason why the tri community is so friendly because we all want each other to do their best, not like most sports where seeing the other guy trip up somehow makes us feel better about ourselves. Anyway, just my 2 cents, which with the economy today is probably on worth 1cent.

Edited by fly_boy68 2009-01-16 11:00 AM
2009-01-16 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1859239


Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more


My name is Carol and I am the mother of 7 children. I work full time and fitness is a big part of our lives as a family.  My husband passed away last year suddenly (he was in great shape), and I didn't take much time for myself until last fall.  I started running again.  Smile

I have always wanted to do a triathlon and never made the commitment, but here I am and I am definitely committed.

 I am a newbie to this.  I have run my entire life and just finished the Disney Marathon 2009  last week at a turtle pace. I am running the Mercedes Half in Birmingham, AL in February and the Disney Princess Half in March.  I turned 43 on January 13th.  Some friends have really challenged me to do a sprint triathlon in April and would like to start cross training ASAP.  I have been unable to find any information out where I live so I am reaching out to you.  I live in Montgomery, AL so not much on triathlons there.  Any help or support would be great.  I have no problem with the running but someone to hold me accountable in the swimming and biking portion would be great.  I hope you still have room!!!



2009-01-16 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1859239

New user

Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

Welcome aboard Carol. Here is a link to a bunch of races, mostly tris, in alabama.

 Good luck.


2009-01-16 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1859239

New user

Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

I am married for 27 years with two daughters, 49 years old, with some back/joint problems that keep me from running.  I've done two sprint triathlons where I walked the run portion. 

I am retired Air Force and work as an Army civilian.  I'm interested in improving my fitness and started triathlons to have fun while exercising.  I'd like to get better in swimming and biking so I can improve my finish time.  I'd also like to participate in some longer swim-bike events or relays where I wouldn't have to run.

I have always enjoyed exercise but have never been an athlete.  After my first triathlon, last year, I finally felt like I was actually participating in an athletic event.  It felt great!

2009-01-16 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1912652

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

What A Small World we live in. Carol, I live in Prattville area. That is amazing!!!!!!!!!! (for all you others in the group-Carol and I live within 15 miles of each other!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone is in. I am gonna close the group again. But, you guys better keep us off the second page!

50 miler for me tomorrow on the bike-lots of warm layers.

2009-01-16 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

You made my day. See that is what is great about this group. Just when you think you are busy I see I am lazy compared to you. I thought 5 kids and working full time was a handful so I really appreciate and respect you for getting into the working out again. My kids beg me to do races and other events, sort of a jedi mind trick really. Who would think kids would beg you to run races.

I am really sorry about your husband but I also know God doesn't give us anything we cant handle. It is a promise from him. I stand on that promise on many occassions when I don't think I can do something.

Welcome aboard and Ricki ought to be able to hook you up so that is a great contact.
2009-01-17 7:21 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Carol, there is a super sprint at Callaway Gardens in June that is basically for beginners, as well as anyone else.(YOU CAN TOUCH THE BOTTOM THE ENTIRE SWIM Laughing) We plan on taking  several first-timers over for that one. You can drive over the morning of the race & it's very well run. Also, go to of races here in Alabama, including an indoor tri in Birmimgham in about 8 weeks !!!!

Anyone using Infinit nutrition ? I've been using product for about 1.5 years & working great for me. If any of you longer distance (oly & above) folks wanna see my formula, i'll send you a copy of MY mix. The owner is great. I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with the owner last week designing my wife & me our 2009 mix. Under normal conditions, all you need is the drink-no food or gels. Makes racing & long training easier. You can also buy mixes for sprint distance training/racing.

2009-01-17 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

In my original post I stated that I am a Christain. And I pray that you all have entrusted your salvation in Jesus Christ. In the last week  God has began to place a calling upon my heart that revolves around triathlon. I'm not sure where he is leading me, but please be in prayer for me. We can be such wonderful ambassadors for the Christian faith around fellow training partners as well as at races. If we as a group only witnessed & saved one soul this entire season, would that not be worth the entire journey of the 2009 season???? With such a long, long season ahead of me, I know there will be highs & lows-I am thankful to trust/follow the LORD & I am thankful for each of you whom I've never met, but feel a connection to.

visit & join the team

2009-01-17 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Another role of the mentor. Helping to define and re-focus goals for the newbies.

Well done.

2009-01-17 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1859239


Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Wow,   this is a small world... I am starting tomorrow.  I am checking in to the Prattville Y for swimming.  I belong to Montgomery and it is really hard for me to get downtown to Montgomery.  I think I will be able to get into the pool 2-3 times per week.   The swim is the part the concerns me the most.  My kids and husband swam competitively but I have only done it for fun...I would absolutely love to try the Birmingham Indoor Tri Just to see how it goes... I am from there originally.   Thanks for letting me join. I feel better already.   Thanks, Greg, for the support.   





2009-01-17 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Last year when I started thinking about tri's I had no swimming experience. The best thing I did was to get some swimming lessons. In a few short weeks I could see a significant improvement. Unlike running or biking, swimming is all about technique and before those lessons I had none.

Even if you have some experience I think some coaching will really boost your confidence in the water.

2009-01-18 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

We train at the Prattville YMCA. There is a small group of tri folks who swim there 3 times a week. Nothing formal or group. My wife and I both took lessons from a young lady named Tara who works there & at the Selma Y also.

2009-01-18 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Hey there just checking in with the group! I had been trying to up my milage and increase the speed. I thought I was on the right course but had to slow back a bit. I started getting shin splints. So I took a few days off and am going to try another approach. I also started my next training program. I am starting a sprint to olympic bridge. I know its not my ultimate goal for the year of a HM, but will help with the slightly longer course. I also signed for my first race of the season on Mar 29th. I am very excited and started my diet and fasting from beer. I did have one bad note for myself and that is i ma going to be deploying the Middle East again around Nov or Dec this year so i better get all the fun out now. Anyways I am glad to hear to many enthusiastic people who love to Tri. 
2009-01-18 11:31 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Glad to hear you are getting back at it. Sorry to hear about the redeployment. I don't miss my USMC Days, except for the friends I made. Hope everyone has a great week this week at work, play, and at training. I think I am less than 10 weeks from California 70.3 now.

Edited by fly_boy68 2009-01-18 11:32 PM

2009-01-20 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
cold training days are not fun. I think this is my last year for doing a long distance race early in season. The last two years I've had to get out in this weather. It takes MAJOR motivation. I got some awesome stares today running in 40 degree temps here in Bama.
2009-01-20 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1918811

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

opiejoe - 2009-01-20 4:05 PM cold training days are not fun. I think this is my last year for doing a long distance race early in season. The last two years I've had to get out in this weather. It takes MAJOR motivation. I got some awesome stares today running in 40 degree temps here in Bama.

Ran last night here in was 29 and cold.  I actually like running in the cold aslong as it is not a long run.  Biking in the cold is a different story. 


2009-01-20 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I agree, I love running in the cold but it takes some serious hand and toe warmers to bike. I have even had to experience some of the cold this year in Savannah. I thought I was going to get lucky and miss all the fun.
2009-01-21 4:44 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
While you all sleep peacefully, yes even you Ricki (one perk of being a fireman) it is 24 degrees out here in Oregon. The life of working the graveyard shift on patrol. Although we did have a car fire so I got to wake up the firemen to come and put it out, that always makes me happy.
2009-01-21 5:28 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Which is the reason I request code 8 on any ems call I can even slightly justify-especially when it's Doughnut Time-LOLLaughing

Two days of swimming, then hopefully it's supppose to be 70 on friday????

2009-01-21 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Had body fat checked today=11.2%. Maybe that's why I'm always complaining about being cold. Hope to be in single #'s before IMKY!
2009-01-22 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Hmm....I wonder what my body fat would be. Right now I think that I feel the same way my 350 lb. father did when the doctor asked him what his cholestoral was; "why would I want to know that?"

2009-01-23 5:59 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
It's gonna be in the 70's today. I'm off to the hills for a long bike and short run-lovin life Laughing
2009-01-25 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
70's in Alabama and it's still in the upper 30's and I'm stuck working OT today. Bummer Dudes. Enjoy your nice weather.

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